#Skin Doctor in Thane
anitasblogs · 2 months
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drtvachas · 3 months
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Here Is The Best Side Effect Free Treatment For ENT & Skin Issues
The medical industry holds a lot of importance in the life of individuals because it helps people in staying fit. It is responsible for treating health ailments and also their prevention. We are known as the Best ENT Doctors In Thane, as we are providing individuals with result-driven medical services. We understand that ENT issues can be disturbing and can disrupt the entire life of the person, which is the reason why we have come up with the best ENT treatments. Whenever any person comes to us for getting their issues treated, we always diagnose their condition and then provide them with the best according to the overall requirement. 
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Apart from this, we are also known as the Best Skin Specialist In Thane West, because we have treatments for all skin-related problems. All the treatments are a combination of Ayurveda and Allopathic, which is the reason why we have become the top preference of the people. The best part is that our treatment is designed in such a way, that the patient doesn’t have to suffer from any side effects. 
If you are one of those individuals who is looking forward to getting the skin treatment, then you don’t have to worry, because we have got your back. For more insights, you can read the about part given below. 
About Vedant Ayur Shailee 
Vedant Ayur Shailee is one of the leading names in the city because, since the time of inception, it is providing individuals with the best treatments for all types of health conditions. The center has access to all the latest technology, and assure that the patient is in a comfortable state. To book your appointment, you can connect with us without any delay. The best part about us is that we reduce the possible chances of side effects of any treatment. 
Source: https://penzu.com/p/6cbe5f6e
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justplainwhump · 2 years
Follows this one, [Stalker], in Angel's first weeks of freedom.
[Angel's Story]
Angel stands up against her safehouse lead.
Content: BBU, BBU recovery (or current lack thereof), trauma recovery, implied gaslighting, conditioning, very briefly referenced dubcon sex, dubcon kiss.
The runaway who still hadn't even picked a name stood by the door, a small backpack by her side that held all her belongings. Miguel knew what they were. Toothbrush, hairbrush, one very expensive eyeliner, some underwear - lingerie, she hadn't even learned to appreciate nice plain cotton underwear - and an old DVD she'd nicked from the safe house's common room, some sort of Western starring Thane Barlow with a cowboy hat.
"I'm leaving," she said. He knew. He also knew, that she'd have just walked right past him, spared no words at all, if he hadn't called for her.
"You can't stop me," she added, and picked up the bag again.
He was impressed by her confidence, had been from the beginning. She was determined and resourceful, further than many others who arrived in the safe house. On the outside. On the inside, she was still deeply rooted in her conditioned mindset, and stubbornly refusing to let anyone get her out of it.
He'd talked to the others, after his sessions with her, about the feeling he was actually working against someone else here, someone not trying to dismantle that conditioning, but fortifying it.
"I won't," he said, lifting his hands. "You're a free woman. You can do what you want. I just want you to be sure what it is you want, and why you want it."
"Tim loves me," she said plainly. "I want to be with him."
"Tim? Who is...?" Miguel froze. "The... the Doc? Doctor Harris? That creep, who didn't stop staring at you? He'd have... He'd have assaulted you right on that chair, if I hadn't been there. He was performing that surgery on your wrist, his hands were roaming anywhere but there."
"I'm a free woman," she repeated briskly. "Tim wants me. If I'm free, I'm free to be wanted, am I not?"
"Have you... Has he...? Did you see him again?"
"Yes," she said, something like glee hidden in her smirk. "Often. And yes I let him fuck me. I wanted it. He is very gentle. He loves me. And he has a big house with enough space for two."
"You don't... You didn't want it, Angel, you can't - WRU made that call, not yourself. It's... It's too early."
She clenched her jaw. "So, Miguel. Am I not free, then? Is that what you're saying? That I'm yours, and you get to decide who I do and do not fuck? Now, that sounds like a contradiction to me."
"You don't understand, An-" He hated saying that name, almost felt accomplice in whatever was happening. She wasn't a pet any longer. He couldn't let her. "That's not love. He... Doctor Harris doesn't love you, he wants to own you."
She stepped in now, measured steps, with that overly perfected, seductive away of her hips, until she stood right in front of him, with nowhere to evade. His shoulders pressed against the wall, while her dark eyes bored into his. "Maybe," she mumbled, and her breath was like a caress on his skin, and her lips were so close, and he wanted to push her away, but they never used violence, never.
Her warmth was suffocating. He pressed his eyes shut, and then he felt her lips on him, nibbling at the side of his neck, planting a kiss on his skin.
"Maybe, Miguel," she whispered. "I want to be owned."
When he could breathe again, when he finally dared to open his eyes, the door had already fallen shut behind her.
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bippityboppity69 · 1 year
Leofric/Gender neutral reader
I was struck with inspiration! (No, I'm not procrastinating on my other stories.) I will say this is very much inspired by Beauty and the Beast with my own twists of course. This gender neutral reader shall have no name, any descriptions of them will be very vague, and I will be using they/them. This is going to be a multiple part story. I will try to put any warnings above the read more so that you know what is going on. Anyway, please enjoy~
(Mentions of intense fear)
“They had to do this.”
That thought motivated them forward. Through the dark forest, along the dusty path. Lantern clutched tight in their hands as they recounted what the old woman, Baba Yaga had said.
