rhapeseuhans · 5 years
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Commission art for @aamccarthy​, Leviathan for her story Lucifer and Thomas. Go read! ;D
[Patreon] [Commissions]
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - Artwork Masterlist
Check out the Characters and Artwork from the world of Lucifer and Thomas here
Commissioned Artwork
Lucifer drawn by @rhapeseuhans
Thomas  drawn by @rhapeseuhans​
Leviathan drawn by @rhapeseuhans
Astaroth drawn by @rhapeseuhans
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rhapeseuhans · 5 years
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Commission art for @aamccarthy​, Astaroth for her story Lucifer and Thomas. Go read! ;D
[Patreon] [Commissions]
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rhapeseuhans · 5 years
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Commission art for @aamccarthy, Lucifer for her story Lucifer and Thomas. Go read! ;D
[Patreon] [Ko-fi]
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rhapeseuhans · 5 years
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Commission art for @aamccarthy, Thomas for her story Lucifer and Thomas. Go read! ;D
[Patreon] [Ko-fi]
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The New Year
Chapter 5! Enjoy. 
Lucifer and Thomas Master List
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Several days had passed with only a few ‘minor’ incidents. Lucifer’s barrier on the Wood household was holding strong, demons still kept appearing though and they were no closer to finding out who was behind the summons. The only real change today was that Leviathan was stewing in anger, sitting in the house, muttering curses under his breath.
Well, turns out he had managed to exhaust most of his Essence, the energy that Demons and Angels alike used to perform miracles and changes within the world. Normally, a Fallen like Leviathan would never have to worry about running out of Essence, but after doing a memory wipe of the suburb and also having to reconstruct part of the town, he had used up most of his Essence. And it was all because of fucking Berith. Leviathan fumed silently.
The crazy fucker had decided in his infinite wisdom that it would be faster to destroy the demons by ‘raining fire on Earth’ and created a mini meteor shower of brimstone, nearly totaling the city.
When Leviathan demanded that Berith fix the mess he made, he turned face, complaining that he had exhausted his own Essence supply and wasn’t able to maintain his form on Earth, so had retreated back to Hell.
Lucifer personally thought the whole situation was fucking hilarious.
Unfortunately, Leviathan did not share the same view had become quite irritable and threatened to burn the city to the ground if Lucifer wouldn’t stop laughing at him. So, Lucifer had a choice. Either A) Keep laughing at Leviathan until the man snapped and burnt the city to the ground, or B) Let the man stew in anger until he finally calmed down.
Lucifer didn’t really want to have to rebuild a whole city, so he took the initiative and decided to seek out Thomas and see what the young boy was up to.
Today Lucifer wore full length black jeans and a red hoodie. He shoved his hands in his pockets, his golden eyes glittering as he attempted to sense where Thomas was; he noticed as well that despite Berith’s unconventional way of dealing with the Summon Circles, they numbered surprisingly few today. At least it was effective?
He walked down the block, finally reaching the park and saw Thomas sitting on a swing staring off into space. He jogged up to him and waved, but the boy didn’t respond.
"Tom..? Oiii. Thomas? You there?" A young form of Lucifer stood in front of the brown haired boy, waving his hand back and forth in front of Thomas' face. The boy stared blankly into space not even registering the hand waving in front of his face.
... until it set on fire.
Lucifer cackled gleefully as he shook his hand and the flame went out.
"Ow." Lucifer frowned and rubbed the back of his head where Thomas had just hit him.
"Don't DO that!" The young boy cried in exasperation. Thomas leaned forward, his head between his knees as he breathed deeply, trying to calm down.
“You’re weird.” Lucifer tilted his head, “You don’t even balk at demons, yet get upset at a bit of flame near your face.”
Thomas lifted his head and glared, “Last time, there was a barrier.” He rolled his eyes and put his head back in between his knees, taking deep breaths.
"What cha thinkin' bout?" Lucifer's golden eyes narrowed at he watched Thomas finish his breathing exercise. Humans were so strange.
"Ah, us?" Thomas lifted his head and turned to look at Lucifer.
He squinted in response. No gay jokes. No gay jokes. His mind chanted. He closed one eye and leaned back, "what do you mean....?"
"Well." Thomas sat up, pondering, "how does, well… all this work?" He indicated between the two of them, pointing.
Lucifer grinned, “Well you see, when a boy loves another bo-”
“Owww. Damn, kid.” Lucifer rubbed his head again. Despite being the King of Hell, his human form was mortal and still had the same threshold for pain as a normal human being.
“Luce! I’m serious! When we met, you said that me asking you to be my friend went against your laws and morals. But you went ahead and agreed anyway. How does this work?”
"I 'unno." Lucifer shrugged. "Yer mum thinks I moved down the road, I come over whe'ver I want, I’ll show up to your," he twisted his face in grimace, "school", rolling his eyes, "and apparently, I’m not allowed to torture your bullies.” He pulled himself up on the swing beside Thomas and he raised his finger in realisation, “Oh, and I get a break from Hell."
Thomas stared at the golden eyed boy before him, "Yeah. OK. I get that... but what else are you getting out of it? I asked for a friend, but what about you?"
Lucifer paused and thought for a moment. He honestly didn't know. This whole friend thing was new to him. He had enemies... if you knew them for long enough do you become friends? He scratched his chin. He had considered contracting Thomas for his soul a few days ago but he was just... so.. yeargh. Bright. Hopeful. A "believer". Would look weird in his collection. Human lives were so short. He had existed for so long and did the same thing day in, day out with no change. Change suddenly presented to him in such a foreign request, "friendship". Why not explore what it means?
"Uhhh..? Luce? Did you hear what I said?"
"I 'unno kiddo." Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts, "just surprise me. Show me your world."
“Show you… what exactly?” Thomas raised an eyebrow, not really understanding.
“Just show me what it’s like to live like a human. I’m curious.” He rested his cheek on the chain of the swing.
Thomas pondered, “Have you seen fireworks?”
“What’s that?”
“They’re like this huge explosions that happen in the sky. It’s New Years Eve tonight. I’ve never been, but I’m sure mum can take us.”
“Oooooooooh,” Lucifer rubbed his hands together in excitement, “I think I’ll like this.”
It was past dinner time now and Leviathan had finally calmed down. When he heard that Lucifer was going out with Alice and Thomas to watch the fireworks, he readily volunteered to come along.
“No, Levi.” Lucifer sighed, wrapping a scarf around his neck. Supposedly it was going to snow tonight. “I need you to keep an eye on the map and see if any more Summon Circles appear.”
“Sire! Please! Think about it! Wouldn’t it be safer if I escorted you and the family? What if someone attacks you?”
“Then I finish them off. You exhausted your Essence supply, remember?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Let me at least walk you to their house.” Leviathan’s blue eyes were pleading and wide.
“Fine.” Lucifer sighed as he pulled a jacket on, “Just keep your hands to yourself. Thomas’ mother already thinks you’re a creep.”
Leviathan froze at that comment, and he whispered in disbelief, “S-she thinks I’m a creep?”
“I’m leaving!” Lucifer opened the door and stalked out into the night. Leviathan grabbed his jacket and ran after the young boy.
Lucifer strolled through the street in silence, his hands in his pockets as he looked around, scanning for any changes. Leviathan seemed to be in a pit of self despair, muttering to himself, “Surely I’m charming. I’m a Prince! A Prince!” Lucifer rolled his eyes, ignoring Leviathan.
Leviathan may be an idiot at times, but he was loyal. Lucifer trusted him more than any of his other Generals. Lucifer, Leviathan and Beelzebub were the three princes of the Seraphim, the highest ranked Angels in Heaven and amongst the First Sphere of Heaven. Leviathan was the first to contest Lucifer’s banishment from Heaven, pleading with their Father for forgiveness, but the decision was upheld. Shortly after Leviathan attempted to overthrow their Father, going against the other Angels within the First Sphere of Heaven, until he too was cast out, followed by Beelzebub. Lucifer had been surprised that Leviathan had even attempted to overthrow their Father, but regardless, it showed how deep his loyalty was.
“You’re awfully quiet, Sire.” Leviathan had stopped his muttering and was watching the small frame of the boy before him.
Lucifer waved his hand, dismissing him, “It’s nothin’. Just thinking about the past.”
Leviathan opened his mouth to ask further, but Lucifer ran on ahead, having reached Thomas’ house.
The brown haired boy was standing on the porch, shivering. His eyes lit up immediately when he saw Lucifer approach. “Luce!” He exclaimed, jumping in excitement. “MUM! LUCE IS HERE!” The boy turned around, bellowing into the house.
Leviathan balked at the sheer volume that the small human produced, raising a questioning eyebrow at Lucifer who simply smirked in response.
“Oh, Levi. Thank you for bringing Luce over.” Alice appeared at the doorway, as she threw a shawl over her shoulders, smiling at Leviathan. His blue eyes lit up and he smiled back.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
“Luce is welcome to spend the night, if that is OK? Thomas mentioned he wanted to stay up for the midnight fireworks.”
“Perfectly fine.” Leviathan purred in response, “I can come by and collect him mid-morning. Should we have morning tea?”
Lucifer scoffed, throwing his thoughts at Leviathan, ‘Morning tea?! What are you-’
“Ah, that would be lovely!” Alice gathered her bags and keys, locking the door behind her. “I’ll see you in the morning then. C’mon, boys. Let’s go.” She shooed the two boys down the driveway towards the car, before bidding farewell.
Leviathan stood at the end of the driveway, waving happily. ‘You’re an idiot.’ Lucifer smirked at Leviathan, shaking his head.
‘Have a good night, Sire.’ Leviathan replied, bowing his head slightly.
The drive was uneventful and filled with Thomas’ explanations of what to expect at the New Year’s gathering. It was an Annual Tradition, apparently. Humans would gather together, some would host stalls selling food and drinks, others had mini games that you could play. There was a live concert where performers gathered and sang, and the event would end with a large fireworks display.
Lucifer had heard about events like this before, but had never seen one before. He was definitely curious, and very interested to see these ‘explosions in the sky’.
When they arrived, Lucifer’s eyes widened. All around him, were people for as far as the eye could see. He hadn’t seen this many humans in one place before. He stood outside the car, staring at the sea of bodies. “How are there so many people?!” He exclaimed.
Alice laughed in response, locking the car door, “Well, it’s probably the whole town coming out for this tonight. Stay close boys and don’t wander too far. I don’t want you getting lost.”
Lucifer had never experienced anything like this before. Thomas held his hand and dragged him from stall to stall, prompting his mother to buy things such as candy apples and fairy floss for the golden-eyed boy. When Lucifer tasted the different sweets, he could feel strange sensations in his mouth as the sweetness tickled his tongue. He needed to work out how to get these things in Hell, they tasted amazing!
After eating their fill, the boys also tried out various games, with Lucifer winning a large bear for popping (destroying? The vendor seemed to be wary of the golden eyed boy that left holes in his wall) the most balloons in a game of darts. Lucifer wrinkled his nose at the bear and handed it to Thomas, “You keep it.”
“Really? Thank you!” Thomas hugged the bear excitedly.
Finally, the music began to die down and Lucifer heard a strange chanting amongst the humans. “What is going on?”
Thomas beamed excitedly, “It’s a countdown!”
“A what?” Lucifer clenched his fists, gathering all his Essence into the centre of his chest, waiting for an attack.
Thomas bounced on the spot, “C’MON! Mum - we are going to stand over there!”
“Sure thing, honey.”
Thomas grabbed Lucifer’s hand and ran towards a part in the clearing that was slightly raised and away from the trees. “Tom- Wait. What is going on??” Lucifer asked, not really understanding the situation.
Thomas let go of his hand and grinned then yelled at Lucifer in reply, “FOUR!”
Lucifer balked, raising his hands in defence, still having no idea what was happening and what had suddenly possessed all the humans around him.
“THREE! C’mon, join me! You’ll miss out!”
“I don’t understand.” Lucifer replied, worriedly.
“TWO! Just say it with me!”
Thomas jumped and threw his hands up in the air then suddenly there were loud bursts from all around them, Lucifer narrowed his eyes, tightening his fists as he almost transformed, ready for battle.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Thomas grabbed Lucifer’s hands and bounced up and down, halting his change. Lucifer looked all around him, and there were people blowing strange instruments and colourful bits of paper littered the human’s hair.
He heard a strange high pitch whistle that suddenly ended in a large boom and crackle, and the sky lit up. His golden eyes widened in amazement at the scene he saw.
Before him the black starry sky was filled with colour. Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Blue, White and Gold. The colours and the shapes kept appearing before him, flashing rapidly before disappearing only to be replaced with another burst of light. Some exploded like little novas, and others blossomed into beautiful flowers.
“How cool is this!” Thomas yelled, but Lucifer didn’t reply. Unease and doubt cast over the young boy’s mind, hoping that Lucifer was enjoying himself. Thomas thought back to their conversation today, wondering if he was worthy of being Lucifer’s friend. He looked over at Lucifer, who’s eyes were wide and fixed on the fireworks display above them, the colours reflecting in his golden orbs, amazement danced on Lucifer’s face as the fireworks continued, the smile on his face widening with each firework that went off.  
Thomas clutched at the bear that Lucifer gave him, a small smile on his face. “Thank you.” He whispered, too embarrassed to say it any louder incase Lucifer heard him.  
Continue to Chapter 6
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Neighbour
I finished chapter 3 last night at 1.30am and wanted to keep writing, but had work. I’ve now just finished chapter 4. 
This time we are delving into the background of Lucifer and we end up meeting some new characters. 
Lucifer and Thomas Master List
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
“OK, OK, OK.” Lucifer held up his hands, standing in the playground in child form and quickly formed a T with his hands, “Time. Time. I’m done. I’m spent.” He collapsed onto his back, wheezing.
Thomas stood over him and tilted his head, “You’re really unfit.”
“Kid, please. I’m an old man.” Lucifer threw his hand over his eyes as he attempted to catch his breath. The damn kid was a freaking machine. He just could go, go, go. What was he? Did kids normally have this much energy?
“You’re not old. You’re the same age as me.” Thomas laid down on the ground beside him, staring up at the clouds. “Aren’t you?”
“Physically yes, mentally no.”
“I dunno what that means.”
Lucifer opened his mouth to reply then sighed, “Don’t worry about it.” He took a few more deep breaths then sat up, his eyes narrowed as he noticed that while they had been playing, a few of the doorsteps on the street now had the five-pointed insignia. “Your mother is probably wondering where you are. We should head back.” He stood up, brushing off the dirt from his black cargo shorts. He held his hand out to Thomas, offering to pull the boy up.
Thomas stared at his hand for a moment, not moving.
“Coming?” Lucifer asked, raising an eyebrow.
Thomas reached out and grasped his hand tightly, then smiled as Lucifer pulled him to his feet. He walked slowly behind Lucifer, a small grin on his face. Lucifer glanced back at the boy, as memories of being offered a hand then being dropped or slapped filtered across his mind. He frowned at the memories, feeling a surge of anger going through him. Part of him wished that Thomas had asked him for revenge. It would have been so, so sweet.
They reached Thomas’ house and the brown-haired boy walked inside. “Are you gonna stay and play?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Nah. I gotta sort out some things. Say Thanks to your mother for me. She’s a good lady.”
Thomas paused, about to close the door, “You’ll come back, right?”
