#So NOBODY be funny in the tags. I am gullible and I like to share things with my friends. Who are *ruthless*.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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Can you talk about Komaru x Kokichi more?
Their a bit interested and I wanted to know more about their relationship!!!
This is a ship held together with one piece of art and my danganronpa headcanons truly, which I will be glad to share.
First off, Komaru's a jock with a love of fun, while I wouldn't call Kokichi a jock he CERTAINLY has a lot of energy and a love of fun himself. I could EASILY see him coming out of nowhere, slamming a hand on her arm, and yelling TAG and Komaru does not HESITATE to give chase beyond some mild complaining as she runs that she was doing something! Komaru has so much energy and gets SO into things, even in the middle of murder demon hunting city she's getting excited about puzzles and doing fun voices, Kokichi would LOVE that.
Kokichi's a nerd at heart and Komaru's a bit of a nerd as well, Kokichi likes anime, manga, and games, they could absolutely have in depth conversations about some of Kokichi's interests in pop culture that he doesn't normally have people to talk about, they ARE friends on Pokemon Go. Kokichi HAS beaten her in yugioh 20 times in a row. While Komaru is more of a 'girls' manga person then shounen, she's definitely still likely a fan of the more popular series. Komaru is picking up his yugioh references, he is finally vindicated in making them. Like she reads manga about a girl with a bomb inside her, Komaru's into some NICHE stuff.
Komaru is gullible but she's also smart, so while she's definitely falling for a lot of lies at first, she's going to get a lot better at spotting them over time, and may even lie back to him, which he won't mind because komaru is a TERRIBLE liar so it's just kinda funny. If Komaru can become best friends with Toko and Syo, Kokichi isn't going to be as much of a challenge if Komaru decides she wants to hang out with him. Her ability to just take things as they are, means even if Kokichi spouts the most outrageous lies she'll give a fond sigh and be like "that's our Kokichi."
With Komaru's sense of justice, she'd be willing to help Kokichi a lot with minor pranks, she is laughing when shuichi runs headfirst into clear tape like those videos. However her determination and sense of doing what's right means she can also better stand up to Kokichi when he's in the wrong or doing something risky.
As most of his organization, if not all of it besides Kokichi, would be untalented, I have always felt like kokichi would have a secret respect and curiosity not many other talented have for the untalented along with a skepticism towards the authority of the ultimates.
Sure the ultimate artist can make something beautiful, but Kokichi is looking for a sense of soul, a sense of emotion, something that screams "I AM HERE, YOU CANT ERASE ME" things that challenge society, challenge perceptions, and you don't really get that with ultimates due to ultimates being the upper echelon of society that should be challenged. Komaru is so herself, and so driven, she puts soul into everything she does, and I think Kokichi would respect that a bit. I think Kokichi would love to see what she was capable of if he put a can of spraypaint in her hand and pushed her towards a blank wall.
So with both of them being childish at heart energetic people who put passion and soul into everything they do along with being total dorks in secret, I could easily see them getting along. Komaru's down for whatever Kokichi will throw her way as a challenge, and Kokichi's down for seeing what this strange girl who society says should be a nobody is going to do to change that world who tries to stop her. Even if you don't want them romantically, I think they'd become really good friends if given the chance as Komaru helps him put itching powder in everyone's clothes with a few sarcastic comments about Kokichi being a bad influence.
Also I like calling it Komouma instead of oumaru because then it feels like im tricking people into thinking my posts going to be komaeda you FOOLS get TRICKED.
Also heres the playlist
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blancagriswold · 8 years
Real Weddings: The Beautiful Welsh in Breathtaking Italy
Good Friday to you all Cwtchers!
We have an absolutely stunning wedding for you which is about to inspire the socks off you!  Our gorgeous couple, Jenna and Gareth always wanted to get married abroad.  So after lots of researching, they, and the rest of the Welsh contingency, flew to the stunning Lake Garda.
You wait until you see the results! Over to Jenna to tell you more about their breathtaking big day…
Jenna and Gareth
What was your budget?
£15,000 (approximately)
How would you describe your wedding theme?
We didn’t really choose a theme per se, we wanted the whole day to be a reflection of us with I suppose a touch of boho in terms of the dresses and flowers.
What was your favourite part of your wedding?
Definitely the ceremony! It was just magical!
On a terrace of a castle over looking Lake Garda surrounded by mountains. I walked down the aisle to ‘Everybody’s Free’ by Jennifer Ann, which was playing when Gareth proposed on the last stretch of the Ironman. I have very talented friends and family who arranged to sing it flash mob style. It was beautiful and caused a lot of tears. Gareth and I wrote our own vows, mine were a lot more elaborate than his, including the line; ‘I promise to always lock the doors before bed and love you forever’.