“Go to the forest with no light. Inside is a manor with the information you seek. But be warned child, a monster rests inside.”
Spotting the iron gate, a chill ran down their spine. Straightening back their shoulders as they marched forward. Every instinct screamed for them to turn back and run, but…
 The image of Estrilda laying in bed, twisted marks across her skin as she writhed in pain. Of Thane desperately seeking out doctors and priests. Of hearing him sob as they told him there was nothing they could do. Of Baden, holding her hand as he whispered to please hold on.
“Do it for Estrilda.” Their mind whispered. “For Thane. For Baden. So no one else has to suffer.”
Steeling themselves, they crossed through the open gate. Gravel crunching underfoot as they followed the path up to the manor. The garden was perfectly manicured, the air filled with the scent of roses and honeysuckle.
There was an orange glow coming from the windows. Lights. Someone or something was home. They didn’t know if that should terrify them or not. Muttering under their breath as they got closer.
“For Estrilda. For Thane. For Baden.”
They repeated that over and over. Reaching the front door, shaking hands reached for the iron knocker. Raising it up before letting it fall.
*Thud*  *Thud*
It was as if every sound in the forest stopped. A horrible deafening silence that made their ears ring. Eyes pinned to the door, heart pounding in their chest. Swallowing the lump in their throat as they reached for the knocker again.
Freezing in place as the door creaked open. Darkness, pitch black darkness that devoured, rested inside. Drawing in a deep breath as they stepped toward the inside.
They could do this.
Entering inside, surprised at how… warm it was. As if this manor was heated. Carpet softened their footsteps as they walked along the hallway. Portraits lined the walls, all of them containing beautiful illustrations. Some were landscapes, others were of people or animals. One caught their attention.
A middle aged man with salt and pepper hair was staring ahead. He was dressed in an elegant purple suit with a cane in his hands. The top seemed to made of obsidian in the shape of a canine head.
They shivered as they saw the man’s eyes. Both were a stunning shade of ice blue, yet it almost seemed…
Like he was staring right at them.
Pulling themselves away from the hypnotic gaze, continuing down the hallway. At the end was a giant set of double doors. Their destination, the library.
“This Hypogean holds countless centuries of knowledge. If there is any information on how to help your friend, it is inside that library.” Baba Yaga’s voice rang in their ears. “But be warned, there is a price to pay and he will set the terms. Do not bargain with him. Do not barter or steal or lie. You must agree to whatever he wants. Otherwise, the manor shall turn to dust and you will be hunted till your dying day… if you’re lucky.”
Trying to steady their nerves. Reaching for the door, stopping as it swung open. A stunned gasp left them, eyes going wide at the library. There were dozens, no hundreds of shelves of books!
Stepping inside, shocked as they turned around. Taking in everything they could. Hundreds and hundreds of books, astrology equipment, an alchemist kit! For a brief moment, they lost their fear. Instead they were excited.
“There’s so many books! Not even the temple has this many!” They thought gleefully. Running their hand along a few tomes, tracing golden letters. Until a single thought interrupted them, “I’m here…but where is the Hypogean?”
“What is this?”
A wave of paralyzing fear overcoming them. Heart pounding as their feet seemed glued to the floor. Arm shaking, no their whole body was shaking. Panic and dread mixed together, both screaming in their mind.
Catching movement, eyes going wide as something reached over them. A massive dark purple hand, black claws instead of nails. Delicately grabbing a book, before retreating. Cold breath ruffled their hair as something leaned over them.
“A mortal has come into my home?” A voice of pure fear and dread asked. “It has been many years since someone has visited me.”
They couldn’t move. Breath coming out in short raspy gasps. Heart pounding so fast that their body was going numb. Their mind a tangled mess of panic.
“Why have you come here?”
“M-my friends.” They whispered, voice barely audible. “There is a sickness spreading through. The doctors and priests can do nothing. I heard…” The warning from Baba Yaga ran through their head. “I went to see a woman, her name is Baba Yaga. She said to come here and I could find what I seek.”
“You do not lie.” A claw brushed their cheek. “How…interesting. Most mortals would lie, yet you speak the truth.”
“Lying breeds mistrust.” The words seemed to fall from their mouth. “I wish for information and I know there is a price to pay.”
There was silence. For one, two minutes. They kept their gaze on the shelf. Did they mess up? Were they going to die here? Tears pricked at their eyes. They never even got to say goodbye to everyone…
“It has been so long since I’ve had visitors.” The Hypogean sighed. “I will let you use my library.”
Hope bloomed in their chest. Panic dying down a bit. They could use the library! The mental celebration stopped as the Hypogean grabbed their shoulder. A tremble running through them.
“However, you must stay here.” They had to stay? “Stay in this manor as you research. I have been lacking proper company for so long…”
“Do not barter. You must agree to any terms.”
"...I accept."
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raipilesclinic01 · 6 months
What is Piles, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment | Rai Piles Health Clinic
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. They can develop internally within the rectum or externally under the skin around the anus. Piles are a common condition and can be caused by various factors such as increased pressure in the lower rectum due to straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation or diarrhea, obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle. Genetics and age also play a role in predisposing individuals to piles. For better piles treatment you have to move Piles Clinic in Mumbai.
