#Singles Spa Treatment Kings Cross
chris-bodywork-euston · 5 months
Spa And Body Massage Euston Trusty
Rejuvenate your Spa And Body Massage Euston energy and well-being now. Relax and Rejuvenate with my Deep Tissue Therapeutic Touch Recharge and Unwind with my Swedish Owoc Salon Scalp Massage Near Me Pamper in the relaxing strokes of my Swedish Therapeutic Touch, designed to enhance tranquility, alleviate muscle tightness, and improve overall health. Enable the expertise of Chris ease your stress…
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chrismasseur1 · 5 months
Spa And Body Massage Euston Trusty
Rejuvenate your Spa And Body Massage Euston energy and well-being now. Relax and Rejuvenate with my Deep Tissue Therapeutic Touch Recharge and Unwind with my Swedish Owoc Salon Scalp Massage Near Me Pamper in the relaxing strokes of my Swedish Therapeutic Touch, designed to enhance tranquility, alleviate muscle tightness, and improve overall health. Enable the expertise of Chris ease your stress…
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masseurrsvp · 4 months
Singles Facial Treatment Kings Cross Warren Street Male Therapeutic massage for Relaxation: Kings Cross's Hideaway.
Greetings to Singles Facial Treatment Kings Cross, The Ultimate Relaxation Adventure: Reinvent Well-being with The Top-notch Gentlemanly Massage Services in The Heart of London Enter into a Spa Massage Therapy Kings Cross realm of pure tranquility and renewal at this honoured gentlemanly bodywork facility in the centre of London. My objective is straightforward: to enhance your health through a…
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Genre: Fan Fiction (Sand Castle)
Pairing: N/A
Warnings: It’s so fluffy!
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: thank you @rmtndew​ for the edit of Sy in glasses :D More Sy and Wispy? Why yes! 
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Henry Cavill Master List
“Uncle Sy,” Annie giggled at her uncle, as he pulled a face. “Sit still.” Her voice going firmer.
Beside her, Willow had her hand on her hips shaking her head at their uncle. “Uncle Sy, we need you to stay very still.”
“Fine, fine.” He gave in sitting statue straight, still as could be.
“Close your eyes, please.” Annie instructed.
Doing as he was asked, Sy closed his eyes and leaning against the couch to support his back. Cross legged on the floor, a mound of pillows under him, he fought the smirk that kept threatening to creep onto his face. The two little girls painting the floral scented mud, clay, paint? Whatever the cool, thick stuff was onto his face. Around his beard, across his cheeks and forehead. Sy felt the soft brush that Aimee had handed them against his skin.
“You know Sy,” Aimee's voice greeted him, yet his eyes remained closed, “this stuff is actually pretty good. It might even help brighten that complexion of yours. Tired and sunburned was so last year.”
Snorting, Sy shook his head, both nieces scolding him for moving while they tried to apply the mask. Directing him to pucker his lips, Willow stood in front of him, a glob of lip moisturizer on her brush, she slapped it on spreading it thickly against his red chapped lips. The girls were taking good care of their Uncle Sy.
At least they wanted to do it at home this time. Sy was unsure of the product quality, but the service was far better and cheaper than when he'd taken them to an actual spa. Now that had been a sight, the look on the woman's face when the giant, bearded man in boots strode into the salon with the two little girls in tow. Despite the initial shock, Sy had to hand it to them, those ladies were magical.
He'd left feeling like his hands, feet, and face had been kissed by angels and butterflies. Hell, he'd even let Willow and Annie pick out a polish for his toes. Sitting in the chair chatting with the woman painting his toes, while his nieces had watched from their own pedicure chairs, Sy learned that men coming in to dote on their daughters and nieces wasn't really all that uncommon. He, however, was one of the first to ask for Pompeii Purple toes. The shade had really brought out his eyes.
In his sister's living room, Sy chuckled when Willow announced that he absolutely needed to trim that scraggly beard of his. In their life time, neither of his nieces had ever bore witness to their uncle without his beard. He liked it too much to part with it. Besides, the women loved it. Clearing his throat, Sy opened his eyes, a mocking frown on his face.
“Don't you dare touch my beard, understood bub?” He smirked. Willow nodded and Annie, standing just out of sight giggled. “There will be no cutting of my beard, until I say so.”
“Oh come on, Sy.” Aimee teased from the kitchen. “You could use a trim,” she winked at Annie.
“I would prefer to do it myself, thank you sister dearest.” He winked at Willow, a near impossible task with the clay beginning to set on his face.
“What if we just make it pretty?” Annie piped up, shuffling into the room with a hairbrush and bows in her hands. “Can we?”
“Please, Uncle Sy.” Willow pulled out the puppy dog eyes. Bouncing on her tip toes with excitement.
Playfully grumbling, Sy waited a minute or two. Letting the little girls get antsy before agreeing. Under some conditions. Nothing but a comb and some pink sparkly bows went into his beard. If they so much as tugged the wrong way, Sy was combing it himself. His beard was his pride and joy, right after his Wispy. He'd worked hard over the years to grow this bad boy.
“Gently,” He reminded them, lifting his chin for Willow to gingerly take the comb through his thick beard.
Climbing onto the couch behind him, Annie sat with her legs crossed gently rubbing a hair brush through his growing curls. A full out pamper day wasn't entirely bad. Enjoying his “spa treatment”, Sy winced when he heard Aimee giggling like a child on too much sugar. He knew his sister well enough to know that this was not going to be good.
“Aim, what in the hel-ck are you doing?” Sy asked glancing at his sister. Her phone poised as she giggled and shrugged.
“I thought ma might like to see. Maybe fire one off to the boys. You still in touch with the Major? Show him what retirement does for ya?”
“You wouldn't dare,”
“Send one to the Major? No. But I would send it to ma and everyone else we know. Come on Sy, you're adorable. You should let me share this on that mommy blog, it would be a hit.” She laughed. “Former Army Captain attacked by Girl Scouts.”
Sy replied with a grunt. More than one single mother, and a few not so single, on that damn blog Aimee was part of had themselves hot and bothered for the youngest Syverson. Every time Aimee mentioned her brother, at least one woman would ask if he was seeing somebody or how he liked children, who weren't his. Sy liked children fine, but he had no interest in taking on any to parent.
“Leave Uncle Sy alone,” Willow pouted, as she put the last bow into his beard. “Don't be mean, mommy.”
“I wasn't being mean, baby girl. Uncle Sy and I were teasing. Now, why don't you finish up those bows and help him wash his face. You can't leave the mask on too long, remember.”
“It's okay bub,” Sy pulled away from the hair styling by Annie. “You ladies clean up a bit out here and I will go clean my face off.”
Striding down the hall, Sy could feel the clay on his face hardening and drying. If nothing else his pores would be flawless for a few days. Chuckling as he went, he could hear Annie and Willow in the living room. No doubt discussing their next plan for their uncle's beauty treatment. If he had to, there was a lovely yellow nail polish that he'd been eyeing in the box of tricks. It may not be the right season for yellow, but it would surely make the hair on his big toes really pop.
In the bathroom, he grabbed a wash cloth and turned the taps. Allowing the water to reach a nice, warm temperature he began scrubbing the dried clay away from his face. The bows in his hair and beard were a sight to behold. Admiring the handy work, Sy stood for a few seconds looking at the man in the mirror. The one grizzled, gruff, hard as nails and fearless Captain was reduced to a soft and gentle giant.
He loved spending the time with the kids, allowing them to have their fun, before Uncle Sy packed up and drove back across town. It was no wonder people were forever asking him when he'd have his own. Ah well, it was better this way. Sy enjoyed the company of the kids, but all the time and he would be even more grizzled and cranky than he was when he was stationed over in the desert.
Being home had it's perks, like getting to be with his family whenever he wanted. Having sleepovers with the kids, whenever Willow decided that he was lonely in his house. Or how she was forever trying to set him up with any woman they came across, while he had her out. That one was less and less cute, especially as she had somehow been targeting only married women lately.
The last thing Sy wanted was to get his ass kicked by some woman's husband or wife, for hitting on their wife because some kid said she was pretty. Shaking his head, he finished checking himself in the mirror to make sure he had all of the clay off.
Cleaned up and refreshed Sy joined the girls in the living room.
“Ladies, what's next?”
“Lunch!” “Make up!”
Laughing at their very different ideas, he nodded to Annie. “I agree lunch is the much better idea, make up can be after.”
“But mommy said we could go out for lunch. You can't go out unless you have a proper face on.” Willow pouted. Annie sighed. Her cousin had a point.
“Girls,” Aimee spoke, she was about to do everything in her mom power, to get Sy out of this one. As amused as it would be, seeing her brother go to lunch in a full face of make up.
“No, no she's right.” Sy nodded in agreement. “Aim, why not let Annie do your make up and Wispy can do mine. Then we'll all be ready for lunch, hel-ck, I'll even pay. Treat all of my girls.”
“Yeah!” The cheers went up from the girls.
Aimee, rolling her eyes and making a mental note to kill her brother later on. She would never forgive him, nor forget. Some day, she would get him back.  This is when she should suggest wearing their best dresses – Sy included. Instead, she'd pay him back when he least expected. Maybe the next time, she'd insist they go for lunch wearing some over the top princess costumes.
Sy chuckled, what did they have to lose? At 11 years old, Annie was more than capable at putting together some make up. Willow was eccentric with her colour palate, but Sy wasn't worried much about that.
“Mommy, please. Please, we can all do our make up and go for lunch.”
“I hate you,” Aimee whispered passing her laughing brother, sitting down on the floor. “Okay, girls, let's get to it. Then we can make Uncle Sy take us for the best lunch, we've ever had.”
“Drive thru at Burger King isn't that fancy,” laughing, Sy nudged his sister with his elbow.
“Oh, but Sy if we have our best faces on, we need something better than cheap burgers in a bag. I was hoping maybe we could go to Janet's.”
