#Some people wish to marry but ghost brides are fiercely protective of their things
wickedbeeao3 · 3 years
Hi author!
Number 10 for the ask game if it's okay by you!
Hi dear! You haven't specified a character, so I went freely and added various bits.
If I ever write a Halloween special, this is the basic structure that I would follow.
Grim knows dangerous. Food is usually not dangerous, but food is, because it means they all must stay, because Grim (and Yuu and Ace and Deuce and Jack and Epel) sampled the food and the food was safe, but the food is a trap and now they must stay. Malicious ghosts and he didn't understand at first but he gets it now. No one can cross the threshold back. They must party forever. At least the food is good.
Nightfall comes and Charlotte can't find Yuu. Can't find Ace and Deuce either, and calling their phones doesn't work. Out of area. It would be fine, if this wasn't Halloween. Halloween doesn't last from October 31th to midnight. Halloween lasts from sunset to sunrise. And dangerous things walk the veil. She sends messages to Cater and Lilia asking for help and wanders the town, searching relentless like the ghost bride she is dressed as.
"Any new information?" Yuu asks, half-hoping and dreading the answer. This is a bad situation. Never again they are going to a stranger's party and they will loudly and absurdly remind Ace and Grim about it. "Nothing. They just laughs at our faces." Jack clenches his first. "Tch, that makes me so goddamn pissed!" Epel makes a face. "One of 'em pinched my cheeks and cooed. Damned these ghosts, I ain't a cute lil'girl!" His accent slipped through, none of the politeness and standard speech he used was present. "...they touched you?" "...shit, Yuu is making the thinking face." Deuce was already in. He trusted that Goldie could find a way out. "What's the plan?" "We are going to beat up a lot of people."
A hand touches her shoulder and Charlotte elbows them on her reflex. They grab her limb and her other arm is already in motion before she registers who is it. It is easier to redirect the movement then stop it. "Ah, Princesse Chanteuse, fantastique! Fast reflexes, you were ready to fight even if it dirtied your white clothes!" "Rook-san. I'm occupied at the moment." She grits between her teeth. "I can't always stop myself, so it is best that you don't touch me again." The man has the audacity to smile at her. "Yes, I noticed that you were looking for your missing dorm mates. I have come to offer my services." He bows at her, full of theatrics, cape swaying in the wind. Pomefiore did well with their vampire theme. "And why would you do that? Apologies for my bluntness, but we are not friends." "Ah, but we have shared objectives. Have you seen Monsieur Crabapple in your wandering?" Crabapple...? Epel? He was lost too? "I see. Very well, let's join forces."
"Someone with a claim to us?" "That's what the ghosts said." "And they say they've a claim to us 'cause we ate their food. No one 'as a goddamn claim to me! I ain't a damn cow!" "...Grim is a cat isn't he?" "He isn't a cat per se, but you have a point. GRIM!"
___ The trail that Rook finds brings them to the forest. Of course it does. ___
"Okay, that didn't work. Anyone has another idea?" "We try to break the barrier around us." "Magic isn't working." "I have talked to senpai after what happened and searched it on my own... if we destroy the physical part archoring the barrier we can de-estabilize it." "Got it, let's go." . . . The barrier archors are outside the barrier. Goddamn.
Of course it is a ballroom. Of course. At least they found them. And hey if there is anyone that has a claim to every student in Night Raven it is a prefect and staff members.
___ Rook crosses the barrier, carrying Epel on his back - dorm mates have a claim to dorm mates and Rook is his damn vice-leader - but when he tries to return, the barrier blocks his path. A ghost on their side laughs. "The living can only go and come one time." They turn malicious eyes to Charlotte. "So, little ghost bride, which one will you chose to spend time forever and which one will you leave for us?" Charlotte snaps. Her slap is strong enough to bring the ghost to the ground and all she answers is a snarl. She is getting everyone home. ___ "Senpai, it's..." "I was ready to carry everyone on my goddamn back, Rook would help with Jack - because you are built like a brick wall, sorry-" Jack snorts. "It's fine." The image would be funny, him being carried by someone small and pudgy like Charlotte-senpai, if the situation wasn't tragic. "-and there is no way that I am giving up. Rook has to be calling for reinforcements, so don't lose hope just yet." "That's good to hear, but do you have a plan, Charlotte-senpau?" "If I thought it would have a 100% chance of working, I would be putting everyone on the curtains and pulling you along. The problem is that I cross first." "...you are saying we need a mail cart." "Yes Deuce, that's exactly what I need. Two, in fact."