“Of course.” Lucifer reached forward and rubbed the boys head, messing up his hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“OK!” Thomas smiled brightly, his eyes sparkling. “It’s a promise!”
With that Lucifer gave a quick wave and walked down the street, turning the corner. He looked back at the house and raised two fingers, pointing at the boy’s house, muttering an incantation under his breath. A golden glow enclosed the house, forming a protective layer over it, an anti-demon shield. Satisfied, Lucifer glanced around the street then stomped his foot twice, before disappearing in a wisp of smoke.  
“So that’s the story. I need you to become human for me.” Lucifer was sprawled out on a red chair topped with skulls and bones in his half man-half goat form. His legs were crossed and he swung one of his cloven hooves back and forth as he chewed on a bone absent mindedly. He was back in Hell and talking with one of his Generals, having just explained the reason for his absence and his new found plan.  
“You gotta be fucking with me.” A man with long black hair shook his head, staring at Lucifer’s golden eyes with his own icy blue. From his back flexed six long black wings.
“Come ooooon.” Lucifer rolled his head backwards, staring at the man upside-down. “It’ll be fun.”
“Lucifer. I know you.” The man sighed, placing his face in his hand. “You’re idea of ‘fun’ was to storm the Second Sphere of Heaven because the Dominion’s light orbs looked ‘cool’ and you wanted one.”
“Yeeeah? And? Wasn’t that fun?” Lucifer grinned.
“Having arrows and spears hailing down on me from Heaven is not my idea of ‘fun’.” The man frowned in response, his icy blue eyes glowering.
“Come ooonnnn.”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Argh! Aren’t you bored day in, day out here, Leviathan?” Lucifer sat upright, resting his arm on the chair, tapping it impatiently.
“Not really, no.” Leviathan replied, rolling his eyes.
“Hmph.” Lucifer frowned then threw the mini Pandora’s box at Leviathan. He caught it immediately. “What about this?”
Leviathan rolled the box over in his hands, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the box, running his fingers over the human engravings. “Where did you get this?” It was definitely a Pandora’s Box. Not the original of course, that was sealed in the first lake on the Ninth Circle of Hell, but it was definitely a version of one.
“That kid had it under his tree.” Lucifer rested his chin on his palm, eying Leviathan. “Whoever put it there intended for him to open it. It definitely wasn’t there the night before.”
“How do you know that?”
Lucifer waved off the question, pushing the thoughts of him digging through the presents in glee on Christmas Eve to the back of his mind, “Intuition.”
“Uh huh.” Leviathan raised an eyebrow, not believing him.
“Regardless, some shit is going down up there, and I need you, my right hand man beside me incase the shit really hits the fan.” Lucifer stood up, clapping Leviathan on the shoulder.
“I don’t get why I have to pretend to be a human though.”
“It’s alllll undercover. C’mon. Kick back, chillax! Have some fun!” Lucifer grinned and slapped his back before he walked out of the room, leaving Leviathan there shaking his head in disbelief.
“You and your fucking ‘fun’.” Leviathan muttered under his breath, knowing that he was being dragged into a horrible plan.
“Why is it… Urgh. So… Bright.” Leviathan half glared and half squinted as he looked around. The pair stood in a park, both in human form.
“Well, we don’t exactly have a Sun in Hell, now do we?” Lucifer was back in his child form, and Leviathan’s jaw dropped.
“What. The. Fuck.” A huge grin split across his face, “This is amazing!” He broke into laughter, having only just noticed Lucifer’s tiny form.
“Shut it.” Lucifer’s child-like voice growled.
“Are you fucking serious?” Leviathan stood there, merriment clear on his face; he too was in human form but as an adult male in his late 20s; his hair was tied back in a low ponytail, his wings now gone. He wore a long black jacket with black jeans, and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. “This is fucking great.” He stared down beside him at the 4-and-a-half foot mini Satan. Leviathan grabbed his belly, howling in laughter.
“I swear to Father, if you don’t shut it, I will set fire to you in your sleep.”
“Holy shit, hahahahaha.” Leviathan continued to laugh, tears streaming down his face, “You are so fucking cute and tin- OOF!”
Lucifer had stood in front of Leviathan and punched him in the balls.
“Oh, fuck me.” Tears were in Leviathan’s eyes as he curled over, “I forgot how weak mortals were.” He collapsed on the ground, cradling his groin.
“I’m leaving.” Lucifer snapped and stalked off, walking down the street towards a vacant block.
“Sire! I’m sorry!” Leviathan chased after him, half limping, still clutching at his groin.
Lucifer ignored him and stood in front of the block of land, placing his hands out in front of him, closing his eyes. Within moments a surge of blue and white flames tore through the land and from it emerged a simple single storey home. The walls were painted black and the gutter and beams, a vibrant red.
A low whistle was heard behind him. Lucifer opened his eyes and looked over at Leviathan who was surveying the house. “You know, I sometimes forget that you’re not just capable of destruction, but you used to be an Angel of Creation too.”
Lucifer pursed his lips at that comment, ignoring him as he walked inside the house. The inside was unassuming, looking like any normal dwelling. In the centre of the room was a round table and Lucifer walked up to it, climbing onto the chair. Leviathan bit his lip, trying not to smile.
“Alright, so let’s go over plan again.” He narrowed his eyes and waved his hand over the table and a transparent map appeared, dotted with blue glowing lights. “The kid’s house is here, and we are two blocks away over here.” He pointed and two gold squares lit up, “These blue lights are the Demon Summoning Circles I mentioned to you this morning. When I first arrived, I only saw the odd one here and there, but now they are starting to appear everywhere. But,” he waved his hand again, zooming in on the street that Thomas lived on, “for some reason, there seems to be a concentration of Demonic power in this street. Our aim is to lay low, blend in with the humans and see if we can catch the being behind all this.”
Leviathan shook his head, “You left Hell, last night at what? About 11pm Earth Time…? It’s only 6pm now and all this?” He waved his hand over the map at the blue lights, “This doesn’t happen overnight. This looks like it was planned. It takes a mid-ranking demon, something like 2 or 3 weeks to create a Summon Circle. You have at least 20 within a block’s radius of us. That would require an insane amount of Essence to create that many Summons. And yet, not have a single General detect it? Surely even the Angels from the First Sphere would have noticed.” Leviathan plonked himself down in the chair, running his fingers through his hair in thought.
“Heaven hasn’t interfered at all.” Lucifer mused, tapping on the table, “Which means one of two things, either our Almighty Father doesn’t give a shit about Earth anymore, or there is someone higher ranked enough that can conceal their tracks.”
“You don’t think… An Archdemon?” Lucifer shrugged his shoulders in response, not disregarding the idea, “Fuck no. Those sorry bastards are bound by contract by to each of the Nine Circles of Hell. Break the Contract, and their existence goes,” he snapped his fingers, “just like that.”
“Regardless what the reason is, I need to catch this being. Hell is my Kingdom, and demons come under my domain. Last thing I need is Daddykins coming down for a visit.” Lucifer shivered, “Urgh, that man gets under my skin.”
Leviathan nodded in agreement, their Father rarely intervened now days, but when he did, not even Lucifer and his Generals could stand up to the big man himself. “Are we gonna exterminate the Circles?”
Lucifer waved his hand in front of the table again and the map disappeared, “No. I’ve asked Berith to do that for me.” Leviathan raised his eyebrow at Lucifer’s choice.
“You know that Berith isn’t exactly… subtle, right?” Berith was one of the fallen Princes of Cherubim, originally from the First Sphere of Heaven. He was blood thirsty Fallen, with a love of war and battle. He reigned over the Seventh Circle of Hell, Violence.
“That’s what I want.” Lucifer grinned, his golden eyes glowing mischievously, “Berith can draw their attention and we proceed undetected.”
“And what about the kid?”
“Watch him, and see what happens.” Lucifer scratched at his nose, “I’ll follow him around and see if anything tries to go after him, it’ll be likely. Something already tried to slip him a Pandora’s Box, so chances are whoever is behind this will try again.”
“And I’ll play Dad and keep an eye on the neighbourhood.” Leviathan mused.
“And Berith.”
“What! No! Sire, please!”
Lucifer smirked, “You rank higher than him, surely you can pull him into line if he goes overboard.”
“That guy is fucking nuts. You know the last time I went into battle with him, the fucker set my wings on fire?”
Lucifer continued to smirk, “Not my problem.” Leviathan opened his mouth to reply but then there was the ring of a doorbell. “Right on time.” Lucifer hopped off the chair, “Come on, Dad.” He stressed the word, almost teasingly, “Someone is at the door.”
Leviathan muttered in annoyance and got up to answer the door. “Yes, who is it?” He opened the front door and before him stood a brown haired woman, with soft brown eyes.
“Mrs Wood!” Lucifer beamed.
“Hello Luce. Thank you for staying over last night.” Alice smiled back at the small boy.
Leviathan seemed to be at a loss for words, staring at the woman before him. Her soul seemed to glow from within, her brown hair was shoulder length, pretty and straight, and her skin looked soft to the touch.
“You must be Luce’s Father, it’s great to meet you.” Alice held out her hand expectantly.
Lucifer elbowed the day dreaming Leviathan and he snapped out of his daze and took her hand carefully, placing a kiss on the back of her hand, “No, the pleasure is all mine. Levi.” He bowed slightly, introducing himself.
Alice went bright red and quickly pulled her hand away. “Nice to meet you, Levi.” Lucifer snorted in amusement, “Luce left his clothes at mine, so I thought I should bring them over. I hope it isn’t too much trouble.” She handed Leviathan the bundle of clothes.
“No trouble at all! Did you want to come in?” He asked, almost begging.
“I can’t, sorry. I have to get dinner ready. But next time, perhaps?” Alice politely declined and took a step back.
“Yes… Next time.” Leviathan replied, smiling at the woman before him.
“Alright. It was nice meeting you!” She turned and waved. Lucifer waved back and once she reached the end of their driveway, he slammed the door.
“Levi.” Lucifer rolled his eyes, “Are you fucking serious?”
“Didn’t you see her? She’s a pure soul! Beautiful! I thought you only found women like that in Heaven.” He sighed in content.
Lucifer kicked him in the shin, “You’re a creeper, you know that?”
Leviathan didn’t even seem to notice, let alone care. Perhaps spending time on Earth wouldn’t be so bad afterall.
Continue to  Chapter 5
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Box
Lucifer and Thomas
I decided to continue the Lucifer and Thomas story I worked on. It’s up on Wattpad in draft form currently. 
Below is chapter three - enjoy!
Lucifer and Thomas Master List
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Lucifer shifted in his sleep. There was a strange sound outside his chamber.
Was that… Chirping? The fuck? Birds aren’t in his realm. “Levi! Can you find out wha’ tha’ noise is?” He called out, his hand over his eyes. He stopped. That wasn’t his voice. It sounded like a young boy, “The fu-?”
“LUCE!” A sudden bundle of something tackled him, knocking him off the mattress. His golden eyes widened and he noticed brown eyes, looking at him with excitement. “You’re awake!”
Lucifer blinked as he realised what was happening. That’s right.
He tilted his head and looked around. Thomas had successfully pinned him to the ground, his hands held down Lucifers arms, and Thomas’ body held down his lower half.
Lucifer smirked, indecent thoughts darting across his mind, “Geez, Thomas.” He purred seductively, “I didn’t realise you liked me that much.”
“Of course I like you! You’re my friend!” Thomas let go of Lucifer’s arms and quickly hugged him.
Crap. Lucifer wanted to mentally whack himself in the head. This wasn’t some adult human filled with lust and indecent thoughts, it was some kid with a bright and sparkly soul. A complete innocent. Urrrgggghhhh… He rolled his eyes then awkwardly pet Thomas on the back.
“Sure thing, kiddo. Now, let me get up.” He rolled his eyes, pushing Thomas off him.
“MUUUUUUUUUUUM!” Thomas suddenly yelled out of nowhere.
Lucifer’s eyes widened, Fuckity hell damnation, that was loud!
“WHAT’S FOR BREAKFAST?!” Thomas continued to bellow down the hall. Lucifer reached forward and wrapped his arm around Thomas’ head then covered his mouth.
“Holy shit, kid. A little warning, please!” He stared at the wide eyed boy, still reeling at the volume the kid produced.
Thomas wriggled out of the head hold, plonking onto the floor. “Sure!” He smiled brightly.
Alice poked her head into the room, “Get dressed boys, we have hashbrowns and bacon for breakfast. After that, you can open your presents.”
Thomas let out a large yell, grabbing a shirt and some pants before he tore out of the room, stripping as he went, tossing his pajamas in the hallway.
Lucifer simply stared after him, his mouth agape. Were kids always like this? Alice seemed to have guessed what Lucifer was thinking and laughed, “Thomas has always been an excitable child.” She reached over and petted him on the head. “Thank you for staying over. It’s the first time he’s had a friend do this.” She smiled warmly down at him.
Lucifer felt his cheeks get hot, he glanced down at his hand, opening and closing it. No… he wasn’t on fire, so why did he feel hot? He couldn’t bring himself to look at Alice in the eyes either. Staring at the ground, he could feel the warmth of her hand, and the amount of love she had for her son. Her emotions rolled over him, warmth, gratitude, love, happiness. “Y-you’re welcome.” Lucifer stammered quietly.
The moment she lifted her hand, the warmth he felt left. Alice smiled at him again before leaving him to get changed.
That was so strange. He had never felt like that before. He was used to feeling all kinds of human emotions, but like Thomas, his mother was pure.
He shrugged off the slightly too small pajama top and pants. They had belonged to Thomas and Alice seemed to have believed his story about forgetting all his clothes. Lucifer plodded over to the drawers, opening them as he tried to find something to wear. He screwed up his nose in disgust, most of the shirts had kids prints on them, like dinosaurs or cars.
He closed his eyes and patted at his chest, and a black suit with a red button down top appeared upon his person. “Noooooo, you are not wearing that! That is SO embarrassing!” Thomas stood behind him at the door.
Lucifer turned around, pulling on the collar and adjusting his tie, “I think it’s very smart.” He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a smaller version of a businessman.
“Please get changed!” Thomas begged.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and twirled his finger around. The suit vanished, now replaced with a simple red t-shirt and black cargo shorts. “Better?”
“Yes! NOWLETSGO!” Thomas grabbed him by the arm and raced out of the room with him, nearly dropping him down the staircase.
Breakfast was uneventful. Tasted good though. Lucifer munched on a bit of bacon as he glanced over at the TV. There was a news article on with a happy couple crying while hugging their two children. “Isn’t that lovely?” Alice commented.
Looks like Jolly Saint Dick pulled off his Christmas miracle after all.
Once breakfast was finished, Alice gathered up the plates and Thomas kept rocking back and forth on his chair, “Can we open them yet? Can we? Can we?!”
“Yes, yes. Go on.” Alice sighed, smiling at her son.
Lucifer trotted over, watching in curiosity. He knew what Christmas was, and had seen it, but never partook in it. “You can sit here.” Thomas pointed to a cushion on the ground, excitedly. Lucifer plonked himself down, his golden eyes watching as Alice started to sort out the presents.
His eyes narrowed as she held her head for a moment, almost as if she had a headache, and blinked confusion, “Luce, I forgot… your presents.” She mumbled, squinting at him.
