#Sole Survivor Charlie
allisondraste · 1 year
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I'm not sure what and/or who Charlie fought, but you should really see the other guy.
[Preston Disliked That]
I know this isn't my fallout blog, but I post art on my main mkay? <3
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edaworks · 28 days
Tag Game Time
rules: make yourself in this picrew and post the song you last listened to.
Thanks to @twosides--samecoin for the tag! <3 Following her example…we are doing OC picrews instead:
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From eldest to youngest In no particular order, we have: V. Nora Fitzgerald; Benjamin R. Jamison; Charlie [data missing].
Tagging if interested (<3 you all): @perfectlypreservedpie @dovesofcedar @civilization-illstayrighthere @shinox @fuzzydreamin @bardic-inspo @paladin-bitch @bokatan @some27-url
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chempack · 2 months
how freaked out would my ocs be by weird* wasteland cuisine (ant meat, mole rat meat, radroach, iguana, etc)
keagan: 2/10, not very. he grew up in a fairly small town that had their own farm to live off of, so he didnt typically eat 'weird' stuff growing up and as a kid he heard stories about it and went 'ewww!' while the adults chuckled good naturedly. plus hes a wanderer and has often had to make do with whatever he scrounges up while exploring, and he knows now that it really isnt that bad (if u know how to cook). still doesnt trust that vendor in freeside
edith: 5/10. she grew up prewar when half these things didnt exist, but she also grew up on a farm in buttfuck pennsylvania and she gets that times are tough (and lbr she was eating mud and worms as a kid). she does think its really weird when she first leaves the vault tho and still doesnt like the taste of most of it later on. there was a while when she first left where she was just barely eating from a combination of "holy shit my entire family is dead my baby is missing the world ended" and "my only options are lizard stew or 200 year old cereal. No Thank U."
charlie: 8/10 he thinks its insane. he genuinely thinks people are joking with him at first and gets mad about it. he refuses to eat insect meat. he also tried to refuse basically anything other than brahmin for a while but quickly succumbed to the hunger. he grew up in a vault with literally no dirt and only occasional radroaches, he thinks bugs are disgusting and cant imagine eating one. also i doubt the vault tec education system included anything about different types of meat
*aside from being radiated and often huge versions of real animals these arent actually weied to eat, my ocs are just white people in 50s society and/or post-apocalyptic america and think only insane end-of-the-world circumstances could lead to people eatinf these
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fallout4reacts · 4 months
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I made an illustration to go with one of my fic’s. If you haven’t read it yet, please do so and tell me what you think. 😊
Content warnings: alcohol consumption, blatant flirting, course language. (Chapter 2 has some slightly spicier content)
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W is for -- Whitechapel Charlie
Wowie, okay, it was really fun to write for him, and the prompts that I got ended up being quite interesting? Idk, I had fun with it for sure. That being said though, please take a look at the warnings below!
I hope you like it!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
TW: alcohol, alcoholism, addiction, interventions, recovery.
Pair: Whitechapel Charlie & g/n! Sole
Dialogue: “Can we at least talk about this?”
Word: Worry
Rating: SFW
Category: Angst but kinda hurt/comfort, whoops 😅
Word Count: 1k
“What’re you doin’ ‘ere, Sole?” 
He asked it with a familiar sort of humor. As though it were an unexpected circumstance and not the daily routine Whitechapel Charlie had come to know.
They look worse for wear tonight though, don’t they? Poor sod, if only they knew what was comin’...
“Watcha think?” Sole chuckled from their stool in the dark corner of the crowded bar, interrupting the bartender’s thoughts. “Same as always, Charlie.” 
“So, I gather I know what comes next, then?” He reached for an empty high-ball glass before they had a chance to even answer him. 
“Oh, the usual. But… a double this time, if you will. Need to play catchup.” 
That almost caused him to pause in his mixing. That disheveled look? They were already in deep tonight, and the moon’s barely even been out yet. 
“Catchup? Wit who? You even got Hancock beat wif your drinkin’ ‘abits.” 
“That ain’t that hard.” They swiveled in their stool a bit as they giggled, even their laughter was slurred a tinge. “Chems are more his deal. We both know that.” 
“Aye, that’s true. Still though, all the troubled folks in Goodneighbor, an’ you’ve got ‘em all beat. That’s sayin’ quite a bit, friend.” 
He held their expertly completed drink in one claw-like hand, hovering the full glass just above the bar. Sole eyed it expectantly, but Charlie wouldn’t budge. 
“‘Ow many you already ‘ad at the Rexford?” His voice was low as he questioned them, serious… disappointed, even. 
Sole’s jaw clenched tightly. 
“A couple beers with Fred, ’s all.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
When Charlie made no move to hand them the drink, Sole reached out for it, but he withdrew his arm just as quickly. 
“You can ‘ave this,” He started as he backed away from them, “If you come wif me.” 
Sole’s eyes narrowed at his request– nay, demand. 
I could leave. They considered, their eyes showing their thoughts almost as clearly as if they’d been shouting them to Charlie straightaway through the din of the bar. 
