#Shou Miyabi
thyele · 1 year
ryuchellさん死去― スポニチ Sponichi Annex 芸能 https://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2023/07/12/kiji/20230712s00041000488000c.html ryuchellさん「何もないのに涙が出てくるとか…」死去前日放送ラジオで語っていた - おくやみ : 日刊スポーツ https://www.nikkansports.com/m/entertainment/news/202307120001371_m.html?mode=all ご冥福をお祈りします
Hedigan'sさん「SuchmosのフロントマンYONCE率いる新バンド"Hedigan's"結成🚬 Vo,Gt. 河西"YONCE"洋介(Suchmos) Gt.栗田将治(Glider,Merchant) Key.栗田祐輔(Glider) Ba.本村拓磨 (ゆうらん船) Dr.大内岳 (Glimpse Group, AKOGARE, Burgundy, LAIKA DAY DREAM, The9Oz) #hedigans」 https://twitter.com/hedigans_japan/status/1678691957437263877
横綱・照ノ富士が「腰椎椎間板ヘルニア、腰椎椎体終板障害」で名古屋場所4日目から休場 2場所ぶり17度目で横綱昇進後では6度目 : スポーツ報知 https://hochi.news/articles/20230711-OHT1T51262.html 御大事に。力士全体の健康管理やケア自体を見直した方が良いんじゃ無いかね角界のみなさん
▲△▲MUNIMUINI_KINOCO ILLUSION ***2023/3/7(fire)NEO TOKYO SIVYA KINMIRAI KAIKAN▲△▲ - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D4TJoBS7Fw
Nat King Cole - Quizas, Quizas, Quizas - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4PRrMfX1kE Doris Day ~~~ Perhaps Perhaps Perhapsの元ネタ。 全然違って聴こえる。
世界バズリズム🇯🇵さん「波越しに撮影された三日月、伊達政宗の兜感が凄い」 https://twitter.com/sokuhoulife/status/1677967141994397697
エレコム(公式)さん「大雨特別警報、ご注意ください。 もし余裕があればスマホ・モバイルバッテリーの充電を。」 https://twitter.com/elecom_pr/status/1678178877477142529
京さん「プチブラバンソンの歌詩を京、プチブラのインスタの方に少しですが載せているので歌詩が気になる方は是非。 京」 https://twitter.com/kyo_official/status/1677925903937200128
MIYABI the Drummerさん「DISTOMAの「KIDNAPPER 叩いてみた」動画で触れたThanksはこれ。 大好きなVIRUSとAIONの名前が記載されている。 今は消されてしまったYUKIさんのブログで、DISTOMAの歴史に触れられていた中に、ギタリストがVIRUSのNOBORUさんだった記述があった。 AIONは意外。 https://t.co/IqLyzSILlo」https://twitter.com/MS16_Masahiro/status/1678180004352475138
MIYABI the Drummerさん「叩いてみた動画を公開しました! リクエストを頂いた #AION(#アイオン)の 「MY PLACE」です! ラップ調というインパクト大の曲ですね! 動画はコチラ https://t.co/yzJMe53gHm 最後のエフェクトは とよのくに さん @webservice20 の動画素材を使用しています。 ご視聴頂けますと幸いです! https://t.co/y9ssW0b30g」https://twitter.com/MS16_Masahiro/status/1677989723225063425
MIYABI the Drummerさん「@mash_2011 私はドラムを嗜んでいるのですが、アップストロークという叩き方があります。 https://t.co/KK197gyiuJ アップストロークに意識が強く向いている印象です。これがリズムの取り方と関係しているかは分かりませんが。。。 そして、下記の部分以降が重要に感じました。 https://t.co/TCU8G08WNp」https://twitter.com/MS16_Masahiro/status/1677833540451594240
石月 努さん「みんな生きようね。 #ILOVEME https://t.co/HcCKO360pf」https://twitter.com/ishizukitsutomu/status/1679075216688021504
DOF Officialさん「本日のYouTube配信ご視聴いただきありがとうございました! 明日(7/13)の22時頃までアーカイブ視聴可能となっておりますので見逃した方は是非ご覧下さい! https://t.co/zcUvDG8Yhr https://t.co/oGyJajNGLz」https://twitter.com/DOF__Official/status/1679137485710934018
DOF Officialさん「【YouTubeチャンネル情報】 「理想と現実」試聴クロスフェードをアップロードいたしました! https://t.co/uxsveyjcGN https://t.co/GigDg0pP6D」https://twitter.com/DOF__Official/status/1679126986113925125
hitokiさん「719のリハーサル。良い感じですよー^ ^新曲も良い感じ🎵」https://twitter.com/hitokill/status/1679101672533143553
Crack6 officialさん「🕷Crazy Monsters🕷 🎃Halloween Party 2023 Day.1 2023年10月28日(土) 東京・新宿ReNY 🎃Halloween Party 2023 Day.2 2023年10月29日(日) 東京・新宿ReNY 👉一般発売‼️ 7月17日 (月/祝)10:00~ *https://t.co/xG6jSNWmtP *https://t.co/dNncGGWKSW #クレモン https://t.co/8V7HDgBffD」https://twitter.com/Crack6_info/status/1679073284183441408
MUCCさん「音楽情報ライヴ『いじくりROCKS!』#41 配信情報 ★放送日時 7/19(水)19:00〜 ★出演 逹瑯(MUCC)/ 団長(NoGoD) ★ゲスト Allen / 弓代星空(AURORIZE)/ ウズ(我楽多) ★配信チャンネル YouTube https://t.co/Y3gItZzHcp ニコニコ生放送 https://t.co/8tlBzYAQff #MUCC25th #いじくりROCKS https://t.co/9w4JAQ9ulD」https://twitter.com/muccofficial/status/1679052980384055298
Akira Takasakiさん「TAIJI 誕生日おめでとう。 https://t.co/Tlel0lZFTd」https://twitter.com/loudness222/status/1679033702939246593
