wisdomwaves · 5 months
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 4 days
"hey so question, I'm using a different google email for writing on my chromebook, and the internet is pretty spotty where I'm at. I turned on offline editing for my main account, but now I'm doing a lot of my writing on a different account. for some reason, I can't do offline editing on more than one account at a time. it just says 'offline editing not available because it's already enabled for [main account]'. can I turn off offline editing for my main account so I can turn it on for the account I use for writing?"
>no, you can't turn it off. the only way is to completely log out of your main account
"okay, but I don't want to do that???? I use my main account for youtube and email when I do have proper internet. I only want offline editing so I can write when I'm at work"
>yeah, sorry, it doesn't work like that. you need to log out of your main account completely. and if you ever log back in with your main account, it'll break the thing.
"so I effectively can no longer use my chromebook for it's intended purpose if I want to write stuff offline?"
>nope. that's just the way it works
"okay, fine. I don't even need my chromebook at home, I can just use my pc I guess. how do I log out?"
>open a new tab and then click on your account and then click on my account and then go to settings and then go to data settings and then go to data and privacy settings and then go to account settings and then go to logging out and then click log out and then click yes and then click I'm sure and then enter your password to log out. and then you're still not done because you have to clear your data completely. click on the address bar and type this code exactly 'chrome://settings/siteData?searchSubpage=docs.google.com' to access the secret settings and then click on cache and then clear it completely with your new account.
"that seems incredibly complicated and horrible. why can't I just go into my settings on my chromebook and click a toggle for which account has offline editing? because literally all it is is storing the data locally until I'm online again."
>it's because google is stupid as hell. I hope this thread helps. if you want my advice, buy a windows laptop and use microsoft word. -official google employee
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Google Analytics informs you how your website performs by giving you essential data and statistics. If you are not a fan of this web analytic tool, the good news is that there's a host of (free and paid) tools you can use to get your site data. Take a look at these top 9 alternatives for Google Analytics.
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webtechexperts · 4 years
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When the #Autoptimize #plugin is run in #WordPress correctly, you will find a reduction in the number of requests being made to the server. As well as, a reduction in the page size and file size of the #website. And a decrease in initial load times for the website. Learn #Howto Minify your #SiteData using a #Plugin here: https://josephmuciraexclusives.com/autoptimize/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_BrbHnlhSr/?igshid=1h3ldycf34dvz
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cdigitalss · 2 years
SiteData: 7 Creative Ways to Personalize Your Popups
SiteData: 7 Creative Ways to Personalize Your Popups
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usnewsrank · 4 years
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Google Chrome Canary現在可讓您刪除所有第三方Cookie
現在,當您在瀏覽器中啟用阻止第三方Cookie設置時,Chrome允許“防止第三方網站保存和讀取Cookie數據”。現在,如果您啟用samesite = none cookies標誌,則它將在“所有Cookie和站點數據”頁面中顯示“刪除第三方Cookie”按鈕,單擊該按鈕將清除第三方網站的所有可用的Cookie和站點數據。
