#Something something that thing about Spartans fighting better because their lovers were at their sides
chronomally · 3 months
Did Ye Qinru already know he was into men or did he have an epiphany after hanging out with Fu Yansheng and Qi Yu the one time
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School Crossed Lovers
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A/N: So I wanted to write one while I was feeling it lol I had a lot of fun with this one as my first one back! As a U of M fan it was interesting to write from the opposite perspective but I hope I did okay! 
Request:  Omg I love your writing so much. Is it possible to get a Dylan Larkin imagine where he's still playing at Michigan and his girlfriend (the reader) goes to Michigan State, and you watch him play against Michigan State? Maybe State wins so you're happy but Larks is grumpy? Thanks a billion love ❤
On any other day Dylan had a game you would have happily donned the U of M jersey that he had gifted you on your first Christmas together. Whether you were at the game in person or holed up in your apartment with your friends, streaming it to your TV you never failed to show your support for him.
Today was different though. Different because Dylan wasn’t just playing any old team, he was playing Michigan State. His biggest rival and your school. While you loved your boyfriend, fully supported his hockey career, and generally loved watching him win, you also had undying loyalty to your school which meant today was going to be different. Today you tucked the U of M jersey back into your closet, opting instead for the green and white jersey that was so well worn. It had been in your family for the last four years, gifted to you by your older brother on the day that he graduated from MSU. Part of you felt like you were betraying your boyfriend as you threw up your hair, the spartan stickers on your cheeks a stark contrast to the usual maze and gold you would have donned on another day.
“Are you sure you’re going to have a boyfriend after this?” Your roommate, Alyssa, teased as she saw that you weren’t holding back on your support for your school. She found it funny, she had seen you nearly fight a frat boy for bashing on the U of M hockey team after a loss to Notre Dame and now you were doing a complete 180. 
You stuck your tongue out at her, flashing her the beaded Larkin bracelet you wore on your wrist. It was an early memory of yours and Dylan’s relationship, a simple babysitting job for your cousin resulted in hours of bracelet making. He had made you a beaded bracelet, mainly blue and yellow, but the six letter beads that sat in the middle were what made you smile every time you glanced down at your wrist. 
“Oh yes because from the ice he will for sure see the tiny bracelet on your wrist, covered by your green and white jersey.” She nodded, sarcasm dripping from her lips.
She wasn’t meaning to worry you, but admittedly there was a small pit forming in your stomach. You had always supported him at hockey games, having missed just about every MSU vs U of M game for some reason or another. This would be the first rival game you could attend in person and you weren’t going to wear his jersey. 
“He knew I was a Spartan when we started dating, not like it’s a newsflash for him. I root for MSU every football game, I don’t see why hockey would be any different.” You waved her off, grabbing your student I.D. and leading her out of the apartment. 
The drive to Munn Arena was short, giving you little time to focus on your impending problem. You had shot Dylan a good luck text that morning, knowing the closer it got to the game, the less time he would have to talk. You had just conveniently left out the part that you were secretly rooting against him this game. 
Not exactly against him, just his team, you wanted a victory for the Spartans. Call it pride, but you were a sore loser even when it came to sports you didn’t play.
You made your way to the student section, finding a few other friends who had managed to get there earlier than yourself to snag good seats. Meaning that you couldn’t even hide your jersey in the section, you were right up front where Dylan was undoubtedly going to see you. 
“Gotta make sure your boyfriend remembers where your loyalty lies.” Your buddy Jack teased, elbowing you lightly as you punched his arm. It seemed your jersey was going to be the talk of the group today, you were more intent on focusing on the guys beginning to pour onto the ice.
You caught Dylan’s eyes faster than you had prepared for, noticing the way his smile faltered for just a second before he shook his head, what looked like a chuckle escaping from his lips. It brought you ease, he didn’t seem overly angry that you were going to be donning the green and white today but you wouldn’t really know until after the game.
Needless to say, your anxiety returned when the final buzzer went off. The game had more or less gone the way you wanted to, MSU had emerged victorious, clear as the fight song that blared around you.  Dylan had played well too, so that was a benefit, but you could see from the look on his face that he was frustrated.