“It’s OK, Mrs Wood.” Lucifer smiled as his eyes glowed, “Remember, my dad wanted me to open all my presents at home?”
“Ah,” she lowered her hand, the headache had disappeared, “That’s right. We dropped them off. Sorry, I couldn’t remember.”
“It’s OK.” He flashed her another smile as the glow from his eyes stopped.
Lucifer sat crossed-legged, his elbow resting on his knee, and his chin in hand, watching as Thomas opened up gifts from various relatives. A jumper from his grandparents, a new toy train from his aunt and uncle, some Lego from his cousins, a car themed bedsheet and school bag from his mother. He observed the emotions that filtered through Thomas, like currents in the ocean, it was a constant wave of happiness with each peak bursting into excitement when he opened the gift.
There was one last gift under the tree, Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. He hadn’t noticed it before. It was a small box, covered in black, shiny wrapping with a simple purple bow. Alice reached over to grab it then winced, dropping it. “I got zapped!” She exclaimed, “Must be static electricity.”
Lucifer reached over and grabbed the gift. His eyes darkened. There was demonic energy coming from within it. It was a mini Pandora’s Box. He knew it. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t have agreed to become this boy’s “friend”. He was a pure soul, it hadn’t even been 24 hours and already the boy was being targeted.
“Luce?” Thomas asked, questionly, his face was filled with worry.
Lucifer smiled brightly, “Sorry! It looks like this one was mine. I think Dad must have left it here. I don’t want to open it here, is it OK if I open it at home?”
“That’s fine. I’m sure your father is looking forward to opening presents with his son.” Alice replied, a warm smile on her face. “Tell you what boys.” She leaned forward, “How about I tidy up this mess here, and Thomas you walk Luce back to his Dad’s house? Then Luce can open his present at home and won’t have to wait.”
“That would be great, thank you Mrs Wood.”
Lucifer held the black gift in his hand tightly and grabbed Thomas with his other hand, leading him out the door. He needed to show him.
He wasn’t good at words, but perhaps he could scare the boy. Show him just what powers were after him now that they had become friends. Lucifer walked down the end of the street towards the park, half dragging, half pulling Thomas along. “Luce, wait. You are walking too fast.”
“We need to get away from your house.” He gritted his teeth. He could feel anger flowing through him. He was going to find out who left this box in Thomas’ house and make them pay. But first, the boy needed to abandon him.
If he sees what demons are, sees what is inside this box, surely the boy will give up their friendship?
“Luce! Wait! Ah-!” Lucifer felt Thomas slip from his hand and he turned around, just to witness the brown haired boy face plant it on the concrete. “Owwww…”
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He was so absorbed in his thoughts, that he hadn’t realised he was pulling too hard. Lucifer pocketed the box, and pulled Thomas upright, brushing him down. He grimaced as he saw the large gash on the boy’s forehead and blood drip down. Reaching forward, he wiped the blood away, looking at it on his hand. He licked the blood out of curiosity.
“Ewwwww! Don’t lick it! That’s gross!” Thomas cried out, aghast.
Lucifer smirked, “I was simply curious.” He held his other hand in front of his forehead, “Hold still a sec, will ya?” With that his hand started to glow, the blood disappeared and the gash healed.
“Woooooow, that is so coooooool!” Thomas exclaimed, trying to look cross eyed at his forehead. Lucifer smiled and flicked him in the forehead.
“I’ll show you something cooler.” His smile dropped as he snapped his fingers and fire burst around his form, growing to his full seven foot height, fur grew on his legs as his cloven hooves burst from his shoes, and his tail sprung out. The red flicks on either side of his head twisted together and grew out into horns, and at the same time, all colour drained from the world around them, rendering everything grey.
“Erm… What’s going on?” Thomas looked around, worriedly.
“It’s a barrier. This way no one can see us. And nothin’ can escape.”
“Whyyyyyy?” Thomas dragged the question out, eying Lucifer questionably.  
“Because of this.” He pulled out the small black wrapped present, holding it in the palm of his hand. Lucifer blinked, Thomas was gone. Had the boy legged it already? He glanced behind him and saw Thomas trying to clamber up his back. “... What are you doing?”
“Trying to see. You’re too tall.”
“I’m not a tree.”
“You’re still too tall.” Thomas hung over Lucifer’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around his neck and his head ducked slightly trying to avoid his horns.
Lucifer sighed, and reached behind him, plucking Thomas by the shirt and holding him in midair. He let go, but before Thomas could fall, a red glow emerged from around him, forming an orb around the boy, suspending him in place. “Can you still see?”
“Yeah!” Thomas stood up in the orb, excitedly pressing his face up against the wall of the orb.
“That will keep you safe. Now, watch carefully.” Lucifer pulled away at the unassuming purple ribbon, removing the black paper. Surely, once he saw what was inside Pandora’s Box, the boy would be fearful and never want to be by his side again. His insides twisted slightly and he felt a strange emotion.
Shaking his head, he ignored it as he pulled away the last bit of paper. Inside was a wooden box, engraved upon the outside were humans, their mouths open in silent screams. Lucifer held out his other hand and his pitchfork appeared. “This, is a version of Pandora’s Box. It houses demons which are used to corrupt and kill humans.” He grimanced and lifted the lid.
Screams filled the air and all at once countless demons streamed out in all directions, rushing away in the grey environment. They were all different forms from human nightmares. Filled with teeth and in some cases, rotting bodies. The demons squealed and screamed, attempting to escape and it would seem as if one got away, but it would then reappear in front of Lucifer. Same rushed forward at Thomas, bashing up against the red orb, attempting to break the wall. Thomas fell back with a gasp, his hands over his mouth, his brown eyes wide.
Lucifer growled as he started to attack. Blue flames lit up his pitchfork and he slashed at each of the demons that appeared, each dissolving into black mist. A couple of the demons were able to evade his attacks, so Lucifer stabbed his pitchfork into the ground, and instead surrounded himself with small blue flame orbs. Shooting them off, they honed in on the targets, destroying the last of the demons. Lucifer frowned, he hadn’t hoped to show this part of Hell to the young boy, but maybe, maybe now he would be scared enough to tell him to go away. He felt his insides twist again as the thought floated through his mind. He turned and looked at Thomas, who still stood there with his hands over his mouth.
“Yer, alrigh' kiddo?”
Thomas dropped his hands, “That. Was. Freaking. AWESOME!” Thomas exclaimed.
Lucifer widened his golden eyes in surprise. “Really?” He scoffed as he leaned up against his pitchfork. “What part was?”
“The part where you went WOOSH and the demon went EERIGGGHH and BWAH! Then it disappeared and the part where you got the fire and it went WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH and EEEE. YOU ARE LIKE THE COOLEST PERSON I KNOW!” His eyes were wide and shining.
Lucifer blinked in surprised and he grinned as he dropped back into his child form. “Heh, OK.” He snapped his fingers and the orb disappeared, causing Thomas to fall to the ground, but Lucifer quickly caught him, holding him bridal style.  
“So. Cool.” Thomas’ hands were bunched up into little fists and a huge grin was on his face.
“You’re not scared?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “You know, those things like to come after me. And if they come after me, they may come after you.” He lowered Thomas to the ground, helping him to stand.
“Nuh-uh! I’m not scared!” Thomas crossed his arms, sticking his nose up in the air.
“And why is that?” Lucifer asked, genuinely curious. Most humans would have run for the hills by now and soaked themselves in holy water. Was it because he didn’t understand? Was he too young to understand?
“It’s because you’re my friend.” Thomas exclaimed, matter-of-factly.
He reached out mentally, trying to assess the meaning of his words, Lucifer could feel the emotions surge through him, trust, friendship, understanding. “Huh.” He was at a loss for words, he hadn’t had ‘trust’ placed in him from a human before. Lucifer snapped his fingers, releasing the barrier and colour returned back to the world. He could hear birds chirping and feel the warmth of the sunshine on his face.
“Let’s go play!” Thomas reached out his hand, offering it to Lucifer.
Lucifer stared at it for a moment, before grasping it tightly. This boy didn’t run. Didn’t cry. And despite seeing him kill all those demons in his true form, placed his trust in him.
“Sure.” Lucifer smiled and tightened his grip
Continue to  Chapter 4
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Primum Mobile
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
“So, you boys are back at school on Monday. Are you excited?” Alice cleared the empty plate that was in front of Lucifer.
“Yeah! I hope Luce is in the same class as me.” Thomas grinned, smiling at the black haired boy opposite him.
“We’ll see.” Lucifer had a coy smile on his face. He had observed this ‘school’ before on one of his trips up to the Earthen plane but hadn’t experienced it. He wasn’t looking forward to school per say, but rather meeting these ‘bullies’ that tormented Thomas’ memories.
Lucifer had returned a few days ago, announcing that he would attend school with the young Thomas. Leviathan had been unsure about it, mentioning that there was something strange about the boy and that he had the ability to see through a Glamour. Much to Leviathan’s annoyance, Lucifer had simply shrugged and said he wasn’t surprised and that they should just observe, and one way to do that was to watch him both day and night, and that involved attending school. Leviathan personally felt it was all too convenient and that his older brother was simply bored of his time as Satan to which Lucifer had no reply.
Having no inkling as to what was involved in the school process, Lucifer had left the logistics of setting up things such as enrollment to one of his Lieutenants, Oliver. Unlike his siblings, the Generals who fell from the First Sphere, the Lieutenants were Fallen who had been cast from the Third Sphere. Oliver had originally lived amongst the humans as a Guardian Angel, but was punished when he killed a human.
Picking up the cup of orange juice before him, he took a sip, wondering vaguely what had caused Oliver to kill another human, but like all his subjects, he respected their past.
“Did your Father get you enrolled in time?” Alice sat down opposite Lucifer, brushing away her brown hair from her eyes as she tucked it behind her ear.
“No, my Uncle Oliver sorted it out for me.” The half-truth slid out easily enough, no need to bother about details.
“Hmmmm?” Thomas’ eyes were locked on Lucifer, unblinking and staring at him. Raising an eyebrow in question, he closed his eyes and took another sip of drink nonchalantly, trying to avoid the brown-eyed stare.  
Stretching out on Thomas’ bed, Lucifer stifled a yawn as he rolled over on his side, closing his eyes. “Are you really going to take a nap?” Thomas looked at him, aghast.
“Maybe. I’m pretty tired actually.” He responded in a murmur. He had been up at night assisting Berith with destroying the Summon Circles. Despite Berith’s efforts with his Cataclysm the other day, the numbers were back to normal.
“Why did you lie earlier?” Thomas sat crossed legged on the bed, his chin in palm as he stared at Lucifer.
Flicking his golden eyes over to the young boy he asked, “What do you mean?”
“Oliver. He’s not actually your Uncle, is he?”
A perturbed emotion flicked across Lucifer’s face, but he quickly hid it. Sitting up, he looked at the seemingly normal human child. “You’re a strange one.” He mirrored Thomas’ posture, “How did you know?”
The boy shrugged in response, leaning against the wall. He fiddled with his hands, fidgeting slightly under Lucifer’s unwavering gaze. “I dunno. I can just tell.”
“You shouldn’t point out things like that to other humans. They’re narrow minded and scared individuals who wouldn’t hesitate to cut you down if you call them out on their lies.” His gaze held Thomas on the spot, “Humans live and breathe in their lies. It’s their nature.”
Thomas stared down at his hands then looked up, “Are you mad?”
“No,” he reached over and flicked the boy in the head, “You can speak openly with me.” Frowning, Thomas rubbed at his forehead in annoyance but looked up when Lucifer spoke again, “Leviathan mentioned that he’s my brother, right?”
“Yeah. And that other guy.”
“What else did he tell you?”
“Is it true that you have seven brothers and a sister?” Thomas eyes lit up as he leaned forward, “I don’t have any brothers or sisters. What are they like?”
“Trustworthy.” He mused, a smile on his face. “The eight of them together form the Generals of Hell; including myself we each rule over the Nine Circles of Hell.”
“Mum says that God was mean to humans, and when the Angels stood up for them, he threw them into Hell.”
“That’s an interesting view your mother has.” Lucifer leaned forward in interest, “Where did she hear that?”
“Grandfather? I think.” Thomas looked up in thought, “Is it true? Are you all angels?”
“Not all of us, no.”
“How many angels are there?”
Thinking for a moment, he replied, “About 66’600 were cast out originally, but there are now more. The important ones are my Generals, who descended from the First Sphere, then I have three Lords who assist me with guarding over the Lakes of Hell, five Captains who descended from the Second Sphere and three Lieutenants who descended from the Third Sphere. The other half of Hell is comprised of demons who are ruled over by the Royals.”
“So is Oliver an Angel too?”
Ah. This boy was a smart one, Lucifer thought to himself. “Yes, he’s one of my Lieutenants.”
“Is he coming to school too?”
“No. Only I will be going.” Lucifer smiled as a sinister smile crept across his face, “I’m interested in meeting these kids who keep tormenting you.”
“You’re lying again.” Thomas threw a pillow at Lucifer’s face in annoyance.
Lucifer blinked, momentarily confused. Did… Did that child just throw a pillow at him?
“Luce! Levi is here!” Alice’s voice carried up the stairs as she called out.
“Coming!” Thomas called back, getting up off the bed and running off. Lucifer followed after him, a small smile on his face.
Astaroth surveyed the scene around her, stretching out her wings. She felt uncomfortable in the male form, and tsked in annoyance as she scratched at her masculine arm. A frown passed across her face and Asmodeus reached out, touching her shoulder. “How are you fairing?”
“I don’t like it.” She wrinkled her nose up in disgust. The scene around her felt too bright, too beautiful, too… perfect. A light blue sky stretched over them, the warmth of the sun fell across their skin, green grass tickled the soles of their feet and the sounds of laughter and chatter swirled around them as angels flitted from place to place, smiling and full of laughter. It was a severe contrast to the Circles of Hell and it set Astaroth on edge.
She looked around at all the angels around them, noticing that her Father’s bias for creating males hadn’t changed over the past several thousand years. There were scarcely any female angels at all. Though she hated taking on a male form, it was for the best. She would stand out less this way.
“Come on.” She gestured to her brother as she took flight. “Let’s go to the Hall of Records.” Asmodeus wordlessly followed her as they flew towards the sky, where six golden arches hovered.
“Do you recall where it was?”
“Soneilion said that it still exists within the Ninth Sphere, the Primum Mobile.” Astaroth looked over each of the archways, atop of them were carved roman numerals, numbering from three through to nine. Looking up at the archway labeled nine, she passed through the golden gate, closing her eyes as the light around her got brighter.
The scene around them changed and she was presented with a large, ancient city. Raised at the centre atop a hill, was large red brick castle with white and golden flags fluttering in the wind. Encased around the castle was a ring of water, followed by a ring of buildings. This pattern continued four more times, creating a total of five rings of water and five rings of buildings.
“I see that they still continue to split people by hierarchy.” Asmodeus murmured as they descended.
Landing upon the ground, the pair of them folded up their wings and proceeded into the city. “Do you remember this city, Astaroth?”
