#Singapore full body check up price
asiamedicsg · 1 year
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eo-obsession · 1 year
Ningxia Red - what tipped me over into YL
For the longest time I have resisted, but I finally caved.
It was something someone has let me sample more than 8 years back and at that time, although I had thought it was a great tasting product and seemed to give me an instant boost, I had reasoned, I didn't need it. I had gojiberries in my diet and they were easily available, easy to use in cooking, and probably I could get the other antioxidants and vitamins elsewhere in my diet.
Now that I'm a little older and starting to have some eye focusing issues, it didn't hurt to get a starter pack to see if it helped my eyes. Turned out - it did! I am not having such a difficult time reading text messages on my phone especially in the mornings, after only 2 weeks of intermittent use, and months later it seems to be a sustained benefit. Of course I am also more careful with my diet and choose to have more B vitamins, omega 3 and protein rather than the bare minimum I was going by during the Covid-19 era, but overall I am very grateful to have this product in my life to give me a headstart in my path to recovery.
If you are in the US, check out the starter bundle, it is full of the amazing benefits of gojiberry, citrus essential oils for that mental boost and other super antioxidant ingredients like sweet cherry, plum, blueberry, available to you at a discounted price. This also gets you an instant 24% off (member price) other Young Living products, without signing up as a brand partner:
If you are located in Singapore or Malaysia, you can always take advantage of the heavily discounted bundle price and sign up as a member, the benefits that Ningxia Red's antioxidants can do for your body is well worth the value.
Here are my referral links for the different regions:
USA: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/37723593
Singapore: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=37723593&enrollerid=37723593&isocountrycode=SG&culture=en-SG&type=customer
Malaysia: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=37723593&enrollerid=37723593&isocountrycode=MY&culture=en-MY&type=member
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition consult a health care professional prior to use. Shake well before use. Refrigerate after opening. Consume within 30 days. NingXia is certified as Halal and Kosher in the 750 ml bottles.
*Gojiberries are known to have oestrogen-mimicking effects so do not use if you have contraindicated conditions. Use with discretion in young or prepubescent children and adolescents.
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mediwayuniverse · 4 years
Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure, but how frequently we go for health screening is an entirely different narrative. If you are a foreigner, you must update your health condition to the authority by attending the tests at any foreign worker medical checkup clinic in Singapore.
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asiamedicsg · 1 year
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Full body check-up Singapore | AsiaMedic Health Screening. AsiaMedic Health Screening Singapore provides a variety of health screening packages and wellness programs that include customized suggestions, full body check-up, and treatments. Get a health evaluation today!
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thetimeoftomorrow · 4 years
(From Singapore's Ministry of Health: https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/faqs)
[Relevant as of 27 March 2020]
Hello everyone. Firstly I would like to inform you that I am from Singapore, and we are fighting alongside everyone against the Corona virus. Secondly, all the information I present will be taken directly from my country's government and the link has been provided above as I am not a medical student. Thirdly, please do take this pandemic seriously as it is NOT a laughing matter, and I hope that you keep calm and positive througout this situation.
What are Coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses causing illnesses ranging from the common cold to pneumonia (a more severe lung infection). A new coronavirus strain has been identified in Wuhan, China. Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) has caused cases of severe pneumonia in China and cases have been exported to other countries and cities.
How does COVID-19 spread?
There is human-to-human transmission of COVID-19. For now, the evidence suggests spread is mostly via droplets. The virus is carried within droplets emitted from an infected person over a short distance, such as when the person coughs or sneezes. If these droplets come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth of another person, directly or indirectly through hands that have come into contact with these droplets, the other person may become infected. Members of public are advised to remain vigilant and observe good personal hygiene practices.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The symptoms of COVID-19 infection are similar to that of regular pneumonia. Typical symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
What is the treatment for COVID-19?
Supportive treatment is provided based on the patient’s clinical condition. No proven specific treatment or anti-viral drug for COVID-19 is currently available.
Is the disease deadly? How is it compared to SARS?
The situation is evolving and many characteristics of the virus and how it may affect people are still unclear. However, current information suggests COVID-19 can cause severe disease and death in 2% to 3% of people with the infection, especially among the elderly and those people with underlying health problems or compromised immune systems.
Who should wear a mask?  What kind of mask should I wear? 
For the general public who are not having any symptoms at all and are well, there is no requirement to wear a mask. 
As a good hygiene measure, people who are not well and have respiratory symptoms should wear a mask so that they do not spread any infection to other people. Anyone who has symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible, to make sure that they remain well. 
In the case of COVID-19, we know that the infection is spread through droplets. Wearing a mask will protect other people when someone with respiratory symptoms coughs or sneezes, as the mask would trap those droplets and prevent those droplets from spreading and disseminating.