It was Sy's turn to roll his eyes and stifle a groan. Of course Aimee would insist they go inside to eat. Saturday was the busiest day of the week for the small diner. Whatever, Sy was man enough to take it. With more confidence than anyone had ever seen, he would walk into that diner, head high, and his beard bows sparkling. The things he did to keep these children happy.
If it meant buying a hundred ponies, wearing full make up, and walking across a floor of legos – Sy would do it all to see these kids smile.
“I love Janet's!” Willow squealed dancing on her tiptoes, nearly poking her uncle in the eye with the eye shadow brush she was using. The hot pink creme shadow she had chosen for him was really going to pop with his dark beard. “Uncle Sy, please. Please can we go? You said that you would take me there the next time we went for lunch, you said that I could have a big sundae and...”
“Sy?” A sideways glance at her baby brother, Aimee puckered her lips for Annie to apply some lipstick. Offering the kids ice cream as a meal wasn't a crime, but it would explain why they sometimes came home bouncing around like mad hornets in an old coke can.
“Wispy, you're not supposed to tell your ma that I let you at ice cream as a meal.”
“Sorry, but can I?”
“Maybe for dessert, you can Annie can shade a giant sundae.” Aimee reasoned.
“Fine, but the next time we go....” Staring at her uncle, Willow pouted.
“Whatever you want, bubs.” Smirking at his sister, Sy conveniently pointed to the blush in the bag, asking Willow if she thought the orangeish colour would work for him.  “Whatever you want.”
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 4
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ー The scene starts on the Carnival’s venue
Yui: Wait, Ruki-kun! Where are we going?
Ruki: Apparently the Sky Terrace we were informed of earlier has a facility which treats injuries. We’re headed there.
Yui: A facility which treats injuries? At the Sky Terrace...?
Ruki: Don’t ask me about the details, but it says so on this flyer. It’s worth checking out, don’t you think?
Yui: ( Could it be...For the wound on my arm? )
Ruki-kun, the injury on my arm is fine, you know? I only lightly scraped it, and it already stopped bleeding as well, so...
Ruki: It’s not ‘fine’, is it. I’m the one who made you get hurt. I’ll take proper responsibility.
All you need to do is keep quiet and follow behind me.
Yui: ( It really is fine though...Ruki-kun must be really worried about it. )
( I got away with just a light scratch because Ruki-kun saved me...So he definitely shouldn’t blame himself. )
ー The scene skips to the Sky Terrace
Yui: ‘Refresh at our spa, a space for relaxation’...
So the facility to have your injuries treated is actually a spa...
( It looks like an open air bath. So they have these in the Demon World too... )
Ruki: The hot water in this bath is said to be highly effective for the treatment of injuries. The flyer from earlier made that very clear.
I don’t want to blindly trust those words...But it’s worth the try. Go ahead and take a nice, long bath.
Yui: Huh? You won’t take one too?
Ruki: I’m fine. I’ll wait for you here.
Yui: But...I feel bad for making you wait all by yourself...
Ruki: Haha...What’s that? You’re being rather bold today.
You even want to be together with me in the bath...Where you’d have to take off all your clothes to get inside?
Yui: Together...?
( Don’t tell me, it’s a mixed bath!? )
Ruki: Well, if you insist, I don’t mind considering it...
What do you say?
Yui: S-Sorry! Please wait here after all...!
Ruki: That’s why I told you. ...Besides.
ー He steps closer
Yui: Eh? ...W-What? Ruki-kun?
Ruki: I’m sure you haven’t picked up on it, but I’ve been sensing a strange aura this whole time.
Yui: A strange aura...?
Ruki: Yes. It seems like there’s someone who is trying to sniff us out.
I can only assume you would be their target. You’re the Queen of the Carnival after all. 
If we were to be attacked, I would rather not be completely naked. That’s why I’ll stand guard right here.
Yui: ...Uhm, does that mean...I’d have to run away without any clothes on?
Ruki: Don’t worry. Livestock never needed clothes to begin with.
Yui: No way, how could you say that...!?
Ruki: Hah...Come on, just get going. I said you could take your time, but get out before you get dizzy, okay? (1)
Yui: ( I honestly don’t know if Ruki-kun is kind or not... )
ー The scene shifts to inside the spa
Yui: Hm...
( Ruki-kun said there’s someone tracking us down but...Who could it be? )
( I wonder if the ‘Queen of the Carnival’ thing Ruki-kun mentioned is related to it after all? )
( However, the scent of my blood should be suppressed, so why would they target me...? )
Yui: ( Amazing...! I’ve only been soaking in the water for a few minutes, but the wound is already healing! )
( So it really does have a healing effect. )
( ...I’m glad. Once my injuries are all better, Ruki-kun won’t have to worry about it anymore either. )
Ruki: ...
...So they’ve started moving.
However, this presence...
...Seems like things might get a little troublesome.
Yui: ( ...Wow. You can’t even tell I ever hurt myself anymore. )
( As to be expected of the Demon World, it’s almost like magic. In that case, I suppose I can get ouーー )
Yui: ...Eh?
ー Ruki steps inside
Yui: Wha...Ruki-kun!?
Ruki: Quiet. Your voice echoes.
Yui: I can’t be quiet right now! Why are you here...!?
Yui: ( He’s touching the water...? W-What is he doing...? )
Ruki: ...Haah.
Yui: Uhm, Ruki-kun...?
Ruki: How long do you intend to stay in there? If your wounds have healed, hurry up and get out. Let’s go.
Yui: Eh!? H-Hold up!
ー Yui gets out of the water
Yui: Wait, Ruki-kun! I haven’t properly put on my clothes yet...!
Ruki: Don’t dawdle. You should at least be able to get dressed swiftly.
Yui: Easy for you to say...
ー She fixes her clothes
Ruki: ...Oi.
Yui: ( ...His hand is on my hip...! )
Ruki: Behave yourself. ...They’re here.
Yui: Eh...?
???: ーー Blood...
Thirsty Vampire A: The scent of delicious blood...!
Yui: ( W-What? We’re surrounded by Vampires...!? )
Thirsty Vampire B: Give us your blood, human...!
Yui: ( Compared to the Vampires we’ve crossed paths with up till now, there’s clearly something wrong with them...! )
( They’re all after my blood...? )
( However, the bleeding has stopped and the wound is gone too, so why...!? )
Ruki: ...I knew it.
Either way, we have to get past them first. I’ll explain everything laーー 
Yui: Ow...!
Ruki: Oi, Yui!
Yui: ( What pushed me just now? It was an incredible force...! )
( ...Oh no! I got separated from Ruki-kun! )
Ruki: Yui, stay here! I’llーー
ー The screen becomes blurry
Yui: ...What!?
( Next is, some sort of powder...!? )
Ruki: Fuck, they even prepared this...!
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ( What is this powder...!? I can’t keep my eyes open...! )
( At this rate, I’ll only get even further away from Ruki-kun...! )
Ruki: Yui, just stay there! Don’t move carelessly! 
Yui: O-Okay...!
ー Somebody grabs hold of her wrist
Yui: Ah!
Thirsty Vampire C: Hehe...Gotcha...
Thirsty Vampire B: Aah, it’s the scent of delicious blood...Makes me want to suck her dry down to the very last drop. 
Yui: No, stop...!
Ruki: Yui!! Don’t move!
Yui: ( Even if he says that, the Vampires are pushing me...! )
Thirsty Vampire A: Well then, human...Let us savor you thoroughly...
Yui: ...Stop...!
ー She continues backing away, accidentally stepping off the edge
Yui: ...Eh?
( There’s no...ground under my feet...? )
Ruki: Yui!!
( Right...This is a terrace so... )
( ...I’m fallingーー...!! )
ー Yui tumbles off the edge
Yui: ( ...Huh...? )
Ruki: ーー Open your eyes. Everything is okay now.
ー She opens her eyes
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Yui: Ruki-kun...!
Ruki: Don’t make such pathetic noises. ...Were you that scared?
Yui: I mean, we got separated and I nearly had my blood sucked as well...I thought I was going to fall.
Ruki: That’s why I told you to keep still.
Good grief, how many times do you intend to give me a near heart attack (2)?
Yui: Sorry...
Ruki: I’ll listen to all your apologies later. For now...Don’t let go. Hold onto me tightly.
Yui: ...Yeah.
( Ruki-kun saved me again... )
...Say, Ruki-kun? How did you know where I was?
There were tons of Vampires flocking around me and you shouldn’t have been able to see because of the white powder they scattered about...
Ruki: Who knows.
I was most definitely blinded and without the scent of your blood to go off of, I couldn’t act on the spot.
But even so...From the second I knew you had tumbled off the terrace, I jumped off without thinking.
Without a single clue and relying only on vague sensations, I desperately reached out my arms.
Anyway, I simply trusted on my instinct and wholehearted intent to save you...Which is how I managed to catch you in my arms like this.
I’m usually not the type of person to rely on something unless I’ve confirmed it with my very own eyes though...Heh...It truly is strange.
Yui: ...Thank you, Ruki-kun. For coming to my rescue.
Ruki: I’m glad you’re safe.
Oi, hang on tight. While we’re up in the air, let’s head straight there.
Yui: Head...To where?
Ruki: To his castle. You are the Queen after all. Or have you forgotten your own duty perhaps?
Yui: Ah...Right. That’s true.
( Once we’re there...I’ll have my duties as the Queen, so I won’t be able to spend time at the Carnival with Ruki-kun like this. )
Ruki: Oh? Now this is new. You rarely snuggle up to me like this...
Yui: It’s because I’m scared I’ll fall...
Ruki: ...In that case, I’ll take you to the castle slowly.
We’re running short on time but...Well, I suppose it’s fine. The star of the show always arrives late.
Once we’ve reached the castle...My duty will come to an end.
Until then...Go ahead and enjoy this time to your heart’s content.
