aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Deceit
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
“Satan, I don’t know what to tell you.” Nicholas raised his arms, shrugging as he closed the book in front of him. Scrawled on the front of the cover in golden cursive were the words, ‘Nice List’. “His name is in here, so he can’t be bad.”
“You don’t get it, Nick.” Lucifer growled, frustrated at having to repeat the argument for the tenth time, “There is something up with that kid.”
“What so wrong with having a golden soul?”
“That’s the thing. Humans don’t. Even Angels struggle to have a pure soul, and they still get flecks of darkness upon it. This one is pure golden. Nothing evil. Nada. Zilch. His thoughts are completely innocent. It’s unnatural.”
Nicholas sat down at his bench and grabbed a cup of cocoa that Freya had prepared earlier, taking a sip, “My soul is sometimes golden.” He mused.
“I said human, Nick. C’mon. I’m repeating myself here.” Lucifer paced up and down the room, his hands scratching his head. “Are you sure that every name in that book is bonafide human?”
“I’m certain, Satan. He’s a normal boy, born to human parents.” Nicholas looked up at him, “I thought you can read minds, emotions, desires? Can’t you just, I dunno… read him and find out for yourself?”
“I can.” Lucifer took a seat with a huff.
“Nothing.” He leaned back, “He’s just a normal child. There are no evil thoughts, no ill will, just… a child. A child filled with curiosity of the world.”
Nicholas took another sip of his drink then placed it down, “Have you considered that maybe the world isn’t as bad as you think it is? Maybe there are still pure souls out there?”
“There isn’t.” Lucifer’s eyes darkened, “I carry the title of Satan. I see the souls that come through the pits of Hell.”
“Exactly. You see the worst of society, not the best. Only Heaven get’s that.”
“I can still see them.”
Nicholas paused, raising an eyebrow, “How?”
“I steal Saint Peter’s book from time to time to make sure I’m not getting jipped of souls.” Lucifer replied nonchalantly, squinting into the empty mug beside him.
“If I were your Father, I’d smite you on the spot.” He shook his head, partially in disbelief and partially in amusement. “How’d that other matter go?”
“I have Berith sorting it out.” He placed his hand under his chin and stared at the white-haired man, “You know, if you gave up this whole Christmas thing, you could take back your name of Odin and do it yourself.”
“I gave up that name back in 280 AD.” He waved off the suggestion.
“I miss the old you.” Lucifer grinned, leaning forward.
“I’m sure you do.” Rolling his eyes, Nicholas finished his drink. “So? What now?”
“Keep digging I guess.” Lucifer stood up, stretching, “If the kid is indeed human, I’ll leave it at that for now and just observe.” He paused, scratching his butt, “I need to work out who keeps bringing these Summon Circles to the Earthen plane, and on top of that, work out what the Empyrean are doing.”
“I doubt they would take you out. Someone needs to keep an eye on Hell.”
“Yeah? Tell that to the idiots up there.” He looked up at the sky, raising his middle finger, “They don’t seem to understand that I’m what stands between the evil in Hell and peace on Earth.”
Nicholas stood up and clapped him on the shoulder, “I know. I fought alongside you against Belial. Ever since you took the throne, we have definitely had more peaceful times.”
“But not perfect.”
“No,” He sighed, “Unfortunately there will always be Evil in the world. It’s Heaven’s job to banish it, and your job to contain it.”
Lucifer huffed in annoyance, “Sure you can’t help me with my other problem?”
Sighing, Nicholas shook his head. “You know I’m of no use to you now. My strength flows from the wishes of children at Christmas, so all of my power is useless any other time of year.”
Patting him on the back, Lucifer smirked, “It’s OK. Just admit you’re old.”
“I am not!”
Laughing, Lucifer jumped back, and raised a hand in a wave. With that he tapped his hoof on the ground twice, disappearing in a pillar of blue flame.
Lucifer stared out across Judecca lake, the red surface reflected into his golden eyes. The surface bubbled as steam rose, he hadn’t been here in several years. Glancing around, he watched as various demons of different shapes moved about. Occasionally one would knock into another and they would gnash their teeth, falling into a frenzied fight until their opponent was defeated. Disgusting, mindless creatures. He curled his lip back in disgust.