My youngest sister, Sienna, wrote a love poem for us. It was both funny and emotional. That poem, by a 10 year old, had the biggest tears and cheers.
After the ‘I do’s’ were exchanged, we danced down the aisle with tambourines to T Rex’s Ride a White Swan. It was just perfect.
Tell us about your Wedding Dress
I was probably an exception when it comes to the wedding dress cliche of going for something completely different to what you’d imagine.
I imagined a dress and was determined to find it. I visited a wedding gown boutique, tried on some beautiful dresses but none of them fitted in with my vision.
I went on a Pinterest mission for a few months and eventually came across Rime Arodaky. I fell in love with all her dresses but there was one ‘Solane’ that had all the elements that I’d envisioned; a low back, the neckline, beautiful embroidery, light fabric and flowy yet sexy.
I hunted down the only shop in the UK that stocks her, The Mews in Nottinghill, London, and made an appointment. It became clear that Rime Arodaky was the designer for me, my maid of honour and my mum were sold too. All her dresses just suited me perfectly even though they were all so different. As soon as I tried ‘Solane’ on I felt like it was me, of course my mums tears helped. The price tag was way over my budget, so I held off for a few months until I knew there would be a sample sale and luckily ‘Solane’ was part of it.
The lovely girls at The Mews put the dress to one side for me & sent it up to the Bristol shop for me. I cannot recommend The Mews enough!
Who did you pick as your bridesmaids &/or best man and why?
I had some difficulty picking bridesmaids as I have an amazing group of friends and also two sisters and two sisters in law.
Getting married abroad and wanting a small intimate wedding, I didn’t want to have a huge bridal party. I decided to involve my sisters in law in other parts of the wedding and have my niece and nephews as part of the bridal party. They both sang phenomenally, and were witnesses for us too. I had both my sisters, one as my maid of ‘dishonour’, my longest best friend of 25 years as the other maid of ‘dishonour’, school best friend of 20 years and my best friend from University of 13 years.
Gareth knew who he wanted as best men probably before he knew he wanted to marry me. Geryn and Gavin have been his longest most loyal friends. They are complete opposites. Geryn is the organised and sensible one while Gavin is the wild and mischievous one.
Why did you choose your venue?
We always wanted to get married abroad. We originally France, as we love it there.
However after some research we realised that we couldn’t legally get married there and actually becoming man and wife there was important to us, I couldn’t have a blessing and pretend.
A friend of ours had been to a wedding in Malcesine Lake Garda and said it was immense. We booked our flights and made various appointments for different venues around the lake.
We visited the castle in Malcesine and the restaurant Al Corsaro first and was sold straight away. It was exactly what we wanted, laid back, rustic, open and the views were incredible.
Tell us about your photographer
We did a lot of research for a good photographer. Photography is important in our family. My father loves a camera and it’s his hobby. Originally he would take the photos but I wanted him to relax on the day and enjoy it.
Nikola Smernic popped up on Facebook as there was a competition running to win him photographing your wedding. He had won a National Geographic award and several wedding ones. I entered but didn’t win.
However, due to entering he offered us a deal. His photography is random, relaxed and natural just how I like it. He and his wife are both so laid back to work with. We met them the morning of our wedding and said how we’d like a 10 minute photoshoot at the most as my husband hates it and that’s exactly what they did. To be honest I didn’t even really notice they were there. The end photos are amazing.
How did the proposal happen? 
I was very lucky to have the most incredible surprise proposal. Gareth competed in IronMan UK. The friday I arrived in Bolton he had already picked up all the merchandise and event booklet. I was sat there reading about the event when I came across a page containing messages from the competitors, I just scanned the page and saw Gareth’s name. I was about to read it out loud when Gareth snatched it from my hand and said I wasn’t allowed to read it. I should’ve clicked then, but I’m pretty gullible. Gareth said that he had arranged to do something stupid on the finish line and that I would spoil the surprise if I knew. He is pretty random so I believed him, I thought he’s not going to carry a ring around the course with him anyway and carried on eating Pizza. The next day was brilliant. The pride I felt watching him complete the swim then the bike was immense. His parents arrived to watch his marathon as well as his best friend. We positioned ourselves along the finish line. I wanted to see him cross the line so made my way through the crowds a few meters before it. I saw him approaching and shouted out for him so that he knew I was there.
