#Shuro clearly not strong enough I would give up my inheritance and home country to follow a dragon girl around in her adventurers
dunmeshistash · 1 month
Wait Falin turned down Shuro's purposal?? I always thought she just put him on hold or something, my autistic ass was way too confused by her response for me to know what she meant 😭😭
Yeah she did! In the way that "I want to see the world but I don't want to settle down outside Melini" he asks her to leave it all behind and go back to the east with him and she refuses. I think he probably knew he was gonna be turned out but still had to shoot his shot.
Here's the full comic in case some people havent seen it
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Falin is shy so she probably doesn't want to be direct about it but Shuro understood what she meant. She has just been going thru life by other people's wishes/desires but now she has something she wants. And as her profile says she only considered accepting his proposal because she thought she wouldn't get another one, but she doesnt has feelings for him at this moment.
If anything he asked the wrong sibling in marriage!!!
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