#mortal AU
sayoneee · 5 months
“his band is playing tonight, at seven,” annabeth reminds you, with the knowing air of someone far wiser, and far older, “you should go.” (1.7k)
contains: loser older brother luke castellan x fem! reader. mortal au. pt 2 of parent trap but can be read standalone ish. guest appearances! rock / metal music references.
kashaf’s note: i think i can call myself a melomaniac now
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LUKE CASTELLAN HAS always occupied that in-between space, the no-man’s-land between something and nothing — his indecipherable gaze as his cold, black, and blued knuckles grazed your cheek when he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear swims around your mind endlessly. despite how each thought, each expression, each breath is as familiar to you as your own, you have never quite known where you stand with him, regardless of how quickly he seemed to inhabit a piece of your soul.
the familiar weight of the mixtape that luke made you feels unusually burdensome in your hands, mirroring the heft of the songs on it that you have painstakingly committed to memory, each sleepless night’s offerings of tossing and turning becoming a reoccurring ritual. 
you had popped the tape in your walkman immediately after luke had handed it to you, incognizant of the way his eyes softened as you concentrated on the music, trying to identify the first song. 
“this is that band you like — l.a. guns, right?”
“you’re a regular sherlock,” luke had said, smiling and sarcastic, twisting his silver rings.
“shut up, no i know this song,” you say, tilting your head and snapping your fingers. “its — um — i wanna be yours? nono, don’t make that face at me, asshole, hold on… i wanna be your man?”
hues of pink crept up his cheeks, and you basked in the warmth of his answering crooked grin, the feeling wrapping around you like the caress of a summer night. 
you uselessly stirred the spoon in your now stone-cold cup of chai, leaning across the kitchen table with your head propped up in your other hand. the phone taunts you from its corner on the counter, sitting just by the clear jar of blue cookies, its black hue a beacon among the sea of greens (the cabinets, the tiles — you liked to tell sally that she should try her hand at interior design one of these days) — as of late, the jacksons’ kitchen has become somewhat of a refuge for you. 
you set a steaming china cup down in front of him, listening to the sounds of percy, annabeth, and grover in the living room, pulling out the chair in front of him with a slight creak on the slightly worn wooden floors, and watching him as he taps his fingers along to bob marley’s soft crooning, “little darlin’, stir it up”, lost in his own world.  
“luke,” you say, breaking him out of his revelry.
luke sits up straight, meeting your amused gaze, “yeah?” he asks, reaching for his chai, and mumbling a quiet thanks as he sips it.
“you look kinda stupid when you think,” you say, watching him blink before taking the bait, and hiding your smile of satisfaction behind your cup.
“y’know, this is why you have a black hole for a heart,” he says, grinning crookedly, filling you with an indescribable longing to reach out and trace his grin. 
“what?” you laugh, “what does that even mean?”
“just that you’re mean,” luke says, and the afternoon sun chooses that specific moment to encompass him in its glow, like a kiss from apollo. “and that you’re emo.”
“you literally say this every time, oh my god, i’m not mean or emo.”
“because i’m literally right?”
“you like him,” annabeth says, sympathetically, standing in the doorway, arms folded across her chest, her braids resting across her shoulders, glancing from your untouched cup to your face, an expression of pity gracing her features. her presence caught you so off guard that you don’t even question where percy ran off to, who was usually attached to annabeth like a conjoined twin. 
“i know,” you say, shivering slightly, the revelation feeling strangely empty, although you suppose the same part of your soul that recognized him had always known, a small inkling reappearing with every argument, and every nudge. 
“he likes you,” annabeth adds matter-of-factly, interrupting your stream of consciousness. 
“i know,” you repeat, picking at the lint on your sweater, and while this revelation is supposed to be shocking, it is also hollow, as you suppose your soul also knew this with every hushed conversation in the dead of night, and the slips of silence that only spoke volumes around him.
“his band is playing tonight, at seven,” annabeth reminds you, with the knowing air of someone far wiser, and far older, “you should go.” she turned and stalked back toward the living room.
you sat still for a minute or so, before sighing and putting luke’s mixtape (even in your misery, he is somehow always there) in your walkman, putting your headphones on as axl rose trilled, ‘i said, baby you been lookin' real good’ in his voice that took a while to get used to — something luke gave you a heads up on.
you sighed, conceding to annabeth’s attempts to rewrite whatever fate had pushed the two of you apart, from the hours-long phone calls that dwindled into short, clipped conversations, you can’t necessarily blame annabeth for trying to fashion a phoenix from the ashes of your friendship. 
you stood up, grabbed your jacket off the back of the chair you were sitting upon, and walked into the living room, pausing for a few minutes to watch the scooby doo episode on the screen along with percy, grover, and annabeth, who were currently sprawled across the softly carpeted floor, arguing over monopoly.
“you’re literally cheating,” percy was saying.
