#Silbermann fortepiano
rozalinapiano · 11 months
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APOLOGY TO BACH, TO ALL MUSICIANS, TO HUMANITY! November 6, 1717 J.S.Bach was falsely imprisoned in retaliation to the remarkable innovation in music of his… Genius musician was under th Oath to Poverty and could not afford legal defense from human rights violations. After his release on December 2 he could leave his dysfunctional employers in Weimar.
Bach had never received an apology for this outrage, and humanity is still suffering from this moral atrocity’s normality - today’s musicians suffer from the same marginalizations, while being in the possession of the scarce and unique gift of special use of Music instinct for Emotional Reawakening-the key solution for the cause that Bach fought for. Zombification and its consequence of shut down pain alarms to toxicity brought humanity to the brink of fast accelerating COUNTDOWN2045 to Zero Sperm Global Crisis, forecasted by 60+ studies
Help fight with the cause initiated by Bach - help restore emotional expression in Bach’s music - share info about biographical distortion that promotes zombified mechanical typewriter type of of playing of Bach, despite his crusade for using music as the counterpoint to the emotional withholding. It leads to blind spots, resulting from disrupted inter-hemispheric balance of the brain
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peachesannndgravy · 7 years
Song of the Day
Hello. Today, I will be discussing one of my favorite Baroque composers: Johann Sebastian Bach. According to Wiki, the German composer had a collection of fugues && canons that were requested by Frederick II of Prussia, also known as, Frederick the Great. 
Here’s a snippet from Wiki: 
The collection has its roots in a meeting between Bach and Frederick II on May 7, 1747. The meeting, taking place at the King's residence in Potsdam, came about because Bach's son Carl Philipp Emanuel was employed there as court musician. Frederick wanted to show the elder Bach a novelty, the fortepiano, which had been invented some years earlier. The King owned several of the experimental instruments being developed by Gottfried Silbermann.During his anticipated visit to Frederick's palace in Potsdam, Bach, who was well known for his skill at improvising, received from Frederick a long and complex musical theme on which to improvise a three-voice fugue. He did so, but Frederick then challenged him to improvise a six-voice fugue on the same theme. The public present thought this was just a malicious caprice by the King, intent upon humiliating philosophers and artists. Bach answered that he would need to work the score and send it to the King afterward. He then returned to Leipzig to write out the Thema Regium ("theme of the king").
Like most classical pieces, it’s rather long; however, you should at least listen to the first couple of minutes, it’s lovely.
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rozalinapiano · 11 months
Listen to sisters Labeque use two replicas of Silbermann’s fortepianos to play Bach’s Concerto for three claviers in D minor
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rozalinapiano · 11 months
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J.S.Bach was fascinated by fortepiano. Here are his advertisements he placed to promote Pianofort made by Silbermann at the Collegium Musicum concert
These are rarely published archival documents abut Bach’s biographical facts. But why aren’t they well known to people who love Bach’s music?
Help liberate Bach from emotional repression! Help share the truth!
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rozalinapiano · 11 months
Why clavier music of J.S.Bach isn’t performed on fortepiano, if he owned and used one for composing his music? The answer is - due to false dogma…
Here is this type of exemplary performance by amazing sisters Labeque performing concerto on two fortepianos modeled on Silbermann’s Piano et forte - exactly the kind that were made during Bach’s time. These instruments were advertised and sold by Bach who was fascinated by their expressive abilities that previous generation of clavier instruments did not possess.
And it means that the dogma about withholding dynamic expression in Bach is false and contrary to his biography of the rebel of his time, who defied his time’s absurd rules.
By taking such daring step, Bach shifted the course of music history and humanity at large…
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