#Sonic Produ
sonicfangamebot · 2 years
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'Sonic 3&K Experience' by Sonic Productivity (S1 Decomp Mod) Updates all the sprites, title cards and abilities in 'Sonic 1' to 'Sonic 3' style. https://shc.zone/entries/expo2022/722
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tyrranux64 · 9 months
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Just a perverted idea that sprung to mind out of the blue while I was browsing hentai. Needless to say the 3D platformer I have in mind here would be ESRB rated M for crass humor, adult themes, explicit language and some graphic violence.
SUGAR PLUM [Amber Lee Connors] A rabbit Dream whose entire body is made of candy. Was originally a cat Dream native to Halloween Town but moved to Easter Land to get away from her horrid abusive ex girlfriend Witchhazel. Was able to make a nice new life for herself, getting a job as a “patron saint of jelly beans”. Even found love again….something which Witchhazel could not accept…
-Easily the one wearing the pants having the most versatility and being able to kill enemies. The majority of the gameplay will more than likely see her doing most of the work.  
CANDY CANE [Nick Landis] Sugar Plum’s cowardly husband, a chicken Dream native to Easter Land whose job is to prepare Easter Eggs for good children to find. Used to be a more courageous fellow up until the Krampus came to Easter Land on false claims by Witchhazel, leading to a horrific beating so horrendous that it broke Cane’s fighting spirit. He hasn’t been the same since, preferring to spend his waking moments off duty lodged up Sugar’s tailpipe living off the Jelly Beans her body produces.
-While lacking in moves and combat prowess he is most definitely the faster of the two. The brunt of his gameplay will often revolve around 3D Sonic style time trials and races.
Sugar has tried to adjust, tried to make due with what has happened to Cane. But after a whole year of him just refusing to even socialize with his co workers, a year of him just refusing to let go of his trauma, she’s had enough. Now she sets out on a quest throughout Dream World to help get him his courage back. And the best way to do that is to hunt down the Krampus and beat that easily duped, easily bought and biased motherfucker within an inch of his life! Whatever it takes, however many Dream Express Tickets they have to find, however enemies the two have to make along the way, Sugar Plum is getting her husband back!
Dream Express Tickets; [Primary Objective A] The many realms of Dream World are kept separate purely out of necessity, once there was open travel but that lead to Christmas Kingdom trying to turn every realm into an extension of Christmas (amongst other such “national incidents”). So it was set up that now travel between the realms requires Tickets for the Dream Express, a massive train able to pass through Dream World with ease. In turn, some realms actually require more tickets than others to access.  
Dream Express Passport Badges; [Primary Objective B] The very thing that Sugar and Cane need to hunt down the Krampus. It doesn’t really matter which realms these Badges come from so long as there are seven of them on a single Passport, giving the Passport’s owner free access to any realm or sub sector of Dream World without restriction. The only way to get these Badges is to get an audience with a given realm’s Champion, and the only way to get an audience is to first complete 3 or more “Realm Challenges” (which are simply just the tasks you are already doing to collect Tickets). The amount of Realm Challenges you need to complete will always be far less than the amount of Tickets you can find in a given Realm. For example, Easter Land has about 10 Tickets to find, you only need to find at least 5 to get an audience with Easter Land’s Champion. You need at least 7 Badges in total to finally go after the Krampus.
-Boss Fights; Getting an audience with a realm’s Champion will trigger a specific fight. Either against the Champion in question or against another character or thing that the Champion has a problem with.  
Jelly Soda & Royal Jelly Beans; [Health Items & Power Ups] Being a rabbit made out of candy, Sugar Plum’s entire body is one perpetual candy producing organism allowing her to, er, “produce” Royal Jelly Beans like a hen laying eggs. However she needs access to Jelly Cola to produce such Beans. There are five flavors of this Cola in total, all of them healing Sugar by 1 hit point each. More importantly each flavor lets her generate a specific flavor of Bean based on the given Cola she drank. Technically she can store up to 5 Beans total but only 1 of each flavor. All flavors of Beans will heal Candy Can by 3 hit points each, but each also has added utility for surpassing certain areas more easily.