SHOU ALICE NINE.さん「SHINに誕生日を祝ってもらいました🎂 今年はなんとCOSME DECORTEのクレンジングオイルをプレゼントしてくれました… 美容リテラシーまで身につけてしまった最強の男SHIN お兄ちゃんは嬉しいです🌙 これからもよろしくね! QUATTRO観に行くよ #SHIN #兄弟これからもよろしく https://t.co/xKAhEDQkVw」https://twitter.com/SW_A9/status/1679054005249650688
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「\ #デザートプレイリスト 更新!! / Spotify(@Spotify_JP)にて、 DEZERTメンバーセレクトのプレイリストを更新しました🎧 今回はSacchanセレクトの 「Sacchanを構成する10曲 -2023.07-」! ぜひたくさん聞いてみてください! https://t.co/M7xvpy2rEb #DEZERT #Spotify https://t.co/YPmpSFoNZa」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_OFFICIAL/status/1679052980589322240
Petit Brabanconさん「【東京公演・完売情報】 ・yukihiro produce Petit Brabancon Cap ・PB INDENTED BITE MARK Tee Mサイズ ・PB INDENTED BITE MARK Tee XLサイズ ・PB INDENTED BITE MARK Tee Lサイズ 本日分は完売いたしました。」https://twitter.com/PetitBra_staff/status/1679039322161569792
ピエール中野 凛として時雨 ピヤホン監修さん「凛として時雨やってなかったらガチで応募していた。2人から一緒にバンドやりたいと思われるような演奏動画を、魂込めて全力で撮影してください。 送る前に身近なハイスタファンや、信頼できるバンド仲間や先輩にチェック(出来る限りのダメ出し)してもらうのも良いと思う。」https://twitter.com/Pinakano/status/1679018819883499521
あかねさん「concrete twinニューリリースRe:past Bandcamp、spotify、そしてApple Musicでも配信中🙌渾身の二曲をご賞味ください https://t.co/iTJSNNccu8」https://twitter.com/akanenne_sleep/status/1660340846838059008
concrete twinさん「[Information] 2023.9.21 LIVE STAGE GUILTY #shoegazer #shoegaze #triphop #alternative #cosmicrock #dreampop #indie #noiserock #psychpop #psychedelic https://t.co/NdbYwBCN2u」https://twitter.com/concrete_twin4/status/1679091547722387456
SEXX GEORGEさん「我孫子神音會 SEXX George 絶賛予約受付中! 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ [email protected] スケジュールは↓ https://t.co/ZWDZrtCn8S」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1679302997472579584
SEXX GEORGEさん「おはよう☀ 今日の釧路は大晴れ 皆さん 塩分水分ガリガリ君を忘れずに 今日も1日 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがりましょう🤗 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ 今夜の特別有料配信チケット↓ https://t.co/3Gx5SfpYmJ https://t.co/9sKRZPB3po」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1679296957414772737
JOMI.K / NO-GATEさん「"TOKYO AS FOREST" #AppleMusic のプレイリストはこちら #NoGate #TokyoAsForest https://t.co/x92dPgGNpH」https://twitter.com/jomik0720/status/1679184093177839619
藤原ナオヒロ / NO-GATEさん「【Midnight Desert第146回】 こんばんは🌆 暑い、暑すぎる💦 今週もラジオを宜しくお願いします✨ 常に新しくなるDTMと普遍的な詩の世界。今夜もゆったりとお聴きください。 Spotify、Apple Podcast対応。 https://t.co/6t3osv7Aog」https://twitter.com/naohiro_fuji/status/1679092882588966912
ロボガエル 秋輔さん「#拡散希望RT協力お願いします ロボガエル第二弾IKAmusic videoです✨僕がギター持たないで唄ってる姿が流れますので、ご視聴ください😊キャメラマンのTOMIKE君も写っちゃってます(笑) https://t.co/TuR4wCcJXc」https://twitter.com/gingirashuusuke/status/1657387961351294976
ロボガエル🤖🐸のトマピー🍅さん「改めてまして、昨日は池袋手刀お越しの皆様ありがとうございました😎 盛り上がって頂き感謝です🙌 めっちゃ楽しかった… ロボガエル今後のライブ予定は 8/6(日)新宿Cat's hole 8/23(水)東高円寺二万電圧 そして秋輔さんの全額負担でZepp Shinjuku、、笑 https://t.co/h4QC7azUVd」https://twitter.com/0s2e1i8ra/status/1678391671267151874
u / ゆうてゃ🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸さん「昨日のゆうてゃの絵は七夕だよっ🎋🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸🎋 ロボガエルのLIVE中もフリップを使って徐々にゆうてゃ色に染めてく計画だけど、秋輔さんの「子供の頃にホームステイしたアメリカで一番美味しかったのはマックのポテト」の話を聞いて、コイツだけは何色にも染まらねぇな…と思ったよっ🦑🍟🇺🇸🍟🦑 https://t.co/Hf22Rzpqyr」https://twitter.com/u_0629_u/status/1678392584056745984
ロボガエル 秋輔さん「数年ぶりだったんですね、やったりやらなかったりかと思っていました。ありがとうございました(^^)」https://twitter.com/gingirashuusuke/status/1678316651102740482
ロボガエル 秋輔さん「今度は自分も何かお手伝い致しますことありましたらお申し付けくださいませ✨😀✌」https://twitter.com/gingirashuusuke/status/1678316089053421574