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Symptoms of piles can include rectal bleeding, itching, pain, and swelling around the anus. Other symptoms may include discomfort during bowel movements, a lump near the anus, and leakage of feces. While piles may cause discomfort and inconvenience, they can usually be managed with lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, and medical treatments. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to alleviate symptoms and provide long-term relief.Top of Form
Types of Piles:
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, come in two main types: internal and external. Internal piles develop inside the rectum, while external piles occur under the skin around the anus. Both types can cause discomfort and pain, and may require medical attention from a specialist.
What is the main cause of piles?
The primary cause of piles is increased pressure in the lower rectum. This pressure can be due to various factors, including straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation or diarrhea, obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle. Genetics and age also play a role in predisposing individuals to piles.
What are the Symptoms of Piles?
Symptoms of piles can vary depending on the type and severity but commonly include rectal bleeding, itching, pain, and swelling around the anus. Other symptoms may include discomfort during bowel movements, a lump near the anus, and leakage of feces. These symptoms can significantly impact a person's quality of life and should not be ignored.
What are the Benefits of Piles Surgery in Thane?
For individuals suffering from severe or persistent piles, surgery can offer several benefits. Piles surgery, performed by experienced specialists like Dr. Rai at Rai Piles Health Clinic, can effectively alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life. Benefits of piles surgery may include reduced pain, decreased bleeding, faster healing, and a lower risk of recurrence.
When Should Piles Need Surgery?
Surgery for piles is typically recommended when other treatments have failed to provide relief or in cases of severe hemorrhoids that cause significant discomfort or bleeding. Dr. Rai, a renowned piles specialist doctor in Mumbai and Thane, evaluates each patient's condition individually to determine the most appropriate treatment plan, including the timing of surgery if needed.
How Piles Operation is Done?
Piles surgery, also known as hemorrhoidectomy, is usually performed under anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. During the procedure, the surgeon removes swollen and inflamed hemorrhoidal tissue. The specific technique may vary depending on the patient's condition and the surgeon's preference. Dr. Rai, operating at Rai Piles Health Clinic, employs advanced surgical techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for patients.
Treatment Options at Rai Piles Clinic
Rai Piles Health Clinic, led by the esteemed Dr. Rai, offers comprehensive treatment options for individuals suffering from piles in Mumbai and Thane. From conservative measures such as dietary and lifestyle modifications to advanced surgical interventions, the clinic provides personalized care tailored to each patient's needs. As a top piles doctor in Mumbai and Thane, Dr. Rai prioritizes patient comfort, safety, and long-term relief from piles symptoms. If you're seeking effective piles treatment in Mumbai or Thane, Rai Piles Health Clinic is your trusted destination.
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plasticsurgeon77 · 8 months
Unlocking Confidence: The Premier Destination for Plastic Surgery in Thane West
In the bustling city of Thane West, finding the right doctor for plastic surgery can be a transformative journey towards self-assurance and aesthetic enhancement. Among the myriad of choices, one name shines brightly: Dr. Sagar Daiv.
Dr. Sagar Daiv is not just a plastic surgeon; he's a beacon of hope for those seeking the best in hair transplant and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment services in Thane. With his dedication to excellence and patient-centric approach, Dr. Daiv has carved a niche for himself as the go-to specialist for individuals yearning for top-notch cosmetic procedures.
Best Hair Transplant in Thane:
Hair loss can be a distressing experience, impacting one's self-esteem and confidence. Dr. Sagar Daiv understands the emotional turmoil associated with hair loss and offers cutting-edge hair transplant solutions that restore not just hair but also dignity and assurance. With meticulous attention to detail and advanced techniques, Dr. Daiv ensures natural-looking results that exceed expectations.
Whether it's follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT), Dr. Daiv employs the most effective and minimally invasive methods to ensure maximum hair density and minimal scarring. Each procedure is tailored to suit the unique needs and aspirations of the patient, promising a journey towards a fuller, more vibrant mane and renewed self-assurance.
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PRP Treatment Doctor in Thane:
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has emerged as a revolutionary solution for various cosmetic concerns, including hair loss, skin rejuvenation, and scar reduction. As a leading PRP treatment doctor in Thane, Dr. Sagar Daiv harnesses the power of the body's own healing factors to deliver remarkable results that transcend conventional expectations.
PRP therapy involves extracting a small sample of the patient's blood, processing it to isolate the platelet-rich plasma, and then strategically injecting it into targeted areas to stimulate tissue regeneration and collagen production. Whether it's combating hair thinning or enhancing facial aesthetics, Dr. Daiv's expertise ensures optimal outcomes and unparalleled satisfaction.
Why Choose Dr. Sagar Daiv?
Beyond his exceptional surgical skills and innovative techniques, Dr. Sagar Daiv embodies compassion, integrity, and a genuine commitment to patient well-being. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Dr. Daiv and his dedicated team provide unwavering support, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience for every individual who walks through their doors.
In the realm of plastic surgery in Thane West, Dr. Sagar Daiv stands as a beacon of excellence, offering not just transformative procedures but also a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment. With him, the journey towards self-discovery and beauty begins, paving the way for a brighter, more radiant tomorrow.
