#Sho Hinakawa
ppdaily · 6 months
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Happy Birthday, Akane.
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mariagalleriax · 1 year
I'd love a Psycho Pass OVA where it's just the couples being domestic. I want to see Irie and Mao go on a lil enforcer date. Karanamori and Yayoi enjoying life. Ignatov being a simp for Maiko. Akane and Kogami figuring what the hell they got going on.
Maybe a little something for the singles too. Ginoza possibly going on a date. Sugo going out with me. Shimotsuki suffering alone in her office. Tenma and Hinakawa playing scrabble.
Maybe a crack episode with the antagonists too. I'd kill for more Azusawa and Obata moments too. Togane repelling women for an episode. Makishima going on a mildly insufferable rant.
Arata just does parkour for 25 minutes.
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duckyfann9871 · 3 months
Psycho pass headcanons because I Im obsessed:
Akane keeps her hairstyle the same bc she wants Kogami to recognize her right away if they ever meet again (and it’s low maintenance)
Ginoza gets panic / anxious sometimes but being with / thinking about his dog helps him calm down
Ginoza sleeps with his dogs in the same room as him. He brushes them every week, feeds and exercises them a particular way, and overall has a strict care schedule. Treats his pet like royalty. Dogs are a huge soft spot for him
When he runs out of liquor Ginoza actively goes out of his way to buy the exact brand and style that his dad left him
Kogami drink black coffee because it reminds him of his old professor
Kagari liked sports and got rly into it whenever he’d watch them on tv
Risa is in general uncomfortable around males, but has a soft spot for Ginoza and considers him her best friend
Kogami can’t dance 😭 he think he can but no.
Kagari and Gino are the opposite. They actually dance quite well but either don’t want to (Kagari) or are too shy(Gino)
When the girls of the agency have sleepovers they invite ginoza solely because they want to braid and style his hair
Akane is ace or/and demisexual
Gino is also Demi and/or bi
Mika is very insecure and it’s the reason she takes out her frustration and annoying anger on others (side note: she annoys me sooo much the first 12 episodes she’s in I’m so glad she’s chilled out a bit by szn 3)
Gino and akane think of Kogami whenever they are sad or need motivstion( lowkey this is canon tho based on flashbacks etc)
Kogami cleans countertops by yeeting crumbs onto the floor 😭😭 this drives akane crazy
Sho plays games like Minecraft and DND
Sho does that leg tap fidgeting thing and other NEET stuff
(Please reblog or comment with your own headcanons! I love headcanons!!)
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sunspots-non-sorts · 1 month
Psycho-Pass - season 3 - episode 2 - part 1 of 2.
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thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Hey, i love your stories about anime here with the male characters with an s/o. May I request one from Psycho pass? I like to hear about how the male cast would propose and marry life with s/o. So with Kogami, Ginoza, Teppei,Sho,Arata, Kagari, and Kazumichi(friend want to also know how would they be virgin s/o because they read Sugo one but feel free disregard it since this will long request).
Psycho Pass Boys + Marriage Headcanons
Proposal – Nonchalant. Buys a ring and all but just keeps it around until one day he just…gives it to them. Doesn’t ask ‘do you want to get married?’ asks more along the lines of ‘let’s get married’. Buys something that is minimalist so that it won’t get in the way at work. Would actually be on board for tattoo wedding bands.
Married life – he’s a good husband. Or at least he tries to be. His focus will always be on work. Which leads him to get hyper focused and sometimes neglectful of other things, like his partner. He always tries to make up for it but it can be taxing on a relationship. Feels it’s important to share responsibilities of the house and chores.
Proposal – Goal is to be very traditional with it, but his plans often go awry. He has his mother’s ring from when she was still alive and would like to use that, if he can get it. It was a Nobuchika family tradition to use the previous matriarch’s ring, but many of his old family belongings were donated or destroyed when he became an Enforcer. He was only entitled to a limited selection of his personal belongings. If the ring isn’t available, he would buy a clean, elegant type of ring.
Married life – They would have to move into Ginoza’s place. Due to his anxiety and PTSD, he does not handle change well. Moving into his space would be the easiest, but he would make all the accommodations possible for his partner to be comfortable. Would not even consider marrying someone that Dime did not also love.
Proposal – Very traditional. Gets down on one knee. Asks their father if that’s an option in their life. The works. Teppei plans to only do this once, so he wants it to be perfect this one & only time. Would buy a ring that it best suited for them but also something big. Not that he’s into flashy things, but he’s heard it needs to be a fair portion of a man’s salary to be appropriate.
Married life – Best husband honestly. Teppei is kind, compassionate, understanding, and supportive. He also believes in a fair work load structure for the house, but also picks up the load where he can. Deep down desperately wants children.
Proposal – Honestly it would be a miracle if he could even get around to it. Would likely try a bunch of times but just stammer over the words, or just straight up chicken out. Eventually would just create a cute hologram to just propose for him. Likes rings with unique stones in them. Not just diamonds. He feels that diamonds are cold and lifeless. He would prefer a ring with a little color.