As such, a surgical mask is sufficient for this case and fulfils the important function of preventing a spread if worn properly. The mask should be changed if it gets soiled or stained.
Why do healthcare professionals use an N95 mask and don full personal protective equipment (PPE), including goggles, then?
When dealing with infectious diseases, healthcare workers are required to wear the personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 and goggles, as they are in close contact with patients and their bodily fluids.
As such, the PPE is needed to create a barrier between healthcare workers and the infectious agents from the patients, and to reduce the risk of transmitting micro-organisms from healthcare workers to patient(s).
How long is the incubation period? If somebody travels to cities with confirmed cases, how many days of no-symptoms after the travel, will he/she then be considered clean and disease-free?
Data from cases in China suggests that the incubation period is around 14 days.
Therefore, travellers are advised to monitor their health closely for at least 2 weeks upon return to [home country]. You are advised to seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and to also inform your doctor of your travel history.
Summary for COVID-19 FAQ
I have compiled the FAQ to be useful to an international audience so if you are a fellow Singaporean please head to the website and remain updated as often as possible. If you are NOT from Singapore, you may still check the link for relevant general information if it helps. Please note the relevancy of this information and stay up to date with the latest news.
COVID-19 Personal Experiences FAQ
(Circulated among Singaporean Citizens)
I have compiled a list of relevant information that fellow Singaporeans have been sharing among themselves. I hope people would take the time to read these anecdotes to understand the gravity of the situation, and that it may help in your understanding of this virus. Please do also take the information with a pinch of salt as they have not been confirmed/checked by any authority.
Annecdote from a Singaporean Patient's Family
"Make no mistake. When loved ones are removed from your home by ambulance because the virus has hit them hard, you are not going to be able to follow them there, sit by their hospital bed and hold their hand. You are not going to be able to pop in at 7.00 pm for visiting hours. They are going to have no one other than exhausted and brave hospital staff to see them through days or weeks of barely breathing through a ventilator until they either die or recover. They are not going to be well enough to text you.
You are not going to be able to phone the ward to check in on them regularly (staff will be too busy for that). During that time, they will be completely alone, while you sit at home waiting to hear whether they have made it through.
Imagine that person is someone you love dearly. Because it's going to be a reality for many in the coming weeks.
And if that person in hospital happens to be you, going through that ordeal completely alone, it would be nothing less than terrifying.
Please stay home and only go out if absolutely necessary. Social distancing is imperative right now for your family and mine."
Day by Day Symptoms of COVID-19 from Patients
Day 1-3
Common Cold
Itchy throat
No fever, no fatigue & good eating & drinking seems normal.
Day 4
Painful throat, more itchy/scratchy. The body is weak, & seems intoxicated
Hoarseness (husky voice)
36.5° body temperature
Start to decrease appetite include not wanting to eat & drink water
Mild head pain/headache
Mild diarrhea
Day 5
Inflammation of the throat (You might see white dots or patches in the back of your throat-might be red & swollen). Hoarseness until you lose your voice
36.5°-36.7° body temperature
The body is weak (body malaise) and joint pain(the pain is like rheumatism or gout)
Day 6
37° body temperature (fever)
A dry cough (coughing without phlegm)
Painful throat while eating, worsens when you swallow & when you talk
Body malaise, nausea or recurrent vomiting
Mild breathing problems/shortness of breath
Hand & finger pains
Vomiting (throwing up) and diarrhea (watery bowel movements)
Day 7
High fever from 37.4°-37.8°
Persistent cough with phlegm
Headache/head pain along with diarrhea
Persistent diarrhea
Persistent vomiting
Day 8
Fever 38° above
Breathing problems/Shortness of breath
Persistent cough
Headache, more joint pain, that passes in the lower back like pain in the buttocks (lumbar strain)
Day 9
No relief at all
Fever is getting high temperature
Persistent cough with phlegm
Worsening shortness of breath
If you feel all these, please go to the nearest Hospital's for testing and medication. There is no need to be afraid of having checked on what is being felt to avoid the loss of life for no reason.
I would like to emphasise that this information is NOT checked by authorities so please do not panic unnecessarily. Please do not spread panic or quote this information without citing its lack of source. Remain calm, and please direct yourself to the nearest hospital/clinic if you are unwell. If that is unavailable to you in your country/state and you are sick, please socially distance yourself at home until the medical team's/hospitals call you in.
Concluding Statement
I understand that for some of you information, medical facilities/equipment, and perhaps even basic necessities (such as food/water/shelter) are unavailable, seeing as I am interacting with an international audience. However, I would like to implore you to stay calm while you treat this matter with the utmost seriousness. This is because anxiety among the people would only cause prices in goods to sky rocket, and you will only endanger people when the market starts bidding wars for things such as equipment and medicine.