Looking up at her name, she closed her eyes, “The Primum Mobile is the Ninth Sphere, the City of Mortals, and within it, each of God’s Creations from the mortal world exists. The five rings correlate to a different Sphere of Heaven. The innermost ring and the ring of the Knowledge of the Wise links back to the Fourth Sphere. The second ring, protects that knowledge and is home to the Warriors of the Fifth Sphere. The third ring is home to the past Rulers who are welcomed within the Sixth Sphere. The fourth ring is for the Contemplatives, souls who embody Temperance, those welcomed within the Seventh Sphere. And the final ring are those of Faith, Hope and Love - in the Eighth Sphere. Mortals are not to pass through the rings, same as travelling between the Spheres. All must remain where Father intended them to be.”
“I’m surprised you remember after all these years.”
“Of course I remember Father’s discrimination.” She opened her eyes, glaring. “It was one of the reasons I rebelled in the first place.”
Asmodeus smiled and leaned forward, whispering in her ear, “Temper, sister dear. I can feel your malice leaking out within your Essence.”
Astaroth stepped back and took a deep breath, “Apologies, brother. Come, let’s make haste. I resent spending time in this realm.”
Moving through the city was uneventful. As both Asmodeus and Astaroth were Angels, the humans that guarded each of the gates between the rings allowed them to pass, bowing to them in turn.
“I hate this worship.” Astaroth hissed in annoyance as another human bowed to the pair of them. “There should be no need.”
“Calm.” Asmodeus warned as they ascended up the stairs to the Hall of Records.
An male Angel with long walnut coloured hair, tied at the back, greeted them at the entrance. He bowed in greeting, “Welcome to the Hall of Records. Please state your rank.”
“We are from the Third Sphere, Archangels.” Asmodeus stepped forward and replied.
“Those of the third Sphere may only access the records on the first floor.” He stepped back and three white balls hovered in mid air. “To prove your rank, you must pass your Essence through this one here.” He indicated to the third ball that hovered, the smallest of the three.
Astaroth glanced at her brother in question, the records used to be open to all Angels. What had changed?
Asmodeus took a step forward and placed his hand upon the ball, concentrating as it began to glow gold. “You pass. Your companion, please.” The angel gestured to Astaroth and she took a step forward, frowning. How was she to do this? She had an incredible amount of Essence and had never had to temper her power before. Squinting slightly, she poked at the ball and it immediately glowed gold. She quickly retracted her hand, breathing a sigh of relief. “Pass. You may both enter.”
The pair took a step forward, pushing open the door and stepping into a large library.
‘I’m surprised you held back. You could have easily controlled him with the power of your Throne.’ Asmodeus looked down at Astaroth as he projected his thoughts. Astaroth, despite being a Fallen, was an still Angel of Thrones. Thrones were so named after the Throne Wheel that hovered at their backs and with this wheel, they had the ability to turn the wheels of fate and control Angels from the Second and Third Sphere.
‘There was no need. It was a simple task.’ She stalked off towards the shelves at the back, ‘There should be records of the Empyrean in here, let’s find them and leave quickly.’
Asmodeus nodded and turned in the opposite direction to begin his search. It would be faster for them to search separately.
Astaroth turned back and watched as Asmodeus disappeared between the shelves before she walked up and down the rows of bookcases, looking at the collection of scrolls and dusty books. There were a number of other Angels also around her, either lounging on the chairs reading, or sitting at the table taking notes and studying. She remembered before she was cast out, how she used to come to this place to study and read about Heaven here.
“Are you new?” Blinking, she turned and saw a male angel with very short, ginger blonde hair. He was wearing a chainmail top and a plated skirt. At his back was a sphere. Her eyes narrowed, he was an Angel of Powers, a Heavenly Warrior, one of those from the Second Sphere.
She feigned a look of ignorance and tilted her head in confusion. “I’m a little lost, actually.”
The man smiled at her, “What are you looking for? Come, I’ll help you.”
“Ah, all is well. It is best if I learn how to navigate the Hall of Records myself. I cannot expect you to help me or I will never learn.” She forced a smile and turned to leave.
“It is no trouble to me. Let me know your woes, I can assist. I may be a Power, but first and foremost I am an avid Scholar.” The man placed a fist on his chest proudly, smiling.
“Camael!” A burly man stepped forward, clasping the other on the back. Astaroth’s eyes widened as she saw four tawny coloured wings from the man’s back; feathers spread across the man’s chest, his face was that of a lion and he stood upon two coven oxen feet. A Cherub. She needed to get away. While she could easily overthrow an Angel of Powers, she had no hope against a Cherub.  
“I must apologise, I am in a rush. I bid you well.” She quickly turned and walked away.
“Ah, no need, no need.” The Cherub replied, waving his hand. “I just came over to greet Camael.”
Astaroth stood with her back to both males, and shook her head in reply. “I have urgent business, I will take my leave.” She went to take another step, but then Camael called out to her.
“Don’t mind Gabriel, come. Let me know what you are looking for.”
She froze at the name. Gabriel. He was supposed to be an Archangel, how is he now a Cherub? She turned, looking at the lion-faced man behind her.
“I don’t recognise you.” Gabriel narrowed his eyes as he stroked his chin.
“I am merely an Archangel of little consequence. I thank you, Camael, for your concern. But I am well.” She turned and took a step forward but then Gabriel raised his arm.
“Wait.” She stopped, glancing up at him. “There is something amiss with you.” His eyes narrowed in suspicion, “Identify yourself!”
Astaroth gritted her teeth then raised her arm causing Camael to raise his spear in return. He went to throw his spear but stopped when a beryl-coloured wheel emerged and it began to spin.
“Kneel.” She hissed. Camael’s eyes went blank and he immediately dropped to the floor, head pressed against the tiles, the other Angels in the library also followed suit, however Gabriel remained standing.  
“You’re a Throne. It is forbidden to use Glamour within the Spheres.” His face snarled, “How dare you dishonour the Primum Mobile.” He reached out with a hand and clenched it into a fist.
Astaroth gasped as she felt a strong power gripping her being, it was like being caught in the teeth of a beast. She fell to her knees and the illusion holding her male form shattered, falling to the ground like pieces of glass.
Gabriel’s golden eyes surveyed the figure before him, it was a woman with a pair of beryl-coloured wings. Her Throne, the wooden wheel behind the figure hovered in place, all of its eyes were focused on Gabriel. She stood up, brushing her green and black hair behind her ears. His eyes narrowed. “Who are you? There is no female Throne. The All Mighty Creator never made one.”
“It seems you are mistaken about Father.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. There were only nine angels that had called the All Mighty Creator, Father. And those nine had been cast from Heaven. “Who are you?” He asked again, snarling.
The woman before him stood, spreading out her wings at their full length, “I am the Prince of Thrones, Ruler of the First Circle of Hell. Astaroth.”
Continue to Chapter 13
2 notes · View notes
aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Duck Feet
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8
Alice loaded the boys up into the car as bit by bit, people filtered away as they all went home. Thomas was talking non-stop and Lucifer sat quietly in the back of the car, staring out the window as Alice drove.
“Did you have a good night, boys?”
“Yeah! Luce is really good at games! You should’ve kept playing, you could’ve won so much more!”
Lucifer looked away from the window and smiled, “Perhaps, but they may have stopped me from playing if I won too much.”
“Nuh-uh! They can’t do that!”
“Thomas, sometimes it’s good to have a bit of self control and modesty. Luce is a very mature boy.” Alice smiled, glancing up in the mirror at the two boys in the backseat of the car. She couldn’t quite remember how Thomas met this Luce, but he seemed to fit into their family quite well. He was a very level-headed boy and strangely mature for his age. His father was very… weird, and touchy, but surprisingly old school. She pondered wondering what to do about morning tea. Scones perhaps? “Did you boys want to eat anything in particular in the morning?”
Thomas leaned forward, resting his chin on the back of his mother’s chair. “Hash browns!”
“Thomas, what if Luce doesn’t want hash browns?”
“It’s OK, Mrs Wood.” Lucifer smiled, “I’ll eat anything. Hash browns sound fine.”
“Hash browns it is then.”
By the time they had arrived home, Thomas had drifted off to sleep. He was sleeping with his head resting against Lucifer’s shoulder. Alice pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, opening Lucifer’s door. “Is he bothering you?” Alice asked softly, kneeling down as she brushed Thomas’ brown hair from his eyes. The boy was fast asleep.
Lucifer shifted slightly as he unbuckled his seatbelt, “No.” He murmured quietly, “Should I wake him?”
Alice chuckled softly and reached past Lucifer, unbuckling her son and lifting him up, carrying him on her shoulder. “He’s a heavy sleeper. I doubt you’d be able to wake him.”
Lucifer brushed his fingers through his hair, the red flecks springing back up as he attempted to tuck one behind his ear.
“Why red?” Alice asked, tilting her head.
“Your hair. Why did you choose red.”
Lucifer blinked, not quite comprehending the question, “... I didn’t choose red?” He grabbed a red strand, twisting it as he looked at it in thought, “It just came out that way.”
Alice gave a slight nod then gestured towards the house, “C’mon. Let’s get inside. It will probably start snowing tonight.”
Lucifer nodded, tightening the scarf around his neck as he followed her inside the house. He watched Alice carefully, observing as she tenderly carried her son up the stairs, and placed him in bed. She pulled off his jacket and shoes then tucked him in bed, before giving him a kiss on the forehead. The makeshift mattress that Lucifer had stayed in was made up beside Thomas’ bed, the sheets were recently ironed and were crisp and clean. “When Thomas told me you hadn’t seen fireworks before, I figured I’d get a bed ready for you. Thank you for coming out tonight, Luce.” She leaned forward, brushing away his black hair and lightly pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“G-goodnight.” Lucifer stammered, unsure how to react. Alice turned off the light and closed the door and Lucifer dropped to the bed, confused. He touched his forehead in question, where she had placed her lips, it felt strangely warm. Calming.
He unraveled the scarf and slid off his jacket, kicking off his boots. Lucifer, like his Fallen brothers, didn’t have a mother. The concept was so foreign to him. They had their Father, the All Mighty Creator as well as numerous brothers and sisters, but no Mother. Apparently their Father welcomed a mortal woman into the Empyrean, the Holy Realm… What was her name? Margaret? Madeline? Mary? He shook his head. He couldn’t remember, but she was definitely a mortal woman. He had bestowed upon her the highest honour because she had carried and given birth to their Father’s One True Son. Lucifer frowned, agitated.
He hated his Father. The arrogant, selfish prick. Lucifer noticed blue light in the room then looked down at his hands, where blue flames had emerged. He quickly shook his hands, putting out the flame and took a deep breath. Temper. He needed to control himself.
Sighing, he flopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. A soft smile was on his face as he remembered the fireworks display. He had never seen anything so, beautiful like that before. To think, that Humans who were masters of destruction, could create such beauty. He wondered idly if it was possible to bring some fireworks back to Hell. He could put on a show.
Lucifer chucked to himself, no. If he suggested that, Berith, his idiot little brother, would likely try and upstage him by summoning lightning or brimstone from the sky as a challenge. No, it was probably safer to keep human creations in the human realm. He wondered how Berith was going. Despite his showy Cataclysm the other day and the resulting damage, Berith had successfully managed to eradicate nearly 80% of the Summon Circles in the region. At least he was enjoying himself and the free reign that Lucifer gave him.
“Luuuucee… Share the candy apppllleee.” Lucifer blinked in surprise, sitting up and looking over the brown haired boy. Thomas had rolled over and one hand was resting on his cheek, while the other hand was reaching and grasping air.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, “Tom?”
“Noooo, you’re going to eat it all!”
Thomas rolled over, face to face with Lucifer, his eyes were shut and he mumbled quietly.
Ah. The boy was dreaming. Lucifer snickered to himself then laid down on the pillow, rolling over. He liked the kid. He was very open and easy to read like a book yet very honest and pure. It was nice to be around someone where Lucifer didn’t have to worry about being backstabbed. Hell was a very cut-throat environment and the only ones he trusted whole-heartedly were his brothers from the First Sphere, the Eight Generals of Hell. Lucifer raised both his hands, holding them up in the darkness. He counted off seven fingers pulling in his thumb, index finger and middle finger on his right hand. It was seven, wasn’t it? The original inhabitants of Hell were the Royals… Lucifer started to count them off on the remaining seven fingers, trying to remember when Leviathan and Paimon had attempted to explain the Hell Hierarchy. It was shortly after Lucifer took the title of Satan away from Belial; he had just been banished from Heaven to Hell, and with him Lucifer brought an one third of Heaven’s Angels with him. It was a very satisfying war and the victory definitely nursed his ego after his banishment.
Lucifer frowned, having lost his train of thought. That’s right. What were the rankings again? It was the Kings, the Dukes and the Princes. He counted off three fingers, trying to remember the rest… then it was the… ah, yes, the Marquises, Counts, Knights and Presidents. He counted the last four off on his fingers.
Berith was a Prince of Cherubim, the only Cherub Angel of the Generals, second in rank to the Seraphim Angels, which is what Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeus were. Given Berith’s Cataclysm was able to destroy such a large number of Summon Circles, the being behind this would rank in power to that of a Throne or lower, the Thrones were third in rank in terms of power. The Kings definitely stood on par in terms of power against the Princes of Thrones, but would they betray him, their Lord Satan? Lucifer breathed out, sighing deeply. He’d ask Leviathan in the morning. He had hoped that with the amount of destruction Berith caused, that at least the perpetrator behind all this would reveal themselves, but they hadn’t. This meant one of two things, either they were weak and got scared and fled, or they were biding their time and hiding their true strength.  
It had been a few thousand years since Lucifer last went to war.
He smirked and rolled onto his side, closing his eyes. He could use a little more excitement in his life.  
Bright light filtered through the window and Lucifer shifted in his bed. He could hear the chirping of birds outside and after spending a few days on Earth was now accustomed to their sound. He sat up, raising his arms above his head as he stretched and looked at the empty bed beside him. That was unusual, normally Thomas would wake him up.
He kicked the blanket off and yawning, trudged out the door and down the stairs.
“Ah, Luce. Good morning.” Alice smiled as Lucifer entered the room.
Lucifer nodded in response then covered his mouth as he yawned again, pulling up a chair. He had found Thomas. The poor kid had a hash brown scrunched up in his little fist, but his head was laying top of the plate before him. He was well and truly asleep.
“He woke up about an hour before you did and wanted to eat. He ate half of his breakfast, but as you can see,” she waved her hand at her son, chuckling, “tiredness won.”
“Mmm.” Lucifer nodded. He rubbed his eyes, being in his mortal form made him susceptible to mortal weaknesses, like being tired. He had never felt tired in his Fallen form before. Alice placed a plate in front of Lucifer and there was two strips of bacon and a hash brown. “Thanks.” He murmured. He hadn’t even asked for bacon, yet this woman knew he liked it. It was difficult to get food like this in Hell after all.
“Your Father said he’d be around at about 11. It’s 9am now.” Lucifer paused, almost forgetting she meant Leviathan, not his actual father.
He munched on his bacon, nodding in response.
“Did you want to go back to bed, or stay awake? I can put the TV on if you like?”
“S’ok.” He said in between bites, “I’m awake now.”
“Alright. I’ve left your clothes on the end of Thomas’ bed. Feel free to have a shower and get changed after you eat.” She reached over and ruffled up his hair, smiling affectionately before picking up Thomas and laying him on the couch. Somehow he managed to hold the hash brown in his small fist the entire trip and still remain asleep.