u / ゆうてゃ🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸さん「とりいそぎ…池袋手刀ありがとうねっ🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸 みんなでタオルを振り回したり、ロボロボしたり、デストロイしたりで楽しかったねっ🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸 次のゆうてゃがサポートを務めるロボガエルのLIVEは、8月23日㈬ 東高円寺二万電圧だよっ🤖🌈🎀⭐💕🍭🐸 https://t.co/Sg5cb2q41L」https://twitter.com/u_0629_u/status/1678057402132992000
ロボガエル🤖🐸のトマピー🍅さん「とりいそぎ!! ロボガエルで池袋手刀でしたっ🥷 今日もぶっ飛んだライブ出来たと思いますっ❗️(主に秋輔さんが) フライング七夕で願い事書いてきました🎋 https://t.co/FVeHGqIg5d」https://twitter.com/0s2e1i8ra/status/1678060146906529793
ロボガエル 秋輔さん「昨日は激ありがとうございました(^^) https://t.co/pm5poO7Pen」https://twitter.com/gingirashuusuke/status/1678177738211958784
Kayaさん「1週間後のお誕生日当日ワンマン、SOLD OUT!👏👏👏✨皆様ありがとうございます✨✨ 燃え滾って来たわー!!🔥🌹✨🔥✨」https://twitter.com/Kaya_rose/status/1678784403550670850
arijiさん「100万超えておめでとうございます👏👏 Phobia/KISUIのミニアルバム & MusicVideo制作プロジェクト - クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE https://t.co/tGwi7wklbT #クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE @campfirejpより @KISUIxxx」https://twitter.com/ariji_evoke/status/1679106314503589888
GREED STOREさん「#creaturefromtheliving 2023 S/S COLLECTION!! ●「MiCK」Leopard Shirt!! ●「SWiTCHBLADE」L/S Shirt!! ★Supermodel #kyo ( #DERLANGER ) kyoさんが #CFTL 新作シャツをご着用下さっています!! ◎詳しくはコチラ https://t.co/H7XngbjAlR ◎ご購入はコチラ https://t.co/t0WgM0GGyt https://t.co/jqEtHS7tvt」https://twitter.com/greed_store/status/1679103199268192256
ドンチャン👾【公式】さん「公式アカウントさんからも注意がちゃんと有りますから。この先のコンサートは、きちんとルールやマナーを必ず守ってみんなでメンバーを支えて行けたら凄く良いコンサートに成ると思いますが?いかがでしょうか?本当に宜しくお願いします🙇⤵️ #BUCKTICK #コンサートツアー #ルールやマナー https://t.co/kkW177HdIZ」https://twitter.com/donchan1950/status/1679052412139745281
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「/ 🗣 本日〆切!! \ DEZERT PARTY Vol.13 8/17(木) 新宿BLAZE <出演> DEZERT/BugLug/Royz/甘い暴力 O.A.:CHAQLA. オフィシャルHP先行(抽選)受付は 本日21:00まで⚡️⚡️ 受付期間🗓 7/8(土)12:00~7/12(水)21:00 チケットはこちら🎟 https://t.co/UkofjmClfG https://t.co/a5uD7oMmlM」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_OFFICIAL/status/1679037885947817984
SEXX GEORGEさん「おはよう! 今日も1日、塩分水分ガリガリ君補給を忘れずに 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがるぞー❤️‍🔥 道東某所にて https://t.co/JLRAFo3z00」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1678921909378121731
MALICE BERRY|アーティストリーグ2023参戦|「歌ってくれたらあなたのオリ曲」開催中さん「◤🌹ハナコ(875)再生🌸御礼🌹◢ ニコニコで875回再生!! 花子将軍に続けぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!!(違う) #音楽好きと繋がりたい」https://twitter.com/MALICEBERRY/status/1679319863398133761
阿部冬夜さん「【お知らせです】 JJ「J-BOY」モデルオーディション2023 #国民的彼氏(Aブロック)の書類選考に通過しました! 次は「マシェバラ」という配信アプリを使った審査になります! このオーディションはファンの方��らの応援で決まります 無料で応援出来るので良かったら是非。 #JJオーディション2023 https://t.co/LdKcU1zZ58」https://twitter.com/toya_abe/status/1678984513387659265
山縣 悠己さん「とあるリハに原チャできた。💪 2時間かかった。車欲しい。 https://t.co/wuJpLi9dmB」https://twitter.com/yuki_y_1012/status/1678969027006459904
杉本善徳(Waive)さん「本日、Waiveリハ最終日ということでゲネプロ的な何かをアレしました。 そんでもって舞台監督の星野サンが還暦の誕生日でした。 https://t.co/fzOFGvIVOk」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1679094460419043329
杉本善徳(Waive)さん「お疲れ様。 暑い中、助かったよ!」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1679143259107643392
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「【御知らせ】 本日リリースされますBreak Up Streetの2nd E.P『Tanzanite』 全曲整音・マスタリングを担当させて頂いております🔥🔥🔥 細部迄沢山の拘りが詰め込まれていて、今作も愉しく整音させて頂きました♬ BUSならではのパワフルな楽曲達を是非堪能してくださいまし!!!🚌🚌🚌」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1679038458181062656
0 notes
saint-miroir · 2 years
Tumblr media
Series: 3-iro♪Signal
Artist: Shou Obara
Publication: Ciao Magazine (07/2006)
5 notes · View notes
leenaevilin · 4 years
