#Anyways hope yall like this! It was difficult to put my image together but YEAH!! Please give me feedback and reblog!! Thank you!!
Lost Being Found
Sora x Riku fic.
I haven’t wrote an actual fic in awhile and I saw this quote:
“What he feared most was that all this hiding had made it impossible for him to be found again.”
“highly logical behavior” john corey whaley.
And I just...instantly when to Riku and Sora. I went to Riku hiding himself but Sora finally find him😌.
And this is set in the KH2 reunion scene (the one we all love).
“Wait, Ansem!”
Riku stopped walking and he almost turned to look at the brunette behind him.
“I mean, Xehanort’s heartless," Sora said correcting himself.
He felt a stab in his heart. It’s Riku. It’s him, but he can’t tell him. He can’t show him. He can’t. Not like this.
“I never thought for a second that I’d see you again. Just thinking about the things you did makes me really angry," he says with that soft voice of his.
Who could blame him for feeling that? Riku expected him to go off, expected him to say he was ready to be rid of him and never see him again, but he said words he didn’t expect.
“But you saved Kairi, right?” Sora’s voice went back to its comforting high tone. “I have to be grateful for that. Thanks.”
Riku’s heart stopped for a moment at those words. He thanked him. He wasn’t telling him off, he wasn’t saying he didn’t want to see him again, and he didn’t have to turn around to know he didn’t have a look of disgust. He would just have that look he always had. The look of peace and calm.
With his thoughts and emotions running around, he began to walk away once again. His footsteps echoed on the walls and they were louder in his head. Every step was like walking through mud. He didn’t want to walk away, he wanted to go over to him and say, “it’s me. I’m here. I’ve never stopped watching you,” and try to earn his forgiveness, but he couldn’t.
He wouldn’t let him see him like this.
However, as if fate was being kind to him in its own way, he heard footsteps running after him, and he felt a gentle but firm grip grab his hand and pull him to a stop.
“Riku, don’t go!” Kairi’s voice was desperate and his heart was wounded even more. He kept causing people pain, and he felt the need to walk away becoming stronger, but he was stuck. He easily could've broken free of her grip, but...he didn't.
Donald, Goofy, and Sora let out a gasp of shock and his heart began to race faster.
“Kairi, what did you just say?” Sora’s voice was confused...but it was also hopeful. Hopeful that maybe he found Riku, the one he’s been searching for.
“Riku...”. Her voice was soft and even more desperate than before. She needed to let Sora know, she needed to get through Riku’s skull, she needed everyone to be back together.
“I’m no one. Just a castaway from the darkness,” he said in Ansem’s voice. Even hearing his voice made him feel disgusting and he almost didn’t want to open his mouth ever again.
“Sora, come here,” Kairi called out. “Say something to him.” Riku may have cared for her, but even she knew that no one could reach him like Sora could.
He thought he wouldn’t get closer, but he began to walk. He walked slowly over to them, and Riku didn’t know what was going to happen. But then he felt Kairi lift his hand, almost too easily, and lay Sora’s hand on Riku’s.
“Close your eyes.”
Riku looked over to Sora, and Sora looked back with a confused look, but he listened to her. He closed his eyes, and that fear began to kick in again.
He began to fear most that all this hiding had made it impossible for him to be found again.
He thought that this wouldn’t work, that Sora wouldn’t see him as Riku, and that even if he did he would be even more angry to know it was him.
But when Sora opened his eyes and looked at Riku, he knew that he saw him. He didn’t see Ansem, he saw Riku. He saw him and he watched as the love of his life grip his hand with both of his hands and fall to his knees.
“Riku...” he started with his voice now soft and sad. “It’s Riku. Riku’s here.” His voice sounded relieved and he could see that Sora could finally breathe properly.
“I looked for you.” His voice was wavering and he couldn’t look Riku in the eye.
“Come on, Sora. You’ve got to pull it together,” Riku said in that teasing tone he always used with him. He didn't know how to react, he didn’t know what to do, so he fell into his old habit. But that didn’t stop Sora at all.
Sora shook his head. “I looked everywhere for you!” His voice was weak and this time Riku watched as he looked up at him and tears fell from those beautiful blue eyes of his. And now Riku couldn’t stop himself from speaking his mind, finally giving a piece of himself to Sora.