Lucifer quickly finished his food then thanked Alice before going up the stairs, two at a time. He grabbed his clothes and ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He stripped out of his clothes and hopped in the shower, turning on the water.
Sighing deeply, he felt his skin vibrate as he released his human form. His body grew from 4 and a half feet to his full 7 foot height. His red hair twisted together, growing out into full horns and red fur rippled down from his waist, across his legs and down to his feet. There was a slight click has his hooves grew through and they tapped the tiled floor, his tail behind him flicked out behind him.
There were no showers in Hell, hot springs yes, but showers, no. The first time Thomas had shown Lucifer a shower, he was curious what it would feel like upon his Satan body. The half human-half goat form he wore now was one that was only bestowed upon a Demon that carried the title of Satan, and no other being could take this form. Lucifer had his Seraph form from when he was an Angel, and could still take it on, but he always felt… dirty, in that form. It reminded him of his Father. Urgh. He didn’t want to think about it.
He lifted the shower head slightly, attempting to fit under it and turned up the water pressure as the warm water dripped down his body. Closing his eyes, he sighed in contentment, feeling completely at ease and relaxed.
Lucifer froze as the door to the bathroom door handle turned. FUCK!
He quickly stamped his hoof, and dropped down to his human form, just as the door opened. Looking around the shower, he saw his red fur on the tiles and tried to jump up to reach the shower head to quickly wash his loose fur away, but promptly slipped.
“Ahhhhhhh, faaaarrrkk.” He hissed in pain, rubbing his backside.
The shower door opened, and Thomas stared at Lucifer who was sat on the bottom of the shower, wincing in pain.
“Fuck kid, I thought it was your mother.”
“You shouldn’t swear.” Thomas replied, his brown eyes furrowed in all seriousness, the boy paused then looked at Lucifer, tilting his head, “Why are you on the floor?”
Lucifer placed a hand over his face and sighed deeply, “I slipped.”
“You know we have adhesive duck feet.” Thomas pointed to bright yellow silicone objects on the wall.
“Who the duck now?”
“Duck feet!” Thomas reached over behind Lucifer and pulled off one of the yellow objects from the wall and dropped it on the floor. Lucifer blinked, staring down at the offending object. It was bright, and yellow… and shaped like the imprint of a duck’s foot. Huh. What did you know. “Stand on it.” Thomas instructed, pointing.
Lucifer pulled himself upright then placed a foot on the silicone object and attempted to push it with his foot. It didn’t budge. What sorcery was this?
“See. You should really use the duck feet, then you won’t slip.” Lucifer blinked, he understood what Thomas was saying, but was still struggling to comprehend how this little bit of rubber refused to move when he tried pushing it with his feet. “Luce?”
Lucifer looked up at Thomas, his black hair stuck to the side of his head and his red streaks hung down a bit further than his hair, his raised an eyebrow, “Yeah?”
“Why is there red fur in the bath?”
Lucifer groaned, then placed his hand on Thomas’ face, pushing him out of the shower, “Please let me shower in peace.”
Thomas grinned, “Okay! But don’t take too long!” With that he ran out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
Lucifer reached forward, placing his hands on the tiles of the wall. That was close. What if it had been Alice who came through that door instead of Thomas? He looked at the rest of the duck feet stuck to the wall, and grabbing them, he tossed them at the floor of the shower. “May as well use them.” He muttered to himself as he started kicking his fur down the sink.
Continue to Chapter 8
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Cherubim
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
“Master Berith?” A low voice called out across the large cavern. The walls were lined with rocks, and within the centre of the cavern was a large steaming spring. Resting at the edge of the spring was a man and from his back sprouted four wings. The wings were golden-brown in colour and from where they connected at his shoulder blades, feathers filtered down his back and lightly speckled his upper chest. The man had his arms folded upon the edge of the spring, his face resting upon them. “Master Berith?” The voice called forth again. The man opened one golden eye, annoyed that his bath was being interrupted. Golden brown locks framed his face, with feathers coming down his cheeks like a pair of sideburn. He pursed his lips in annoyance.  
“Eligos.” Berith snarled, “This better be important.” He looked up at the armoured Knight standing at the doorway. Eligos bowed, quickly delivering his report.
“Master, I have received a report that Master Leviathan was able to restore the town that you destroyed-”
“Yes, Master. Saved. However, despite that there are still Summon Circles and Demons appearing on Earth. What would you like me to do? I have 60 Legions at my disposal, I could bring them to the surface and eradicate-”
“Eligos.” Berith sat up, a frown on his face as he glared at the Knight before him, “Do I look like I need to rely on the powers of the Legions?”
Eligos opened his mouth to reply, but stopped, watching as Berith’s face twisted, the feathers disappeared and golden fur emerged in its place. His face had changed from the sharp look of an Eagle, and took on the features of a Lion. Eligos immediately dropped to his hands and knees, “No, Master! Please forgive me!” Berith only ever wore his Lion Form when he was either angry or in battle.
Berith stood up from the spring, and water dripped down his body, his hands and feet had transformed into lion paws and a lions tail swished behind him in annoyance, “Did our Lord Satan, Lucifer, ask me to use the powers of the Legions to ‘tidy up this mess’?”
“No, Master! It was arrogant of me to suggest so!”
“Then,” Berith took a step forward, staring down at Eligos on the ground, “why did you suggest it?”
“It was only a suggestion, Master! Please! I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Berith looked down at his paw, opening and closing it slightly as the claws appeared and retracted in response. “Our Lord Satan, Lucifer tasked me with destroying each of those Summon Circles. His instructions were clear - if the demon came from a Legion, punish it and it’s master. If it didn’t come from a Legion, then destroy it and send it back to Hell.”
“Yes, Master. I’m very sorry.” The Knight pressed his helmeted head against the ground.
“Do not offend me again.” Berith snarled, snapping his fingers, a red and purple robe appeared on his body. He then stormed out of the room, slamming the stone door behind him with enough force that the door cracked.
Eligos held his breath until he was certain that Berith had left and breathed a sigh of relief.
Pathetic. Berith thought to himself, his golden eyes were narrowed in anger and he stormed into the man throne room. “Asmodeus! Are you here?” He bellowed.
“Brother, dear. You don’t have to yell.” A beautiful man with long golden hair appeared behind him, six wings were upon his back. Asmodeus tilted his head, looking at Berith with his green coloured, almond shaped eyes noting that Berith was in his lion form. “You seem agitated.” He mused as he straightened the white robe he wore, adjusting the golden sash tied around his waist.
“Are Lucifer and Leviathan back yet?” Beirth sat on one of eight stone chairs that lined the throne room, there were four on either side.
“No,” Asmodeus took a seat beside Beirth, watching him in interest.
“Your Essence is drained.” Asmodeus tilted his head, tapping on Berith’s forehead. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Beirth simply snorted in reply, the Lion features melted away and he sat there as a normal man, albeit for the four wings that came from his back. “You must have invoked a rather large Cataclysm for that to happen.” Cataclysms were the events that the Fallen Angels, the Generals of Hell, were capable of performing, the polar opposite of an Angel’s Miracle.
Berith waved him off, “I just rained brimstone upon the Earth.”
Asmodeus eyes widened momentarily before returning to normal, “Earth is Father’s Dominion. You know that the Principalities and Rulers guard over Earth. It’s a wonder that you are even still standing.”
Beirth growled, “I know that now.” He hissed in reply, “It was simply more efficient.”
Asmodeus raised his eyebrow in question, his younger brother was definitely the more battle-hungry out of Lucifer’s Generals, but to traverse to the Earthen plane just to rain brimstone? Berith wasn’t an idiot. Battle-hungry and violent, yes, but not an idiot. He wouldn’t do something like that without reason.
“I can hear your thoughts, prettyboy.” Berith hissed, Asmodeus simply smiled in reply.
“WIll you give me an answer or should I ponder louder?” He tapped on his chin with his finger and looked at the ceiling.
“If Lucifer didn’t tell you, then you don’t need to know.” With that Berith stood up and walked out of the throne room
Asmodeus frowned as the door slammed shut. Just what was going on? First, Lucifer keeps disappearing and now Leviathan was missing. Then, today Berith had come back, barely standing and completely drained of Essence. When he attempted to assist his younger brother, Berith simply shooed him away and locked himself up in one of the Essence Caverns to recover his power. Asmodeus smiled to himself as his eyes glittered in delight, his brothers were certainly up to something, and he was going to find out what it was.
Berith had retreated back to his Kingdom on the Seventh Circle of Hell, closing his eyes he sighed in content, relishing the sounds of screams that surrounded him. Home.
Being on Earth was exhausting, and unlike Lucifer and Leviathan who were Seraphim and had larger pools of Essence, Berith, despite having fallen from the First Sphere of Heaven was still a Cherub and thus didn’t carry as much power as his two older brothers. He walked through the main gates and towards his Castle. The gates were abandoned with no guards in sight - this was something that Berith insisted on compared to the other Generals. He didn’t want guards stopping people from entering his Realm, no - quite the opposite in fact - he wanted people to trespass; just so that he could deliver punishment. Sadly though, no one ever did. There was that man one time… Dante? He decided to explore all Nine Circles of Hell, but apart from that, they had no visitors.
Stepping forward, Berith placed both hands on the heavy stone doors and pushed forward, opening them. “Sabnock!” Berith called out, Sabnock was a demon and one of the Great Marquis of Hell, who has 50 legions of demons under his command. He was an inventor of weapons and enjoyed warfare as much as Berith did. There was a swirl of black mist and a being appeared in front of Berith, bowing deeply. He had the body of a man, but a head of a horse. His chest was mostly bare except for a leather plate across his upper chest. On his back was a quiver of arrows, and from his waist hung a sword and metal, layered in a skirt.
“Welcome back, Master Berith.”
“Come, join me in the War Room. I need you to design me a weapon.”
“Yes, Sir.” Sabnock stood, following Berith down the hall. Faces leered out from the walls as cries and screams echoed around them. These walls were constructed from human souls that had committed acts of violence upon Earth and were sent to Hell as punishment.
Berith turned down the hallway before entering a large room. In the centre of the room hung a globe of the Earth. Above it was Nine golden Spheres, floating from above the globe towards the ceiling, and below the globe was a dark chasm, laid out with Nine layers. Berith sat in front of the globe at the table and stared at Sabnock. “I need a weapon capable of destroying large amounts of Summon Circles without using any Essence.”
Sabnock’s ear twitched, his brown horse eyes looked at Berith in question, but he did not ask. “It’ll be difficult to create, but it can be done. It will use mortal magic from the Imitators.”
Berith pondered for a moment, the Imitators were evil Witches and Warlocks that had been cast into Hell by Angels and while the Imitators couldn’t create Cataclysms, they were capable of performing false Miracles. It was definitely an option. “Research it for me. I want a prototype within a week. You are dismissed.”
Sabnock bowed, then vanished into black mist before floating out the door.
Berith leaned forward, crossing his fingers together and resting them under his chin. He stared at the Earth globe, watching as little flecks of blue lights pulsed on the globe. They were scattered across the entire surface of the Earth, but the area that Lucifer had tasked Berith with keeping an eye on seemed to have a higher concentration than the rest. Berith frowned, remembering when Lucifer had approached him about it.
“It’s so fucking BORING here!” Berith punched one of the screaming faces in the wall, smirking as he heard their screams get louder.
“Your decor was always interesting, little Ber.”
Berith froze at the sound of the smooth voice behind him, he turned and there, perched upon his Throne sat Lucifer, swinging his cloven hooves back and forth. Lucifer had a smirk on his face and he was tossing a black box up and down, catching it each time.
“Lucifer.” Berith immediately dropped to one knee, lowering his head and placing a fist upon the ground, “Welcome to my Realm.” It had been over 700 years since Lucifer had last stepped forth in the Seventh Circle of Hell.
“Catch.” Lucifer threw the black box at Berith and he caught it in surprise. Turning it over, he saw the carvings of screaming humans upon it.
“Is this a Pandora’s box?” Berith stood up, examining it in interest. He had heard of them before, Lucifer kept the original sealed within the Judecca Lake, but imitations and recreations had popped up from time to time. They were quite rare.
“It is.” Lucifer tapped his cheek, watching Berith with golden eyes.
“Where did you get it?”
“You know my little trip up to Earth on Christmas Day?” Berith nodded, Hell had been in an uproar when Lucifer had vanished for the most part of the day without warning. Lucifer would sometimes make trips up to Earth only for a few hours at a time, but this time he had disappeared for a day and this time, he had taken his weapon, his pitchfork Lightbringer with him. The Generals were concerned that he had attempted to enter the Heaven’s Spheres again, but thankfully he hadn’t. “I found it under a Human Christmas Tree.”
Berith frowned, and held the box up to his ear. It was empty and absent of demons. Lucifer must have cleansed it. “But how? These are valuable. You don’t just chuck them in a mortal house. Even the Rulers would keep these for times of war.”
Lucifer swung his feet around and leapt to his feet, brushing off some dust from the fur on his backside. “I want you to find out who made it, and where it came from.”
“Certainly.” Berith turned the box over in his hands, fascinated that something so small could be capable of such destruction. “Is that all, Lucifer?”
Lucifer smirked, “One other thing, Ber.”
“Yes?” Berith looked up, and saw a twinkle in Lucifer’s golden eyes. Berith smiled back in anticipation. That was the same look he had in his eyes when he first defied Father. “You did say you were bored, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” Berith breathed, his eyes widening in anticipation.
“Someone is summoning demons freely and distributing Summon Circles in the human realm. I give you full permission to use your powers of Cataclysm on Earth to tidy up that mess. Locate each of the Circles and destroy them.” Lucifer raised his hand and summoned a globe before them, pointing to a section where it glowed blue, “I want you to focus on this area here. Forget about the other areas. This is where they are mostly appearing, and if we destroy enough of the Circles, we may be able to find out who is behind this. Don’t draw too much attention, I don’t want any Angels of the Sphere interfering.”
“Of course.”
“If any demons escape, find out if they came from one of the Legions of Hell, then punish it and it’s Master. If it didn’t come from a Legion, then destroy it and send it back to Hell. You are welcome to keep their Essence and Souls for yourself.”
A wicked grin spread across Berith’s face as it morphed into that of a lion. He dropped to one knee and placed his fist upon the ground, “As you Command, Lord Satan.”
“Perfect.” Lucifer smiled then turned and walked out of the room, the globe of Earth disappeared, “Oh, and Berith?”
“Avoid telling our brothers about this little expedition. And don’t go too overboard. I’ve asked Leviathan to keep an eye on you.”
Berith grumbled, Leviathan was such a stuck up who had no concept of fun. He bowed his head nonetheless, “As you wish, Lord Satan.”
Lucifer nodded then stamped his cloven hoof twice and disappeared.
Berith could feel his body vibrate in excitement, his fur bristling. His times of boredom were now over.
Continue to Chapter 7
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Serpah Flame
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Leviathan turned and with a boyish smile on his face, he waved to Alice and Thomas as they departed. Lucifer walked ahead and crossed his arms behind his head, glancing back at the General in question. “So? What’s happened?”
The smile dropped from Leviathan’s face and his face darkened. “I’ve lost contact with Asmodeus and Astaroth.”
Lucifer stopped and heaved a sigh. He stomped his foot on the ground twice and flame consumed him, transporting him to Hell. Blinking, he realised that he had forgotten to transform back. Making a sound of annoyance, he reached his arms upwards, stretching as he burst into his Satan form, just as Leviathan appeared behind him, his black-blue wings unfurled. “Did you want me to go after them?”