“i’m the banker, i’m supposed to be innocent,” annabeth argued back.
“percy, i saw you steal a couple dollars behind annabeth’s back,” grover added, rolling the dice.
“guys,” you said, interrupting their three-way argument, “put on your jackets and shoes, we’re going to the fair in five minutes.”
you ignored the way the troublesome trio exchanged glances, walking through the hallway covered in framed photos of percy and sally, going to wait by the door for them.
“so,” percy says, all-too-innocently, “why the sudden change of plans?” once the four of you are a couple of blocks away from his apartment.
“no reason, just wanted to see what was so hot about the fair,” you say, digging your hands in the pockets of your jacket. once more, you ignore the glances the trio exchange. 
“so it doesn’t have anything to do with a certain curly-haired individual that we’re currently seeing less and less of?”
you keep walking, trying to feign ignorance, although the question was so pointed even you were concerned with percy’s audacity, “what’re you talking about?”
“oh, nothing,” percy smiles. “just the way —”
“— the two of you —”
“— were inseparable —”
“— for a disgustingly long time —”
“— and now you’re not —”
“— but we’re going to the fair because —”
“— his band is playing —”
“— and you’re going to try and fix —”
“— your troubles in paradise.”
you blinked slowly, as the three of them did jazz hands, matching shit-eating grins on all of their faces, “how long did it take for you guys to rehearse that?”
“a week, give or take,” grover says, and annabeth shoots him a glare.
“not the point, the point is, we support you.”
“gee, thanks, all i really needed was the support of three twelve-year-olds.”
“three twelve-year-olds that know you’re stupidly in love with luke castellan,” percy points out.
“okay, y’know what…” you trail off, frowning.
annabeth nudged percy, “not the point here, again.”
“fine, fine, fine,” you huff, as the four of you approach the brightly illuminated fair, looking for the ticket-selling booth, “i’ll buy you guys tickets so you can go hang out on the rides and i’ll go to the concert.”
the three of them nodded happily, making a beeline for the cotton candy stand a few feet away. you shook your head before pushing through the bustling crowd to look for the concert stage. when you finally do find it, after three excuse me’s and four sorry’s, the concert is already in full swing, with what looks like a mini moshpit already forming somewhere near the center.
once you’ve pushed your way to the absolute front, the darkening night sky serving as a backdrop, the harsh lights illuminate all five individuals on the stage, with a gorgeous girl with shaggily-cut hair and a raspy voice singing as lead (thalia? you think you remember luke telling you on the phone late at night once). however, your gaze almost immediately fixed on luke, who was playing a riff on his electric guitar, looking as hot as ever, his crooked grin on full display.
the band is covering l.a. guns’ ‘i wanna be your man’ at the moment, and you’re suddenly very grateful to annabeth for her unsubtle nudges, because you would’ve missed out on this sight of luke castellan, the view of his muscled arms bulging out of his band tee is permanently seared into your memory.
you’re almost sad when the show is over though, finally realizing why luke liked concerts so much, from the crowd surfing to the drumstick tricks during solos (beckendorf, you think the drummer’s name was — luke had mentioned him before) to the lead’s insane vocals, to the girl with long curly hair that stood next to you for most of the concert (probably the band’s most enthusiastic fan), you savored every minute of it. however, you’re glad for the chance to corner luke afterwards, climbing onto the stage as the crowd begins to disperse in waves, and realizing the curly-haired girl was already among the band members packing up their instruments, helping the curly-haired bassist pack his things. 
luke barely looks up at your sudden arrival. “what’re you doing here?” he asks, packing away his guitar.
“i’m here to see you,” you say, trying to drive the hint home.
“i told you that you didn’t have to come see the band if you were busy,” luke says, uncomprehendingly, making eye-contact with you. 
“i like you,” you say insistently.
“c’mon, let’s not kid ourselves right now, you said we’re friends so you don’t have to try to make me feel better,” luke says, shrugging and looking away from your face, rubbing the back of his neck.
“i listen to your dumb mixtape every night, luke castellan. does a person who’s not into you do that?”
there is something so raw about the way he looks right now, with his expression stilling as his cheeks are colored in swathes of red. 
smiling at his dumbstruck expression, you surged forward to kiss him, ignoring all the wolf whistles and “get some, castellan” enveloping the two of you, tangling your fingers into his hair, his hands coming to rest upon your hips.
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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iheartgirlzn · 2 months
pairing: annabeth chase x implied fem!reader (mortal au??)
warning(s): a little swearing, mentioned arson.., reader & annabeth being disgustingly cute and fluffy, reader has no face claim, all photos are from pinterest!!, leo flirting with jason & rachel flirting with piper (for like a sentence tho).
📸 notes: can you tell that im in love w annabeth?? — all photos taken from pinterest !
