#So far my only kinda sorta friend is that guy with the end is nigh sign and it's only because I have beans
oculusxcaro · 1 year
Difficult Person VS Likeable Person
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"Callous? I'm not saying I actually attacked someone but if I did, believe me, they had it coming."
Tagged byStolen from: @halfghcst Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
*Goofy and Launchpad are hanging a banner*
Huey: Excellent work guys.. and it only took three hours, four broken lamps.. several jabs in the eyes.. some bloodloss but you did it.
Dewey and Louie: (Walk in)
Louie: So what's all this?
Huey: A party for violet.. I thought she deserved a celebration.. I mean her parents took her out after but you can't get enough and I got one even though I turned it down because I did a terrible thing to try and get it.
Della: And i'm proud of you sweetie... (Has been there thewhole time with boyd, both in uniform)
Huey: I also thought I should bring some of our fellow woodchucks.. but most were small children and our house is a deathtrap on a normal day so for obvious reasons I invited the nigh indescrutable robot who my best friend can repair and my mom who lives here. I mean mom still counts. She's also going to try and start corunning meetings since .. how do I put this nicely.
Della: Launchpad your a terrible Chuckleader
Launchpad: Entirely accurate. And you look hot in that uniform
Della: Also entirely accurate. And while throwing a party for the person who defeated you in compettition isn't MY style, I prefer to sulk and swear vengance, I am PROUD of you for being the bigger duck. Metaphorically she's not a duck and her hair gives her a slight advantage.
Boyd: I"m just happy to be invited. As was my brother.
Huey: "A woodchuck always invites another woodchuck"..though thankfully the guidebook also says "A woodchuck always obeys restraining orders" so the most he can do is creepily lurk outside.
Doofus:(Breathing heavily and creepily into the closest window from outside)
Louie: Eugh... but we're not going outside for this? Please say no.
Huey: We were but for obvious reasons I cancled the outside portion. I also laid out the solicitor traps with picutres of goldie so HOPEFULLy he'll evnetually end up in one of those. Your my brother, I take your eneimies as seriously as I do my oath as a junior woodchuck. Plus he scares me too.
BOYD: Oh he's not so bad. He stopped holding a knife to my throat while I was powered down after mama and poppa told him to only three times!
Webby: (Riding in on a cartload of snacks and books ) I got the suplies for your party! Almonds like she likes, some salmon and some light reading. You are such a good friend.
Louie: Sure that's ALLL he wants to be.
Huey: (panicked) yeah of COURSE I do... why would you say that?
Dewey: Ohhh Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend, come on eveyrbody!
Dewey and Della: Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend!
Dewey: Your learning buddy
Boyd: We have never met before.
Dewey: We haven't have we? ... why haven't we? I always wanted a robot buddy to laugh at my jokes and do wacky hyjinks with.
Boyd: And I always wanted a third friend!
Della: Sorry son force of habit.
Huey: I do not like violet.. just because she's pretty.. and smarter than me.. and she smells nice.. which I only know because she flew me out of danger after I didn't do the same in a moment of weakness... and she's also awwkawrd with people... and fine I do.
Huey: I have one it's called be nice and hope she notices.
Della: Oh baby child no. You have to actually make a move. Don't be like your uncle donald
Donald: (Burts in from the back) Stop telling the boys that! I mean it's probably true but it hurts.
Della: I was telling dewey to actually MAKE a move and not just wait for her to notice.
Donald: Oh... then your mother is absolutley right.
Huey: You taught me that!
Donald: And I was very wrong and i'm very much alone and i'll probably die alone aside from you guys. I'm okay with that.
Della: Okay i'm going to put a pin in that because your going to die alone over my dead body.
Donald: We talked scrooge out of us sharing a casket though.
Della: Again pin my baby needs me, Huey just be honest, be yourself... and just don't corner her.. just ask her nicely to go to a movie, or a library or an abandoned condo built on an native american buiral ground.
Webby: Thanks again for the date spot suggestion by the way. Lena loved it.
Della: your welcome. I have enoguh mom for all of you.. includingt he tiny robot and the grown man who misses his child.
Goofy: Awwww...