Walking up the edge of the lake, he held his hand out and a golden light glowed, taking on the form of a pitchfork. Gripping the handle, he lowered it to the surface of the water and immediately the water parted, showing a staircase.
Descending down the steps, Lucifer could hear the echoes of souls that were trapped in the lake around him. Their screams and cries echoed the further he descended, as he entered the deepest part of Hell.
Slowly, a dancing light flickered across the steps and Lucifer stepped down, staring at the burning centre of Hell. It was a large, barren cavern, and fire burnt everywhere, the flames danced in the air. It was here, in this spot, thousands of years ago, that his Father had cast out him and the other Fallen. Upon the walls, carved into stone, were depictions of each of the battles for the title of Satan. Lucifer counted each battle, there were ten total, nine battles of the past Kings and the final carving was a depiction of his own victory. The first Angel to rule over Hell.
Smirking, Lucifer grinned at the memory. His Father certainly hadn’t expected that. When he and his followers were banished to Hell, his Father had intended them to be punished by the former Satan, King Belial but, of course, Lucifer wasn’t one to listen and follow the path set out before him. No. He would never have to listen to his Father again. His golden eyes drifted around the room before settling upon a throne. There were several steps going up to it, blackened skulls and bones littered it’s base. His thoughts drifted back to the boy, and the questions he asked him the night they met.
“Luce, what do you like?”
“Torturing human souls.”
The boy frowned, rolling over onto his belly as he propped himself up on his arms, “You’re lying.” Lucifer blinked, staring at the brown eyes that bore into him. He laid his head back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.
“Flying.” He confessed.
“What’s it like to fly?” Thomas leaned forward, eager for more information.
He paused then replied, “It’s the feeling of being free.”
“What are things you don’t like?” The boy crawled closer, his eyes bright with curiosity.
His lips thinned in response, he hated his Father, but he wasn’t going to tell this human child that, “I’ll tell you some other time.”
Thomas dropped his arm and rested his chin on the bed sheet, “Favorite cartoon?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Favourite superhero?” His eyes danced around with excitement, clearly enjoying himself.
“What’s a superhero?”
The boy raised an eyebrow in question, “It’s a person that saves the day.”
“There isn’t anyone like that, kid.”
“Sure there is! They have superpowers and always come to save you.”
Standing at the throne, he ran his hands over the scorched skulls and bones, deep in thought. The boy hadn’t been bothered to ask him about his abilities, his powers or his kingdom. Thomas simply just asked questions about him, Lucifer. “Such a strange kid.” He murmured to himself. Even now, he still didn’t understand just what the child wanted from him. It bothered him, he was used to people aligning with him because of his power. He entered contracts with humans to fulfil their often dark desires.
But this child? Lucifer couldn’t understand him.
He had said he wanted a friend, but really, was that it?
He thought back to the Pandora’s Box under the Christmas tree, the Demon Summon Circles and the actions of the Empyrean. He could feel as if the had pieces of a puzzle in his grasp, but something was missing. He had gone and hassled Nicholas because he was certain that the child wasn’t human and was possibly a trick setup by the Empyrean, but Nicholas was adamant that he was just a normal, human boy.
He had tried, time and time again, to feel the child’s emotions, thoughts and desires, yet not a single time was there anything sinister. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps behind him. Turning, he looked at the man that stood before him.
He stood at the same height as Leviathan, with curly brunette hair and a golden tan. He had a goatee, which he was stroking as his turquoise eyes locked with Lucifer. Behind him floated a wooden wheel covered in eyes. The eyes blinked and darted around, looking everywhere at once. “I was wondering who had come to open the Grand Throne room, I see you’re back, brother?”
“Gressil.” A sly smile graced Lucifer’s lips as he drew out the name, “What brings you here?”
Gressil shrugged raising his hands, “First you disappear without even a mention to your Generals, and now Leviathan, Berith, Astaroth and Asmodeus are nowhere to be found within their respective Circles. You should be careful, brother.” He lowered his hands and stared back at Lucifer, his turquoise eyes darkening, “It’s unwise to leave so many Circles of Hell unattended.”
“Is that a threat?” Lucifer’s eyes darkened in response, a growl at the back of his throat.