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theylove.yn this is who you’re being mean too btw (i made a cake)
liked by seaweedbrain, wisegirl and others
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seaweedbrain you made cookies without me?
theylove.yn MF ITS A CAKE??
piperispretty fr like im just a silly cat :C
theylove.yn the only person who understands me..
wisegirl what about me huh 😪
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wisegirl studying 💕💕
liked by theylove.yn, istollurgirl and others
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theylove.yn THIS IS MY GF BTW GUYS!!
wisegirl love you baby
ladiesluvleo2 gags
iDARE.you stop being a hater
prettypiper prettiest girl ever!!
wisegirl you more pipes 🫶🏾
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seaweedbrain if anyone asks it wasn’t me or yn! we’re just a couple of cuties🫡
liked by ladiesluvleo2, blondesuperman and others
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ladiesluvleo2 why do i feel like im gonna end up being blamed for this
seaweedbrain you snooze you loose 🤷
blondesuperman I don’t want to know.
istollurgirl wait arson is such a good idea
everyone.lovsconner you can’t do a prank twice lil bro.
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iDARE.you 🎨🖌️
liked by everyone.lovsconner, prettypiper and others
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wisegirl paint me like one of ur french girls @/theylove.yn
theylove.yn i cant paint for shit but i’d try anything for you
blondesuperman I feel single whenever I’m in a comment section with Annabeth or Y/n.
ladiesluvleo2 we can always change that handsome ;)
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theylove.yn i love my gf sm 🤓☝️
liked by wisegirl, iDARE.you and others
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theylove.yn and guess who’s teaching her 🤭
wisegirl i love you more!!! 🫶🏾
theylove.yn NUH UH
prettypiper i need myself a gf..
iDARE.you hey 😻
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moa-broke-me · 4 months
Most people's first drag show was at a bar. Percy's was a dinner theatre performance of Swan Lake.
He figured he'd go to support his old university's arts program, after all, he couldn't afford to donate as much as his colleagues did every year, and he figured this'd make up for that. Plus, it was his custody weekend, and he always wanted to do something special for his daughter to make these measly two days a month count.
So, he decided he'd kill two birds with one stone, his daughter swinging her feet on the stool she was sat in, eating her macaroni and cheese. "You like it?" He asked.
She nodded. "It's a lot better than the box stuff you make, daddy. Mama Piper makes hers with adacvo, and I'on like adacvo."
He laughed a bit. "Yeah, it's fun eating away from home, isn't it?" He asked, before taking a bite of his ravioli. It was miles ahead of the canned stuff, no offense to Chef Boyardee.
"Mhm! Uncle Jason, can we go get dessert after?"
Ok, so really it was three birds with one stone. Spend time with his daughter, support the art program, and catch up with Jason.
Jason laughed lightly, jostling the baby carrier he had on his chest and causing Leo's baby to stir. "Zora, they're serving dessert here. I'm sure it'll be much better than anything you could get at a fast food place."
"Really? Even subway cookies?"
"Yes, even subway cookies." He turned back to the baby he was sitting, checking that he was ok. The cherubic little boy was almost two, and could walk, so he didn't really need the carrier, but he liked being strapped in tight. "Raph, you good buddy?"
Raphael cooed up at Jason, reaching up to squish his face. "Coo-kie."
Jason laughed. "Aww, man. This kid is adorable." He reached around the carrier to eat his steak. "Thanks for taking us out here. I know it was like, 50 bucks a person. I can wire you back if you want."
"No, no, it's fine. Just enjoy the ballet." Percy looked over, and Odette had just been captured by the wizard, and the transformation sequence was about to begin. He'd watched both the barbie version and the one from 1994 with Zora before, so he knew the plot, but it was so different seeing it on stage. She had been in a simple loose-fitting blue dress, period-appropriately modest but still short enough to move around in. Now though, once the swirling ribbons fell and the colored smoke and glitter dissipated into the air, Odette was in nothing but a white leotard and black ballet shoes, the leotard strapless and embroidered with pearls and feathers and lace and thin black boning. They were all seated in the front, so he could see every detail, every individual feather draped on the underside of her arm, the otherworldly white lashes and pearl in the middle of the forehead, the thin black swirls of eyeliner on her face and sad, swoopy brows and bold black lipstick forming a pout, like an infinitely more attractive version of an old french mime. The white-dyed tips in ink black hair and rich, dark brown eyes and the gentle outward curve of her nose. The freckles on her shoulders and cheeks, dotting her hauntingly beautiful olive-creme skin. the flat chest and narrow, boyish hips...
He looked at the playbill again, to find the name of this incredible being.
There were two names on the bill, one for uncursed Odette, and one for cursed Odette. He skimmed past the first to get to the second.
Nico diAngelo.
He smiled. "Hey, Jason, you took intro to dance right?" I asked, pointing at the name on the bill. "Do you know her?"
"Him. And yeah, we've been friends for years."
"Wait... Him?" He looked back at the stage. "... So that's a guy up there?"