-Jelly Cola Vending Machines; While you can find individual bottles of the stuff scattered across the stage, more often than not you are better off accessing these infinite supply vending machines. Each one you find is usually made to give a specific recommended flavor of Cola, but if you already have that flavor of Bean stored it will instead give a randomly selected flavor of Cola. While free of charge, using a given machine puts it in a 1 minute cooldown.  
-Game Over; If Sugar Plum loses all hit points she is Knocked Out, auto ejecting Candy Cane and requiring him to track down the Sugarplum Flavor of Jelly Cola specifically and bringing it to her, instantly reviving her by 3 hit points. Bringing her back any other flavor just heals her by 1 hit point. However if Candy Cane goes down at any point, even if Sugar Plum is stick active, you lose. You have to start over from the last checkpoint.    
Tourist Flag; [Checkpoint System] Technically there are no useful checkpoints. Despite having infinite lives you always have to restart a level at the Dream Express Station…..unless you have a Tourist Flag in reserve. You are given a single flag every time you restart at the Station and you are free to put it anywhere you want in the level, setting one up is as easy as clicking the Right Stick. At which point that is the spot you restart after each death. Returning to the station at any point will give you a new flag but delete the current flag you have set up.
-Boss Fights; Tourist Flags are not required with boss fights as they just come with their own Checkpoints making it easy to just restart the fight after a death. In fact the area where you fight a boss is treated as an extension of the Dream Express Station meaning returning to an arena will also restock your Tourist Flag.
EASTER LAND; The land of sugary sweats where every day is the death of Jesus Christ. I mean it might as well be right? That is the daily reminder found in the very center of this realm, a giant crucifix bearing a skeletal mummy effigy of the Messiah in question. Other than that hint of macabre this realm is pretty much family friendly pastel colors and cutesy kawaii desu. Many of the denizens known as Cavitoids looking like rejected Pokemon designs. It can be a bit annoying at times, but for Sugar and Cane it’s home. Candy Cane used to be the Champion of this realm, but following his traumatic run in with the Krampus he was demoted to just egg maker.
-Rock Hawk; But speaking of annoying, there’s this entitled cunt. A chickenhawk looking like the illegitimate son of Horus, hailing from the Passover Sector of Easter Land. Not only appointed as Candy Cane’s replacement as the realm’s Champion, he is also Cane’s overbearing boss, constantly overworking him to meat the daily quota of eggs and generally just using him as an emotional punching bag. And even now he is a prick, only allowing Sugar Plum to leave on her quest if she and Cane beat him in a match, if they lose, Sugar Plum has to divorce Cane and marry Rock!
THANKSGIVING COUNTRY; A lush beautiful valley of North American countryside seemingly plucked right out of an old oil painting. Here dwell the Manitou, a race of Native American Dreams that take care of the pristine natural landscape ensuring plentiful food and water across the real world. Alas, the other denizens of this realm, the Colonizers, don’t exactly appreciate the true importance of this realm, preferring instead that they get as much of the food grown here as possible threatening to overthrow the Manitou if the annual quota of food is not met.
-Princess Moonchild; The youthful spirited caretaker of the turkey farm set to take over as the realm’s Champion after her grandfather Little Foot’s retirement. She fears that his stepping down will inspire the Colonizers to double their gluttony and greed leading to even worse oppression. As such she offers to give Sugar Plum the Badge she needs if she and Cane go and find the fabled beast of the realm, the Purple Buffalo. With him by the Manitou’s side they will be able to fight off the Colonizers if things come to a head.    
VALENTINE’S DISTRICT; A realm seemingly straight out of a Japanese anime….more specifically one for adults. This overcrowded overtly neon parody of a Rural Japan city full of lots of, well, tentacles coursing through the streets and buildings, often triggering spontaneous orgies amongst the oni like Dreams. To just step foot in this realm is to be under constant threat of being overwhelmed by inner passion. Needless to say this realm is restricted to anyone under 20 (just to be sure).
-Mistress Voracious Appetite; Vaggie for short. A lingerie wearing dominatrix Dream taking the form of an anthropomorphic tanuki with a large serpent coming out of her crotch like a penis. With her being the Champion of this realm Sugar and Cane have no choice but to get within 20 feet of this most perverted sexual deviant, and true to her name she wants to “eat” Cane since he looks so “yummy”. She will only give them the Badge if they beat her in battle, if they lose, Cane has to divorce Sugar and become Voracious’ new fuck toy.