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1.確保您使用的是最新版的Chrome Canary 79.0.3933.1或更高版本
2.訪問chrome://flags/#enable-removing-all-third-party-cookies 啟用刪除samesite = none cookie標誌
6.單擊網站設置> Cookies和網站數據>查看所有Cookie和網站數據,或僅訪問地址欄中的“ chrome://settings/siteData”頁面
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from Google Chrome Canary現在可讓您刪除所有第三方Cookie via KKNEWS
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basic121sun · 5 years
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kamiokamasaaki · 5 years
【軍事】 軍事力順位で韓国軍を追い抜き、米国との同盟強化…尋常でない日本の軍事野心
【軍事】 軍事力順位で韓国軍を追い抜き、米国との同盟強化…尋常でない日本の軍事野心
1 名前:蚯蚓φ ★:2019/05/19(日) 19:52:46.03 ID:CAP_USER.net http://image.chosun.com/sitedata/image/201905/19/2019051900089_0.jpg ▲国別軍事力をあらわすGFP(世界火力指数)順位。昨年8位だった日本は2段階上昇して6位を記録した。/GFPキャプチャー
2019年グローバル・ファイヤーパワー(Global Firepower、世界火力指数)で日本が我が国を追い抜いた。米国の軍事力評価専門機関「グローバル・ファイヤーパワー(GFP)」によれば日本の今年の軍事力は世界6位で昨年の8位から二段階跳ね上がった。我が国は7位を守り、6位だった英国が8位に落ちた。
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akb48b · 5 years
【北朝鮮】5月4日に発射した短距離弾道ミサイルはロシア技術によるイスカンデルミサイル 米軍でも迎撃は不可能
1 名前:ニライカナイφ ★:2019/05/07(火) 11:05:20.49 ID:Dd0qNnNG9.net 5月4日に北朝鮮が発射した短距離弾道ミサイルはロシア技術によるイスカンデルミサイルで、 従来の放物線軌道ではなく、低高度で長距離移動して目標近くで急上昇した後に目標に命中させる 特殊な軌道を描くため現在の米軍の技術では迎撃は不可能である。
(写真) http://image.chosun.com/sitedata/image/201905/05/2019050500825_0.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hElDajH.png https://i.imgur.com/L1ntOwv.jpg
※原文はソースでご覧下さい。 https://news.joins.com/article/23459707?cloc=joongang%7cmho…
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karinaibond · 5 years
9 (On-Site) Personalized Marketing Strategies Your Competitors Aren’t Using
We talk a lot about personalization on our blog. And with good reason: it’s common knowledge you need to personalize your copy, engage visitors on exit-intent, reward returning visitors, and so on. But because it’s common knowledge, it means everyone is doing it. And if everyone is doing it, then your marketing won’t catch the attention of your target buyer. The truth is, anyone can add a merge tag to an email or retarget visitors with Facebook ads. But few marketers take personalization to a new level and deliver a unique customer experience. And that’s what I’ll show you in this post. Today, I’m going to give you 9 never-before-seen examples of how you can personalize your on-site marketing campaigns to the individual visitor using our new feature, SiteData. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8246812 http://growthhackers.com/articles/9-on-site-personalized-marketing-strategies-your-competitors-aren-t-using
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Dubai, UAE - Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark
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The Best Water Park In Dubai
Get the adrenaline pumping with record-breaking rides and slides, get up close and personal with sharks and rays or kick back and relax on 700 metres of a pristine private beach or in the new exclusive reserved seating areas. Come and get your thrills, spills and divine relaxation at the best water park in Dubai, Aquaventure Waterpark
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Dubai, UAE – Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark was originally published on VGM
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ch2tw · 7 years
CH2TW.CLUB - 2chまとめ 更新情報
スレッド:自然に見えるパンチラ総合スレPart.11 改
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1469949381 398 2017/10/29(日) 18:56:13 名無しさん@ピンキー https://i.imgur.com/bkPM5JQ.jpg