Gressil closed one eye, tilting his head, “Merely advice, brother.”
The two stared at each other, unmoving before Gressil broke out into a grin, grabbing Lucifer by the arm and clasping it to his chest, “It’s good to see you.”
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head, “Why must you insist on doing this, each time?” Chuckling, he patted the other man on the back. Gressil was one of the Fallen and a General of Hell, Ruler of the Eighth Circle of Hell, Fraud. He took great joy in manipulating the emotions of those around him, whispering words of deceit into the ears to any that listen.
“Because you are my favourite to tease, brother. Always so distrustful. It makes you easy to twist and manipulate.” He flashed his teeth in a grin and stepped back.
“Go and tease your other siblings.” Lucifer shook his head.
Gressil waved a hand and the wheel at his back turned on it’s side, allowing him to sit on the edge of it. “No way. Soneilion and Berith are both crazy fuckers that would set a Cataclysm upon me if I even tried. Beelzebub is off who-knows-where. Leviathan and Asmodeus are both stuck up pricks. And Astaroth and Verrine don’t know how to take a joke. You know she nearly marched her Legions into my Domain when I threatened to torch her dress?”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, not at all surprised at Astaroth’s actions, “You could just stop.”
“Nope!” Gressil laid back upon the wheel, crossing his hands behind his head as he stared at the cavern ceiling, “Father always punished me for my pranks, but here I don’t have to bother about that.”
“Surely you didn’t come to Lake Judecca just to tease and complain to me.”
Gressil grinned, “No.” Sitting up, he crossed his legs, leaning forward, “What I say now is the truth. I heard an interesting rumour that someone within the Royals has been gathering Essence in secret. The other interesting thing is that Vine was pissed because someone stole a Pandora’s Box from his collection.” He smirked, watching Lucifer’s reaction. “Whatever is going on, dear brother?”
Lucifer kept his face calm, not betraying any emotion. Gressil may be a manipulator, but he was good at finding out information. “What do you think is going on?”
“I think that we may have war again soon. And I want the chance to beat those Royals so they can never rise up again.” The wheel that Gressil sat upon shook, flashing red. Lucifer watched has Gressil’s hands tightened on the wheel, his knuckles turning white. Although Gressil had never lost against the Royals during the Battle for the title of Satan, he had come close.
Lucifer grinned and leaned over, whispering into Gressil’s ear, “Well then, I suppose someone needs to find out who the little traitor is and bring them before me so they can be punished accordingly.”
The wheel stopped shaking and Gressil looked up at Lucifer, a gleam in his turquoise eyes. He jumped off the wheel and dropped to one knee, resting his fist upon the ground, “As you command, Sire.”
Continue to Chapter 12
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Primum Mobile
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
“So, you boys are back at school on Monday. Are you excited?” Alice cleared the empty plate that was in front of Lucifer.
“Yeah! I hope Luce is in the same class as me.” Thomas grinned, smiling at the black haired boy opposite him.
“We’ll see.” Lucifer had a coy smile on his face. He had observed this ‘school’ before on one of his trips up to the Earthen plane but hadn’t experienced it. He wasn’t looking forward to school per say, but rather meeting these ‘bullies’ that tormented Thomas’ memories.
Lucifer had returned a few days ago, announcing that he would attend school with the young Thomas. Leviathan had been unsure about it, mentioning that there was something strange about the boy and that he had the ability to see through a Glamour. Much to Leviathan’s annoyance, Lucifer had simply shrugged and said he wasn’t surprised and that they should just observe, and one way to do that was to watch him both day and night, and that involved attending school. Leviathan personally felt it was all too convenient and that his older brother was simply bored of his time as Satan to which Lucifer had no reply.
Having no inkling as to what was involved in the school process, Lucifer had left the logistics of setting up things such as enrollment to one of his Lieutenants, Oliver. Unlike his siblings, the Generals who fell from the First Sphere, the Lieutenants were Fallen who had been cast from the Third Sphere. Oliver had originally lived amongst the humans as a Guardian Angel, but was punished when he killed a human.
Picking up the cup of orange juice before him, he took a sip, wondering vaguely what had caused Oliver to kill another human, but like all his subjects, he respected their past.