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technology--2 · 8 months
Dr. Tvacha: Your Trusted Destination for Comprehensive Aesthetic Solutions
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Dr. Tvacha is a shining example of quality in the always changing field of aesthetics, providing a comprehensive range of therapies to bring out and revitalize your inherent beauty. As a seasoned professional in the area, Dr. Tvacha is dedicated to offering excellent aesthetic solutions that are customized to each client's specific requirements. This post explores the range of services provided by Dr. Tvacha, which includes innovative cosmetic operations and the removal of unsightly body hair, highlighting the company's prominence in the beauty and wellness industry.
Unwanted Body Hair Removal
Dr. Tvacha recognizes the significance of smooth and hair-free skin in enhancing one's confidence and appearance. With state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced professionals, Dr. Tvacha offers advanced and effective unwanted body hair removal solutions in thane. From laser hair removal to innovative waxing techniques, the clinic ensures a personalized approach, prioritizing safety and long-lasting results.
Breast Augmentation Surgery
Dr. Tvacha is an excellent provider of breast augmentation surgery in Thane for anyone looking to make a significant improvement in their physical appearance. The facility is home to a group of highly qualified doctors who have performed several breast augmentation surgeries. Understanding the significance of attaining outcomes that look natural, Dr. Tvacha's customized approach guarantees that each client's particular goals are satisfied with accuracy and skill.
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Skin Tag Removal
Skin tags, though harmless, can be a source of discomfort and aesthetic concern. Dr. Tvacha's cosmetic clinic offers safe and efficient skin tag removal thane procedures. Using advanced techniques, the skilled professionals at Dr. Tvacha ensure a quick and painless process, leaving the skin smooth and blemish-free.
Cosmetic Clinic
Dr. Tvacha is a well-known cosmetic clinic in Thane that is distinguished by its dedication to quality and patient happiness. The clinic offers a wide range of services, such as non-surgical cosmetic procedures, body sculpting, and facial rejuvenation. The state-of-the-art technology in Dr. Tvacha's cosmetic clinic is paired with a team of specialists committed to providing outstanding outcomes.
Botox Clinic
Dr. Tvacha is proud to be a well-known Botox clinic in Thane that provides efficient treatments for age indicators including wrinkles and fine lines. The skilled professionals at the clinic enhance each client's unique traits while maintaining a natural-looking outcome with Botox treatments.
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Hair Transplant
Dr. Tvacha offers cutting-edge hair transplant in Thane options for people who are experiencing hair loss or thinning. The clinic uses the most recent hair restoration techniques to provide results that are long-lasting and natural-looking. Before creating an appropriate hair transplant plan, Dr. Tvacha's team of knowledgeable experts meets with each client in-depth to learn about their unique demands.
Botox Treatment
Dr. Tvacha provides Botox treatments in Thane for a range of medical issues, such as migraine headaches, excessive perspiration, and muscle spasms, in addition to its use in anti-aging. The clinic's devotion to holistic wellness is demonstrated by its competence in Botox treatments, which goes beyond cosmetic applications.
Laser Skin Treatment
The laser skin treatment in Thane services offered by Dr. Tvacha demonstrate their dedication to state-of-the-art technology. The laser treatments offered at the facility are meant to give the best outcomes with the least amount of downtime, addressing everything from pigmentation problems to skin texture rejuvenation. Clients looking to improve the appearance of their skin may be guaranteed a safe and effective laser skin treatment experience from the knowledgeable staff at Dr. Tvacha.
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In the field of aesthetic solutions, Dr. Tvacha is a reputable name with a broad range of treatments to meet the individual demands of its customers. When it comes to advanced cosmetic operations or the removal of unsightly body hair, Dr. Tvacha combines experience and cutting-edge technology to provide unmatched results. Dr. Tvacha continues to be a shining example of excellence as you set out on your path to improved beauty and well-being, offering a customized and life-changing experience that goes above and beyond traditional beauty standards. Select Dr. Tvacha for a classic and self-assured look—where skill meets style.
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lasercosmesis · 9 months
Liposuction in Different Areas: Targeting Stubborn Fat Deposits
Liposuction is a targeted fat-fighting technique for those stubborn pockets that won't budge, no matter how much exercise or diet one follows. The truth is, though, that it is not a miracle cure for losing weight. More than losing weight overall, this process is about contouring problem areas. It works well for people who are fairly close to their ideal weight but could use a little more assistance in a few areas with stubborn fat.
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In this blog, we will explore different areas of the body that are effective for liposuction treatment. To make this post enriching, we have gathered insights from Dr. Medha Bhave, a renowned cosmetic and plastic surgeon for liposuction surgery in Thane. Let’s start with understanding liposuction surgery.
Understanding Liposuction
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Liposuction surgery is one of the most common procedures performed in the world. It helps to remove all the stubborn fat from the different parts of the body. Liposuction usually does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. The doctor uses a thin tube called a cannula to draw out those unwanted fat cells. They make small cuts to slide in the cannula, but they're tiny and hardly noticeable once the patient is all healed up. In most cases, one might not even need to have the surgery under general anesthesia. Sometimes, the surgery can be done under local anesthesia, which enables the patient to recover more quickly after the surgery.
Different Body Areas Effective for Liposuction Surgery
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Chin and Neck Liposuction
As we age, fat can build up under the chin, even if our weight stays constant. Liposuction is an excellent way to get rid of extra fat around the neck and under the chin because it can target small areas. Patients who have relatively elastic skin can use neck and chin liposuction to get a more defined profile.  The doctor may advise combining liposuction with a neck lift to get rid of extra skin if one has loose and sagging skin.
