solhrafn · 3 days
Ek em Sólhrafn svá sem Þráhrafn. Vætti vitrir, falinn í líki manna. Festhugi ok skáldsál með sýnir í bylgjum ok hugsanir í straumum, ljósfanga hið hversdagslega ok tímans gangr.
Eg er Solravn så vel som Lengselravn, vise skapningar, falne i menneskeham. Fast hug og diktarsjel med syn i bølgjer og tankar i straumar, lysfangar det kvardagslege og tidens gang.
I am the Sun-Raven as well as the Longing-Raven, wise spirits cloaked in man's likeness. Stark mind and a poet's soul, with visions in waves and thoughts in torrents, light-capturing the mundane and the passing of time.
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
From me to u
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Just felt like you deserve some love today!!
💛 from @vilkas
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kel you!!! you honey glazed sweetheart awahawaa!!!!!! 🥺😭🧡Thank you so much for sharing the tender lovin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨🔥 Right back at you dear!!!!
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3. When they are having a fight, what is it about and how do they deal with it? for Shodara and Bryn
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other? for Shoda and Farkas
💛 from @vilkas
Thanks for the ask Kel!!
So Shodara and Brynjolf tend to get into arguments when it comes to handling jobs, such as who to send out; if they agree to send out anyone in the first place.
Brynjolf prefers to take larger jobs because he believes it’d bring glory to the thieves guild, and Shodara actually used to agree. They would often encourage the other members to work together on large heists.
But after snow veil, she became much more up-tight about taking jobs, especially if one of the Nightingales is involved. The possibility of death became…much more real to her.
In one particular instance; Shodara practically broke down saying “Because you don’t die twice, Brynjolf!”
So I kinda hinted at it in the Dustman’s Cairn chapter. Their favorite feature of each other is their eyes.
Shoda finds Farkas’ calming because they stand out from the rest of his face, especially if he’s wearing his face paint.
Farkas really just finds Shoda’s eyes to be pretty, no other special reason beyond that. Though he does think they look particularly pretty when she wears her scarf since her eyes match the fabric.
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frodo-baggins · 3 years
Can I just say…. one of my favorite visual moments in LOTR is when they’re in Rivendell and Frodo and Sam walk by a tree and the leaf gently catches in Frodo’s hair 🥺 I think about that a lot and I didn’t know who else to share my love of it with and you were the first person to come to mind
oh that’s hands down one of my fav shots of frodo in the entire trilogy. like it’s so soft and dreamy. and the lighting is so warm and autumnal. it’s just so gorgeously done 😩😭 and honestly im so honoured you thought of me too 🥺
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reachfolk · 3 years
HOWDY! We’re mutuals now! Anyway!!
Firien is my main OC, my Bosmer Last Dragonborn! She’s very angry as a result of trauma but it slowly working on healing! She’s snarky and sassy and has a lot of spark in her. She enjoys sparring, botany, and lighting things on fire. She’s 26 years old currently and she left Valenwood at 15 (if I remember correctly) and slowly made her way through Tamriel to Skyrim. She’s also a Companion and has a white raven friend named Croak! Oh and she hates being the LDB. Not sure if this is relevant?? (or very obvious by my blog lol) but I paired her with Farkas!
Tahir is Firien’s BFF, and a Redguard born into nobility. He found the noble life suffocating and left Hammerfell behind to pursue adventure and met Firien in Helgen, and they’ve been together ever since! He’s more invested in the Companions than she is, and eventually becomes Harbinger. He’s cocky and funny and pretty easy-going about most things. He’s also very promiscuous, confident, and vain. He enjoys the finer things in life and just likes to have a dang good time. He eventually ends up with Vilkas because the best friends dating brothers trope is hilarious to me.
And now I wanna hear about yours!