I could walk right out, find another bar. Go clear to Diamond City, if I have to. Or further than that, even. What could he do about that? Stop me?
“Where?” They asked, still clearly weighing their options. 
“Look,” Charlie buzzed around the counter of the bar so he could be face-to-face with his friend with nothing between them. “You an’ I both know your situation. You got yourself kicked ou’ of the Rexford, like you do most every night you an’ Fred mingle. The brothers in DC over at the Dugout know not to give you even a whiff of their stuff, an’ Preston’s got bartenders at every settlement who all knows the deal here. This is it. You want this drink? You follow me to the room over there. It’s simple, really. Much simpler than mapping out every wretched watering hole in the Commonwealth in that foggy ‘ead of yours, an' then trudging clear over there with already a gimp in your step.” 
Sole could feel their heartbeat in their ears, a pounding in their head that flashed painfully bright colors over their vision.
He’s right. I’ve got no options left… If I’d’ve been more careful, more discreet, maybe…
With flared nostrils and a deep sigh, they fell in step behind the bartender as he set off at a slow but determined pace.
They didn’t go far, just across the room to the VIP section. The vivid light cast a menacing scarlet gleam across the floor, and smoke swirled abundantly from within. Sole didn’t need to peek into the room to know at least one of the people who was inside. 
“Hey, Charlie,” They stopped dead in their tracks, holding their hands up in a defensive position automatically as the robot tilted one of his eyes back to face them. “Hey, can we at least talk about this? Y’know, before I go in there?”
“Ain’t much to talk about jus’ you an’ me. Gotta hear it from them, lamb. Not much more I can say, I know that.” 
Sole’s heart only beat faster at the realization of their situation. The inescapability of it. 
“Maybe not,” They tried, with a slight tremor in their voice, “But, could let me have some of that drink now. Please. You know, for the nerves.” 
The robot sighed, a long, deep, artificial breath; and suddenly, the service bot looked almost as tired as he sounded, all droopy limbs, eye sensors held at half-mast, and his hat tilting to one side.
“I’m many things to many different people, it’s true, but… I’m a bot of my word. Here's that drink, love. But I’ll tell ya straight out, it’s not a double.” 
“‘S alright. I have a feeling I’m gonna need to remember these next couple hours. No matter how much I won’t want to. Just need something to help with nerves of it all.”
“That’s understandable.” He nodded his large, metal cranium as Sole took the glass from his hand. “But Sole… Jus’ remember, those people in there, they’re your friends. They want the best for you. Like I do.” 
They nodded mutely, and downed their beverage in one swig, thankfully still out of sight of all the, surely, familiar faces in the next room over. 
“Not a word about that drink I gave ya, alright?” 
“Oh, definitely not.” A dry chuckle escaped them as Charlie took back the, potentially incriminating, empty glass. 
With a painful gulp down their dry throat, and one last acknowledging nod to Charlie, Sole turned around to face their fate. 
“Sole.” They heard behind them, and stopped in their tracks. “It’ll be okay, yeah? It’ll be alright.” 
“Yeah… I guess we’ll find out.” 
With one last weak, tilted smile, Sole’s form was swallowed by the rising smoke and hidden from Charlie’s view. He knew what Hancock and Preston had planned was for the best, but still, he couldn’t stop the grip of his claw-like fingers from tightening over the empty glass, almost to the point of breaking the damn thing. 
They’ll be alright. Charlie reminded himself, and slowly started back towards the counter.
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geaibleu89 · 10 months
It's my first Fallout OC's birthday today-his name is Charlie Bress, and he came into my head pretty much fully formed back in October 2020, when I first got into Fallout
He needed a new reference sheet, even if it was just a basic one, so I made one for his birthday today
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He's a pretty serious looking guy, and his height and general quietness tends to make him intimidating, but he's one of my kindest OCs, and would give you the shirt off his back if necessary
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necro-hamster · 1 year
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doodle dump of some of my fo4 ocs :^)
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kaneidae · 11 months
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My villain Nemonaut meets the Smiling Friends
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kittinkanin · 1 year
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Did an art swap with the lovely @theartofblossoming and she drew this amazing pre-war wedding photo of my boy Charlie Bucket and his wife Novali!
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unholycourier · 7 months
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and as the earth burns to the ground; oh, boy, it’s you who i lie with, as the atom bomb locks in, oh it’s you i watch tv with. as the world, as the world caves.
yes it’s you who i welcome death with.
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veshialles · 1 year
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Valerie and the boys on their way to expose DiMA's cover ups💅🏻
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kkdeer · 2 years
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Here’s the more detailed ref for my main fallout protagonists.
Gray usually wears her bandana/headband thing in her hair, I just left it out to show her whole face.
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chempack · 3 months
what my characters would get cancelled on twitter for
edith: vigilantism in cosplay
charlie: calling a homeless man the f slur
keagan: having sex with someone scandalously younger than him
carrie: arson
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taylorshope · 2 years
I just killed everyone (and got the "Guilty" trophy) and uh. Um. Yeah
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minuteminx · 1 year
2, 4, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29 (sorry i am just very curious)
Oh please do not apologize! I am so excited to have an opportunity to talk about my GORL at length. Thanks so much, non!