Yui: ( This really is the end... )
( I feel like our time together really flew by today. )
( Once we’re at the castle and I’ve fulfilled my duties as this ‘Queen of the Carnival’, I’ll have to say farewell to Ruki-kun, right? )
( ... )
( I want to spend more time with Ruki-kun after all... )
( I’d be sad if things were to end like this... )
ー The scene shifts to the area in front of the castle
Yui: ( ...We’ve already arrived. )
( This is where ‘that man’, the person Ruki-kun and the others obey, lives... )
Ruki: Yui, I’m putting you down.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Ruki: ...This is the venue. Let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( There’s nobody here...? )
Ruki: Yui, don’t wander around.
Yui: Ah, yeah.
Say, Ruki-kun? What exactly does the Queen have toーー
Ruki: My sincere apologies for the wait. ーー Karlheinz-sama.
Yui: ( Karlheinz-sama...? )
Karlheinz: Raise your head, Ruki. No need to be so humble.
Ruki: Yes.
Yui, you should greet him too. This is Karlheinz-sama...The owner of this castle, as well as the King of Vampires.
( Then this the infamous ‘that man’ who Ruki-kun and the others follow? )
( They owe their lives to him, right...? )
Karlheinz: Hello, Eve. I suppose it is my first time meeting you looking like this? My apologies for the belated greeting.
Yui: Ah, n-no! Nice to meet you. I’m Komori Yui. Uhm, you see...!
Ruki: Yui, calm down a little.
Karlheinz: Fufu...No need to bow your head to me. You are the star of tonight after all.
How was it, Ruki? Did you enjoy the Carnival?
Ruki: ...I did. Although we ran into a few close calls as well.
Karlheinz: Hooh? That must have been quite misfortunate.
However...You were able to deal with all of it, no?
Ruki: ...You were the one behind it after all, weren’t you? I figured that might be the case.
Yui: Eh? ...Ruki-kun, what do you mean?
Ruki: That everything which happened to us today was part of this man’s plan.
Yui: Everything...To which extent?
Ruki: Everything is everything. The creepy magician and clowns at Saint Nore Park...
I’m sure the Vampires who attacked us on the sky terrace were doing so under his direct order as well.
Yui: ( Then...He put us in danger on purpose...? )
( ...That’s just so... )
Karlheinz: I expected no less from you, Ruki. You are as clever as ever. When did you realize?
Ruki: The surrounding Vampires would target her, despite the fact the wound on her arm had healed.
Afterwards, I touched the bath water...and then my suspicions were confirmed. I could sense your magic in it.
Karlheinz: Inflicting injury upon Eve was not part of my plan. To make it up to you, I healed her wounds.
She is your precious Eve, right? You still have a long way to go Ruki, since you let her blood spill from something other than your fangs.
Ruki: My sincere apologies.
Yui: No way...Why are you apologizing, Ruki-kun...?
Ruki-kun protected me the best he could...!
Ruki-kun...Why would you say sorry?
Ruki: Yui?
Yui: I mean, we’re the ones who were in danger, right...?
Ruki: Cut it out, Yui. I get why you would grow defiant after everything you’ve been through butーー
Yui: No, that’s not what I’m trying to say...!
This person...He tested you, didn’t he?
Toying with a person’s feelings like that...Is simply something I can’t let slide.
( How dare he test Ruki-kun, who was so worried about my injuries, looking at me with a strained look in his eyes...That’s just too cruel! )
Karlheinz: Toy with a person’s feelings...Huh? I can’t deny that.
When you’ve lived as long as I have, you can’t help but develop some questionable tastes.
Yui: ...If you feel bad, then apologize to Ruki-kun, please.
Ruki: ...Don’t be ridiculous! How could you ask him to apologize?
Yui: You were being tested too, you know!? That’s just too mean...!
Ruki: Even if you think that way, you should realize who you are talking to. I’m sure you know that much, no?
Yui: ...However, it isn’t good to hide how you truly feel.
Ruki: What...?
Yui: You’re the one who said I should learn to be confident and walk with pride...Yet you’re hiding your feelings too.
Ruki: ...That’s not true. Iーー
Karlheinz: Hold it, Ruki.
I agree with her.
You are absolutely correct, Eve. I shall express my remorse.
My bad.
Yui: ...
→ Me too... (☾)
Yui: I’m sorry too. I really ran my mouth...
But...Having you think of my special someone that way makes me sad, I don’t like it...
Especially since I know how important you are to Ruki-kun...
Ruki: ...
Karlheinz: Right. ...Ruki, I’m sorry.
Ruki: No...
→ Please apologize to Ruki-kun
Yui: Please apologize to Ruki-kun instead of to me.
Karlheinz: I see. That is valid too.
Ruki, I’m sorry.
Ruki: N-No...
Ruki: ...Heh.
I never thought you’d get the person who is basically what you would consider this world’s God to bow his head to you. You truly are...
Yui: I-I know I said some rude things! But...!
Ruki: I’m not criticizing you. ...I just thought I could never match you.
No matter how ordinary, foolish or shallow-minded of a woman you may be...You really are Eve after all.
Yui: ( Ruki-kun... )
Ruki: ...Karlheinz-sama. Can I say something?
Karlheinz: Yes, I do not mind.
Ruki: I...am standing here right now because of you.
My loyalty I vowed to you back then...Has not changed one bit to this day.
Therefore, I tried my very hardest to become Adam. To fulfill your wish.
...However, it seems like I am uncapable of becoming Adam after all.
Eve is...This is who she is.
While I would not call her perfect in every sense, she is still too good for me. ...Not suitable for a faulty Vampire such as myself...
My sincere apologies for failing to meet your expectations, even though I was willing to give it my everything.
Karlheinz: Then, Ruki, will you ーー give up on her?
Ruki: ...She should not belong to a person who is unable of becoming Adam.
Karlheinz: You are simply stating the truth. I want to know how you truly feel.
I said I agreed with Eve when she claimed you are hiding your feelings, did I not?
I am sure Eve wants to hear them too. ...Right?
Yui: ...Yes.
Ruki-kun...I want to know how you feel too.
Unrelated to this whole Adam and Eve thing, your raw feelings.
Ruki: ...But.
Karlheinz: Ruki. You should be more free.
You are a capable guy. You did a fine job heeding my words, and did everything within your power to fulfill my wish.
And up till now, you’ve always suppressed your ego and your own desires...
I am aware that you have put in the effort to be a proud Vampire, living your life according to my ideals.
However...Have you realized that this has made you blind to what is actually most important?
Ruki: ...
Karlheinz: ...Ruki. How important is Eve to you?
Is the lady standing next to you right now...Not worth it to toss away those ideals and values for?
Ruki: ...Karlheinz-sama.
Karlheinz: I do not know how you feel about it, but my answer is simple, Ruki.
Ruki: I...
*Ding ding*
Karlheinz: Oh dear. It’s time already.
Eve...No, I suppose I shall call you Queen of the Carnival right now. You are the star of tonight. Go ahead and head to the venue.
The purpose of this Carnival is to celebrate the birth of Adam and Eve. In short, it’s a banquet held for your sake.
Originally, Adam would have been celebrated alongside you as King of the Carnival, however...
Ruki: ...
Karlheinz: I suppose it is fine. I am not that cruel to pick a fruit which has only just begun to ripen.
However...The people are waiting for you to become Adam, Ruki.
Those waiting are...The people who have seen you with Eve throughout today.
Why don’t you try doing the same, and believe in the things they saw with their very own eyes?
Well then Eve, until we meet again.
ー Karlheinz leaves
Yui: ( ...So that’s Karlheinz-san. He’s quite the mysterious person... )
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( ...Ruki-kun couldn’t give him an answer. )
( I wonder what’s on his mind right now? No matter how much time we spend together, I can’t tell unless he directly tells me... )
Ruki: ...There’s a hall in the back.
Yui: Eh...?
Ruki: If there’s people waiting for us there, we can’t run away now, can we?
Yui: ( Does that mean...? )
...You’ll come with me too?
Ruki: I don’t mind staying here if you claim you have the courage to open that door all by yourself?
Yui: I-I can’t do it by myself!
I want to be with you. It has to be you, nobody else.
Ruki: ...
I...still can’t believe that I can become Adam. Regardless of what others may tell me.
I suppose it wouldn’t be bad to play the role of Adam just for that...At least that’s what I think.
Standing proudly by your side.
Yui: Ruki-kun...
If I am allowed to prioritize my own feelings...I will grab your hand first thing without hesitation.
Yui: ...Yeah, go ahead. I believe in those feelings of you too.
Ruki: Yes...Yui, your hand please?
Ruki: ...Even if it’s just for today, will you be mine?
Yui: ...Yes.
Ruki: ...Even if this is nothing but a fleeting dream which will be over in the blink of an eye.
Right now...You are mine, Yui.
Translation notes
(1) In Japan, people tend to take baths in really hot water, so it is not uncommon for people to soak for too long and grow dizzy as a result of the heat + the steam surrounding the bath.
(2) In Japanese, the expression literally means ‘to cool down one’s liver’ and it’s used to imply that you give someone a scare. 
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London Afternoon Tea Rooms: 10Best Tea Room Reviews
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/london-afternoon-tea-rooms-10best-tea-room-reviews/
London Afternoon Tea Rooms: 10Best Tea Room Reviews
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Tea and Britain go hand in hand. It’s the national drink which solves every problem, accompanies every life event, and can – at times – be synonymous with unabashed luxury. Visitors may have to get used to its cultural weight (serve the wrong type of cream with your scone and you could be banished from the kingdom forever), but a proper afternoon tea carries the kind of charm and calm that feeds a lifetime of period drama fantasies. Maybe you planned ahead and got to that one spot that requires a bit of time on a waiting list. Or maybe you’re into something a bit more cross-cultural. Maybe you’re staying in the outer neighbourhoods, dreading a journey into Zone 1 and longing for something a little bit low-key. There’s an afternoon tea to fit any mood and agenda, and no visitor has experienced true Englishness until they had their fill of egg and cress sandwiches, berry jam, and all manner of goodies served on a fancy ol’ platter or brought by on a trolley cart. So put on your pearls and get your cravat in order, book your town car to Mayfair and be sure to bring your camera. London’s afternoon teas are unforgettable, and they absolutely exceed the hype.