So please, firstly do not conduct mass-purchase of anything unnecessarily as it would only result in an inflation in prices for important goods. An example would be chloroquine which is NOT a cure for COVID-19, as mass purchase will place/is placing people suffering from lupis and arthritis at a disadvantage. These patients need that medication, unlike some of us who don't even know if it works against COVID-19.
Seccondly, please do not treat social distancing as a joke. Lives are at stake, and this means any form of contact with the virus will infect your immune system. While travelling overseas might seem fun due to the low priced flight tickets or because of spring break, this virus will infect you and your loved ones if you do not take the necessary precaution. This means sharing of food, untensils, clothes et cetera should be avoided to prevent the virus from infecting others and yourself. Some of you might want to die, but others don't so please, mind their consent if you can't be bothered with yours.
Thirdly, (I do apologise if I sound distinctly more annoyed as I type this, seeing how humanity consistently tries my patience) the corona virus is not an excuse for you to be racist or classist. I repeat: the corona virus is not an excuse for you to be racist or classist. While the COVID-19 virus did originate from China, it is not the 'chinese virus' and it was not borne from skin tones or genetics. It was instead born from the unlucky evolution of bacteria/germs that China so happened to win said lottery for.
This is the country that is developing and making the ventilators you need to stay alive. This is the country that has developed a new technique to keep you breathing/blood circulating if you are unable to do so. This is the country that gave the world 42 days to prepare for an enslaught of cases. They have no reason to help you: the virus was not made by them and you are not their citizen. But they are helping, and the least you can do is to be kind. (And if anyone would like to argue I'd like to quote Wu Chuanpu of supply chain Vedeng on ventilators that "the expansion of the production line is very time-consuming and resources-intensive," and "also involves personnel training. It is too cumbersome.")
So please, do not judge, do not be prejudiced and for the love of god be kind. The world is suffering, and people are dying. This is not the time to be fooling around or placing other things as your priority, whether it be your job, your fun, or your god damn xenophobia.
The priority is containment and survival.
To rebuild humanity you need humanity to exist in the first place. Stop being stupid, selfish and a damn ass hole about it. The virus isn't picky about its victims. It isn't going to care how much money you have, what your skin colour is, or what your age is. We have to work together and fight the common enemy. So stop taking sides and pick this one, the one where everybody wins. Don't be a fucking wuss cowering in the face of this virus. Mankind is resourceful, you are resourceful! Focus on what you can do and not what you can't! Take action, even if it seems small, because the small ones definitely count.
Keep yourself safe, signal boost this for people in need of information, and let's fight hard! Cause I'm definitely welcoming 2021 with all you people on this weird blue site.
Hugs and kisses from the fucking little red dot in Asia bitches ♡
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quirkidigital · 6 years
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Hello everyone, I (finally) made a proper commission post! Feel free to look through and if interested, check out the details under the read more^^
Reblogs/signal boosts are greatly appreciated!
Opening commissions for my painterly style drawings (as seen above and also for the art i posted on tumblr more recently)- prices are as listed above for the usual body proportions, and $25 each for a chibi.   
If Interested, please email to [email protected] with the following information: 
1. Commission type (headshot, bust/waist-up, full body etc)
2. Description of the character(s) (especially for OCs), who they are, what do you want them to do etc. 
3. Reference images/links
Payment would be via paypal, so please ensure that you’re able to make payment via paypal or debit/credit card before contacting. Your commission will only start after payment has been made.
If you’re from Singapore, let me know so we can work it out with local payment methods instead :D
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day! ^^
P.S. I’ve had a few potential commissioners contact me via tumblr (messages/asks/fanmail etc before for commissions, not that that’s not okay, but I’m not as active on tumblr so chances are I might see your message late (sometimes very late), so please email me so we won’t miss each other! ;w; Thank you ;w;
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mediwayuniverse · 4 years
What is the Purpose of Regular Physical Examination in Singapore? – Learn about the Preparation, Procedure, and Follow-up
A physical examination is a routine test that is done annually or twice a year to check your overall health condition. The tests are done by PCP or primary care provider, who could be a doctor or a certified nurse or physician’s assistant. You don’t have to be sick to go for an annual full body check-up, but the idea of this check-up is to stay away from any sickness.
The physical exams are the perfect time to ask your healthcare provider about your health and discuss any changes or problems that you have noticed. Depending on your health condition or age, you may be asked to go through different tests and the results will be used to evaluate your health condition. After reading the test reports, your healthcare provider will prescribe you certain medications (if needed) or a change of lifestyle that will include the sleep cycle, diet, and exercise. These annual health screenings can be done at any licensed health clinic, and you can check full body check up Singapore price at their website.
