#Silumgar the Creeping Death
BG Sultai Guide
Faction Name: No internal name. Outsiders have yet to agree on whether this faction should be considered a kingdom or a single growing, slithering being. It’s called variously “the Beast,” “Silumgar’s Hold,” “the Rotted Lands,” or simply “the Mire.”
Dragonlord: Silumgar, the Creeping Death, the Great Beast
Dragonlord’s Seat: The Palace Animate, sited in the oldest part of the Rotted Lands and the first region the dragonlord claimed, given the name “Weeping Heart” by the Sultai who watched in confusion at its transformation before it claimed them too. Silumgar’s body rests within the throne chamber on a great couch of jade, surrounded by heaps of treasure overgrown with vines and rot. His mind and will, however, are manifest everywhere within the Rotted Lands, and he is aware of everything that occurs within. Wherever an emissary of the Mire goes, Silumgar’s desires go also.
Brood Magic: Silumgar’s will creeps and corrupts, ensnaring the thoughts until his target realizes too late that their mind is no longer their own. Dragons of Silumgar’s brood have this power of mental contagion and dominance. Their breath weapon is a corrosive mist. They are masters of necromancy, curses, and poisons. The most powerful of the brood can shapeshift. Non-dragons are often imbued with temporary magic to perform various tasks, but their power is severely limited. The rakshasa groups that failed to leave in time are kept under Silumgar’s direct control and allowed to continue practicing their own demonic magic, so long as they do so in firm accordance with their dragonlord’s will.
Faction Species: Primarily human, orc, naga, vampire, and demon. Most rakshasa abandoned the Sultai before they could be subsumed, but Silumgar managed to seize a few weaker clans, Pockets of every species on Tarkir - even dragons of other broods - can be found among those ensnared by Silumgar’s will. Sibsig (zombies) are common. A number of elementals have also arisen within the Rotted Lands.
Faction Structure: The new BG Silumgar are bad news. Trust me, you don’t want to get involved. The corrupt, decadent hierarchy of the Sultai crossed with the swarm nature of the Golgari yields a bizarre half-hivemind half-dictatorship that no one enjoys except the few on top. It’s a bit like the Zerg in that individuals are subservient to a collective mind, but there are levels of control similar to a military hierarchy. Factions exist within the swarm that battle for resources and control; indeed, this competition is encouraged, as it improves the collective survival by culling the weak and forcing evolution. Imagine the ferment and constant decay/growth of a tropical rainforest, the eternal pressure of competing organisms with no concept of morality or restraint. The collective acts like The Thing from the John Carpenter movie: it has no awareness of a difference between living and dead biomass, no understanding or interest in the pre-existing organisms - it sees only resources to be utilized.
Individuals being mentally subsumed into the hive don’t appear changed at first, and even close companions may not notice the infection in their thoughts. Subtle alterations in vocal patterns, sleep habits, and eating habits are the first outward signs. Once the mental contamination has taken hold, the individual voluntarily submits to physical incorporation into the swarm, mediated by the implantation of tendrils similar to vines or roots that grow through the individual’s existing nervous system to allow direct physical control should the collective will deem it necessary to override local thought processes. When swarm individuals interact, these tendrils will emerge from their bodies and join together into a larger network for the swift exchange of nutrients, pheromone signaling, and sensory information. Later stages of incorporation, depending on the needs of the collective, may make it necessary to alter the individual, break it down entirely for parts or resources, or combine it with others to create a tool suitable for the given purpose.
Silumgar grants a select few individuals a degree of physical and mental autonomy in order to preserve useful skills. Those rakshasa who failed to leave the Sultai in time and fell under his influence are allowed physical autonomy and permitted to keep some control of their own minds so they can continue to practice the powerful demonic magic they shared with the Sultai. Wary of that power, Silumgar monitors them directly and does not hesitate to cull any who show the slightest rebellious tendency. The few subsumed dragons of the Mire also retain some level of their original thoughts and skills, but have been imbued with utter loyalty to their new dragonlord.
No member of the collective is permitted a truly individual identity; the only name ever spoken in the Rotted Lands is that of Silumgar.
