#Shoutout to my creative writting teacher for helping me learn how to structure things properly like 4 years ago
fever-dream-journal · 4 years
The L.O.V Attack
It all starts where I am now. At home, just trying to talk to some friends on my computer, as most of my friends are long distance. I have a few friends who I’ve been speaking to a lot recently, one whom I do have a crush on. His name is Liam. I have a friend, Cherry, who I usually talk to about him all the time. From what I can remember, I was getting ready to message her when there was a loud commotion outside of my room. Before I got a chance to even get up to look, there was someone smashing through the back wall of my room.  In a panic, I fall out of my chair and onto the floor. With the way my room is set up, I’m against a wall, little to no room to back up if need be. At this point, I’m panicking, and screaming, hoping my parents upstairs will hear and come down, if they hadn’t already heard all the commotion, and the sound of my wall being smashed in. Next thing I know, Rappa is breaking through my wall, and coming at me. I’d be lying if I said I remembered what he said to me, cause I really don’t, not like it’s really easy to understand what he says. It was low, raspy and muffled voice that came from his mask. All I remember is fear coursing through my veins as he approaches me. I quickly turn my chair, so the back is closest to me, almost using it as a shield.  At this point, I’m screaming at the top of my lungs, screaming bloody murder. He walks closer to me, towering over top of me, and my chair, easily 6ft 7, barely fitting in my room in the first place. A muffled voice comes from him, saying something incomprehensible. Fear striking me, my voice cuts, also dry and hurting from the screaming I’m doing. Next thing I see is a saw cutting right through my chair, coming dangerously close to me. I start screaming again, somehow finding my voice. 
The saw blade comes through the chair again, getting closer and closer to me. I try kicking the chair away, but it’s not budging. I remember my phone was sitting in the seat of my chair, probably cut in half at this point, so I cant call anyone for help. At this point,I’m getting ready to just accept that I’m gonna end up getting cut by the saw blade that is getting closer and closer to me before I finally hear my parents come crashing down the stairs. “You’re lucky.” He says to me, it only barely being audible, before disappearing into thin air. Was it all an illusion? What could all of this mean. My parents come rushing to me, to make sure I’m okay. Theres drywall all over the floor, my computer chair fully sawed into pieces, and there, on the floor, is my phone, smashed and broken, cut into pieces. I look up to my parents, heaving and panting for breath, my throat extremely dry and hurting. I try to explain to them what happened, but I end up coughing instead. I stand up, and my mother quickly checks me over for any damage. Other than drywall dust and a few scratches, I appeared to be fine. We start removing the damage from my computer room to my main room. We try to figure out how to fix the wall.  My parents decide on going for a half wall, that way there’s nothing to punch if he comes back.
‘Thats such a stupid idea! We want him to have to be able to punch through things! It’s probably the only reason I’m alive right now! I literally almost died! I would have been DEAD if my parents hadn’t come rushing down the stairs when they did.’ I think to myself, not being able to speak from the soreness present in my throat. I decide it would be best to get a bottle of water so I can recover my voice and explain to my parents what I experienced. I get distracted as a knocking comes from my door that leads to outside. I set down my bottle of water, half of it being gone already. I open the door to see Cherry standing there. Not bothering to even question how she got to my house or even to Canada from Australia for that matter, I quickly pull her into a hug. I hold her tight, and start crying hard. “Hey, hey whoa. What’s up Blue?” she asks, using my nickname from online. I start rambling to her, trying desperately to explain. I stop midway and run into my room, grabbing the pieces of my phone I can find to show her, as she doesn’t seem to be believing my story. I finish off my bottle of water before bringing the broken pieces of my phone to her. “Here! This is all that’s left of my phone now!” “Well.. hey.. I have a surprise for you..’ ,she says softly, trying to change the subject, ‘and I think it’s something you could really use right now..” She points to my right, down the street. There, before my eyes is Liam. He’s talking with a girl I don’t quite recognize. She has medium length dirty blonde hair, and joggers with a tank top on.  “Is that...” I say, unable to comprehend whats happening. There’s no way that’s actually Liam.. right? He lives on the other side of the country... how could he be... here? Without being able to think any more, my legs are carrying me over to him, sprinting as fast as I can. I stop as soon as I get within 10 feet of him, not wanting to seem desperate. In my rush to get to him, I had dropped the pieces of my phone at my door, not thinking about it anymore, only Liam. 