Louie: Wait why IS goofy here?
Donald: He's rooming with me. I still had the spare room and he has empty nest.. plus he needs a new house after the old one burned down.
Goofy: It's just like college!
Huey: But I"m.. scared okay? besides her being objectivley better than me, I had BOYD run the satstics.
BOYD: But your still great.
Huey: Thank you, what if she dosen't want that or dosen't feel that way?
Louie: Then you'll be awkard around each other for a while.. you were going to be ANYWAY if you don't tell her and either way the awkward goes away. You got this man. She's a nerd, your a nerd, your all nerds.
Launchpad: (Happily) hey!
Louie: You got this. We're all in your corner.
Doofus: (from outside still) Even me... though if you fail i'm going for that.
Webby: (cheerfully) If you even THINK about hitting on my best friend again I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and bury you where no will ever find you.
Doofus: Ohhhh I won't.. your much more intresting.
Webby: Ewwwww.. I have a girlfriend. Also your objectivley disgusting in every way shape or form.
Doofus: Well I (gun cocks) Am being threatned by your help. Good day to you. (Runs off)
Louie: MRs. b, did you ever know that your my hero?
Beakly: (beams proudly and then goes back to her gardening)
Dewey: Louie's right, while I will mock you constnatly you got this. Plus you got her best friend in her corner.
Webby: Yeah.. though if you ever hurt her i'll do to you what i'll probably have to do to doofus one day
Huey: That is entirely fair and I will accept my death without a struggle.
Webby: See you are good boyfriend material!
Huey: Though I doubt I mean she couldn't possibly...
MEANWHILE: not far from the house, Lena and Violet are walking
Violet: Feel the same way. I mean... for one your around.
Lena: I appricate the compliment but i'm dating his sister. And i'm also VERY gay. Like our dad's gay. Like huey's mom is turbo bi.
Violet: Yes i've read the "Bi as explitive" t-shirt she wore when we first met her. But besides a lack of better options why me? I'm stilted, I do not get people, and until a few months ago my only friend was learning.
Lena: Take out stilted and you just described him too. Your similar enough to really click but just diffrent enough it won't get boring.
Violet: But you nad webby
Lena: Are opposites. Yes this is true. But it's not ALL relationships. Sometimes you date someone just like you, sometimes you don't.. I mean our dad's aren't exactly the same either, but their amazing. And so are you. I may not belivie in most people, But I belivie in you. (they arrive at the gates, violet has been in uniform naturally) Now get in there and get that nerd, Nerd.
Violet: (has been tearing up slightly and hugs her sister) You are the best sibling I never asked for.
Lena: (Hugs her back) right back atcha
Dewey: (holding a cake shaped like violet's head and eating it directly with his mouth) I got the cake
Huey: This isa why I set up a decoy.. three of htem.
(Della and launchpad are also holding hteir own cakes)
Della: But i'd never...
Huey: You would if this wasn't so important to me, so I feel your behavior deserves to be rewarded. Now if you'll excuse me I need to hide my emotions. (Waves hand over face.. and still looks like a nervous mess) There no one will notice
Louie: Huey she's a nerd not blind. Look man, your amazing, you are a catch.. I mean not at our age or even in highschool but eventually scrooge will die and you'll be richer because you'll probably invent something that makes you rich before that. As I said just go for it man, just find an opportunity and cease it.. we're all backing you up. And if it fails, we'll be there to pick you up. Now go get that nerd.
Huey: Right.. i'm just going to pen the door and
Duckworth: Masters violet and lena... (Leads them into the foyer) Also nicely done.. and thank you for asking my permission though in the future as long as your uncle is uninvolved you need only give me a heads up so he can hide from it.
Huey: Thank you duckworth.. ahme... ta-da!
Violet: (blushes) It's wonderful... and is that a bookshelf? And.. is that terry pratchetts complete works? And a cake shaped like my head.. may I?
Huey: (Hands her a knife)
Violet: (Cuts in) And it's an exact repleica of my interior cranimum. I knew you wanted those x-rays for a reason b esides curosity you rascal
Huey: (Blushes) I uh.. thanks
Violet: (Blushes bakc) Uh any time)
Della: Awwww
Huey: Hey violet I was uh wondering,, I uh..