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Annual physical exam: The purpose
A physical examination will help your primary healthcare provider or family doctor to determine the general status of your health. This will also give you the chance to talk about certain physical or mental issues or pain or certain symptoms that you are experiencing. Singapore is a business nation and most people are so busy with their jobs that they don’t get time to look after themselves. That is why annual health screening tests are so important and must never be avoided if you want a healthier life.
These physical examinations must be done at least once a year, especially if you are over 40 years.
The tests will be used to,
Deter possible diseases at an early stage
Certain issues that can lead to bigger concerns in the future
Update necessary immunization
Ensuring a healthy lifestyle
Building good relationships with your PCP or family doctor
Besides, if you are a foreigner and looking to earn your work permit to enter and work in Singapore soil, you will be asked to visit an FDW medical examination clinic and do the following tests.
FDW work permit test Singapore: step by step procedure
First, you will have to register yourself, by submitting the copy of your passport and medical form
After the completion of the registration process, a certified nurse will take your body measurements that will include,
Blood pressure
Pregnancy test
Eyesight test
After that, you will be asked to go into the X-ray where the radiographer will take the image of your chest
At last, you will have to provide a blood test to check if you have any STDs or not
Annual physical exam: How to prepare for it?
Make an appointment with the best health screening clinic near you unless you don’t have a family doctor. Now if you are prepared enough, it will save you a lot of time and you will be able to tell all about your current health issues.
Before going for the annual test, keep the following things with you,
List of the current medication you are taking, which will include OTC drugs and herbal supplements
List of any symptoms of pain that you have been experiencing lately
Relaxant test results, like sugar or  cholesterol
Medical surgeries (if any)
Names and contacts of the doctors
Questions you want to ask
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S-pass Singapore
What Is a S-Pass?The S-Pass is a working visa in Singapore. It is suitable for mid-level skilled foreign employees who are specialized technicians and advanced expertise in industries related to chemicals, electronics, aerospace engineering, marine, pharmaceuticals, and others. This pass is valid for a period of up to 2 years. Foreign employees are granted employee pass and s pass. But S-Pass is a good option compared to employees pass when a company does not have a  high budget to pay high salaries to employee pass holders.you can read more about "How to get s pass in Singapore" here
Employees must have a fixed monthly salary of at least $2500. They can also have passes for the family if they qualify for this criterion. They are also eligible for permanent residency after having S-Pass. An employer or appointed agent must apply for this pass on behalf of their employees or applicants. In case a pass holder changes a job, then his new employer can apply for a new pass. And all employers are required to provide medical insurance for S-Pass. S pass is considered a higher value than employee passes. Different companies have a quota for S-Pass or employee pass, which depends on the employees employed in that company. Obtaining a quota for S-Pass is challenging. Our ODINT Consultancy will help you to understand the S-Pass and related information.Eligibility Criteria For S Pass in Singapore
The s pass is only for skilled foreign employees who qualify the following criteria.
Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $2500. Older and experienced employees required more salary to qualify.
Having required working experience.
At least have 1-year full-time study certificate and degree of diploma related to technicians and specialists courses.Required qualifications
Qualifications from unaccredited institutions are not acceptable. You can contact these agencies for checking whether the institute is unaccredited or accredited-
Global verification agencies
Awarding country’s educational authorities
International accreditation bodies
There are three types of accrediting bodies:
Each of the accredited institutes maintains standards in that area. Seven regional bodies approve the four-year public and private institutions.Concept of a self-assessment toolOne can use self-assessment toot to check whether he is eligible or not for having the S-Pass. With the use of the self-assessment tool, if he is not eligible and even after this he applies for S-Pass, then it will be rejected. If he is eligible according to the self-assessment tool, then there are 90 to 95 percent chances to get S-Pass without any rejection.Family members passA pass holder can apply for passes for family members too if he will qualify for this criterion of having a fixed monthly salary of $6000 at least. For this, he has to apply the S-Pass application with or later from a family member’s pass application.Quota requirements for S-PassIf the employers are new and have not applied for any pass yet, they need to declare their business activity for quota calculations. Under an existing quota for S-Pass, a company can hire several S-Pass holders is depending upon the following conditions:
The company is having at least 10 percent of the total workforce in the service sector.
In the manufacturing sector, at least 20 percent. From January 2022, this sector requires 20 percent of the workforce.
And having 18 percent of the workforce in the process sector.
Employees who have an existing quota and want to exceed that quota will:
Require to keep existing employees in the company until their pass expires.
They are not allowed to renew their existing S-Pass and to apply for a new pass-over quota.LevyForeign workers levy is also known as a levy. It is a pricing mechanism that regulates the number of foreign employees/ workers in Singapore. All employers must need to pay a levy for all S-Pass holders. The liability to pay a levy is starts with the issue of the s pass and ends when S-Pass canceled or expires. Levy rate for different percentage of quota in different sectors are as follows:
For the service sector, having a quota of up to 10 percent monthly levy is $330.