PRIDE MOUNTAIN; A floating island of crystals and crystalline flora, seemingly the very embodiment of change itself as it is constantly transforming into different shapes. Even if some structures end up looking familiar it is still not the same as before. This constant changing even extends to the insect like fairy Dreams native to this, the Monarchs, having such fluidity in their form they can even change gender and orientation as easily as their mood. They are a peaceful people just wanting to live their daily lives and make their daily wages…..unfortunately they are under constant threat of invading Patrionians from Independence Dominion that are constantly trying to enforce bogus embargos upon the Monarchs under threat of death!   
-Entropius Prime; An immortal robotic monarch of the realm bearing the “Matrix of Fellowship”. Each time they “die” they just revert to a caterpillar and begin the process of metamorphism all over again, becoming a different butterfly like creature each time. Sympathetic to Sugar’s plight the Champion offers free psychiatric sessions and therapies for Cane. But then Cane asks about the current threat to Pride Mountain, offering to help out however they can. Not wanting to waste this brief moment of courage from him Sugar also insists on helping out. Despite not wanting to involve a struggling couple with the burdens of the land, Prime still allows them to help.    
-Mega Patriot; The robotic leader of the invading Patrionians. He’s a boring looking silver metal man. Despite his claims of being a hero of justice he is an absolute inhuman monster to even his own troops. Not much more needs to be said.
INDEPENDENCE DOMINION; An absolute shit hole of a metropolitan city of tarnished Americana smack dab in the middle of a dry desolate desert. There are some traces that this place used to be a much more wondrous beautiful land, but whatever splendor this place once had has long since eroded leaving only a rotting husk that refuses to die, living off its false sense of patriotism and community which in truth is just thinly veiled late stage capitalism.  
-Uncle Samson; The former Champion of this realm who has long since “retired”……and by retired I of course mean ran out of his position through under handed politics that left him broke and living in a crappy trailer far outside the city. A once proud hero of the people reduced to a shaggy looking has-bin without due process, living off a “veteran support fund” that amounts to a measly twenty five bucks a week. The only reason he doesn’t just leave is because he is the only one actually taking care of the realm’s signature animal the Bald Eagle, extremely endangered and barely able to sustain itself. Caring for those birds are the only thing keeping this war vet going.  
-President Hard Steele; A fat stupid blob of a humanoid that can’t even fight his own battles. Champion of the realm in name only, haven used underhanded politics to get this position and using it as just an extension of his failing company’s brand. He is willing to give Sugar Plum the Passport Badge she needs but only if they help him out with a “lucrative business venture”, one that involves the systematic “restructuring” and “cleansing” of both Thanksgiving Country and Pride Mountain into more “universally acceptable” realms displaying “good Catholic family values”……so naturally Sugar and Cane instead choose to just pulverize that Passport Badge out of this genocidal bigot.
HALLOWEEN TOWN; The realm of darkness, the land of nightmares and the last place Sugar Plum would ever want to return. It’s rather painful being back at a place that used to be her home. So many good memories and good friends she had to leave behind just to get away from that bitch Witchhazel. There are seemingly infinite realms in Dream World that Sugar would rather go to, but since all of them are hitting Ticket quotas going into the triple digits (way more than she and Cane can possibly find in the game), she has no choice but seek an audience with her former home’s Champion…
-The Nightmare King; Fear made manifest, taking the form of a giant gargoyle in a grand black cloak. Though he takes his job as weaver of nightmares seriously, off duty he’s actually a pretty chill guy……and unfortunately too good natured for his own good leading to his “entanglements” with Witchhazel. Despite being the designated Champion, even he is under Witchhazel’s thumb being blackmailed into letting her do whatever she wants less Dream World learns about his adoration for……collecting Pretty Pretty Pegasus toys and memorabilia.