Tumblr media
[Update] 音楽劇「モンテ・クリスト伯」~黒き将軍とカトリーヌ~ (ongaku geki monte cristo haku ~kuroki shougun to catherine~)
the show will be running from August 16th, 2020 to August 23rd, 2020 (Tokyo) @ 明治座 (Meijiza)
(new) cast update under the cut^^
Ouki Kaname Watanabe Daisuke Itou Yuuichi Hirose Tomoki LEN Higano Shou Matsuura Miyabi Chida Kyouhei Matsuda Shouta Toa Reiya Iwasaki Ryousuke Kawasaki Mayo
homepage twitter natalie
3 notes · View notes
itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun
Raws: Ridia
"Can you recruit new recruits?"
"Scepter 4". In the captain's office, Fushimi shook his eyes as he listened to Munakata next to Awashima.
"What are you talking about? Captain, you can't install anymore."
At the end of January of this year, the Dresden Slate that chose Seven Kings and gave them strength was destroyed after the battle with “Jungle”. As a result, the Kings lost Damocles' sword, a symbol of their power and much of their power.
The power that only the "King" possessed, the power to perform the installation as his own clan member, is gone.
"That's right. I still call myself the 'Blue King', but I can't get any more Clansmans."
"If that's the case. For logistical support, you can use the police."
"Captain, I also wonder. Certainly, in January, humans around the world temporarily became Strains, and many people still retain their power, and it is a fact that the number of Strains related cases has increased dramatically since last year. However, it is too dangerous to hire an ordinary person as a member of "Scepter 4" because it requires personnel. As Fushimi says, strengthen cooperation with the police.''
"No, they are average people."
Gently obstructing Awashima's words, Munakata said. Fushimi and Awashima open their eyes.
Munakata got up from the office desk and went to the window. Gaze at the outside world, filled with bright spring light.
"As Awashima-kun says, the number of Strains in the world has increased significantly in January. The existence of Strains, who had long been under wraps for control of the information of the Golden Clan, came to light, and the Strains' case became familiar to people. However, are all the talented people and survivors the cause of the incident? The answer is no. There are many people who want "the order to be an appropriate member of society by controlling the extraordinary power that has arisen over themselves". Don't you think giving them a sword of justice helps us and helps to form an orderly society?"
Fushimi widened his eyes.
"You mean, trying to get Strain as a member of Scepter 4?"
It is common to find Strains and make them a member of the clan. Good examples are Anna Kushina, the Red Clan, and Miyabi Ameno, Neko of the Silver Clan.
But when it comes to accepting Strains without being able to install, the story is completely different.
Awashima was also confused.
"Physically, it would be possible for a compatible Strain to physically act as a member. However, it does mean that those who do not belong to the Captain's blue power are called members of "Scepter 4" and a member of the Reisi Munakata clan. The definition of clan will be broken."
"You can collapse."
Munakata replied in a low voice.
"I no longer have a Damocles sword in my head. The definition of "King" has already collapsed. Although the responsibility for "Scepter 4" has increased, the support of the organization "Scepter 4" is being lost. We have to change."