Upper Arms Liposuction
As we age, we gather more fat in the upper arm region of the body. Liposuction can help to remove that fat and give the arms a more youthful appearance. The saggy skin around the arms can be treated with abdominoplasty surgery.
Upper and Lower Abdomen Liposuction
Upper and lower abdomens have more protruding fat deposits, which makes one look fatter. Liposuction in these regions is usually done together to give the whole abdomen area a more contoured and proportionate profile.
Waist and Flank Liposuction
The waist is one area where deposits of stubborn fat often accumulate. Both men and women may acquire "love handles," which can be very challenging to shed. Fortunately, because the skin around the waist is so elastic, it is one of the easiest areas to perform liposuction. Individuals frequently lose a few inches around their waist after having liposuction.
The flank area, which is part of the waist, also has good skin elasticity and is very receptive to liposuction. It is frequently combined with waist liposuction to give patients a more refined, smoother midsection. With this, women are even capable of achieving the coveted and well-known "hourglass" profile.
Lower Back Liposuction
This region is an excellent part for liposuction because it also has some of the body's most elastic skin. In order to help women achieve an hourglass figure and to improve the contour of the hip area, this treatment is frequently combined with treatments at the waist.
Hip Liposuction
Many women wish to achieve a well rounded and curvy buttocks. Some women have stubborn fat deposits in their buttocks, which makes them look disproportionate and less proportionate to the rest of the body. Liposuction can help them achieve the desired buttocks. 
Thigh Liposuction
Many men and women often feel the issue of bulkier thighs than the rest of the body. Heavy fat deposits in the inner thighs also make it difficult for people to walk comfortably. With liposuction, one can achieve the desired gap in the inner thighs. Liposuction can also remove fat from the outer thighs to give the body a more contoured and proportionate look.
Many people confuse liposuction with a weight loss procedure, but the fact is that it is a procedure to remove extra stubborn fat deposits from the body. The fat that is resistant to weight loss and diet. It can be done on several parts of the body, such as the chin, neck, arms, abdomen, waist, thighs, and buttocks. While many patients get lipocution for one particular area, others get it done in multiple parts of the body. This is an advantage of liposuction surgery that it can be done on more than one part of the body in a single surgical session. Targeting more than one part of the body might require a longer surgery time and healing period, but the patients would only have to recover once from the surgery. 
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If one has finally decided on achieving that perfect look and is looking for a cosmetic surgery procedure to achieve that, then liposuction is the best solution. One can consult  the best plastic surgeon in Thane ,they may visit Laser Cosmosis and consult with the highly respected cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Medha Bhave.
Original Source:- https://www.bloggerswheel.com/liposuction-in-different-areas-targeting-stubborn-fat-deposits/
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pacemakersurgery · 10 months
Complete Guide to Heart Pacemaker Surgery at Jinkushal Hospital in Thane.
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Welcome to Jinkushal Hospital's guide to pacemaker Implantation surgery in Thane – a one-stop resource for understanding and deciding on your heart health. Dealing with heart-related concerns can be overwhelming, and we're here to equip you with all the necessary information. In this guide, we'll cover everything from how pacemakers work to finding the best doctors for pacemaker surgery in Thane.
What are Pacemakers?
Pacemakers are tiny devices that regulate your heartbeat. They treat various heart conditions by sending electrical impulses to ensure your heart beats normally. At Jinkushal Hospital, we specialize in pacemaker implantation to provide top-notch care.
How do Pacemakers Work?
Pacemakers monitor your heart's rhythm, sending signals to stimulate it if it's too slow or irregular. This maintains a stable and healthy heart rate, ensuring efficient heart function.
Conditions Treated by Pacemakers Pacemakers primarily treat slow or irregular heartbeats, including:
Bradycardia: Slow heartbeat causing dizziness and fainting.
Arrhythmias: Abnormal heart rhythms causing palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
Discover the Various Types of Pacemakers at Jinkushal Hospital
Jinkushal Hospital offers a range of pacemakers tailored to meet individual patient requirements. Our experienced medical team will assess your condition thoroughly to suggest the most appropriate pacemaker type for you. Explore the following common pacemaker options:
Single-Chamber Pacemakers
Dual-Chamber Pacemakers
Biventricular Pacemakers (CRT)
Leadless Pacemakers Preparation
Before pacemaker surgery
a detailed consultation with our experienced cardiologists and surgeons is essential. They'll assess your medical history, perform necessary tests, and discuss the procedure with you. You might need to avoid eating or drinking before surgery, and your medications will be reviewed and adjusted.
Before the Procedure
Receive detailed instructions from our medical team on what to expect and how to prepare. It's crucial to follow these closely for a successful procedure. You may need to temporarily stop certain medications and arrange for someone to accompany you on the surgery day.
During the Procedure
Pacemaker surgery, under local anesthesia, ensures you're awake without feeling pain. A small incision near your collarbone implants the device under your skin, with leads carefully threaded into your heart. The procedure takes a few hours, closely monitored by our medical team.
After the Procedure
Post-implantation, you'll be monitored in a recovery area. Expect mild discomfort or soreness, manageable with pain medication. Our healthcare professionals will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including activity restrictions and incision care.