💛 from @korvanjund
ask game: send me an ask telling me about one of your oc's and i'll tell you how i think they'd get along with my own oc's
aaa hi friend !! ok first off i absolutely adore both ur oc's and i think my main girl alexandria would too ❤ (which is not surprising lol, she's a very agreeable person).
when it comes to firien, i think alexi would be able to handle her really well. even though alexi is only a year older, she would see a little bit of her younger sister in firien (due to their hotheaded nature), and she really likes people like that!! she'd see firien as interesting and fun, and i think her cheery demeanor would balance out firien's more rough (?) vibe, if that makes sense lol. alexi is usually in a playful mood and doesn't take snarky or sarcastic comments very seriously, so she'd just hit back with more banter and keep the tone light and breezy. whether firien finds that irritating as shit or endearing is up to you, it makes no difference to alexi who firmly made up her mind that she likes firien lmao. and if, for whatever reason, firien is having a particularly rough day, alexi knows when to put down her goofy attitude and go all Big Sister mode. she's a good listener and good with conflict mediation in general (thanks to ✨ family trauma ✨) so she'd offer whatever comfort she can.
also, the two def. share some interests so that's a plus! alexi always loves a friendly duel, and as an alchemist, she'd also be interested in botany. she's never been to valenwood, so she'd be SO interested in learning about the flora there. she's a chaotic little shit, so she definitely also has a pyromaniac streak in her lol. you have good ol' sybille stentor to thank for lighting that spark, and alexi would share that dumb story to try to get a laugh out of firien (hell, she'd make it her personal mission to get firien to crack up as many times as possible. she has an endless supply of dumb stories and awful puns)
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as for tahir, i feel like he and alexi would get along right away thanks to their somewhat similar backstories! alexi isn't a noble per se and her mixed ancestry kind of muddled how people viewed her, but she is a silver-blood and that's about as close as you can get, ykwim? i think they definitely have an appreciation for the freedom that living on the road gives because they've experienced how suffocating and draining life as a noble can be.
they also have pretty similar personalities, so i think they'd mesh well! alexi is a super playful and loves to goof off, and back when she was living as a noblewoman it was seen as unseemly and inappropriate, but i feel like tahir would enjoy it or even play along. i can definitely see the two of them swapping funny stories and playful banter late into the night over a mug of ale and absolutely cracking up together.
i will say, alexi is also a bit of a prankster, and i feel like poor tahir would be the victim at times, especially after he becomes harbinger. my girlie just finds it too tempting to fuck with authority figures 💀 she would genuinely like him so she'd never go too far, and she'd absolutely apologize if she ever crosses a line. but, yk, she definitely at one point mixed in netch jelly with his fine wine and laughed her ass off when his romantic date night with vilkas ended with both of them toppling over in paralysis for a hot sec. for what it's worth, she's a good sport if he ever decides to mess with her in return. hell, she'd take it as a compliment lol
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ivarthebadbitch · 3 years
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aethelwold + 🤪
(inspired by this post by @solravn) 
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Day 8 for @korvanjund/@solravn (I don't know if your side blog is still shadow banned so I thought I would tag both.) The prompt today was warmth. This was slightly more difficult but still alot of fun. Enjoy.
The blizzard struck out of nowhere, with little warning. The winds howled, sending driving snow that blinded them and blocked their way. 
 "We must find shelter!" Farkas yelled at Azirina as they struggled through the ever increasing snow drifts. Already, they reached her hips, pulling her down as she walked. He saw her eyes glow in the struggling torch light as she looked before pointing just off to their right. 
 "There is a cave over there." She called back. He nodded, following her as she waded through the snow and into the cave. The wind howled, echoing around the natural shelter, but no snow had made it inside. 
 "I'll get a fire going." He said as he shook snow from his head. 
 "This one will ensure we are alone." She nodded, walking slightly deeper into the small cave. It was just big enough for him to stand in, though it didn't seem very deep. As he started a fire, he saw her coming back. 
 "Nothing?" He asked. 
 "The cave has been abandoned from the looks of things. Nothing has lived here for a long time." She replied, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering. Even with her thick cloak on and fur, the cold had managed to seep into her bones. 
