crimsonrain-spirits · 10 days
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@lordofshibas SILVERSPOONS YURIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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theholidaycorner · 10 months
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The Strattons of Silver Spoons.
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solhunder · 2 months
LBM is hungry, tries to eat something way to big or not suited for " human consumption".
Love your babyman drawings!❤️
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he was just hungwy :(
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trollol360 · 4 months
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tiedsh0es · 4 months
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i miss them. stupids.
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potatobugz · 15 days
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inspired by the events of iii episode 14 :3
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whipedcream · 6 months
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robux commission
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bubblyyeety · 10 months
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This was fun to do
silly tickle doodle page WAHOOO pls interact with me i need more osc moots
Got the motivation to draw with my drawing tablet for once grr
alotta these are inspired either from fanfics, others art etc.
hope u guys like the art💔💔
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kaelooloo · 10 months
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randombtsprincessa · 2 years
Backseat of my Rover
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Namjoon x Reader (2nd POV)
Words: 4k
Genre: Smut
Rating: Mature (18+)
Summary: You are trapped in an uncomfortable sitting position. Can Namjoon help make it better?
Playlist: banks - meteorite
Content Advisory - Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Crack, Comedy, Lap Sex, Fingerfucking, Public Sex, Accidental Voyeurism
A/N:  It's BEEN SO LONG! This is one of my Nano works and I am slowly getting back into writing! Gif by yours truly, it sucks I K
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The stadium location rang with screaming ARMYs, piercing the ears of the people working without earpieces or the ones who remained backstage. You were one of them, standing just meters from the blackout drapes that hid the beloved idols once their jobs were done. Once these drapes fell, so did the men, wheezing to get oxygen into their lungs after having given it their all.
Your hands covered your ears, providing meager protection against the uproar outside. The end of the encore saw that blessed curtain falling for a few moments, letting the boys get into some warmer clothing before they made a reappearance. Towels soaking up sweat, water bottles clutched in one hand and a microphone in another, they beamed at their galaxy of lovers, cameras pointing to catch every single facet of a glance.
You wondered yet again how they managed to keep that smile going when they knew that the moment they stepped foot outside, the media would rip into those precise smiles for anything to smear them with. It was madness. But it was a madness that they worked hard for - and perhaps, in some deep, dark crevice of their soul - they even felt benefited by it. It certainly seemed to pay off every time they graced the threshold of a dignitary hoping to harness the power of a vast multitude.
Tearing your eyes from the hypnotic wave of swaying people, you turned to look at the leader of BTS.
Kim Namjoon commanded the attention of the people in the room the moment he decided to raise the mic to his mouth, taking a few puffs of breath before shouting for the fandom.
The response was immediate, renewed zeal coloring the resounding yells.
“What a night, really!” He finally began, waving a hand to his grinning members. “I am, as usual, speechless with the support that you guys always shower us with. You’d think someday I’d get used to it, right?” He aimed a wink at one of the nearest fan cameras, essentially making the woman blush and shy away. “Ah, but no, it is better every single time and it’s more every single time.”
Your hands had migrated to your mouth now, covering a sheepish smile as you blatantly tuned him out. While Kim Namjoon was in no way predictable, you had to admit that you found it - extensively - difficult to focus when he…well, when he looked like that.
Namjoon’s ash blond hair stuck up every which way where he had hastily rubbed at it. The band around his head was long gone - the stray strands that fell over his forehead doing more for his disheveled look than the carefully styled grunge do could ever hope to achieve.
You sighed into your hands, lowering them till they now clasped neatly at your front, looking the picture of a doting listener. No one was really paying any attention to you, the stage managers, directors and personnel were too busy eyeing the occupants of the stage with hawk-like precision.
BTS was no amateur, of course, but it was their job. You knew they were very good and dedicated to what they did, but you still had to put up an act just on the off chance someone was bored or distracted and caught you with a dopey look on your face.
While it wouldn’t make a difference - you would never live down the shame of it.
Besides the fact that you happened to be one of the closest friends BTS had, outside of each other, you had been enjoying certain ‘privileges’ as soon as Hybe - then Big Hit - had vetted and checked the OK next to your name.
Merch at a much lower rate discounts at the brands they worked for and tickets to any events you wanted to attend were just scratching the surface and you did not want people to think that you were getting off scot-free for things people paid through the nose for.
You did, but still…
For all you knew, there were mutters about your existence already, with you being over their homes or studios as much as you did. You would still try and make sure they knew you weren’t…being untoward with them.