Faction Goals: Live. Grow. Take. Change. Kill. Eat. Grow. Live.
Faction History: Nothing distinct remains of the Sultai’s culture, history, or most of the population. Palaces and wealthy estates have been abandoned except for the occasional expedition to extract a needed resources. Many of the original settlements remain as twisted echoes of their former selves, farms and fisheries still worked by the remnants of the inhabitants in great drone swarms. Any unnecessary items or information - scrolls or tapestries of history, for instance - were ignored by the collective and have long since crumbled back into the jungle.
Silumgar himself didn’t conquer the Sultai directly. He didn’t need to. He is called the “Creeping Death” for the nature of his own will, which spreads and corrupts those he seeks to control. Newly-born, Silumgar found the riot of growth and decay and violent symbiosis exemplified by the deep jungle greatly to his liking. He selected an area then uninhabited by the Sultai due to its unpleasant climate and tenacious jungle life, and settled himself in the heart of it, fixing his will on seizing it as his territory alone. This patch of rainforest soon began to exhibit unsettling changes: Sultai travelers and scouts reported previously-unseen beings that seemed part plant and part animal, creatures that should have been mortal enemies working together in eerie, silent harmony, and the rapid spread of unknown plant life out from the area. Sultai rulers dismissed these accounts, however, interpreting the odd behavior as some new elemental magic in the region and receiving reassurances from the rakshasa that it certainly posed no threat to them. Soon the travelers and scouts stopped reporting back at all. 
The corruption in the heart of the jungle grew, and whole estates began to disappear into its shadow as Silumgar consumed, killed, created, and grew more and more. Some Sultai, especially those farthest away from the corrupted zone now called Weeping Heart, tried to raise the alarm. But the usual indolence and callousness of the Sultai elite masked the transformation in their thoughts long enough for Silumgar to take hold. By the time anyone thought to take action, the dragonlord already controlled the bulk of Sultai territory and resources, including its combination labor force and army of undead sibsig, and any sparks of true resistance that could not be converted by thought were simply crushed by force. The entire population unlucky enough to be present in Sultai territory at that time ended up dead, subsumed into the collective, or both.
Upon realizing what was happening to him, Tasigur, khan of the Sultai at the time of the takeover, sought out the dragonlord within Weeping Heart and threw himself at Silumgar’s feet. He claimed he would order his people to submit to their new master in exchange for keeping his own mind - which Silumgar granted. Unfortunately, Tasigur forgot to ask for his own body, too. He survives - in a manner of speaking - to this day; he retains full possession of his thoughts and memories, unclouded by the dragonlord’s influence, but his body is quite firmly controlled by Silumgar’s magic and serves as his favorite emissary. For the first hundred years or so it amused the dragonlord to permit Tasigur to keep his own voice as well, and the khan’s screams and insane raving were a common sound in Weeping Heart; but Silumgar eventually grew bored and removed Tasigur’s vocal chords, leaving him mouthing silent nonsense and endless pleas for death even as his body goes about its dragonlord’s errands.
Faction Relations: The Rotted Lands might be the only thing on Tarkir the other factions can all agree on: they’d rather leave it alone. Silumgar’s influence expands as the Rotted Lands grow, and those who cross too close to his territory can’t let themselves linger long for fear that the dragonlord’s whispers will take root in their hearts and lead them to walk into the jungle of their own volition. The Undying Kingdoms chew at its edges with axes and blasts of dry, withering desert heat; the Ojutai slip in to steal threads of knowledge from the collective memory; Atarka’s clans purify what they can and try to save those seized by the tangle; the Glorious Horde swings its blades and calls down the lightning; but all these efforts never matter. The jungle only grows back stronger. The beast endures, and its territory creeps ever outward.
Other Changes: So why venture into the Rotted Lands? Because Silumgar’s territory contains the ruins of immensely wealthy Sultai palaces and pleasure gardens, and his Palace Animate holds the greatest horde of all. Despite only rarely awakening in his own body, the dragonlord seems to enjoy treasure and directs his minions to pile it around his slumbering form in great heaps. Rumors of staggering wealth left to the jungle’s hold entice those with bad judgement and nothing to lose. Most never return, but once in a very great while one of these explorers stumbles back with fistfuls of gold - and unspeakable terror in their eyes.
