mid-lifemagic · 1 year
Well, I picked up my first commander deck from the Lord of the Rings! I got the Food and Friends deck, and I love the theme to it. Hobbits and food! I was surprised to see it had some amazing reprints in it, along with some killer originals. I absolutely loved the birds of paradise reprint. It has amazing new art! Don't even get me started on the sol ring reprint! The art is fabulous, and truthfully, the first time I saw Sol Ring, my mind went instantly to LOTR. The new arts for the various lands are exquisite as well!
The originals are just as exciting, too! Gollum and Bilbo are 2 of my favorites! With Bilbo, yeah, I know 111 life seems a lot to activate his ability, but it's all too easy in commander and especially with this deck if you play it right.
Maybe it's because I'm such a nerd that I love this set so much, but kudos to Wizards on the set design and mechanics, even though I think the ring tempting you should have greater consequences but hey that could just be me.
I'm looking forward to eventually being able to buy a booster box and delving deeper into the void, but unfortunately, I have to wait. 😔 Stupid bills and responsibilities. Lol But oh well, what's the saying? Good things come to those who wait!? When I eventually get my hands on a box, I will share the experience with everyone! Unless a box of collectors gets miracled in my lap, I won't be getting any of those. It is absolutely ridiculous how the price of them is doubling because of the one ring. I guess I get it, but damn it kind of eliminates everyday people from having a chance. Any who, I'm an old school pack ripper. I am fine and dandy opening boosters and ordering the stuff I really want/need.
Before I go, I really want to wish my beautiful wife a very happy birthday coming up on the 24th! I love you with all my heart, and without your support, I wouldn't be half the man I am today! You are my soul mate, and I thank the gods every day I have you by my side on this amazing adventure called life! I love you, Melissa Cormack. You are my rock!
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Have you seen Broodspinner yet?!?
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I'm honestly kind of offended that @wizardsmagic didn't send me this as a preview card.
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fierceawakening · 2 years
Making a new post cos I don’t want to be taken to be picking on a particular person when I’m actually talking to @wizardsmagic rather than just… one person representing them
I also find “Phyrexia is just evil” especially ill timed right now, where the US right wing has gone especially mask off about their view of altered bodies, especially trans bodies, as mutilated and desecrated somehow for being changed.
As a trans disabled person with a body that was heavily modified for medical reasons, the return of the Phyrexians—a whole culture of modified people who take fierce pride in being more than what they once were—has given me something to cling to in dark times, where it’s more and more apparent to me that some people in my culture accept my body only on a provisional basis, and that once those people gain power, the mask comes off.
Being able to say “the hell with you guys, I’m a Phyrexian” to myself when I’m feeling this especially keenly… helps. I’m not actually a villain, but I am the thing some people villainize.
I’m not asking for, and don’t personally want, Phyrexia not to be a villainous faction.
But I hope someone at WOTC will happen across this and think a little about what hearing “actually, anyone like this IS different in a bad way. None are truly noble,” feels like in a political climate where people are making hay out of an obsession with unaltered bodies.
I am a cyborg. I am non-binary. I am good.
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overgrown-estate · 3 months
Info about Magic being at Gen Con this year. Yadda-yadda Bloomburrow, yadda-yadda Bloomburrow, yadda-yadda Bloomburrow.
Hey @wizardsmagic, @markrosewater, etcetera,
You think we can have any word on Duskmourn? Anything. Anything at all. That would be really nice for those of us not foaming at the mouth for talking animal world.
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althaeaeliott · 9 months
Hello, if you cared about DnD I hope you will care about the other products the company offers.
Recently the Wizards of the Coast(WotC) arm of the company that runs Magic the Gathering(MTG) just played off a large number of workers. Doing this before the holiday season is especially cruel. That on top of the fact that the cost of the MTG products have been raised multiple times over the past couple of years and these workers of done an insane amount of work as the number of cards produced have increased over the past couple of years as well.
Please send this message to @wizardsmagic , hire these employees back or the community will boycott all of @hasbro again.
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bigscaryd · 1 year
MTG's been releasing a lot of anime-inspired art lately, including Planeswalkers 4-koma, the Eldraine trailer, and WOT anime-art variants (Smothering Ojou etc.)
This is a post to say:
@wizardsmagic give us an anime and English release of Destroy All Humanity, They Can't Be Regenerated, you cowards.
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solanj · 4 years
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It’s mermay and I love Liliana, so...
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joekabox · 4 years
My (Current) Thoughts on MtG Universes Beyond
I've sat on my feelings for most of the day, sort of thinking them over, and I think I want to share my present feelings on the topic.