“Did your Father get you enrolled in time?” Alice sat down opposite Lucifer, brushing away her brown hair from her eyes as she tucked it behind her ear.
“No, my Uncle Oliver sorted it out for me.” The half-truth slid out easily enough, no need to bother about details.
“Hmmmm?” Thomas’ eyes were locked on Lucifer, unblinking and staring at him. Raising an eyebrow in question, he closed his eyes and took another sip of drink nonchalantly, trying to avoid the brown-eyed stare.  
Stretching out on Thomas’ bed, Lucifer stifled a yawn as he rolled over on his side, closing his eyes. “Are you really going to take a nap?” Thomas looked at him, aghast.
“Maybe. I’m pretty tired actually.” He responded in a murmur. He had been up at night assisting Berith with destroying the Summon Circles. Despite Berith’s efforts with his Cataclysm the other day, the numbers were back to normal.
“Why did you lie earlier?” Thomas sat crossed legged on the bed, his chin in palm as he stared at Lucifer.
Flicking his golden eyes over to the young boy he asked, “What do you mean?”
“Oliver. He’s not actually your Uncle, is he?”
A perturbed emotion flicked across Lucifer’s face, but he quickly hid it. Sitting up, he looked at the seemingly normal human child. “You’re a strange one.” He mirrored Thomas’ posture, “How did you know?”
The boy shrugged in response, leaning against the wall. He fiddled with his hands, fidgeting slightly under Lucifer’s unwavering gaze. “I dunno. I can just tell.”
“You shouldn’t point out things like that to other humans. They’re narrow minded and scared individuals who wouldn’t hesitate to cut you down if you call them out on their lies.” His gaze held Thomas on the spot, “Humans live and breathe in their lies. It’s their nature.”
Thomas stared down at his hands then looked up, “Are you mad?”
“No,” he reached over and flicked the boy in the head, “You can speak openly with me.” Frowning, Thomas rubbed at his forehead in annoyance but looked up when Lucifer spoke again, “Leviathan mentioned that he’s my brother, right?”
“Yeah. And that other guy.”
“What else did he tell you?”
“Is it true that you have seven brothers and a sister?” Thomas eyes lit up as he leaned forward, “I don’t have any brothers or sisters. What are they like?”
“Trustworthy.” He mused, a smile on his face. “The eight of them together form the Generals of Hell; including myself we each rule over the Nine Circles of Hell.”
“Mum says that God was mean to humans, and when the Angels stood up for them, he threw them into Hell.”
“That’s an interesting view your mother has.” Lucifer leaned forward in interest, “Where did she hear that?”
“Grandfather? I think.” Thomas looked up in thought, “Is it true? Are you all angels?”
“Not all of us, no.”
“How many angels are there?”
Thinking for a moment, he replied, “About 66’600 were cast out originally, but there are now more. The important ones are my Generals, who descended from the First Sphere, then I have three Lords who assist me with guarding over the Lakes of Hell, five Captains who descended from the Second Sphere and three Lieutenants who descended from the Third Sphere. The other half of Hell is comprised of demons who are ruled over by the Royals.”
“So is Oliver an Angel too?”
Ah. This boy was a smart one, Lucifer thought to himself. “Yes, he’s one of my Lieutenants.”
“Is he coming to school too?”
“No. Only I will be going.” Lucifer smiled as a sinister smile crept across his face, “I’m interested in meeting these kids who keep tormenting you.”
“You’re lying again.” Thomas threw a pillow at Lucifer’s face in annoyance.
Lucifer blinked, momentarily confused. Did… Did that child just throw a pillow at him?
“Luce! Levi is here!” Alice’s voice carried up the stairs as she called out.
“Coming!” Thomas called back, getting up off the bed and running off. Lucifer followed after him, a small smile on his face.
Astaroth surveyed the scene around her, stretching out her wings. She felt uncomfortable in the male form, and tsked in annoyance as she scratched at her masculine arm. A frown passed across her face and Asmodeus reached out, touching her shoulder. “How are you fairing?”