Faction Mechanic: For the BG Sultai I wanted a mechanic that involved possession and taking control of opponent’s creatures. I’m not sure that would ever work out right since it kinda relies on your opponent playing a certain way, but anyway. The best I came up with was “Possess,” which was an ability on creatures. You paid the Possess cost and sacrificed the creature in order to manifest a card from any graveyard. Manifesting the card instead of putting it into play meant you still had to pay the full CMC to flip the creature up; otherwise it’d be insanely broken.
8 notes · View notes
thewisekitsune · 8 years
So due to growing demand here is my trade list:
·         Dual Colors
o   Everlasting Torment x1
o   Splitting image x 1
o   Mirrorweave x 1
o   Nightveil Specter x 1
o   Doomgape x 1
o   Djinn Illuminatus x 1
o   Biomass Mutation x 2
o   Cryptborn horror x 1
o   Azor’s elocutors x 2
o   Giant Solifuge x 1
o   Gleancrawler x 1
·         Foil Rares
o   Torrent Elelmental x 1
o   Distended Mindbender x 1
o   Deepfathom Skulker x 1
o   Architect of the untamed x 1
o   Saheeli’s Artistry x 2
o   Deathbringer Regent x 1
o   Nibilis of Frost x 1
o   Path of bravery x 1
o   Helm of the gods x 1
o   Chained to the rocks x 1
o   Trading post x 1
o   Hedron Alignment x 1
o   Wharf infiltrator x 1
o   Living lore x 1
o   Council of the absolute x 1
o   Sands of delirium x 1
o   Boros Battleshaper x 1
o   Foundry champion x 2
o   Plea for guidance x 1
o   Imprisoned in the moon x 1
o   Exava Rakdos Blood Witch x 1
o   Fated Infatuation x 1
o   Trait Doctoring x 1
o   Scourge of fleets x 1
o   Flamewake Phoenix x 1
o   Elder of laurels x 1
o   Thousand winds x 1
o   Celestial archon x 1
o   Rubblebelt raiders x 1
o   Phytotitan x 1
o   Simic manipulator x 1
o   Palisade Giant x 1
·         Promos
o   Squelching Leeches
o   Ogre Battledriver
o   Wharf infiltrator
o   Skarrg Goliath
o   Deadbridge Goliath
o   Emrakul’s Evangul
o   Xathrid Gorgon
o   Dictate of the Twin Gods
o   Necropolis Fiend
o   In Garruk’s Wake
o   Multiform Wonder
o   Fated Showdown
·         Lands
o   Concealed Courtyard
o   Drownyard Temple
o   Hanweir Battlements
o   Alchemist’s Refuge
o   Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
o   Temple of Abandon
o   Ally encampment
o   Ruins of Oran Rief
o   Sea Gate Wreckage
o   Inspiring Vantage
o   Blooming Marsh
o   Botanical Sanctum
o   Mirrorpool
o   Llanowar wastes
o   Sanctum of Ugin
o   Foreboding Ruins
o   Geier Reach Sanctum
o   Throne of the High City
o   Haven of the Spirit Dragon
o   Temple of Triumph
o   Temple of Silence
o   Grove of the Guardian
o   Paliano, the High City
o   Corrupted Crossroads
o   Stensia Bloodhall
o   Grim backwoods
o   Contested War zone
o   Exotic Orchard
o   Sunpetal Grove
o   Windbrisk Heights
·         Multi-Colored/eldrazi
o   Jor-Kadeen, The Prevailer
o   Sphinx summoner
o   Filigree Angel
o   Aura mutation
o   Crackling doom
o   Utter end
o   Dauntless escort
o   Iroas, god of victory
o   Artifact mutation
o   Heron’s grace champion
o   Conduit of ruin
o   Prized amalgam
o   The gitrog monster
o   Rubblehulk
o   Blood tyrant
o   Progenitor mimic
o   Etherium-horn sorcerer
o   Decimate
o   Merciless eviction
o   Master biomancer
o   Edric spymaster of trest
o   Jori en Ruin diver
o   Desolation twin
o   Distended mindbender
o   Kozilek, the great distortion