For the manufacturing sector, having a quota of up to 10 percent, then monthly levy is $330.
For the manufacturing sector, having a quota from 10 to 20 percent, then monthly levy is $650.
For all the sectors other than the above-mentioned, the quota is up to 10 percent, then the monthly levy is $330, and in case of quota is from 10 to 18 percent, then the monthly levy is $650.
How to pay levy and whenAll employers are required to pay levy through GIRO. For this, they need to apply through the GIRO application form. In case GIRO is approved, then on the 17th of the following month, it will be deducted from the bank account. For this, the employer should maintain their bank account with enough balance. In case of using another method to pay the levy, then he has to pay the levy till the 14th of the following month, but it will take more time and longer process.Penalty for not paying the levyWhen the employer did not pay the full levy, then he will be liable for the following penalties:
Late payment is charged with 2 percent per month or $20, whichever is higher as a penalty.
The existing S-Pass is revoked.
New issues or renewing of S-Pass is not allowed.
Legal actions may be taken to recover the unpaid amount. And others.Medical insurance for S-Pass holdersAll employers are required to maintain medical insurance for all the S-Pass holders until their employment period. It covers inpatient care and day surgery and also the amount of at least $15000.Arrangements for co-payment of medical insuranceEmployers have to pay the amount of medical insurance up to the following amount:
It must not be more than 10 percent of the employee’s monthly salary and must be a reasonable amount.
Its duration does not exceed 6 months.
It is with the full consent of the employee and must be expressed in the employment contract.
Requirements to pay salaries to s pass holdersIn an employer who employs S-Pass holders as their employees, then they have to pay salary as:
Pay salaries in electronic form
Start paying salaries through the electronic form from 3rd month of issue of S-Pass
Maintain a record of salary payments of all employees.
Exemptions –
When S-Pass is issued for 3 months or less than 3 months.
The salary is for the last month of employment.
If it is an overtime wage.
Method of paying salary onlineThe employer can use these methods to pay salaries through online platform:
Internet fund transfer.
GIRO linked with bank
ATM fund transfer
Through bank counter and more.How to apply for S Pass?
One who wants to apply for an s pass can have access to the EPOL account for the submission of the S-Pass application. We can also engage a third party or any agency to apply for the s pass. The following steps are involved in filling for S-Pass:
Step 1- Log in to the EPOL account, fill the form and upload the required details
Step 2 – Pay the application fee through visa, master card, or GIRO.
Step 3 – After 3 weeks, check the application status.
Step 4 – After the approval of the application, download the IPA letter by logging in EPOL portal.
Step 5 – Log in to the EPOL portal for issuance of the pass, pay the necessary fees and visit the MOM card collection center for the face to face interaction.Documents required while applying for S Pass
Scanned copy of passport bio-data
The latest business of sponsors company and ACRA profile
Educational certificate of applicants and also other required documents which are not filled with the application form.
Benefits of s pass in Singapore
It essentially comes above the normal work permit, but it factors in as organizations have different quotas for different types of permit levels.
Therefore, you may be able to get an S-Pass but still not have a work permit. It all depends on the employees already employed. Also, there are different pay levels for different permits as well.
It allows you to bring your family but only if the salary is above or equal to $5000. Also, on the smaller side, one benefit is that you won’t be charged local rates to enter a couple of establishments like casinos.
The pass doesn’t have differentiable benefits from the other passes like Q, P1, P2, and PEP.
Differences between S pass and E passNow, we know that the S-Pass refers to the ‘Short-Term Employment Pass’, whereas E Pass stands for the ‘Employment Pass’. Let’s look at some differences between both kinds of passes below: E pass (employee pass): This pass is meant for the highly skilled people from foreign grounds having expertise in a certain field and have achieved a degree from any reputed global university. The E Pass comes into play when the person applying is skilled or eligible enough to be employed over special admin positions such as corporate executives, specialists, managers, ministers, or administrators exclusively assigned by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of Singapore. Also, having experience in a white-collar range of jobs often presents the applicants with an advantage over the others. S pass (short term employment pass): Alike the E Pass, this pass is also meant for foreigners. Specifically speaking, it is meant for foreigners who are just as skilled or experienced as the residents or employees already residing within the country or, are about to be appointed as an employee under the mid-level administration of the country’s workforce. Now, applying for this pass is also allowed to highly or semi-skilled individuals who have already been a part of or have been working under the general work permit. If an employee’s work permit has been rejected earlier due to certain reasons, he/she may apply for the S Pass as well.How to appeal against the application of rejected S Pass?One can apply against the rejection of the S-Pass application within 3 months of rejection. One should mention the issue with the rejection advisory. The employers and the third party who had applied for S-Pass can make enquire and appeals. The candidate cannot make any appeal or enquire. After making an appealing one can check its application status by logging in to the EPOL portal. The appeal can take at least 3 weeks in most cases, but in some cases, it takes longer than that.How to Renew the S Pass?Employer and appointed employment agent can renew its S-Pass by applying 6 months before its expiry. In most cases, it takes 3 weeks to renew an S-Pass. It costs $100 per renewal in Singapore. For renewing S-Pass in Singapore, the employer should:
Qualify in the existing eligibility criteria
7 months validity of passport of the pass holder.