“I don’t like it.” She wrinkled her nose up in disgust. The scene around her felt too bright, too beautiful, too… perfect. A light blue sky stretched over them, the warmth of the sun fell across their skin, green grass tickled the soles of their feet and the sounds of laughter and chatter swirled around them as angels flitted from place to place, smiling and full of laughter. It was a severe contrast to the Circles of Hell and it set Astaroth on edge.
She looked around at all the angels around them, noticing that her Father’s bias for creating males hadn’t changed over the past several thousand years. There were scarcely any female angels at all. Though she hated taking on a male form, it was for the best. She would stand out less this way.
“Come on.” She gestured to her brother as she took flight. “Let’s go to the Hall of Records.” Asmodeus wordlessly followed her as they flew towards the sky, where six golden arches hovered.
“Do you recall where it was?”
“Soneilion said that it still exists within the Ninth Sphere, the Primum Mobile.” Astaroth looked over each of the archways, atop of them were carved roman numerals, numbering from three through to nine. Looking up at the archway labeled nine, she passed through the golden gate, closing her eyes as the light around her got brighter.
The scene around them changed and she was presented with a large, ancient city. Raised at the centre atop a hill, was large red brick castle with white and golden flags fluttering in the wind. Encased around the castle was a ring of water, followed by a ring of buildings. This pattern continued four more times, creating a total of five rings of water and five rings of buildings.
“I see that they still continue to split people by hierarchy.” Asmodeus murmured as they descended.
Landing upon the ground, the pair of them folded up their wings and proceeded into the city. “Do you remember this city, Astaroth?”
Looking up at her name, she closed her eyes, “The Primum Mobile is the Ninth Sphere, the City of Mortals, and within it, each of God’s Creations from the mortal world exists. The five rings correlate to a different Sphere of Heaven. The innermost ring and the ring of the Knowledge of the Wise links back to the Fourth Sphere. The second ring, protects that knowledge and is home to the Warriors of the Fifth Sphere. The third ring is home to the past Rulers who are welcomed within the Sixth Sphere. The fourth ring is for the Contemplatives, souls who embody Temperance, those welcomed within the Seventh Sphere. And the final ring are those of Faith, Hope and Love - in the Eighth Sphere. Mortals are not to pass through the rings, same as travelling between the Spheres. All must remain where Father intended them to be.”
“I’m surprised you remember after all these years.”
“Of course I remember Father’s discrimination.” She opened her eyes, glaring. “It was one of the reasons I rebelled in the first place.”
Asmodeus smiled and leaned forward, whispering in her ear, “Temper, sister dear. I can feel your malice leaking out within your Essence.”
Astaroth stepped back and took a deep breath, “Apologies, brother. Come, let’s make haste. I resent spending time in this realm.”
Moving through the city was uneventful. As both Asmodeus and Astaroth were Angels, the humans that guarded each of the gates between the rings allowed them to pass, bowing to them in turn.
“I hate this worship.” Astaroth hissed in annoyance as another human bowed to the pair of them. “There should be no need.”
“Calm.” Asmodeus warned as they ascended up the stairs to the Hall of Records.
An male Angel with long walnut coloured hair, tied at the back, greeted them at the entrance. He bowed in greeting, “Welcome to the Hall of Records. Please state your rank.”
“We are from the Third Sphere, Archangels.” Asmodeus stepped forward and replied.
“Those of the third Sphere may only access the records on the first floor.” He stepped back and three white balls hovered in mid air. “To prove your rank, you must pass your Essence through this one here.” He indicated to the third ball that hovered, the smallest of the three.
Astaroth glanced at her brother in question, the records used to be open to all Angels. What had changed?
Asmodeus took a step forward and placed his hand upon the ball, concentrating as it began to glow gold. “You pass. Your companion, please.” The angel gestured to Astaroth and she took a step forward, frowning. How was she to do this? She had an incredible amount of Essence and had never had to temper her power before. Squinting slightly, she poked at the ball and it immediately glowed gold. She quickly retracted her hand, breathing a sigh of relief. “Pass. You may both enter.”
The pair took a step forward, pushing open the door and stepping into a large library.
‘I’m surprised you held back. You could have easily controlled him with the power of your Throne.’ Asmodeus looked down at Astaroth as he projected his thoughts. Astaroth, despite being a Fallen, was an still Angel of Thrones. Thrones were so named after the Throne Wheel that hovered at their backs and with this wheel, they had the ability to turn the wheels of fate and control Angels from the Second and Third Sphere.