I'll put my extended thoughts below the break, but or a quick version: I'm not against other properties being allowed to use the MtG ruleset for their own unique takes on the game with cards created from the ground up to represent their properties, but people shouldn't be forced to interact with them if they play formats other than standard. @wizardsmagic should create a format, or variations on existing formats, to allow for mixed property play, to allow people that want to blend these properties together to do so, but otherwise restrict Universes Beyond properties to playing only amongst themselves. That is the only way I see this keeping the game from becoming an incomprehensible mashup or unrelated properties.
Right off the bat, I just wanna say, I don't hate the concept of using the Magic: the Gathering rules and mechanics for other properties. I really don't.
Magic: the Gathering is arguably the first TCG to exist as we know them today, and it's also the longest running. It nailed what needs to be done in a card game, and many other games have tried copying its style to varying levels of success. It is a game that works, and it works well. The idea of using that amazing rule set, but with the flavor and lore of a different world or universe, is actually quite interesting to me. Why fix what isn't broke? Why does every property have to have it's own totally unique rules? Like, I see nothing wrong with wanting to play Magic, but with a different lore behind it.
There's also a lot of potential to be had here, that I don't think some people are seeing. Much like with the Walking Dead cards, Universes Beyond will include cards designed from the ground up to fit their respective properties. In MtG, certain things in the game behave the way they do do fit certain lore and traits unique to the MtG multiverse, but those may not apply when looking at a different property. Perhaps colors will play slightly differently, or creature types will behave in different ways. Yes, these properties will be using the rules of the game, but that doesn't mean the same design philosophies will be in mind in exactly the same ways they are in MtG.
All of this said, I want to be perfectly clear: the way Wizards of the Coast has decided to do this is flawed, and it entirely comes down to a lack of respect for the integrity of their own property.
There are many players, myself included, who like this game because it's not Lord of the Rings, because it has it's own lore. MtG has almost thirty years of lore behind its belt, and while said lore has been rough at times, it's a lore many still like, and seems to be back on the right track with the reintroduction of free web stories.
Yes, the Universes Beyond cards aren't allowed in Standard, that's great, but nothing has been said of other formats. If someone wants to go to the table and play Commander or Modern, and part of their enjoyment comes from the lore behind the cards they're playing, the arguable identity of the game, they shouldn't have to deal with Gandalf facing off against their Chulane deck.
And referencing something I brought up earlier, this says nothing of the way the new cards could potentially interact with the game in an unbalanced or otherwise harmful way.
I think the perfect way to have done this, to do this, is literally let the cards only interact with their own franchises, and maybe introduce a new format, or variations on existing formats, that allow anything with the "Universes Beyond" branding, perhaps including actual MtG cards in that as well, sort of an anything goes format. I urge @wizardsmagic  to consider this, please.
If they don't find some way of separating these cards beyond different art/frames/whatever, in a few years, we're going to end up with games of magic that have Optimus Prime fighting Sauron, and while there's nothing inherently wrong with that, it's sort of like going to watch Jurassic World and suddenly the Smurfs are involved in the plot. I didn't buy tickets to Jurassic World to see the Smurfs, I didn't buy packs of Magic: the Gathering to sit down and play Warhammer.
I buy/play Magic: the Gathering because I like the brand and identity of Magic: the Gathering. I am a Vorthos more than anything else, and my enjoyment of the game literally hinges on my love and respect for the worlds and characters Wizards of the Coast have spent so long lovingly crafting for us. Let other brands use the rules of the game, fine, there's nothing wrong with that, but make them their own games. Please. All you have to do is say they aren’t allowed in any current formats, and create variations of those same formats where anything goes. It’s just that easy.
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samuelsart-blog · 4 years
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   "Fblthp had always hated crowds, and so he ventured into the deep forests beyond the comfort of the magisters gardens. The dense woods unravelled their mysteries for young fblthp and in a moment of illumination, he realised he was no longer lost and no longer alone". Here is a fan illustration for MTG. Fblthp is one of my favourite characters over the years and I felt like I wanted to carry on his story in some ways. I thought it would be really nice if he was able to finally find himself some more of his own kind and not be lost anymore. I hope you enjoy this illustration as much as I enjoyed painting it! I would love to see this as part of MTG. 
If you would like to see more of my work, please go here:
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mid-lifemagic · 1 year
I am so looking forward to the new lord of the rings set in MTG! I'm hoping to order a prerelease bundle and hopefully a bundle pack! I eventually would kill for a box of set boosters. I love the idea of collectors booster, but damn #wizardsmagic, the price is getting up there. I guess I'm stuck in the old school mentality of opening boosters. I would literally give a finger for the soul ring variants.It doesn't even have to be serialized. Lol The elven variant is absolutely gorgeous!