o   Grim flayer
o   Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger
o   Vorel of the hull clade
o   Adriana, captain of the guard
o   Altered ego
o   Breaking/entering
o   Eldrazi obligator
o   Endless one
o   Kheru lich lord
o   Biovisionary
o   Kambal consul of allocation
o   Villainous wealth
o   Avalanche tusker
o   Serpentine spike
o   Munda ambush leader
o   Brutal explosion
o   Dust stalker
o   Brago, King eternal
o   Blight herder
o   Veteran warleader
o   From beyond
o   Bring to light
o   March from the tomb
o   Brood butcher
o   Gruesome slaughter
o   Ojutai soul of winter
o   Deepfathom skulker
o   Sire of insanity
o   Angelic captain
o   Bloodhall priest
o   Smothering abomination
o   Temur ascendancy
o   Arashin sovereign
o   Silumgar’s command
o   Sagu mauler
o   Trap essence
o   Butcher of the horde
o   Anax and cymede
o   Savage knuckle blade
o   Fathom feeder
o   Selvala Explorer returned
o   Atarka World render
o   Simic sky swallower
o   Plasma capture
o   Boltwing marauder
o   Necromancer dragon
o   Kolaghan the storm’s fury
o   Reaper of the wilds
o   Deceiver of form
o   Revel of the fallen god
o   Eternal scourge
o   Duneblast
o   Dack’s duplicate
o   Council of the absolute
o   Polis crusher
o   Sage of the Inward eye
o   Invocation of saint traft
o   Magister of worth
o   Ayli eternal pilgrim
o   Ivorytusk fortress
o   Rakshaa vizier
o   Ankle shanker
o   Flying crane technique
o   Lavinia of the tenth
o   Render silent
o   Beck/call
o   Spark trooper
o   Fathom mage
o   Clan defiance
o   Abzan ascendency
o   Steam augury
o   Signal the clans
o   Mercurial chemister
o   Mardu ascendency
o   Boros battleshaper
o   Unexpected results
o   Dragonshift
o   Daxos of meletis
o   Tajic blade of the legion
o   Firemane angel
o   Vedalken heretic
o   Titanic ultimatum
o   Counterflux
o   Alms beast
o   Vile redeemer
o   Searing meditation
o   Psychic intrusion
o   Blazing specter
o   Aurelia’s fury
o   Corpsejack menace
o   Windreaver
o   Surrak, dragonclaw
o   Underworld cerebus
o   Melek, izzet paragon
o   Whispering madness
o   Firemane avenger
o   Loxodon hierarch
o   Mystic genesis
o   Firemind’s foresight
o   Hypersonic dragon
o   Carnival hellsteed
o   Archon of the triumvirate
o   Wayfaring temple
o   Ready/willing
o   Rakshasa deathdealer
o   Prophetic bolt
o   Glory of warfare
o   Obzedat’s aid
o   Soul ransom
o   Jarad’s orders
o   Foundry champion
o   Vulturous zombie
o   Invoke the firemind
o   Righteous authority
·         Black
o   Tree of perdition
o   Dark salvation
o   Voldaren pariah
o   Noxious gearhulk
o   Inquisition of kozilek
o   Demonic pact
o   Palace siege
o   Stromkirk condemned
o   To the slaughter
o   Magus of the will
o   Bane of the living
o   Languish
o   Guiltfeeder
o   Cruel entertainment
o   Curtain’s call
o   In garruk’s wake
o   Brutal horderchief
o   Collective brutality
o   Mardu strike leader
o   Guul draz specter
o   Asylum visitor
o   From under the floorboards
o   Custody lich
o   Harvester of souls
o   Nightmare
o   Oath of liliana
o   Sangromancer
o   Cranial extraction
o   Gonti lord of luxury
o   Moriok rigger
o   Marionette master
o   Eliminate the competition
o   Midnight oil
o   Demon of dark schemes
o   Syndicate trafficker
o   King macar, the gold cursed
o   Behold the beyond
o   Drakestown forgotten
o   Treacherous pit-dweller
o   Defiant bloodlord