"... Wow... He's very pretty."
Zora giggled. "Silly daddy, you're s'posed to say handsome for boys! You only say pretty about girls!"
"He's not, though." I told her, lost in thought. "He's... Pretty. The way girls are pretty."
"Huh... So boys can be pretty too?"
"Yes, dear. They absolutely can."
"So... Does that mean girls can be handsome?"
"Oh yeah." Jason answered. "If you want an example, I can pull up a picture of my sister."
"Jason!" Percy scolded.
Jason snorted. "She'd take that as a compliment and you know it."
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flowersforagrave · 13 days
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 2 months
Thief!Nico and Premed!Will
Decided 2 change doctor 2 uni student at the last minute, it fits better
This is literally shit help me comment prompts pls
Nico was a thief. 
And a good one too, from the years of pratice. 
Untill one day he was caught, sort of, and his world turned upside down and sideways. 
His target for the night was a two-story country house. He waited in the bushes until all the lights were off, waited another hour, then snuck into an open window into a kitchen.   He crouch-crept around the counter, silent as a ghost, then froze as he rounded it. 
There was a boy there, about his age, leaning over the sink, peering out of the window, blonde curls flipping slightly in the breeze. 
Nico waited, breathing quietly. 
The boy straited, turned around and stared directly at Nico. 
Celeste blue eyes found black ones and Nico nearly stopped breathing, expecting all hell to break loose. 
But somehow, it didn't. 
The boy grunted and beckoned. 
"You want a coffee?" 
Nico crinkled his nose. 
What in the actual fuck. 
The boy sighed and ran a hand down his face. 
"Well, don't just sit there, c'mon up. I ain't gonna kill you, Sunshine."  Nico bristled and stood up slowly  "I'm not that easy to kill, weirdo." 
The boy smiled, pearly white teeth flashing in the dark kitchen.  "He speaks! Thank gods. I thought you were gonna run away or stab me or something. You wan' a coffee?"  Nico crinkled his nose. 
"I literally just broke into your house and now your offering me coffee? The fuck is wrong with you?" 
"Eh, I don't think I could stop you from robbing us blind, but at least you could steal something other that’s worth it. Like coffee... and food. You look like you haven't eaten in weeks, which, dude, not healthy."  "Oh really. You a doctor or something?"  "Gonna be. Pre-med in University of Olympus. You ever go to college?"  "No. Couldn't afford it- why the hell am I telling you this?"  The boy grinned.  "I'm just the kind of person you can't help but spill your guts too. Will. Will Solace. And you are?"  Will held out a hand.  Nico looked at it.  Will laughed, throwing his head back. It was surprisingly musical. 
"It isn't poisonous, Sunshine."  Nico shook it.  "Nico."  "Cool. You Italian?"  "...yeah?"  "You wanna coffee. In fact... yes, you do, because your eyebags are fucking enormous and I don’t think your gonna last much longer. A flat white okay for ya?"  Nico blinked.   What the fuck. 
Who did this guy think he was. 
Will was already moving to the coffee machine and starting it up.  "Aren’t you scared of someone waking up?"  "Nah. It's, what, three in the morning? My family sleep pretty heavy. Moms gotta get up at four anyway to get ready for work, Kayla tends to wake up with Mom anyway and Austin, well, let's just say you can't wake Austin up before seven anyway."  The machine squeaked and started pouring out shots into the mugs Will had positioned under the spout. As it did that, Will rummaged in fridge and produced milk, then grabbed a tin of sugar from the cupboard. 
Soon there was two mugs of flat white coffee and a plate of cookies sitting on the bench. 
"'lright, dig in, c'mon. It's an insult if you refuse to eat my mom's choc-chip cookies."  Nico grabbed the coffee. He hadn't it for ages, and the sweet flavour hit his tounge in an explosion. He quickly drained it, then grabbed a cookie and bit into it. 
Will leaned on the bench, munching his own cookie. 
The stairs creaked, and Nico jumped. 
Will laughed and peered up the staircase.  "Morning Kayla. We got a visitor"  A female voice, rough from sleep, came back  "Another one? Seriously Will? When are you gonna learn it's gonna get you killed?"  "Oh, please, Percy wasn't dangerous, or Piper, for that matter. And where are they now?"  "At Olympus Uni, I know, I know. So who’s it this time?"  Kayla emerged, looked at Nico, then back at Will, then grunted. 
"'Course you didn't make any coffee for me." 
She walked to the coffee machine and set it running with another mug, then turned back to Nico, who was processing this new information. Finally, he blurted out 
"You knew Percy?"  Will laughed again, and Nico's heart did this weird jump-flip thing.  
"Yup. This ain't my first rodeo, Sunshine." 
"So you wanna go out somewhere?"  "like friends or like a date?"  Kayla snorted  Will lit her lightly  "What do you want it to be?" 
Nico blinked. 