You weren’t, because over everything, they were your friends, very good friends and you valued them for what they meant to you and the world at large.
That didn’t mean that you couldn’t ogle. You just did so covertly.
Plus when your job had started back up, you had even less free time to be over as freely as you had once. You now attended only when you could.
And, somehow, you felt much better about it.
It certainly put a bar over any pesky feelings that had no business being there.
Eyeing Namjoon on the stage, you sighed again.
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With the end of the speeches and end moment, the curtains fell again, sweeping the boys into a dark embrace where they could be normal again, just seven men with mighty personas that ruled the world to say the most.
Jimin was the first to reach the backstage, hands shivering as he reached for the piles of water bottles. He nearly tore the cap of one, pouring water into a throat that had sang, shouted, screamed and was probably painfully hoarse.
You watched him from a respectful distance even as Hoseok joined him, the same actions exhibiting just how in need of elements they were. Seokjin, Yoongi and Namjoon remained on the stage front, no doubt deep in discussion of the concert to find out any chinks that would be addressed in their meetings later on. By the time the two youngest members joined the rest of their members; Jimin had looked up and caught your reflection in the mirror.
“____!” He cried out in surprise, eyes crinkling immediately into a beaming grin.
The call for your name drew attention from the rest of the six boys, similar yells of happy shock ringing out before Taehyung had carefully wrapped you in a bear hug. “You never told us you were coming!” He huffed.
“Yeah, I didn’t know until the last minute that I was.” You laughed, down on your feet again. You presented the small bag of candy that you had brought with you. “I got this for you all as a thank you and ‘I’m very proud’ present.”
“Oh man,” Jungkook was the first to grab it out of your hands. “You got all the good ones, this is the best.” He proceeded to tear into one of his favorite chocolate bars.
“Yah, Jungkook-ah,” Yoongi and Jin said at the same time.
The Maknae paused, one cheek ballooning around his mouthful. “Wha`?”
“You just performed a very demanding set. You need water and something light.” Namjoon said calmly.
Jungkook looked down at the bar. “This is light.”
“And healthy,” Hoseok clapped the youngest on the back.
“Guys, five minutes - and then we’re out.” One of their managers poked their head into the conversation, speaking quickly and receding just as fast. Sometimes you marveled at how quick they all were.
“Right,” Namjoon nodded at the man before looking at you. “____ will come with us. We’ll drop you on the way.”
You shook your head when the rest of them agreed. “No, no, I can take a cab. You guys are all tired and need rest. I couldn’t possibly -”
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for us to let you go off alone into the night, ____.” One of their female managers came up. “We can always take you home once we drop the boys. It’s fine. Just come along.”
In the end, you quietly followed the seven to the parking lot where their SUV waited. As usual, they had to divide, a part of them going with a few managers while the rest with other staff members.
The managers were already in, cramped with equipment.
Jin entered first, followed by Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung. Namjoon stepped into the vehicle, grunting at the tight fit.
“That’s that.” The woman who had told you to come with said, shutting the door after Joon. She turned to Jimin, “The Rover will take the rest of you.” She said, just as the door of the SUV opened again.
“Hey, if they’re getting a separate car, I should stay with them. It’s a bit of a squeeze here anyway and you can take the others home. They need the rest.”
The woman chewed her lips, considering his request before sighing. She was probably too tired for this as well. “Fine, you won’t have to wait long. I told Sungwon to come as soon as you all came out.” She said, climbing into the place Namjoon had vacated.
The SUV waited till Sungwon came with the Rover, Jimin and Jungkook quickly filing in. You glanced into the car to see the back full of metal boxes, clearly bearing more equipment. That left…
“Ah shit.” Namjoon cursed when he looked in as well. He looked over where the SUV exited, the red tail lights blinking mockingly at them now. “Sungwon-nim, why are the boxes in this car? I thought they keep this for emergencies like these.”
“What to do, Namjoon-ssi; they had all these boxes lying about and Ara told me to pack up what I could. I didn’t think you would need the car today, forgive me.”
Namjoon was quick to dismiss the man’s apology, smiling reassuringly. Then he heaved his own sigh and turned to me.
“Jimin can sit on my lap.” Jungkook piped in suddenly, making the both of you look at him.
“Fuck you, you should be sitting on my lap.” Jimin said immediately.
“I’m way bigger than you.”