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While most would head west to Mayfair and beyond for their 3:30pm tea appointment, savvy media types may need to stick to Soho for theirs, and there’s no better place for celebrity spotting and a proper stylish sit-down than the Dean Street Townhouse. Afternoon Tea includes a selection of “fancy cakes” and buttered crumpets, as well as creams, jams, scones, and sandwiches. High tea is another matter entirely – think more savouries like macaroni and cheese and a scotch duck egg. The Townhouse’s lush interiors will make you feel like you’re meeting Kate Moss between shoots, and you could positively nod off in their lushly upholstered seating.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: The spot is as versatile as it is hip – it’s perfect for dinner, drinks, or a traditional tea.
Arianna’s expert tip: Branch out to more rare teas, like the “smoky and mysterious green variety Lapsang Souchong.
Read more about Dean Street Townhouse →
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The Bluebird is a Chelsea institution, covering a goodly chunk of prime real estate on the King’s Road and offering everything from fine dining to boutique shopping and casual drinks. Their low(er)-key cafe offers up casual, chic nibbles and drinks, including a proper afternoon tea. At £22.50 per person, you could enjoy assorted finger sandwiches along with a choice of tea (Flowering Osmanthus? Darjeeling 2nd Flush? Blackcurrant and hibiscus?) and take in the sights – mainly socialites with tiny dogs, that sort of thing. Add £7 for a glass of Moet & Chandon Brut. Go on – you’re in Chelsea now.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: It’s a more al fresco alternative to the normally cosy afternoon ritual.
Arianna’s expert tip: Sit on the outdoor patio in the spring and summer. Even in the chillier months, they are well equipped with all manner of heating device.
Read more about The Bluebird →
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Sometimes the only cure for shopping exhaustion is an afternoon tea fit for a Regent’s Street LOL (lady of leisure). Fortnum & Mason offer all the goodies a visitor to London could hope to stuff their suitcase with (tea hampers, chocolates, fragrances galore), and stationed a mere stairway away is a restful and elegant teatime haven. Enjoy “Rare breed hen egg [and] mustard cress” sandwiches, wild blueberry scones, and Tumsong Tumsa Devi Temple Darjeeling tea (and a wide variety of classic blend and single estate teas) all for £44 per person. It’s the perfect day out, and the perfect way to recharge your batteries to haul your loot home.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: No one in London knows tea like F&M, and their afternoon tea is hard to beat.
Arianna’s expert tip: Pick up your afternoon’s tea from their ground level emporium.
Read more about Fortnum and Mason →
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Drink, Shop & Do is the kind of tea house designed by your seven-year-old niece after her third Capri Sun. We mean this in the best possible way. At front is a craft shop with neon yarn, stylish accessories and a sneaky stairway to downstairs bar Drink, Dance & Do. Beyond the bright entryway is the afternoon tea arena where you can enjoy Saturday and Sunday tea of the classic or the “boozy” variety. (The latter includes a half-bottle of prosecco, all for a very reasonable £28 per person) It’s quirky, crafty, and vibrant – you almost expect a fistful of glitter on your way out the door. Perfect for a hen do (bachelorette party) or just a catch-up with a dash of Technicolor.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: It’s the most fun you’ll have in the presence of a Lady Grey.
Arianna’s expert tip: Rent out the back room for large parties and special events – far from the hustle and bustle, but just as colourful.
Read more about Drink, Shop & Do →
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Though their tea game may be flawless, it’s easy to forget that England did not in fact come up with the entire concept. Chaya Teahouse in Notting Hill brings its guests a stunning insight into Asian tea traditions, creating a beautifully inventive approach to the traditional British afternoon snacking ritual. Resident “tea artisan” Pei Wangsnow brings his Singaporean-Chinese roots to Chaya: “In Chinese tradition it is through the medium of food that mothers express their love, philosophers reflect on moral well-being and healers cure the sick.” With the Icho-go Icho-e afternoon tea you can sample skin marzipan with guava, warm scone with clotted cream and rose petal jam, garlic miso-pickled cream cheese with cucumber and shichimi pepper, and a pot of their rare and delicate teas, all for a very reasonable £30.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: You’re not likely to find a more authentic Asian tea experience in west London.
Arianna’s expert tip: Branch out and go for an aged tea like the cantaloupe Oolong.
Read more about Teanamu Chaya Teahouse →
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Photo courtesy of The Dorchester
If you are lucky enough to find yourself in the magnificent entryway of the Dorchester Hotel, it is unlikely that you ended up there by accident. Whether to stay overnight in one of its breathtaking suites or to shimmy underground to Chinese Art Deco hideaway China Tang, you’ve ended up in London’s iconic hotspot for upper-crust tastemakers. So while you’re booking that spa treatment below ground level, why not book afternoon tea in the hotel’s stunning Promenade? At £49 per person you could enjoy classics like scones and clotted cream with a selection of teas. But if you feel like splashing out on the authentic experience, The Dorchester offers a limited selection of seats on its balcony overlooking the Promenade, and trolley service serving British specialties like ham hock with Piccalilli and mustard cress on sourdough crisp, rare teas, and a glass of Laurent-Perrier Vintage 2004 Champagne. For £59 per person it’s the closest thing to time travel an afternoon tea is likely to provide.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: Elegance, old world authenticity, and tastiness take center stage at The Dorchester.
Arianna’s expert tip: Sneak around the premises if you get a chance, or better yet, get a drink in The Bar – ask for Giuliano!
Read more about Dorchester Afternoon Tea →
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In its almost 100 years standing, The Ritz has never wavered as the city’s most extravagantly monument to London’s place among the world’s greatest metropoles. Every inch of it is ornate and more or less unchanged since its inception, and afternoon tea in the Palm Court is no exception. Serving 400 people daily, you’ll need to book well in advance for one of the daily time slots (at least four weeks for their 3:30pm tea), but once you’re in, you’ll be ensconced in the famous pink-gold light that was said to make the lady clientele glow (The Ritz was indeed the first hotel in Britain which allowed women to enter through its doors unchaperoned), and treated to their famous cakes, teas, and sandwiches for £50.00 per person.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: After tea at The Ritz you’ll have a lifetime of bragging rights.
Arianna’s expert tip: Pop over into the bar for a cocktail in a shoe! Tallulah Bankhead famously drank from her own slipper upon arrival at the hotel, and the bar has done its own, slightly more hygenic interpretation.
Read more about The Palm Court at The Ritz →
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Rou Nen, matcha sponge, wasabi cured salmon: These are not exactly items we’ve come to expect on English afternoon tea menus, but we couldn’t be happier at the prospect of a much-needed cultural twist. And what better way to experience something new than on level 35 of western Europe’s tallest building. Go for the “Classic” menu for £49 and indulge in Earl Grey scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream, as well as smoked salmon sandwiches with yuzu crème fraîche. Or go for the Asian menu (with a glass of champagne, c’mon) for £62 and try Cornish crab, chive, and curry mayo in a steamed bun, vanilla macarons with cinnamon-infused cream and pear compote, and Tie Guan Yin Oolong tea.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: It’s a much-needed alternative to the classic English afternoon tea. (There are so many cucumber sandwiches we can enjoy.)
Arianna’s expert tip: Choose your cardinal direction or choice in advance – you can see virtually all of the city from that high up.
Read more about Ting at Shangri-La →
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To try to describe Sketch is like trying to paint a smell. It requires a sort of synesthetic language, one where egg-toilets, artist cutlery residencies, and sniper crosshairs in an enchanted forest are core to the vocabulary. To put it simply, Sketch is an experimental restaurant and tea room, one in which have had guest curators like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. Afternoon tea is available in all three of its main spaces: The Parlous (“Lounge on a variety of Louis XV seating in the quirky and eccentric patisserie, restaurant and bar from breakfast, through comfort food and afternoon tea for up to six persons until the last drink before home”), the Glade (a “half-remembered and yet completely contemporary” woodland-themed sitting room, and the Gallery, where guest curations take place. Truly there is no place like it one earth, and guests could lose afternoons peering into its hidden mysteries and vividly displayed curiosities.
Recommended for Afternoon Tea because: An afternoon at Sketch is less like a tea outing and more like an immersive theatre experience.
Arianna’s expert tip: Check out the bathrooms – egg cubicles with barely-whispered poetry playing on a hypnotic loop. Utterly bizarre and unforgettably magical.
Read more about Sketch →
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A Comprehensive Travel Guide for Myanmar and F.A.Q’s
  Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a Southeast Asian nation of more than 100 ethnic groups, bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand, and this Myanmar Travel Guide makes for a comprehensive travel resource that will help you plan your trip to Myanmar.
  With the opening of the land border, a couple of years ago, and the ease of obtaining an E Visa, travelling to Myanmar from India has become quite easy and affordable.
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  I was lucky enough to have visited Myanmar for New Year’s with Debjani (The Vagabong), where we visited the Big 4 destinations, i.e. Mandalay, Bagan, Inle Lake and Yangon, which also forms the famous Golden Kite Itinerary of Myanmar.
  Each of these destinations is unique in itself, and while, Yangon (formerly Rangoon), the country’s largest city, is home to bustling markets, numerous parks and lakes, and the towering, gilded Shwedagon Pagoda, which contains Buddhist relics and dates to the 6th century; Bagan on the other hand is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is home to countless temples and Pagodas, including the Shwezigon Pagoda.
  The Itinerary that we followed for our Trip to Myanmar was :
Imphal (1 Day) – Moreh Border – Tamu – Mandalay (2 Days) – Bagan (3 Days) – Inle Lake (2 Days) – Yangon (1 Day) – Kolkata 
  It took us almost 24 hours to reach Mandalay from Imphal by road, which included an hour for all the India – Myanmar Border crossing formalities, around 2-3 hours for different meals throughout the journey.