I can see now that I'm going to be spending some serious money on this set. There are so many cool cards that I want just for collecting purposes, such as the Nazgul! 9 variants! #markrosewater , how about hooking a poor middle-aged MTG lover up!? Lol Yeah, yeah, I know the odds are absolute 0 on that, but hey, here's to wishful thinking! The people who get to help design and get the word out about the new products have got to be the luckiest people in the world! Anyone have any idea how to become an AMBASSADOR?
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OMG! 🤤
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abelzumi · 6 years
Parental Advisory
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I work at an after-school program, the third one of my career and the second Magic club I’ve run. These are middle-schoolers that I play Magic with, and while rambunctious, they’re fairly well-behaved compared to a number of other kids I’ve seen around the school. The fundamentals of magic are established, although there’s questions about equipment, what’s a spell, triggered abilities, etc. Again, they’re learning; they’re not quite at the “breakthrough” grokking point of the game yet.
We have a new member who’s been coming to the program for a couple weeks, who I’ll call “Grant.” Grant is a golden child of sorts, soft-spoken and completely harmless, and he loves Magic. He’s spoken about the local game store, and his mother and I have conversations when she comes to pick him up. The last time we talked, she mentioned tournaments, and even though I explained what a “draft” was and what the time frames were all about, I hesitated.
Why? Because I’ve been to these tournaments, and the behavior there isn’t suitable for kids Grant’s age. There’s constant swearing, sexual humor, general adult ramblings and other aspects that I would never allow in our own club. And I want Grant to be able to come and learn Magic, because in our conversation, his mother asked if drafting and tournaments were a good way to increase skill level. They are the best way to practice, and the best way to learn. Failing begets reflection.
But I don’t want Grant to have to learn in an environment like this, an environment that I cannot condone for preteens. This is the age where they’re getting the most invested in Magic, and it’s the age where those sorts of environments teach them the worst behavior for children their age.
Adults gather together and have adult times. And the audience for Magic is relatively mature, resulting in language, humor, and conversation that naturally ebbs towards what would be “inappropriate” for middle-schoolers. I swear in casual conversation, but I keep it out of the club. And when my older club kids come around, I try to lessen it, because I still feel obligated to be some sort of role model. One of them I met when he was Grant’s age, and he’s an older teenager now, and I still feel guilty for swearing around them. 
That’s one of the reasons that I brought up MTG Arena to Grant’s mother. It’s a learning program where he can play Magic, draft Magic, and learn with her in a controlled environment. I can’t use Arena personally; it’s just not for me. But it’s perfect for kids like Grant. And yet, it’s lacking in community. The reason why we have Magic clubs and why we have LGS tournaments is for the camaraderie that comes with playing together. It just so happens that the in-person games are frequently inhospitable to young, malleable minds.
What can @wizardsmagic do to help? I believe it begets Wizards and MTG tournament developers to create a junior league. I would be elated to teach kids how to play in that place, how to be competitive without the constant pressures of adults around them. Tournaments are intimidating for kids when they’re beginning to learn. A tournament of like-minded players their age would be radically popular with both children and parents alike. What if we could have a preliminary league for young players, a jumping-off point to bring them into a Magic competitive scene, but without the harshness of adult competition?
I want Grant and his mother to be able to delve into Magic without forcing Grant into places that are not appropriate for him. That’s one of the reasons I’ll always keep a Magic club up and running. In the grand scheme, I can only start to help, but maybe one day there will be greater chances for him to learn.
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fierceawakening · 2 years
@wizardsmagic if you actually want to know what we want
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liliavacyncosplay · 6 years
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I stopped by the Magic Grand Prix in Orlando on Sunday as Liliana.... everyone was wonderful, got some fun games in, picked up a few new cards and grabbed a gorgeous new playmat.
(Costume made by @wonderwomanclair) Photos by @spoon-zilla and @magoborincano
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BG Sultai Guide
Faction Name: No internal name. Outsiders have yet to agree on whether this faction should be considered a kingdom or a single growing, slithering being. It’s called variously “the Beast,” “Silumgar’s Hold,” “the Rotted Lands,” or simply “the Mire.”