Turning back, Lucifer eyed Leviathan, a frown on his face. “No,” he turned and walked out of the room, “If it were just Astaroth, I would say yes, but Asmodeus is with her. As a Seraph, he can hold his own.” He closed his eyes momentarily, as if concentrating on something then opened them. “I can sense them both. Faintly, but they are there.”
Leviathan grimaced slightly as he rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “What,” He started, then stopped, raising his dark blue eyes to look at Lucifer, “What if the Empyrean got ahold of them?”
A dark smile crossed Lucifer’s lips, “Then that’s the safest place they can be. The Empyrean want me and the only good bait for them worth having is live bait. We both know this.” Lucifer walked off down the hallway and waved his hand, “They’ll be fine. I doubt they have been captured.”
“But Sire-!”
Lucifer stopped and turned as black flames consumed his being. “Leviathan, if it comes down to it, I will rip open Heaven myself and take them back.” He turned his head, his eyes darkened, “Father knows I won’t abandon any of you, so he won’t make a pointless gamble like that just to draw me out. Now, go make yourself useful.”
Leviathan dropped to one knee, bowing his head, “Of course, Sire. I will keep a watch for any portals and assist where needed.” A purple flame rose up from the ground, consuming Leviathan as he disappeared.
Lucifer walked down the hallway, the clop of his hooves again the stone floor echoed as he walked. He turned down another hallway then walked into a small cavern lined with books. He ran his finger along the spines before picking out a book with a dark blue cover. He didn’t think he would find anything in the texts his Father had left upon Earth, but he needed to confirm.
Flicking through it, he opened it and began to read.
 So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
   and I expelled you, guardian cherub,
   from among the fiery stones.
Your heart became proud
   on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
   because of your splendor.
So I threw you to the earth;
   I made a spectacle of you before kings.
By your many sins and dishonest trade
   you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
   and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
   in the sight of all who were watching.
All the nations who knew you
   are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
   and will be no more.
 A soft chuckle began to echo in the small cavern, “So this is the false story you tell to humans, Father.” He closed the book, feeling a surge of anger burn through his body. “You truly are a proud man.” Lucifer glanced at the book before him with a red gleam in his eye. He almost wanted to burn the stupid piece of literature, but he knew he shouldn’t. Knowledge was power and it would be foolish to destroy any bit of knowledge that Heaven left behind, false or not.  
“Mum says that God was mean to humans, and when the Angels stood up for them, he threw them into Hell.”
Lucifer paused, remembering the young child’s words. He pushed the book back into its original spot, a small smile on his face, “You’re a strange one.”
 “I am the Prince of Thrones, Ruler of the First Circle of Hell. Astaroth.” Astaroth stood with her wings fully expanded, her emerald green eyes looked down at Gabriel with a burning fury.
He looked over at the woman that stood before him; she had a pair of beryl-coloured wings at her back, and behind her floated a wooden wheel, covered in blinking green eyes. Her hair was black at the top and drifted down to a forest green, hanging past her shoulders. The wooden wheel was turning back and forth in anticipation. There was no doubt about it, this woman was definitely a Throne, and a powerful one at that. He could feel her malice seeping out with her Essence.
“You were banished. The Fallen are not welcome in any of the Spheres of Heaven.” Astaroth felt her head pound and she felt herself shake in rage. She knew that. She knew that they were not welcome. That they were banished. That they were cast from Heaven. The pupils in her eyes contracted and flashed red once. The eyes on the wheel behind her turned red and glowed.
Gabriel let out a snarl as golden fur enveloped his body, the feathers across his chest disappeared, replaced by fur. His cloven oxen feet stretched and paws emerged in their place and a golden brown mane embraced his face as he took on the form of a humanoid lion.
Astaroth’s eyes narrowed - she was familiar with Berith’s transformations, and he too only adopted his lion form for battle. It was a pattern of Cherubs to take this form.
‘-roth. Astaroth. Astaroth!’ She could hear a voice in her mind, but she pushed it to the side, ignoring it. The pounding of her blood echoed in her ears and she felt the power of the Throne flow through her.
“You are not welcome here. Disappear.” Memories of being banished floated across her mind. The same words were handed to her by her Father when she protested her banishment.
“Shut up.” She hissed as she clenched her hands into fists. “Shut your mouth.”
Gabriel raised his fist, his golden eyes glowed, “You dare tell me to be silent?” He reached out with his hand and Astaroth felt the pressure around her body again as he attempted to crush her. She hissed and the wheel behind her turned as a green glow enveloped her body. “Do you think your power can defy me? I am a Cherub and you are a Throne. A Throne cannot hope to defeat a Cherub, that is the law of the Spheres of Heaven.”
She gritted her teeth, resisting the pressure. As much as she loathed to admit it, he was right. A Seraph has twice the power of a Cherub and a Cherub had twice the power of the Throne. Even with her powers as a Fallen, she would still struggle to close the gap. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to gage the options. She could call forth a Cataclysm, but to summon one in the Primum Mobile was just begging the Empyrean to come down upon them. No, she couldn’t fight using the powers of a Fallen, she would have to use her powers as a Throne.
A smile crossed her face as a realisation came to her. While she may not have the strength to stand toe to toe with a Cherub, the Angels of Heaven had one main weakness. They could not sin.
Her lips turned upwards at this realisation as she looked at each of the angels around her, their heads were still bowed to the ground, bound by the power of her Throne. Her eyes glowed briefly as she raised her arm and the wheel behind her turned. At once, all of the Angels in the library charged forward, attacking Gabriel. He leapt back, avoiding the Angels that rushed at him. She felt the pressure around her disappear and she leapt back, standing atop wheel walking across it’s outer edge as it slowly turned on the spot.
‘Astaroth! Forget him! Focus on the barrier!’
Gabriel snarled, punching and knocking out each of the Angels that rushed at him. “This isn’t a fight. This is dirty.” He hissed, as he grabbed an Angel by the throat and threw them at the ground, causing them to pass out.
“This is battle.” Astaroth replied as she grinned with glee. Her steps were light as she continued stepping along the top of her wheel, increasing her speed as she walked, causing the wheel to turn faster. Several of the unconscious angels rose like puppets, rushing forward again.
“Do you not know anything else?” Gabriel growled as his fur glowed gold. Suddenly each of the angels were pinned to the ground, held in place by golden swords of light.
Frowning, Astaroth stepped off the wheel, landing lightly on the floor. Raising her arm, the wheel spun forcefully, but the bodies around them did not move.
“You’re a loathsome woman.” Gabriel spat, raising his hand as a golden sword of light appeared. He leapt forward, slashing with the sword.
Astaroth jumped behind her Throne and threw her hands up as a green glow encased it, throwing up a barrier. Gabriel gripped the sword with both hands, applying more pressure. “You should have remained in Hell, you wench.”
‘Damnit, Astaroth! Respond to me!’
There was the sound of splintering and Astaroth dropped to one knee, gritting her teeth. She looked up and saw that the sword had breached the the protective layer and was now cutting into the wood of the Throne. She curled up her hand into a fist and slammed it into the ground, causing the Throne to turn, knocking his sword back.
“You can’t win.” Gabriel charged forward again but jumped back as a burst of yellow flame attacked where he stood moments before.
“Asmodeus!” Astaroth stood up.
Gabriel paused, narrowing his eyes as he watched as the flame grew and from it stepped a man with golden eyes, long golden hair, and six-wings, gold in colour. A Seraph! “How did you destroy my barrier?”
Asmodeus gave a small smile, simply pointing at the ceiling. Astaroth looked up and for the first time, noticed that a clear silver barrier encased half of the library, though at the top it appears a hole was shattered into it. A frown passed her face, she had been too absorbed in the fight to even notice that a barrier had been cast. Glancing up at her older brother, she saw that his eyes were burning and at the tips of each of his wings were balls of yellow flame.
Taking a step forward, the smile on Asmodeus’ face increased, “Now, I believe you said something to my dear sister about not being able to win?” He held out his hand and a yellow flame appeared in his palm, growing bigger and bigger.
Gabriel took another step back. He couldn’t win against a Seraph, he knew that. What should he do? Should he call for help? Notify the Empyrean? His thoughts came to a halt as the large ball of flame was thrown at him. He held up his sword, bracing it with his opposite hand and threw up another barrier.
He knew it was pointless. A Cherub could never hope to defend against the flame of a Seraph. Their fire was all burning, all consuming and the strongest in Heaven. This is why the Seraph stood at the pinnacle of the strongest in Heaven, and why The All Mighty Creator had to create the Empyrean - to defend against the Fallen Seraph.
It was hot. Insanely hot. The fur on his arms and palms sizzled under the heat, causing the skin underneath to blister. He poured all of his Essence into his barrier, knowing that it was futile but regardless, he would not go down without a fight. There was a loud whoosh and he looked up as books and shelves around him went up in flames. He could feel the fire pushing past his barrier and smelt burning fabric, even his robe had became singed.
“I won’t be defeated!” Letting out a warcry, he took a step forward, pushing the ball of flame back when suddenly it disappeared, causing him to topple forward, landing face first into the ground. He quickly got up and looked around.
There was silence.
The flame was gone.
The Seraph and the Throne were also gone.
Several angels started moaning as they came to, holding their heads, throat and bodies in pain.
Gabriel gritted his teeth and punched the ground in frustration.
They were gone.
And he had lost.  
Continue to Chapter 14
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - Masterlist - Ch1 - 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Deceit
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
“Satan, I don’t know what to tell you.” Nicholas raised his arms, shrugging as he closed the book in front of him. Scrawled on the front of the cover in golden cursive were the words, ‘Nice List’. “His name is in here, so he can’t be bad.”
“You don’t get it, Nick.” Lucifer growled, frustrated at having to repeat the argument for the tenth time, “There is something up with that kid.”
“What so wrong with having a golden soul?”
“That’s the thing. Humans don’t. Even Angels struggle to have a pure soul, and they still get flecks of darkness upon it. This one is pure golden. Nothing evil. Nada. Zilch. His thoughts are completely innocent. It’s unnatural.”
Nicholas sat down at his bench and grabbed a cup of cocoa that Freya had prepared earlier, taking a sip, “My soul is sometimes golden.” He mused.
“I said human, Nick. C’mon. I’m repeating myself here.” Lucifer paced up and down the room, his hands scratching his head. “Are you sure that every name in that book is bonafide human?”
“I’m certain, Satan. He’s a normal boy, born to human parents.” Nicholas looked up at him, “I thought you can read minds, emotions, desires? Can’t you just, I dunno… read him and find out for yourself?”
“I can.” Lucifer took a seat with a huff.
“Nothing.” He leaned back, “He’s just a normal child. There are no evil thoughts, no ill will, just… a child. A child filled with curiosity of the world.”
Nicholas took another sip of his drink then placed it down, “Have you considered that maybe the world isn’t as bad as you think it is? Maybe there are still pure souls out there?”
“There isn’t.” Lucifer’s eyes darkened, “I carry the title of Satan. I see the souls that come through the pits of Hell.”
“Exactly. You see the worst of society, not the best. Only Heaven get’s that.”
“I can still see them.”
Nicholas paused, raising an eyebrow, “How?”
“I steal Saint Peter’s book from time to time to make sure I’m not getting jipped of souls.” Lucifer replied nonchalantly, squinting into the empty mug beside him.
“If I were your Father, I’d smite you on the spot.” He shook his head, partially in disbelief and partially in amusement. “How’d that other matter go?”
“I have Berith sorting it out.” He placed his hand under his chin and stared at the white-haired man, “You know, if you gave up this whole Christmas thing, you could take back your name of Odin and do it yourself.”
“I gave up that name back in 280 AD.” He waved off the suggestion.
“I miss the old you.” Lucifer grinned, leaning forward.
“I’m sure you do.” Rolling his eyes, Nicholas finished his drink. “So? What now?”
“Keep digging I guess.” Lucifer stood up, stretching, “If the kid is indeed human, I’ll leave it at that for now and just observe.” He paused, scratching his butt, “I need to work out who keeps bringing these Summon Circles to the Earthen plane, and on top of that, work out what the Empyrean are doing.”
“I doubt they would take you out. Someone needs to keep an eye on Hell.”
“Yeah? Tell that to the idiots up there.” He looked up at the sky, raising his middle finger, “They don’t seem to understand that I’m what stands between the evil in Hell and peace on Earth.”
Nicholas stood up and clapped him on the shoulder, “I know. I fought alongside you against Belial. Ever since you took the throne, we have definitely had more peaceful times.”
“But not perfect.”
“No,” He sighed, “Unfortunately there will always be Evil in the world. It’s Heaven’s job to banish it, and your job to contain it.”
Lucifer huffed in annoyance, “Sure you can’t help me with my other problem?”
Sighing, Nicholas shook his head. “You know I’m of no use to you now. My strength flows from the wishes of children at Christmas, so all of my power is useless any other time of year.”
Patting him on the back, Lucifer smirked, “It’s OK. Just admit you’re old.”
“I am not!”
Laughing, Lucifer jumped back, and raised a hand in a wave. With that he tapped his hoof on the ground twice, disappearing in a pillar of blue flame.
Lucifer stared out across Judecca lake, the red surface reflected into his golden eyes. The surface bubbled as steam rose, he hadn’t been here in several years. Glancing around, he watched as various demons of different shapes moved about. Occasionally one would knock into another and they would gnash their teeth, falling into a frenzied fight until their opponent was defeated. Disgusting, mindless creatures. He curled his lip back in disgust.
Walking up the edge of the lake, he held his hand out and a golden light glowed, taking on the form of a pitchfork. Gripping the handle, he lowered it to the surface of the water and immediately the water parted, showing a staircase.
Descending down the steps, Lucifer could hear the echoes of souls that were trapped in the lake around him. Their screams and cries echoed the further he descended, as he entered the deepest part of Hell.
Slowly, a dancing light flickered across the steps and Lucifer stepped down, staring at the burning centre of Hell. It was a large, barren cavern, and fire burnt everywhere, the flames danced in the air. It was here, in this spot, thousands of years ago, that his Father had cast out him and the other Fallen. Upon the walls, carved into stone, were depictions of each of the battles for the title of Satan. Lucifer counted each battle, there were ten total, nine battles of the past Kings and the final carving was a depiction of his own victory. The first Angel to rule over Hell.
Smirking, Lucifer grinned at the memory. His Father certainly hadn’t expected that. When he and his followers were banished to Hell, his Father had intended them to be punished by the former Satan, King Belial but, of course, Lucifer wasn’t one to listen and follow the path set out before him. No. He would never have to listen to his Father again. His golden eyes drifted around the room before settling upon a throne. There were several steps going up to it, blackened skulls and bones littered it’s base. His thoughts drifted back to the boy, and the questions he asked him the night they met.
“Luce, what do you like?”
“Torturing human souls.”
The boy frowned, rolling over onto his belly as he propped himself up on his arms, “You’re lying.” Lucifer blinked, staring at the brown eyes that bore into him. He laid his head back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.
“Flying.” He confessed.
“What’s it like to fly?” Thomas leaned forward, eager for more information.
He paused then replied, “It’s the feeling of being free.”
