braveclementine 5 months
Chapter 12
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
饾暟饾枂饾枠饾枡饾枈饾枟 饾枃饾枟饾枈饾枂饾枑 饾枅饾枂饾枓饾枈 which meant that there were zero classes, but lots of homework. Hannah Abbott was close to collapsing from nerves, and she wasn't the only one. Neville Longbottom also seemed close to collapsing and when I was studying with the others in the Gryffindor common room, Seamus yelled out of nowhere, "Call this a holiday! The exams are ages away, what're they playing at?"
I wasn't entirely sure what everyone else was so stressed about. It was only third year. Of course, Hermione and I could stress. But everyone else was overreacting- at least that's how I felt.
Harry had pointed out that no one had more work than me or Hermione. Hermione had dropped Divination which meant that she had two less classes than me. She was the last to leave the common room (according to Harry, as I spent most nights in my own common room) and was the first to wake so that she could get the library first.
I was doing the same, but my days were even longer. I'd suggested to Hermione that she could turn the time back so that she could have more hours for homework but she said that would be breaking the rules we'd agreed to when we'd been given the time-turners.
We both had dark shadows under our eyes and one day when looking in the mirror, I thought that I looked a bit like dad. He always had shadows under his eyes as well. Hermione was usually close to tears and while I usually had a confident, happy aurora, inside I was close to tears as well.
McGonagall, Flitwick, and Snape had cut private lessons to be resumed next year. This had always irked me because I felt that I could keep up with the classes. This year however, I was grateful for the extra hours at night. It meant shorter days since I didn't have to use my time turner as much (for homework anyways).
Dad had been worried about the shadows under my eyes and had persuaded me to go to Madam Pomfrey.
"It's f-fine dad." I said, yawning after one of the classes he'd held me back after. "Really, it is."
I had other things to worry about than my dark eyes. The enmity between Slytherin and Gryffindor was tight. Even Slytherins and Gryffindors that had nothing to do with Quidditch were getting into small fights.
I had become a Slytherin target as well. Possibly because I'd thrown Draco across a room, possibly because I was more of a Gryffindor than a Hufflepuff in their eyes. I was constantly being pushed whenever I was walking through the hallways. Now, I constantly had my wand in my hand and whenever a Slytherin got near me, I raised it, and they took off.
Harry was having a hard time too. He was constantly being tripped in the hallways and Oliver had told other Gryffindors to surround him at all times so that they were a type of shield around him. Harry was annoyed with this since he found it hard to get to class with everyone around him and he could barely see over the heads of some of the taller people.
I felt sick the night before the Quidditch game. I stayed up with my homework, hoping that it would distract me. Muggle studies- How do Muggles get their news without magic? Potions- Why should the calming draught be use periodically? Transfiguration- What are the main difficulties when doing a statue to model transformation?
I was close to being done, but not completely when I went to bed.
饾暱饾枍饾枈 饾枔饾枈饾枬饾枡 饾枓饾枖饾枟饾枔饾枎饾枔饾枌, I put my Divination book and parchment in my bag so that I could work on the essay at the game, and then after getting dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast.
I sat down next to Ginny. She looked excited. "How did you sleep?" She chirped.
"Pretty good." I said honestly. "Though I didn't finish all of my homework which is a bit of a tragedy."
Ginny giggled, "Oh yes, what a tragedy."
We both laughed.
"So." I said, pulling over toast and put grape jelly on it. "Who do you think is going to win."
"Gryffindor." Ginny said confidently. "We have Harry Potter."
"Yes." I said grinning but was very careful with my next words, "Yes you do."
Ginny looked at me, "You're practically a Gryffindor, you know."
"Oh, I know." I said. "But I have to show聽some聽sort of house pride."
Ginny giggled again. "Ron told us in Egypt that you would've been in Gryffindor if it wasn't for your visions."
I blushed, "Why was he talking about me?"
Ginny grinned, "Fred asks Ron about you all the time. Innocent little questions of course."
I blushed deeper and shoved the piece of toast in my mouth.
The Quidditch team came down eventually, probably getting as much sleep as possible, and all of them looking sick. Oliver sat down right in front of me. "Are we going to win?" He asked, pale as a sheet.