“Hey Liam.” I say as I approach him, trying to keep my voice steady and control the blush threatening to cover my face. He stops his conversation with the unknown blonde and turns to me. “Hey Cereina. How are you?”  I chuckle slightly, not wanting to really talk about it anymore. More tears started piling in my eyes, daring to start spilling over again. “I uh..’ I swallow hard, knowing I’m gonna start bawling my eyes out again. ‘I just about died... I almost died...” I say, now coming to terms with how close to death I was. Wow, I’m just meeting him for the first time in person, and I’m already crying and making a total fool of myself. Way to go me! He notices the tears starting to fall down my cheeks, and doesn’t bother asking about how and just pulls me into a hug. Knowing it pointless to try hiding the tears, I start full on sobbing, full on ugly crying. I hold onto him tight, or.. as best as I could. He’s a whole 6′2 and I’m barely 5ft. I’m more so just burying my face into his chest, my arms around his waist. His arms around me feel like everything’s going to be okay.  His body is warm, almost like a heated blanket, his arms strong enough to fight off the negativity that’s swarming me. If there was a way to describe it, it would be us alone, floating through space, nothing else to worry about, just the two of us in that moment. I should have probably known the floating feeling wasn’t good though, cause next thing I knew, I was falling over onto the grass beneath me. Thankfully Liam was holding me though, or else I would have hit my head. I open my eyes that seem to have shut on their own. I only see Liam, hovering over me. The look on his face was that of pure concern, worry, and pain almost? Its hard to explain. It was like a scene from an anime. I swear there were roses floating behind him for a moment. Maybe the trauma of everything that happened finally hit me and that’s why I almost passed out.  I find my voice enough to explain what has happened. “Liam.. Rappa attacked... it wasn’t him though.. it was.. an illusion.. Twice must be nearby... I think I know where their base is though... I dont know if it’s safe to go there.. they may be hiding out. It’s also not that far.”  Liam started looking around before motioning for Cherry to come over. Within a few moments, Cherry was also by my side. “I think I can help us, but we need everyone else. We need to get the others.” Cherry took out her phone and started sending out mass texts. The only people I know were available were Iida, Aizawa, Deku, Todoroki, Denki and Bakugo. I’m not sure where everyone else was, but I know that they would have joined if they were able to. Liam helped me stand back up. I held onto him again, hugging him tightly. I didn’t want this moment to pass. He let out a soft chuckle before rubbing my back. “Come one.. lets get you out of those clothes..”   We all started walking back to my house. I needed to get changed from normal street clothes to my ‘hero clothes’. After about half an hour, everyone had showed up at  our usual meeting place. Todoroki was keeping his distance from everyone else, talking to Cherry. I think he’s just trying to get all the information and figure out a plan. Everyone was kinda just hanging out and getting caught up on everything. I was busying myself with Deku and Iida. I was trying to explain the Rappa attack to them and how I think I know where their hideout could be, but needed to make sure we had the right backup. We then start just joking around as old friends. We haven’t seen each other in a while since they joined UA, but we still try to keep in touch. Iida suddenly tapped my shoulder before handing me his official UA hoodie. I just gave him a puzzling look. “What’s this for?” He smirked softly. “I want you to race Midoriya, but I want you to wear this. Maybe it’ll be like I’m one with you, maybe speed you up a bit.” He finished his sentence, winking at me. I swear there were stars in my eyes as I quickly put it on and smiled. I didn’t exactly HAVE a quirk, so I wouldn’t be able to get into UA. I was more of a support system for them, emotionally. I kept them up to date with things I could. Maybe that’s why the League of Villains were after me? They wanted the inside scoop to stop? I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and went jogging up to Deku. “Hey! Izuku! Let’s have a friendly race! Like old times?” I said, hopefully. 