Benefits Pacemakers significantly improve the quality of life by:
Normalizing heart rate and rhythm.
Reducing symptoms of fatigue and dizziness.
Improving exercise tolerance.
Decreasing the risk of fainting.
Potential Complications and Side Effects:
Pacemaker surgery, while generally safe, may entail complications like infection at the surgical site, bleeding, or discomfort. At Jinkushal Hospital, our medical team prioritizes your safety, taking necessary precautions to minimize these risks and ensure a smooth recovery process.
Pacemaker Battery Life:
Pacemaker batteries typically last between 5 to 15 years, contingent on factors like device settings and your heart's needs. Our follow-up care involves regular monitoring of your pacemaker's battery life, with replacements performed when necessary.
Life Expectancy with a Pacemaker:
A pacemaker significantly improves life quality and extends life expectancy for those with heart rhythm disorders. Most individuals with pacemakers lead active lives, with the device effectively managing their heart rhythms.
Navigating Pacemaker Costs in Thane
When considering the cost of a pacemaker in Thane, it becomes a crucial factor for individuals contemplating this life-enhancing procedure. Jinkushal Hospital is dedicated to delivering transparent and affordable healthcare solutions to our patients. The pacemaker price in Thane is subject to variation based on factors like the type of pacemaker required and the specific medical needs of the patient.
Understanding the potential stress that financial concerns can add to an already challenging situation, our team is here to guide you through the cost aspect. We collaborate closely with patients, offering a clear understanding of the expenses involved. Additionally, we explore potential insurance coverage options to make pacemaker implant surgery in Thane accessible to all in need. Our commitment is not only to provide effective care but also to make it affordable, ensuring your health and well-being remain our top priorities.
At Jinkushal Hospital, our dedication extends to providing the best care for pacemaker surgery in Thane. Recognizing the paramount importance of a healthy heart, we strive to offer comprehensive services. Whether you're in search of the best doctor for pacemaker Hospital in Thane or seeking information about pacemaker treatment in Thane, our team of experts is here to guide you at every step. Feel free to reach out to us for a consultation, taking the initial step toward a healthier heart. Your well-being is our utmost priority.
Discover Comprehensive Cardiac Care
Jinkushal Hospital, a beacon for cardiovascular health, offers specialized treatments like TAVI, making it one of the Best Heart Hospitals in Thane. Led by Dr. Mayur Jain, a renowned Interventional Cardiologist in Thane, our commitment to excellence has helped countless patients reclaim their health. Explore more about our esteemed cardiology team and why we are a trusted name in heart health.
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anitasblogs · 4 months
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drtvachas · 3 months
Dr. Tvacha: The Best Hair, Skin, and Cosmetic Surgery Treatments in Thane
Thane, a bustling city adjacent to Mumbai, is known for its advanced medical facilities and healthcare services. Among the numerous clinics and hospitals, Dr. Tvacha stands out as a premier destination for hair, skin, and cosmetic treatments. Renowned for its state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced professionals, Dr. Tvacha offers a wide range of services including unwanted body hair removal, breast augmentation surgery, skin tag removal, hair transplant, Botox treatment, laser skin treatments, weight loss solutions, and general dermatological care.
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Comprehensive Unwanted Body Hair Removal in Thane
Many people experience discomfort and self-consciousness as a result of unwanted body hair. Using the newest laser technology, Dr. Tvacha offers a variety of methods for unwanted body hair removal in Thane that guarantee efficient and durable results. The clinic provides safe and effective therapies, customizing its approach to meet the specific needs of each patient. Dr. Tvacha offers hair removal therapies for undesired body hair that leave skin smooth and hair-free, increasing comfort and confidence with little discomfort and a focus on patient care.
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Expert Breast Augmentation Surgery in Thane
Breast augmentation surgery in Thane is provided by Dr. Tvacha to individuals who are thinking about improving their body contour. To enhance the size and form of the breasts, implants or fat transfer are used in this surgery. The talented surgeons on Dr. Tvacha's team make sure that every surgery is tailored to produce natural-looking results that improve the patient's overall appearance and self-esteem. The accuracy and care with which Dr. Tvacha performs her breast augmentation surgery are centered on patient safety and happiness.
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Advanced Skin Tag Removal in Thane
Even though they are usually harmless, skin tags can cause discomfort and unsightliness for a lot of people. Dr. Tvacha uses minimally invasive and highly successful techniques to give advanced skin tag removal in Thane. The clinic makes sure that the removal process is swift, safe, and leaves the least amount of scarring possible, whether it is done using laser treatments or small surgical operations. Patients may rely on Dr. Tvacha to improve the look and health of their skin by offering thorough care and efficient skin tag removal procedures.
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Cutting-Edge Hair Transplant in Thane
The confidence and self-image of an individual can be greatly affected by hair loss. To restore hair growth organically, Dr. Tvacha provides state-of-the-art hair transplants in Thane using the newest methods including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI). The team of experts at the clinic evaluates the individual situation of each patient and customizes the treatment plan to yield the best possible outcome. For individuals experiencing hair loss, Dr. Tvacha's hair transplant services offer a dependable alternative with an emphasis on natural-looking results and little downtime.
