squidmayo · 5 years
Jolene: it's like pissing me o-
Jolene: ALI. The DOG. Get the dog off the table!!
Alistair: The dog's always on the table!
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hottestthingalive · 3 years
got followed by someone i’m 98% sure is a bot but. guys. guys. i can’t block someone named sirborksalots
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squidmayo · 5 years
Returning the favour because now I'M curious about your OC's!!! Ruby, peach, sandstone, shamrock for your favourite OC :D
Thank you! :D
sorry for late reply. I don’t have a definite favourite oc so I’ll mix it!
Ruby -Would you consider yourself impulsive or reckless?
Mioluvun: “Many would say that I’m reckless and don’t think through with things. And to that I say; alright okay I see your point, but who doesn’t want to personally fight a high dragon when you see one??? I see things I want to do and I do it then and there, and I may think about it later. Have a lil bit of fun! Should I sit down for once and think? yes. Will I? probably not. Okay I might”
Nossa: “Goodness no. Everything I do is planned and thought through over and over again. The only thing that didn’t go as planned was the breach + corypheus, and we’re currently trying to fix that!” 
Peach - Are you generally a more gentle and soft spoken person or a louder and rougher person?
Mio: “I am usually very polite, but I will treat you as you treat me. I only consider myself loud if I’ve had something to drink, but I rarely drink so that won’t be a problem.”
Nossa: “They say I’m too soft spoken and that I need to speak up more, but I’m just not a loud person.”
Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?
Jolene: “my newfound friends. I lost my family and everything due to Howe’s treachery. The people I’ve met on my journey are very dear to me, and they thought me that this world is worth fighting for. SirBorksalot helps too of course. Who doens’t want a giant mabari?”
mio: “my clan. They welcomed my sister, my son and I with open arms and they treat us like family and as equals. I do miss some of the people I knew from the alienage, but life in the clan is a lot better and they don’t care that we have magic, they welcome and respect it”
Shamrock - Do you believe in luck? If so, are you a generally lucky person?
Mio: “No. I don’t really believe in any superstitions. I believe in cause and effect and what I consider logical. If I do x then y will, or may happen. 
Jolene: “I do! I believe I have a lot of luck. How else would I’ve been able to unite the people and defeat the archdemon? Some might say that it’s my skill and wit that led me here, but there is just so much that can do, luck has to have had some part in it.”
nossa: “I honestly don’t know. Maybe, maybe not? Who knows? not me.”
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