It is five of the morning but not morning proper, and Trey brings with him Cater and Riddle. Well thought out logistics is for these that slept and not for these close to twenty four hours awake. Rook is debriefing the three of them on the situation - short, but it is best that everyone is on the same page - when two shoddy wooden carts cross the barrier, the students on them and Charlotte bringing the rear. Charlotte seems equally startled in seeing them, her original dress and veil no way in sight, instead with a multitude of different and mismatched clothes. Epel, who has been cheerfully trying to weaken the barrier, is called back. "Princesse Chanteuse, c'est magnifique! You succeeded in rescuing our juniors! Ah, how I wish I was there to watch this blooming adventure." Riddle is trying to needle out the story from Ace and Deuce, and Jack carries Grim, glad to do something. Cooperating with people is not his type, but this once he can accept it. Yuu is just really glad that the plan worked. No more following weird invitations, ever.
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(of the Caribbean? Sort of? I guess?)
(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the books/films) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: abuse, murder, pirates and all of their violent shenanigans, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
Luther is the captain of the guard, and pirates are the bane of his existence. He hates Diego most of all, the man who’s stolen unspeakable amounts of gold from Reginald, Luther’s employer. But as annoyed he is at all of the theft, he purposefully never catches Diego, because he knows Klaus loves him. And Luther may be a man of the law, but he’s also Klaus’ beloved brother-in-spirit, even if Reginald wants them to marry each other for some idiotic reason. (Something about getting Klaus to settle down - ha, he can try.) When Klaus disappears, Luther follows him, having no connections left here - and that’s when he meets Allison. And there are copious laws against getting involved with married women and outlaws alike… so Luther starts to think that maybe bending the rules wouldn’t be so bad. (Klaus is so proud.)
Diego grew up poor, and became a pirate in his early teens when Grace took him in. When she fled the colony, Diego went with her, leaving his childhood best friend Klaus behind. He’s got his own fleet and crew now, and mostly uses his scores as excuses to flirt with Klaus, who’s still just as drawn to him after all these years and often sneaks him into his bedroom when Diego’s in town. Diego’s kept in close touch with Lila and Eudora, both of whom he grew up with once Grace took him away, and they both help him when it comes time for him to crash Klaus’ wedding to Luther (fuck you dude) and steal Klaus away for a life at sea. (Klaus absolutely LOVES this. They kiss a lot. They swing from ropes. Klaus is screaming at all the guards as Diego carries him away bridal-style (ha, I’m so funny). It is delightful.) (His ship is a terror they call The Kraken. Ha, get it? Get it - because Diego’s name - and the monster from legend - okay yeah I’ll shut up now.)
Allison is a badass goddess, covered in colorful tattoos with gold in her hair. She was a prostitute for awhile, stealing a bunch along the way, but one day one of the pirate captains who approached her tried to take more than he paid for. She broke both his hands and killed him in cold blood, then defeated his entire crew in a sword fight single-handedly, earning their respect. She now rides with that same crew as their captain, in one of those off-the-shoulder poet-blouse-corset dresses and high brown boots. Ray is a leutinant who’s been chasing her for years, the two of them flirting back and forth forever… but he’ll never catch her. It’s bad form to arrest your wife.
Klaus is the governor’s bastard son, a totally wild spirit who wears dresses all the time, drinks his weight at parties, and has slept with half the town (marriage is not a problem for him, this is Klaus, we all know he is very down for threesomes). He’s stolen half of Reginald’s shit for Diego over the years, and has been sneaking off to see him just as long, completely in love with his pirate king. Though he’s loved others before - Dave, for example, a soldier whose death broke Klaus into give in to Reginald’s plan to marry him off to Luther (who Klaus loves, just, Not Like That™). The day Diego kidnaps him from his own wedding is the best fucking day of his life - okay, no it wasn’t. That was second best. The best day of his life was the day he and Diego watched Diego’s ship and treasure burn and sink into the sea, and Klaus asked him if he was alright, and Diego just shrugged. Said, You’re the only treasure I need, and kissed him like the world was ending. Yeah. That was the best day of his life, because Diego is the best anything in his life.
Five was a pirate queen until he transitioned a few years ago, though only by word of mouth. No one’s ever seen him. Anyone who works for him doesn’t make it a month outside of the job, usually by his own hands, but people keep coming because nobody knows who he is. He sails alone, though he offers Klaus refuge on his boat for a few days under the moniker Aidan, because he knows Diego loves him, and Five actually respects Diego (if only because he respects Lila who he only respects because he respects Eudora). He hates the Handler for leaving him stranded on an island when he was just a child, an unwanted product of her crew’s hard partying, and has vowed to kill her one day for leaving him alone for so long, ageless in misery. He talks to the mermaid on the front of his ship named Dolores and kills without mercy, and when he finally reveals himself as this skinny pale thirteen-year-old with the grandpa haircut, he revels in the looks on his family’s faces as they try to rebuild their blown brain circuits.