The Spartans had dominated the ice early on in the game, scoring in the first five minutes which seemed to be a preview for the rest of the game. It seemed while your team was on the top of their game, Dylan’s was slipping. Sloppy passes leading to turnovers which lead to goals. A 5-2 loss was never an easy thing to swallow, but it was even worse when it was to your rival team.
You split off from your friends, knowing Alyssa would catch a ride back to the apartment with one of the others, as you made your way to wait outside of the visiting locker room. You tried to keep your joy of your team winning to a downlow, out of respect for Dylan and his team who would have to pass you to leave. That didn’t mean you weren’t buzzing with excitement, the rush of a team victory coursing through you.
 You shifted on your feet as a few members of the team filtered out, recognizing you as Dylan’s girlfriend but not feeling the need to stop, especially given the fact that they could clearly see who you supported today. Dylan was the last one out, his movements stiff, something you assumed came from the hits he had taken in the game.
“Hey..” You trailed off, fiddling with the beaded bracelet on your wrist as you shifted your weight again. You shouldn’t be nervous, it’s not like he was going to break up with you over a jersey. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel like you were rubbing in a victory. 
“Hey.” He greeted, a quick peck to your lips as he set his bag down at your side, the short answer was enough to clench your stomach again.
“You played really well Dyl.” You offered, reaching out to hold his hand, in an attempt to get some kind of a smile from his lips. 
“So well, for sure. The scoreboard definitely reflected that.” He muttered sarcastically, glancing over at you as he felt you squeeze his hand. He must have sensed your nerves because he chuckled a little, shaking his head like he did out on the ice.
“I’ll chalk it up to bad luck considering my own girlfriend decided to betray me for my enemy.” He teased and you scoffed, all the stress of the day lifted off your shoulders as he joked about it.
“You knew this was part of the package when you asked me out babe. I am a Spartan! It’s in my blood! Besides it’s not like I wasn’t supporting you!” You protested, showing him the bracelet, which brought a full laugh bubbling to his lips.
“You aren’t allowed to come visit me tonight if you wear that. I’ll respect your decision this time but my roommates will not.” He pointed out, you had made plans to drive to Ann Arbor after the game, staying with him for the weekend in his apartment following the game.
“You got a better option?” You quirk your eyebrows challengingly, watching the smile cross his lips.
“Actually I do.”
Which was how you found yourself tucked into a U of M hockey sweatshirt, ‘Larkin’ spread out in block letters on your back, crossing the parking lot towards Dylan’s apartment an hour later, seeing him leaning in the doorway.
“See, you look so much better in maize and blue.”
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jordm · 5 years
Heartland 13x09 - Fight or Flight review
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So, the episode starts with a wholesome scene of Amy, Ty, Luke & Lyndy playing in the blow up pool with water guns. It’s so wholesome and looks so ideal, yet I know it’s setting up whatever is to come for Luke in this episode.
Oh and hey, we hear that Ty is still helping out with Scott at the clinic, but do we know if he’s still partner since he cut down his hours? Or did he perhaps pass the torch to Cassandra whose there full time?
Also fun fact, I wrote the word major instead of mayor a billion times in this review. But a mayor of a town is kind of like major of a band or army or something? So, apologies if you see the word major a few times haha.
Amy & Spartan
Spartan is still recovering and showing signs of Arthritis. Georgie wants to play horse matchmaker with Amy since Spartan is getting younger, and i’m just glad that it isn’t human matchmaker. Georgie, with Lisa’s permission wants to bring Atlas to Heartland for Amy, but Lisa wisely remembers how Jack reacted with Paint and cautions Georgie to tread lightly. I think it’d be nice to see Jack help/talk to Amy about how she’s feeling seeing as he went through it himself, or even her father Tim since he may have gone through the same thing with his own horse as well.
Amy eventually gives in and tells Georgie she’s not ready but wants her to continue pushing her to get a new horse, which is partly due to her needing a distracting and partly due to her wanting to help. That is, until she notices the wild animal coming up and bonding with Spartan and decides she doesn’t want the perfect horse - just a horse she has a connection or the feeling with like she did with Spartan. It does not go unnoticed that she might’ve been getting flashbacks of taming Spartan when she saw the wild horse approach her. Amy likes a challenge with her horses as opposed to having the perfect horse. 