-Witchhazel; A most vindictive demon fox Dream known for her punk rock personality, goth girl attire and being the village bicycle who will fuck anything that strikes her fancy. In fact sleeping around is exactly how she has accumulated her spot as top dog in Halloween Town and a handful of other such realms. Despite having plenty of “love” to give, she holds no true love for anyone, seeing anyone she samples as just more toys in her collection. And Sugar Plum was her favorite plaything, founding such joy in gaslighting that little cat into being her precious little pet. As you can imagine she’s not the kind of person who doesn’t take kindly to her playthings breaking free of her control…
CHRISTMAS KINGDOM INC.; An icy winter realm of business and commercialism, one that has long since forgotten the intended meaning of the holiday. In the center of the realm is a crying infant effigy lying in a manger meant to represent the Christ in Christmas, the infant’s cries drowned out by the ever blaring sounds of the upper metropolis in perpetual Black Friday laced with plenty of fake christian hypocrisy. It might as well be a dead frozen world for how soulless it all is. Of course this will be the last stop on Sugar and Cane’s world trotting trip, it is afterall where the Krampus is found, deep in the Blackened Forest just outside the actual borders of the realm. A place so terrifying that not even the denizens of Halloween Town would dare enter.
-Chairman Claus; The current CEO of the Christmas Kingdom Incorporated. This bearded high elf Dream is technically Champion but such a position is a formality he has to tolerate for the sake of PR. As such he thinks nothing of just giving a Passport Badge to these two tourists, willing to get the obligatory boss fight out of the way so they can leave and he can get back to his schedules and deadlines.  
-The Krampus; A most hideous undead devil Dream with elk horns who is best described as violence incarnate. He is suppose to be the spirit of absolute justice punishing the truly evil, but in recent years his thirst for violence has grown to a state where he just wants to fight anything and everything he can, whether they be strong or weak. As such he has become far too strict with the very concept of morality, willing to punish even the most nothing of “crimes” like jaywalking or forgetting to recycle a cardboard box with overwhelming violence. And Witchhazel knew this, claiming that Candy Cane was guilty of accidental littering just so the Krampus can have an excuse to brutalize another victim. Last time that Cane was face to face with this beast, he was alone, but this time Sugar Plum will be with him and she will not show the Krampus any quarter…   
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ixnova · 6 years
as I grow older i feel what actually makes ocs cringey or bad narrows itself down alot like, for one ocs don’t hurt anyone, so really it doesnt matter at all what you do but like if ur trying to make a good character, I feel like some of the stuff ppl tell you not to do, really is hit or miss and you should be allowed to do it. One thing I see is ppl say “don’t make complex desgins” but really it depends on the universe that OC belongs to, like im seeing some discourse about villainous ocs but yet these ppl forget demencia, a main canon character, literally looks like she walked off of deviantart.com, so imo you dont have a right to judge when characters are a bit more flashy or complex, such as the neon complaints and stuff when a canon fucking character looks just as “bad” as most ocs. (now dont get me wrong i love demencia im just saying her style lines up with “bad” desgin.)  As you get older you realize you’re allowed to make them more flashy, if you can draw it then good for you, you may want to keep it simple if you want OTHERS to draw it for you sure, but if you can produe it yourself and ur happy with ur own art quality then fucking add as many belts and weird hairsttyles/colors as you want. You also are allowed to have them be similar in desgin to other characters, it helps them fit in imo, im still against carbon copies or say stuff like “sonic but a girl.” but don’t feel bad if you like share some common traits. I purposely put the wide white lenses on a mouthless mask/suit for my marvel oc bc its the same style deadpool and spiderman use, 2 of my fave heroes from the franchise, so her costume is based on theirs a bit but shes still unique you feel. I feel the personality is where good or bad ocs lie and really what makes a bad personality is just lack of devlopment. You want them to be powerful and cool, go for it. you want them to be pretty and sexy? go for it. Just devlop it well, set some limits, like for example again going back to villainous, your oc can’t be stronger than black hat if you want realisum, without a damn good reason, bc he is literally the equivalent to a god, but you can have them almost as strong as black hat, making them hard to deal with.  anyway tldr: your cringey oc may not actually be as cringey as you think it is as long as you’re having fun, and put effort into them, so who the fuck cares what other ppl think enjoy yourself. It took me 10 years to learn this, don’t make the mistakes i made and deny yourself fun.