Ben loves Klaus more than life itself, which is, in hindsight, probably why he’s dead. Oh who is he kidding, it’s definitely why he’s dead. Klaus is sort of, kind of, maybe, just a little bit a witch, and they hang witches where they’re from. So when they needed someone to blame for the odd happenings Klaus had caused recently, Ben had taken the blame and worn the noose proudly. Klaus still talks to him all the time, his ghost anyway, and it’s fine - but Klaus lives on the sea now, with Diego, and Ben gets seasick like all the time. (And then he steals Davy Jones’ heart and gets trapped as a tentacle monster, which is honestly not that bad. It helps him scare birds, and Ben likes scaring birds.)
Vanya works as the blacksmith’s apprentice, sad and lonely. She’s been having an affair with the duchess Sissy for years, also working as her maid and a nanny for her son Harlan when asked, but mostly she’s alone, with no one else to care for in the world. (And that creep officer Leonard keeps asking her to marry him, which, just. Ew.) When Five shows up, his hands in his pockets, and offers her a way out, well - what else could she possibly do?
Lila is a badass pirate princess who don’t take no shit from anybody. She wears bright pink ballgowns while skewering people like kabobs, which is funny because she’s a well-known maneater. Literally. (Yes I included a Hannibal character in here because it’s my AU and I can do whatever the fuck I want.) She fell in love with Eudora, and thought she had corrupted the kind sergeant until she found out Eudora had been an undercover pirate the whole time, helping Diego smuggle Reginald’s gold and goods in and out of port. (That’s hot as fucking hell, she blurts when she realizes. Fuck, I’m gonna marry this woman.) She has a serious rum problem she will not be addressing and a collection of pet parrots that will forever prevent her and Ben from becoming friends. When she and Eudora get married, it’s in the middle of the pouring rain while thunder and lightning and gunshots crack around them and they’re killing people and shooting canons left and right (because I may not have shipped Will and Elizabeth but by god if their wedding wasn’t the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen). Now if only she could find the king of the pirates… she’s been hunting Five for years, hoping to prove herself to him, but he just… won’t show up.
Eudora is the sergeant in Reginald’s legions, and has been using her position to help Diego pirate goods since before he even left with Grace. She makes a lot of deals with him, having him carry her cargo and speak with her connections in exchange for her keeping an eye on Klaus for him, which to be honest they both know she’d do anyway. She helped Diego get to Klaus’ wedding and kidnap him, confusing the soldiers in pursuit of the bride, and follows them off to sea, finally home. She feels she owes an eternal debt to Klaus for not being able to save Ben from execution, though she tried, almost desperately. She flirts with Lila all the damn time, and believes in magic, wanting to travel the world looking for it. Most importantly, you should know that she will and has killed for a cheeseburger. (I know they weren’t invented yet shut up.)
Reginald is the governor of the colony, and Klaus’ father. He’s an asshole, one who constantly hunts the pirates because his wife Grace left him to be one. He only has one eye because Grace cut the other out viciously in their last fight, and he’s an abusive piece of shit who lives to terrorize and tax people. Pogo is his assistant / advisor / let-me-stand-here-and-give-you-good-advice-that-we-all-know-you’ll-ignore person. Reginald refuses to die before he catches Grace and sees her hanging in the square - something that seems more and more likely by the day. (HA, Grace says. He wishes.)
Grace is the original pirate queen, and lives in legend. She faked her death after living a double life for years, leaving Reginald and taking her son Diego with her. She knows Reginald doesn’t believe in her death, because she cut his eye out and nearly killed him right before she left, but everyone else believes it. She jumped from the bell tower and Klaus himself “went mad with grief” at the sight of her body, though he of course knows she’s alive and keeps up the story for her benefit. She injured Reginald so severely because he killed Ben, knowing that he wasn’t guilty, and that the witch in question had done nothing wrong anyway. She is known to be fiercely protective of her children, and kind in nature despite her ability to kill you using a historic number of methods. Her crew is made up of refugees who she offered shelter and a better life in exchange for their servitude, including Five, for awhile, who was running a scam. She knows who he is, and remembers his face well - but she keeps it to herself. Though she could match him in a fight easily, she has no interest in battling the boy she has grown to love as a son. (She’s also the one who officiates Diego and Klaus’ wedding, but that’s unrelated.)