If the seasons ends with Amy taming this new horse with Spartan watching, ‘passing of the torch’ why don’t you - I won’t be mad.
Oh and hey, we also learn that their house has WALLS and a first photo courtesy of Luke for the wall!! Progress y’all and they still have 2 months to winter!
Oh and hey Georgie is surprisingly still not over Quinn and she’s off to BC to meet him! From the promo I saw, it shows her telling Quinn that she loves him so... that’s gonna happen. I’m glad that Lou let her go and trusted her to go on her own, plus if there ever is an emergency, her father, Peter is in Vancouver and seemingly a short drive away if she needs a place to stay. Had Georgie asked to go anywhere else, perhaps she might’ve been more hesitant but knowing that she’s going to a province where her father lives might’ve provided a little comfort. Or perhaps she just has so much on her mind she’s didn’t want to fight her on this and knows she needs to trust her since she’s going away to University next year.
Plus... Western Canada isn’t Ontario. You can drive 10 hours and still be in Ontario, but you can drive 10 hours and drive two provinces in the west. I drove 3 provinces in less than 10 hours on East Coast Canada and did a road trip in the West and there is a lot less driving required to go province to province in those areas since you don’t need go to around Lake Ontario :) And there’s your unasked for geography lesson.
Amy and Ty have a meeting with Clint, having to do with Andrea being on the mend and making tremendous progress, to the point where she can go back to parenting full time. This is great news for Luke - and great news for Andrea, and even for Katie I suppose who might get her own room back even if she’s finally warming up to him.
Speaking of Clint, he’s one of the few non-main character who has been guest-ing since season 1 eh?! Ever since he brought Ty to Heartland in the early days of the show. He did right with Ty and he always has the best intentions (he has too) when it comes to foster kids.
“I’m totally moving up to the loft when you leave, but i’m going to miss you” - Katie for the win
Gifting him the chess set and everyone telling Luke the kind words (ie. you’ll always have a home, come visit anytime, you’ll always have us in our heart) and they complete the chess set showed how much Luke became apart of the family. I have no doubt that everyone was sad to see Luke go - Amy and Ty especially but it was nice to see everyone in the family support him as he goes back home to his mother full time. I was glad that nobody tried to stop him or delay him going back to his family but rather supported him - this is the storyline I wanted to see.
Did the scene of Amy Ty and Lyndy waving goodbye to Luke as he drove away (how cute was Lyndy patting Luke’s hair?) remind you of when it was just Amy standing there when Ty drove away to Mongolia?
JD Worth running for election seems to have an impact on everyone in the Heartland family.
Oh ayeee, these “cash flow issues” come back up again. Apparently, Lisa tried to solve the issue from last season by having investors bridge the gap... and one of them is... Worth Investments (or something like that), by the one and only JD Worth, Lou’s opponent and now they want Lisa to repay the entire loan immediately. Yikes. This has nothing to do with the election and that her grand daughter is running against him... right? Yeah, likely false. Lisa manages to pay him out and i’m just glad this doesn’t end badly.
Bob (via Ty) has a theory about why there has been so much wildlife in the area. Mountain View resorts, who, oh yeah JD IS BEHIND. Due to development, wildlife have fled which is why residents have had cougars/wolves in their backyards and an increase in animal attacks the last couple of days. Yikes, this is a big no and honestly likely the issue to get everyone riled up since everyone loves their animals. 
First of all, it’s kind of hilarious that Tim is seemingly Lou’s new campaign manager, handling her schedule.
Now, I never liked JD but I also didn’t blame him for wanting to modernize and keep Hudson up with the upcoming changes, but him telling Lou what she probably already knows - being mayor requires sacrifice is running thin and that nothings worse than “children with no mother” and berating him for her divorce and that her children have no mother doesn’t look well. I know some of us were on his side of this debate last week but it’s hard to still be on his side after this week.
It also appears that JD is lightly treading the line of threatening, which hey, its probably the reason why all his opponents dropped out. Coincidence that JD happens to threaten to “recommend” to Garland some new pea feed beef (or something), he “pulled out” of a bad investment (Fairfield) and sent a notice to Tim that he couldn’t live in an RV for more than 6 months even on private property (since when is this a law?!). Something tells me that there is a reason why all his opponents dropped out...