He to my annoyance turned around and came over, I waved him on as I knew that they timed the last 100meter split. He luckily ignored me. He gave me a sweaty hug, whispered in my ear that he had travelled 140 miles for me, that I was his first, his last & his everything and got down on one knee.
I still wonder how he got down on that one knee to this day. There was a huge crowd clapping us, Everybody’s Free was playing at the finish line and the presenter stopped the music to congratulate us on the big screen. I grabbed the ring before I even said yes, I was completely speechless.
All was captured on camera which I was so thankful for as it was a complete blur.
Any DIY stories/tutorials you’d like to share?
I made complete use of my friends and family’s talents.
From creating the chalk board signs, filming the wedding, musicians, to hair and make up. I am very fussy with hair & make up & getting married in Italy it was very difficult to shop around and have trials.
Instead I had some trials with my bridesmaid Nicky, who, due to having a baby 6 weeks prior to the wedding, didn’t even know until 4 weeks prior that she’d make it. She also did some of the other bridesmaid’s hair too, whilst breastfeeding I might add. She’s brilliant at multi tasking. She did a beautiful job and it was exactly how I wanted.
My maid of honour Rhian did my make up. We had been to MAC and another make up artist for ideas and stocked up on the make up at the airport. It meant the getting ready was intimate and nobody knows me better than these girls so it made complete sense.
All the name cards for the reception were polaroid photos of some of our favourite memories of our guests. I’ll be honest it took ages and the website crashed many times. But, the fact that most took them home with them showed how much they appreciated it. These doubled as a favour too as my husband has an unhealthy hate towards favours.
We hired cameras from ‘Shoot it Yourself’ to film our wedding and chose responsible friends to film the day for us. Shoot it Yourself then does the editing for you. I was nervous, as were they, but it worked out amazing. I didn’t want the usual romantic montage as that’s not us at all. I wanted it to be funny and us. The final edit was exactly how I’d hoped and both of us were crying tears of laughter and happiness watching it.
What was your first dance & why?
First dance song obviously wasn’t the usual romantic ballad type, as that is just not our style. But, it wasn’t easy to choose a non-ballad that meant something to us.
We spent many wine fuelled nights playing different songs and trying to dance to them to see if they were right. We kept coming back to ‘our song’ which we had originally decided was too hard to dance to and a bit random.
I read somewhere to not choose a crowd pleaser song but choose one you’ll always remember as yours however random. So we did. We dance to Johnny Cash ‘Walk the Line’ with tambourines being played for added effect.
After the first chorus we invited everyone in to join us for a boogie.
In hindsight, was there anything you would have done differently?
I’d have had a few Proseccos with everyone the day before to relax me as I was running around like a headless chicken trying to get everything ready and stressing. I’m guessing this is normal. I also found it tricky to recruit helpers as I was very aware that everyone had paid a lot of money to join us in Italy and were on holiday.
However my day before stress did mean that on the day of the wedding I was completely relaxed. I know also it’s a cliché but I would’ve got married a little earlier. The day flew by and by the time the 4 course meal and speeches were over we had little time for dancing.
It really is true what they say, time does fly by.
Do you have any advice for future couples?
Don’t make decisions based on what’s trendy or what you think your guests will like. Choose what you both want as that’s what it’s about.
It’s good getting a man’s perspective as they don’t care about décor and details, a wedding day is a day to remember because of the atmosphere you create, good food, good wine, good people and good music.
Also if you’re planning a wedding abroad don’t feel as though you have to fork out those extra thousands for a wedding planner. We did it without and managed perfectly. It meant we got a few small trips to Italy in prior instead.
What’s the best piece of marriage advice you received?
Always say I love you!
What was your favourite thing about planning a wedding?
Our favourite thing was definitely the trips to Italy we made. We got to explore the Lake and visit nearby Verona and Venice, drank good wine and Limoncello, and ate a lot of Italian food.
The Suppliers
Photographer: Nikola Smernic  Videographer: Shoot It Yourself  Ceremony Venue: Castello Scaligero Malcesine Reception Venue: Al Corsaro  Bride’s Dress: Rime Arodaky ‘Solane’  Groom’s Outfit: French Connection Bridesmaid’s Dresses: Jarlo at ASOS and Millie Mackintosh Flowers: Tania Muser  DJ: Roberto Palma Stationery: Etsy Any Reception Decor/Props: Etsy
The Wedding Album
I think you will agree, this is a killer wedding! I wish so much I could go back in time, find Jenna, become her best friend, then be invited to the wedding!  But that sounds a bit creepy. So scrap that!
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The post Real Weddings: The Beautiful Welsh in Breathtaking Italy appeared first on Cwtch The Bride.
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