#Sims 2Machinima
triplemproductions · 5 months
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Danielle Lexa Stromheart has endured a lifetime of pain and trauma that began the night of her birth.
She was born to Randee & Axel Stromheart who came from a family that lived a very unconventional lifestyle. The moment Dani was born, her mother rejected her. Randee wanted nothing to do with her and wanted to be rid of her, but Axel insisted that it was wrong and that he wouldn’t let Randee hurt her.
Randee forced Axel to take Dani if he wanted to care for her so badly, and kicked him out of their parents' house that they were sharing. Being a young father terrified Axel and so he turned to the only person knew at the time, an escort named Eileen whom he had befriended (more on that later). Eileen allowed Axel to stay at her place with her and her son and together they raised Dani until Axel could get on his feet and afford his own place to live.
From there, Axel raised Dani as a single father, but he often neglected her as he had issues of his own to work out. Eileen continued to help by babysitting Dani while Axel ran the strip club that he owned (long story, more on that later).
Being neglected caused Dani to start acting out and getting into trouble. She never faced any real consequences for her actions from Axel since he barely acknowledged her existence.
Dani soon met Braxton and though he was a few years older than her, the two became fast friends and started getting into all sorts of mischief together.
This friendship led to Dani becoming a mother at a young age and her father was furious when he found out about it. After she gave birth to her daughter Lavana, Dani was forced by Axel to give her up, but Braxton stepped up and took responsibility for the baby. Being a young father himself, he enlisted the help of his father, Jett, and raised Lavana on his own.
Dani and Axel’s relationship only became worse from that point on. Adding to the mental and emotional abuse Dani had already been suffering, Axel started ‘punishing’ her in the worst way.
When she turned sixteen, Dani began dating a teen guy by the name of Raleigh Durand. She soon found herself to be pregnant for the second time, but didn't know who the father was.
She gave birth to her son Tempest and raised him with Axel but continued to see Raleigh.
Axel eventually met the woman he would marry, Makayla. From that point on he put all of his energy into making himself a better man and once again began ignoring Dani. She moved into a place of her own with Raleigh and together they continued raising Tempest and eventually had a daughter together they named Desdemona.
Dani cheated on Raleigh with Braxton’s younger brother, Jerry, thus ending the years long relationship she had with Raleigh. He took 4-year-old Desdemona with him when he moved out and left 6-year-old Tempest with Dani because she still wasn't sure who the father was.
More years went by, and Dani met a man named Blaze. He fell for her almost instantly, but she was reluctant to get into another relationship after her string of bad luck. The night they met; she had come into Braxton’s club to see her now grown-up daughter Lavana perform. She had managed to watch Lavana grow up from afar, but never revealed to her who she was despite Braxton’s urging her to do so.
Blaze eventually convinced her to finally reunite with Lavana and though Dani was afraid that her daughter would hate her for abandoning her, she was surprised to receive a warm welcome. Lavana was thrilled to finally meet Dani and they currently have a good mother daughter relationship.
Recently, Blaze proposed marriage to Dani, but she panicked and rejected him. She ran into Braxton’s arms and ended up cheating on Blaze who then promptly broke up with her when he caught them in bed together.
Dani is angry with herself and must work through all her trauma. She is scared to let herself be loved because she feels worthless, as though she is merely a damaged, useless thing to be thrown away like yesterday's garbage when something or someone better comes along.
Blaze loves her deeply despite knowing her past and everything she’s been through. He knows deep down that she loves him too, but he’s just not willing to be with her if she’s only going to cheat on him.
Stay Tuned for more of Dani's story coming in future episodes of my series Crossing The Wind's Path!
UPDATE: Blaze and Dani are now married. They had an amazing Gothic style wedding at a castle venue with all of their family and friends in attendance!
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vintagelovv11 · 6 years
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triplemproductions · 5 months
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Brian Braxton Jemenda grew up in a sort of cult. Due to the teachings he received from the leader, he developed a very twisted view of the world he lived in and the people in it.
He learned real quick that he must obey the teachings or face severe consequences. As he reached adolescence, he was given more freedom outside of the walls of the complex he lived in.
