#Sorrento's Pizza
buffetlicious · 2 years
Got a few hours to waste before dinner so we went to Sorrento's Pizza on deck 14 to snack on pizzas. This pizzeria does not have fancy names for any of their pizzas just simply calling them vegetarian or containing pork like this salami pizza. If you are looking for a quick bite in the middle of the night, this is the place you want be at as it stays open till 2am in the morning. 
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clivechip · 6 months
Leaving On A Jet Plane
I’ve had a couple of attempts in recent weeks at contributing to the Writer’s Workshop, run by John Holton. These have been tolerably successful so I thought I’d give it another go. John’s post outlining this week’s prompts can be found here, and I’m going with #6 – my first airplane trip – with a little side order of #3 – foods I would gorge on if the calories didn’t count. This wasn’t my first…
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laterrazzasorrento · 2 years
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Montanara fritta napoletana condita con 🍅 ragù napoletano, parmigiano 🧀reggiano e basilico. Una vera delizia, da mangiare rigorosamente appena fritte! #montanara #pizzafritta #montanarina #pizzanapoletana #antipasti #cucinanapoletana #streetfood #sorrento #sorrentoristorante #ristoranteitaliano #sorrentocoast #penisolasorrentina #pizza #food #foodporn #foodstagram #napoli #naples #santagnello #laterrazzafamilyholidays #vacationrental #casavacanze #vacanze #italy #italia #amalficoast #costieraamalfitana #capri (presso Sorrento, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm53Fk3tTRP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ayliamc · 1 year
Day 3 - Lemons: on the coast!
Steps walked: 11,682
Flights climbed: 4
Vehicles ridden: 3
Points of interest visited: 1
Lemons spotted: mostly ceramic and embroidered
We woke up and made ourselves breakfast with the rolls and fruit and jam available at our hotel (along with some vegan cheese we bought yesterday). Then we had an hour to kill before walking to Carol’s* hotel and meeting up with her and her group to take cars to Positano. So we napped.
A little before 11, we joined Carol et al aboard taxis that took us on the 45 minute drive. As soon as I sat down, facing the back, in the center of the car, I knew I was going to feel sick. So as rude as it likely made me seem to those I was facing, I focused on nothing but breathing as we wound through narrow coastal roads, slowing and accelerating with each bend.
A note here on Italian drivers: they have all the audacity of an overconfident Atlanta driver but with actual skill. Regardless of the size of the road or the size of the vehicle, they will weave in and out of pedestrians, traffic, and buildings and I have yet to witness an accident. All the while, they’ll be tailgating you or passing you and in true Hannibal Lector style, their heart rate never seems to exceed 60. I see nothing but relaxed and passive faces despite the aggressiveness of their maneuvering.
Positano is a city on the Amalfi coast with expensive shops lining the street which serves as both a sidewalk and road for drivers. Every other shop features lemon embroidered linen clothes, lemon ceramic sculptures, or limoncello.
I resisted! Aided in part by the cost of anything of interest.
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We had some beautiful views and got some lunch at a pizza place where I had a marinara “pizza”, and in an attempt to make it more than just dough and marinara sauce, I added cherry tomatoes. It was fine. We meandered up and down the hill, dodging cars and Vespas and other tourists, got a nice view, but were otherwise pretty much done with Positano a couple hours before our car came back to pick us up. We got smoothies at a cafe to kill time and chatted with Carol before I braced myself for the drive back to Sorrento. I was successful in not being sick both times, but felt like shit for the duration of the trips.
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In Sorrento we took a cab into the city square and ate at a big tourist friendly restaurant that had a vegan menu. They gave us complimentary helpings of Prosecco while we waited for a table to be ready for us, Dan and I happily ordered a pesto fusilli with tofu dish, and they also brought us small tastings of what I think was a cherry amaretto that went down very easily.
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We had a great time, but Dan and I were ready for an early night because we have a long day ahead of us. So we walked the half hour trip back to our hotel and turned in.
*Carol is Dan’s mom, my mother in law. I was brutally scolded for not including that information earlier for anyone who may not know.