“I didn’t want you to find me,” he said. It was true. He was scared of Sora finding him. He knew he wanted to find him, he knew Sora was aching to find him, but he couldn’t let him see him.
However, he still found him and Riku felt his heart become lighter. He loved Sora with everything in his heart. Their hearts were in tune, he would follow him anywhere in the world, and now he found him again.
And after picking on Sora and his crew, Sora looked at him with a soft and confused look. “Why didn’t you let me know you were okay?” His tone sounded like he was angry that he wouldn’t tell him, but Riku knew he wasn’t angry. He was only worried and relieved.
“I told you. I didn’t want to be found...not like this.” He held his hands in front of him and looked at the fabric covering them. He was wearing the black hood of the Organization, black gloves hiding his hands, and his whole body was hidden away from others.
“This battle isn’t over, and until it is, I still need the power of darkness,” Riku admitted with regret. He didn’t want it, but he needed it for this moment.
“Then let’s finish it. You’re still Riku no matter what,” Sora replied with confidence as he looked at him in the eye with determination.
Riku looked over to Donald and Goofy and Kairi and he felt his heart become lighter. It’s cracks were getting healed.
And deep down, he knew it would get better. They would win, everyone would be safe, and maybe the world will be okay.
And he wished he could hold Sora’s hand at the end of all of this and tell him his feelings...and maybe be blessed for Sora to feel the same.
Riku was in his bedroom at Master Yen Sid’s tower and he was laying in his bed. He was still wearing his regular clothes, but his jacket and shoes were off, neatly put away. And instead of sleeping, he held a paper above him, having the moonlight and the lamp on the nightstand on the left of him letting him see the paper.
Instead of it being a report of Sora’s perhaps whereabouts or reports about what they found of anything darkness related, it was a drawing Namine gave to him. She knew he was alone and closed off, but she thought maybe he would look at this remember and everything that he had gone through. Everything that Sora had gone through.
The drawing was of him being in his Ansem form with Sora’s hand together with his. Kairi wasn’t there, and he wondered why. He thinks maybe she just wanted to focus on him and Sora.
However, instead of wearing a sad face or another emotion, they both had smiles on their face. Sora had tears sliding down but there was still that smile there. Riku had a smile as well, and he smiled as his pointer finger traced that smile.
"Of course she would know I was happy to be with Sora," he thought.
And at the sight of the photo and the memory of that time, his heart felt heavy. He had hurt people during that time, he had done things he regretted...but he doesn't know if he truly regrets them. He'd do anything for Sora, and he practically did. He wishes there was another way to save him at that time, but there wasn't, so he took that chance. And now he had a scar on his wrist to remind him of his choices.
He let out a sigh and folded up the paper and placed it on the nightstand. He wrapped himself under his blankets and actually tried to sleep. He hadn't been sleeping well since Sora had been gone. He knew he was strong, how could he not? But still, this was the first time Sora was out of Riku's sight. He almost always knew where he was, even when it was for...darker reasons. He always knew, but now he doesn't.
And now he feared most that he wouldn't be able to find Sora. He himself had been found before, despite all his attempts at hiding, and now he worried that he wouldn't be able to find Sora. But he always pushed those thoughts away.
"Sora saved me, so I will save him."
It was a promise he told himself every night, and he planned to keep it.
SOOOO....It was different in my head, but this was the closest I could get! This one was focusing around Riku :). The next fic will be surrounding Sora and his issues that better be addressed SOMEWHERE in a game. But yeah hope you like this💙💙.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Love her like she should be loved
Cassian and Nesta Archeron modern au
So, this morning I was scrolling through Tumblr and I saw this post who said “i just want a fic with cassian defending nesta!!! idc what the context even is i just want to see him being offended on nesta's behalf and being ready to throw hands” and I obviously couldn’t resist. The post is this one.
Nesta is not really present in this specific part, if you want more of this au you can always send an ask (and a prompt if you want) and yall know I would continue this without hesitation. Hope you enjoy, as always:)
Word count: 3,266
His day was not going well.