He began exploring the world with his skewed view of how things really worked and didn’t know how to interact with people appropriately. This led him to befriend a young girl named Dani and though she was younger than him, they soon became best friends.
Eventually that friendship led to Braxton becoming a father for the first time at a young age. Dani’s father forced her to give up the baby and Braxton stepped up. He didn’t know what he was doing, but with the help of his father Jett, he was able to raise her though not very good.
As his daughter Lavana got older, Braxton fell into addiction of substances and interacted with her less so he could focus on getting his band Fueled Madness off the ground.
The band consisted of his younger brother Jerry, their father Jett, and a friend named Draven.
Braxton married a young woman named Kira and soon the two of them had a son they named Jonah, but Braxton was anything but a faithful husband. He wasn’t very good to Kira and didn’t pay much attention to either of his children. Due to his unfaithfulness, Kira began seeing other guys including Jerry, but Braxton didn’t really care about it.
He only cared about making it big with the band, but then his father Jett who played the guitar decided that he needed to quit to the band and focus on his new wife and son. This angered Braxton and caused a rift between him and his father, but it also led him to search for a new guitarist for the band.
Some guys he knew from his exploits around town suggested their teenage nephew and though he was skeptical, Braxton agreed to hear the kid play. He went to an open mic night and that was where he first met sixteen-year-old Raleigh Durand.
At first glance, Braxton believed Raleigh to be nothing more than a punk kid that he didn’t want to waste his time on. He had a brightly colored mohawk and piercings all over his face, but Braxton ignored that since he himself was covered in tattoos and also had a spikey mohawk at the time.
The thing that bothered Braxton the most was that Raleigh was in a relationship with Dani at the time, but the moment he heard Raleigh play the guitar, he knew he’d found his new band member despite everything else.
With Raleigh on the guitar, the band was able to put a demo together and the band soon hit it big. They became famous around their town and grew more popular all the time, but Braxton’s marriage to Kira suffered more than it ever had before. They fought all of the time and he was always yelling at her. They now not only had their son Jonah, but their daughter Albra had come along, and all the fighting scared them.
It didn’t take long for them to finally divorce and for Braxton to put all of his time and energy into the band. He would hook up with various women and often pass out under the influence of some substance or another.
It wasn’t until he met a woman named Silhouette that he realized that he didn’t want to continue living his life the way he had been. He managed to get himself clean and worked hard to be become the kind of man he felt she deserved. She was reluctant to date him at first, but she soon couldn’t resist his charm.
Braxton knew that Silhouette had been in love with Draven for many years, but the two had never made their relationship serious due to Draven having many issues of his own. It wasn’t until after he faked his own death that Braxton had even approached Silhouette.
Even after she discovered Draven had faked his death, Silhouette stayed with Braxton.
Their relationship grew with each passing day and Braxton felt happy for what seemed like the first time in his life. He worked hard to repair his relationship with his three kids, life couldn’t have been better. He proposed to Silhouette at a wedding of one of their friends and she accepted.
Everything seemed to be going wonderfully in his life. That is until the night before their wedding, Draven showed up at Silhouette’s house and pleaded with her not to marry Braxton. With conflicting emotions and being naïve, Silhouette ended up sleeping with Draven that night.
Braxton found out about her infidelity on a celebrity gossip channel the morning after their honeymoon. He was devastated, but instead of annulling their marriage right then and there, he decided that he wanted to try and make it work, but from there on it was a very strained relationship.
The trust had been broken and the two fought more of the time than they spent enjoying each other’s company. They had a son they named Shadow during this time, but it didn’t make anything better.
Silhouette remained in contact with Draven despite promising that she would no longer associate with him, and this led them to once again ending up in bed together. Braxton caught them and that ended their marriage that very night.
Currently Braxton is dealing with his divorce from Silhouette. He had sunken back to his old ways and is drinking heavily and doing substances. He often turns to Dani for comfort, and this has caused her to lose her boyfriend Blaze.
Stay tuned for more of Braxton’s story in future episodes of my Crossing The Wind’s Path series!
UPDATE: Braxton and Haley are currently engaged and will be getting married very soon. They are also expecting a baby!
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