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Father’s Day Pianillo to Pompei
We awoke the next day and Matt and Becca attempted a quick local trail run but the trail quickly became overgrown and fizzled out. We salvaged the run by turning it into a loop on some tiny local roads. Then we went home and cleaned/packed. Matt had not realized we would be trying to leave on Sunday when originally booking the lodging and agreed with the airbnb host that “Sunday is difficult” for local travel after researching it a little (somehow Matt keeps sticking us in small towns on Sundays when everything shuts down) and realizing several busses he was counting on don’t run on Sundays only. However, he had pieced together a plan that started with taking the bus to Amalfi and then looking at ferry/bus options from there. We headed to pizzeria nando a few minutes before scheduled arrival and noted that there was already a couple waiting with large suitcases for the bus (which we think was the last for the next 4 hours). It arrived only a few minutes late and we noted it was already standing room only but were able to squeeze on. The driver continued to pack people on for a few more stops then started blowing by stops shaking his finger at people waiting and giving the palms up “we’re full, what do you want me to do about it” gesture. We then made our way down the same hairpin turns we’d come up the day before, again with the honking before barreling around tight turns. The bus driver was surprisingly good at monitoring bus space and if a few people got off would then stop at a few stops until we were full again. The more people waiting, the more likely he was to blow by the stop. We made it to Amalfi with no traffic jams and were glad to get off the crowded bus. We set down the pile of bags by the benches in the shade and Matt walked off to explore ferry ticket options. Plan #1 was to try to get a ferry to Sorrento if available and not crazy expensive as it seemed like the train would be easier from there. Back up plan was to make it to Salerno on a ferry. Last resort plan was to try and make it to either place on a bus. A father’s day miracle occurred and they said that the ferry to Sorrento was actually leaving “right now” (which turned out to be about 50 min after its scheduled departure), so Matt grabbed tickets and ran back to tell everyone we were going now to the ferry. We ended up being the last ones on the ferry which was very empty and set out enjoying views of Positano and the distal tip of the peninsula before hooking around into Sorrento. We’d heard from several people that they really liked Sorrento so were fired up to see it and Matt requested they do some beach time there as his father’s day wish. Unfortunately, all of the beaches were private (other than a “public” beach that was for locals only) and every single one of them said they were completely full for the day…so we decided to bag it and train to our aribnb digs near Pompei. Thankfully the host let us check in early so we dropped stuff and then decided to walk to the beach, which was about a mile away (another fatherly request by Matt). We made it with only moderate kid whining and it turned out to be a very cool (if a bit dirty) beach. By Mediterranean beach standards this one was very long and wide and sandy. We had fun jumping in for a bit, then walked along the beach another mile or so to downtown Castellamarre where we had hoped to get some food to cook at home…however it seemed all grocery stores we could find on google were closed (Sundays!!!!). We happened upon a restaurant called “family” and tried to get a table, but they told us they were only doing take out pizza due to it being sunday so we opted for that and it turned out to be delicious and filling all for the low price of 11.50 euros total! We then walked back towards the train and planned to get gelato en route. We couldn’t find gelato, but did find a nice open grocery store so picked up some ice cream bars there as well as some other snacks for the following day. We then hopped on the train home and hit the hay.
Overall I think the naples/amalfi/pompei area was our least favorite part of italy with naples/pompei feeling pretty grungy and amalfi/sorrento being nice but super pricey and crowded. However note to those reading or our future selves that we thought Castellamarre di Stabia would've been an ideal base camp there as the beach was decent, pizza was tasty and we think you could take easy day trips to sorrento/amalfi/pompei.
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 9: Food, Glorious Food
Buongiorno every one!
If you couldn’t guess by the title, this week's blog is going to focus on Italian food and the culture differences surrounding meals. Before arriving, this topic came up several times during my research in various “culture shock” and “what to expect in Italy” articles, yet experiencing it first hand still took me a bit by surprise.
My main shock came from the eating pace. I was used to mealtime essentially being an interruption of the day’s activities. I would always rush to eat so I could get back to whatever was keeping me busy, whether that be homework assignments, club work, or other activities. Here, mealtime is the activity. You are supposed to slow down, relax, and enjoy the company you are with. Turns out, this was much easier said than done. Only in the last few weeks have I been able to eat slowly and sip my drink without it taking conscious effort. I have come to appreciate mealtime as something more than simply fueling my body; it is a time to connect with the people around you and just enjoy life.
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(Left picture of a prosciutto pizza, right picture of pomodoro bruschetta)
It is not uncommon for dinner to take 3+ hours, and this is completely normal if not expected. Service from waitstaff is very different here because of this. In the States, waiters constantly check up on you and push the bill in your face as soon as, if not before, you finish eating because the faster people leave, the faster someone else can take that table, resulting in more tips (which their paycheck relies almost exclusively upon). In Italy, waiters are paid a livable hourly wage. Tips are appreciated for good service, but not expected like tipping culture back home. After giving you a menu, waiters will leave you alone unless you call them over; if a waiter keeps coming over it is seen as them trying to rush you out which is a very rude violation of the long mealtime sactinty. While I have now come to appreciate the lack of interruptions, the first few times my friends and I ate out, we were waiting at the table for a long time before we ordered and even longer before we got the bill since we were used to it being automatically brought over instead of having to flag someone down.
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(Left picture of a caprese salad, right picture of spaghetti carbonara)
To save on some food expenses, I cooked a lot of my own meals. This is where living above the grocery store came in especially handy! Money wise, a meal out is very comparable to eating out in Ann Arbor - average ~12-15 euro for a meal, but you can find cheaper places if you are looking (you can get a margherita pizza for 7-8 euro, for example). I was surprised to find that groceries were cheaper here, costing me around 20-25 euro per week, even with me cooking the majority of meals. The biggest difference is the quality of food, especially fresh food. It tastes and feels much cleaner and healthier due to the lack of preservatives and other additives we are used to in the States but are banned over here. The drawback is that the food spoils much quicker. The first time I went grocery shopping, I bought too much at once and had to throw some of it away because it went bad. Now, I shop for 2-3 days at a time to ensure I do not have to waste any of the delicious, local sourced tomatoes, fruit, or mozzarella cheese.