Violet: ... okay so he does feel the same wya tha'ts a relief. You were right Lena
Huey: Wait what?
Louie: You had to give her the pep talk too huh?
Lena: Yup.. I mean she is usuually confident
Louie: Not so true here...
Dewey: I"m fine with that.. it's what makes him loveable.. that and it means i'm not 100% teh donald
Della: Nah you got too much of my genetics for that.
Huey: Okay I can handle this okay..
Violet: Oh god you really aren't intrested
Huey: No I am I am but why me? I"m not even a senior woodchuck.
Violet: no but when given the easy out you didn't take it, you took the honorable path. YOu also are smart, adorable, and do not mind the fact I speak more roboticaly than our actual robot friend.
BOYD: 4 friends!
Huey: An dyou.. dont' seem bothered that I kinda sorta a little am nervous.
Violet: If you mean extremley yes but I find it cute.
Huey: I.. uh (Blushes0 uhhhhh... youralsobrillantandcuteandIlikeyourhairandthewayyousmellandIknowthat'sweirdbutIwasupwindofyousoicouldn'thelpitandiwnattobeyourboyfriendeventually
Louie:Wow just.. wow.. I mean I expected it to be bad but that is art
Violet: I accept (Smooches his cheek) Now let's dig into my head shall we? I call frontal lobe
Lena: I want a large portion of skull
Webby: I get the eyes.
(The two nerds hold hands and head for the cake)
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Say My Stupid Name (Chapter 2) - A Spideychelle Series
A/N: Once again, credit to @littlebastardinredtights for major inspiration for the series. This chapter came from an idea I had because I noticed something new in my most recent viewing of Homecoming. I swear they know what they're doing to this fandom. Chapter title from Kids by MGMT.
Chapter 2: Control Yourself, Take Only What You Need
"One more time. Why can't you do it?" Peter asked into his phone. Ned's reply came slightly exasperated and panicked, "I dropped a box on my arm cleaning out my attic and the doctor told me to move the arm as little as possible for the next 24 hours." Peter sighed, "And you're sure no-one else can fill in?" "Peter!" "I know, I know. I just, don't do well under spotlight. Too many eyes on me and I freeze up." "You're my only hope, Peter."
Peter took a deep breath before responding, "I'll do it." "Yes! You're the best, man." Peter chuckled, he could feel Ned's relief and joy through the call. As he hung up Peter thought to himself, 'it's just a local game, how bad could it be?'
Unfortunately, because Peter didn't follow sports, he didn't know that Homecoming Game meant that all the bleachers would be filled to the brim with excited supporters of either team. He saw all this once it was far too late. He was already wearing the school's cartoony Tiger mascot suit that had a dark blue 'Midtown High' T-Shirt, holding the head at his side as he watched the crowd in horror from a distance. "Hey Ned, g-" Peter turned to face the voice from behind. "Oh, sorry. I kinda assumed, with the costume and all." she explained. "Don't worry about it. You're Betty, right?" she nodded "I'm Peter, I'm filling in for Ned." "Oh, what happened to him?" "He got hurt earlier. Sorta out of commission now." Betty seemed worried now. "Is he going to be okay?" she asked. "Yeah, totally. Just needs rest today." "Good." Peter nodded.
"So, why are you hiding back here?" she asked, "I, uh, I'm not very good with crowds." he answered looking back to the bleachers. Betty took a look at the audience as well and stated, "You know, they tend to not care about the guy in the suit. They just see the tiger." Peter took a breath and gave a small smile, "Right, right of course, " he looked back to her, "Thanks Betty." she nodded with a smile before Peter finally donned the mask. "See ya around, Peter." He tried to respond but not much could be heard through the head so he simply gave 2 thumbs up. That got a small laugh from both of them as Betty turned and left and Peter took another breath and ran towards the field.