Have sufficient s pass quota.
Cancel an S-passBefore canceling an S-Pass, one should need the following:
To give a reasonable reason for S-Pass holders returning to their origin country.
From the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, seek tax clearance.
Do settlement of the outstanding employment issues of the pass holder.
Pay for the traveling cost of the S-Pass holder.
Employer or employment agent can apply for cancelation of S-Pass in Singapore by logging in into my MOM portal 1 week before the last days’ notice. It will immediately be canceled most of the time. If s pass holder wants to stay in Singapore after the cancelation of S-Pass, then he should apply for a short time visit pass within 30 days.Replacement Process of s passes in SingaporeFor replacement of s pass in Singapore, required documents are:
Original passport
Card replacement letter
The damaged card
Completed declaration form
Police report (if stolen)
Employer or employment agent can apply for replacement of S-Pass Singapore within 1 week with the required documents as stated above through the EPOL portal. It may take 4 working days for approval of the application in some cases, but sometimes it takes less than that. For a damaged card, it charges $60; in case of loss card for the first time, it charges $100, and loss for subsequent times it charges $300.Notified to MOMAll the employers have to submit the information to the MOM related to the S-Pass holder and the company. This will include the name, address, salary, and other information.
you can read more on Odint Consulting
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asiamedicsg · 2 months
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The Best Health Screening Services Singapore | AsiaMedic LimitedGet your next high-quality and efficient private healthcare screening packages with AsiaMedic Health Screening Singapore. Visit here: https://www.asiamedic.com.sg/health-screening-packages/
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Which Baby Carrier Is Best - Lillebaby Or Ergo Baby Carrier Vs LilleBaby?
Which Baby Carrier Is Best - Lillebaby Or Ergo Baby Carrier Vs LilleBaby?
Are you looking for an ergo baby carrier is lillebaby? Then the comparison between the ergo baby carrier vs lillebaby should be very clear. Both are recognized as a brand of high quality carriers made of quality materials and workmanship. However, Lillebaby has an edge over the ergo baby carrier vs lillebaby because they have a longer history in the industry.
The ergo baby carrier vs lillebaby are basically the same except for the name. Both carriers can be safely used from newborn to full-sized baby (up to 45lbs). They are made with a mesh design that allows the little one's body to move freely. Although these carriers were initially designed for babies who were unable to free themselves from the body of the parent, many mothers find them much more comfortable than the conventional carriers. This is primarily because the little one's body doesn't feel bound into the mesh construction of the carrier, which provides a feeling of independence to the infant.
The Lillebaby infant insert is designed with technology to keep your baby as comfortable as possible. These are equipped with vents that provide ventilation, and a special seal that helps prevent leaks. There is also a built-in leak proof seal to help prevent the infant from overheating. These carriers are also equipped with straps that allow the infant's weight to be evenly distributed throughout the entire body. And because there is an integrated cover, the Lillebaby infant insert can easily be taken off for cleaning.
The Lely Baby Bags is a line of infant carriers by Lely International, a well known manufacturer of baby products. And like the ergo baby carrier vs lillebaby, they come in several different designs, such as the Lilyette Tote for twins, or the Cruise Collection for little ones who love to travel. The Lely Tote and Cruise collections allow you to carry your toddler or baby while traveling on an airplane, or just about anywhere!
The Ergo Baby Carrier vs Lillebaby also have its own line of infant carriers called the Ergo Pod. This line is specifically designed to work more for those who need a little more support for their growing bodies. It features an ergonomic design that is made to work for most body types. And because it is more comfortable than other baby carriers, it helps to keep the little one relaxed during the whole trip.
Finally, there are the Teva Baby Carriers vs Lillebaby player choice. If you want to have some choice in choosing baby carriers, then this may be the right one for you. Teva specializes in high quality, durable, and affordable baby carriers. And because they are made with the highest standards of quality, they will stand up against the wear and tear that a parent often experiences with their child. So whether you are looking for a simple carry for your infant, or something that can grow with them as they grow, the Teva line of baby carriers is the right one for you!