I grinned, "Now Oliver, if I told you that, it would be cheating, wouldn't it?"
The others laughed, but Oliver looked like he might throw up.
I sighed, "Just play the best you guys can and I'm sure you won't be disappointed with the results."
Oliver didn't look put at ease at all, but he nodded stiffly, and the rest of the team sat down to eat. Oliver told them to eat, but he didn't eat anything himself until I finally pushed toast at him. "Eat Oliver." I said, looking at him.
He picked up the toast, took a bite, and put it down with a face that said it tasted like sawdust. Before any of the other team members had finished eating, Oliver wanted to see how the weather was, and shooed the team outside.
Soon, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and I headed out as well. We took up seats right next to the commentator/ teacher box. I noticed that Snape was sitting with the Slytherins in the student section. Professor McGonagall was in her customary spot next to Lee in case she had to yank the microphone away from him.
"And here are the Gryffindors!" Lee yelled as I pulled out my Divination textbook. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Spinnet, Weasley, Weasley, and Wood. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years-"
There were 'boos' from the Slytherin end and I grinned. I would argue that my team was the best team, of course. I pulled out my quill, setting up the inkwell on the wooden barrier.
"And here comes the Slytherin team, led by Captain Flint. He's made some changes in the lineup and seems to be going for size rather than skill-" Lee commented.
There were more negative sounds from the Slytherin end. Looking at the Slytherin team however, I found that Lee had a pretty good point.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the fourteen brooms took off into the air and the crowd cheered. I looked down at my parchment writing,聽If Crystal balls were actually useful. . .
"And its Gryffindor in possession, Alicia Spinnet for Gryffindor with the Quaffle, heading straight for the Slytherin goal posts, looking good, Alicia! Argh- no Quaffle intercepted by Warrington, Warrington of Slytherin tearing up the field- WHAM! nice Bludger work there by George Weasley, Warrington drops the Quaffle, it's caught by- Johnson, Gryffindor back in possession come on, Angelina- nice swerved around Montague-聽duck, Angelina, that's a bludger!- SHE SCORES! TEN-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!"
There was a ding as the button was pressed to add ten points to the scoreboard.
I looked up momentarily distracted form the essay. Angelina was pumping her fist in the air when suddenly she was slammed by Flint. I hissed through my teeth as he said, "Sorry! Sorry, didn't see her!"
Fred raised his arm and chucked his beater club into the back of Flint's head. Flint's nose smashed into the handle of his broom and began to bleed. I chuckled a little and then looked back down at the essay. Nice aim, Fred, nice aim.
"That will do!" I heard Madam Hooch yelling, "Penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser! Penalty shot to Slytherin for deliberate damage to their Chaser!"
"Come off it, Miss!" Fred howled and I laughed again. When I was younger, I used to think penalty to Gryffindor meant they were in trouble, even though it was the other teams fault. So I'd always wondered why the other teams didn't sabotage each other so that the other team was always in trouble for what the other team had done. Then dad had explained to me that if the other team sabotaged the other, the sabotaged team got a free throw with the Quaffle. That was what a penalty really was.
An unnatural silence swept over the pitch and I looked up as Alicia took the Quaffle.
"Come on Alicia!" Lee said into the silence. Everyone held their breath as she threw the Quaffle and then. . . "YES! SHE'S BEATEN THE KEEPER! TWENTY-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!" Lee said enthusiastically.
Flint took the Quaffle next to go up against Wood for his free throw. Wood's jaw was tightly clenched and I realized I was clutching my quill very tightly. "Course, Wood's a superb Keeper." Lee said smugly to the crowd as we waited. "Superb! Very difficult to pass- very difficult indeed- YES! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HE'S SAVED IT!"
I sighed with relief and continued on down the essay聽crystal gazing is an imprecise branch of magic anyways and so. . .
"Gryffindor in possession, no, Slytherin in possession-no!- Gryffindor back in possession, and it's Katie Bell, Katie Bell for Gryffindor with the Quaffle, she's streaking up the field- THAT WAS DELIBERATE!"