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techstartro · 3 years
Frumusețea fară filtre cu Foreo
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Nu este un secret faptul că suferim cu toții de oboseala din urma întâlnirilor pe Zoom. Pe măsură ce săptămânile trec, aceasta poate fi resimțită atât psihic, cât și fizic. Într-un sondaj realizat recent de FOREO și OnePoll UK, sa raportat, că o cincime dintre femeile cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 34 de ani, s-au trezit mai devreme pentru a-și pregăti tenul înainte de un apel video. În timp ce 40% și-au oprit camera în timpul unei întâlniri, pentru că nu erau mulțumite de aspectul pielii lor. De asemenea, este posibil să vă simțiți ușor singuri atunci când abordați problemele pielii și pentru unii poate fi o luptă zilnică. Împotriva standardelor de „perfecțiune”, nerealiste ale societății. Deci, este bine să ne reamintim că suntem cu toții împreună.
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Încrederea dată de pielea îngrijită este aici. Cei de la FOREO împărtășesc sfaturile lor de top despre cum să obții o piele sănătoasă în 3 pasi simpli:
1. Recunoștința Pielii
Cei de la FOREO au discutat cu Lucy Sheridan, un antrenor motivațional, despre cum să îi aduci recunoștință pielii: Lucy Sheridan a spus: „Recunoștința pielii poate suna ca un alt moft, dar beneficiile mentale de a-ți mulțumi și de a arata o oarecare dragoste de sine te vor face să strălucești din interiorul spre exterior. Când cineva se simte încrezător, este imposibil să nu simți acea energie și să nu vezi cum îi radiază fața. Tu și pielea ta sunteți total unici. Așa că acordă-ți un pic de iubire și încetează să te compari cu ceilalți. Când ne îmbrățișăm individualitatea, este posibil să prosperăm. Adu mulțumiri caracteristicilor care te fac să fii tu.”
2. Arată-i pielii un pic de dragoste
Recunoștința față de piele este o modalitate excelentă de a străluci din interior spre exterior, dar este, de asemenea, important să intoduci acest lucru în ritual de îngrijire al pielii alături de produsele care funcționează și care te fac să te simți uimitor. O curățare profundă este un pas simplu, dar eficient, iar dispozitivul FOREO LUNA 3 este ideal deoarece poate fi utilizat cu orice produs de curățare. Elimină până la 99,5% din murdărie și stimulează circulația sângelui, oferindu-ți o strălucire naturală, astfel încât să te simți pregătită și gata să fii tu.
3. Față în față cu frica
Este important să-ți dai seama că nu ești singur. Am vorbit recent cu Maddie Edwards despre povestea ei, referitoare la relația ei cu tenul: „În calitate de adult, era destul de ușor să mă simt singură și izolată, așa că am început să mă postez naturală, fară machiaj sau filtre pe Instagram. Astfel, mi-am dat seama că nu sunt singură, o mulțime de oameni trec prin același lucru ca și mine și nu este absolut nimic jenant în asta. De când mi-am dat seama de acest aspect, mă simt mult mai încrezătoare și mai pozitivă față de pielea mea.”
Dispozitivul FOREO LUNA 3 folosește silicon ultra-igienic și pulsații T-sonic pentru a îndepărtă până la 99,5% din murdărie.
Stimulând circulația sângelui pentru o strălucire naturală. LUNA 3, nu oferă doar rezultate vizibile încă de la primele utilizări, dar și ajută la îmbunătățirea sănătății tenului. Asemenea tratamentelor realizate la salon. Masajul pe care îl oferă dispozitivul este liniștitor precum cel realizat de un specialist în timpul aplicării ploduselor pe gât și față. Economisești timp și bani în același timp deoarece cu ajutorul dispozitivului LUNA 3, tratamentele faciale le poți realiza chiar la tine acasă. O singură cheltuială de câteva sute de lei poate părea prea mare la prima vedere. Pe termen lung, totuși, este o investiție, cu atât mai mult, nu împovărați mediul înconjurător cu deșeuri inutile produse de dispozitive sau baterii de calitate scăzută care sunt dăunătoare naturii.  Spre deosebire de alte produse de curățare, nu este nevoie să înlocuiești niciodată capul periei.   LUNA 3 poate fi achiziționat de pe www.douglas.ro și www.notino.ro. Read the full article
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Geologii confirmă producerea unui cutremur bizar pe fundul Oceanului Atlantic
Seismologii explică faptul că au observat un „cutremur boomerang” care a afectat una dintre faliile de sub Atlantic.