He was supposed to give an analysis exam that morning, but the professor had not warned any of the students that he wouldn’t show up because of something personal. After an hour in which they waited, one of the secretaries of the university came to inform them that no test would be held, Cassian just wished he was dead. In addition, he had spent the entire afternoon serving at Elain's small café and now he was exhausted. Especially since he had to argue with an old lady who insisted on ordering something that wasn't on the menu.
Sometimes the girl would ask him to help her, when it happened that the staff was not available and the customers were much more numerous than one would expect on a Wednesday in the middle of February. Cassian didn't mind, he would have nothing better to do anyway. With his part-time job at a bookstore and his classes at the university, he found it hard to have days to himself and never made plans unless he was sure he could get them done. Then, however, a little extra money would help.
He had just arrived at the door of the apartment he shared with his two brothers when he heard Morrigan's shrill voice, followed by Feyre's loud laugh.
Shit, he had completely forgotten that they were all going to be home tonight.
Puffing, he opened the door and as soon as he walked in he was welcomed by the exalted cheers coming from the living room. He closed his eyes, grimacing. They were all already drunk. He heard Rhysand calling out to him and, taking off his shoes very slowly, went to the others.
"There he is! Fucking finally," shouted Mor, lying halfway down on Amren's legs, "You took your time. Ellie said you left the shop more than two hours ago, where have you been?" she asked with shiny eyes because of the alcohol. Cassian took a look at the others and saw that the only one who seemed to be still sober was Azriel, but looking at the glass in his brother's hand he knew he wouldn't be like that much longer.
He moved his gaze back to the blonde and shook his head, "Taking a walk." he simply replied, then ran a hand over his face, "Well guys, I'm going to sleep. I would kindly ask you to keep it down, but I know it's impossible, so if you could not drag it out too long, you would do me a favor."
Rhysand burst out laughing and Cassian turned to him, noticing only now that Feyre was curled up on his lap, "I don't think so. You haven't partied with us in almost a week." Azriel made a sound of approval, whispering a faint true, "We miss you," he added, sulking.
Cassian snorted again, they were right. Actually, he hadn't been on the couch to have a drink with his friends for over a week, but there was a very specific reason. And the reason was called Nesta.
It had been five very long months and keeping their relationship hidden was starting to get tough.
"Listen," began Cassian, trying to find a way to escape it one more time and go to sleep. "I'm very happy that you only have three classes a day and then you can come here and get shit-faced, but-"
"Oh come on, my sister's coming later too." Feyre interrupted him, slurring her words. "We could play Risiko, with your rules. Would you stay in that case?"
He knew very well that it wasn't Nesta. No, it couldn't have been her. They never invited her. And he wasn't in the mood to play Drunken Risiko at all.
Cassian glanced at her involuntary, clenching his jaw and starting to walk backwards towards his room. "I repeat, I'm very pleased that you still have so much time to lose in these things, but tomorrow I have to work all day and I'm exhausted."
Armen scoffed, "God it's like hearing her sister," said the friend looking him straight in the eye, pointing with her chin to Feyre, who had tightened even more on her boyfriend. Cassian stopped at the living room door, looking at Amren in turn. Feyre nodded, with her eyes closed, "It's true, she’s been a bit of a bitch lately.”
As Feyre spoke, Cassian saw the image of Nesta smiling at him as she sat on her kitchen island, telling him he was an idiot.
Rhysand chuckled and leaned his head against the back of the armchair, "Take the 'a bit' away."
"The other day I met her at the mall and, like any sane person would do, I went to say goodbye to her and she just looked at me and left," Morrigan said, settling better on the couch, in what everyone in their group called the gossip pose. Legs bent under her body and a glass of red wine in her left hand.
Cassian wanted to leave, but couldn’t move. That was the reason why he hadn't been able to go out with his friends in the last few days: whatever they did, in one way or another, they were able to drag Nesta into the conversation and talk shit about her.
"I just can't figure out what's wrong with her," said Rhys, looking annoyed by what Morrigan had just told them. Cassian remained silent. He didn't want to argue with his family and it would have been avoided if he had simply left.
Feyre stood up to pour herself another glass of wine. She sat down next to Amren, resting her head on her friend's shoulder, "I really wish I knew that."