o   Abhorrent overlord
o   Gild
o   Nighthowler
o   Indulgent tormentor
o   Markov dreadknight
o   Ever after
o   Tainted remedy
o   Infinite obliteration
o   Hedonist’s trove
o   Blood-chin fanatic
o   Corpseweft
o   Ghastly conscription
o   Grim haruspex
o   Call to the grave
o   Butcher of malakir
o   Pitiless horde
o   Puppeteer clique
o   Carnifex demon
o   Abyssal nocturnes
o   Archfiend of depravity
o   Priest of the blood rite
o   Kuro pitlord
o   Deathbringer regent
o   Despoiler of souls
o   Skirsdag high priest
o   Killing wave
o   Sewer nemesis
o   Dark hatchling
o   Fated return
o   Grim return
o   Fiend of the shadows
o   Repay in kind
o   Pestilence demon
o   Shimian specter
o   Drana’s chosen
o   Graveblade marauder
o   Ill-gotten gains
o   Underworld connections
o   Undercity plague
o   Necromancer’s stockpile
o   Mortivore
o   Fallen angel
o   Extractor demon
o   Skeletal vampire
o   Royal assassin
o   Champion of stray souls
o   Twilight’s call
o   Kyoki, sanity’s eclipse
o   Gloom surgeon
o   Elusive tormentor
o   Demonic rising
o   Dread slaver
o   Foul renewal
o   Unbreathing horde
o   Noosegraf mob
o   Blood scrivener
o   Wit’s end
o   Greater harvester
o   Painful truths
o   Nightmare
o   Curse of misfortune
o   Ogre slumlord
o   Ravenous demon
o   Mind shatter
o   Memoricide
o   Neverending torment
·         Red
o   Godo Bandit Warlord
o   Territorial Gorger
o   Hellkite tyrant
o   Hellkite igniter
o   Trash for treasure
o   Reforge the soul
o   Runehorn hellkite
o   Goblin spymaster
o   Impetuous devils
o   Bedlam reveler
o   Sin prodder
o   Devil’s playground
o   Lathnu hellion
o   Undying flames
o   Avacyn’s judgment
o   Tide of war
o   Soulblast
o   Dragon mage
o   Charging cinderhorn
o   Divergent transformations
o   Taurean mauler
o   Stalking vengeance
o   Alesha who smiles at death
o   Falkenrath gorger
o   Hanweir garrison
o   Breath of fury
o   Kumano master yamabushi
o   Oracle of bones
o   Felhide spellbinder
o   Akoum hellkite
o   Skyship stalker
o   Clash of realities
o   Liberating combustion
o   Fateful showdown
o   Flameshadow conjuring
o   Madcap experiments
o   Harmless offerings
o   Mindblaze
o   Goblin festival
o   Collective defiance
o   In the web of war
o   Satyr firedancer
o   Firedrinker satyr
o   Rageblood shaman
o   Goldnight castigator
o   Assembled alphas
o   Stromkirk occultists
o   Wolf of devil’s breach
o   Burn from within
o   Shivan dragon
o   Stranglehold
o   Harness the storm
o   Flameblade angel
o   Scourge wolf
o   Butcher orgg
o   Flayer of the hatebound
o   Flamewake phoenix
o   Dual casting
o   Skyline despot
o   Charmbreaker devils
o   Volcanic visions
o   Volatile chimera
o   Banefire
o   Fall of the titans
o   Kurkesh onakke ancient
o   Ashcloud phoenix
o   Hell’s thunder
o   Siege dragon
o   Howl of the horde
o   Jeering instigator
o   Ire shaman
o   Scab-clan berserker
o   Hellion eruption
o   Barrage tyrant
o   Mob rule
o   Magmaw
o   Berserker’s onslaught
o   Serpentine spike
o   Flame-wreathed phoenix
o   Awaken the ancient
o   Five-alarm fire
o   Ogre battledriver
o   Pyrewild shaman
o   Labyrinth champion
o   Whims of the fates
o   Molten primordial
o   Akoum firebird
o   Titan of eternal fire
o   Harness by force
o   Dictate of the twin gods
o   Instigator gang
o   Bearer of the heavens
o   Forgestoker dragon
o   Burning anger
o   Ignition team