Un studiu recent, care a analizat caracteristicile unui cutremur care a avut loc în anul 2016 pe fundul Atlanticului, a ajuns la o concluzie interesantă. Mai exact, oamenii de știință au ajuns la concluzia că instrumentele lor au detectat un tip extrem de rar de eveniment seismic: un cutremur boomerang.
Cutremurul s-a propagat spre est, printr-o falie de pe fundul oceanului , apoi s-a întors înapoi până fix de unde a pornit cu o  viteză incredibilă. S-a mișcat atât de repede încât a creat versiunea geologică a unui boom sonic, notează Science Alert.
Un eveniment teoretic
Cutremurul din 2016 a avut loc pe o falie din zona ecuatorială, care se întinde pe 900 de kilometri între coasta Braziliei și coasta de vest a Africii. Datele senzorilor din regiune și de la diferite stații din lume indică faptul că cutremurul a avut o magnitudine de 7,1 pe scara Richter.
„Deși oamenii de știință au descoperit că un astfel de mecanism de rupere inversă (n.r termenul tehnic pentru cutremur boomerang) este posibil din modele teoretice, noul nostru studiu oferă unele dintre cele mai clare dovezi pentru acest mecanism enigmatic care s-a produs într-o falie adevărată”, explică Stephen Hicks, seismolog al Colegiului Imperial din Londra.
Ruptura s-a propagat în sus și spre est, în direcția unui punct slab, unde zona de fractură se întâlnește cu o încrețitură a scoarței din mijlocul Oceanului. Apoi,brusc s-a produs o „propagare neobișnuită spre vest”, cutremurul îndreptându-se înapoi spre epicentru său și cu viteze de până la 6 kilometri pe secundă.
„Chiar dacă structura faliilor pare simplă, modul în care cutremurul s-a propagat nu a fost și acesta a fost complet opus modului în care ne așteptăm să arate cutremurul înainte de a începe analiza datelor”, explică dr. Hicks.
Studiul a fost publicat în Nature Geoscience.
Citește și:
Sateliții au surprins o uriașă furtună de praf din Namibia deplasându-se peste Oceanul Atlantic
Dacă Oceanul Atlantic dispare, viitorul geologic al Terrei este total diferit faţă de cum ne-am imaginat
Ecuația care ar putea prezice cutremurele mult mai bine
Cum afectează, de fapt, cutremurele gravitaţia Pământului? Un nou studiu scoate la iveală lucruri incredibile
Articolul Geologii confirmă producerea unui cutremur bizar pe fundul Oceanului Atlantic apare prima dată în Descopera.ro.
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avmallromania · 6 years
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In curand doar la AVmall un produs de exceptie: DAC/Amplificator de casti balansat/Preamplificator NuPrime DAC-9H. Pret, specificatii ➡️ https://goo.gl/CK84Wg In cele ce urmeaza doar cateva caracteristici ⬇️ NuPrime SRC IC chip provides FPGA processing where Input signals are up-sampled to mega hertz before down converted to the targeted sampling rate with ultra-low jitter and distortion. AKM Newest Generation: High Sound Quality Premium 32-bit Stereo DAC (AK4490 EQ). State-of-the-art DAC with warmer sonic characteristics, supporting USB PCM 384 and DSD256. A proprietary NuPrime implementation that is also capable of decoding DoP formats via coaxial and optical inputs (to support NuPrime Omnia portable device that are able to output DoP stream in addition to S/PDIF). Supports DSD native playback by ASIO2.1 and DoP method. DSD is decoded natively with the same sample rate as the input source. Ultra-low-noise JFETs in the input stage for the lowest possible noise floor Volume adjustment in 99 precise 0.5dB increments Advanced, FPGA implemented thin-film switched-resistor ladder network for controlling volume, with a single resistor in the signal path at any volume setting Individually adjustable volume on each input for precise level matching of sources. If DAC-9 is connected to another preamp or home theater AVP, set the volume @ 94, which is 0dB. #AVmall #NuPrime #Audiofil #ShowroomAudio #HiendAudio #HighEndAudio #MusicListening #HighEnd #SistemAudio #Boxe #Speakers #HiFi https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkdQNTAXyb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jv683wxuhrjz
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techstartro · 3 years
Huawei lansează prima periuță de dinți cu autonimie 3 luni și încărcare wireless
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Huawei anunță lansarea periuței de dinți electrice intitulată Lebooo Smart Sonic în Româna. Periuța este dezvoltată de HUAWEI HiLink în parteneriat cu Lebooo Electronic Technology. Periuța îmbină tehnologii avansate IoT și big data, permițându-i utilizatorului să controleze precis, prin intermediul unui smartphone sau a unei tablete, curățarea întregii suprafețe a danturii, cât și intensitatea folosită. Prețul recomandat de vânzare al periuței este de 399 lei și este disponibilă în rețelele partenerilor Huawei.