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Professional Botox Treatment in Thane
Botox has become a popular non-surgical treatment for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, providing a youthful and refreshed appearance. Dr. Tvacha offers professional Botox treatment in Thane, administered by experienced practitioners who ensure precise application for natural-looking results. The clinic uses high-quality Botox products to smooth out facial lines, making patients look and feel rejuvenated. Dr. Tvacha’s approach to Botox treatment emphasizes safety, effectiveness, and patient satisfaction, making it a top choice for those seeking cosmetic enhancement.
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State-of-the-Art Laser Skin Treatment in Thane
Dr. Tvacha offers cutting-edge laser skin treatment in Thane for people seeking to address a variety of skin issues, including pigmentation, scars, and aging indications. The clinic provides treatments that effectively improve skin tone, texture, and appearance overall using cutting-edge laser technology. Dr. Tvacha uses laser skin treatments to repair wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scars, all of which aim to revitalize the skin and bring back its young radiance. The clinic's dedication to utilizing cutting-edge technology guarantees that patients get the best treatment and outcomes.
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Expert Weight Loss Doctors in Thane
Weight management is a significant aspect of overall health and wellness. Dr. Tvacha has some of the best weight loss doctors in Thane, providing personalized weight loss programs that include dietary plans, lifestyle modifications, and medical interventions when necessary. The clinic takes a comprehensive approach to weight loss, taking into account each patient's unique goals, metabolic rate, and general health. Patients at Dr. Tvacha can achieve lasting weight loss and improved health results under the supervision of skilled weight loss physicians.
Trusted Skin Doctor in Thane
Skin health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and finding a trusted skin doctor in Thane is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders are among the many skin care services offered by Dr. Tvacha's team of skilled dermatologists. The clinic takes a patient-centered approach, emphasizing precise diagnosis and efficient treatment programs made to meet the needs of each individual. Dr. Tvacha is a dependable option for anyone looking for professional skin care in Thane because of her reputation for competence in dermatological care.
Why Choose Dr. Tvacha for Hair, Skin, and Cosmetic Treatments?
High-quality treatment, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-first philosophy are the cornerstones of Dr. Tvacha's reputation as a premier clinic in Thane. For hair, skin, and cosmetic treatments in Thane, Dr. Tvacha is the greatest option for the following reasons:
Professionals with Experience: The doctors and surgeons at the clinic have extensive training and experience, so they can guarantee that every patient gets the best care possible.
Modern Medical Technology: Dr. Tvacha employs the most recent methods and devices in medicine to deliver safe, efficient care.
Personalized Care: Every treatment plan is created specifically for each patient, guaranteeing the best possible outcomes and patient satisfaction.
All-inclusive procedures: Dr. Tvacha provides a variety of procedures under one roof, ranging from the removal of unsightly body hair to weight loss methods.
Patient-Centered Approach: The clinic puts the comfort and happiness of its patients first, ensuring that each visit is enjoyable.
Dr. Tvacha is a highly recommended option for anyone looking for the greatest skin, hair, and cosmetic treatments available in Thane. Dr. Tvacha is well-equipped to handle all of your aesthetic and medical needs, offering a wide range of services such as skin tag removal, hair transplants, Botox treatments, laser skin treatments, weight loss programs, and professional dermatological care. The clinic is the best place to achieve your cosmetic goals because of its dedication to excellence, cutting-edge technology, and attentive care.
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vidiyashetty · 1 year
What Is Breast Cancer & What Are Breast Cancer’s Symptoms?
Gynecologist holds a lot of importance in the life of individuals because they are the medical experts who are responsible for treating reproductive issues. The Best Gynecologists in Thane are engaged in providing everyone with the right set of treatments. Today, in this article, we are going to shed some light on breast cancer. 
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What Is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is a type of cancer in which the cancer cells are formed in the breast. Breast cancer can harm both males and females but is far more common in females. It can develop in various types of breast, such as milk ducts, lobules, and other parts of breast tissues.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Lump in the breast: It is one of the most common symptoms of breast cancer, and these lumps can be painful or painless. These are usually hard and may have irregular edges. 
Change in breast size or shape: Breast cancer can usually change the size and shape of the breast. 
Nipple Changes: In breast cancer, the female will see that there are changes in the nipple. Such as; nipple inversion, nipple discharge, or scaling of nipple. 
Breast skin changes: Breast cancer can lead to changes in the skin of the breast or around it. It includes visual symptoms like redness, dimpling, puckering, or thickening. 
Breast Pain: Breast cancer can cause breast pain as well. 
Swelling In Armpit or Collarbone: Swollen lymph nodes can be seen in the armpit or collarbone area. 
Breast Nipple Changes In One Breast: There are cases when the breast nipple changes only in one breast. 
If you or anyone you might know is searching for a Gynecologist in Thane, then you don’t have to worry about it because the best gynecologist is here at your service. To know more about various types of gynecological services, you can reach out to them and they will deliver you with the required gynecological services. 
About Dr. Vidya Shetty
Dr. Vidya Shetty is one of the leading doctors in the city because she is offering everyone with excellent quality gynecological treatment. The success rate of the gynecologist is very high, that is the reason why she has become famous. The team that is working with the doctor is dedicated to their work and never degrades with the quality of the treatment offered to the individuals. For more information, you can connect with the doctor and she will offer the right set of treatments.