It would be enough if you talked to her from time to time, thought Cassian, crossing his arms on his chest. He caught Azriel's gaze for a second and saw that his older brother was watching him attentively. Too attentively for his liking. He raised an eyebrow, as if asking what he wanted. Azriel was about to open his mouth when the doorbell rang. Everyone's attention sprang towards the door.
"It must be Elain," said Azriel as he stood up, "hopefully she's not as dead as someone else is tonight," he said, making a snide remark to Cassian, who took advantage of the moment to turn on his heels and go to sleep. Elain wouldn’t have been offended if he didn't say hi.
As soon as he closed the door to his room he took a deep breath.
He undressed and lay down on the bed without worrying too much about getting under the covers. He let his hair loose, letting it fall on the pillow and then he starred at the ceiling. He picked up the phone shortly after and opened the gallery, starting to scroll through the photos in the folder called books' stuff.
Rhysand had a nasty habit of taking his cell phone and looking through his stuff and this was the only way to make sure he didn't see the hundreds of photos he had of Nesta and himself.
He thought about the last half year they had spent together.
He thought about how almost five months earlier Nesta had felt sick while she was alone with him and how she thanked him when he was able to calm her down and how she ran away soon after.
He thought of himself, losing whole nights of sleep thinking about what to do, whether to try to talk to her about what had happened or whether to let it go.
He thought of when Nesta had insulted him when he had given her the number of his therapist and when after talking to her for hours about his personal problems Nesta had looked at him with a completely different expression on her face.
He thought about when she had refused his therapist's number again, but promised him she would seek help.
After a month, she asked him if he wanted to go out with her. On a date. Cassian was a bit shocked at the invitation, convinced that Nesta was not looking for anything serious at the time. He had accepted regardless and this had led to several other dates, before they made it official about two months later.
Neither her sisters nor his brothers suspected a thing and both were inclined to keep it a secret. Nesta had had no problem doing so, as she hardly ever went out with the group, there was no risk of it slipping out of her mouth. For Cassian it was something else entirely. Especially in the last period.
Nesta was going through a very difficult period and Cassian was always nervous, on edge, ready to do whatever Nesta needed. While their families did nothing but insult his girlfriend.
There had been days when Cassian, worried that Nesta hadn't answered him for hours after calling him desperate because of something that had happened at work, nearly broke down. He had run to her apartment that time and Nesta had not opened the door. He had almost called Feyre to ask her for the spare key, but he managed to convince Nesta to let him in.
They had spent two days in her bed together, Cassian making up a stupid excuse with his brothers for not being home.
His flood of thoughts was interrupted when he heard the others laughing.
He put the phone on the bedside table again and lay down on his side, trying not to listen to what they were saying in the other room.
It proved impossible.
"Have you heard from Nesta lately?" Feyre asked. Cassian brought the pillow over his ears, but it was of no use. "No, not really. She doesn't even answer the phone," answered Elain.
"Yeah no, because I ran into her the other day while I was shopping and she didn't even say hello." Mor repeated in that shocked tone.
Cassian loved everyone in that house so terribly, but if they had continued like that, he would have had to go out.
"I really don't understand how she can behave like that." a little pause, "I've tried so many times to get her to do something with me, but every time she insults me and tells me to mind my own business." Cassian knew about Feyre's various attempts to help her sister. Nesta had told him about all the times she had tried to force her to dress up in a certain way so she could go dancing and meet some guy. Of all the times Feyre had told her that she needed a holiday, that they could go together to places like Adriata or on the south coast, where the beaches were populated with life and people their age.
"God that girl really gets on my nerves," said Rhysand. Cassian wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him.
"I feel sorry to even talk about her like this, but there are times when I can't understand why she hates me so much." Feyre spoke again. Cassian scoffed, knowing full well that she didn't feel sorry at all. Elain replied, "Oh no, Fey-Fey, don't feel bad. She's the one who gets away from everyone."
"But does she realize that if she continues like this she will die alone and sad?" this comment broke something inside Cassian's chest. Even more so because it was Mor who had said those words.
"Maybe she deserves it. With how she treats you, she doesn't even deserve you looking after her in this way".