http://surls.xyz/Ci9uz ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/megami_1497414824 627 2017/10/29(日) 18:38:26 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 おっぱいないない!! http://surls.xyz/qe6Eu 628 2017/10/29(日) 18:39:59 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 キレイな賓乳女神サマ御降臨。ありがたや… http://surls.xyz/cl4gJ 629 2017/10/29(日) 18:41:28 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 かわいい http://surls.xyz/MItP2 630 2017/10/29(日) 18:55:01 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 おわり ひんぬー好きいてうれしい ふえろひんぬー派 http://imepic.jp/20171029/677910 http://surls.xyz/Nafe8 631 2017/10/29(日) 18:57:39 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 >>630 もう少し見せてください! http://surls.xyz/Zqt75 632 2017/10/29(日) 18:58:59 名無し@18歳未満の入場禁止 無断転載禁止 >>625 手が超綺麗 http://surls.xyz/7PEDY ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1431326796 639 2017/10/29(日) 18:51:27 名無しさん@ピンキー >>637 おしい! http://surls.xyz/ijcgV ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1484234404 657 2017/10/29(日) 18:47:34 名無しさん@ピンキー http://image.chosun.com/sitedata/image/201705/28/2017052800949_0.jpg
http://surls.xyz/OBW5n ★★★★★★★★★★ CH2TWクラブ - 2chまとめサービス - ch2tw.club http://ch2tw.club/
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【日韓】 また日本に裏切られた韓国...日本の通貨スワップ政治利用は予想されていたのに
【日韓】 また日本に裏切られた韓国…日本の通貨スワップ政治利用は予想されていたのに
1 名前:蚯蚓φ ★@\(^o^)/:2017/01/07(土) 00:27:15.38 ID:CAP_USER.net http://image.chosun.com/sitedata/image/201701/06/2017010601574_0.jpg ▲ユ・イルホ副総理兼企画財政部長官と麻生太郎日本財務長官が昨年8月、政府ソウル庁舎で韓日財務長官会議を始める前に握手している。/企画財政部提供 日本が釜山(プサン)日本領事館前慰安婦少女像設置を理由に韓日通貨スワップ締結交渉を中断、政治葛藤が経済葛藤に拡散している。政府は日本が通貨スワップを政治利用した前例があるにもかかわらず無理に推進した。経済に役立つどころか害になったという批判は避けられない。…
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ch2tw · 7 years
CH2TW.CLUB - 2chまとめ 更新情報
スレッド:【ロリむっちり】 愛須心亜 【色白パイパン美少女】
http://ch2tw.club/avideo2_1469750783 531 2017/10/28(土) 18:48:54 名無しさん@ピンキー この子に似てる子ってあず希以外にいますか?あず希はなぜか抜けない http://surls.xyz/YHcBy ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1493392616 253 2017/10/28(土) 18:35:05 名無しさん@ピンキー http://img.hankyung.com/photo/201707/03.14299481.1.jpg http://image.tvdaily.co.kr/upimages/gisaimg/201707/1499997560_1259050.jpg http://www.stardailynews.co.kr/news/photo/201707/155713_185818_5719.JPG http://cphoto.asiae.co.kr/listimglink/6/2017071411004871639_1.jpg http://image.chosun.com/sitedata/image/201707/14/2017071401190_0.jpg http://www.segye.com/content/image/2017/07/14/20170714001010_0.jpg
http://surls.xyz/Zq4hz 254 2017/10/28(土) 18:35:54 名無しさん@ピンキー https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CiuxhlmVAAAGKVo.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DE5MSQ9XgAEsJ7U.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DExLg-DUQAAsRuj.jpg
http://surls.xyz/EXsbl 255 2017/10/28(土) 18:39:17 名無しさん@ピンキー >>253 グロ http://surls.xyz/SXLay 256 2017/10/28(土) 18:43:06 名無しさん@ピンキー https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrJGVhKVYAA53Pu.jpg
http://surls.xyz/N6DS1 257 2017/10/28(土) 18:43:58 名無しさん@ピンキー https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkqGphTUoAAkLCn.jpg
http://surls.xyz/htRi6 258 2017/10/28(土) 18:44:24 名無しさん@ピンキー http://file2.instiz.net/data/file2/2015/10/18/f/6/8/f68aa9cc25db1aa1084434983b0c7551.jpg
http://surls.xyz/Jc5kd 259 2017/10/28(土) 18:45:29 名無しさん@ピンキー https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17663046_682628171932465_8139023589253840896_n.jpg
http://surls.xyz/ez5qA 260 2017/10/28(土) 18:49:02 名無しさん@ピンキー http://simg.donga.com/ugc/MLBPARK/Board/14/90/27/75/1490277565271.jpg
http://surls.xyz/PUDhv 261 2017/10/28(土) 18:55:20 名無しさん@ピンキー とっておき http://file2.instiz.net/data/file2/2017/09/19/2/6/c/26ce9be0b2d65d156dc24abe2c36fa14.gif
http://surls.xyz/1nRB3 ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/minor_1507617285 944 2017/10/28(土) 18:41:23 無名さん 駒井まちAVやりそう http://surls.xyz/wTIks 945 2017/10/28(土) 18:42:33 無名さん やな http://surls.xyz/j6MKy 946 2017/10/28(土) 18:51:13 無名さん >>911 この子とやなって子はなんかしたの?? http://surls.xyz/DrWo9 ★★★★★★★★★★ CH2TWクラブ - 2chまとめサービス - ch2tw.club http://ch2tw.club/
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