Awashima took a deep breath, then hardened her expression to change something inside of her, and corrected her disposition.
“A person harboring the Captain's cause, even if the Captain does not live, is called a member of the Blue Clan. "Scepter 4" will change to such an organization.”
Munakata is deeply framed in Awashima's words.
"That's right. The new members are no different than the "Scepter 4" members. I think our blue doesn't even have a single cloud.''
Awashima stretched out her back and saluted. Munakata's line of sight turns to Fushimi, who remains silent.
"…I get it. Well, originally, I'm not in a position to call different people.”
In response to Fushimi, Munakata laughed.
The registration ceremony was held in early April, as was the general opening ceremony.
It seems that the star of the human eye drawn as a member was already attached when I speak to Fushimi and Awashima. Three days after Munakata went to the scout and Fushimi and his friends spoke, they were all there.
The new members, dressed in brand new blue uniforms, are now meeting at the barracks with Strains. There was a burning air that flowed between the members of the special body of "Scepter 4" that watched over there.
"How will we deal with the Strains members?"
Kamo crossed his arms with a difficult face. He laughed because Domyoji was empty.
"I think it's okay to do normal. Right?"
"Oh, yes. We will serve as a role model for young people doing our job as usual."
"Well, there are probably a lot of boys with different types of abilities than us, so I have to think about how to teach for each boy."
Akiyama and Bensai make serious comments about each other. Fuse asked the new members to be vigilant.
"Wouldn't you put your ability out of control...?"
"Fufu. I wonder if you didn't come in so it wouldn't happen. It's an orderly clan, so it's just a matter of teaching how to control."
"As Goto said, at least coming here is a guy with guts trying to control his power and help the world."
"They are the right people for the Captain's glasses."
On the side of Goto, Hidaka, Enomoto and others, Fushimi was reviewing the resumes of the new members with a tablet. They have a variety of backgrounds, but they are all young people who have been tense due to the January madness.
One of the new members rushed in and made a strained voice.
A young member who looks like a child. However, when he reviews the resume, it was older than Fushimi. Although he decided on a job offer for a major company due to a new graduate of four top graduates, the job offer was canceled due to the effects of Strain. After that, he called Munakata and decided to join "Scepter 4".
Fushimi looks at the new member with some pity. He blushed slightly on his cheeks and bowed to Fushimi in a quick posture.
"Fushimi-san. Do you remember me?"
"I do not remember you."
"Oh, yes! Well, Fushimi-san saved me!"
The new member had a shocked face for a moment, but immediately recovered and smiled.
“In the case of the Strains in January, my power got out of control, luckily I didn't hurt anyone, but I was shopping, so I did a lot of damage to the store at the time. I was not supposed to be arrested or claimed for damages because the property damage caused by the outburst of powers could not be dealt with.''
The government promulgated from the beginning that "criminal punishment would not be necessary for the damage caused by the outbreak of powers", due to the swift action of Isana Yashiro, the Silver King and the Golden Clan.
He thought that it would not be so if he were grateful, but the new member laughed with a slightly bitter look.
"But I didn't lose my ability even after that day. So, the eyes of the people around me saw me as a dangerous person when I was wrong, even the company that gave me the job offer told me that they couldn't run the risk and they couldn't hire me. If I was lost, it was because I was confused and the powers exploded. I was wondering what to do, what should I do when the overflowing power destroyed the surroundings, and Fushimi-san rushed towards me and grabbed my hand to stop the insurrection of the powers."
There was such a thing when told. Fushimi frowns as he recalls the story of a passionate new member.
"Think of a sword. Drop the image that power is runaway. It is not something you can handle. Think of a sword that you can control and put in your scabbard." You told me to try to imagine my power to spread like a single sword, and then the power would fall within my will and the sword would fit into my scabbard. As you can see, the power has stopped coming out. After that, Fushimi-san gave me a valuable tutorial.”
The new member smiles with a big smile. In the background, Domyoji yelled, "Hey, Fushimi-san!" It made him want to hit.
"Then I started to think that my power was not just a nuisance, but something that, if controlled, could do something. At that time, you helped me and I never got lost. Thanks to Fushimi-san. I am very grateful to you!"
The new member tilted his hips at a right angle. Fushimi inadvertently clicked his tongue due to the situation.
"I was just doing my job."
"And during the January paranoia, there were many people who were helped by people dressed in blue. I wish I could be one of them..."
In response to Fushimi's naive response, the new members raised their heads and turned bright faces towards Fushimi and the members behind them. Fushimi, who became troublesome, left Akiyama's place behind him and pressed the newcomer's response.
Akiyama steps forward and touches the new member's shoulder with a refreshing face that Fushimi cannot.
"Our job is to keep order with the cause in mind and help people. Now you can become someone who helps."
Awashima, who was reviewing the saber to be delivered at the enlistment ceremony, giggled a little as she looked at Fushimi and approached the edge of the floor while listening to the heat sensitive exchange on her back.
"You did a good job."
"I don't remember saying that."