“What are things you don’t like?” The boy crawled closer, his eyes bright with curiosity.
His lips thinned in response, he hated his Father, but he wasn’t going to tell this human child that, “I’ll tell you some other time.”
Thomas dropped his arm and rested his chin on the bed sheet, “Favorite cartoon?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Favourite superhero?” His eyes danced around with excitement, clearly enjoying himself.
“What’s a superhero?”
The boy raised an eyebrow in question, “It’s a person that saves the day.”
“There isn’t anyone like that, kid.”
“Sure there is! They have superpowers and always come to save you.”
Standing at the throne, he ran his hands over the scorched skulls and bones, deep in thought. The boy hadn’t been bothered to ask him about his abilities, his powers or his kingdom. Thomas simply just asked questions about him, Lucifer. “Such a strange kid.” He murmured to himself. Even now, he still didn’t understand just what the child wanted from him. It bothered him, he was used to people aligning with him because of his power. He entered contracts with humans to fulfil their often dark desires.
But this child? Lucifer couldn’t understand him.
He had said he wanted a friend, but really, was that it?
He thought back to the Pandora’s Box under the Christmas tree, the Demon Summon Circles and the actions of the Empyrean. He could feel as if the had pieces of a puzzle in his grasp, but something was missing. He had gone and hassled Nicholas because he was certain that the child wasn’t human and was possibly a trick setup by the Empyrean, but Nicholas was adamant that he was just a normal, human boy.
He had tried, time and time again, to feel the child’s emotions, thoughts and desires, yet not a single time was there anything sinister. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps behind him. Turning, he looked at the man that stood before him.
He stood at the same height as Leviathan, with curly brunette hair and a golden tan. He had a goatee, which he was stroking as his turquoise eyes locked with Lucifer. Behind him floated a wooden wheel covered in eyes. The eyes blinked and darted around, looking everywhere at once. “I was wondering who had come to open the Grand Throne room, I see you’re back, brother?”
“Gressil.” A sly smile graced Lucifer’s lips as he drew out the name, “What brings you here?”
Gressil shrugged raising his hands, “First you disappear without even a mention to your Generals, and now Leviathan, Berith, Astaroth and Asmodeus are nowhere to be found within their respective Circles. You should be careful, brother.” He lowered his hands and stared back at Lucifer, his turquoise eyes darkening, “It’s unwise to leave so many Circles of Hell unattended.”
“Is that a threat?” Lucifer’s eyes darkened in response, a growl at the back of his throat.
Gressil closed one eye, tilting his head, “Merely advice, brother.”
The two stared at each other, unmoving before Gressil broke out into a grin, grabbing Lucifer by the arm and clasping it to his chest, “It’s good to see you.”
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head, “Why must you insist on doing this, each time?” Chuckling, he patted the other man on the back. Gressil was one of the Fallen and a General of Hell, Ruler of the Eighth Circle of Hell, Fraud. He took great joy in manipulating the emotions of those around him, whispering words of deceit into the ears to any that listen.
“Because you are my favourite to tease, brother. Always so distrustful. It makes you easy to twist and manipulate.” He flashed his teeth in a grin and stepped back.
“Go and tease your other siblings.” Lucifer shook his head.
Gressil waved a hand and the wheel at his back turned on it’s side, allowing him to sit on the edge of it. “No way. Soneilion and Berith are both crazy fuckers that would set a Cataclysm upon me if I even tried. Beelzebub is off who-knows-where. Leviathan and Asmodeus are both stuck up pricks. And Astaroth and Verrine don’t know how to take a joke. You know she nearly marched her Legions into my Domain when I threatened to torch her dress?”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, not at all surprised at Astaroth’s actions, “You could just stop.”
“Nope!” Gressil laid back upon the wheel, crossing his hands behind his head as he stared at the cavern ceiling, “Father always punished me for my pranks, but here I don’t have to bother about that.”
“Surely you didn’t come to Lake Judecca just to tease and complain to me.”
Gressil grinned, “No.” Sitting up, he crossed his legs, leaning forward, “What I say now is the truth. I heard an interesting rumour that someone within the Royals has been gathering Essence in secret. The other interesting thing is that Vine was pissed because someone stole a Pandora’s Box from his collection.” He smirked, watching Lucifer’s reaction. “Whatever is going on, dear brother?”
Lucifer kept his face calm, not betraying any emotion. Gressil may be a manipulator, but he was good at finding out information. “What do you think is going on?”
“I think that we may have war again soon. And I want the chance to beat those Royals so they can never rise up again.” The wheel that Gressil sat upon shook, flashing red. Lucifer watched has Gressil’s hands tightened on the wheel, his knuckles turning white. Although Gressil had never lost against the Royals during the Battle for the title of Satan, he had come close.
Lucifer grinned and leaned over, whispering into Gressil’s ear, “Well then, I suppose someone needs to find out who the little traitor is and bring them before me so they can be punished accordingly.”
The wheel stopped shaking and Gressil looked up at Lucifer, a gleam in his turquoise eyes. He jumped off the wheel and dropped to one knee, resting his fist upon the ground, “As you command, Sire.”
Continue to Chapter 12
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Pencil
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
The lessons were uneventful and dull. Lucifer rolled a pencil back and forth on his desk, barely paying any attention to what the teacher was saying. Small little demons darted in and out of the shadows, they were harmless but would occasionally prank a student by causing them to stumble or trip. He amused himself by watching their antics, passing the time as he sat through his first English class. An hour passed and now they were in a Maths class. 
‘Levi.’ He called out, utterly bored, ‘What are you doing?’
‘Talking with Asmodeus about the Empyrean. Astaroth hadn’t managed to find anything,’ Lucifer felt a flicker of annoyance come from Leviathan, ‘But Asmodeus had actually managed to go through and collect some resources for us. We are going through them now.’
‘Find anything interesting?’ He stopped rolling the pencil back and forth, the teacher had asked a question and several of the students around him had their hands raised in the air, shouting ‘pick me, pick me!’. He found the gesture strange. 
‘Confirmation of what we already knew. Shortly after our Rebellion, Father created the Empyrean and created two new types of Angels, then isolated himself within the Holy Realm. That matches the intel we had. The surprising thing though is that since isolating himself, no one except these two new types of Angels has seen him since.’
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, sitting up in his chair, spinning his pencil in his hand, ‘That is interesting. So, who is running Heaven?’
‘Those two. According to the information we have, they are the representatives of the Empyrean and the voice of God.’ Leviathan replied.
‘And what are they exactly?’
‘They appear to be Fiery Ones possessing the same abilities as the Seraphim, but are different. In the text that Asmodeus found, they are referred to as the Phoenix and the Chalkydri.’ Lucifer tightened his grip on the pencil. ‘They are twelve-winged beings, and are supposedly stronger than any Seraph ever created before.’ Leviathan paused, then continued quietly, ‘Both the Phoenix and the Chalkydri have been Blessed with the Miracle of the White Holy Flame.’ The pencil in Lucifer’s hand shattered and his eyes darkened in anger. 
No Angel had ever been blessed with the Miracle of the White Holy Flame before. It was a flame of cleansing and destructive ability, one that only their Father had. Lucifer remembered his Father’s lessons, and how he had told Lucifer and his brothers about the Holy Flame. When he had asked if his Father would ever pass on the Blessing, he refused and had cautioned them against it, saying that the Flame did not discriminate against good or bad, that it had the potential to destroy even Hell, upsetting the balance of the world, and that is why he would never release it from his hand.
Why though? Why did He bless another with the White Holy Flame? Lucifer felt himself shaking in anger. He wanted to march up to the Empyrean and demand an explanation from his Father. He felt heat surge through his body and he tightened his hands into fists as he mustered his self control to avoid going through and setting anything alight. He could vague hear Leviathan’s voice, but it was faint, his mind had clouded over in anger and all he could hear was the pounding of the blood in his ears. His eyes had begun to darken to black. 
Thomas looked over at Lucifer, then gently tugged at his sleeve. Lucifer turned and glared at the offender, but then stopped when he saw Thomas’ wide eyes. 
“Here.” Thomas whispered, placing a new pencil in his hand. 
Lucifer wordlessly took the pencil as Thomas quickly looked away, staring intently at the board before him. His eyes slowly brightened from black to their normal gold colour.
‘Sire?’ Leviathan called out, hesitantly. He had felt Lucifer’s anger.
‘Leave me.’ Lucifer uttered, cutting off the mental link. He opened his palm, staring at the pencil in his hand. He hadn’t seen that look on Thomas’ face before. The boy was wide eyed… and scared? Closing his hand over the pencil, he held it towards his chest.
He was used to having people look at him in fear, but didn’t want to see that look on Thomas.  It felt as if there was a heavy weight on his chest, so he drew his palm closer, trying to make the sensation go away. 
The bell rung and Lucifer looked up as chairs scraped across the ground and all the children in the room stood up, the teacher tried to talk over the noise but the students ignored them, quickly rushing out the door. Lucifer saw that Thomas had gotten up and had also walked out the door. He quickly got to his feet to chase after him, but several students pushed past Lucifer, and Thomas fell out of sight. 
The rush appeared to be over as quickly as it had started; all the students but Lucifer and the teacher were left in the room. 
“Go on then,” The teacher urged, “go have lunch.” 
Lucifer looked back at the pencil in his hand, it had been used but was well looked after. There were no dints, chips or chew marks in the wood and near the end, on the side the word ‘Thomas’ was engraved. He quietly pocketed it, before walking out of the room. 
He walked through the school, casting his mind out attempting to sense where Thomas was. It was difficult to concentrate, and he could barely hear anything. It was like being in a crowded room where everyone was talking at once and trying to pick up a single voice. 
Lucifer stepped out of the main hallway, descending down the stairs outside. Students were scattered outside, some were sitting under trees eating their lunch, whilst others played on the playground equipment. He shoved his hands in his pockets, walking around, trying to find the young boy. After some searching, he was able to locate Thomas sitting at the edge of the oval, next to the storage shed. He was resting against a tree and was eating his lunch quietly.
“Thomas?” Lucifer called out softly, hesitation in his voice. 
Thomas looked up and coughed, choking on his food. “Luce! How did you find me?” He coughed again, then rubbed at his mouth before taking a drink. 
Lucifer shrugged and sat down beside him, he opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He frowned and instead looked at the ground. 
Thomas looked at him and paused, trying to work out what to say. 
“I’m,” Lucifer began, then sighed, running his fingers through his hair, “I’m not good at controlling my temper.”
“I told you earlier, I’m not too sure how this friend thing works, so I’m probably pretty shit at it, but I’m willing to try.” He tugged at the red streak from his hair and stared at it, avoiding Thomas’ curious gaze, “I need to work on better controlling my emotions and not lashing out. So, if I scared you earlier, I’m sorry. I can’t promise I won’t do it again, but I’ll try not to at least.” 
Thomas blinked then looked down at the ground, “That’s OK.” He drew a circle in the dirt, then looked up, “I wasn’t scared. Just, surprised.” Thomas looked up at Lucifer, giving him a squinty eyed look. “You looked really grumpy.”
Grumpy was an understatement… Lucifer scoffed to himself as a small smile crept across his face, “I guess I was.” He responded, bemused. “Here.” He dug his hand into his pocket and held out the pencil that Thomas had given him earlier, “Thanks for lending it to me.”
“Ah,” Thomas held up his hands in front of his face, shaking them slightly, “No, you keep it. Look after it, it’s one of my favourites.” He smiled.  
Lucifer looked at the pencil, apart from it almost looking new, he didn’t really understand how someone could have a favorite pencil. Was that a normal human trait?
The bell rung, signalling the end of the lunch break. Thomas stood up and dusted off his shorts then handed Lucifer a red apple, “Did you eat?”
“No?” Lucifer took the apple in curiosity, turning it in his hands. He remembered when he had presented an apple similar to this to the first humans that were created, back in the Garden of Eden. That was the start of his feud with his Father. 
He bit into it and followed Thomas as they made their way back to the school. He vaguely wondered what had happened to Lilith. She was the first woman that his Father had created, but Adam was unhappy with her, and she was cast out, replaced instead with a woman named Eve. Lilith was of similar mind of the Angels, born with free will and thought, the same as Adam. Adam though, despite having free will was too eager to please his Creator, and Eve was nothing more than an obedient doll. She had no free thought and seemed content to just follow Adam’s word. Lucifer had felt pity for the two humans, trapped in that little garden, but it was Lilith who was the one who prompted Lucifer to give humans the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge. Part of him was always curious if her actions were out of spite or because she genuinely wanted them to be aware. 
He took another bite of the apple, not realising that Thomas had asked a question, having been lost in thought, “What was that?”
“I said,” Thomas sighed, repeating himself, “do you know what class you have next?”
Lucifer continued to eat the apple, “Hmm, something called Physical Education?”
“Yay! You are on the same rotation as me.” Thomas grinned. 
Lucifer stood to the side, under the shade of a tree, watching the students running around a track. The teacher blew on a whistle, and all the children stopped running and immediately started doing ‘jumping stars’. He had learnt about that awful term only minutes prior - something about jumping up and down on the spot and throwing your legs and arms out at the same time, all in the name of ‘fitness’. 
He didn’t have a sports uniform, so got to sit out today, but the teacher instructed him to ask his father to organise one for him so he wouldn’t miss the next class. Lucifer decided that there was no way he would participate in this strange form of tortue that humans called ‘physical education’. He had already started planning on getting Leviathan to contact the school that afternoon and have him withdrawn from this class, or at least put on the sidelines. 
He was happy to watch, but he refused to participate. 
Looking over at the children, they had stopped their jumping stars and were now either standing or bent over, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down their faces and backs. He crinkled his nose in annoyance. Why did humans even do this to themselves? They were so weird. 
Thomas jogged over to where Lucifer stood in the shade, “How-” he stopped, then caught his breath, leaning over as he rested his hands on his knees, “how are you holding up? Are you bored?”
“Is this what they really make small humans do each week?” Lucifer asked, aghast. 
“Uh, I guess?” Thomas scratched his head, confused at the question.
“Fitness and health I think?” Thomas looked down at his foot, and there was a small ball like demon that started to climb onto his shoe. He shifted his weight, stepping to the side slightly. 
Lucifer raised his eye at the action, “Can you see them?”
“Yeah,” Thomas said distractedly, stepping away again as the demon attempted to continue clambering up his shoe. “Mum says to ignore them, otherwise they will keep bothering you. I’m usually really good at ignoring them, but I don’t like them touching me.”  
Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer didn’t say anything. He had already suspected that the kid could see demons; judging by his response, or lack there of both to his Satan form and the demons that were released from the mini Pandora’s Box. Thomas had seemed more surprised and interested in Lucifer’s banishing ability than the large swarm of demons that had spawned. 
Bending over, he reached down and picked up the demon, squeezing it slightly, causing it to squeal. It possibly explained how Thomas was able to see through Berith’s glamour as well. He still didn’t believe what Nick had said about the boy being human, there were just too many inconsistencies. He quickly set his hand alight and the demon dissolved in a burst of black smoke. The flame on his had vanished abruptly once the demon was gone. 
“Can people see when you do that?” Thomas asked, pointing to Lucifer’s hand.
“My flame?” 
Thomas nodded in reply. 
He hadn’t actually thought about it. Perhaps he should use glamour for it, or maybe not.  “They probably can. But, humans are quick to dismiss things that are unbelievable, choosing not to see the truth.” 
