#Some of these are actual things mystman12 has said himself about baldi
starlitships-moved ยท 5 months
Bal.di headcanons (Still a WIP):
definitely not human (some sort of eldritch/lovecraftian creature? Or something like a sentient ai/game itself?)
can bend his limbs in all kinds of wacky directions... may even be able to shapeshift....
has a temper, but is learning to control it better. (Actually kinda canon, since in BB+ if you get a math question wrong in the camping trip or run out of time/put the wrong animal in the barn in the farm trip, instead of chasing you, he now goes "ohhhhhhh...." And slumps over dramatically XD And then says "try again! :D")
LOVES to eat! Also eats very fast... (Can literally eat an apple in 15 seconds XD)
Antagonist, but not a villain. (I seriously just can't see him as an actual villain, especially after seeing some of the hidden BBCR endings like listening to his dorky song etc.)
Not ps.ych.opath.ic or evil! Maybe a bit quirky, but NOT evil!
DOESN'T kill kids, nor is he a freakin' p3do for goodness sake! (what was WRONG with the early fandom?!?!)
Strict teacher (NOT abusive), genuinely wants his students to do well at math.
Will slap the SH1T out of actual p3dos... Also very protective of his students/the school grounds.
he has amazing hearing and is also very perceptive! If he hears anything out of the ordinary, he checks it out immediately. If it's an intruder in the school... HOO BOY. ^_^;
he smells like a mix of apples and wood (from his ruler!)
in BB+, he genuinely just wants to play hide and seek. c:
When he catches you in BB+, he just tags you and you have to return to the elevator (this is actually canon, since it says he tags you in-game)
in Baldi's Basics Classic (and Remastered), when he catches the player, he either; A) slaps them on the wrist/head/behind and gives them a stern talking to or B) same thing but also gives them detention. (Just typical teacher punishment. NO MURDERING. >:T)
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