Dragonlord: Silumgar, the Creeping Death, the Great Beast
Dragonlord’s Seat: The Palace Animate, sited in the oldest part of the Rotted Lands and the first region the dragonlord claimed, given the name “Weeping Heart” by the Sultai who watched in confusion at its transformation before it claimed them too. Silumgar’s body rests within the throne chamber on a great couch of jade, surrounded by heaps of treasure overgrown with vines and rot. His mind and will, however, are manifest everywhere within the Rotted Lands, and he is aware of everything that occurs within. Wherever an emissary of the Mire goes, Silumgar’s desires go also.
Brood Magic: Silumgar’s will creeps and corrupts, ensnaring the thoughts until his target realizes too late that their mind is no longer their own. Dragons of Silumgar’s brood have this power of mental contagion and dominance. Their breath weapon is a corrosive mist. They are masters of necromancy, curses, and poisons. The most powerful of the brood can shapeshift. Non-dragons are often imbued with temporary magic to perform various tasks, but their power is severely limited. The rakshasa groups that failed to leave in time are kept under Silumgar’s direct control and allowed to continue practicing their own demonic magic, so long as they do so in firm accordance with their dragonlord’s will.
Faction Species: Primarily human, orc, naga, vampire, and demon. Most rakshasa abandoned the Sultai before they could be subsumed, but Silumgar managed to seize a few weaker clans, Pockets of every species on Tarkir - even dragons of other broods - can be found among those ensnared by Silumgar’s will. Sibsig (zombies) are common. A number of elementals have also arisen within the Rotted Lands.
Faction Structure: The new BG Silumgar are bad news. Trust me, you don’t want to get involved. The corrupt, decadent hierarchy of the Sultai crossed with the swarm nature of the Golgari yields a bizarre half-hivemind half-dictatorship that no one enjoys except the few on top. It’s a bit like the Zerg in that individuals are subservient to a collective mind, but there are levels of control similar to a military hierarchy. Factions exist within the swarm that battle for resources and control; indeed, this competition is encouraged, as it improves the collective survival by culling the weak and forcing evolution. Imagine the ferment and constant decay/growth of a tropical rainforest, the eternal pressure of competing organisms with no concept of morality or restraint. The collective acts like The Thing from the John Carpenter movie: it has no awareness of a difference between living and dead biomass, no understanding or interest in the pre-existing organisms - it sees only resources to be utilized.
Individuals being mentally subsumed into the hive don’t appear changed at first, and even close companions may not notice the infection in their thoughts. Subtle alterations in vocal patterns, sleep habits, and eating habits are the first outward signs. Once the mental contamination has taken hold, the individual voluntarily submits to physical incorporation into the swarm, mediated by the implantation of tendrils similar to vines or roots that grow through the individual’s existing nervous system to allow direct physical control should the collective will deem it necessary to override local thought processes. When swarm individuals interact, these tendrils will emerge from their bodies and join together into a larger network for the swift exchange of nutrients, pheromone signaling, and sensory information. Later stages of incorporation, depending on the needs of the collective, may make it necessary to alter the individual, break it down entirely for parts or resources, or combine it with others to create a tool suitable for the given purpose.
Silumgar grants a select few individuals a degree of physical and mental autonomy in order to preserve useful skills. Those rakshasa who failed to leave the Sultai in time and fell under his influence are allowed physical autonomy and permitted to keep some control of their own minds so they can continue to practice the powerful demonic magic they shared with the Sultai. Wary of that power, Silumgar monitors them directly and does not hesitate to cull any who show the slightest rebellious tendency. The few subsumed dragons of the Mire also retain some level of their original thoughts and skills, but have been imbued with utter loyalty to their new dragonlord.
No member of the collective is permitted a truly individual identity; the only name ever spoken in the Rotted Lands is that of Silumgar.
Faction Goals: Live. Grow. Take. Change. Kill. Eat. Grow. Live.
Faction History: Nothing distinct remains of the Sultai’s culture, history, or most of the population. Palaces and wealthy estates have been abandoned except for the occasional expedition to extract a needed resources. Many of the original settlements remain as twisted echoes of their former selves, farms and fisheries still worked by the remnants of the inhabitants in great drone swarms. Any unnecessary items or information - scrolls or tapestries of history, for instance - were ignored by the collective and have long since crumbled back into the jungle.
Silumgar himself didn’t conquer the Sultai directly. He didn’t need to. He is called the “Creeping Death” for the nature of his own will, which spreads and corrupts those he seeks to control. Newly-born, Silumgar found the riot of growth and decay and violent symbiosis exemplified by the deep jungle greatly to his liking. He selected an area then uninhabited by the Sultai due to its unpleasant climate and tenacious jungle life, and settled himself in the heart of it, fixing his will on seizing it as his territory alone. This patch of rainforest soon began to exhibit unsettling changes: Sultai travelers and scouts reported previously-unseen beings that seemed part plant and part animal, creatures that should have been mortal enemies working together in eerie, silent harmony, and the rapid spread of unknown plant life out from the area. Sultai rulers dismissed these accounts, however, interpreting the odd behavior as some new elemental magic in the region and receiving reassurances from the rakshasa that it certainly posed no threat to them. Soon the travelers and scouts stopped reporting back at all. 
