dire-vulture · 2 years
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happy fat dragon friday the 13th!!! florabrisa spooky dragon compilation c:
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lezet · 3 months
V.A.-"Bioko! - Perdiendo el Juicio en Audio" is out on PALABRA Y SONIDO (Puerto Rico) !!!!
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V.A.-"Bioko! - Perdiendo el Juicio en Audio" is out on PALABRA Y SONIDO (Puerto Rico) !!!!
Reflexión inspiradora y llena de esperanza sobre la salud mental.
featuring: Los Dientes Hundidos en la Garganta Federico Balducci D35COJóN UR84NO Matotumba Lezet PON Skotos Oman Tumbacocos Moncho Fuego
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yugen-ikigai · 3 months
Nesta “letting” Feyre hunt when Nesta isn’t the figure of authority aka their dad would’ve been the figure of authority and responsible for his underage child so he’s the one to blame when Feyre felt like putting herself in a dangerous situation was the only way for her to prove her worth to her family aka the only way to keep a promise she made to her neglectful mother VS Rhys sending Feyre into the weaver for her to prove her worthiness to be his partner when he already knows she’s his mate so her worthiness has been verified by sjm…I mean the mother is so much worse than ANYTHING Nesta did to Feyre, and this isn’t even the worst thing Rhys has done/put Feyre through…
Nesta bb girl open a portal and go to Skoto, Reghen would take care of you Nesta Reghen and Yeeun would be such an iconic trio
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blue-aconite · 4 months
Hi Fe! 🥰 I hope you're having a good day and have recovered from your big night 😂
I would love to know more about Skotos and Fields of Dandelions!
Beth, hi darling!!
I've talked about Fields of Dandelions here if you're interested 💛
Skótos is a Percy Jackson AU, featuring Jake as son of Zeus and the f!reader as daughter of Hades (reader might turn into an OC, I haven't decided yet). The other Daggers are in the story as well, sons and daughters of various gods.
It's a soulmate AU as well, simply because it's my favourite trope and I love the dynamic between a son of Zeus and a daughter of Hades.
Skótos originates from ancient Greek, meaning 'darkness', a nod towards the daughter of Hades and her abilities.
I'm straying a lot from the books (it's been forever since I've read them and this fic was just recently inspired by the Disney+ series. I'm also just doing what I want because I can 😂 @demxters is also a huge inspiration for this fic!
Have a little sneak peek below the cut: CONTAINS SPOILERS!
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“Jake. Son of Zeus.” You watch as he extend a hand, puffing out his chest. There was an edge to his voice, pride seeping through. 
He was beautiful, there was no denying that but the smug grin and somewhat degrading tone told you this wasn’t someone who would be your friend. Despite that, you shook his hand politely, not wanting to cause a scene. 
“Nice to meet you.” You leave out your parentage. They'll find out sooner or later.
The moment your hand touched his, a flash of light appears and a spark went through your entire body. Snatching your hand back, you pulled away quickly. 
He looks equally baffled at the sight, staring momentarily at his hand before lifting his gaze to you once again.
Fuck. His eyes are beautiful.
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Ask about my WIPs
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critical-quoter · 6 months
You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? You rival the sunrise over the Skotos Mountains.
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire - Jennifer L. Armentrout
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thearchaicsmile · 1 year
Ancient Greek Word of the Day
σκότος | skotos (from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ḱeh₃ 'shadow') — darkness or gloom [particularly of death and the Underworld]; obscurity, something which is shrouded or hidden from view; a sense of uncertainty or unease
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strowbermag · 3 months
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zaproponowałam przyjaciółce wyjscie ns park linowy a ona fo mnie kirwa z takim tekstek "jezu hshah ja nwm czy ta lina mnie utzryma" kurwa powinna się wstydzić pisać do mnie takie rzeczy jest dużo chudsza i wazy mniej skoto ona się boi o coś "takiego" to co ja mam powiedzieć
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skowhegan · 5 months
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David Rich (A ‘74)
Upon the Slow Read SKOTO GALLERY 529 West 20th Street. 5FL May 2 – June 15, 2024
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arsiaaaa · 2 years
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longsightmyth · 2 years
Hawke corrects the priestess' pronunciation of Skotos, because of course Poppy is right. He says his family is from around there, and that's how it's pronounced.
I... almost like this idea? Hawke knowing the correct pronunciation because of family ties is a thing that would make sense (plus he's 500 years old or whatever). I would have preferred it if Poppy used the correct pronunciation because she heard him or somebody else from there use it rather than being Just Right.