The Handler is another pirate queen, and Grace’s greatest rival. She has two pistols at her waist and is not afraid to use them, having such deadly aim that she’s never missed a target - except Diego, which she hates him for. Also for encouraging her first mate and daughter Lila to mutiny, but that’s a whole other can of worms. Her ship is followed by an entire shiver of sharks, who let her use them like water skis whenever she wants. She abandoned Five on an island when he was born into her crew, as she hates children with a burning passion. (There are rumors she eats little boys’ bones. They have yet to be disproven.) Hazel is her snivelling first mate and Cha-Cha is her willing servant and second captain, a master at the wheel and with a sword. Agnes is an old psychic (ha, she’s faking it. She’s got no fuckin’ clue where Five is and will continue to lie whenever asked) she keeps in the brig after kidnapping her years ago, hoping to get a read on Five, who the Handler hates for constantly stealing her goods before they even make it to port. (She has no idea he’s the same boy she left on that island all those years ago - he’s certainly not the only child she’s done that to. But countless are out for her blood… almost every person Grace has rescued was left to die on an island by the Handler.) She eventually dies at Klaus’ hand, who plunges a sword through her heart in defense of his family, who she made the fatal mistake of coming after. (It happened in the same rainy battle where Lila and Eudora were married. He was wearing a yellow ballgown.)
Also Jack Sparrow is super great friends with Lila and he’s married to Will Turner who’s honestly so exhausted but gets along great with Ben and Elizabeth is their ace-aro friend who is a goddamn queen and who Diego has a lowkey crush on and Klaus can geek out with for hours. It’s awesome.
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maisiestyle · 4 years
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Jon’s Love for Arya and Sansa are not the same
​ Your recent Jon x Love post gave me a chuckle. You appear quite confused in how Jon feels about the two Stark sisters. I’m going to address the way you chose to highlight this point: I sense you’re obviously projecting the feelings he has for one sister that George goes to great lengths to show his readers. In fact, George was specifically asked that question and his answer couldn’t be more clear:
On Jon/Arya:
Granny: Are you trying to say something to the reader by drilling into us how much Arya and Jon love each other?
George_RR_Martin: “Say something to the reader?” I’m just reporting how the characters feel. Of course, everything in the book says something to the reader. 
Yet @sweetlingsansa reduces Jon’s feelings for Arya as simple family affection. Sigh. What books did you read? Very suspect. Then you falsely claim Jon apparently feels PURE, PERFECT, UNCONDITIONAL love (where?! lol) for the sister he barely spares a second, third or forth thought on? The sister he can go without seeing again if it meant he could have the other more important people back in his life. The sister that only thought about him when he was the last family she had left. 
The sister Jon didn’t spare a thought for over her plight in King’s Landing surrounded by enemies. YET multiple times, he wonders how Arya is… even though deep down he knows she must be dead. Only one sister was worth breaking his vows for. It was only one sister that occupied his last thought before he died. His dearest wishes involved her. When Jon wakes from this “death” like Beric described and Lady Stoneheart is demonstrating, the last things that were most important to the undead person at the end of their life will be their fixation when they rise again. Lady Stoneheart’s search for Arya and killing Freys & Lannisters. Revenge. With Jon, he died with a mission he pledged himself to in riding south to Winterfell to face Ramsay Bolton and get Arya back. 
“… I want my bride back … I want my bride back … I want my bride back …” was the last thing Jon considers before he decides to break his vows.
“I have my swords, thought Jon Snow, and we are coming for you, Bastard.”
Jon’s death scene in ADWD was significant. His last word was Ghost, his last feeling was pain, and his last thoughts were about a girl he loved more than anything:
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold. - Jon, ADWD
“Jon will want me, even if no one else does.” (Unconditional) - Arya
George is just reporting how the characters feel remember:
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. 
And Arya  …   he missed her even more than Robb, so fierce and willful. she could always make Jon smile. He would give anything to be with her now...
He remembered the day he had left Winterfell, all the bittersweet farewells; Bran lying broken, Robb with snow in his hair, Arya raining kisses on him after he’d given her Needle. 
That might mean Lord Eddard would return to Winterfell, and his sisters as well. He might even be allowed to visit them, with Lord Mormont’s permission. It would be good to see Arya’s grin again and to talk with his father. 
(These two last quotes above are striking in their exclusion of one sister. Yikes.)