2. What are their opinions on factions?
Charlie is with Minutemen through and through. She appreciates that they’re trying to help everyone in the Commonwealth and make it a better place. She understands that they have their flaws, but they have personally been so helpful with her and haven’t asked for a ton in return.
She likes what the Railroad is trying to do, but struggles with their approach to people in need who aren’t synths. She gets frustrated very quickly trying to jump through hoops to prove that she is on their side.
In her canon, Charlie does not learn too much about the BoS. Her first interaction is helping Danse at the police station, but she does not join up. Her next real interaction with them is when she chooses to let them in on the Institutes plot at Mass Fusion. It’s a lesser of two evils situation and it’s ugly. She gets locked in a reactor room and Ingram is more concerned about the tech than her, so after that she’s really done working with them.
She really wanted to like the Institute, and she gave it a good old college try to have some sort of relationship with her son. However, their attitude toward the people of the commonwealth, people she came to know and befriend and love, really put her off. She blows them up.
4. Do they build up settlements or outposts?
Oh yeah. Charlie likes to ensure that settlements are not only functional but comfortable. It’s one of her primary focuses after she is done with the institute.
8. Do they like robots?
Loves them. Some of her favorite people are robots.
13. What prewar thing do they miss most?
The luxuries she took for granted: the food, running (warm!) water, not worrying about sprouting a third arm randomly.
14. What are their hobbies?
Charlie enjoys building things and tinkering, but she really loves photography. She’s always on the lookout for working cameras and film.
18. What are their opinions on ghouls?
She is not a fan of the feral sort, although she does feel sorry for them. I’ll mention this in her history section, but she finds them fascinating with regard to their cognitive decline because of her occupational background. As far as non-feral ghouls? They’re people. Just like anyone else.
19. What are their weapon choices?
Pistols, either 10mm or laser and modded to high Heaven
22. Give a brief history lesson of your OC.
Charlotte “Charlie Elise Smart is approximately 30 years old (plus 210). Before the war she was a neuropsychologist who specialized in Neurocognitive Disorders (think like Alzheimer’s, TBIs, etc). Shes panromantic demisexual and married her childhood best friend and only person she’s ever been with, Nate. They didn’t plan on kids, but Shaun was an accident she was very happy to have happen. Her life was really just getting started when the bombs fell and she is traumatized, heartbroken, and angry as hell.
24. Did they enjoy the Shroud Quests or think they’re stupid?
Charlie had a blast. She was a fan of the comics before the war and was happy to do something nice for Kent.
27. Who are your OCs favorite companions?
Preston is her romance and MacCready is her best bro. She also enjoys spending time with Valentine, Piper, and Hancock although they’re not as close.
28. Does your OC have main home?
She stays at Sanctuary Hills but may weekend at the Castle or Quincy every once in a while.
29. Give us a picture/screenshot/description.
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hexastitchimera · 16 days
Y'know, it's cases like Orchard's (and even "hunter" personalities like Mamämax) that make me genuinely perplexed on why predatory individuals will ride the highest horse against their own behaviour. I know it's a way to deflect attention from their own nasty shit, but it's always a self-defeating method once the same community that rallied in their name learns about the contrary.
What's worse is that they can fall from upon high into the deepest shit, and have the gall to walk right back into the townsquare, covered in their crimes like nothing happened.
Often enough, some- if not many- of the townsfolk will re-cover their eyes with wool too.
#vee vibrates#“You are not immune to propaganda” really fuckin applies here because even *I myself* (as a young unaware teen having survived horrors) ...#... looked to Max for hope. That people cared about bringing justice to survivors when the courts were too lazy and negligent to.#Again I was just a teen who had been taught L&R that people like Chris Hansen were Saviors of Children in the flesh.#So as I grew up and Max's details/videos started fumbling I realized that something was wrong with how invested he was in his cause.#The “I could cancel you Charlie bc I'm the ped hunter” comment made me realize what a megalomaniac he was & how he profitted from his role.#This isn't to say that ALL advocates for something are bad people trying to hide their sins. B&W thinking like that gets people killed.#But it's mindboggling to see those who make their advocacy their entire identity/reason for living often be the same perps of the same abuse#Again absolutely not always. I think the biggest distinguisher is seeing what an advocate is getting out of their work.#If their goals are outward-oriented (i.e bettering life for all) with little to no financial benefit then it's hopefully a noble indicator.#If there is a pull to “amass funds to help the cause” and that money is solely going to the advocate for them to “distribute themselves”#I'd wager that's a massive red flag because even in my own experiences with IRL advocacy & organizing. it. doesn't happen like that.#Dons are carefully stored with and kept track of via 3rd parties BECAUSE dons are heavily preyed upon by misery profiteers joining the cause#(This is ofc highly dependent on if access to 3rd parties is around; something that causes like for 🍉 have to adjust around for example)#But yeah huge red flag if the advocate is not only trying to get all the spotlight away from actual sufferers/victims but the money too.#Orchard & Max are extremely alike in this regard even if Orchard's “advocacy” is just more bigotry lol.
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