Once he was out there it was easier than he thought. It was a lot of running back and forth and making big gestures with his arms. Basically becoming a cartoon character. The crowd was surprisingly into it. And the more they cheered, the more Peter did. Whether it was adding jumping or dancing to his repertoire or whatever, he kept adding to it. Peter was also out there more than he thought he would be. The game would start, play for a minute, stop for a few minutes, then repeat. Every pause led to Coach Wilson nudging him back out there, Peter didn't mind after the first few times. Unfortunately Peter got a little too into his performance. It was one of the last few time he was supposed to be out. The energy was the highest it had been, and that transferred to Peter. In hindsight it was a terrible, terrible idea, but he was running on adrenaline it made sense at the time. He went for a back flip.
He took a step on a bleacher and launched himself off. At first it seemed like he was going to make it. Then he landed on his back. Hard. The air was knocked out of his lungs for a minute. Peter lied there for a moment to recover, then he stood to try to play it off as part of a joke or something. But before he could he slipped and fell face first. 'Nope. No recovering from that.'
Thankfully the game started again and Peter saw this as his opportunity to ditch. As the play started and the crowd cheered Peter calmly stood, faced the field's entrance, and ran as fast as he could all the way home. He only took the mask off when he was halfway there. Once he arrived he placed the head on the table and opened the fridge. May walked in and leaned in the door frame.
"So how'd it go? Did you find a passion for dressing as Disney characters?" Peter laughed lightly and dryly at that as he poured himself a glass of juice. "No, I don't think I'll be doing that again. Ever." "That bad huh?" he nodded as he sipped his drink. "Hm. Well be sure to shower before you sleep. That suit is not doing you any favors." Peter chuckled as May gave his head an affectionate pat before she began her retreat to bed. "Night May. Love you." "Back at ya kid." she replied halfway through a yawn earning another chuckle from Peter.
"What did you do last night?" Ned asked incredulously. Peter shrugged as he loaded textbooks into his locker, "Nothing. I just ran around a bit in the costume." "Really? Because everyone is going crazy for it!" Peter shrugged again. "You should come forward, claim your fame."
Peter whipped his head to face his best friend. "No. No way." "Why not?" Peter sighed. "I screwed up, Ned. I embarrassed myself and left before it ended. They’re laughing at me, dude." “They loved you!” “Still, I don’t wanna face all that.” “Your choice, man.” “Thanks Ned.” 
Suddenly the bell rang. “I’ll see you after school.” Ned called out as he jogged down the hall, “See ya!” Peter called in response as he struggled to close his locker door, zip up his bag, and put it on all at once. He completed this task while walking to his left, the opposite direction Ned took off in. He didn’t look up again until it was too late though, he was already walking into Michelle Jones. 
She was wearing her usual get-up, combat boots, well fitting jeans, faded t-shirt and a leather jacket. This time however, Peter could almost make out part of a phrase on her shirt. He drifted his attention higher though, worrying that she would get the wrong idea. “Woah. Hey, sorry, just, ya know, class and.” Peter cleared his throat and decided on “You go here?” “I live across the street from you. Of course I do, dork” Peter smiled. They had been hanging out some ever since she moved in at the end of summer a few weeks ago. Sometimes even with Ned. Those events started happening more and more frequently. By now, Peter had learned that her insults tended to be more terms of endearment for her friends.
Peter started to say something, but before he could she said “Nice performance last nigh, by the way.” Peter froze as his eyes grew wide. “P-performance? I d-didn’t have a performance last night.” Michelle simply raised an eyebrow and pointed to a mural of the school’s mascot on Peter’s right. He sighed “Please don’t tell anyone. I don’t want this to get out ‘cause then it’s just-” his shoulders fell in defeat but before he could continue. “Course not.” She scoffed. His eyes brightened as he shot his gaze up to look at her again. “Thank you, Michelle. It really means a lot.” He started to walk around her and say goodbye.
 He got one step forward before Michelle said “You’re not getting off that easy.” He sighed, “You’re not gonna let me live this down are you?” She smiled smugly and ruffled his hair before replying, “Wouldn’t dream of it, Tiger.” Peter gave an exaggerated groan at that, which earned a laugh from Michelle. Peter smiled, he wasn’t sure why, but he almost liked the sound of his new nickname. Plus he loved making Michelle laugh.
Needless to say Peter Parker was late to class that day.
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