He remembered suddenly how he used to muss Arya’s hair. His little stick of a sister. He wondered how she was faring. It made him a little sad to think that he might never muss her hair again. 
This is from Book 2. He thinks she is still alive? When everyone else thinks she’s dead. 
Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever? 
This is just so major, the implications. Wow.
“He’s to marry Arya Stark. My little sister.” Jon could almost see her in that moment, long-faced and gawky, all knobby knees and sharp elbows, with her dirty face and tangled hair. They would wash the one and comb the other, he did not doubt, but he could not imagine Arya in a wedding gown, nor Ramsay Bolton’s bed. No matter how afraid she is, she will not show it. If he tries to lay a hand on her, she’ll fight him. 
By now she’d be eleven, Jon thought. Still a child. “I have no sister. Only brothers. Only you.” Lady Catelyn would have rejoiced to hear those words, he knew. That did not make them easier to say. His fingers closed around the parchment. Would that they could crush Ramsay Bolton’s throat as easily. 
His thoughts kept returning to Arya. There is no way I can help her. I put all kin aside when I said my words. If one of my men told me his sister was in peril, I would tell him that was no concern of his. Once a man had said the words his blood was black. Black as a bastard’s heart. He’d had Mikken make a sword for Arya once, a bravo’s blade, made small to fit her hand. Needle. He wondered if she still had it. Stick them with the pointy end, he’d told her, but if she tried to stick the Bastard, it could mean her life. 
“I have no sister.” The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister?
I love winning.
Melisandre seemed amused. “What is her name, this little sister that you do not have?” 
“Arya.” His voice was hoarse. “My half-sister, truly …” 
Gods of my fathers, protect these men. And Arya too, my little sister, wherever she might be. I pray you, let Mance find her and bring her safe to me.
He glanced at the letter again. I will save your sister if I can. A surprisingly tender sentiment from Stannis, though undercut by that final, brutal if I can and the addendum and find a better match for her than Ramsay Snow. But what if Arya was not there to be saved? What if Lady Melisandre’s flames had told it true? Could his sister truly have escaped such captors? How would she do that? Arya was always quick and clever, but in the end she’s just a little girl, and Roose Bolton is not the sort who would be careless with a prize of such great worth.
He keeps hitting that right spot. Jon the president of the Arya Stark stanclub from day mf 1. 
What if Bolton never had his sister? This wedding could well be just some ruse to lure Stannis into a trap. A grey girl on a dying horse, fleeing from her marriage. On the strength of those words he had loosed Mance Rayder and six spearwives on the north. He had even less trust in Melisandre. Yet somehow here he was, pinning his hopes on them. All to save my sister. But the men of the Night’s Watch have no sisters. 
And keep him away from the red woman. She knows who he is. She sees things in her fires.”
Arya, he thought, hoping it was so. 
“That’s good.” Jon felt fifteen years old again. Little sister. He rose and donned his cloak. 
He wanted to believe it would be Arya. He wanted to see her face again, to smile at her and muss her hair, to tell her she was safe. 
The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his little sister that it almost broke his heart. 
The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his little sister that it almost broke his heart. “Let him be scared of me.” The snowflakes were melting on her cheeks, but her hair was wrapped in a swirl of lace that Satin had found somewhere, and the snow had begun to collect there, giving her a frosty crown. Her cheeks were flushed and red, and her eyes sparkled.
“Winter’s lady.” Jon squeezed her hand.
He wondered where Mance was now. Did he ever find you, little sister? Or were you just a ploy he used so I would set him free?
It had been so long since he had last seen Arya. What would she look like now? Would he even know her? Would she still have that little sword he’d had Mikken forge for her? Stick them with the pointy end, he’d told her. Wisdom for her wedding night if half of what he heard of Ramsay Snow was true. 
Sill worrying about Arya’s wedding night. Wow.
Bring her home, Mance. I saved your son from Melisandre, and now I am about to save four thousand of your free folk. You owe me this one little girl. 
You know nothing, Jon Snow. He thought of Arya, her hair as tangled as a bird’s nest. I made him a warm cloak from the skins of the six whores who came with him to Winterfell … I want my bride back … I want my bride back … I want my bride back … 
These aren’t even ALL the Jon/Arya quotes from the books, no conjecture, tortured symbolism, imaginary themes/loose connections/extrapolations or weak nonsense explanations, just direct quotes.
Direct. quotes.said.by/about.two.people. Something most Jonsas have very little experience with I know. The Arya quotes would fill pages. 
This wasn’t done by accident. George didn’t do this for fun. 
These two matter to eachother on a level you don’t seem to understand or want to acknowledge.
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