The journey time between Mandalay and Bagan is 4-5 hours, whereas from Bagan to Inle Lake is 7-8 hours, and from Inle Lake to Yangon is 9-10 hours, which went by very comfortably in the VIP Semi Sleeper Bus that we took.
Our main mode of transport for the entire trip was the Bus.
  Now that you’ve got a vague idea about Myanmar and our trip, its time to scroll down and know more about Myanmar, in this Myanmar Travel Guide as I’ve tried to answer most of the Frequently Asked Questions, a traveller has in their minds, before planning a Trip to Myanmar.
  Q – Do I need a visa to travel to Myanmar?
Yes, you need a Visa to Travel to Myanmar. However, there are some nationalities that are exempt from Visa for 14 / 30 days, and some are applicable for Visa on Arrival or eVisa. Check here to see the eligibility of your passport for entry into Myanmar.
  The Bagan Sunrise !
  Q – How To apply for the Myanmar VISA?
The Myanmar VISA process simplified, in 9 steps below.
The cost of the Myanmar eVisa is 50 USD, and the whole process is very simple and straightforward.
Step 1 – Head to the official website – https://evisa.moip.gov.mm
Step 2 – Go to Apply VISA > New Application > Tourist VISA
Step 3 – Fill out your Passport Number | Nationality | Email address | Port of Entry and Proceed to the next page.
Step 4 – Fill out your Personal Information
Step 5 – Make the payment of 50 USD via Credit Card / Debit Card
Step 6 – You will get acknowledgement receipt via mail which will mention your Application Number, Passport Number and Payment Reference Number
Step 7 – If you have provided all necessary details as required, you will get another mail in a matter of hours or maximum 2 days, with the VISA Application Result. Print this and keep it along with your Passport
Step 8 – Get the VISA Letter stamped during Immigration and keep it safely, until you exit the country.
Step 9 – Enjoy Your Trip to Myanmar
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  Q – When should I apply for my visa?
Ideally, you should apply for it, anytime between 20-30 days, before your planned arrival in Myanmar, as the approval letter you get after applying for the eVisa  is valid for 90 days, from the date of issue.
  Q – Do I need insurance for this Trip to Myanmar?
Yes, it’s highly recommended to get Travel Insurance, before travelling to Myanmar. And I personally recommend you to go ahead with SafetyWings – The Travel Medical Insurance for Travellers.
  Q – What is the best way to stay connected?
The most economical way of staying connected while Travelling in Myanmar, is to get a local Myanmar SIM Card ! 
As of now, you can choose between MPT, Ooredoo and Telenor. The average rate for the 5 GB data bundle pack with a validity of 30 days is around 5,000 Kyat. 
Getting a local SIM Card in Myanmar, turns out to be extremely helpful, especially when you are planning your walking tour in Mandalay, or while navigating through Bagan on your E Bike.
  Q – How easy is it to get money exchanged in Myanmar?
There are plenty of places where you can get money exchanged in all the major cities in Myanmar. However, if you are entering Myanmar, via road crossing the border from India, it’s highly recommended to exchange your Indian Currency into Kyat in Tamu, before starting the journey to Mandalay. 
You can still convert Indian Currency in Bagan, but it’s a tough nut to crack in Mandalay !
The best option is to either carry USD’s which can easily be exchanged anywhere, or withdraw from ATM’s which are found in plenty, everywhere.
  Q – Can I make payments via Credit Card / Debit Card in Myanmar?
Yes, at most of the resorts / hotels / hostels / restaurants, you can pay via Credit Card or Debit Card, however, it’s better to have Kyat on you, as it becomes easier, when you are shopping or eating out.
Also note that the businesses might charge a surcharge when paying by card, and the exchange rate might not be the best.
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  Q – Is it safe to travel in Myanmar as a Solo Traveller?
To be honest, Myanmar while still underdeveloped as compared to other South-East-Asian nations like Thailand, Vietnam or Indonesia, is perfectly safe for Solo Travellers of both the sexes.
Myanmar is one of the safest countries in Asia. Crime goes against the Buddhist culture and theft and robberies are rare. 
The hostels, which already exist in major tourist hotspots like Mandalay, Bagan Inle Lake and Yangon, provide a safe haven for solo travellers, and provide ample opportunities to interact with other travellers as well.
  Q – What is the best time to travel to Myanmar?
The best time to travel to Myanmar is in the winters from mid October/November to February/March when the country is green, dry and relatively cool. 
April to May is the worst time to visit as the temperatures can go as high up as 40 deg C.
  The Temples of Bagan
  Q – How many days are required to explore Myanmar?
Anywhere between 7 – 14 days is ideal for travelling in Myanmar. If you are short on days, then check out this detailed 7 Day Myanmar Road Trip Itinerary, with recommendations to make the most out of your trip to Myanmar.
  Q – Are there any hefty fees that I should be aware of ?
Yes, be advised that you have to pay 25, 000 Kyat, when you enter Bagan, as the Bagan Architectural Fee, which is valid for a duration of 7-8 days, and another 15, 000 Kyat as the Inle Lake Development Fee on your arrival in Inle Lake.
  Q – What to Do in Myanmar?
Follow this Ideal Best of Myanmar in One Week – A Road Trip Itinerary which forms the backbone of this Myanmar Travel Guide.
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  Day 1 – Explore Mandalay on Foot – Mandalay Hill | Kyauktawgyi Pagoda | Sandamuni Pagoda | Mahamuni Buddha Temple
Day 2 – Discover the flavours of Mandalay – Go on a food tour | Mingun | U Bein Bridge
Day 3 – Mandalay to Bagan | Mt Popa Sunset Tour
Day 4 – Catch Sunrise Near Suleimani Temple | Bagan Day Tour – Ananda Phaya | Shwezigon Pagoda | Dhamayagi | Lacquer Workshop | Sunset boat ride on Ayeyarwaddy River – Overnight Bus to Inle Lake
Day 5 – Full Day Inle Lake Tour – Click the famous fishermen of Inle Lake | Visit Lotus Stem Weaving Factory | Cigar Making Factory | Boat Making Factory | Interact with the long-necked women tribe (Kayan tribe)
Day 6 – Visit the In Dein Market | Get a Spa Treatment | Visit the Red Mountain Winery – Overnight Bus to Yangon
Day 7 – Shwedagon Pagoda | Sule Pagoda | Walk around the colonial area of Yangon | Cycle/Trishaw experience in Dala | Yangon Circular Train (if time permits) | Explore the Night Markets of Yangon.
  Q – What to Do in Mandalay?
Tracing back its origin in 1857, Mandalay is now the second largest city in Myanmar. It is found in the upper part of the nation, situated on the east bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. Mandalay is the place, which was home to the Royal Palace of the Konbaung Dynasty, which was the last government and free realm of Burma. 
  Be that as it may, Mandalay was bombed in WWII and the palace vanished, alongside much else. The royal residence was revamped during the 1990s, and from that point forward Mandalay has experienced a heedless development blast that was never about aesthetics.
  The first place we explored was the Kyauktawgyi Pagoda which is located near the southern entry gate to reach Mandalay Hill.
  The Kyauktawgyi Pagoda was built by King Mindon in 1853 on the model of the Ananda Temple at Pagan. The pagoda was completed during 1878. The highlight of the Kyauktawgyi Paya is the huge seated Buddha figure sculpted from a single block of pale green marble from the Sagyin quarry twelve miles north of Mandalay. It is believed that about Ten Thousand men took about 2 weeks to transport the stone block from the Ayeyarwaddy River to the site where it is today.
  Next, we started climbing the stairs up to Mandalay Hill which took us around 30 odd minutes. We primarily went for the views. And it didn’t disappoint us at all 😜 
  All the way up Mandalay Hill
  While we were up there the multiple white stupas caught our attention, and that is where we headed to after climbing down the stairs.
  The multiple white stupas with slabs inscribed with Buddhist teachings along with the large golden zedi is known as the Sandamuni Pagoda.
  Sandamuni Pagoda as viewed from the top of Mandalay Hill
  As the large golden zedi was under restoration, we weren’t able to see the largest iron Buddha statue in Burma. However, the multiple white stupas made for an amazing setting as the sun decided to give us a little peek a boo before going down.
  On our 2nd day in Mandalay, we explored the different foods and items in the by lanes of Mandalay with Beyond Boundaries Myanmar, and it gave the kick-start to our Myanmar Trip that we needed. 
  Post our food adventure, we made our way to the jetty, where we crossed the Ayeyarwady river, to reach Mingun, where the highlight was the Hsinbyume Paya, apart from Mingun Pahtodawgyi which is a monumental uncompleted stupa and then finally headed to U Bein Bridge, our last attraction in Mandalay, to witness the sunset. But all we saw were human heads. U Bein Bridge during sunsets is a typical case of the attraction losing its charm owing to overtourism.
  One of the most unique Sunset Shots captured by me!
  Q – What to Eat and Drink in Myanmar?
So, in case you are wondering What to Eat and Drink in Mandalay, we got your back 😎 📸 1 Tempura and Sticky Rice (White and Brown)
📸 2 Mohingar – Essentially a rice noodle soup with fish/chicken/vegetables, usually consumed during breakfast. It is also dubbed to be the national dish of Myanmar.
  📸 3 Fried Stuffed Sweet Potato and Fried Bananas
📸4 Rice Cakes
📸5 Khao Soi / Khao Suey – Served widely in Myanmar, but modified versions of Khao Soi can be found in Laos and Northern Thailand as well. Traditionally, the dough for the rice noodles is spread out on a cloth stretched over boiling water. After steaming the large sheet noodle is then rolled and cut with scissors, cooked in coconut milk and served with a variety of contrasting condiments.
  📸6 Fresh Fruit Juices / Smoothies
📸7 Burmese Tea Leaf Salad / Lahpet thoke –Lahpet means “green tea,” and thoke, meaning “salad,” is an eclectic mix of flavours and textures that includes soft, pickled tea leaves, crisp, roasted peanuts and other crunchy beans, toasted sesame seeds, fried garlic. 