"um. I don't know."  ~*~ 
And that’s how a theif and pre-med student met  ~*~ 
Shitty ending, I know, but I couldn't keep it going. 'm tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrred and I wanted 2 get it finished 
Ur welcome 
someone give me prompts
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franciswasteland · 3 months
(Little disclaimer: I think i’ve seen this somewhere before but can’t remember 100%, so if you have seen this idea being used anywhere send me the link to the post/fic/whatever , please!!)
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okay guys hear me out. mortal/highschool au, theater tech kid!leo valdez x theater kid!reader………. would it be cute ??? or like , a good one shot/head cannons idea ???
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ganillbanned · 1 year
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MORTAL AU NPC GRIAN, or in this au ENGIE (name change for lore reasons.)
Did I give Engie a character arch and whole story arch which is important to my au lore with is already overly complex? Perhaps but I have no regrets.
in case anyone is curious, he is wearing Impulses old shirt, Tangos vest and one of Zedaths sweaters. this makes sense in context for the AU, I promise.
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stars-forever · 3 months
My Gift for the PJO Equinox/Solstice Exchange
Here is my gift to @littlelilliana15for the @pjo-equinox-solstice-exchange. I hope you enjoy the story. It started as just being a story and then I thought of adding some graphics and then it ended up with me learning what AO3 limited HTML could be used for so that I could add all the graphics I made. 
If you would like I can gift the story to you on AO3, I tried to do this earlier but it wasn’t working.
Also if for some reason there is a problem in this post, this is my first time posting on Tumblr so hopefully, I’m doing this right.
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cabin10diaries · 9 months
question for a thing <3
answers vary for me for mortal aus depending on the back story thing i chose that time, but i usually go somewhere between nerd-adjacent and average: athletic ish but not really into school sports
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emodwarfluvr · 7 months
hi lanation i’m alive😁😁 anyways uh mortal au update who cheered
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sayoneee · 5 months
in which, a plan is devised to set the two of you up (1.9k)
contains: luke castellan x fem! reader. mortal au. baby percabeth (they are 12). percys pov. loser older brother luke castellan 🔛🔝
kashaf’s note: i think we can tell i love my music references by now. (answering requests soon!)
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i. remember the time - michael jackson
PERCY HAS ALWAYS liked afternoons: sitting on the green couch in his apartment, the smell of his favorite blue cookies wafting through the air, and the constantly running episodes of gilmore girls on the tv — that you had convinced him to give a try — and sometimes the addition of grover, who was prone to start passionate tirades on climate change.
though after summer camp, his relatively quiet afternoons now included at least two mentions of “seaweed brain” and two of “wise girl”. 
percy’s trying to stay focused on rory freaking out over thanking dean for something (annabeth is almost laser-focused), but the doorbell rang a while ago, and you still haven’t returned. 
“annabeth,” he whispered, to no avail — he guessed dean really had that effect on people. he tried again, waving a hand in front of her face. she blinked twice before being lifted from the spell of gilmore girls. 
“what?” annabeth asked.
“who’s at the door?” 
annabeth’s eyebrows rose. she turned around, looking past where you were still holding the door open, one hand animatedly gesticulating, the other still on the doorknob. 
“that’s my brother,” annabeth said, turning back to look at percy. 
but percy isn’t paying attention to her right now, instead, he’s focusing on the bits of conversation audible between you and this stranger, who’s smiling very peculiarly down at you.
“— no way, me too,” the stranger is saying, grinning.
you’re saying, “deadass? prove it —” 
“— are you always so skeptical —” 
percy gets up off the couch, annabeth beside him, striding over to you and the stranger, who, for a reason he can’t quite put a finger on, seems weird. 
“hi,” percy says, looking at you, pointedly ignoring the stranger. you and the stranger seem to freeze, your hand halting mid-tuck of your hair behind your ear, something percy has only seen you do around one of your ex-boyfriends. 
“hi,” annabeth says, looking at the stranger, who smiles in response. again, weird.
“ready to go?” the stranger asks, “or are you going to take over their spare bedroom?”
“luke, you’re not funny,” annabeth grumbles, but she doesn’t look that put out by luke’s teasing percy notes. 
you’re smiling, but you’re not looking at annabeth. you’re looking at luke, your one hand still on the doorknob. interesting. 
“you’ve got your yankees cap?” you confirm as annabeth laces up her converse, as you and luke are engaged in a tiny conversation of your own. percy wordlessly hands the worn-out cap to annabeth once she’s finished, saying his goodbye.
once annabeth and her brother are long gone and you’re no longer leaning against the door, you’re still smiling widely, and percy wonders why.
ii. shoop - salt n pepa  
gilmore girls is on again, and luke is here to pick up annabeth. again. but for whatever reason, annabeth still hasn’t left, and you and luke are sitting in the kitchen, alone, conversing loudly. 
annabeth isn’t as hyper-focused on dean and rory’s argument as percy had thought she would be a week ago — he assumed that dean’s appeal died the minute he got mad in that banged-up car. annabeth is saying something about architecture, eyes shining, though he’s not sure which one she’s talking about, hagia sophia or st. basil’s cathedral. your loud laugh seems to ring from the kitchen every minute or so, and well since you’ve begun babysitting him, he can’t say the sound is unfamiliar, but the frequency is suspicious. he doesn’t trust luke. 