The research team projects that the Baby Carrier market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players: BabyBjrn Bitybean Ergobaby MOBY Baby K`tan Chimparoo Hot Slings Brevi Evenflo Baby Tula BabySwede Beachfront Baby Snuggy Baby Beco Baby
By Type Buckled Baby Carrier Baby Wrap Carrier Baby Sling Carrier
By Application Offline Store Online Store
By Regions/Countries: North America United States Canada Mexico
East Asia China Japan South Korea
Europe Germany United Kingdom France Italy Russia Spain Netherlands Switzerland Poland
South Asia India Pakistan Bangladesh
Southeast Asia Indonesia Thailand Singapore Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Myanmar
Middle East Turkey Saudi Arabia Iran United Arab Emirates Israel Iraq Qatar Kuwait Oman
Africa Nigeria South Africa Egypt Algeria Morocoo
Oceania Australia New Zealand
South America Brazil Argentina Colombia Chile Venezuela Peru Puerto Rico Ecuador
Rest of the World Kazakhstan
Points Covered in The Report The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc. The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast. The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail. Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements. The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape. Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk. To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market. Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations. To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market. Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Baby Carrier 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types. Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast. Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Baby Carrier Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD). Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Baby Carrier Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications. Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations. Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Baby Carrier market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 For more details contact as  https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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cool-cillian-murphy · 3 years
Airborne Collision Avoidance System Market: Getting Back To Growth
A new business intelligence report released by AMA Research with title "Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market Insights, Forecast to 2026" provides latest updates and strategic steps taken by competition along with growth estimates of market size. The Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market report gives clear visions how the research and estimates are derived through primary and secondary sources considering expert opinion, patent analysis, latest market development activity and other influencing factors. Some of the key players profiled in the study are South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), MEA (Middle East, Africa), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/65278-global-airborne-collision-avoidance-system-market-1
An airborne collision avoidance system is an innovative system that is operated independently of ground-based equipment and air traffic control. It helps in warning pilots about the presence of other aircraft that may present a threat of collision. If the system checks that there is any collision, the system itself initiates a maneuver that will reduce the risk of collision. This system consists of four component which includes vertical advisories, a pilot interface, safety logic, and airborne surveillance. Moreover, the increasing need for traveling through the air has made it necessary to have this system.
Market Growth Drivers
·       Increase in Global Air Traffic
·       The Rise in Number of Mid-Air Collisions
·       Stringent Regulation by the Government Bodies such as Standardized European Rules of the Air (SERA)
Influencing Trend
·       Adoption of Mode S Transponder in these Airborne Collision Avoidance System
·       Increase in the Adoption of UAVs in order to Improve the Operational Safety and Enhance the Lifetime of UAV
·       Adherence to Mandatory Certifications
·       Increasing Vulnerability to Cyberattacks
·       Growing Number of Aircraft Deliveries across the Globe
·       Implementation of ACAS in General Aviation Aircraft
·       Issues Related Towards the Malfunctioning of these Systems
·       High Installation Cost for these Systems
Market Overview of Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System If you are involved in the Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System industry or aim to be, then this study will provide you inclusive point of view. It’s vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement. This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Region or Country they should focus in coming years to channelize their efforts, understanding current investments cycle and impact of COVID-19 and slowdown. The report presents the market competitive landscape and in depth analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market along with their strategies to overcome production cycle issue and supply chain management to make process efficient. For Early Buyers | Get Up to 10-25% Discount on Premium Version of this Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/65278-global-airborne-collision-avoidance-system-market-1 The Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (ACAS I & TCAS I, ACAS II & TCAS II, Portable Collision Avoidance System (PCAS), FLARM), Application (Fixed-wing, Rotary Wing, UAV), Component Type (Processor, Mode S & C transponder, Display unit), Aircraft Type (Manned, Unmanned Aircraft), End-Use (Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Aftermarket) Players and Region - Global Market Outlook to 2025
Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year – 2015-2020 Base year – 2020 Forecast period** – 2021 to 2026 [** unless otherwise stated] **Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players. Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. Get More Information & Customization: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/65278-global-airborne-collision-avoidance-system-market-1 Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report:
-        Market Data Segmentation with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and Price Analysis
-        Detailed overview of Airborne Collision Avoidance System market
-        Changing market dynamics of the industry and Impact of Influencing Factors
-        In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application and other major segments etc.
-        To analyse and forecast the Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market, in terms of value and volume.
-        Which segment has the potential to gain the highest market share?
-        To help decision maker from new offer perspective and benchmark existing marketing strategy.
-        Correlate cost structure historical data with key business segments.
-        Analyse marketing contribution and customer acquisition by up-selling and cross selling.
-        Identifying Influencing factors keeping Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market Intense, factored with periodic analysis of CR4 & CR8 concentration ratio & HHI Index.