“My family originates from the farmlands not too far from Pompay, before the area was destroyed and became the Wastelands we know today,” he explained. “My family and others from that area have always pronounced the mountain range as the Maiden first said.” He paused. “The language and accent of those from the far west can be difficult…for some to master. The Maiden, however, appears to not fall into that group.”
(What is that ellipsis)
Anyway if Poppy had been pronouncing it as she had hears people from the region do, it would be a nice nod to Poppy's told but not shown connection to the commons. She listens. She cares.
Instead Poppy Just Knows, because we can't take the EFFORT to understand regional or cultural differences or other languages, you just have to Just Know.
Consider instead:
"My family comes from the mountains of Skotos," Hawke said tiredly. "That's how we say it. I'm sure the Maiden heard it from me."
Or EARLIER instead of:
“Skotos,” Priestess Analia interrupted. “It’s pronounced like Skotis. You know how it’s pronounced, Maiden. Do so correctly.”
My fingers tightened around the leather binding. The History of The War of Two Kings and the Kingdom of Solis was well over a thousand pages, and every week, I was forced to read several chapters during my sessions with the Priestess. I’d probably read the entire tome aloud over a dozen times, and I swore that each time, the Priestess changed the way Skotos was pronounced.
You could have Poppy be like,
"Skotis," the priestess interrupted. "It is pronounced Skotis."
Was it? I was sure Rylan had always said Skotos when he talked about his home.
Gives Poppy another connection with her dead guard, a demonstration of her listening to other people, and, crucially, a double whammy of caring about others and QUESTIONING the regime. Then you can have Hawke back her up for some nice solidarity.
But nope. For some reason.
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dire-vulture · 1 year
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ok i'm not done posting M Snappers..the most underrated pose, they can work absolutely everything and look great doing it :D
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bresdegplantagenet · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hades/Persephone, Hades/Original Character(s), Demeter/Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Original Demigod Character(s) (Ancient Greek Religon & Lore), Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Demeter (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) Additional Tags: Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Drabble, Drabble Collection Summary:
A drabble exploring Hades and Persephone's mythos through the eyes of their son, Skotos.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“Alcman places the Nereid Thetis at the beginning of the world. She is associated on the one hand with Poros and Tekmor  and on the other with Skotos." How can we explain this at first sight paradoxical role given to the mother of Achilles in the genesis of the cosmos and her association with Poros, Tekmor and Skotos? With regard to the main lines of the system expounded by Alcman, we accept the conclusions of M.L. West in his latest article which summarised them as four main points: in the beginning there was a state where form was lacking and in which nothing could yet be distinguished; then came Thetis whose activity appears to have had a craftsmanlike character; next, together with Skotos, there appeared Poros and Tekmor, the latter at least operating as a principle of differentiation within the darkness; thanks to Poros and Tekmor light-the daylight and the light of the stars at night-succeeded black Night and total darkness.
We are leaving to one side one important problem which we cannot deal with within the framework of this study. The commentator lets it be understood that Thetis operates like a worker in metal. It should be remembered, in this respect, that for Alcman as for Homer the sky was, in effect, made of bronze. According to Alkman, Ouranos was the son of Akmon, the anvil. Furthermore when Hephaestus is hurled from the heights of the sky (like the bronze akmon, in Hesiod, which falls upon the earth) it is Thetis, the marine goddess in the depths of the sea who secretly takes him in and it is at her side that he begins to work with metals, learning how to make daidala. Finally, there are affinities between the daemons of the sea and metallurgy which are most clearly revealed in figures such as the Telchines. Thetis herself has another name which may be significant: Purrhaie, she who has reddened in the fire." However, in his latest study, M.L. West has produced forceful arguments to support the thesis that the commentator rather than Alcman himself is responsible for the idea of a Thetis who is a metal worker, forging the sky as she would a chalkeus.