“annabeth,” he says, when she’s stopped talking.
“percy,” she responds in the same tone, her smile bright.
“how long has your brother been in the kitchen for?” he says, trying to sound nonchalant, but missing the mark horrifically.
annabeth looks at the watch on her wrist, “woah —”
“what does woah mean?” percy knows he’s being impolite, and his mom taught him to never interrupt people, but he can’t help it at this moment. 
“i was just getting to that, seaweed brain,” annabeth rolled her eyes good-naturedly, “we were supposed to leave an hour and half ago.”
this was bizarre. “no offense, but what does my babysitter and your brother even have in common to be talking nonstop for an hour and half?”
“no idea,” annabeth says, thoughtfully. “is she in a band? luke’s in a band.”
“no,” percy says, but he thinks he remembers your last boyfriend being in a band. “is your brother a senior?”
“yeah — does she do boxing? luke does.”
“i actually don’t know,” percy pauses, “i think we should see for ourselves,” he stands up. 
“wait,” annabeth says, “they might go quiet if they see we’re around. let’s just turn off the tv and eavesdrop.”
percy grins, annabeth was such a genius, “you got it, wise girl.” 
they’re both so silent, he wonders if you’ll notice, but with the way you’re laughing again, borderline giggling, actually — which is odd — as you say, “shut up, you know what i meant,” he doesn’t think you’ll realize. 
“erm, actually i don’t,” luke says, nasally (in what percy hopes is mockery). 
percy looks at annabeth, who rolls her eyes at him and mouths, ‘he’s being ironic’. percy stares at the patterns in the carpet, and annabeth stares at the picture of percy and his mom hung on the wall, as they continue to strain their ears — which isn’t hard because of how noisy you and luke are together.
“you’re so insufferable.”
“and you’re the one who invited me in, so.”
“i was being nice,” you sound like you’re protesting, but percy and annabeth note the amusement in your voice with another shared glance.
“you? nice? let’s be forreal.”
“i’m literally not even mean.”
“you literally are.”
annabeth peeks at him, and percy thinks he’s had enough of listening to this conversation, which is quickly becoming weird. and mushy. he can practically see how you’re looking at luke, and how he’s looking at you, which is not at all something he wants to imagine.
he nods at annabeth, and they both try to make their footsteps as loud as possible when they start approaching the kitchen, just in case. 
he’s grateful to every higher being out there when he and annabeth find you and luke in the kitchen simply sitting next to each other, no funny business involved. 
iii. doo wop (that thing) - ms. lauryn hill
you’re on the phone, giggling. annabeth is over again, and there’s no luke in sight, but percy suspects he’s on the other end of the line. 
percy sighs and turns to annabeth, who always seems to know what to do because this little situation has gotten unbelievably out of hand. 
“is that your brother on the phone?”
annabeth’s concentration on the teetering jenga tower on the coffee table lingers, doo wop (that thing) playing on the tv in the background, “yeah, i think so.”
“how do you know?” percy asks, watching annabeth carefully choose a jenga block to remove.
“they like each other,” annabeth says, looking at him, as if it’s as obvious as grass being green.
“no, they don’t,” percy pauses for a minute when annabeth raises her eyebrows at him. “how do you know?” 
“luke’s always calling her at home,” annabeth said, “and he made her a mixtape.”
“that doesn’t mean they like each other, that just means he likes her,” percy points out, crossing his arms. 
they hear you giggle in the kitchen again. annabeth looks at him as if that proves her point.
annabeth blinks, her face lighting up, “oh my god, percy, we should set them up.” 
percy stares at her. he can’t deny that for as long as he’s known annabeth, she’s seldom been wrong, but he doesn’t think this is the best idea. but, percy trusts annabeth, so he agrees.
iv. this is how we do it - montell jordan
percy’s spying on you. well, he doesn’t consider it to be spying exactly, he’s just making sure nothing happens to you because despite annabeth’s constant defense of her brother, percy still doesn’t trust luke. percy’s always thought of you more than just his babysitter, after all the attempts at making blue hot chocolate and the comforting after nightmares, you’ve turned into his sister. 
he’s at annabeth’s place now, and both of them decided to put their — what annabeth swears is fool-proof — plan into action. step number one: getting luke to invite you inside when you come to pick him up (which was so unbelievably easy, considering how luke has perpetual heart eyes when you’re around).
currently, you’re in the kitchen with luke (the two of you are always congregating in kitchens for some reason), and annabeth decided that she and percy absolutely had to keep an eye on the two of you.
you’re gasping, “luke castellan, you are such a liar.”
luke is laughing, “no i’m not.” his cheeks are red.
you’ve seemed to notice this, and percy can see your gaze soften as you look at luke, but that doesn’t stop you from making your point, “no, oh my god, you call me the mean one but here you are, talking shit about your rivals, just because they’re better?”
percy has seen you argue with your ex-boyfriends, but not like this — not bright-eyed, and smiling, and none of them have been able to just flow the way you seem to with luke. this is it, he thinks, annabeth was completely and utterly right (as she is 90% of the time). 