Major Highlights of TOC:
Chapter One: Market Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Scope/Objective of the Study Chapter Two: Executive Summary
2.1. Introduction Chapter Three: Market Dynamics
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Market Drivers, Trends, Challenges, Opportunities Chapter Four: Market Factor Analysis
4.1. Porters Five Forces
4.2. Supply/Value Chain
4.3. PESTEL analysis
4.4. Market Entropy
4.5. Impact Analysis – Post COVID-19
Chapter Nine: Methodology and Data Source
Key questions answered
·       Influential trends or factors that is booming demand and restraints in the market.
·       What is the market concentration? Is it fragmented or highly concentrated?
·       Global Airborne Collision Avoidance System market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Investment Opportunities, and Strategic Recommendations)
·       Market share analysis of the top industry players ….
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/65278-global-airborne-collision-avoidance-system-market-1 Customization Service of the Report:- AMA Research provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, West Europe or Southeast Asia. About Author:
Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies' revenues.
Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources, our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enable clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As. Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218 [email protected] Connect with us at LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter
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fullpeanutrunaway · 3 years
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Mavic Air 2 Payload Drone Airdropper Delivery

Brand Name: Wtohoby
Camera Features: Dedicated Camera Compatible
Origin: CN(Origin)
Camera Integration: Camera Not Included
Certification: NONE
Sensor Size: None
Aerial Photography: Yes
Mavic Air 2 Payload Drone Clip Airdropper Delivery Transport Device Wedding Fishing Bait Search & Rescue for DJI Mavic Air 2 Accessory
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1)Installation Doesn't Affect Operation-This thrower landing tripod is specially designed for MavicAir 2 drone. Small and light, the device is hidden under the drone body (no resistance to the air), so it has no effect on the drone's propellers and sensors. A landing tripod is installed at the bottom to better protect the MAVIC AIR 2.
2)Activity Assistant-It can deliver wedding rings, candies, gifts, flowers on any unforgettable day, such as weddings, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc., bring a different touch to your friends, family, and lovers. It can also be used to throw bait, throw confetti at beach parties, throw balloons, etc., adding unlimited fun to your life.
3)Search and Rescue- Use drones in search and rescue missions. To transport, transport and provide materials, first aid, medicine, mobile phones, water and other communication and survival equipment for people in need. It is also possible to carry a life vest or floating device to the drowning person. Provide rescue safety lines to stranded persons in flood-affected areas or inaccessible places.
4)Easy to Use- It can be charged via USB, With bult-in battery, can continually open and close for 300 times on one charge. With one-button operation via the remote control, the remote range of the delivered equipment is the same as that of the drone remote control.
5)Sturdy and Safe- Using high-quality ABS material, It allows you to drop anything (didn't exceed the max load weight) you want from your drone and at any range your drone can reach. It will not damage the drone. Kindly note: for safety consideration, please do not carry overload weight(max loading weight:500g)
Package include: 1Set x Thrower
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Mavic 2 Pro /Zoom Payload Drone Clip Airdropper Delivery Transport Device Wedding Fishing Bait Search & Rescue for DJI Mavic 2 Accessory
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Mavic Pro Payload Drone Clip Airdropper Delivery Transport Device Wedding Fishing Bait Search & Rescue for DJI Mavic Pro Accessory
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5. The buyer must provide the 3-part full name who are in Russian Federation.Because of the policy ,the post needs the buyer's full name.
6.Delivery time depends on shipping method,normally,see the estimated time below:
  Aliexpress Standard        15-45days
  China Post Air Mail        15 -45 days
  HK Post air Mail          15-35 days
  Singapore Air Mail        15-35 days
  DHL/UPS/Fedex/TNT      3-8 days
  Aramex                  4-12 days
  Russia Express-SPSR      8-35 days
  Posti Finland             20-35days        
Sometimes ,the delivery time will delay ,it belong to normal.You can contact us ,we will  provide the new information .Or you can check the track number in this webasite:  www.17track.net
About Feedback 1.Since your feedback is very important to our business's development, we sincerely invite you to leave positive feedback for us if you are satisfied with our product and service. It'll just take you 1 minute.
2.Please contact us before leaving any negative or neutral feedback. We will work with you to solve all problems.Thank you!
After-Sales Service We are A Professional Business Company. We Will Offer Good After-sales Service for You. If You have any question about our product or service, Kindly send message to us, we will reply you as soon as possible.  

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asiamedicsg · 2 months
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Breast Screening Awareness from AsiaMedic Singapore | AsiaMedic Limited
Learn about breast screening awareness and services at AsiaMedic Singapore. Trust AsiaMedic Limited for comprehensive breast health care. Visit here: https://www.asiamedic.com.sg/medical-imaging/mammogram/
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