"Maybe you are right. Every time I try something new, she pushes me further and further. It makes me feel like a bad sister," continued Feyre, in a lower voice than before.
"See? It also makes you feel bad. She's just a selfish bitch who seeks attention," concluded Rhysand.
Cassian couldn't take it anymore and got out of bed, slamming the door against the wall when he opened it.
When he entered the living room Mor looked at him with wide open eyes. She had got up and was coming towards him when he raised his hand to stop her.
"Shut up!" he shouted as he looked at Rhysand immediately afterwards. "Repeat what you said." he challenged him, keeping his distance. They were all looking at him in shock. His breathing ragged.
"Cass...what's going on?" asked Elain, getting up and standing next to Mor.
"I said shut up," he said, keeping his gaze fixed on his younger brother. "Again, repeat what you just said."
Rhysand looked at him with blurred eyes. Perfect, he was completely drunk, "Calm down man, we were just talking about Nesta." He looked at him frowning, "What's wrong with you?" said Rhys getting up and stiffening, staggering slightly. Azriel stood up in turn, shifting his gaze quickly from one brother to another.
Cassian contracted his jaw, clenching his fists.
"Why are you so upset?" asked Feyre, always sitting, probably too drunk to stand. Cassian looked at her and took a deep breath. Feyre looked at Amren as soon as she burst out laughing.
Everyone’s focus shifted to the girl, who looked like she was about to be sick from all the laughter. Mor kept looking at him though and he just wanted to tell her to stop staring.
"Why are you laughing?" Rhysand asked, even more confused than before.
Amren wiped her tears away, "It’s so fucking obvious that Cassian and Nesta are dating at this point that I really don't know how you haven't figured it out yet."
Cassian looked at her with his mouth wide open, "How...?"
"You have no idea how much of an open book you are for those who know where to look." replied Amren without even glancing at him.
"I was waiting for you to tell me about it." Azriel confessed in a low voice. Cassian turned toward him, frowning. Azriel raised his hands as a sign of surrender, shaking his head, "You have hardly been home for a long time, and perhaps I should have asked earlier, but I had my suspicions for a while." he smiled at him, "Well, congratulations." Azriel said, tilting his head and drinking a sip of beer. A toast. Cassian felt a weight lifting from his shoulders.
A weight that fell on him once again when he heard a choked laugh on the other side of the sofa.
"Congratulations? Azriel, are you serious?" Rhysand asked incredulously, passing his hand over his face.
Feyre and Elain were looking at each other in dismay.
"How can you think of getting with-" Mor was staring at him with her mouth open. "-shit, with Nesta? How can you be with such a person?"
Cassian saw red with anger. "Such a person you say?"
Rhysand approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Yes Cass, such a person. You know that she has no emotions other than disgust and hatred." Cassian moved to avoid his brother's touch. Disgust. Hate.
He saw Nesta smiling at him with one of his T-shirts on, lying in her bed, whispering I love you.
Cassian shook his head. "I really can't tell if you're joking or being serious when you talk about her." he whispered not being able to believe what they were saying. "Nesta, your sister," he said, addressing directly the two Archeron present, "is not doing good."
Elain had the decency to seem surprised. Feyre looked at him with shining eyes, whether it was alcohol or emotion he couldn't tell.
"Nesta is sick and the only thing you can do," he pointed out, "is to sit and drink and insult her until you feel satisfied with yourself.
"We've tried so many times to intervene," Feyre defended herself, in a small voice. She put her hands between her thighs. Cassian laughed and threw his hands to the sky.
"Intervene? Intervene, really?" he asked her sarcastically. He laughed again, no trace of amusement in that sound. "You mean when you went to her house, a few weeks ago, and yelled at her because she didn't want to go out with you and she answered you badly when you told her she had to stop being depressed?" now he was shouting. "Or when you told her that she sucked as being a sister and that she should be a better example for you and Elain?" Feyre held her breath, shutting her eyes.
Cassian turned to the other girl, "And you?" he asked her, a false smile on his lips, "Jesus, Ellie, I see you treating the rest of the world with gloved hands every day. You talk to people as if they were wounded animals and it never occurred to you that your sister might be the only one who really needs it?"