“you take that back right now, those motley crue knockoffs aren’t better than us,” luke says, sounding kind of angry, but percy can see his smile.
“you’re totally bugging,” you say, “what’s wrong with motley crue?”
luke looks scandalized, and almost as if he’s pleading, he says, “please tell me you’ve at least listened to guns n roses,” pushing his hands together in a namaste position.
“i don’t live under a rock, castellan,” you rolled your eyes at him, pushing his hands down. annabeth shares a look with percy.
“i mean, you never know,” he says, and you scoff, shoving him.
percy raises his eyebrows at annabeth, and she seems to know exactly what he’s thinking — time to put step two into action: set up a going-out idea.
percy and annabeth pretend to walk closer to the kitchen, to give the two of you time to spring apart, because you and luke weren’t a very pg distance right now — maybe pg-thirteen, but percy wasn’t supposed to be watching those, so.
annabeth jerks a finger at percy, as you and luke looked up at their arrival, addressing luke, “percy doesn’t believe that your band actually plays in public.”
percy’s head whips toward annabeth, trying not to glare at her, because the look on luke’s face right now was not at all amusing, but at least you were smiling, so you’d definitely stop luke from killing him.
“yeah, luke,” you say, smirking, “where do you guys even play?”
luke frowns, “the usual but we’re playing at the fair next week if you’re so interested.” the last part is aimed at percy, but their plan is going well so far, so percy doesn’t think he’ll have to sleep with one eye open tonight.
“when?” you ask, interested.
percy watches luke turn to you, surprised. “saturday — why, you wanna come?”
“yeah,” you admit easily.
percy looks at annabeth, who’s smiling and percy can’t help but feel proud of their idea.
“really? we don’t go on until like seven though.”
“yeah, someone has to be there to cheer for you so you don’t feel too bad when no one else does,” you grin.
luke turns to you, masking his smile with a fake air of irritation, “gee, thanks.”
“what are friends for?”
percy shares a disappointed glance with annabeth who begins to shake her head, as luke’s smile freezes in place, and you suddenly look extremely remorseful.
time to come up with a new plan. 
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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mortal au. nico and percy are bestfriends and have this brotherly love. nico visits alot to the point where he pretty much lives w them. sally is a huge fan of queen, abba and various other old music bands. so is nico, which suprised sally because she didnt know he would like it too. so now whenever he helps clean or bake w sally, they have old music on blast {with @nocturnalnico666}
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empian28 · 3 months
Unpopular (maybe popular) opinion: If they were mortals Annabeth and Percy wouldn’t be friends or like each other
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flowersforagrave · 27 days
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Just a little AU idea I've been playing around with, inspired by some of the lovely pictures I've seen of our boy with dark hair.
I'm still refining this look (and I will never have a set headcanon for what color his eyes were before, lol) but I might post a few more pictures like this one in the near future.
These will be tagged "brunette astarion" and "mortal au" if you want to shield your eyes blacklist them.
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Jason Grace & Piper McClean, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace Characters: Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Will Solace, Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Estelle Blofis-Jackson Additional Tags: first of all WHY is estelle blofis-jackson not the official tag for her name??, i know that's pretty irrelevent to this fic in particular but STILL, anyway lets get into those tags, Nico di Angelo-centric, Gay Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo is a Little Shit, Nico di Angelo is a Mess, Traumatized Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo Has Issues, like let's just get that out of the way, PRE-meeting percy okay, Alternate Universe - Mortal, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Percy Jackson is Whipped, Percy Jackson has Issues, let's also establish that those issues have nothing to do with nico, they are both very complex individuals okay, Complicated Relationships, Morally Grey Themes, please heed the warnings both in the tags and notes, author does not agree with OR approve of underage relationships in any way, (i will be going into more detail in the notes), Morally Ambiguous Character, Morally ambiguous plot, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Percy Jackson has Depression, ??? where is that tag excuse me, percy jackson is a good son, wHERE IS THE TAG FOR THAT EXCUSE ME, Mentioned Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), so i realize i've built this up to be this super dark and morally questionable thing, however, there is a happy ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, teenage angst, Nico is Dramatic, nico is in love, like head over heels guys, Angst and Romance, Love at First Sight, Musician Percy Jackson, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, more on that later, and also more tags later probably Summary:
His name is Percy Jackson. Percy, short for Perseus—his mom’s favorite Greek myth. He plays the guitar in a band with three of his best friends, he has a dog named Mrs. O’Leary, and he goes home every Thursday night for dinner, no matter what. His favorite color is blue.