  And last but not the least
  📸8 BEER 
Q – Tips and Recommendations for Mandalay?
If possible, visit U Bein Bridge during sunrise, and go directly under the bridge. And if that’s not an option, making the sunset the only time, plan to reach U Bein Bridge an hour earlier, and head straight under the bridge, and find your vantage point to capture the sun going down, behind the stilts.
  However, if you have more time in Mandalay, I would highly recommend you check out these Top Things To Do in Mandalay and add the following experiences in your trip to Mandalay!
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  Climb up Yankin Hill
Visit Mahamuni Paya
Go shopping at the Jade Market
Admire the 75 feet high Skinny Buddha
Visit a Gold Rose Workshop
Read the World’s Largest Book at Kuthodaw Pagoda
See a Puppet Show at Mandalay Marrionettes Theatre
Hike up to the Dat Taw Gyaint Waterfall
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  Q – What to Do in Bagan?
Day 1 – Arrive in Bagan from Mandalay 
Day 2 – Explore Bagan at own Pace | Mt Popa Sunset Tour
Day 3 – Bagan Full Day Tour with Beyond Boundaries Myanmar | Overnight Bus to Inle Lake 
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  After spending three days in Bagan, we rounded up these 5 destinations, that should figure on your Bagan To Do List No Matter what:
  #1 Shwe Zigon Pagoda #2 Ananda Phaya #3 Dhammayangyi Temple #4 The small hillock near Sulamani Temple for Sunrise #5 Lacquer Workshop
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  As we had an amazing time with Beyond Boundaries Myanmar in Mandalay, we decided to explore Bagan on the last day of 2019 with these guys, and what a day it turned out to be!
  We visited the 5 places, mentioned above, and then headed for lunch in a local house in a village, after which we took a Boat Ride over River Ayeyarwady and witnessed the last Sunset of 2019.
  However, if you have more time in Bagan, I would highly recommend you check out these Top Things To Do in Bagan and add the following experiences in your trip to Bagan !
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  Experience Bagan from the skies by Riding the Hot Air Balloons.
Visit the Archeological Museum.
Take out time and visit a Monk Monastery.
Visit the Mani Sithu Market.
See the sunset from the ‘Nan Myint Tower‘.
Visit the Dhammayazika Pagoda
Go on an early morning Cycling Tour.
        Q – Tips and Recommendations for Bagan.
Everything is scattered in Bagan making E Bike the best option to travel.
The best location for choosing accommodation is on Nyuang U – Bagan Road, closer to the river.
Bagan is expensive – Be prepared 😔
There isn’t much to do here. So, keep that book you wanted to read with you, but didn’t find time for it. 😉
Everything closes at 9-10 PM.
When you catch Sunrise and some local approach and tell you that they’ll take you to a good spot – Go for it. 😎
ATM’s everywhere but if you want to exchange Indian currency, there’s one currency exchange near India Hut restaurant.
No Grabs in Bagan. And Tuk Tuk are expensive, so HAGGLE!
Go to Mt Popa but during the Afternoon, so, you can catch the Sunset from the top.
Get pampered after a long day of exploring. It’s cheap – 5 USD for an hour-long foot massage / 8 USD for 1 hour full body traditional massage. 😎
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  Q – What to Do in Inle Lake and Where to Stay?
After witnessing the first sunrise of 2020 in Bagan, we found ourselves in a Minivan, headed towards Inle Lake in the Shan State of Myanmar.
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First day of 2020 First Sunrise of 2020 Couldn't find a better picture to share than this, as the first one of 2020 and to kickoff #ETLRTravelDiaries2020 😍 . After all it's not an everyday affair to start the day with views like these 😎 . Bagan turned out to be the best place we could be in to usher 2020 in a way that will remain etched in our memories forever. No late parties. No getting drunk. No loud music. . Making it an easy task to wake up at 5 in the morning and rush to catch the sunrise. . Here's wishing my entire social media FAM a very Happy and Adventurous 2020, and may you travel more and travel often to places you always desired to 😊 . . . . . . . . . . . #EatTravelLiveRepeat #ETLRWithArnav #baganmyanmar #Experience_Myanmar #myanmartravel #TravelDiaries2020 #oldbagan #templesofbagan #indiantravelblogger #igmyanmar #myanmarburma #happynewyear2020 #snapseededit #googlelocalguide #SonyHX400V #sonyphotography #ig_myshot #ig_landscape #ig_sunrise #ig_sunriseshots #photographers_of_india #outlooktraveller #lonelyplanetindia #BeyondBoundariesMyanmar #instasunrise #destinationunknown #destinationunlocked #discoverit #wanderon
A post shared by Arnav Mathur | Travel | INDIA (@theetlrblog) on Jan 1, 2020 at 1:06am PST
After a full day of travelling we found ourselves at ViewPoint Eco Lodge and were delighted to be spending the first few nights of 2020, in the lap of luxury, and being pampered by the hospitable staff here.
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While our time at ViewPoint Eco Lodge was spent either trying out different food items from the Shan cuisine, getting pampered at the SPA or just appreciating the beauty of the moment, sitting by the water side and listening to the sounds of nature. We managed to explore the beauty of Lake Inle when we stepped out of ViewPoint Ecolodge, in our private speed boat. Yes we saw the famous fisherman of Inle Lake, strike a pose for the tourists with their traditional bamboo nets. We also visited the Lotus Stem weaving factory and the Cigar Making factory and interacting with the long necked women – Kayan Tribe was the highlight.
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One of the experiences, during our stay at ViewPoint Eco Lodge which stood out was having our lunch on a boat in the middle of the lake, being prepared by the cooks on another boat, and being brought to us on yet another boat.
  The whole experience of trying out the unique Shan Cuisine coupled with the fantastic wine, was too good to be true, and we managed to gulp down the entire bottle by the end of our meal.
  We also visited the Red Mountain Winery, which provides an awesome panoramic view of Inle Lake and the surrounding mountains, making it the perfect spot to chase the sunset.
  Q – Tips and Recommendations for Inle Lake.
As we had limited time on hand, we had to skip out on the 2-day hike from Kalaw to Inle Lake, but this is a popular choice with many backpackers and travellers, and something that we’ll recommend in this Myanmar Travel Guide, for you to check out for yourself.
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  Q – What to do in Yangon and Where to Stay?
Yangon was our last destination in our Myanmar Itinerary, and as we were short on time, we could only spend a day in Yangon. 
  But we managed to do quite a bit in one day, thanks to Beyond Boundaries Myanmar, such as visiting both the Sule Pagoda and the famous Shwedagon Pagoda, exploring the old colonial area on foot, and the village of Dala across the river in a Trishaw.
  The icon of Yangon
  We were lucky that the hotel where we decided to stay in Yangon –Esperado Lake View Hotel, had a rooftop dining area and a bar, from where we enjoyed panoramic views of the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Yangon Skyline during our Breakfast and Dinner there. 
  The Panoramic View from the rooftop of Hotel Esperado Lake View Yangon
  Q – Tips and Recommendations for Yangon.
If your hotel doesn’t have a rooftop area, I would highly recommend you go to any of the Rooftop Bars and Restaurants for one of the meals.
  However, if you have more time in Yangon, I would highly recommend you check out these Top Things To Do in Yangon and add the following experiences in your trip to Yangon.
  Pin It !
Experience the essence of Yangon by taking the Circular Train.
A food walk on the 19th Street.
Explore the different Night Markets of Yangon
Visit the Taukkyan War Cemetery.
Take a stroll around Inya Lake and Kandawgyi Lake.
Visit Kyauk Taw Gyi Temple.
Admire the 65-metre-long reclining Buddha at Chauk Htet Kyi Pagoda.
Visit Bahadur Shah Zafar’s grave.
Explore Yangon’s Chinatown.
Visit the Maha Wizaya Pagoda and Kaba Aye Pagoda.
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  Q – What are the common phrases in Myanmar that I should know?
Here are some basic phrases, I recommend in this Myanmar Travel Guide, that every traveller travelling to Myanmar should know :
  Hello – Min ga la ba
Thank you – Je zu tin ba deh 
Yes – Ho de
No – Ma ho bu
Goodbye – Ta ta!
How are you? – Neh kaun la?
I’m well –  Neh kaun ba deh
Where is the restroom? – Toilet beh ma lay?
  Hope you guys enjoyed reading this Myanmar Travel Guide. If you want to read more of my Myanmar articles, check out these articles :
  The 3 Day Bagan Itinerary | The Bagan Travel Guide
ViewPoint Eco Lodge – Nyaung Shwe, Myanmar | Where Luxury Meets Sustainability
The 7 Day Myanmar Golden Kite Road Trip Adventure
  Don’t forget to Pin this Myanmar Travel Guide and if you have any queries, or need any help in planning a trip to Myanmar, please feel free to drop in a mail to [email protected]
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Disclaimer: No compensation was received for this article, however ViewPoint Eco Lodge in Inle Lake, and Esperado Lake View Hotel in Yangon offered our stay complimentary, and Beyond Boundaries Myanmar, offered us complimentary tours in Mandalay, Bagan and Yangon. As always, the opinions on theETLRblog.com are (and always will be) my own!
The Myanmar Travel Guide + F.A.Q’s A Comprehensive Travel Guide for Myanmar and F.A.Q's Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a Southeast Asian nation of more than 100 ethnic groups, bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand, and this…
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businessliveme · 5 years
Summer of Cruising
The seas are calling and we do love a good luxury cruise. We pick eight of the cruises that stood out from the rest for us this year as a result of unique itineraries, facilities, and comfort
Ovation of the Seas
The Ovation of the Seas is the third and currently the newest ship of the “Quantum” class, in the Royal Caribbean family. With a length of almost 350 meters, the ship offers space for up to 4,180 passengers, who can find plenty of variety, entertainment and recreation on 16 decks.