o   Grenzo’s rebuttal
o   Wild evocation
o   Ember swallower
o   Oath of Chandra
o   Hoarding dragon
o   Mordant dragon
o   Hoard smelter dragon
o   Falkenrath marauders
o   Mondronen shaman
o   Wrecking ogre
o   Trained orgg
o   Zada hedron grinder
o   Ghitu fire
o   Galvanoth
o   Volley of boulders
o   Torchling
o   Flamerush rider
o   Heretic’s punishment
o   Vulshok battlemaster
o   Embermaw hellion
o   Devil’s play
o   Firewing phoenix
o   Curse of the stalked prey
o   Mindsparker
o   Alpha brawl
o   Burn at the stake
o   Rite of ruin
o   Chaos imps
o   Increasing vengeance
o   Slag fiend
o   Curse of the bloodletting
o   Hamletback goliath
o   Hound of griselbrand
o   Markov blademaster
o   Guild feud
o   Bloodfire colossus
·         Green
o   Bane of progress
o   Verdurous gearhulk
o   Verdant crescendo
o   Creeping renaissance
o   Nissa vital force
o   Selvala’s stampede
o   Realm seekers
o   Lurking predators
o   Traverse the ulvenwald
o   Terastodon
o   Architect of the untamed
o   Nissa’s renewal
o   Bristling hydra
o   Primeval protector
o   Emrakul’s evangel
o   Eldritch evolution
o   Beastcaller savant
o   Cryptolith rite
o   Oviya pashiri, sage lifecrafter
o   Scourge of skola vale
o   Seeds of renewal
o   Den protector
o   Managorger hydra
o   Thelonite hermit
o   Thunderfoot baloth
o   Beastmaster ascension
o   Mycoloth
o   Shamanic revelation
o   Stonehoof chieftan
o   Deathmist raptor
o   Meandering towershell
o   Honored hierarch
o   Ulvenwald observer
o   Splitting slime
o   Permeating mass
o   Inexorable blob
o   Oran-rief hydra
o   Caller of the untamed
o   Wildest dreams
o   Dubious challenge
o   Forgotten ancient
o   Regal behemoth
o   Deathcap cultivator
o   Cultivator of blades
o   Wild pair
o   Heroes’ bane
o   Mistcutter hydra
o   Life’s legacy
o   Sunbringer’s touch
o   Evolutionary leap
o   Mul daya channelers
o   Druids’ repository
o   Fated intervention
o   Dwynen, Gilt-leaf dean
o   Sandsteppe mastodon
o   Jedit ojanen of efrava
o   Frontier siege
o   Obscuring aether
o   Avatar of the resolute
o   Spirit of the hunt
o   Zendikar resurgent
o   Polukranos, world eater
o   Second harvest
o   Silverfur partisan
o   Kodama of the center tree
o   Reverent hunter
o   Skarrg goliath
o   Kessig cagebreakers
o   Nessian wilds ravager
o   Wolfbriar elemental
o   Splendid reclamation
o   Into the wilds
o   Anthousa setessan hero
o   Turntimber ranger
o   Trail of mastery
o   Heartwood storyteller
o   Renegade krasis
o   Deadbridge goliath
o   Hunter’s prowess
o   All sun’s dawn
o   Plated slagwurm
o   Daybreak ranger
o   Wolfbitten captive
o   Chancellor of the tangle
o   Wildcall
o   Predatory rampage
o   Feed the pack
o   Ooze flux
o   Splinterfright
o   Outland colossus
o   Lhurgoyf
o   Mana bloom
o   Wild beastmaster
o   Gaea’s revenge
o   Troll ascetic
o   Arbor colossus
o   Garruk’s horde
o   Phytotitan
o   Soul of the harvest
o   Animist’s awakening
o   Chameleon colossus
o   Gigantomancer
o   Reach of branches
o   Quirion dryad
o   Shaman of the forgotten ways
o   Lost in the woods
o   Sage of ancient lore
o   Doubling chant
o   Elder of laurels
o   Deranged outcast
o   Moldgraf monstrosity
o   Death’s presence
·         Blue
o   Coastal breach
o   Cloudhoof kirin
o   Geralf’s masterpiece
o   Mausoleum wanderer
o   Uyo silent prophet
o   Eternal dominion
o   Guardian tazeem