He no longer knew who he was talking to as he raised his voice further and started walking around the room. "If instead of telling her what to do, every day. You always say, say, say, try for once and ask for fuck’s sake. If for once you asked instead of doing whatever the hell you want. It would be enough if you were more interested in what she wants to do and less in what you would like her to do" his head was pounding.
He turned to Rhysand at the end. He gritted his teeth, a grimace of repulsion on his face. "You disgust me the most." his voice broke.
"Cassian-" Azriel got in the way.
"No, Az." as he looked at his older brother he thought that he too was no less. He had never said anything about Nesta, never, but he had never even stopped the others or tried to justify the behavior of the older Archeron.
"You were sick once." Cassian said, as he approached Rhysand. He looked at him raising his chin, breathing heavily. "You were sick and I helped you. You treated me the way Nesta treats her sisters. You treated me worse," he whispered, referring to when he and Rhysand ended up beating each other, because Cassian had pushed him over the edge, "You know what she's going through better than anyone probably does, and yet you're the first one to throw shit at her." Rhys looked towards Feyre. "You don't even know her. And yet you’re ready to act like your dad.” Rhys’ eyes shot to him, any trace of color draining from his face. Cassian knew he’d just hit the right spot.
"And you Mor." He turned to his oldest friend. "You're better than that. You all are." he said to no one in particular.
He closed his eyes and ran both hands over his face.
"None of you ever tried to ask her how she was. None of you have ever made an effort. A real effort." he whispered, with anger coursing through his veins. "I get that Nesta can be difficult at times, but we are the only thing she has. The only thing she should have at least."
with that, he left, going to his room. He got dressed quickly, put on his shoes and grabbed the car keys. Before he left he turned towards the quiet living room, where everyone was staring at one another.
"Perhaps it would be better for us all if we searched our own hearts," he said, opening the door, "If something happens, send me a message. At least now you know where to find me."
Rhysand opened his mouth to talk, probably to apologize, but Cassian had already closed the door behind him.
acotar taglist (if you want to be removed or added, let me know with a dm or an ask) (I also tagged the people who seemed interested in the comments of the original post, I’ll just tag you for this part)
@tottenhamboys20 @sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @nxssian @lovelynesta @maastrash
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saintkimora · 7 years
here is how my last date went w joel (once again i have mixed feelings about it) plus how things are going now
so i saw him the other night. i got there and it was him marissa and lindsey as usual but they also had their friends moshe and adiena there. so that was kinda awkward (for me at least). they were all just sitting around talking and moshe and joel were playing mario kart on the switch and then joel made everyone watch like category is, read u wrote u, the s8 and 9 finale lip syncs, and the alyssa edwards drop dead gorgeous mix. it was kinda awkward bc the others werent really into it after the first 2 videos (except marissa legend) so i was getting secondhand embarrassment but it was still fun i guess since i got to sit next to my man
BUT then things took a turn for the worst bc joel made some attempt to include me in the group conversation. i got so sweaty instantly and i was wearing a tank so i was like fuck! nothing to cover it up. so yeah eventually moshe and adiena left and it was just us the 4 sisters again
marissa started vacuuming and lindsey was showing us some books she has. then they both went to their rooms and it was just me and joel. he said chris was still in his room playing tekken 7 on his ps4 and he didnt wanna kick him out yet so we stayed in the living room and he made me watch the great british bake off with him and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring omg like this is what yall call a competition? it was not intense at ALL literally flop shows only
then eventually we went into his room and he kicked chris out (after playing one round w him) so it was just us. this is where the date got enjoyable
one of the things he did was he started talking to me about his opinions on like race and stuff currently in america. and his opinions were all p good except for a few so that was fine. it was nice i guess to have like a serious convo w him i guess
THEN he referenced something from his childhood and i didnt know what it was obv so he was like “ive never told you the story of my childhood??” so he told me and oh my gosh it was so SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD omg im not gonna put all his business on here but it was such a sad story and i felt so bad for him and i wished i met him years ago so i couldve been there for him through all of it. but yeah it was v unfortunate i was like shocked like he seriously could not catch a break and he explained to me how the things from back then affect him to this day w like his anxiety for example and yeah. like obv i wasnt happy to hear about all those sad things but i was happy that he told me bc it made me feel closer to him