It is uncomfortable. Fushimi is not good at teaching people things. At that time, he feels like I've been thinking about how to lead him. He was really cursing.
Munakata, Awashima, narrowed their eyes and looked at Fushimi, then they looked at the sky. It was a clear blue cloudless sky.
"The sword will no longer float in this sky, but the path we have taken, led by the Captain, will be the mark of "Scepter 4" in the future."
Awashima briefly closed her eyes longingly for Damocles' blue sword.
They can hear the sounds of Munakata's shoe.
Recognizing Munakata walking slowly from the barracks building towards them, Awashima shouted out loud, saying, "Line up!"
Although he was unable to empower the clan member, the enlistment ceremony was carried out as before.
The new members are called one by one, and they walk in front of Munakata to kneel down. Awashima hands the sword to Munakata, and Munakata releases it from its scabbard. Munakata places the sword on the new member's shoulder and speaks quietly.
The saber is clad by Munakata and presented to the new members.
"Promise to act with the pride and belief of a swordsman, and take up the sword."
The new member vows and receives the sword to wield it. Until now, at that time, Munakata's blue power was bestowed with the sword, and blue light was transmitted from the sword to the entire body, but now that phenomenon does not occur.
This ritual has no special meaning; it is only one way. However, Fushimi knows that Munakata values ​​"form". He believes that for a human being it is worth the formal weight and makes clear the will of a person.
After the sabers had been awarded to the new members, Munakata slowly looked at each of the new aligned members.
"As of today, you are members of "Scepter 4". One day, suddenly, you were given some powers, unlike the other members who had the ability to be prepared and willing. Fufu, in that sense, you can be more like a "king"."
The new members are looking at Munakata.
A breeze blew and the lined cherry blossoms scattered petals across the ground.
"You who have gained power regardless of your choice, however, have decided to obtain a sword of blue order by your own choice. Not a sword to hurt, a sword to control and protect. You are like-minded, members of the Clan. Blue. Get ready."
At the same time that Munakata slightly admired, Awashima ordered.
"All the staff, Batto!"
The members draw the sword one after another. New members do the same. The blades shining in the sunlight received a forest and turned towards the sky.
"Control the sword with your sword. In our cause, there is no cloudiness!"
Under the clear blue sky, Munakata's voice sounded high.
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makinomariasama · 5 years
Instagram Post Translations: August 23rd-September 1st, 2019
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
<3 <3 Best Friend <3 <3
#Kiroro-san<3 #BestFriend♪ #morningmusume19
<3 <3 When it was decided that I would be in Morning Musume, I moved to Tokyo, so I had to transfer schools. On the last day of middle school in my hometown, The teacher, and everyone in my class, gave me a farewell party <3 ♪Maria's cheer song SHINJO version ♪ They made this and gave it to me <3 And so on
However... Since the day that I was leaving for Tokyo was pushed back a day, I went to school the next day - Maria * I was safe since I was still enrolled Everyone was surprised :D Maria was also surprised
My teacher and friends <3 <3 <3 Thanks LOVE <3 From Maria <3 <3
#SHINJO<3 #morningmusume19
<3 <3 <3 Kanemitsu Ruru-chan <3
Ruru-chan <3 LOVE Rin <d
Ruru-chan's Secret To be continued Look forward to it, okay <3 <3
#kanemitsururu-chan<3 #helloprokenshuusei #morningmusume19
<3 <3 * My HERO * LOVE <3 Nakata From Maria
Today, Nakata Shou is in the starting lineup at Kamagaya! I had to go to Osaka at the end of the second at bat, like "I'm on the go!" * That was a text from my Konta sister (t/n: her friend who is a fan of Konta) <3 <3
#nakatashou<3 #hokkaidonipponhamfighters #beaglecrew #MyHERO #lovefighters #gaorasports #HBCradio #morningmusume19
--- <3 <3 24 Hour TV Love Saves the Earth "People and People ~Together to a New Age~" On NTV August 24th at 6:30pm~25th at 8:54pm It's on air right now!! Please definitely watch it * <3 <3
#24hourtv42 #morningmusume19
<3 <3 <3 Natsuyaki Miyabi-san <3 Happy birthday
The stylish and pretty Natsuyaki-san * I love you <3 Natsuyaki-san, have a LOVE Rin year <3
From Makino Maria <3 <3
#natsuyakimiyabi-san<3 #morningmusume19
<3 <3 Today, I did a photo shoot for "bis" And * "bis" 2019 September issue * It's on sale now! Please definitely check it out <3 <3 <3
#bis #bis_web #morningmusume19
<3 <3 Today, I did an interview for "Slugger." And, Slugger 2019 September issue Is on sale now!! Please definitely check it out <3 Makino Maria's Fun! Fun! MLB! Series continues And, and I also recommend the back issues * <3 <3
#slugger #nihonsportskikakushubbansha #mlb #AaronJudge<3 #Judge #ALLRISE #AaronJudge99 #NewYorkYankees #morningmusume19
<3 <3 Today, I did a photo shoot <3 I ate two ice creams <3 <3
#papiko #coolish #morningmusume19
<3 <3 * Young Champion 2019 No. 18 * It's on sale today!!