“I’m older, you brat!”
“I’ll just squeeze in the back, really, its fine.” You squeaked.
“Nonsense. If anyone should be sitting in the back, it should be one of us.”
“Should I sit in the back and one of you drives?” Sungwon added in, looking amused. That effectively stopped the bickering.
Namjoon thought a moment before muttering a ‘fuck it.’ He clambered into the empty seat. “____, you’ll have to sit on my lap. We can adjust till we get home.”
There was silence.
“Huh?” You said, trying not to look horrified.
“It’s not a big deal. Just sit till we get there.”
“Your legs are already sore from all the dancing you did today.” You crossed your arms. “I’m not sitting on you.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes. “You’re not that heavy. And I’m not that weak.”
“Yeah, ____,” Jimin grinned at you. “Hyung’s been working out in case something like this happens.”
“Do you want to sit in the back, Jimin-ah?” Namjoon asked.
“____ sit on his lap, please.”
You purse your lips, looking from Jimin to Namjoon in his stubborn glory. You heaved another sigh. You were losing count of those today. “Fine.”
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Namjoon had not been lying; you discovered when you proceeded to sit on him. His thighs bulged and shifted under you, muscles moving as he adjusted himself. You kept one hand on the window’s edge, keeping most of your weight off him.
“____,” He admonished when he realized what you were doing. He placed his hands on your shoulder, pressing down till you were actually sitting on his lap.
“This is a long drive, you know. I won’t let you make yourself uncomfortable for all of it.”
“Joon, be reasonable. Just let me sit in the back.”
“No. Stop being ridiculous. Just sit quietly and it’ll be over soon. You can even sleep if you want to.”
True enough, if you leaned back, you could rest your head on his shoulder but as it was, you were already nervous and on edge. So you sat ramrod straight and looked out the front, feeling Namjoon turn his head to stare out the window as they passed the now empty stadium.
The silence of the car soon became comfortable, lulling the worn out occupants of the car into sleep. Jungkook had his head leaning back on the headrest, earphones in while Jimin had curled up already in his seat, shoes off and head cradled in his arms against the side. Small snores now echoed from his side.
You wanted to look back to see if Namjoon was asleep too, to see if you could lift yourself up from him without him realizing. While it was very…kind of the man to offer up his possibly aching legs for you to flop on, you had to admit it felt cruel to do so. Not to mention…weird. You wouldn’t lie and say that you had never found lust in your heart when they wore those ridiculous costumes that (if twitter was anything to go by) made many people gnash their teeth to avoid screaming. You admitted that you stared at your friends and found them hot. But you had always kept it objectively fair.
This though…
You turned your head as best as you could; only managing to see the side of his head. You huffed, trying to move to the front so you could turn properly. Only, you were inhibited by the angle you sat in and the motion of the car. You squiggled, trying to find the best way to look at his face when Namjoon’s hands moved again. This time, they didn’t land on your shoulders. They wrapped along your waist.
“____, what are you trying to do?”
His voice was low, husky in your ear and you had to fight back the shiver it brought.
“Um, I was just checking to see if you were awake.”
You shrugged, not really wanting to admit that you were about to get off him. You’d sit on the floor of the car if it came to that. “I’m sorry I woke you.” You whispered instead.
“Oh, you woke me alright.” His hands were still on your waist, warm and snug, keeping you still on him when you felt it.
Oh…oh dear…
“Um, Joon?” You hedged, freezing on him when you realized that what you were feeling wasn’t actually his thigh muscles after all.
“Yes ____?”
“I think you…um, I think that you…”
“Yes? I am what?”
You refused to say it. You would not say it so you fell silent. It seemed that even Namjoon wouldn’t help you along with it.
“Turned on? Aroused?” He murmured finally when you never spoke again.
“Joon, just go back to sleep.” The…thing was much more noticeable now and this had to be the most awkward position you’d ever been in your life. You wouldn’t lie and say you’d never accidentally brushed up with their ‘bits’ ever. You were friends, it happened. But this…with his voice in your ear and his hot hands on your body…
Suffice it to say, you couldn’t wait to get home.
Namjoon ignored you. “I’m hard.” Gone was the murmur, his voice harsher against you. “And you keep squirming on top of me - that’s not helping.”
“Do you want me to get up?” You asked, careful to keep your voice down.
“No. You’re so warm and soft on me, like a blanket, why would I let you get up?” He chuckled in your ear and your neck prickled at the proximity.
