hattonthehatman · 4 months
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Do you ever wonder what the people in your drawings think of your sketches
Is it their equivalent of aging?
Are they lesser for being unfinished?
Is there a discrimination hierarchy over levels of finishment?
I need to stop having ideas, I've still got things I need doing
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hattonthehatman · 5 months
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Charlie: “You know what you are, Bendy? You're a self depreciating twat, you're never gonna change you're… you're”
Darby(A): “Incorrigible”
Charlie: “Thank you, Darby”
Bendy: “Whoa, whoa, wait? You just carry a dictionary with you?”
Darby: “It's a thesaurus. Vincent has the dictionary”
Bendy: “And what do you do when you need a definition?”
Darby: “I call Vincent and ask him”
Charlie: “Oh my, that's f*cking adorable”
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hattonthehatman · 5 months
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Charlie: “Why aren't you asleep, it's the middle of the night?”
Bendy: “You're not my wife, I can do what I want”
Charlie: “You don't have a wife. You're a cheater”
Bendy: “Cheater, I hardly know her”
Charlie: “Of course you don't. Jane left you the second you tried co-parenting”
Bendy: “That was mutual. And I'm still involved, we have a schedule”
Charlie: “Oh ‘We have a schedule’ and you wonder why you're engagement didn't work”
Bendy: “My engagement? Who told you about Sally?”
“Who do you think?”
Bendy: “Darby(B) I'm gonna- I'm going to- Where's my- I'm gonna kill- There's my bat- I'm gonna kill him”
Charlie: “Can you get some eggs while your out?”
Bendy: “Fine!”
Angry Door Slam
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hattonthehatman · 5 months
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Bit of pre divorce, pre marriage Bendy and the dudes
Charlie stood, balancing on the railings across the roof, staring at the cosmos.
“Hey!… Earth to Callisto”
“You're not my girlfriend, you don't get to call me that. Hell do you want?”
Bendy shrugged.
“I'm making omelettes, do you want any?”
Charlie turned, stepping back into the roof.
“It's the middle of the night, you have work in the morning”
“And you have a beautiful rose who wants to have mid-fast with you”
The pair walked back down the stairs. Charlie smacked the back of his shoulder.
“Who gave you the right to be that stupid?”
“Crystal, don't you remember, even made her write a note”
“One morning, your gonna wake up, and she's gonna find a proper good chef, and she's gonna leave you…”
Charlie leaned into his ear.
“And you're gonna be alone…”
Bendy shoved his brother
“And you're not getting fed”
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hattonthehatman · 5 months
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Darby(B): “What are you doing?”
Bendy: “Character designs, you know, my job”
Darby: “Really? It looks like your just listening to music”
Bendy: “It's called inspiration, you know, that thing you do to stop your work being boring and repetitive”
Darby: “What are you listening to? You know, if you're being inspired, surely you're using a vast and diverse playlist to make sure your character isn't a blatant ripoff”
Bendy: “Your not seeing my playlist. Oi!”
Darby: “You've listened to Poison 148 times. When did you watch Hazbin Hotel?”
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hattonthehatman · 5 months
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Bendy: Can you stop bleeding on my carpet?
Darby(B): Well maybe don't stab me and I won't have to me
Bendy: Yeah but then you wouldn't be stabbed, and that's not very good, is it
Darby: I'm telling Charlie about this
Bendy: You're gonna tell my brother I stabbed you. You're gonna tell my knife collecting little brother I stabbed you
Charlie: We're the same again, we're triplets. Why did you stab Darby?
Bendy: He's an immortal arsehole
Darby: And you're not. You're a dead beat, washout, unoriginal loser. Where the hell is my crowbar?
Bendy: Oh so you're allowed to threaten me with a crowbar. But the moment I think about my baseball-
Violent displays of slapstick immortality ensures
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