He is twenty years old.
(Nico tries not to linger on that fact. It’s not like it matters, anyway. There’s a thirteen year age gap between his dad and his stepmom, and they’ve been happily married since Nico was six. Besides, Nico could still be chasing after the guys at his old school, who all seemed to share a singular brain cell that encouraged being either homophobic or bi-curious whenever it suited them. He learned his lesson sufficiently the last time. He’s done with teenage boys.)
Nico manages to snag the hottest guy on the face of the earth—but there's a catch. There's no way Percy Jackson would look at him twice if he ever discovered how old he really is . . . Which is precisely why he's determined to make sure he doesn't find out.
Chapter 5′s up NOW!! enjoyyyyyy <333333
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Percy Jackson Mortal Au
Part 2
Annabeth reached her usual lunch table with some news.
"Hey, you heard about the musical this year?" They all assisted an ambitioned high school. It was one of the best ranked high schools in arts and sports, and a very ambitioned one.
"I think Mr. Apollo's already working on it." Will replied.
"With Mr. D. Even he is helping. And so are Pollux and Castor, they're helping to choreograph. And direct, for that matter."
"Those really want to get into Juilliard, aren't they?" Nico commented from beside his boyfriend Will.
"Yup, they're hoping this will help."
"I doubt Juilliard will be very interested in this kind of stuff." Percy said, opening his arms to welcome Annabeth in an embrace.
She shrugged. "I mean, this school is very recognized in the arts." It was true it was a school with a great arts program. A group had been preparing a Musical on Black History since the previous year supposed to be presented this year and they were very secretive about it. No one other than Mr. Apollo, Mr. D and the group had seen or been to the rehearsals. Even Hazel refused to say something.
"But you didn't ask about the musical." She continued.
"I'm sorry, Annabeth, we'll ask next time." Nico replied sarcastically.
"What about it?" Will asked.
"They're making the continuation of last year! They're making High School Musical 2!"
Last year, they'd all performed in the well-known High School Musical show. They'd been surprised they could sing as well as their paralelisms with their characters. Since they would perform for an entire month non-stop, there had been two casts.
That was how Annabeth and Percy met. They performed as Gabriella and Troy, respectively. Like her character, Annabeth was crazy smart and had originally entered her school for the maths and physics program, but decided to give theater a shot. As she found out, she had a really great voice with a great range and followed to love that form of art. As for Percy, it was shocking to everyone, as he was kind of the stereotypical jock. He was the star and captain of the swimming team and awarded the school with a dozen prizes on his first year.
It didn't come as much as a surprise when they both started officially dating. Everyone on the play would tease them mercilessly and say the characters were made for them.
Even Piper and Jason, who played Gabriella and Troy in the other cast had ended up dating, but it hadn't lasted as much. Jason had originally entered as a jock in the football team
It was also how Nico and Will met and started dating, with the whole cast teasing them as well. But their characters didn't interact a lot, or have chemistry, at least in the first part.
"So, did you hear about the musical?" Silena asked as she plopped down next to Will and grabbed one of his french fries. She'd played Sharpay last year, but she was a much better person and friend than her character.
"What musical?" Leo asked. He wasn't interested in either scenic arts nor sports. Although he could dance to a certain point, he'd joined the school for their maths and physics program, just like Annabeth.
"The one they're doing this year." Silena answered.
"Annabeth just told us." Will commented.
"So, are you auditioning?"
"Yes!" Nico and Will said at the same time, before sharing a kiss.
"No." Leo replied crossly while working on his project.
"Yup." Annabeth said.
"What about you, Percy?" Silena asked.
"I don't know," he admitted. "I'm not really sure it's my thing."
"That is such a Troy thing to say." Will commented.
"Yeah, you were an amazing Troy last year," Silena added.
"Last year." Percy remarked.
"Why not?" Annabeth asked her boyfriend.
"I don't really think I hace a good voice. Or can act, like put the emotion into it." Percy admitted.
"You have a really great voice, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth reassured him.
"Yeah, and the fact you know acting is about putting emotion into it shows you do know about the art." Silena comforted him
"I just don't know. I really want to focus on swimming now."
"Please, you're the most talented swimmer I've ever seen, and I come from Venetia." Nico said.
He just shrugged. "I don't really know. Coach won't like it."
"That's literally the plot of High School Musical," Will whispered under his breath.
"Please, Seaweed Brain? Can you think about it?"
Percy stared into Annabeth's begging eyes he couldn't resist. "Ok, I'll think about it."
"What about you, Leo?"
"Oh, I don't dance."
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