Lou initially coups and drops out but after hearing about the wildlife theory below, Lisa, Tim and the “private residence” was caused a health inspection, with Mitch’s encouragement, encourages her to get back into the race. And with one cleverly timed article about how JD Worth’s mountain development has caused the wildlife (MVP FOR BOB!!) seems to tip the scale in Lou’s direction. 
And thank god because JD is seen BRIBING some guy to deal with the wild life problem (by killing Wildlife? because that solves everything) so he’s definitely done it for every other thing that miraculously “got solved.” Lou may not be the ideal mayor but also, she is definitely better than him. With him as mayor, nothing is safe.
Does anyone else have the feeling that bribe guy might tell all to the press based on the look on his face when he saw JD didn’t pay him the full amount? Maybe he’s secretly a wildlife lover and doesn’t want to kill them? I mean, there’s no way the season ends with JD winning (think: poacher) so the question is how they make him lose/reveal the bribing.
Oh and...
Mitch is mad that Lou didn’t tell him about running for mayor but Mitch didn’t also run turning their vacation property into a business (and seemingly moving away full time). And hey Mitch? Lou literally didn’t tell anyone she was thinking of running for mayor. Literally no one. She just stood up in the stands and announced it so it’s not just you. Don’t feel left out. No one was part of her decision really, except her.
PLUS, where the heck are Lou’s face all over these posters because so far all I’ve seen are JD’s! Lou, you need to step up your poster game. How is she allowing JD’s face to be across the diner & no posters of her?!
Songs in this Episode @heartlandians​
The One I Need - Amy Stroup
Another Lie - Jacob John
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sejalb391-blog · 5 years
Sejal Bhattarai
English 2030
Dr. Katy Mohrman
March 4, 2019
10 Things to Know about Toxic Masculinity in History
Toxic Masculinity has always been around in the world throughout history. Society is slowly progressing to address this topic. While in some cultures it is much more common than others, they all have one thing in common and that is it is becoming more and more unacceptable. Toxic Masculinity is the normal behavior on how a male should act according to society. Examples include being violent, picking on someone smaller than you, harassing women and lastly an unpopular one is a man being gay. Cases in which this has been reported was Terry Crews where he harassed by no other than a man himself, and another is the media portraying their male character to be a fictional strong emotionless man who gets with a woman at the end. These all are things that “make a boy a man” but in reality, it is not. During the spartan era in ancient Greece it was categorized that men who were these Spartans were big, strong men ruthless no fear fighting for their lives, but it was common that these men were homosexual. It was not abnormal when these men were gay, but the idea of a man being gay in certain culture could get himself hurt or even killed. The idea of what makes a man a man is different throughout cultures and history and thus is changing. However, though this is a very big deal there are still people who are in denial that toxic masculinity does not exist. But in modern time society is getting to a point in which it will be changed for the better where more people will be aware of this toxic behavior leading to no men are harassing women, being homophobic, or being violent, there finally will be a good positive note on being a man.
Number 1 (Popular) Terry Crews:
In society, it has always been seen when a man speaks out about rape or sexual abuse it is frowned upon. It seems to have been shunned until Terry Crews began to speak out on his experience. Terry Crews was sexual harassed by another man on the set of a movie. When he spoke out against it, he received many backlashes. Questions asked like “Why did you push him, Why didn’t you call the police, Why didn’t you beat him up?” He responded with a “sigh”. In society it has been expected that when a man disrespects another man, he should therefore respond with violence when he should not. In many social media platforms, it was shown by the public their outrage towards Terry Crews because he was not “man enough” to stand up for himself, while the blame should have gone for the man who harassed him, Terry Crews himself was insulted. This was growing to show that many people are not aware of toxic masculinity and how it has a big impact upon all of our lives.
Number 2 (Popular) Current Culture:
In current culture it is portrayed in order to act and behave like a man, a boy must follow a set of rules and guidelines on how he should be. In the article “Toxic Masculinity is Terrible Shorthand for a Real Problem Plaguing Men” it states “anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence” and is linked “homophobia, bullying and sexual harassment." All of these attributes are what is needed for a boy to become a man. And showing any kind of “weakness” or “feelings” shows that they are not a man at all. In human history it has been plagued with the idea that displaying any sort of behavior of how a female “should” act like, it makes you less than a man.