Credit:- https://penzu.com/p/713087601ffd542b
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nurvinaari1 · 1 year
Understanding the Distinction: Ultrasound vs. Transvaginal Ultrasound
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It is common to get confused over medical procedures. Ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound are one of the most puzzling terms. you may have heard your doctor suggesting to get transvaginal ultrasound done. Here, you can explore the critical difference between these medical procedures. You can also learn how they aid in diagnosing various conditions like endometriosis treatment in Thane. 
What is Ultrasound, and how does Ultrasound work?
It is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of structures within the patient’s body. Technicatiuse uses the ultrasound transducer. It is a handheld device that they apply to the skin and move over the area of interest. The technician also uses a gel to ensure proper contact and to eliminate air pockets between the transducer and the skin. The sound waves penetrate the body, and their reflections visually represent the internal structures. The images obtained may be 2D, 3D, or 4D. It provides valuable insights into the patient’s condition.
What is Transvaginal Ultrasound?
A transvaginal ultrasound is a specialized ultrasound examination. Doctors primarily use it to examine the female reproductive system. In this procedure, a smaller, specially designed transducer is inserted into the vagina to obtain clearer and more detailed images of the pelvic organs. The transducer’s proximity to the reproductive organs enhances resolution. 
When is a Transvaginal Ultrasound Performed?
According to Dr. Sujata Rathod, technicians commonly perform this diagnostic techniques in various clinical scenarios, including:
Transvaginal ultrasounds are frequently used during early pregnancy to confirm a viable pregnancy, assess fetal development, and detect any potential issues like ectopic pregnancies.
Gynecological Examinations
They assess and diagnose conditions like ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and other gynecological disorders.
Fertility Evaluation
Transvaginal ultrasound can be used to evaluate the reproductive organs to identify potential causes of infertility.
Abnormal Bleeding or Pain
When a woman experiences abnormal vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain, a transvaginal ultrasound can help identify the underlying causes.
Key Difference Between an Ultrasound and a Transvaginal Ultrasound
The main difference between a regular ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound lies in the placement of the transducer and the area of focus. In a regular ultrasound, the transducer is applied externally on the skin surface.
In a transvaginal ultrasound, the transducer is gently inserted into the vagina. It allows for closer proximity to the pelvic organs. This proximity results in higher-resolution images of the reproductive structures and is especially beneficial when evaluating the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound are valuable diagnostic tools used in the medical field. It helps doctors to visualize and assess internal structures within the body, especially in obstetrics and gynecology. While both methods utilize sound waves for imaging, the key difference lies in the placement of the transducer and the area of focus.
The transvaginal ultrasound’s ability to provide enhanced resolution of the female reproductive organs makes it particularly valuable for diagnosing various gynecological conditions, including endometriosis. If you are seeking endometriosis treatment or have concerns about your reproductive health, contact Dr Sujata Rathod. Consulting an endometriosis specialist in Thane who can perform a transvaginal ultrasound is essential for your healthcare journey. 
Source :https://nurvinaari.com/what-is-the-difference-between-an-ultrasound-transvaginal-ultrasound/
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shape-n-shine · 1 year
Best Skin Specialist Doctor in Thane | Shape N Shine
Hair loss can be a distressing experience, affecting both men and women in Thane and around the world. It not only impacts our physical appearance but can also take a toll on our self-esteem and confidence. If you're seeking an effective solution to combat hair loss in Thane, you're not alone. Fortunately, there are several proven methods and treatments available to help you regain healthy, luscious locks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore some of the best hair loss treatments in Thane, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make the right choice for your specific needs.
Understanding Hair Loss: Before diving into the various treatments available in Thane, it's crucial to understand the common causes of hair loss. Hair loss can result from factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, poor nutrition, or underlying medical conditions. Identifying the root cause of your hair loss is the first step in finding an effective treatment plan tailored to your unique situation.
Nutritional and Dietary Solutions: One of the simplest and often overlooked ways to address hair loss in Thane is by focusing on your diet. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like vitamins (particularly Biotin, Vitamin D, and Iron), minerals, and proteins is essential for healthy hair growth. Consulting with a nutritionist in Thane can help you create a personalized diet plan that promotes hair health and growth.
Topical Treatments: Several topical treatments are available to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss in Thane. Minoxidil, a topical solution, is a commonly recommended option. It's applied directly to the scalp and has been proven effective in promoting hair regrowth for both men and women. However, it's essential to use such treatments under the guidance of a dermatologist in Thane to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy is a minimally invasive and innovative treatment option for hair loss in Thane. It involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting the PRP directly into the scalp. This stimulates hair follicles, promotes hair growth, and can be an excellent choice for individuals looking for a natural solution.
Hair Transplant Surgery: For those with more advanced hair loss in Thane, hair transplant surgery may be the best option. This surgical procedure involves relocating hair follicles from one area of the body to the balding areas. It provides a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to hair loss but should be considered after thorough consultation with a hair transplant specialist in Thane.
Conclusion: Hair loss treatment in Thane has evolved significantly, offering various effective options catering to different needs and preferences. Whether you're dealing with mild or severe hair loss, seeking professional guidance from dermatologists, nutritionists, or hair transplant specialists in Thane is crucial. They can help you determine the best treatment plan to regain your confidence and enjoy a head of healthy, beautiful hair. Remember, the key to successful hair loss treatment in Thane is early intervention and personalized care.
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