Married life – Tries but he’s super bad at it. Not bad bad, but he has a lot of learning to do. Adjusting to another person and things outside of a digital world is hard for him. He makes the effort but is definitely not the easiest husband option.
Proposal – Wants to propose immediately once he gets the idea in his head, but Kei talks him out of it. Kei has to explain to him that marriage is a life long commitment and that he can’t just ‘take it back’ if he changes his mind. Arata insists that he knows & doesn’t want that, so Kei just lets him go. Maiko helps him pick out a ring because both he and Kei are useless at it.
Married life – He really does want to be a good husband and works really hard on it. He always tries to be happy and positive for his partner. Making sure that his work burdens don’t weigh on their relationship. He’s fine with doing housework but mostly sticks to vacuuming and washing dishes. His favorite part about being married is the cuddles. He really likes those.
Proposal –Out of all the boys, Kagari is the one that least believes in the term ‘marriage’. He wants a long term, if not lifelong, partner. He just doesn’t believe that ‘marriage’ is the only way to have that. If it’s what they want he’ll go with it and propose. Also believes in colorful rings with a personality. Would honestly propose with a Ring Pop if it wouldn’t go bad.
Married life – Definitely can handle the cooking in the relationship, but little else. Kagari is a good listener though. So any problems that his partner has he’s always there to lend an ear. Keeps the place pretty tidy overall but it takes him a few reminders to put his clothes in the hamper or dishes in the sink. Buys them ‘couples games’ to play in the evening as an activity.
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monica2080 · 1 year
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faefaye · 4 months
Mika's biggest character development between seasons:
Season 2:
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Season 3:
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She learnt to check her inbox diligently :p.
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saiko-shippai · 1 year
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This new cover feels so Kingdom Hearts-ish, everyone is LITERALLY INSIDE Kougami and Akane!
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minhio22 · 7 months
Im still in the middle of crying since i just finished watching psycho pass providence. Im fed but i cried like 4 times AND ITS A HECKING PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER MOVIE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
It all makes sense now tho. The events of season 3. Most of my years old questions answered.
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somehow Sho Hinakawa from Psycho Pass gives me the same/similar energy to L from Death Note which is funny because in character they are nothing alike
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cannedseaweed · 2 years
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ppdaily · 1 year
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Psycho-Pass Providence OP  
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mariagalleriax · 1 year
Psycho Pass 3/First Inspector Rambling (Incoherent.)
Kei and Arata's relationship has a purity to it that I did not expect to encounter in Psycho Pass. "I'll always be there to hold the end of the rope."
Unlike other masculine connections made in Psycho Pass like Kogami & Ginoza or Ginoza & Masaoka, it's not very complex at all. The foundation of it is a mutual trust built on shared losses, which isn't NEW, just, very simple and very pure. The brotherhood that they share that transcends time and nationality (which they emphasize a lot with the immigration plotline) was enjoyable to witness. A breath of fresh air.
I wish that the Psycho Pass writers didn't make Arata favor Karina Komiya to the extent that they did. I know it was a vehicle to add that missing conflict to Kei & Arata's relationship, but it felt like it contradicted his character a lot. We don't really see him advocate for Maiko very heavily, which was probably what pissed Kei off the most (I was very confused too). He kind of goes, "oh no! oops! oh well!" and I see how that drives Kei up a wall. So that rift is there. And it didn't get resolved very well. They get their shit rocked by the respective opponents and then reunite and vow that they'll inevitably confess the truth to one another "someday". I wonder what that conversation will look like.
The Karina thing also bothers me when it comes to her "best friend" and assistant En Owanee. I understand that politically her hands were tied, but it seemed as though she was extremely concerned with optics instead of pursuing immigrant rights. And her friend, after getting fired and THEN becoming a hostage, easily forgives her. Something just bothers me about it but I can't put my finger on it. I understand Karina is written to be commentary on isolationist policy but I wish they wrote her better. And En, please stand up! Wake up! Get better friends!
Komiya is like a mildly prejudiced Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4. And En is basically Tiana from Disney's Princess from the Frog, except Charlotte (Komiya) lacks significant self-awareness.
I think psycho pass 3 was intended to be simple, but missed the mark in that regard. But yet, it still manages to be my favorite season, because I truly love seeing the development of the CID and the growth of established characters like Hinakawa, Sugo, and Karanamori.
I'll probably be rambling about this series for a while.
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sunspots-non-sorts · 21 days
Psycho-Pass - season 3 - episode 2 - part 2 of 2.
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psychopasss4 · 11 months
Deranged Detective (PP-inspired?)
Whoa!! These 2 characters from Deranged Detective anime reminds me of:
Kei Mikhail Ignatov (1st slide)/ Sho Hinakawa(2nd slide)
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Shinya Kogami (or Makishima)
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What d'you guys think? 🤔
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