#Sora's mental issues and his anxieties NEED to be addressed PLEASE Nomura. I would love some comfort for dear Sora.
Lost Being Found
Sora x Riku fic.
I haven’t wrote an actual fic in awhile and I saw this quote:
“What he feared most was that all this hiding had made it impossible for him to be found again.”
“highly logical behavior” john corey whaley.
And I just...instantly when to Riku and Sora. I went to Riku hiding himself but Sora finally find him😌.
And this is set in the KH2 reunion scene (the one we all love).
“Wait, Ansem!”
Riku stopped walking and he almost turned to look at the brunette behind him.
“I mean, Xehanort’s heartless," Sora said correcting himself.
He felt a stab in his heart. It’s Riku. It’s him, but he can’t tell him. He can’t show him. He can’t. Not like this.
“I never thought for a second that I’d see you again. Just thinking about the things you did makes me really angry," he says with that soft voice of his.
Who could blame him for feeling that? Riku expected him to go off, expected him to say he was ready to be rid of him and never see him again, but he said words he didn’t expect.
“But you saved Kairi, right?” Sora’s voice went back to its comforting high tone. “I have to be grateful for that. Thanks.”
Riku’s heart stopped for a moment at those words. He thanked him. He wasn’t telling him off, he wasn’t saying he didn’t want to see him again, and he didn’t have to turn around to know he didn’t have a look of disgust. He would just have that look he always had. The look of peace and calm.
With his thoughts and emotions running around, he began to walk away once again. His footsteps echoed on the walls and they were louder in his head. Every step was like walking through mud. He didn’t want to walk away, he wanted to go over to him and say, “it’s me. I’m here. I’ve never stopped watching you,” and try to earn his forgiveness, but he couldn’t.
He wouldn’t let him see him like this.
However, as if fate was being kind to him in its own way, he heard footsteps running after him, and he felt a gentle but firm grip grab his hand and pull him to a stop.
“Riku, don’t go!” Kairi’s voice was desperate and his heart was wounded even more. He kept causing people pain, and he felt the need to walk away becoming stronger, but he was stuck. He easily could've broken free of her grip, but...he didn't.
Donald, Goofy, and Sora let out a gasp of shock and his heart began to race faster.
“Kairi, what did you just say?” Sora’s voice was confused...but it was also hopeful. Hopeful that maybe he found Riku, the one he’s been searching for.
“Riku...”. Her voice was soft and even more desperate than before. She needed to let Sora know, she needed to get through Riku’s skull, she needed everyone to be back together.
“I’m no one. Just a castaway from the darkness,” he said in Ansem’s voice. Even hearing his voice made him feel disgusting and he almost didn’t want to open his mouth ever again.
“Sora, come here,” Kairi called out. “Say something to him.” Riku may have cared for her, but even she knew that no one could reach him like Sora could.
He thought he wouldn’t get closer, but he began to walk. He walked slowly over to them, and Riku didn’t know what was going to happen. But then he felt Kairi lift his hand, almost too easily, and lay Sora’s hand on Riku’s.
“Close your eyes.”
Riku looked over to Sora, and Sora looked back with a confused look, but he listened to her. He closed his eyes, and that fear began to kick in again.
He began to fear most that all this hiding had made it impossible for him to be found again.
He thought that this wouldn’t work, that Sora wouldn’t see him as Riku, and that even if he did he would be even more angry to know it was him.
But when Sora opened his eyes and looked at Riku, he knew that he saw him. He didn’t see Ansem, he saw Riku. He saw him and he watched as the love of his life grip his hand with both of his hands and fall to his knees.
“Riku...” he started with his voice now soft and sad. “It’s Riku. Riku’s here.” His voice sounded relieved and he could see that Sora could finally breathe properly.
“I looked for you.” His voice was wavering and he couldn’t look Riku in the eye.