Whatever the solution one adopts on this point, a prior problem nevertheless remains. Despite the fact that in Alcman's Sparta this Nereid had her own temple and secret xoanon which noone except the priestess was permitted to see, Thetis is, all-in-all, a relatively minor figure. How then are we to explain why she is presented as a great primordial deity? Following Bowra and Lloyd-Jones it has been generally accepted that the reason for Thetis' position in Alcman's cosmogony is not that she is a sea goddess, the wife of Peleus who won her by binding her in the vice of his arms despite her metamorphoses, but rather that her name lent itself to a kind of play of words on the theme of tithemi. According to this view, Thetis used as a noun meant she who founds, disposes, establishes. This meaning can be justified on the basis of the scholium to Lycophron, Alexandra,, where Thetis is called aitia euthesias, the cause for the good arrangement of the cosmos, and also the scholium T to Book I of the Iliad (399): 'It is said that Thetis is thesin kai phusin tou pantos, the arrangement and nature of all things'. But these two scholia suggest even more than what is claimed for them. Thetis is called not only thesis but also phusis tou pantos; and the scholium to Lycophron is even more explicit: it defines Thetis as the sea, Thetis he thidassa and states clearly that if Thetis is the cause of euthesia this is because at the beginning of the world the liquid element first became redistributed and condensed and then the solid earth appeared, ephime he xera, and this was the good order (eukosmia) of the universe. Thus there is plenty of evidence for the play on the word Thetis. It occurs within the framework of a cosmogony in which the sea, personified by the Nereid, constitutes the primordial element.
For the rest, it is quite strange that such surprise has been felt at the role given to the daughter of Nereus. There are sufficiently close links between Tethys, the wife of Okeanos, who is presented by Homer as the genesis pantesi, the origin of all things, and Thetis, the wife of Peleus, for the grandmother and granddaughter sometimes to appear as doubles. In the Mythographi Vaticani we read: 'Ophion, et secundum philosophus Okeanos, qui et Nereus, de maiore Thetide genuit caelum'. In Homer, Thetis is associated with another Nereid who, like herself, stands out from the anonymous group of sea-goddesses: this is Eurynome. In the most profound depths of the abyss of the sea, in a kind of Beyond, far from the gods as well as from men, Thetis and Eurynome together welcome in Hephaestus when he has been hurled from the heights of the heavens. Now, in the cosmogonies associated with that of Pherecydes of Syros, this Eurynome played the same role of primordial deity as Thetis. Together with Ophioneus or Ophion, an Old Man of the Sea resembling Proteus, Nereus or Triton, she reigned over the world with her husband until Kronos and Rhea dethroned this ancient couple of the sea by making them fall, in the course of a struggle, from the height of the sky to the depths of the Ocean. This Eurynome, the primordial goddess of the sea, had her temple at Phigalia and it was closed and secret as was that of Thetis in Sparta. It was thrown open only once a year and on that day the ancient xoanon depicting the goddess, half-woman and half-fish and chained in bonds of gold could be seen." So Eurynome was a deity of bonds, both a binder and herself bound, again just like Thetis who, although she was bound in the embrace of Peleus, was also a mistress of bonds since, in the Iliad, when all the gods in revolt against Zeus wish to chain him up, it is she who 'liberates him from the bonds' by bringing Briareus up from the depths of the Ocean.”
 - Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? You rival the sunrise over the Skotos Mountains.
-A Kingdom Of Flesh And Fire
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444names · 2 years
greek names BUT excluding "a"