This wasn’t right…
“Namjoon, you shouldn’t…” You trailed off when his hands moved, one going around to place a large palm on your front, holding you to him and the other rubbing down your leg. The slinky material of your skirt was cold in the car’s air conditioning, a startling contrast to the heat of his palm.
The skirt rose up as he drew his palm back. Your hands clutched at the window edge, trying to find some leverage to pull away from him. His hand was now under the material, hand flat against the side of your thigh. You gasped, wildly looking around at the car.
Jimin was still asleep, snores now very obvious. Jungkook still had his ear phones in but his head drooped to indicate, he too must have dozed off. You looked at the driver. Sungwon had the radio on, humming along and the seat was too high for him to notice anything behind him.
“Am I doing something you don’t want me to?”
His actions ceased immediately at his words, and in that moment you took stock of what was actually happening.
Kim Namjoon had his hands on you with one very close to the apex of your thigh. Namjoon, the man you’d felt flutters of nothing and everything for, was trying to hook up with you. Stepping away from the slippery slope that that led to, were you even equipped to handle what he could dish out?
In that moment, you were forced to pick between a jumpy but eager heart and body and the cold logical presumption of your brain that disdained the idea of you being good enough to date a BTS member. Not when they could have literally anyone they wanted.
“Joon, please,” You begged. You didn’t know what you were pleading for. Was it to keep him going? Was it to end this madness and push you both back to a place where you would always wonder of that pesky ‘what if?’
“Do you want me, ____?” Was his next question and obviously, you couldn’t bring yourself to lie.
“Yes,” You whispered, hating the way your whisper cracked on such a small but crucial word.
Even as you saw the line being drawn in the sand of your friendship with them, Namjoon took a moment to gauge your acceptance.
His fingers ran slow circles over your skin, warming your flesh in a way that had you melt further into your stupid decision. But well, you’d decided…and now you couldn’t just not go through with it, could you?
You leaned back into him, finding some solid comfort against his chest. The hand that held you to him tightened while the one under your skirt now pushed towards your center. You kept your eyes to the front as Namjoon maneuvered your body, sinking you further into him and angling you just so his hands landed on your core with the skirt covering his actions if anyone did turn their eyes on you.
“Are you sure, ____?” He asked.
“Please, Joon,” You whispered again and then his hands were inside your underwear, tips of his fingers caressing the mound. “Wait, what about you?”
“Shh, this is about you right now.” He muttered against your shoulder, breath hot. “Just work with me.”
You weren’t sure what to say. A part of you was thrilled to have him be doing this, but you didn’t want to seem as you were…taking advantage of his situation. Any other word of protest that you might have uttered died when his finger found your clit, having pushed your legs to spread over his own.
You covered your mouth when he applied pressure, considering your now lewd posture on top of the leader of BTS. And it might be hidden, but it was pretty damn obvious what was happening.
You let out a quiet grunt at the first circle of his rough fingers around the button. “Quiet, ____,” Why had you never realized how much you liked hearing your name from him? “We don’t want everyone to hear us, do we?” That question sounded too open-ended to be a real admonishment.
You bit your lips, trying to float with the way Namjoon worked you. He maintained a painfully slow pace, rubbing into your clit before alternating to pinch your lower lips closed over the nub. Your skin tingled, sensitive from the attention you were getting.
“Joon,” You turned your head to whisper to only him, hoping, praying he would have some pity. It was unbearable, sitting in a cold car with a hot hand over your most vulnerable spot, keeping you on edge.
“You want more?”
He took your squirming as a yes, hand pushing further into the panties to dip into your wetness. Tapping the wet flesh, he tracked the fluid upwards, painting the skin with your arousal for better lubrication.
“I think we can do better, can’t we?” He asked, sounding amused before his middle finger delved towards your hole.
Your muscles contracted at his proximity, Namjoon tutting once as his other hand moved as well. It fumbled under your shirt, finding its way in to cup a covered breast. “You have no idea how much I want to see you, ____. This will just have to do for now. I want you to relax, just breathe ok.”
And that was the thing about Namjoon.
It would be the strangest of things but he would be able to reassure and comfort you to such a degree that you would do anything. And so, you took a deep breath, settling against him and relaxing your body. Slowly, very carefully, you felt his digit enter you, curling some distance in.
He had to cough to cover the sound the both of you let out, his finger still in you, and your walls pulsating around him. He yanked his hand out of your shirt, grasping your neck to turn your ear to him.