“Mum said the same thing too.” 
“Thomas! Get back over here!” The teacher yelled and the boy jumped, laughing nervously. 
“Bye Luce!” Thomas waved and ran back to the class. 
Lucifer’s eyes widened as he watched as the boy ran, a path of Demon Summon Circles appeared on the ground, appearing wherever Thomas foot touched the ground. They started out inactive, but then slowly something or someone started pouring Essence into them, causing them to glow blue. Lucifer’s eyes glowed vibrant gold as he raised his foot, and stomped it on the ground.
Immediately a golden circle with swirling symbols appeared on the ground and Lucifer uttered a single word, his voice dangerously low, almost in a hiss, “Berith.”
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Nurse
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Artwork Master List
Chapter 1 - 10 Master List
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Thomas hiccuped and sniffled as he pulled back, momentarily surprised that Lucifer had kissed his forehead. “Wh-what are you doing?” He stammered slightly, embarrassed.
Lucifer leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Thomas’, locking his golden eyes with the other boys’ brown ones, looking for any sign of new tears. “You stopped.” He raised his hand, brushing Thomas’ damp cheek to dry it. When Thomas raised an eyebrow in question, wondering what had stopped, Lucifer simply smiled and pulled back, not bothering to answer, instead changing the subject. “Didn’t you say you were going to show me where the Nurse’s Office is?”
“Uh, yeah.” He rubbed at his eyes, wiping away the remaining tears. “It’s this way.” He pointed down the hallway and Lucifer patted him on the back as he walked ahead.
Thomas trailed after him, walking along slowly he reached up and touched his forehead were Lucifer had placed his lips. He had felt a subtle warmth spread through his body when Lucifer kissed his forehead, and even now, where his lips had touched still felt warm. Thomas felt like the dark cloud that hung over him had lifted and all of his unhappy emotions had disappeared only to be replaced with a gentle warmth. It wasn’t like anything he felt before. His mother kissed him on the forehead all the time, and that was comforting, but this was different. It not only provided him with comfort, but it seemed to chase away any bad feelings he had. Thomas thought to himself, trying to find the word for it. What was that feeling? What had he felt? Lucifer’s touch had felt like-
“A Morning Star.” Lucifer turned and gave a dazzling smile, he was standing in front of a window and the morning sun rays encased his body in a warm glow. The light reflected off Lucifer’s hair, shining through it, causing the red streaks to illuminate slightly, almost like two streaks of fire.
Thomas blinked at the scene before him, staring at the illuminated Fallen Angel, “What?”
“What you felt. You didn’t know the word for it. It’s the warmth of a Morning Star.”
“Hoooow did you know what I was thinking about?” Thomas asked warily, wondering what else Lucifer could do.
“You think out loud a lot.” He smirked in response.
“Huh.” Thomas made a quick mental note to try not to think too much. He heard Lucifer’s chuckle in his mind. “I thought you could only read my mind when we, uh, talk?? To? Each? Other?” He scratched his head, then crossed his arms, deep in thought, trying to work out how to explain it.
“That’s just general telepathy. Most, if not all angels can use it. Only those of a higher rank can actually read minds, but generally don’t have to. If you project your thoughts easily, then it’s like you simply thinking out loud.”
“What’s telepathy?”
“It’s like talking, but with your mind.”
“Hmmm.” Thomas stopped and uncrossed his arms and tapped his chin, closing his eyes, “I think I understand.” He opened them again and looked at Lucifer, “What did you mean by Morning Star?”
Lucifer leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, everyone knew the story of how he was cast out of Hell, and some human lore even referenced him as the Morning Star, but only the Angels knew the truth of his name, and the ability he was blessed with. He sighed, there was no harm in telling this child, “My Father bestowed it upon me.” He started, a half smile on his face, “I was blessed with the Miracle of the Morning Star, the ability to give warmth and light to those who suffer, and to shine brightly on the horizon after a dark night.” He recited his Father’s words, “No matter how dark the night is or how long it seems to last, the morning will always come, and before the sun makes it ascent, you will glimpse the light of the Morning Star.” He finished sadly as bitterness filled his voice. There was no going back to those days by his Father’s side. He accepted the punishment he was given. It was memories like this that made him question himself, but he pushed the thoughts to the side as he opened his eyes, looking at Thomas.
Thomas looked back at Lucifer, staring into those golden eyes. They were no longer the bright, vibrant eyes filled with arrogance of mischief that Thomas was used to. They seemed dull, lifeless, almost as if he was in pain. He’s sad. He went to reach out with his hand to touch Lucifer, but hesitated, pulling his hand back and rested it upon his chest. Thomas scrunched his eyes shut, feeling a slight pain across his heart.  “-rry.”
Tilting his head, Lucifer looked up, “What was that, kid?”
“Sorry.” Thomas opened his eyes and there were fresh unfallen tears, Lucifer stepped back in surprise. “I don’t know what to do to make you feel better. I’m sorry.”
An strange emotion passed over Lucifer’s face and his eyes brightened slightly, the corner of his lips curled upwards but before Thomas could see his smile, he turned away, walking back down the hall. “C’mon. Let’s go. Are we there yet?”
“Actually,” Thomas stood still, and reached out, grabbing the back of Lucifer’s jacket. “We’re here.” He pointed to the door beside him, a white sign hung on the front saying ‘Nurse Office’. Lucifer turned and raised raised an eyebrow, shoving his hands in his pockets. Thomas rubbed his eyes, brushing away his tears, then knocked on the door.
A man with a fair complexion and curly auburn hair opened the door. He was wearing a white coat and had a pair of black rimmed glasses on his face. A thin layer of stubble was upon his face and he rubbed his chin in thought as he looked at Thomas.
“Hi.” Thomas said sheepishly, raising his hand, opening and closing it in an awkward wave.
“Another ‘accident’ I take it?” The man’s eyes were a vibrant green and narrowed slightly as he said the word accident.
“Uh, yeah.”
“Come in then.” He stood back, opening the door fully. Lucifer followed after, looking at the man in curiosity. There was something different about him, but he couldn’t quite place what. “Who’s this? You’re not skipping class are you?”
“Uh, no!” Thomas fiddled with his hands and then held them out, indicating to Lucifer, “This is Luce. He’s new. He started today.”
“I see.” The man scratched his chin then held out his hand, “I’m Dian Cecht. You can call me Dian. I don’t like being called Mister or Sir.” Lucifer took the hand offered and gave it a light shake. He felt a strange jolt go up his hand causing him quickly withdrew it.
“Nice to meet you Dian. I’m Luce.” He replied carefully, unsure about whether to give his full name or not.
Dian looked at the black haired boy and pursed his lip in thought before turning to Thomas and asking, “So what brings you here this time?”
“I need a bandaid for my hand and knee.” He held out his hand, showing the graze where the blood had dried.
Lucifer looked over in curiosity and noticed that the blood covered most of Thomas’ palm.  He felt a flash of anger go across his chest as he scrunched up his hands in frustration. He would make them pay but his thoughts were interrupted when he felt hand ruffle his hair and he paused in surprise.
“It’ll be fine, little fiery one.” Lucifer tilted his head, wondering about the nickname. Fiery Ones were what the demons called the Seraph Angels. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, but the man took no notice, “It looks worse than what it is. Always does.” Dian continued, not noticing the sudden change in Lucifer, he simply grinned as he lifting his hand from Lucifer’s head.
Dian turned and went to a cupboard, pulling out some gauze and cleaning antiseptic. Thomas jumped up on a chair and held his hand out, it was evident that he had done this many times before. Dian sat opposite him, dabbing the antiseptic on a cotton pad and started wiping the blood away, humming softly to himself as he worked. Lucifer’s eyes widened, watching as Essence swirled around Dian and Thomas’ hand. The form of Essence was always unique to the individual and in Dian’s case, it appeared to be green flecks of dust, dancing and swirling in the air, moving in time with the tune that the man hummed.
“Come look.” Dian gestured over to Lucifer and he walked over, looking at Thomas’ hand. True to his word, the graze was only minimal with some light bruising at the edges. Lucifer had seen the boys’ hand earlier, and it was definitely no small graze. “See? Always looks worse than what it is. It was only a little baby cut. It will be fully healed tomorrow.”
Raising both eyebrows, Lucifer stared at the male nurse in disbelief. What was this man? Human’s usually took a few days to heal. Dian peeled the backing off a white patch and attached it to Thomas’ hand, smoothing it out. “Could you pull the end of your shorts up and lift your knee?”
“Sure.” Thomas pulled back the edge of his shorts and rested his foot on the chair, raising his knee up. Dian tossed the rubbish in the bin and grabbed another cotton pad, and started cleaning up Thomas’ knee.
Lucifer stood to the side, watching in curiosity. As Dian worked, he would continue hum softly to himself, and the Essence responded to his voice in turn, gathering around the wounds and Dian’s hands. It was obvious now, here was definitely something about this man. Lucifer narrowed his eyes and they flashed briefly as he stared at Dian’s form, trying to see his true form. His soul was golden with some minor grey patches, but as he hummed, his soul would glow in harmony as it became filled with Essence.
“Do you like what you see?” Dian asked, not bothering to turn around as he worked.
Lucifer’s looked the other way, studying a medical chart on the wall nonchalantly, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Thomas leaned over in curiosity, wondering what the two were doing. Neither appeared to notice.
“Sure, sure, little fiery one.” Dian finished up with Thomas’ knee, adding another plaster, and patted him on the shoulder. “Keep them covered for tonight, but after tomorrow pop in and see me and I’ll make sure they’ve healed up OK. Here.” He handed Thomas a lollipop then scribbled a quick note. “You go on ahead, I’m going to get Luce registered here in our system.”
Thomas nodded, “Are you OK to make it make to class?” He asked, tilting his head in concern.
Smiling, Lucifer waved him off, “It’s fine. I know the way.”
Thomas walked to the door, then paused, looking between Dian and Lucifer. He opened his mouth to ask something but stopped and left. “I’ll see you soon!”
“So.” Dian stood up and walked in front of Lucifer, “What’s a little Seraph like you doing here?” His green eyes glowed slightly.
Lucifer glared at the man before him, noticing as Essence began to swirl around Dian’s form. The Essence gathered around the man’s body, forming a glowing green cloak. Lucifer closed his eyes and raised both of his arms in a shrug, “I have no idea what you are talking about. Seraph? What’s that?” He feigned ignorance.
“Your mannerisms are different to other 8-year olds. I think you should practice more.” Dian’s voice was cold. The cloak of Essence glowed further before bursting out, shooting in every direction. Lucifer opened his eyes and stood still, unmoving as bursts of green light darted by his face and body. He was being tested now, it seems that Dian could almost see him for what he was. If Lucifer reacted in any way, it would confirm Dian’s suspicions. Humans couldn’t see the flow of Essence and Dian was testing him on this. The man could apparently tell he was a Seraph, but it seems he hadn’t realised he was a Fallen.
Dian watched Lucifer intently, waiting for Lucifer to react or at least show his true form.
Lucifer stretched, and yawned, not even flinching as a burst of Essence passed through his arm. “Why are you just standing there looking at me?” It was easy enough to keep calm and ignore the display of power. His own was far superior after all. “If you keep being weird, I’m gonna tell my Dad.” Lucifer wanted to gag internally. He hated talking like that.
The Essence disappeared and Dian gave a grin, “Sorry, sorry!” He laughed, then smacked Lucifer on the back, catching him off guard, Lucifer’s eyes widened in surprise as he coughed slightly. “Here, come. I’ll enter you into our system.”
Frowning, Lucifer wondered if the man had truly dropped the situation. His form seemed normal now and he looked like an ordinary human. All signs of Essence were now gone.
His earlier suspicions were confirmed though, there was definitely something different about this man, and that he was anything but ordinary. He still couldn’t place just what the man was though, and whether he was friend or foe. Was he a higher ranked demon under the guise of a human? Or some angel?
Dian turned and sat at the computer, opening up a program. “Now, I got your first name as Luce, what’s your last name?” He turned around, only to find the black and red haired boy was gone. He hadn’t even heard the door open and close. A small smile drifted across Dian’s face, “Well, aren’t you interesting.”
 Lucifer walked down the hallway, back towards the direction of the classroom, deep in thought. This was certainly unexpected. He hadn’t anticipated coming across a higher being in Thomas’ school and being in human form made his senses dull. He couldn’t confirm just what this being was. He considered asking Leviathan to come down and do some surveillance, but opted against it. It wasn’t worthwhile getting him involved.
If this Dian Cecht was a demon, Lucifer could easily send him back to Hell with his own power. He mentally ran through a list in his head, trying to place the name. It wasn’t one he was familiar with and he mostly tried to keep track of the powerful demons in Hell. Well, Leviathan and Paimon would and when they reported it to him, he would sometimes pay attention.
Two students ran past him and he stepped out of the way, he doubted that the guy was a demon though. His soul was one of the rare golden ones. It meant one of two things, either it was a high level demon using glamour to avoid detection by a Guardian Angel, or he was an angel sent to Earth. A demon he didn’t mind, but an angel would be troublesome. He hadn’t gotten a chance to talk with Astaroth and Asmodeus about what they had found in the Primum Mobile to work out what the Empyrean’s goal was.
They were no closer to finding out the source of the Summon Circles either.
It felt like he was trying to put a puzzle together without a source. He had the pieces, but had no idea what the pieces together formed. It was slightly frustrating but at the same time slightly exciting. He had spent day in, day out in Hell; he would crush any resistance that threatened to rise, destroy any demons that crossed his path, but it was always a front on attack. Direct. Predictable.
This time, he had two possible enemies who worked behind the scenes and both seemed determined to destroy him. He heard a squeal and stopped, looking down at his shoe. Below it was a tiny black and purple demon, he couldn’t tell what it’s original form was, as his shoe had squished it, but it kept squealing in pain until it burst in a puff of black smoke. He looked around the school, noticing various small demons slinking around in the shadows. He walked along, purposely standing on them as he went. To an outsider, he appeared to be an unhappy child just stomping his feet in anger. The demons squealed in displeasure as their forms were crushed, and black smoke gathered around Lucifer’s feet as demon after demon was destroyed. The black smoke hung around for a few seconds before becoming absorbed into the ground as the demons were sucked back into Hell.
Continuing along, he smirked as he watched the small demons scatter, disappearing into the ground and walls. They learnt quickly.
He stopped in front of the door and knocked at the door, a voice called out asking him to enter. He slid the door open and stepped inside the class, sweeping his eyes across the room. There was a different teacher this time. Thomas’ face lit up and Lucifer smiled, “Sorry for being late.”
“You must be Luce. Thomas already let me know that you were coming. Quickly grab a seat, we’re up to page 70.” The teacher passed Lucifer a book and he took it wordlessly as he wandered over to his desk.
“Welcome back.” Thomas whispered and Lucifer nodded in response.
He looked over to see where Ajax was sitting, and noticed a dark monster made of slime hovering over the blonde-haired boy. It was a demon. It had no eyes but had a large gaping mouth which was currently latched onto the boy’s shoulder. It’s skin seemed to ooze as bubbles rose to the surface, popping before liquid dripped down the demon’s back.
Lucifer smirked. Now he had two reasons to do something to that kid.
Continue to Chapter 16
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