Beksicou Berometris Binos Bitzioros Boclis Bonstyllos Boropou Boulis Boulos Bouniol Boutinos Bridovos Cheorpulou Chiopou Chlos Chlou Chopolos Chrides Chriloubou Chrinos Chriorgios Chriorin Chrogrios Chrone Chronos Chropos Chropoulos Chroulou Chrys Clexopos Colidimo Colis Conidis Conos Copoullis Cosillos Cotis Coulos Coulosios Covidokos Cynis Cyonis Dekis Dekonikidis Delis Dembe Dembrini Demeris Demes Demis Demopodos Denis Derikis Desopoulos Dicos Dimis Dimiterip Dimop Dimos Dimoulos Dioulos Diplexopou Disidis Disteg Ditrisos Doros Doulou Dreki Drezoulos Drovozos Drulines Dukis Efkos Efsios Efstros Efthemetris Eiopoukis Ekides Eleodoudes Elevi Eligoskos Elopoulis Eloulos Embis Emeropoudis Emicovou Emonste Ephioulous Ephris Epine Eridis Erios Eudis Euditikis Eudos Euphidis Eusilis Eusos Evenni Evgeni Evros Fides Fikos Filidis Filos Firizinos Fitroulos Flexi Flydistos Flykos Forgos Forios Foris Fotinos Fotone Foulos Foulpoulos Frodorgis Fropou Geler Gelinous Geloulos Genis Geodo Geodos Geonou Georidimou Geortis Gercos Gerilides Gerios Geris Ghios Gides Gidesiotos Gidis Giopou Giorgios Giorios Giostos Giotopoulos Giotos Gioulos Giouloulos Giropoulos Giros Gizou Glexi Glychouyou Goulonis Goulopoulos Greecos Greni Grinos Gusimilis Hlios Honis Honstiri Hophy Houlos Igiotis Ilios Iolios Iopos Iopounis Iotis Ioulou Ippouncedou Ireodou Iropiridos Kessios Kevidis Khilipides Khires Khlos Kleximos Klios Kofikis Kofilis Kokis Kokolyzis Kokos Koliossis Kolipledou Kolis Kolos Konis Koniyminopi Konos Kophenos Kopolis Kopolos Kopou Kopoulos Kopousis Korgeos Kostiros Kotes Kotinos Kotouvelis Kotsilis Kotsonthil Koulopoulos Koulos Koulouropou Koustylis Kouzikos Kouzis Krelos Kridis Krine Krinos Krios Kriotsos Kroghios Krokos Kropos Ktrigos Kyrin Kyristris Kyrouphlos Lines Lioti Lopoulis Meiris Melikou Melis Melos Menis Meris Metopou Metos Michi Michris Micopoulos Micopouris Milis Miopou Mitis Mitopoulos Mitou Mitri Mitrostos Mopos Moukis Moulippe Mytopos Neklis Nelis Niconis Nides Nidis Nikides Nikis Nikistris Nikongos Nikopoudis Nikoris Odorgeos Opoulos Opulos Ordos Orotis Oroulos Otheoris Ouloulos Peldemes Pelinis Pelis Pepetrilis Pephylis Perigos Perini Perisis Perodos Pertros Petopuros Petris Petsonopos Petusitros Petzis Pezides Phidimenis Phigopou Philos Phritsos Pitros Podis Polis Pouletinou Poulis Poulonikos Poulostis Poulou Pouloulos Pousi Pretroulou Pristos Prokonis Pronisted Propoloulos Propoulos Prouros Ptohonysos Purios Regourettes Rikolos Riotis Rodis Rolinos Rorgionidou Rorkos Rouligos Roulos Seirini Seris Shipou Shippou Sides Sidimonis Sikis Silis Sillis Silvos Sinos Siothi Siotinelis Sioulos Skies Skilis Sklew Skopos Skotos Smopoundros Sogoros Solinos Sopou Sopoulos Sopsilidou Sopulos Sorikes Soteftelis Soulos Spelinonis Spilos Spionthis Spios Spiton Spyrines Spyris Stekis Stioulopous Stiridis Stlexopou Stomicovos Stonisos Stophinis Stopolis Stopos Stopou Stopoulos Stotopouros Stoulos Styliou Stylis Sufos Sufoulos Sulois Suris Teris Thedes Themes Thenidis Theodis Theolos Theones Theons Theopoumos Theorgeolos Theotios Therikhos Theris Theronikos Thides Thilvos Thois Thone Thyloullos Toninekis Tonistokos Tophonicos Topoulos Topous Tosis Tovis Trinos Troulos Tselokolis Tsenopos Tsiki Tsileris Tsilis Tsinick Tsinis Tsinthon Tsios Tsome Tsosteveris Tsoulou Tsovi Tsovoulos Tzenidou Tzikis Tzikon Velos Vidis Vophy Vopou Vopoulos Vopous Vrios Vrony Xelinos Xelis Xenetsotes Xeniconstes Xeninis Xenne Xylis Xyllis Xylos Zelis Zemos Zeudis Zogos Zogoumitris Zometussis Zomos Zopoulos Zorge Zouli Zoulos Zulis Zulos
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yugen-ikigai · 29 days
The idea that by reading fantasy, you should be okay with misogyny, racism, and homophobia just because most fantasy is inspired by mediaeval times. Unless you're reading historical fantasy, then there is no actual reason to include those things because, from what I remember when studying feudalism, there weren't any dragons, faeries, or mermaids.
If you can come up with a made-up magical system, made-up species, then surely you can come up with the mentality the people would have, because guess what? Bigotry isn't an intrinsic part of humanity or of society. Those things are instilled into the cloth of society, and if you're creating a whole fucking new society, why would you want segregation, discrimination, among so many other things, to be part of that? You can create a world that is to your liking, and you create an apartheid regime? That's so fucking weird.
And listen, you can have a kingdom that is like that. Curse of Death by Ellie Owen does a great job on this. There are eleven courts, and they exist within a spectrum, with Skoto being the kingdom that follows the women's bloodline, where the Queen is the ultimate ruler, and then you have Oren, with the red pill bullshit, and the characters are disgusted with it.
Fantasy is what the author wants it to be.
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