I looked up as I saw Montague cartwheeling on his broom in the air, Katie's head in his hands. Katie dropped the Quaffle. Madam Hooch's whistle rang again.
"Jordan, if you can't commentate in an unbiased way-" Professor McGonagall said in a warning voice.
"I'm telling it like it is, Professor."
Harry suddenly shot off towards the Slytherin end of the pitch. It was a decoy, I knew, to get Draco away from the real snitch. It worked, Draco was after Harry in an instant and I sighed with relief.
I watched though, as both Slytherin beaters clubbed the bludgers toward Harry. One streaked past his ear and another went past his elbow. Both beaters were zooming towards him, one of either side of him. Harry pulled up on the Firebolt and they crashed into each other.
"Ha, haa!" Lee Jordan laughed along with the crowd. "Too bad, boys! You'll need to get up earlier than that to beat a Firebolt! And it's Gryffindor in possession again, as Johnson takes the Quaffle- Flint alongside her- poke him in the eye, Angelina- it was a joke, Professor, it was a joke- oh no- Flint in possession, Flint flying toward the Gryffindor goal posts, come on now, Wood, save-聽Shit!"
Lee swore and Professor McGonagall tried to tug the microphone away from him while the Slytherin end of the field erupted into cheers.
"Sorry, Professor, sorry! Won't happen again! So Gryffindor in the lead, thirty points to ten, and Gryffindor in possession-" Lee continued with the commentary.
Therefore, if crystal balls could be made to be used in a more effective manner, I believe that more people would be able to decipher the future. Of course. . .
I heard Lee shouting, "YOU CHEATING SCUM! YOU FILTHY, CHEATING BASTARD!" I looked up and Lee was dancing out of the way of Professor McGonagall but it didn't matter. She was up on her own, her hat had fallen off, and she was shaking her finger at the Quidditch players. Malfoy had grabbed the end of Harry's broom.
I sighed, looking back down.
Lee continued the commentary. "Slytherin in possession, Slytherin heading for goal- Montague scores- Seventy- twenty to Gryffindor- and what is Malfoy doing now, talking to the Beater. . ."
And that comes to the conclusion that crystal balls are only used for those-
"DUCK ELIZABETH!" Lee suddenly shouted into the microphone.
Duck Elizabeth? Since when was that something they said in Quidditch? I looked up and wished that I hadn't as the bludger rammed into my stomach and I went flying off the bench. My quill and parchment were thrown into the air and I crashed onto my back.
Lee was cursing into the microphone as the bludger flew back out over the pitch. I stared up at the sky. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny's concerned faces were over mine as I gasped for breath. Dad was suddenly there too, pale faced.
"Elizabeth, are you okay?" Dad asked.
I opened my mouth and coughed. I could hear Professor McGonagall yelling too along with Hagrid's booming voice. Where聽was聽Hagrid?
Finally I managed, "Bumphing is a Quidditch foul where a beater hits a bludger towards opposing fans in hopes to throw the opposing team off balance. I think that might be the first time a Bumphing foul was ever used at a Hogwarts Quidditch game."
Ron sighed. "She's back to normal."
I tried to laugh which took my breath away again.
"What happened?" I finally asked weakly when I got my breathing back and the sky stopped spinning. Funny, I thought people were only dizzy when they got hit in the head. Or maybe I'd hit my head when I crashed to the floor. Students were standing up, trying to get a good look at us. Dad was the only Professor over here. I was glad about that.
Ginny and Hermione knelt next to me too.
"Malfoy. . ." Hermione said, fear in her eyes, her mouth covered by her hands. "He told the beater to hit a bludger towards you, I think. . ."
"Stupid git." I said, still gasping for air and I sat up. "Oh." I moaned, grabbing my ribs.
"We should get you to the hospital wing." Dad said.
I waved my hand. "Not until the end of the game."
I got back on my seat, pale faced, my arm wrapped around my stomach. Dad didn't climb back into the teachers' box but stood by the side. Ginny had picked up my divination book and essay. I put the cap back on the ink well, at least it hadn't spilled all over my essay, which was pretty much done.
"Are you really okay?" Ginny asked as I shifted in my seat next to her.