now for the part i DIDNT like. so at one point he somehow tried to talk to me about what celebrities and porn stars we think are hot. i did not want to have this conversation bc it feels pointless for me bc i dont keep up w celebrities and plus like the guy im with is always the #1 hottest guy for me so i dont feel the need to lust after celebs and porn stars. but whatever he was insistent on talking about this so we did. and the part that made me feel :/ was that none of the guys looked like me. like literally all the celebrities and porn stars he listed literally looked NOTHING like me whatsoever. like i didnt have a SINGLE thing in common w any of these guys. so to hear him going on and on about how hot these guys are and how they could have him any day and stuff was just kinda deflating to me bc they were all like the complete opposite of me in terms of looks. like they were all super buff daddy types and i have like 0 muscles and i dont really have strong chiseled features either. like i know im prob being oversensitive/too competitive but idk it just made me uncomfortable
and then when i told him all my faves it was different bc he did have a lot in common w all the guys i mentioned. he was like “im noticing a pattern here” and hes right, like if i did have a “”type” he would probably be it. i personally dont like talking about hot guys w any guy im currently with bc for me its like if the guy im with is all heart eyes emoji about another guys looks then obv im gonna look at this guy and compare myself to him which is not something i want to do since most of the time the other guys have me beat. so i dont bring up guys i find hot for the same reason bc i wouldnt want the guy im with to feel insecure or inadequate or contribute to a negative body image or something. i know not all people think like this and lots of people are perfectly fine w admiring other guys w their s/o but for me its just not something i like to do
so that was the worst part. it made me feel kinda empty the next day (in the moment it wasnt as bad, it was uncomfortable but it wasnt until later that i realized that i really did not look like these guys at all). actually i think this convo happened before the childhood convo. but anyways after all those convos that is when we fooled around
so this time it was fun! first he had me teasing his hole w my dick. its mildy pleasant to me but he like loves it lol. then he did the same to me but his dick was like lubed up from when i was jerking him off beforehand and it really felt like his dick was THIS close to slipping into my hole omg i was nervous i was like if he moves his hips slightly too much im literally gonna lose my virginity LMAO but it was still fun! he ended up cumming on my hole which i honestly didnt mind bc it was easier to clean since its less surface area than say my stomach or something
then i jerked myself off while he kissed me and played w my nipples and stuff since thats still my preferred way to cum. it was nice and then we showered together afterwards. and i forgot to mention it but a few dates ago we showered together for the first time which was super fun!! that time i sucked/jerked him off in the shower until he came. this time we had already cum so we just cleaned ourselves 
then we went to sleep. we woke up and got ready and i got to see him eat breakfast! he had cereal and he looked soooooooo cute omg and then we left his apartment together, then parted ways bc i had to go to my car and he was going to the bus stop down the street. he left bc he is visiting his family back home bc he needs to get some documents to do something for fafsa and he wont be back until wednesday. and i leave on thursday so rip we just have one more chance to see each other 
so that was that! also on the date before that we played this really fun game together called lovers in a dangerous spacetime and i had so much fun! omg we were such gaymers
so yeah thats it! one more date before we have to be apart for a month. im really sad about it actually like ive been getting really emotional over it. like im gonna miss him but also hes kinda going through a difficult time in his life right now and it makes me feel really bad that i wont be able to be there for him in person when he needs me. and ofc im still worried he might meet someone else, like a month is a long time so its v possible for him to forget/lose interest and try to find a new man instead. and these gay apps are location based obv so he could be reinstalling grindr or something and i would have no idea since im so many miles away!!! i doubt he would but again i didnt think caleb would do that either and i was wrong on that so im not trusting my own judgment anymore
im gonna try to enjoy greece but im gonna miss him a LOT and i just hope hes able to hold himself together while im gone since i wont be here to comfort him since im gonna be on another continent. if he does meet someone else im gonna be really sad about it but i am gonna try to be optimistic about it and ill still be able to text him like every day so its gonna suck but it could be worse i guess
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