“Come on, Sora. You’ve got to pull it together,” Riku said in that teasing tone he always used with him. He didn't know how to react, he didn’t know what to do, so he fell into his old habit. But that didn’t stop Sora at all.
Sora shook his head. “I looked everywhere for you!” His voice was weak and this time Riku watched as he looked up at him and tears fell from those beautiful blue eyes of his. And now Riku couldn’t stop himself from speaking his mind, finally giving a piece of himself to Sora.
“I didn’t want you to find me,” he said. It was true. He was scared of Sora finding him. He knew he wanted to find him, he knew Sora was aching to find him, but he couldn’t let him see him.
However, he still found him and Riku felt his heart become lighter. He loved Sora with everything in his heart. Their hearts were in tune, he would follow him anywhere in the world, and now he found him again.
And after picking on Sora and his crew, Sora looked at him with a soft and confused look. “Why didn’t you let me know you were okay?” His tone sounded like he was angry that he wouldn’t tell him, but Riku knew he wasn’t angry. He was only worried and relieved.
“I told you. I didn’t want to be found...not like this.” He held his hands in front of him and looked at the fabric covering them. He was wearing the black hood of the Organization, black gloves hiding his hands, and his whole body was hidden away from others.
“This battle isn’t over, and until it is, I still need the power of darkness,” Riku admitted with regret. He didn’t want it, but he needed it for this moment.
“Then let’s finish it. You’re still Riku no matter what,” Sora replied with confidence as he looked at him in the eye with determination.
Riku looked over to Donald and Goofy and Kairi and he felt his heart become lighter. It’s cracks were getting healed.
And deep down, he knew it would get better. They would win, everyone would be safe, and maybe the world will be okay.
And he wished he could hold Sora’s hand at the end of all of this and tell him his feelings...and maybe be blessed for Sora to feel the same.
Riku was in his bedroom at Master Yen Sid’s tower and he was laying in his bed. He was still wearing his regular clothes, but his jacket and shoes were off, neatly put away. And instead of sleeping, he held a paper above him, having the moonlight and the lamp on the nightstand on the left of him letting him see the paper.
Instead of it being a report of Sora’s perhaps whereabouts or reports about what they found of anything darkness related, it was a drawing Namine gave to him. She knew he was alone and closed off, but she thought maybe he would look at this remember and everything that he had gone through. Everything that Sora had gone through.
The drawing was of him being in his Ansem form with Sora’s hand together with his. Kairi wasn’t there, and he wondered why. He thinks maybe she just wanted to focus on him and Sora.
However, instead of wearing a sad face or another emotion, they both had smiles on their face. Sora had tears sliding down but there was still that smile there. Riku had a smile as well, and he smiled as his pointer finger traced that smile.
"Of course she would know I was happy to be with Sora," he thought.
And at the sight of the photo and the memory of that time, his heart felt heavy. He had hurt people during that time, he had done things he regretted...but he doesn't know if he truly regrets them. He'd do anything for Sora, and he practically did. He wishes there was another way to save him at that time, but there wasn't, so he took that chance. And now he had a scar on his wrist to remind him of his choices.
He let out a sigh and folded up the paper and placed it on the nightstand. He wrapped himself under his blankets and actually tried to sleep. He hadn't been sleeping well since Sora had been gone. He knew he was strong, how could he not? But still, this was the first time Sora was out of Riku's sight. He almost always knew where he was, even when it was for...darker reasons. He always knew, but now he doesn't.
And now he feared most that he wouldn't be able to find Sora. He himself had been found before, despite all his attempts at hiding, and now he worried that he wouldn't be able to find Sora. But he always pushed those thoughts away.
"Sora saved me, so I will save him."
It was a promise he told himself every night, and he planned to keep it.
SOOOO....It was different in my head, but this was the closest I could get! This one was focusing around Riku :). The next fic will be surrounding Sora and his issues that better be addressed SOMEWHERE in a game. But yeah hope you like this💙💙.
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