"Hurt like the dickens." I said, controlling my breathing better.
I watched as Flint lined up for a penalty shot again. "Why'd he get the penalty shot?" I asked, gingerly touching my ribs.
"Fred might've swung his club into Malfoy's face." Ginny said.
"Ah, that would do it." I said, wanting to laugh, but not daring too. That sick feeling was back in my stomach. Wood saved the goal. I certainly had not foreseen that coming so would Gryffindor now lose the game because the situation was different? I certainly hoped not.
SHE SCORES! SHE SCORES! Gryffindor leads by eighty points to twenty!" Lee shouted as Angelina scored the next goal. Lee shot a look back towards me and I gave him a weak thumbs up and a smile.
Then Malfoy was diving, and Harry was diving and they were neck and neck for the Snitch. Ginny was clutching my arms so hard, my pain in my stomach was forgotten and was moved into my arm. I had my fingers crossed so tightly the blood was leaving.
Then Harry pulled out of his dive, his hand raised above his head, the golden snitch in his hand. Wood left his position immediately, sobbing into Harry's shoulder. Fred and George flew into him too. The girls were screaming, "we've won the cup! we've won the cup!"
The Gryffindor team made their way to the ground while the Gryffindor student body flooded onto the pitch, I was dragged along by Ginny who didn't seem to be able to let go of my arm. Dad was soon left behind, a stressed look on his face.
I stood to the side however, while the Gryffindor student body lifted the team up into the air. Looking around, I heard Hagrid shouting, "Yeh beat 'em Harry, yeh beat 'em! Wait till I tell Buckbeak!"
Even funnier was Percy jumping up and down like a maniac, his dignity gone. Professor McGonagall was sobbing, wiping her eyes with a Gryffindor flag. Wood was still crying. Harry was borne up toward the stands and I followed, walking beside Hermione and Ron where Dumbledore was waiting with the cup. Wood took the cup from Dumbledore and, still sobbing, handed it up to Harry.
I found that I was crying with excitement too. Hermione put her arms around me and I hugged her back, even though it made my stomach hurt.
"饾暤饾枤饾枠饾枡 饾枂 饾枊饾枟饾枂饾枅饾枡饾枤饾枟饾枈." Madam Pomfrey said as I sat on the edge of the hospital bed. She got out tape and wrapped it around my stomach. I winced in pain. Cedric, Fred, Wood, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were all in the room. Fred kept giving cold looks to Cedric but Ced didn't seem to notice.
Lee walked into the room at that moment, "You should listen to me more Liz." He said as Madam Pomfrey gave me something to drink.
I drank the liquid down and coughed. "I'll keep that in mind." I said, grinning.
"Anyways." Lee said, sitting down on a bed opposite me. "I just saw Professor Sprout. Malfoy and Bole both have detentions up to the end of the year. Not to mention they both had fifty points taken from Slytherin each."
"Wow!" I said, gingerly leaning back on the bed. "I didn't know Professor Sprout could be so mean."
They all laughed.
"You know." Lee said thoughtfully. "I thought Snape would defend them ya know, but he seemed just as furious with them as Sprout."
"Really?" Harry and Ron asked.
"I wonder what dad's reaction was?" I asked thoughtfully. I couldn't really remember exactly what happend with the bumphing foul.
"What Professor doesn't like Elizabeth?" Cedric asked, grinning.
"The Astronomy Professor." I said, aiming for a joke.
They all laughed again.
Wood's eyes were still red from the crying. "Congratulations Oliver." I said. "I told you you guys were going to win."
More laughs, though some confusion on Cedric's side. An hour later, my butt still sore, my ribs were healed and I went with the others to the Gryffindor common room. Cedric had left five minutes earlier so I hadn't felt guilty about going.
We partied for a long time. There was so much food and there was even dancing. I danced with Lee, George, Harry, Dean, Fred, Oliver, and even Percy. And of course, I danced with Hermione and Ginny too.
Since it was too late for me to leave, I slept in the common room. Hermione and Ginny stayed down in the common room and it was like a sleepover.