The cover and lead feature: Morning Musume '19's Makino Matria
Please definitely check it out <3 <3 <3
#akitashoten #youngchampion #makinomaria #morningmusume19
<3 <3 MLB American Big League * "Yankees" vs "Marines" * Tanaka Masahiro and Kikuchi Yuusei are the starters On NHK BS1 August 28th at 11pm~
This is Morning Musume '19's Makino Maria MLB on BS1
Please definitely check it out!!
* "Slugger" * 2019 September issue and back issues Are on sale now <3 <3 <3
#MLB #AaronJudge<3 #Judge #ALLRISE #AaronJudge99 #newYorkYankees #NHKBS1 #slugger #nihonsportskikakushubbansha #makinomaria #morningmusume19
<3 <3 I was on locations today <3 Welcome home <3 Maria is home
I watched the farm broadcast on * GAORA SPORTS * Right away, Kyun got a homerun <3 Morimoto Hichori-san's commentary is the best! I love Tetsuro Yuki's play by play <3 <3 <3
#lovefighters #gaora #morningmusume19
<3 <3 <3 Uemura Akari-san <3
Released today "Princess Uemura Akari-san <3 Special" Princess Akari <3 Princess Ali
To be continued <3 <3
#uemuraakari-san<3 #juicejuice #morningmusume19
<3 <3 Today, I did a recording
CBC Radio "Morning Musume '19 Makino Maria no Marian <3 LOVE Rin Desu <3" Every Tuesday from 12:30am~1am
Definitely listen, okay!! I'll be waiting for your messages https://hibcb.com/radio/marian-loverin-desu <3 <3
"Maria-chan, where are you going?" The director said to me (Photo: MariRabu Director) <3 <3 #CBCRadio #ushimitsudokidoki #marianLOVErindesu #morningmusume19
<3 <3 <3 Ikuta Erina-san <3 LOVE Rin hairstyle <3 Truly, thank you very much <3
[Answer 1[ Ikuta Erina-san Ikuta-san styled mjy hair for me, and Maria was really happy
A story from August 31st, 2019 - the end
Ikuta meetins is the best * The best ** The best *** <3 <3
#ikutaerina-san<3 #eriponkawaii<3 #morningmusume19
--- <3 <3 <3 Miyazaki Yuka-san <3
"Maria~<3" Miyazaki-san said to me <3 "Miyazaki-san~ <3<3" Maria was happy, and I hugged Miyazaki-san A story from when I saw Miyazaki-san today The end <3 <3
#miyazakiyukisan<3 #morningmusume19
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tanimotoamiblog · 5 years
Blog Post Translation: March 30th, 2019: ヽ(´c_`。ヾ)。゚。*。
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
From today,
Hina Fes 2019
Have started~ :)
A spring festival *
If you came,
Did you have fun??!
At Hina Fes,
The Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Premium
Really was too premium
No matter what,
When the guests appeared on stage,
There were already cheers, somehow
It felt like I had never heard that before! I can't express it in words... lol
A masterpiece.
Also, in the shuffle part, The leader, Yamagishi Riko-chan appeared!!
She was really nervous backstage :) :)
The photo is
Me with Sasaki Rikako-chan and Akiyama Mao-chan!!
We talked a lot It was fun~~
My sweater is a collaboration With Natsuyaki Miyabi-san's new brand, PIMMY!!
It's too cute!! <3
I love going around to the booths!!!
It was fun today, too!!!!
March 20th "non-no"
March 23rd "ViVi"
They're on sale now!
Pro baseball has started :) <3
Unfortunately, the opening games don't match up with my days off So I can't go...
I want to see a game soon!
Yesterday's game, huh!!
Nakata Shou is the best after all
I wanted to see it at the stadium~
I saw a video.
Everyone, have you already gone to watch a baseball game?
See you later
#tomorrowtoo #illbewaiting #tomeetyou~
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7or7 · 7 years
So here’s a list of books Park Jinyoung have read and I told myself to read ALL (jk i dont have lotsa time) of it, to get to know Jinyoung more. (I also have another list for Mark) If you want to read with me, please tell me so! So we can spazz at the same time!
I’ll link those books with epub versions (if I can find links), just a reminder that I don’t own any of these books & I got most of them from this site or from Google. Those books written like this means I already finished reading, while this means I’m still reading the book. Happy reading!
[170602] I’m not yet done placing all the links :> [170628] Stuck at reading Inferno, oh my god.