Number 3 (Academic) Media:
Toxic Masculinity not only is expressed through society norms on how a male should act but also through the media. In the book “Toxic Geek Masculinity” by Anastasia Shelter and Bridget Blodgett it is said “Doctor Who, Indiana Jones, Tony Stark, Sherlock, and other intellectual yet action-ready figures build on familiar archetypes while epitomizing the dominance of a masculine space” (Page. 17).  All of these characters are stereotypical male heroic, strong characters that use violence and aggression to save the day, despite who they hurt. It reestablishes the norms of how a man should act, so when younger children see this, they are plagued with the idea that the only way to be a hero, or a strong person is to act like these characters they see.
Number 4 (Popular) Toxic Femininity:
There is no one side to the toxicity in society. In the media many males are represented in behavior and attitude that fits in the category of toxic masculinity but there is also toxic femininity found in men. In the article “Toxic Masculinity in Women and Toxic Femininity in Men” it states” Men with toxic femininity haven’t left their mother, psychologically speaking — they are neurotic and weak” this shows that toxic femininity and toxic masculinity is portrayed, and the idea is continued on from certain group of men.
Number 5 (Popular) Alcohol:
`           Aside from toxic femininity and how that is in women compared to men. There is one factor of many that also exemplifies the toxic behavior in men. There a lot of health issues regarding toxic masculinity. In the article of “Alcohol and Masculinity” it argues that alcoholism is one of the leading factors on the health of men and how it contributes it re-establishing the toxic masculinity into men. It states, “Men who are able to drink large amounts of alcohol without much of a physical reaction are considered more manly than those who become sick or cannot handle their booze. Alcohol abuse and a high tolerance then becomes a way to prove masculinity in many male social circles.”  Though this is common sense to the most of us and is unacceptable, it is still regarded to be normal. The interpretation I was able to get out of this article is that alcohol is connected to toxic masculinity. Statistics show when asking women 70 percent who go to bar are harassed verbally or physically by men.
Number 6 (Academic) Ancient Greece:
           Throughout history different cultures have different view upon sexuality and men. Most have a negative look on it where it is forbidden and never talked about in their society, however ancient Greece was very different. It was common for the Spartans to be homosexuals. In the article “Mad about the Boy” by James Davidson he states,” Indeed Plato himself eventually made so bold. At one time he had written that same-sex lovers were far more blessed than ordinary mortals. He even gave them a headstart in the great race to get back to heaven, their mutual love refeathering their moulted wings.” With this article in mind it was shown that toxic masculinity was very different in this place during this time of history, in a way it was shown that Ancient Greece was very far ahead of their time because they were not out casting people, there was not a toxic trait of men having to be with women, they had they own way and customs.
Number 7 (Academic) Christianity Religion:
           As in history different places in the world have different customs and different opinions on toxic masculinity, religion has also played a big part on how men are supposedly to act, and how it has reinforced toxic masculinity. In the article “Toxic Masculinity: Why we Should Stop Calling God “he” by Rosie Harper it explains how religions have had this idea in which God is an almighty high-level spirit that is our creator and destroyer, but God has always been referred to as a “he”. The article further explains how instead of addressing the issue of toxic masculinity and its negative effects on society, many churches shun the victims and do not talk about it at all. It states “The Church has been horribly silent in the face of violence and abuse against women. We don't talk about it, even though in our congregations there will be many women – some say 87 per cent – who have experienced some form of harassment, and one in six who have been the victim of rape or attempted rape.” This continues to show there is a lot of flaws in these churches because they teach the people and the youth especially about be a good person, but there is still wrong doings of men in the very same churches.