饾暱饾枍饾枈 饾枔饾枈饾枬饾枡 饾枩饾枈饾枈饾枑 was horrible. While there was no more homework, there was studying. And I always figured that studying was worse than homework. Homework, there's a finished objective and one topic to focus on. But when you study, it's all on your own and you have to figure out what聽you聽need to learn.
I was also called into multiple offices. Dad's, Sprout's, McGonagall's' and Snape's. Each one wanted to know how my ribs were (even though they'd been healed for days). Dad helped me with my patronus charm again and the day before exams would start, I managed to produce a wildcat for about seven seconds. But I was proud of it. Dad was extremely proud of me too.
The next day, I took my Arithmancy exam deciphering paragraphs of numbers into words. Then, turning back an hour, I went to my Ancient Runes exam where I deciphered shapes into letters and words.
Then lunch and then Transfiguration. I turned my teapot into a tortoise on my first try. Full marks. Then I had divination.
I went up and looked in the crystal ball. Professor Trelawney was sitting there, silent. Pretending like I was looking into the glass ball, I said, "I see Sirius Black."
"Yes?" She said excitedly.
"The Minister of Magic has captured him." I said. "But. . . he seems to escape, again."
She clucked her tongue in disappointment. "Anything else, my dear?"
"I also see a hippogriff." I said, trying very hard not to laugh.
"Oh! And does it still have its head?"
"Yes." I said solidly. "And it's being led through the Forbidden Forest."
"Ah." She said in disappointment again. "very well."
I got up and went down the stairs, still trying not to smile. Sometimes my gift came in use.
I got a letter from Sadie at breakfast and I took it and offered her my bacon. I opened it up. It was a letter from Hagrid.
Elizabeth, Buckbeak's appeal is the sixth Someone from Ministry of Magic coming. And executioner. Thanks for all yer help. Hagrid.
I stuffed the letter angrily into my bag. They were already bringing the executioner? Bloody hell. As though fate had deemed it, I heard Draco's voice down the hallway. I walked towards his voice, angrily. I drew my wand out without thinking. Draco came around the corner with Goyle and Crabbe.
"Oh if isn't Kane." Draco said with a smirk on his face, not seeing my wand. "How'd you like the bludger?"
"Oh?" I said, pulling my teeth back. "You really think you're going to get away with killing Buckbeak?"
"Well. . ." Draco seemed to pretend to think about it, "Yeah, I do."
I gritted my teeth and then blasted Crabbe with my wand. Draco dropped his smile. "You dare attack a Slytherin! I'll see to it that Professor Snape gives you life long detentions."
"Dream come true." I said with a smirk. Goyle threw a punch at me and I ducked and kicked him in the knee. I was too short and modest to raise my leg high enough to kick him in the stomach. Goyle grunted, but it didn't seem to phase him. I used a weak stunning spell against Goyle and he fell where he was.
"Just me and you Draco." I said softly. "You have no bludger, no body guards, nothing. Now say all those things again." I pointed my wand at his throat. I wondered briefly if I had gone to far with this. But I thought about the bludger slamming into my stomach in the Quidditch stadium, and sweet Buckbeak and my anger hardened again.
And yet, another voice spoke in the back of my mind, "Does he really deserve it?" Dad breathed.
I'd hesitated to much, Crabbe slammed into me and I slammed my shoulder into the wall. I was glad I had none of my personal articles on me. I fell to the floor and raised my wand and whispered, "Petrificus Totalus."
Crabbe turned ridged and fell to the floor too. I got to my feet, brushing dust off my robes. Draco had his wand out on me and said "Incendio!"
I jumped out of the way as the flames licked up at my robes. I threw my cloak off and stomped it out, and pointing my wand at Draco I said, "Experlliarmus!"
Draco jumped out of the way and my spell hit the wall. I dodged his next spell. But his second spell hit me in the stomach. I slammed my head on the floor. I touched my head gingerly. Blood came back on my fingers. I gritted my teeth, rolling to dodge another spell.
"Stupefy!" I shouted. Draco collapsed on the floor. I sighed in relief, laying there on the floor.
"Oh bloody hell, what now?" I muttered and turned, pointing my wand at whoever was approaching.