The corruption in the heart of the jungle grew, and whole estates began to disappear into its shadow as Silumgar consumed, killed, created, and grew more and more. Some Sultai, especially those farthest away from the corrupted zone now called Weeping Heart, tried to raise the alarm. But the usual indolence and callousness of the Sultai elite masked the transformation in their thoughts long enough for Silumgar to take hold. By the time anyone thought to take action, the dragonlord already controlled the bulk of Sultai territory and resources, including its combination labor force and army of undead sibsig, and any sparks of true resistance that could not be converted by thought were simply crushed by force. The entire population unlucky enough to be present in Sultai territory at that time ended up dead, subsumed into the collective, or both.
Upon realizing what was happening to him, Tasigur, khan of the Sultai at the time of the takeover, sought out the dragonlord within Weeping Heart and threw himself at Silumgar’s feet. He claimed he would order his people to submit to their new master in exchange for keeping his own mind - which Silumgar granted. Unfortunately, Tasigur forgot to ask for his own body, too. He survives - in a manner of speaking - to this day; he retains full possession of his thoughts and memories, unclouded by the dragonlord’s influence, but his body is quite firmly controlled by Silumgar’s magic and serves as his favorite emissary. For the first hundred years or so it amused the dragonlord to permit Tasigur to keep his own voice as well, and the khan’s screams and insane raving were a common sound in Weeping Heart; but Silumgar eventually grew bored and removed Tasigur’s vocal chords, leaving him mouthing silent nonsense and endless pleas for death even as his body goes about its dragonlord’s errands.
Faction Relations: The Rotted Lands might be the only thing on Tarkir the other factions can all agree on: they’d rather leave it alone. Silumgar’s influence expands as the Rotted Lands grow, and those who cross too close to his territory can’t let themselves linger long for fear that the dragonlord’s whispers will take root in their hearts and lead them to walk into the jungle of their own volition. The Undying Kingdoms chew at its edges with axes and blasts of dry, withering desert heat; the Ojutai slip in to steal threads of knowledge from the collective memory; Atarka’s clans purify what they can and try to save those seized by the tangle; the Glorious Horde swings its blades and calls down the lightning; but all these efforts never matter. The jungle only grows back stronger. The beast endures, and its territory creeps ever outward.
Other Changes: So why venture into the Rotted Lands? Because Silumgar’s territory contains the ruins of immensely wealthy Sultai palaces and pleasure gardens, and his Palace Animate holds the greatest horde of all. Despite only rarely awakening in his own body, the dragonlord seems to enjoy treasure and directs his minions to pile it around his slumbering form in great heaps. Rumors of staggering wealth left to the jungle’s hold entice those with bad judgement and nothing to lose. Most never return, but once in a very great while one of these explorers stumbles back with fistfuls of gold - and unspeakable terror in their eyes.
Faction Mechanic: For the BG Sultai I wanted a mechanic that involved possession and taking control of opponent’s creatures. I’m not sure that would ever work out right since it kinda relies on your opponent playing a certain way, but anyway. The best I came up with was “Possess,” which was an ability on creatures. You paid the Possess cost and sacrificed the creature in order to manifest a card from any graveyard. Manifesting the card instead of putting it into play meant you still had to pay the full CMC to flip the creature up; otherwise it’d be insanely broken.
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aplodowski2 · 4 years
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I am now an official affiliate with @thewizardsmagic! Use my coupon code "AJP2" for 20% off your order!!! @oliver_phelps @jamesphelps_pictures #OliverPhelps #JamesPhelps #TheWizardsMagic #WizardsChocolate #affiliate #coupon #couponcode #blog #blogger sentairanger.com #Repost @thewizardsmagic • • • • • • Enjoy some Monday Magic with one of our innovative immunity bars! 🍫 With our chocolate being rich in anti oxidants it boosts your immune system functioning ... and it still tastes great! 📷: @ebla_yub #chocolate #magic #wizardsmagic #immunity #wizardschocolate #magicinchocolater https://www.instagram.com/p/CLWcLqug12c/?igshid=ci1hwuu0h23j
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dreamofflyingwhales · 6 years
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Adventurous Impulse from Dominaria got me thinking...
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