o   Confiscation coup
o   Manifold insights
o   Chasm skulker
o   Padeem, consul of innovation
o   Blessed reincarnation
o   Aeon chronicler
o   Swan song
o   Reins of power
o   Read the runes
o   Ethersworn adjudicator
o   Minds aglow
o   Desertion
o   Azami lady of scrolls
o   Stunt double
o   Spelltwine
o   Swirl of mists
o   Keeper of keys
o   Sphinx of chimes
o   Deadeye navigator
o   Sphinx of lost truths
o   Nibilis of frost
o   Aethersquall ancient
o   Saheeli’s artistry
o   Dictate of kruphix
o   Chisei heart of oceans
o   Kami of the crescent moon
o   Arcane servant
o   Followed footsteps
o   Convenant of minds
o   Insidious will
o   Coax from the blind eternities
o   Summary dismissal
o   Sphinx of maosi
o   Nephalia moondrakes
o   Forgotten creation
o   Displacement wave
o   Engulf the shore
o   epiphany at the drownyard
o   identity thief
o   docent of perfection
o   wharf infiltrator
o   imprisoned in the moon
o   heidar rimewind master
o   sharding sphinx
o   deep-sea kraken
o   mind’s dilation
o   exert influence
o   academy elite
o   willbreaker
o   curse of the swine
o   polymorphist’s jest
o   scourge of fleets
o   icefall regent
o   dragonlord’s prerogative
o   mirror mockery
o   confirm suspicions
o   welcome to the fold
o   overwhelming denial
o   scatter to the winds
o   ugin’s insight
o   prism array
o   shu yun, the silent tempest
o   mizzium meddler
o   thopter spy network
o   plea for power
o   hypnotic siren
o   chief engineer
o   kheru spellsnatcher
o   thousand winds
o   fate infatuation
o   perplexing chimera
o   whelming wave
o   mindreaver
o   living lore
o   shorecrasher elemental
o   stratus dancer
o   jeskai infiltrator
o   supplant form
o   sage-eye avengers
o   icy blast
o   aetherspouts
o   pearl lake ancient
o   mercurial pretender
o   bident of thassa
o   tromokratsis
o   stolen identity
o   simic manipulator
o   soulblade djinn
o   back from the brink
o   denizen of the deep
o   anthroplasm
o   devastation tide
o   aetherling
o   artisan of forms
o   cackling counterpart
o   elite aracanist
o   meletis charlatan
o   battlefield thaumaturge
o   riddlekeeper
o   memory erosion
o   captain of the mists
o   torrent elemental
o   void stalker
o   stolen goods
o   xenograft
o   stormtide leviathan
o   phyrexian ingester
o   lunar mystic
o   clone
o   dreamborn muse
o   infinite reflection
o   mind-spring
o   ephemeron
o   mind unbound
o   gravitational shift
o   selective memory
o   distant memories
o   rooftop storm
o   reweave
o   realwright
o   sphinx of uthuun
o   psychic surgery
o   djinn of wishes
o   geralf’s mindcrusher
o   spirit away
o   arcane melee
o   sturmgeist
o   hedron alignment
o   redirect
o   curse of echoes
o   exert influence
o   dimensional infiltrator
o   havengul runebinder
·         White
o   Wave of reckoning
o   Reverse the sands
o   Oblation
o   Thalia’s lieutenant
o   Blazing archon
o   Hoofprints of the stag
o   Toolcraft exemplar
o   Angel of invention
o   Selfless spirit
o   Duelist’s heritage
o   Sublime exhaustion
o   Selfless squire
o   Entrapment maneuver
o   Hanweir militia captain
o   Reborn hero
o   Hero of goma fada
o   Hallowed burial
o   Paliano vanguard
o   Spirit of the hearth
o   Captured by the consulate
o   Aetherstorm roc
o   Authority of the consul
o   Fumigate
o   Emeria shepherd
o   Master trinketeer
o   Dragonscale general
o   Geist-honored monk