Number 8 (Academic) Origin:
           Though it is the common thought by the general population of what makes a man a man. Including many behaviors that are regarded as toxic masculinity where men behave violent and harass women. All cultures around the world have a general definition of toxic masculinity. But the true origin is still unknown with only theories and speculations upon where it must have first originated. The portrayal of toxic masculinity has changed however in the article “Toxic Masculinity- Part 1 Origin and Relation to Gun Violence in U.S” by Kaja Grabinska it states, “the portrayal of man as a strong figure, be it a brave warrior in the ancient world or a powerful and influential businessman in the twenty-first century.” The idea of a man that everybody should strive to be has drastically changed it. It went from being a man fighting for territories with other men to a man with great wealth and power. From this article the origin of toxic masculinity is not something someone had thought of but how he environment around shapes the idea of what makes a boy worthy to be granted the title of a “true man”.
Number 9 (Academic) Prison History:
           With the environment being a factor, this continues to show how it has been utilized in a way in the prison systems. While toxic masculinity has been talked in many aspects of history where it has originated, how it is portrayed in media, religion, and world places in general the least common place it is ever discussed is the prison system. In the prison system, this source shows that some aspects of toxic masculinity needs to be shown in prison and that these men have to willingly display their toxicity when arriving at the prisons in order for them to survive. In the article “The Perversions of Prison: On the Origins of Hypermasculinity and Sexual Violence in Confinement” by Craig Haney it states, “to conform to the rules and requirements to jail and prison life… the initial shock subsides prisonization- the shaping of thoughts, feelings, and actions to conform to institutionalized prison”. This shows in certain aspects toxic masculinity in a way is needed to establish power and dominance, in the real world this is unacceptable but in order for these prisoners to survive in the conditions they are in they have no other choice but to fall into toxicity.
Number 10 (Popular) Denial:
           Though toxic masculinity has made its breakthrough in the media where more and more people have been aware of this, from the commercial of Gillete and Terry Crews coming forth about his experience, there are still people who are denying that toxic masculinity exists and that it is a myth. According to the article “Toxic Masculinity is a Myth, But Insecure Men Lash out at Women” it is stated,” The only consistent truth about masculinity has been this: Men have always feared having it taken away. This is why serious gender researchers are increasingly dismissive of the idea of toxic masculinity”. The argument is made is people in history men in specific use toxic masculinity as a way to portray themselves to be a dominant strong character so when the idea is presented to them that there are things that make a behavior of a man toxic it shows that they are not willing to abide to the idea because it takes away their ability on how they themselves should act.
         Chicago Citation:
1.Melas, Chloe. “Terry Crews Responds to Those Who Question His #MeToo Story”. CNN. June 29,2018. Accessed March 05, 2019. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/29/entertainment/terry-crews-metoo-assault-response/index.html
2. Barth, F. Diane.” Toxic Masculinity Is Terrible Shorthand for a Real Problem Plaguing Men." NBCNews.com. Accessed March 05, 2019. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/toxic-masculinity-terrible-shorthand-real-problem-plaguing-men-ncna957941.
3. Salter, Anastasia, and Bridget Blodgett. Toxic Geek Masculinity in Media: Sexism, Trolling, and Identity Policing. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
4. Sweeny, Andrew, and Andrew Sweeny. "Toxic Masculinity in Women and Toxic Femininity in Men." Medium.com. January 18, 2019. Accessed March 05, 2019. https://medium.com/@andrewpgsweeny/toxic-masculinity-in-women-and-toxic-femininity-in-men-dad978249b70.
5. "Alcoholism and Masculinity – The Gooden Center." The Gooden Center. February 21, 2019. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.goodencenter.org/alcoholism-and-masculinity/.
6. Davidson, James. "Why Were the Ancient Greeks so Confused about Homosexuality, Asks James Davidson." The Guardian. November 10, 2007. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2007/nov/10/history.society.
7. Harper, Rosie. "Toxic Masculinity: Why We Should Stop Calling God 'he'." Christian News on Christian Today. October 09, 2018. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.christiantoday.com/article/toxic-masculinity-why-we-should-stop-calling-god-he/130638.htm.
8. Grabi, Kaja, . "Toxic Masculinity - Part 1: Origin, Concept and Relation to Gun Violence in the USA." Medium.com. October 12, 2018. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://medium.com/nonviolenceny/toxic-masculinity-part-1-origin-concept-and-relation-to-gun-violence-in-the-usa-db3120a43b72.
10. "There's No Such Thing as Toxic Masculinity." Fatherly. December 01, 2018. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/toxic-masculinity-fake-male-insecurity/.
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