 "Here, come warm yourself by the fire." He said, taking her hand and pulling her closer. He could feel how cold she was simply by taking her hand. She shivered, even whilst standing by the fire. The warmth of the flames causing the snow on her clothing to melt.
 "Looks like we'll have to camp here for the night until this storm blows over." He sighed as he looked out before coming back into the slight warmth. 
 "At least it is dry, yes?" She asked him, shuddering again. 
 "Still cold?" He asked her, watching as she nodded. "Come here." He pulled her closer, pulling a bed roll from his pack. He lay it on the ground before making her sit. 
 "What are you….?" She began to ask when he waved his hand.
 "Keeping us both warm." He said as he wrapped the covers from the bed roll around them before holding her in his arms. He could feel the soft fur of her body against his skin, giving off a very faint heat.
 "Thank you." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. She could feel the warmth radiating from him, like a roaring fire or the sun. She pressed closer, chasing that warmth as he held her. 
 The blizzard continued to howl on through the night and well into the next day. Not that it mattered. In the shelter of the cave, they fell asleep in each other's arms, craving the warmth the other provided. That included warm feelings as well.
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Hmmmmm what about Astrid for the character bingo?
💛 from @vilkas
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I don’t feel too strongly about Astrid, but I really do think she should’ve been used more.
I really like how when you meet her she’s almost like a mentor, so I think there should’ve been more times to talk to her as the player becomes the listener and show how she got lead to ratting them out to the Pennitus Oculotus.
Thanks for the ask, Kel!!
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Got tagged in Snippet Sunday by @vilkas !
If anyone wants to join, feel free to! And feel free to tag me as well!
So..I still don’t have a title for this chapter. It’s literally named this in my doc, lol.
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Anyways have some worldbuilding!
Shoda shook her head and moved to the side just slightly so Vilkas could get his horse on the path. Then she started to walk alongside him. Vilkas suddenly cleared his throat, which startled Shoda.
“Is something the matter?”
“Ah…the cold is messing with my throat. Unfortunately, while Lycanthropy can prevent us from getting major diseases, it seems to do nothing against common colds…”
“And wounds infected from silver…”
“Aye…it burns us like a flaming blade…and makes it difficult for our wounds to heal, even with magic.”
“But it seemed like I was able to heal Farkas’ wounds easier when he was transformed than right before he did. Is there a reason for that?”
“When we transform, our body's composition changes just slightly. All living things are made of carbon; I’m sure you know that. But for lycanthropes, the way the carbon is arranged changes. So while our body is changing, it can be difficult to use magic since it depends on the composition of our bodies staying the same. I’d reckon Farkas was trying to hold off his transformation for as long as he could, which would be why you had such difficulty healing him in the moments before.”
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💛 @vilkas
Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks as always, Kel!
I’m not sure what this chapter will be called yet, but Shoda and Vilkas are traveling together.
Shoda shook her head and cleared her throat.
“Vilkas, where do we need to go to get the medicine?”
“Who is ‘we’ youngblood…you’re staying here.”
“Vilkas, please, I insist.”
“And what will happen then, huh? What do you hope to gain by going along?”
“I don’t want someone who’s protected me to bloody die, Vilkas! If I hadn’t gotten stuck in the Cairn, Farkas wouldn’t have had to do what he did to protect me, and he more than likely wouldn’t have gotten as hurt as he did, so I am partially responsible for his state of being! So let me help you to make sure he doesn’t die, dammit!”
Shoda had her fists clenched at that point, nearly having broken out into a cold sweat. Her eyes bolted between Ria, Vilkas, and whatever else they bolted to. She felt her chest tighten when Vilkas sighed in an irritated manner.
“And I thought my brother jumped too quickly…Fine. You can come along, but do not get in the way of things. Get your weapon from Eorlund and meet me at the gate. If you take too long, I will leave regardless.”
Vilkas pushed his way past Shoda, and Torvar as he exited Jorrvaskr. Torvar looked at Shoda and Ria, confused. Ria quickly made a slashing hand across her neck with her hand, with a discomforted face. He knew what it meant and immediately went to train at a dummy.