o   Opal archangel
o   Hushwing gryff
o   Indestructibility
o   High sentinels of arashin
o   Hundred-handed one
o   Providence
o   Thalia’s lancers
o   Ordic Lunarch Marshal  
o   Sigarda’s aid
o   Deploy the gatewatch
o   Drogskol cavalry
o   Return to the ranks
o   Eerie interlude
o   Planar guide
o   Promise of bunrei
o   Protector of the crown
o   Parish
o   Intrepid hero
o   Faith’s reward
o   Path of bravery
o   Bruna the fading light
o   Sanctifier of souls
o   Kytheon’s irregulars
o   Dictate of heliod
o   Gustcloak savior
o   Relic seeker
o   Profound journey
o   Precinct captain
o   Arashin foremost
o   Hidden dragonslayer
o   Radiant purge
o   Citadel siege
o   Felidar sovereign
o   General tazri
o   Hold the line
o   Divine deflection
o   Munda’s vanguard
o   Storm herd
o   Angel of deliverance
o   Fated retribution
o   Aegis of the gods
o   Celestial archon
o   Custody soulbinders
o   Renounce the guilds
o   Frontline medic
o   Bygone bishop
o   Decide
o   Scion of vitu-ghazi
o   Resolute archangel
o   Imposing sovereign
o   Preeminent captain
o   Gideon’s phalanx
o   Master of pearls
o   Hero of iroas
o   Chained to the rocks
o   Rally the ancients
o   Mastery of the unseen
o   Skybind
o   Herald of war
o   Lantern scout
o   Galepowder mage
o   World queller
o   Silent sentinel
o   Mass calcify
o   Seraph of the sword
o   Increasing devotion
o   Silverblade paladin
o   Odric master tactician
o   Martial law
o   Auriok salvagers
o   Touch of the eternal
o   Archon of justice
o   Spirit of the labyrinth
o   Sudden disappearance
o   Cathar’s crusade
o   Captain of the watch
o   Call the gatewatch
o   Angel of flight alabaster
o   Aegis angel
o   Planar outburst
o   Marshal’s anthem
o   Mesa enchantress
o   Angelic skirmisher
o   Dearly departed
o   Planar cleansing
o   Dawnbringer charioteers
·         Artifact
o   Armory automaton
o   Trading post
o   Soul of new phyrexia
o   Blinkmoth urn
o   Bonehoard
o   Fleetwheel cruiser
o   Brain in a jar
o   Sunforger
o   Baku altar
o   Panharmonicon
o   Bomat courier
o   Moonring mirror
o   Myr battlesphere
o   Ghirapur orrery
o   Metalwork colossus
o   Crystalline crawler
o   Prismatic geoscope
o   Empyreal plate
o   Keening stone
o   Temple bell
o   Conqueror’s flail
o   Animation module
o   Boompile
o   Canal dredger
o   Dragon throne of tarkir
o   Lupine prototype
o   Tamiyo’s journal
o   Corrupted gravestone
o   Slayer’s plate
o   Stoneforge masterwork
o   Sticher’s graft
o   Soul separator
o   Long forgotten gohei
o   Imi statue
o   Uba mask
o   Deadlock trap
o   Slumbering tora
o   Psychosis crawler
o   Junkyo bell
o   Cultivator’s caravan
o   Multiform wonder
o   Jar of eyeballs
o   Pyxis of pandemonium
o   Colossus of arkos
o   Triskelavus
o   Myr welder
o   Altar of the brood
o   Tower of calamities
o   Pentavus
o   Throne of empires
o   Manor gargoyle
o   Akroan horse
o   Guardian of the ages
o   Cogwork grinder
o   Scroll of origins
o   Helm of the gods
o   Deal broker
o   Shield of the avatar
o   Heroes’ podium
o   Mage-ring responder
o   Otherworld atlas
o   Hedron matrix
o   Deathrender
o   Sphinx bone wand
o   Liar’s pendulum
o   Aether searcher
o   Druidic satchel
o   Hair-strung koto
o   Volatile rig
o   Gallows at willow hill
o   Steel hellkite
o   Glaring spotlight
o   Seer’s sundial
o   Haunted plate mail
o   Spellbinder worldslayer
0 notes