#Sixth Kingdom
gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 10
After the Doctor left Gallifrey, the Master and the Rani were so desperate to find him that they kidnapped and interrogated a retired CIA agent named Maris, who had been hired to find him. Maris unfortunately had no idea where he went, but before they could kill her, she was extracted from the situation.
Sabbath Dei cut out the Eighth Doctor's second heart and put it in his own chest.
In an alternate timeline, the Sixth Doctor was imprisoned in the Tower of London for a hundred years and had both of his legs cut off. By refusing to give the Dalek also imprisoned an order, he ensures that the Dalek will kill him.
William Shakespeare and Richard III swapped places in history, so anything "Shakespeare" did from 1597 onwards was actually done by Richard III.
After regenerating, the Ninth Doctor smashed every mirror in the TARDIS, swearing that he would never look at what face he was wearing after killing billions of people. He would eventually look in a mirror again after meeting Rose Tyler, and his meeting with Rose actually occurred after much more time had passed than you might think.
In the UNIT Black Archive, there is a photograph of Mike Yates and Sara Kingdom, suggesting that they interacted at some point.
The Fifth Doctor was once paralyzed from the waist down in a spaceship crash and remained that way for most of the adventure. By the end of the story, he had been healed by nanites.
The Doctor's older brother Braxiatel was Lord Burner at one point, the personal assassin of the President who burned people out of history. After being ordered to burn an old man and his granddaughter running away from Gallifrey, he let them go, and the President who gave him the order mysteriously died when one of the power relays in his office overloaded. Braxiatel led an inquiry on the matter and declared it to be nothing more than an accident.
River Song believes that the Doctor had a crush on the Rani while they were at the Academy.
At the summit of Mount Cadon on Gallifrey, one can see the whole of time itself, but people hardly ever reach it because a hallucinogenic compound in the snow stops them. While a TARDIS can materialize at the top, this is apparently "cheating" according to the Doctor. The Academy is at the foot of Mount Cadon, and it is also the site of the House of Lungbarrow.
The Doctor remembers attempting to climb Mount Cadon several times. On one such attempt, Vansell broke his leg.
When the Eighth Doctor ran into the Brigadier again after regaining his memories from another bout of amnesia, he said he felt much safer with him.
The Third Doctor's tattoo was given to him by the Time Lords to mark that he was in exile. It is basically the equivalent of a brand or a big scarlet letter.
Mustard gas can be fatal to a Time Lord.
Kamelion and K-9 can both be damaged by water.
As Time Tots, the Rani and the Doctor would play hide-and-seek. She was incredibly irritated by the Doctor's exceptional ability to find her hiding spots.
The physical appearance of a Time Lord is but a small aspect of their true forms. In reality, Time Lords are vast, multi-dimensional beings existing in the metaspace realm. These forms are completely invisible to humans.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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doctorwhogirlie · 3 months
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I DID IT! I have watched & reviewed every possible story of Classic Who. It's been great
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hifi-walkman · 3 months
I don't get how ya'll are casually posting jpegs when there's literally completely unreleased MCR that you can listen to right now. like, this tag should be exploding so much it hits trending from that. it is insane.
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lilacartsmadsion · 4 months
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I’m posting this here because apparently Wattpad is malfunctioning and not showing this image properly.
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bastardizedbitching · 2 years
sexyman this sexyman that LOOK AT THIS GUY
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he’s got it all:
-homicidal intent as a love language
and that’s just his regular form
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(logically this is a cookie. however, the fact that he looks like a nebula cancels that fact out. also, killer eyeliner.)
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how can you hate him
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bookishdaze · 7 months
I don't think we'll get mutants anytime soon, BUT if we do get them eventually....
The mutants worshipped the atomic bomb. And correct me if I'm wrong, it has been a fat minute, but the mutants venerated and respected the atomic bomb because its radiation from nuclear fallout made them what they are, right?
What if this time around, we get a weird cult or group of people whose religion is based on the worship of the simian flu? Because the virus mutated them and made them what they are?
I know there have been other scifi stories that did something like this, particularly in zombie apocalypse stories. I just can't think of some examples right now....