It was Professor Snape stopped short and I lowered my wand. "You have blood running down your neck." He said shortly.
I touched my hair again. More blood came away from it. "Lovely." I grimaced. I got to my feet, staggering a bit.
Snape examined Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco. "What spells did you use on them?"
"Two stunning, one body-bind curse." I muttered.
He revived Draco and Goyle and undid my curse on Crabbe. "Fifteen points from Slytherin for dueling." He snapped. "And I don't ever want to see something like this come from Slytherin ever again unless it's deserved."
Wow, gee, unless I deserved it. How kind, Professor Snape.
"She started it!" Draco whined.
Snape turned to me, glaring. I shrugged, "Possibly."
Had I? I couldn't remember. Everything聽was聽a bit hazy. The blood was running thicker. Thin streams of blood had run down my neck, either soaked into my shirt, or continuing to drip past my collar. As my shirt was white, the blood stains showed up quite well.
"Come with me Kane." Snape said and I followed him into the dungeons. "In." He said shortly, opening his office door. I went inside. "Sit." He said and I sat down on a stool by the bed. Snape opened up cupboard doors and such and pulled out a cloth and water basin. He moved behind me.
He pulled the hair band out of my hair, parting it.
I closed my eyes as Snape ran the wet cloth across my neck, wiping the blood away. I said nothing and he was silent as well.聽He cares, a random thought traveled across my mind.聽He really does care. I blushed.
I heard water pinging on the metal basin and then water on the back of my neck. His fingers found the cut. I gasped in pain and clutched my fingers around the edge of the stool.
"It's not deep." He said, feeling around methodically. "Heads usually bleed a lot more than the wounds suggest."
"I didn't know you were a doctor." I said, amused, but still not opening my eyes.
"A doctor?" He asked curiously.
"I mean a healer, sorry." I said, blushing. Sometimes I confused my Muggle and Wizarding terms.
"Well no, not really." He admitted, moving his fingers deftly to part my hair and stop the wound from bleeding. "But it's not serious and Madam Pomfrey would've made a bigger deal out of it than it is. I thought you'd prefer this."
I flushed redder and whispered, "Yes, thank you."
After some more moments of silence he said, "here."
I opened my eyes and took the washcloth questionably.
"You have blood below here." He said, touching the collar of my shirt. "I figured you'd want to take care of that yourself. I'll step out of the room."
He did as he said, and closed the door behind himself.
I unbuttoned the shirt four buttons down, and worked methodically to get the dried blood off my skin. It was actually harder than one thought, getting dried blood of of oneself. I was kneeling by the wash basin and dipped the washcloth in repeatedly to release the blood. Once the blood was off, I grabbed the other towel and dried off. I buttoned the shirt up two buttons.
I waited for a moment in the room, trying to gain control of myself because I was grinning like an idiot.
No big deal, I thought randomly,聽He'd totally do this for any other student uh huh. Yeah, totally.
I stepped out of the room, still fighting for composure. "Thank you." I said, not looking at him. If I looked at him, I might smile.
"Any time." He said. His voice was farther away and I saw that he was at his desk.
I slipped out of the room and went to the common room and got into bed. It wasn't really near time to sleep yet but I couldn't have done anything else. I buried my face into the pillow and smiled.
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haileyahayes 7 years
Watch @hello.lizland and I make a mistake! Link in my bio or right here: https://youtu.be/tJFpPq773Ls . . . #smoothiechallenge #lizland #youtube #harrypotter #slytherinvsgryffindor #housepride #gryffindor #slytherin #hogwarts
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hermionefae 9 years
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Had a great day at MCM Comic-Con yesterday. Here's Draco and Bellatrix meeting a Griffindor. #mcmcomiconlondon2015 #harrypotter #cosplay #bellatrixlestrange #dracomalfoy #slytherinvsgryffindor (at Mcm Expo London)
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Harry Christmas! How I love to decorate....
#harrypotter #quidditch #quidditchbears #slytherinquidditch #gryffindorquidditch # slytherinvsgryffindor #quidditchchristmas
#harrypotterbear #harrypotterchristmas #harrypotterxmas
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