Periuța poate fi încărcată wireless
Noua periuță electrică poate fi încărcată rapid, wireless, și este prevăzută cu o baterie de 2500 mAh ce îi asigură o autonomie de aproximativ 3 luni. În condiții de utilizare normală cu două periaje zilnice. Astfel, periuța funcționează perfect dacă este încărcată de 4 ori pe an, timp de 8 ore. Prin intermediul aplicației HUAWEI AI Life. Periuța ghidează și supraveghează spălarea zilnică a dinților, ajută la formarea unei rutine sănătoase de spălare a dinților și conține 36 de moduri de curățare, pentru a mulțumi și cei mai exigenți utilizatori.
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„Prin lansarea periuței de dinți electrice Lebooo Smart Sonic în România, adăugăm o nouă piesă în ecosistemul Huawei. Prin intermediul interfeței HiLink, care a stat și la baza dezvoltării acestei periuțe, ne dorim să conectăm cât mai multe produse pentru o gestionare personalizată, dar și eficientă a stilului de viață propriu fiecăruia.”. Declară Wang Wei, Country Manager, Huawei Consumer Business Group România. „Ne bucurăm să venim cu un nou produs pe piața din România, care va ajuta consumatorii să aibă parte de o curățare inteligentă pentru dinți albi și strălucitori.” Periuța folosește interfața HUAWEI HiLink pentru conectarea prin bluetooth la HUAWEI AI Life APP. Prin intermediul căreia utilizatorii pot simți pe deplin confortul oferit de era IoT. Aceștia primesc feedback în timp real privind perierea dinților și planuri personalizate de curățare care răspund științific diferitelor cerințe.  Oferă o experiență inteligentă de periere a dinților.
HUAWEI HiLink Smart, 36 de moduri de curățare, nucleu puternic, autonomie impresionantă
Smart Internet HUAWEI AI Life APP vizualizează, pe smartphone sau tabletă, 6 zone și 16 suprafețe din cavitatea bucală. Aceasta efectuează monitorizare în timp real și corectează gesturile de periere, ajutând la formarea unei rutine sănătoase de spălare a dinților. Sistemul de punctare inteligent realizează un raport de date privind perierea dinților în timp real. În vreme ce 60 de elemente de date stocate offline și actualizate în buclă îi ajută pe utilizatori să înțeleagă starea cavității bucale. În plus, monitorizarea presiunii surprinde orice duritate neobișnuită pentru a evita deteriorarea smalțului dentar și a gingiei. Noua periuță vine cu 36 de moduri de curățare, cinci dintre acestea fiind curățare, albire, dinți sensibili, îngrijire și personalizare. În primele patru moduri, utilizatorii pot alege din aplicație niveluri diferite de duritate, de la 1 la 4. În modul personalizare, aceștia pot activa din aplicație 20 de planuri de curățare a dinților, pentru a satisface nevoi orale diferite, cum ar fi modul pentru copii, femei însărcinate sau pentru curățarea de dimineață, etc. În timp ce fiecare alegere aduce o experiență nouă, nucleul magnetic cu suspensie patentat de Lebooo cu vibrații de înaltă frecvență de 38.000 mișcări pe minut.  Vor oferii o forță impresionantă pentru curățarea dinților, spălând fiecare zonă din cavitatea bucală și spațiile dintre dinți cu o eficiență ridicată. Periuța vine cu 3 capete standard premium. Design-ul se potrivește perfect cu forma dinților și îmbunătățește fiecare spălare.  Aceasta vine în două culori: cool black și crystal diamond white.
Preț periuța Huawei Lebooo Smart Sonic
Prețul recomandat de vânzare al periuței este de 399 lei și este disponibilă în rețelele partenerilor Huawei. Read the full article
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