‘There was no need. It was a simple task.’ She stalked off towards the shelves at the back, ‘There should be records of the Empyrean in here, let’s find them and leave quickly.’
Asmodeus nodded and turned in the opposite direction to begin his search. It would be faster for them to search separately.
Astaroth turned back and watched as Asmodeus disappeared between the shelves before she walked up and down the rows of bookcases, looking at the collection of scrolls and dusty books. There were a number of other Angels also around her, either lounging on the chairs reading, or sitting at the table taking notes and studying. She remembered before she was cast out, how she used to come to this place to study and read about Heaven here.
“Are you new?” Blinking, she turned and saw a male angel with very short, ginger blonde hair. He was wearing a chainmail top and a plated skirt. At his back was a sphere. Her eyes narrowed, he was an Angel of Powers, a Heavenly Warrior, one of those from the Second Sphere.
She feigned a look of ignorance and tilted her head in confusion. “I’m a little lost, actually.”
The man smiled at her, “What are you looking for? Come, I’ll help you.”
“Ah, all is well. It is best if I learn how to navigate the Hall of Records myself. I cannot expect you to help me or I will never learn.” She forced a smile and turned to leave.
“It is no trouble to me. Let me know your woes, I can assist. I may be a Power, but first and foremost I am an avid Scholar.” The man placed a fist on his chest proudly, smiling.
“Camael!” A burly man stepped forward, clasping the other on the back. Astaroth’s eyes widened as she saw four tawny coloured wings from the man’s back; feathers spread across the man’s chest, his face was that of a lion and he stood upon two coven oxen feet. A Cherub. She needed to get away. While she could easily overthrow an Angel of Powers, she had no hope against a Cherub.  
“I must apologise, I am in a rush. I bid you well.” She quickly turned and walked away.
“Ah, no need, no need.” The Cherub replied, waving his hand. “I just came over to greet Camael.”
Astaroth stood with her back to both males, and shook her head in reply. “I have urgent business, I will take my leave.” She went to take another step, but then Camael called out to her.
“Don’t mind Gabriel, come. Let me know what you are looking for.”
She froze at the name. Gabriel. He was supposed to be an Archangel, how is he now a Cherub? She turned, looking at the lion-faced man behind her.
“I don’t recognise you.” Gabriel narrowed his eyes as he stroked his chin.
“I am merely an Archangel of little consequence. I thank you, Camael, for your concern. But I am well.” She turned and took a step forward but then Gabriel raised his arm.
“Wait.” She stopped, glancing up at him. “There is something amiss with you.” His eyes narrowed in suspicion, “Identify yourself!”
Astaroth gritted her teeth then raised her arm causing Camael to raise his spear in return. He went to throw his spear but stopped when a beryl-coloured wheel emerged and it began to spin.
“Kneel.” She hissed. Camael’s eyes went blank and he immediately dropped to the floor, head pressed against the tiles, the other Angels in the library also followed suit, however Gabriel remained standing.  
“You’re a Throne. It is forbidden to use Glamour within the Spheres.” His face snarled, “How dare you dishonour the Primum Mobile.” He reached out with a hand and clenched it into a fist.
Astaroth gasped as she felt a strong power gripping her being, it was like being caught in the teeth of a beast. She fell to her knees and the illusion holding her male form shattered, falling to the ground like pieces of glass.
Gabriel’s golden eyes surveyed the figure before him, it was a woman with a pair of beryl-coloured wings. Her Throne, the wooden wheel behind the figure hovered in place, all of its eyes were focused on Gabriel. She stood up, brushing her green and black hair behind her ears. His eyes narrowed. “Who are you? There is no female Throne. The All Mighty Creator never made one.”
“It seems you are mistaken about Father.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. There were only nine angels that had called the All Mighty Creator, Father. And those nine had been cast from Heaven. “Who are you?” He asked again, snarling.
The woman before him stood, spreading out her wings at their full length, “I am the Prince of Thrones, Ruler of the First Circle of Hell. Astaroth.”
Continue to Chapter 13
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