#Solidaritly fanart
ganillbanned · 2 years
Mortal AU (Jimmy Solidarity)
(aka the au I made up and over thought and I don’t have the time to actually write it so I’m just gonna rant about it whenever I remember something about it or am asked.)
I ranted to my friends about Jimmy head canons (which is super important to my mortal AU) on discord so I realized I could just post it here and since I have little a fallowing on tumbler, I don’t feel scared of judgment.
there will be a lot of spelling errors and Iam not sorry.
===========================The start==========================
evo was kinda like an ant farm for the watchers. what they did was pick a completely random group of people. one of witch was a fish god from empire (cause it was still a thing at that time cause its my head canon and i pick the rules.) but at this point he has left the ocean to find lizzy after the salmon attacked, so he already lost most of his memory and appeared human like lizzy. no one in evo new each other before the start of it and this is where he meet martyn, grian and big b. they all became friends but after grian was reviled to be a watcher (from jimmys pov. grian just got turned into a watcher, but jimmy was left to think he was one the whole time.) jimmy and martyn started to get the listeners help so they and all there friend could go back to there homes. pearl was a listener who was trying to free them as soon as she found them. but right as pearl found out how to free the watchers where desprit to not let the lisoners get what they want so they made grian destroy the world killing everyone perminatly exsept martyn, big b and jimmy. jimmy only survived cause being a god made him resilient to the watchers magic. this also means he got a front row seat to watch everyone die. after that pearl brought everyone back to there worlds. jimmy was lost and slightly tramatized. since he didnt remember where he was going or what he was doing before getting sent to evo (witch took about 3 years) he set up a little home at the edge of a swamp right next to the ocean. over time jimmys home turned into an empire and he slowly turned back into a fish person since he lived so close to the ocean.
E!Jimmy is a cowerd and selfish person because he nows he is weak. he doesn't want people knowing the guardian of the swamp empire is this way so he always denighs it and trys build himself up to seem better then he is so the swamp is protected even just a little bit. most empires that where raised after jimmy saw right trough the lie. those people became ether close friends of his enemy. the cod head that he had gotten for trying his best to protect his land gave him a pride, something he had vary little of. it became the one thing that comforted him and made him and made him feel worthy of everything he had. after the cod head was taken away from him for becoming a little too prideful he was crushed, it was the thing that made feel like he could protect everyone. he got a feeling that he could lose every he loves without the hat. this is why he so badly wanted wanted it back. after he destroyed all the empires trying to get it back he ran away realising that he was the person who cause the calamity drove away and ended so meany of his friends.
So after runnig away from the calamity with his pets and lost his memorys form being away from the ocean for to long he became an adventurer never wanting to settle down anywhere. he never feels like it's safe to settle down anywhere but not because he thinks hes in danger but because he subconsciously thinks he could destroy everything again even if he didn't remember what he did in the past (also he tends to avoid oceans cause he fears they with dry (this is part of why he if cool with living in the bad lands later on.) . since he is in never in one place for long he doesn't at first realise that he has an uncanny life span for a human. the only hint of this was when his pets started to die of old age and he new that they whould die sooner then him since lots of animals have shorter life spans then humans. it took him over thousands of years to realise that he wasn't a normal human and had live at least 1,000 human spans more then he should have. he starts to question what he is and becomes self conscious about it. he finds a cat that at first he is scared of getting attached to cause of how long he has and will live, but he learned that the cat doesn't age as well so jimmy named the cat Norman and kept him around.
one day wile travileing though a badlands he found a Sharif hat. he felt like it was a gift or destiny, it gave him a sense of pride and day-zah-vu. he felt like needed to protect something and redeem himself for... something. so for the first time in centuries he settled down in the bad lands. he learned of a bunch of other empires around lots of witch gave him day-zah-vu just like finding the the hat. one of the empires had a actual GOD ruleing it witch at first kinda impressed. a part of jimmy thought that they could even be friends. then the god named Jole called him something unforgivable. Jole called jimmy a toy. witch at one point in his life would have played it of as a joke but... jimmy didn't know what he was and he has been trying to figure out what he was for so long and for all of that just to simply be "a toy". he wasn't having any of it. everyone kept calling him a toy after that, it angered him beyond beleaf, he felt so disrespected, expesually by jole who jimmy still thinks out of everyone jole should respect him the most even tho he was a actual god. jimmy for some reason thinks they could or even once where friends despite how much jimmy hates him.
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