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raurquiz · 6 months
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#happybirthday @HaleyJoelOsment #haleyjoelosment #actor #ltoconnor #startrek #lowerdecks #forrestgump #bogus #BeautyandtheBeast #TheEnchantedChristmas #thesixthsense #payitfoward #artificialintelligence #RiseoftheTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #futureman #kingdomhearts #DogsinSpace
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this-is-me-lolol · 5 months
I'm confessing to being a pure vanilla x white lily cookie shipper 😔
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 51
The Eighth Doctor can play multiple instruments, one of which is the violin. (Novel: The Year of the Intelligent Tigers)
The Master tried to use Kamelion's remaining connection to the TARDIS to prevent the Fifth Doctor’s regeneration. (Audio: Winter)
A version of the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn got imprisoned in 1903. The parallel Sixth lost Evelyn, his mind, both of his legs, and after a century, his life. (Audio: Jubilee)
The TARDIS has a Hostile Owner Destruction System, which will destroy the TARDIS and anyone inside of it. (Audio: Island of the Fendahl)
Nyssa is still able to point out where Traken is in the sky from Earth. (Audio: Autumn) The light from its destruction must not have reached Earth yet, so she can see it while there but never return.
Fegax was a student at the Prydonian Academy who tried to use a time drill to protest against the elite, but his time drill did not work. The Fifth Doctor - who was Lord President at the time - fixed it for him and returned it, and Fegax used it to flood the whole Academy. (Audio: Time in Office)
Types of regeneration include the Blur, the Disciplinary, the Explosion (subtype: the Slow Explosion, the Reverse Explosion), the Morph, the Swirl, the White Light, and the Memory Vortex. (Novel: How to be a Time Lord)
The Eighth Doctor was taken over by the Fendahl once. While taken over, Lucie said he glowed. (Audio: Island of the Fendahl)
Anya Kingdom, who traveled with the Tenth Doctor and posed as Ann Kelso in the 1970s for a while, is the niece of Sara Kingdom. (Audio: The House of Kingdom)
The Eighth Doctor has been known to occasionally sing while piloting the TARDIS. (Audio: The Dalek Trap)
As mentioned in other parts, the Forge was an intelligence agency that often experimented with enhanced or alien life. While many of them were obsessed with Lazarus - the project about the Doctor - one Forge member was much more interested in Project: Wildthyme, which was about Iris Wildthyme. She decided to end it by giving them her blood, which damaged their Oracle system and destroyed one of their bases. (Short story: Project: Wildthyme)
In the Psychodrome, memories and nightmares were brought back to life. The twisted way Nyssa perceived the Doctor at first blended with her thoughts on the Master melded the two together to create King Magus. (Audio: Psychodrome)
Galah attended the Academy with the Doctor, but they were never close to each other due to differences in opinion. She was a sculptor, but one day, she landed her TARDIS on an asteroid and created a dreamscape by hooking herself up to her TARDIS's protyon unit. (Novel: Strange England)
Temporal energy smells like roses to time sensitives. (Short story: Ring Theory)
There was a moment in The Waters of Amsterdam (which takes place immediately after Arc of Infinity) where the Fifth Doctor seemingly left Nyssa and Tegan behind, but he rematerialized seconds later. While it was only seconds for Nyssa and Tegan, the Doctor did: Omega, The Burning Prince, Time Crash, The Gates of Hell, Fallen Angels, Empire of the Racnoss (in which he took on a new companion we never learn what happened to), The Lady of the Lake, A Requiem for the Doctor, My Dinner with Andrew, The Furies, Relative Time, and Collision Course. Considering we don't know what happened to Alayna, his new Gallifreyan companion, this is an incredibly incomplete list of his adventures during this time before he went back for Nyssa and Tegan. Talk about a side quest, Doc!
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
i am thinking about taako my sweet sweet taako and i am NOT writing an essay about him right now bc i have stuff to do but do not ever doubt that he's up in there with his puddingy pockets and a shit eating grin
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Hey,guys,one of my friends found this scene from looking the kingdom files.
Still cant believe they cut it out. 😔
(please read the tags)
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Been a while since I post anything here huh? Well anyway,enjoy this TOTALLY real interaction between these lily cookies.
more of the blue guard AU
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"Huh" - Sora, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
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lilacartsmadsion · 11 months
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Just posting this cause I haven’t posted in this blog for a while…
This is for my Sixth Lost Ancient AU…
I have a lot of Gingerbrave AUs huh? Kinda ironic how a few months ago I never really liked Gingerbrave that much. Sure I thought he was a fun little character but I never liked him as much as now.
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24draws · 2 years
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Day 1 \ Day 2 \ Day 3 \ Day 4 \ Day 5 \ Day 6 \ Day 7 \ Day 8 \ Day 9 \ Day 10 \ Day 11 \ Day 12 \ Day 13 \ Day 14 \ Day 15 \ Day 16 \ Day 17 \ Day 18 \ Day 19 \ Day 20 \ Day 21 \ Day 22 \ Day 23 \ Day 24 \ Day 25 \ Comp 1 \ Comp 2 \ Comp 3
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