1 cm + by Kim Eun Ju
11 Minutes by Paulo Coelho
All She Was Worth by by Miyuki Miyabi
Alors voila: Les 1001 vies des Urgences by Baptiste Beaulieu 
Between Calmness and Passion by Kaori Ekuni (his fave book x)
Central Park by Guillaume Musso
Demain by  Guillame Musso
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson 
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James
Hector and The Search For Happiness (Le Voyage D'hector Ou La Recherche Du Bonheur) by François Lelord 
Hygiene de l’assassin by Amelie Nothomb
I’m Grateful to Me by Jeon Seung Hwan
Kasha by Miyuki Miyabe
La Festa Dell’insignificanza by Milan Kundera
La Fille De Papier (The Girl on the Paper) by Guillaume Musso
Le Souligneur (The Man Who Draw the Underline) by Caroline Bongrand 
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Look At the Poem by Choi DaeHo 
Me Before You by Jojo Meyes
My Sweet Orange Tree (Meu Pé de Laranja Lima) by José Mauro de Vasconcelos 
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
No Longer Human (人間失格) by Osamu Dazai 
Nouvelle Encyclopedie du savoir relatif et absolu by Bernard Werber 
Norwegian Wood  by Haruki Murakami
Open the Window, Eyes Closed by Ngoc Thuan Nguyen
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind
Psychiatric Irabu (空中ブランコ (文春文庫)) by Hideo Okuda 
Records of the Three Kingdom by Chen Shou
Sentences of the Young by Kim Yeonsu
Sixty Nine - Ryu Murakami 
Slowness by Milan Kundera
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by R.L. Stevenson
The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson 
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Big Picture by Douglas Kennedy 
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
The Comedian by Kim Seong Jung
The Courage to Receive Hatred (嫌われる勇氣) by Kim Jong Un 
The Course of Love by Alain de Botton
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Enemy's Cosmetique (Cosmétique de l'ennemi) by Amélie Nothomb 
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom
The Gentleman’s Dignity by Eun Sook Kim
The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes 
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Life before Us by Romain Gary
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham
The Princess Kidnapping by Kim Jin Myung
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami (4 volumes)
Third Humanity by Bernard Werber 
This Very Instant by Guillaume Musso
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
Voyage Through Stars by Yuka Murayama
Why Do I Love You (Essays in Love) by Alain de Botton 
Will You Be There? by Guillaume Musso
언제 들어도 좋은 말 (When You Hear Good Words) by Lee Seo Kwon
엄마를 부탁해 (Please Look After Mom) by Shin Kyung Sook
파도가 바다의 일이라면 (If Ocean Waves are the Work of the Ocean) by Kim Hyeon Su
세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별 (The Most Beautiful Farewell in the World) by Noh Hee Kyung
살인자의 기억법 (Memoir of A Murderer) by Kim Young Ha
피아노 소나타 (Piano Sonata / that boy's piano, that girl's sonata) by Choi Ji Young (no eng version)
쓸 만한 인간 (A Person Worth Writing/Useful Man) by Park Jung Min (no eng version)
sources: a b c d
This is will be updated regularly! If I wrote/misspelled something please feel free to tell me!
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
R18 Drama CD Split No.30 – June 2021
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Hello! I’m hosting a split for June 2021 R18 Drama CDs releases! ☆
Additional details can be found in the registration form. Please let me know if there are any errors.
Reblogs & shares are appreciated too! ❤ #lieselGOs
Registration Form: bit.ly/2QFWrn8
Registration Deadline: June 04
Payment Due: June 06
Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo & Google Pay 🆗
Stellaworth (unless stated otherwise)
June Releases: 16
Liesel’s Bonus Gifts: TBA
Kokoro Oboe -Yuragi- (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Kokoro Oboe -Yodomi- (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Bartender no Ura no Kao ~Anata no Kokoro mo Karada mo Iyashimasu~ (CV: Masaru Kuki)
Ryakudatsu Ai ~Konyakusha kara Anata wo Ubau~(CV: Manaka Sawa)
Senran no Yo no Mouai -Saigo no Toki made (CV: Shou Miyabi)
Hakanaki Ai no Iku Sue ni -Ruritowata- (CV: Mikado Sumeragi)
Taiikukai-kei Danshi no Dousei Keisatsukan Takeru Shinohara no Baai (CV: Noboru Tetrapod)
Wild Ecchi de Ishiki Tonjau! -Otonarisan wa Kowamote Dekiai Yajuu- (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Kaseifu no Kare (CV: Masato Kawamura)
Merry ××× End Chapter.1 Mermaid Ningyo Hime no Kage (CV: Tenhou Itsuka)
Juraku Gou Futatabi -Ren’ai- (CV: Manaka Sawa)
SWEET LOVER ~Toshiue no Kare~ (CV: Masaru Kuki)
Oshiete, Sensei. Ryoma Sakuta no Baai (CV: Yuu Asagi)
My Darling Vol.3 Tsukusu Kareshi Asahi Nakayama (CV: Souji Sarutobi)
Torokyun Otomari -Kyuntoma- Season 2 Sono 1 Enren Kare x Futari no Shinkyo (CV: Ryoku Shinsen)
Le Theatre ~encore~ Act 2 Masaomi Urai (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
To view the registration form, you will have to copy and paste the link manually or click the link in the "source" at the bottom of the post.
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