Vilkas is protective of his brother and others, to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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😬 for Shodara?
💛 @vilkas
Thanks for the ask, Kel!! @vilkas
“Draw your OC in something they would never wear.”
“I don’t see how you’re able to wear these damned things, Shoda…”
“Well for one, I don’t wear mine so tight that I nearly asphyxiate myself…now will you please hold still so I can finish undoing these hooks?”
Shodara wouldn’t ever wear a corset, at least for long periods of time, because the few times she did, she tightened them too much.
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🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
💛 @vilkas
Thanks for the ask, Kel! Always nice to get these!!
Ria tightened her grip around her sword’s hilt and shuffled her feet. She held her shield in front of her as Athis lunged at her.
Athis hit the shield with the hilt of his blade before slashing down, and shoving Ria back. He kept his stance firm and gripped his sword.
Ria nearly tripped over her feet as she stumbled back. But she did regain her stance after a moment.
“Watch your footwork, Ria. You’re not swinging a greatsword.”
“I know, Vilkas, I’m trying.”
“I can see that. But you need to keep your stance firm like I showed you before. Keep your feet in that small radius we talked about.”
“Got it!”
Ria adjusted her stance and held her sword out at Athis. It made him grin slightly.
“Come at me!”
Thanks again @vilkas
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Thanks for the tag, Kel! @vilkas !!
OTP trope tag
So uh…I’m a sucker for hopeless romantics, lol.
Shoda x Farkas (Snow Wolf)
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+  | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views  | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kid/s | want kids | grow old together | previous relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket/cloak | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash-into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking  | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike/dragon rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts | oblivious
Shodara x Brynjolf (Fire Dagger)
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+  | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views  | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kid/s | want kids | grow old together | previous relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket/cloak | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash-into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking  | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike/dragon rides/horse rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts | hijinks
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15 for Shodara and 35 for Shoda!
💛 from @korvanjund
Thanks Kel!!
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
I feel like Shoda would either have a wolf, a crow, or raven.
A wolf because well…she’s a member of the Circle- I’m sure werewolves and wolves get along good. She’s be the one to find an injured wolf pup and bring it home if she can’t find the mom.
And then a crow or raven because Shoda is somewhat of a reflection of myself, and ravens are my favorite bird. I think the deciding factor for if she had a crow or a raven is if she’d be willing to have something the size of a raven. Because…
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(The last raven is a big White Neck raven. He’s about the size of a female Thick-billed or Common Raven)
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Shodara bounces between being calm with her imagination; to being scatterbrained with it.
For example, when she’s fulfilling a contract, she tends to be easy-minded, and stays on focus.
But in the moments and says after, she gets completely scattered. She’ll start thinking about the people affected, she’ll start seeing the moment of the assassination in her head, and she’ll often have to take a few days before going back out.
She also tends to think about her mother, and what she’d think of where she is now, same thing with her sister. But with different feelings between them.
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I was again tagged in WIP Wednesday by @korvanjund
This week I actually managed to make progress on SotA, so here’s what’s to expect.
Thanks again for the tag Kel!
Astrid chuckled and gestured to Arnbjorn.
“Why don’t you ask my husband? He used to be one of their members, you know.”
Shodara’s face turned into an expression of shock as she looked over her shoulder to the man behind her. He was working away tirelessly on a sword at the grindstone.
“Is it true?”
“What? You think my wife is lying?”
“Well, no. She just told me to ask you.”
“Well then, yes. I used to run with the Companions, and I even got to the ranks of their inner Circle. I was in their ranks when Boline Sohrornssen was the Harbinger. Not sure who runs them now. Either way, they found my methods to be too unorthodox. So I left.”
“Who all did you know?”
“I think I remember a kid by the name of Skjor. There were also two runts whose names I don’t remember, but their father brought them in. A woman had a daughter who I don't remember either. Oh, and the old master at arms was Kodlak when I left. Even if I disagreed with the bastard, I have to admit that he was respectable, and I see how his word is respected in Skyrim.”