“Fuck, ____, I want to kiss you so bad right now.”
You stared at him as best as you could, eyes falling to his mouth as you licked your lips in preparation. He followed the movement, grinning. “Only, let’s not, I won’t be able to control myself if I kiss you right now.” He opened his mouth as he pushed his finger completely into you, the knuckles brushing against your thighs.
He pumped you twice with one finger, gently sliding in another when he felt you relax more. Keeping your head turned towards the side where you breathed in his scent, he glanced over your shoulder, the motion of his hand visible through the fabric of the skirt.
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Maybe it was you, but the wet sounds that emanated from his actions soon echoed loudly around you. Sungwon had long since stopped humming, the radio now a distant croon in the background. Jimin snorted a few times, the both of you freezing when he did but soon turned and continued to sleep. God, when would you get there already? You didn’t think you could take any more.
Namjoon had found your sweet spot a few minutes in and was unabashedly exploiting it, brushing against it to get your hackles up and then missing it entirely to rile you up. Your hands were clutching the handle, the other now in his hair.
Head buried in your neck, Namjoon panted hotly, muttering sweet nonsense to you that you could barely hear over the pounding of your blood. If you could get away with it, you’d have trashed, begged him to let you fall over the edge already. You were so close, it hurt. Your eyes fluttered close, a moan bubbling in your chest.
“Shit, ____.” Namjoon growled and your eyes flew wide open, seeing things in HD suddenly.
You were about to fall, you were toeing the line and then…
Your eyes met Jungkook’s.
His earphones were still plugged in, mouth agape as he stared at you in the mirror attached to the shotgun. The mirror must have reflected every damn thing that had happened and you had no clue how long Jungkook had been watching.
Namjoon hadn’t caught his Maknae watching, he only felt your walls tighten on him and redoubled his efforts to make you come.
And you did.
Watching Jungkook’s eyes trail down, most likely to where he could see…the activities, you climaxed.
Your core gripped Namjoon’s helping hand passionately, your juices slicking his fingers while the man pressed silent kisses to the side of your head to ease you along with it.
You slumped back against him in the aftershocks, eyes warily seeking the passenger in the front.
Jungkook’s eyes had returned to stare straight into your eyes. Gone was the wide-eyed stupefaction, in its place all you could see brewing was an alarming intensity.
Oh dear, what had you gotten into?
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meatforkk · 10 months
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just posting stuff from my instagram
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knifebulbceo · 3 months
Okay, I wanna say 2 things.
1) You art is AMAZING! i genuinely love it a lot /vpos
2) If and when you can, are you able to doodle silverbrush? if you don’t want to it’s completely understandable ^^
Keep up the great work !!
HELP IM SO SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING EARLIER(it's been like almost 3 months...)
But here u go
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Tumblr don't ruin my quality
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realitys-ex · 1 year
Now, Everyone can agree that the Fullmetal Alchemist Manga is a banger (I assume both animes are too, but I haven't watched 'em so no comment).
What a bunch of people don't know is that the artist/writer Hiromu Arakawa has written 2 other original works (one is complete the other is ongoing.
Silver Spoon: About a kid from Tokyo who, to get away from the demands of his parents/the stress of academia, attends a Farming School in the middle of nowhere where he is p.much the only one without a farming background. Hilarity, character development, etc. ensues.
Daemons of the Shadow Realm: A dude is raised in a mountain village, farming, hunting. etc. Until one day a fucking helicopter comes out of nowhere, his village is 50% slaughtered, turns out that the village existed for the sole purpose of breeding him and his sister, and it is not the 1400s anymore. Oh and Demons are a thing. Violence, humour, character development, etc. ensue. (This one is ongoing)
Now they are both 10/10, and I highly reccomend reading them both But that is not the point of this post.
She has drawn hundreds, if not thousands of faces at this point, so it is no surprise that you will see some repeats between the mangas.
REALLY FUCKING JARRING! (somewhat less jarring to see them in tactical gear murdering people, or speaking with demons, cause that feels slightly in character)
Anyway, that aside, if you liked her worldbuilding, realism, in depth characters, approach to romance, etc. I do really reccomend them both.
(She also did another one entitled 'The Heroic Legend of Arslan' but as I haven't read it yet and it is a collaboration, I didn't mention it above)
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anxaartistic · 1 year
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camenxi · 1 year
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Staring into your eyes critters!
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