The Ovation of the Seas is a ship for all ages, with a special focus on guests looking to enjoy the full range of entertainment on this large cruise ship. The atmosphere is relaxed, the service friendly and very professional, just typically American. Numerous restaurants, bars, lounges and cafes offer a huge variety of delicious food at any time of the day. As on all cruise lines, the Ovation of the Seas offers entertainment for all tastes: from quiet evening tunes to wild party nights at the club – here everyone gets their money’s worth. And to top it, there are 79 cruises to choose from.
Alexa – Indo Yachts
If big cruises or yachts are not your cup of tea, then Alexa, the one-cabin superyacht might just be what you are looking for. Available from as little as three nights, a seven-day charter aboard Alexa could see guests on a romantic cruise from Labuan Bajo in Flores to Moyo Island in Sumbawa, through some of the most pristine and untouched areas of the Indonesian archipelago.  During a tour of Indonesia’s exotic wilderness, the yacht’s two sole guests will visit The Komodo National Park and cruise through the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, with a dedicated crew on hand to cater to their every whim, and almost every conceivable amenity on board. Once-in-a-lifetime experiences include arrival on board via seaplane, beach dining on Wai Nilu beach, on-deck barbecues, spa treatments, swimming with turtles and Manta Rays, and trekking for Komodo Dragons and other native Indonesian wildlife. For downtime, a single, master cabin offers 270-degree views out on to Indonesia’s beautiful scenery from a king-size bed, with uninterrupted viewing granted from her adjoining private balcony aft.
Gypsy Mekong Kingdoms
A river cruise is one of our indulgences and the Gypsy has shot right up pioneering a stylish new way of exploring the Mekong River with modern boats, bespoke itineraries and a playful, artistic spirit, and we are proud to announce the maiden voyage of Gypsy, an ultra-exclusive two-cabin river cruiser, between the ancient Laos capital of Luang Prabang and Thailand’s Golden Triangle, in May 2018.  A private tailored three nights, four days cruise from Luang Prabang to the Golden Triangle and two nights, three days return cruise for up to four passengers are on offer. And both Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort and AVANI+ Luang Prabang can, of course, be added to the journey. Meticulously designed to accommodate the modern-day lifestyle of the most discerning wanderlust souls, the 41-metre, two-cabin vessel epitomises a fine balance between playful mingling and reflective solitude.  With ample indoor and outdoor living spaces to comfortably accommodate families or small groups, Gypsy also features a communal mid-ship lounge, bar and dining area, as well as a separate veranda style lounge with an al fresco panorama deck at the bow of the boat.
Queen Mary 2
We chose Queen Mary 2 for a special reason – the renowned English National Ballet goes on board for the first time ever, in a very exclusive voyage that celebrates the world of dance. This Transatlantic Crossing will offer an up-close and personal perspective of the elegant magic the English National Ballet create on stage – and the effort that goes into it. Guests will be joined on board by six ballet dances including Lead Principal Erina Takahashi and First Soloist James Streeter, watch their morning ballet class and drop in on afternoon rehearsals. Guests can also take part in dance workshops throughout the week with a fantastic opportunity to experience the joy of dancing and learn from professionals. There will also be insight talks, offering a fascinating understanding of the dedication and exhilaration of the dancer’s life, along with dance-themed films and documentaries. Queen Mary 2 is a remarkable flagship that places value on luxury, comfort, and service. This special cruise sets sail from Southampton to New York.
Crystal Esprit 
The all-suite Crystal Esprit mesmerizes guests by sailing to destinations that are difficult to reach and often accessible only by private yacht. From the Dalmatian Coast and Greek Isles to the Seychelles and West Indies, each itinerary is thoughtfully planned to ensure vacation time is best spent exploring cultural delights. On the West Indies Yachting Explorer itinerary, you will garner front-row access to indulgent islands like St. Barts, Saba and Nevis, places where large cruise ships are typically precluded from docking due to size. Crystal Yacht Expeditions boast 6-star service with 90 staff catering to just 62 guests in 31 butler-serviced suites.
Independence of the Seas
We love Independence of the Seas for its fun and activities-led features. The phenomenal features onboard include the FlowRider® surf simulator, a rock-climbing wall, ice-skating rink, cantilevered whirlpools, Royal Promenade, mini golf course, and much more. The Sky Pad, which made its debut on Independence, is all about providing passengers with a unique, high-tech immersive experience on board. A virtual reality bungee trampoline activity, Sky Pad’s nine-tonne yellow globe looks like a modern art sculpture. Water parks are one of the most popular activities on board for families and the H2O Zone has been replaced by a bigger Splashaway Bay water park. Two racing waterslides called the Perfect Storm have also been added. The ship travels on the Caribbean and Mediterranean routes this year.
U by Uniworld
For anyone looking for a fun, eclectic and hip cruise, the new U by Uniworld gets our votes. The river cruise which begins in Amsterdam, you’ll have three days to spend in the laid-back and forward-thinking Dutch hotspot, along with stops in Haarlem, Cologne, Koblenz and Frankfurt. You’ll spend several nights out on the town — Amsterdam After Dark is a prime example. And you’ll get your fix of famous artwork, incredible scenery and a look into Europe’s history and culture. Whatever your travel personality, this cruise is sure to please. Uniword is sailing into the next generation of cruising with the launch of U by Uniworld, a new take on river cruising for the experiential travel generation.
Wind Star
A sleek, 4-masted sailing ship, Wind Star accommodates 148 guests and features four decks and a gross tonnage of 5,307, making the small vessel seem like your own private small ship. Wind Star teak decks are wide open — quite unusual for small ships. Guests will find hidden nooks for private moments giving them a feeling of being on their own private veranda. All staterooms have ocean views, queen beds, flat-screen TV with DVD player, and Bose SoundDock speakers for Apple iPods. The Owner’s Suite includes a sitting area. Wind Star offers two primary dining venues. Amphora restaurant offers gourmet, course-by-course cuisine in the evenings and Veranda restaurant offers casual buffet and full-service dining for breakfast and lunch.
The post Summer of Cruising appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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mayabytes-blog · 6 years
Spend Your Best Day in Dubai for just AED100
If you are a traveler and a foodie and want to explore places without wasting even an hour, then Dubai Marina is the spot-on location for you. Dubai is full of jaw-dropping adventures and tourist activities but where to head when you have a limited budget and want to visit the best places in town? Let’s explore Dubai Marina and pull out some of the cheapest places hidden inside.
Operation Falafel
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Falafel is a Middle Eastern dish served in a Pita. Falafel is basically a deep-fried ball made from chickpeas and fava beans served wrapped in a taboon (a flatbread). Operation Falafel is a restaurant near Dubai Marina beach where you can get;
Zaatar for AED 8 Classic Falafel (8pieces) for AED 8 Pita Falafel for AED 11 Chocolate and banana manoushes for AED 25
Many restaurants modify Falafel to suit the taste of their vicinity but traditionally it is prepared by putting Falafel balls on a layer of salads, hot sauce, and pickled vegetables, then the tahini-based sauces are showered over them. If you’re in Dubai Marina and want to gratify your appetite, then Operation Falafel could be a good option.
Cinnabon – Dubai Marina Mall
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Who hasn’t heard of Dubai Marina Mall? It’s all over the internet, you’ll get the finest shopping experience in Dubai Marina Mall with a few of the most fascinating eateries.
If you’re a sugar-lover and particular about your budget, then you would definitely run bare-foot towards Cinnabon. Located on the 2nd floor of Dubai Marina Mall, it’s one of the best places to give a sweet pleasure to your taste buds where you can get;
Chocobon for AED 54 Pecanbon for AED 60 Deals of 2-4 items (Drinks and rolls) within AED50.
Kebab Grill 44
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Are you an Indian food lover or spice lover? We have filtered out a restaurant to fit into your budget. Kebab Grill 44 is an Indian restaurant located at the Al-Seba street, Dubai Marina, serving North-Indian cuisines with the specialty dishes being Butter Chicken, Rogan Josh, Murgh Malai Tikka, Paneer Makhni, and Mutton Biryani. Some of the mouth-watering dishes under AED 100 are;
Butter Chicken for AED 39 Rogan Josh for AED 39 Chicken Tikka Masala for AED 39 Mixed Veg Platter for AED 42
Having such affordably delicious food in the heart of Dubai Marina is not less than a dream.
Pizzas in Dubai Marina
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Pizza is undeniably a handy and hassle-free, yet fulfilling meal, especially on a trip. You can avail various pizza chains at stunning rates in Dubai Marina.
·         Papa John’s at an average of AED 85 for 2 persons – Located in Building Diamond 4, opposite JLT Metro Station
·         Domino’s at an average of AED 80 for 2 persons – Located in Diamond 5 Tower, Opposite DAMAC Metro Station
·         Debonairs Pizza at an average of AED 90 for 2 persons – Located in Trident Marinascape Building next to Habtoor Tower, Marina Walk.
Captain Jack Dhow Cruise
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Who wouldn’t love a laidback relaxing trip with refreshing sea breezes caressing you?
Dubai Marina has gotten that refueling trip for you. Sit back and relax when Captain Jack dhow takes you on a 1-hour trip with food and drinks available on the deck. Captain Jack a single deck traditional dhow that gives you an Arabic experience with the music, foods, and drinks during the journey.
If you’re expecting it charge you hundreds of dirhams then there’s good news for you. The add-on is that you’ll get to avail this pleasure trip under AED 70 for an adult (excluding the food)
Its route covers inside Marina Channels, JBR side, open sea, and some part of The Palm. You may avail the trip at any hour between 11 am to 11 pm.
Beauty Salon and Spa
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Why not rework your hair and give yourself a cool look?
The exceptional hair services at the hands of experts come in just AED 60. Located on King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Street, Vita Lita Salon in Dubai Marina is presenting professional hair services at astounding rates.