He just smiled brightly at me. “Ha ha, I thought you’d never ask!” I start jumping up and down, clapping happily. Bakugo came over. “You two are really gonna race? A quirk less wannabe vs the second All Might? Really?” I tried to hide my frown, but then again, Katsuki has always been a downer. “Hey, you wouldn’t say that if your girlfriend was quirkless.” I smile softly. “Oh wait, you don’t have one.” The look on his face was enough for me to know it was time to run. “Deku! Go!” We both take off running, Katsuki screaming in the background about ‘how dare I insult the number 1 hero in training’ or something like that.  I’m pretty sure Deku was taking it easy on me, as I was winning for a little while. It doesn’t last long though, as I see him starting to get caught up. We were running side by side at this point. I was giving it my all, and it looks like he’s not even trying! “I summon the power of Iida!” I shout, giving my final push to run as fast as I can. Midoriya just laughs at me and quickly bolts ahead. At this point, I’m panting and have to stop. Midoriya comes back to me, not a single sweat dripping. I pout as he just laughs at me. “Sh-shut up!” I say through pants. “Come on, let’s get back to the others.” He says before picking me up and running back to the others, almost effortlessly. I cling onto him, not wanting to fall, but also slightly scared. When we return to the others, the atmosphere has changed. I’m looking around and notice Iida and Aizawa are missing. “Where is everyone else?” I ask Bakugo. “Those bastards captured them! Mr. Compress appeared out of nowhere and captured Iida in one of those stupid marbles of his.” Shoto came up to us. “Mr. Aizawa tried to stop them, but he got him as well. There was nothing we could do... they were threatening to kill them if we even made a move towards them.” I looked to Iidas hoodie still on me, and held onto it. “We need to go to their hideout...”   It took a while to convince everyone, but eventually I had everyone ready and prepared to fight if need be. “So, I’ll stay at the front of the line, you all drag back. I’ll see if they’re actually there or not. If you see my hand behind my back flashing a four, that means they’re there. If it’s a three, its dangerous. If for whatever reason they ARE there and they try to attack us, Shoto, you get up and get an ice wall in front of me, and I’ll run back as fast as I can. At that point, Deku, you get behind me. You’re our best defense against Shigaraki’s quirk as you can jump up and land on him, and even attack from the air. Denki, you stay close to Deku. If you need to shoot a bolt at them, do it. Just remember, we are not trying to kill them, so we should try to not seriously harm anyone. Our end goal if they attack is to get back to base. Rose can help us from there.” Everyone nodded, except Bakugo. “Well what the hell am I supposed to do then? Why am I even here?” I waited a moment, trying to think how Bakugo could help without getting himself or the others in trouble. I chuckle softly, knowing he wouldn’t like his role. “I want you to protect me. I am just a civilian after all. Deku is going to be busy, and I mean,’ I pause briefly, knowing if I add a little flirting to it, he’d be sure to think about it more before getting insulted. ‘you ARE the number 1 hero in training, right? So you must be big and strong and able to protect one little civilian, right?”  He scoffs at me, but agrees. “Yeah, sure. Whatever. Just don’t be stupid and we won’t have any problems!” With that, the plan was in action, and we were all ready! I started walking, everyone doing their part. We were all quiet. I kept my hand behind my back, ready to flash any sign of warning. We quickly got to where I knew they were hiding. I stop walking, letting them know we finally got to the place. I slowly creep up, trying to see if they were anywhere nearby, when suddenly I see Shigaraki’s face appear from the corner. I quickly flash a 3 at the others and turn, starting to run back towards them, panic searing through my veins. Everyone realizes what’s happening and spring into action. I see Deku running towards me, getting as close to me as he could, wanting to protect. I see a flash of whitish blue flash past me as Shoto gets his ice wall up. I’m trying to get my feet to move faster, but they’re not wanting to move me any further. I see Denki get behind me, but closer than Deku, as he’s trying to keep an eye to see if they’re coming after us. I try to take a look behind, when I hear Deku scream. “Just run! They have Chisaki!” Shit, we didn’t plan for this... I didn’t think they’d team up with him again! It failed last time!  I feel myself starting to slow down, running out of stamina, since Deku and I had raced before this, I used most of my energy on that. It was really a stupid idea I guess.  This time, and this time alone, I’ll admit it. Bakugo was right. Just as I was thinking that, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. “I told you not to be such a moron! Run faster, not slower!” I was panting as he had me over his shoulder, but I knew it was best to just not respond. We all quickly got back to our base and tried running into Rose’s room, but it was locked. I start banging on it desperately. “Rose!! Rose please!! The League of Villains are coming! And they have Chisaki! Please!!” We couldn’t hear anything from the room. It was silent, other than everyone’s heavy panting. “What’s this?” We hear a voice say from behind all of us. We all scream and jump, not knowing if it was friend or foe. I turn around and see Rose looking at all of us, slightly concerned. “They’ve teamed up with him again? Oh dear.. this really IS an issue, isn’t it? Well, we’ll just have to tea-” She got cut off by a loud crash outside the house. We rush to the nearest window and see the ground is all upturned, new holes scattering the backyard. Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Dabi, Rappa, Mr. Compress, and Chisaki walking towards the house. “Come out, come out little pigs! Or we will be forced to BLOW this place down!” Twice announces. “If that’s okay, of course.” He adds. I’ve never understood him, and I never will. I’ve done so much research on him as a villain, and yet, he still makes no sense to me. With his announcement, Rose clears her throat. “You guys go out, I will contact my crystals and meet you down there. Good luck Heroes.” She says before entering her room, using her gem to unlock it. Another thing I’ll never understand.  Not knowing what else to do, but to trust her, we all head outside. I try to stay within the middle of everyone, hoping for nothing but to stay safe. And with that, I woke up. I never got to know what really happened, but I guess anyone can have their own interpretation as to what could have possibly happened. With the heroes working with crystal gems, would they have won? Who knows. Maybe one day I’ll have a dream continuing this one, but until then, we’re left on a cliff hanger. Thank you for reading this, and I apologize if this isn’t the ending you wanted, but rest assured I’m not happy about it either.
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