Shodara nodded slowly. With this information, she knew she would have to adjust her deal with the Silver Hand. Lest they find out about her Family member and go against their part of the deal. Astrid cleared her throat and Shodara turned to face her.
“Make sure you turn in your contracts from Nazir. After that, I want you to wait until the jester gets the Night Mother settled. You’ll be taking him with you.”
Shodara was confused by the order. Was it not custom to do it alone?
“Forgive me, Astrid. But why do you want me to take Cicero with me?”
“The fool is already giving me a headache. I want you to keep him busy for a while.”
“Yes, Astrid.”
Shodara left the chamber and went to find Nazir. She saw Gabriella sewing a hole in her scarf as she went by her. It was a muted blue color, with an elaborate gold design. Typical design given to young Dunker girls.
She continued on her way as she descended down the wooden staircase to the living and dining area where Nazir was waiting. The contract exchange was a short conversation. After that, Shodara ascended another set of stairs and wandered into the room where Cicero had begun to set up the Night Mother’ sarcophagus. She was shocked at how easily he seemed to be able to move it, seeing as he was shorter than her, who was shorter than the casket.
Shodara saw Cicero polishing the sarcophagus, and she carefully approached him.
“Oh ho! Just a moment dear sister! Cicero must finish making sure Mother is well settled in her new home!”
It took him another moment to finish, after which, he stood up to face Shodara. When he saw her, his face lit up with glee and began to clap his hands.
“Oh wait! Cicero remembers you! Yes, the kind lady from the Loreius farm! You talked to Loreius and convinced him to help poor Cicero!”
Cicero clapped his hands and danced with his feet as he laughed joyfully. It charmed Shodara.
“Right, you were the man who needed help transporting…his mother.”
“Oh yes! But not just MY mother! For the Night Mother is mother to all! We are all her children who lurk in the shadows! And I am her humble Keeper!”
“What are your duties as Keeper, Cicero?”
“Oh! I am the Keeper! I…keep! I make sure our Mother is safe! And…happy…! It is a very important role, but it is not the most important role. No, I am not the Listener! The Listener is like the thumb of our Mother’s caring hand! Cicero has been searching and pleading, waiting for her to say….The Words.”
Shodara nodded and cleared her throat.
“When you are finished here, I need you to come with me. Astrid wants me to speak to a woman in Markarth for the next contract, and she wants me to take you along.”
Cicero burst out into joyous laughter and began to clap and dance again. Although it was tiring on the ears, Shodara still found it fascinating.
“Oh ho ho! You do not know how joyous Cicero is! Long have I awaited to be able to fulfill contracts in the name of our Unholy Matron and Dread Father! Cicero promises to not disappoint!”
Shodara nodded and gestured for Cicero to follow her. He gleefully nodded and walked out after her. They slipped out of the sanctuary without drawing much attention.
They stopped by Falkreath to rent a carriage to Markarth. The ride to the city was surprisingly quiet. They had gentle conversations back and forth, so as not to alert the carriage driver.
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10 for Shoda and 13 for Shodara!!
Thanks for the ask!!
10. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
“I was born in Cyrodiil, specifically in the Bruma region. But I spent most of my time in the Imperial City.”
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“Since I was in the Legion reserves, I was of course called to fight in the Great War. I was on the battlefield during the Battle of the Red Ring.”
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“Then there was that whole fiasco with the Thalmor…”
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“But, with all that said. I live in Skyrim now, specifically Whiterun. The Companions are my family, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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“One of them in fact is…well he’s very close to me.”
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16. You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
“It’s hard to say, honestly. I’m not typically the carpenter type.”
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“I’d most likely build a greenhouse to keep my plants alive.”
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“Or I’d do a proper renovation of the Dawnstar sanctuary.”
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“Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful that my family has a home in Skyrim. And I’m grateful that it’s secure.”
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“But by Sithis is it ugly.”
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