Haircut and Blow-dry under AED 60 Haircut, Hair treatment and Blowdry under AED 100 Root color and Blow-dry under AED 80
What else do you want when you get stylish hair services on a holiday trip? Rush now, book your rooms and enjoy the comforts of Dubai Marina.
Dubai Marina Byblos Hotel
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Want to enjoy the moment to the fullest in a peaceful ambiance?
Rejuvenate yourself with the pleasure of a relaxing body session and other stress relieving services like pool and gym, at Marina Byblos Hotel in Dubai Marina. Located on Al Hubob Street, the hotel provides you with exceptional body services and amazingly fits in your pocket. You can avail the services under just AED 100 with the access to the pool and gym as well. These services and activities will unquestionably provide with an excellent ending to a tiring day in Dubai Marina.
Dubai Marina Mall
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If you want to intensify your shopping experience and budget is not particularly your major concern, then Dubai Marina Mall is just there waiting for you. Another project by Emaar Malls, Dubai Marina Mall allows you to browse 140 famous brand outlets and 21 hunger-fulfilling dining options. If you’re a shopaholic then it’s definitely the all-in-one spot for you.
Few of the brands that aggrandize your shopping experience at Dubai Marina Mall;
·         Aldo
·         Adidas
·         Bath and Body Works
·         Charles and Keith
·         Clinique
·         Damas
·         Giordano
·         Guess
·         H&M
·         Hallmark
There are other innumerable fascinating places to explore in Dubai that will truly give you the experience worth hundreds of dirhams within just AED 100.
·         The Deira Souk – with an Arabic feel, the local vendors in Deira Souk sell perfumes, spices, and astonishing souvenirs
·         The Abra Ride – connecting Deira and Bur Dubai, it’s a common mode of commuting which refreshes you while crossing the Creek.
Al Fahidi – if you’re fond of exploring historical venues, then the oldest neighborhood in Dubai, Al Fahidi, will definitely captivate you for hours.
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treetrunktravels · 7 years
Luxury Tour to India - The Spa and Ayurveda Experience
Indian culture and history is outstanding for its royal connection. Kings and queens have since quite a while ago controlled Indian states. The vast majority of these urban areas still hold the old world illustrious appeal. On the off chance that you are searching for some unique tour package for yourself you should go for different luxury tour packages of India accessible for a luxury tour to India. Going for a luxury tours will influence you to feel extraordinary about yourself and let you entertain yourself with abundances. It is just during such tours that you can appreciate that uncommon treatment you miss in normal life. Go in the luxury trains of India and be dealt with like rulers and rulers.
Add to the growing awareness among Indian business visionaries to offer their custom, the universal awareness among individuals to figure out how to love and deal with their bodies; and the headiest mixed drink you escape them is a spa and Ayurveda luxury tour to India. While a portion of the lodging networks in India spend significant time in spa treatment, similar to the Taj Group, there are additionally, spa pockets in the nation's tourism delineate emerge basically as spa goals. Kerala on the southern tip of India is especially known for its spa resorts.
They would offer natural face packs and pedicures in a single fourth the cost of the resorts and one can never extremely cross check the genuineness of their cases. Nonetheless, the notable spas offer master suppositions and are known to recommend the best of treatments and treatment for their prized customers. To add to this, are the yoga classes. Despite the fact that far expelled from ayurveda, yoga is another branch of India custom that keeps on captivating the west and has turned into a vital part of any luxury tour to India.
Holiday travel packages in India have additionally figured out how to take luxury higher than ever. There is no compelling reason to movement long separations absorb the sands. World class resorts have guide access to the shoreline, and offer numerous different accommodations and entertainments also. Swanky gambling clubs, action territories and lush rooms and eateries are each of the pieces of the resorts which guarantee an ordeal that can't be coordinated somewhere else. Joined with beautiful areas and quality administration, India has possessed the capacity to convey to its vacationers occasions which are not only memorable, as well as hold you return for additional.
It might appear to be greatly easy and simple when you read or discuss these occasions. In any case, having the capacity to coordinate a few components to achieve an affair that can be so life-changing requires extraordinary commitment, enthusiasm and core interest. It is anything but difficult to diverted and display attractions which need class and style. Luxury tours in India have given all sightseers the chance to venture to every part of the nation and welcomed like a ruler.
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chrismasseur1 · 8 months
Massage Therapy Spa Euston Bespoke Therapeutic massage Experience in Central London: Customized to You.
Hello to Massage Therapy Spa Euston, The Ultimate Relaxation Experience: Reinvent Well-being with Our High-quality Male Massaging Offerings in The UK’s Capital Enter into a Massage And Pedicure Kings Cross realm of undiluted relaxation and renewal at our esteemed masculine massaging service in the heart of the capital. My objective is clear: to elevate your well-being through a unique fusion of…
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masseurrsvp · 8 months
Reserve your Renewed Body Chiropractic & Wellness tranquil experience today.
Renewed Body Chiropractic & Wellness British male masseur focused on tantric massage, I encourage you to start a one-of-a-kind and transformative journey of self-exploration. Through the ancient techniques of tantra, I aim to create a sacred space where you can let go of inhibitions and connect with your inner self. Customized To Your Unique Needs And Desires, Assuring A Deeply Personalised…
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whereinchelsea · 7 years
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Made in Chelsea - Series 13 Episode 5
Interactive Map
1. The Tommy Tucker, 22 Waterford Street - Sam meets his posh friend Harry for a catch up over caffeine. Harry is Ella's ex, whom Tiff snogged whilst on the outs with Sam. Harry encourages Sam to patch things up with Jamie.
2. Chesterfield Hotel, 35 Charles Street - Julius and Ella gorge themselves on a sumptuous afternoon tea while awaiting the arrival of Julius's mum.
3. South Park - Fred and Francis warm up while waiting for Toff and Mimi to join them for a windy tennis match. Mimi goads Fred into inviting her on a date to a museum or gallery.
4. Les 110 de Taillevent, 16 Cavendish Square - Mytton joins Jamie and Frankie for a wine tasting dinner. Jamie moans about the perceived mistreatment he have received from Sam.
5. Boutique Spa, 19 Newman Street - Binky, Louise, and Liv enjoy a spa day and gossip about the new girls.
6. Foxhills Club & Resort, Lyne, Chertsey - Jamie takes Intern Sam to the golf course to provide some lessons on golf and business. Sam is quite a prodigy at the golf. Jamie moans to Intern Sam about the littlest Thompson.
7. The Phene, 9 Phene Street - Sam entices Alex, Akin, JP, and Harry to take his side in the disagreement with Jamie by plying them with complimentary pints.
8. Eelbrook, Eel Brook Common - Olivia just happens to pass by and plops down across from Francis and proceeds to moan about being single (her choice) and say very ungenerous things about Mimi. Francis assists in dramatizing the episode by passing on the information the Mimi and Fred are spending time together.
9. Hoss Intropia, 27A Sloane Square - Liv joins Tiff and Louise in the shops. Liv is thrilled to pass on the news that Fred is seeing Mimi. Liv is not letting the perceived betrayal pass.
10. The Belvedere, Holland Park - Ella and Daisy talk about Julius.
11. Beaufort House, 354 King’s Road - Julius assaults the ears of innocent patrons with some discordant strumming on his acoustic guitar before revealing to Fred that he went home with someone other than Ella after they'd gone out together. Fame is getting the best of Liv's childhood bestie...
12. Pennyhill Park Hotel, Bagshot, Surrey -
13. The Lalit Hotel, 181 Tooley Street - Mark Francis assembles a cross section of potential customers to consult on his fashion line. Sam attempts to embrace Mark Francis to the horror of all. Mytton can't stop bringing up the rift between Jamie and Sam.
14. Burdock, Montcalm Royal London House, 22-25 Finsbury Square - Jamie, Francis, and Intern Sam play table boccie until Harry turns up to confront Jamie about his treatment of Sam. Jamie will not own up to the words he used, and denies that he said what he said despite the audio and video proof he knows there is.
15. Proud Cabaret, Chalk Farm Road - Everyone turns up to the Shock Machine gig. Olivia walks away from an argument with Julius after learning that Julius slept with someone other than Ella. Daisy is happy to take Liv's place in arguing with Julius about his recent behaviour. Francis tells Mimi that Olivia has been telling other people that Mimi is easy. Mimi confronts Liv again, and asks her to stop. Liv is in the wrong here, but I wish that others wouldn't call her crazy, that's not fair or appropriate, but also Liv does need to stop slut shaming. Jamie tells Sam that he has no real friends. Sam throws a drink in Jamie's face.
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masseurrsvp · 8 months
Spa Day For 2 With Treatments And Lunch Near Me Central London Gentlemen's Massage Packages: Your Path to Euphoria.
Feel Spa Day For 2 With Treatments And Lunch Near Me Calming Peace at MasseurLondon.Com “Discover the Craft of Relaxation and Well-Being in the Center of London” Book me on WhatsApp Call Chris About Me: Crafting Unforgettable Men’s Massage Journeys Chris, I hold that self-care is an crucial component of a harmonious life. As an proficient male massage therapist, I am devoted to providing a…
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masseurrsvp · 8 months
Singles Massage Day Spa Restorative Therapeutic massage in Euston London: Cure and Renew.
Welcome to Singles Massage Day Spa, Your Relaxation Journey: Transform Wellness with My Premium Male Massaging Services in London Enter into a Head Massage Kings Cross realm of unadulterated calmness and refreshment at our esteemed male massaging centre in the core of London. My mission is simple: to boost your health through a distinctive fusion of relaxation techniques. From the time you…
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masseurrsvp · 8 months
Body Treatments London Uncover Skilled Therapeutic Contact in Euston London.
Feel Body Treatments London Calming Peace at MasseurLondon.Com “Find Out the Craft of Relaxation and Well-Being in the Heart of London” Book me on WhatsApp Book your massage About Myself: Designing Memorable Men’s Therapeutic massage Journeys Euston Massage, I believe that self-care is an crucial component of a harmonious life. As an proficient male massage therapist, I am dedicated to…
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