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(Sweet treats! On the left is gelato from my favorite gelateria, on the right sweet breakfast crepes)
As I’m sure everyone knows, Italy is famous for its pasta, pizza, and gelato. As a big fan of all three, I can confidently say the hype is well-deserved. The pasta is delicious, the pizza is fabulous, and I don’t think I could ever have “too much” gelato. With Sorrento being world-renowned for lemons, lemon sorbet quickly became my favorite gelato flavor (I will be getting it several times still before I leave this weekend). Italian food will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I am sure I will greatly miss it when I leave. I can’t believe I am heading into my final week, but it’s sure to be a fun one full of activities so stay tuned!
Marika Ruppart
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy
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villacostadeglidei · 2 months
Luxury Holiday Vacation Villa in Sorrento
Nestled along the stunning Amalfi Coast, Sorrento is a gem of Italian tourism, known for its breathtaking views, rich history, and vibrant culture. The town offers a perfect blend of traditional Italian charm and modern luxury, making it a top destination for travelers worldwide. Among the myriad of accommodations available, Villa Costa Degli Dei stands out as an epitome of luxury and sophistication. This blog delves into what makes Villa Costa Degli Dei an exceptional choice for a Luxury Holiday Vacation Villa in Sorrento.
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1. Overview of Sorrento
1.1 Historical and Cultural Significance
Sorrento, perched on a cliff overlooking the Bay of Naples, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. It was an important city during the Roman Empire and has been a favorite destination for travelers since the 19th century. The town is renowned for its historical architecture, including churches, monasteries, and villas, as well as its contribution to arts and literature.
1.2 Natural Beauty and Scenery
Sorrento’s natural beauty is unparalleled. The town offers stunning views of the Bay of Naples, Mount Vesuvius, and the Isle of Capri. The coastline is dotted with picturesque cliffs, lush gardens, and clear waters, making it a paradise for nature lovers. The region’s Mediterranean climate ensures pleasant weather year-round, perfect for exploring the outdoors.
1.3 Culinary Delights
Sorrento is also famous for its culinary delights. The local cuisine is a celebration of fresh, locally sourced ingredients, including seafood, citrus fruits, and herbs. Visitors can enjoy traditional Italian dishes, such as pasta, pizza, and gelato, as well as unique regional specialties like limoncello, a lemon liqueur made from Sorrento lemons.
2. Introducing Villa Costa Degli Dei
2.1 Location and Accessibility
Villa Costa Degli Dei is ideally located in the heart of Sorrento, offering easy access to the town’s main attractions while providing a private and serene retreat. The villa is situated on a hillside, offering panoramic views of the sea and surrounding landscape. It’s easily accessible by car and is within a short distance from the town center, where guests can explore local shops, restaurants, and cultural sites.
2.2 Architectural Elegance and Design
The villa boasts an elegant design that seamlessly blends traditional Italian architecture with modern luxury. The exterior features classic Mediterranean elements, such as stucco walls, terracotta tiles, and wrought-iron balconies. The interior is equally impressive, with spacious rooms, high ceilings, and large windows that allow natural light to flood the space.
2.3 Luxury Amenities and Features
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a range of luxury amenities and features designed to provide guests with the ultimate comfort and relaxation. The villa includes multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and beautifully furnished living and dining areas. The outdoor spaces are equally impressive, with a private pool, sun terrace, and lush gardens.
3. Accommodations and Comfort
3.1 Bedrooms and Suites
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers several elegantly furnished bedrooms and suites, each designed to provide a luxurious and comfortable stay. The rooms are spacious and decorated with a blend of classic and contemporary styles. Many of the rooms offer stunning sea views and come equipped with modern amenities, including air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, and high-speed Wi-Fi.
3.2 Living and Dining Areas
The villa’s living and dining areas are perfect for relaxation and entertainment. The living room features comfortable seating, a fireplace, and large windows that offer breathtaking views of the coastline. The dining area is ideal for enjoying meals with family and friends, with a large dining table and stylish decor. The kitchen is fully equipped with modern appliances and cookware, making it easy to prepare delicious meals during your stay.
3.3 Outdoor Spaces
One of the highlights of Villa Costa Degli Dei is its stunning outdoor spaces. The villa features a large private pool, surrounded by a sun terrace with loungers and umbrellas. The pool area offers panoramic views of the sea and is the perfect spot for soaking up the sun or enjoying a refreshing swim. The villa also has beautifully landscaped gardens, complete with Mediterranean plants and flowers, as well as shaded seating areas where guests can relax and unwind.
4. Experiences and Activities
4.1 Exploring Sorrento and Beyond
Staying at Villa Costa Degli Dei provides guests with the perfect base for exploring Sorrento and the surrounding areas. The town itself is home to a wealth of attractions, including the historic center, the Cathedral of Sorrento, and the Museum Correale di Terranova. Visitors can also take a leisurely stroll along the town’s scenic promenades, such as the Marina Grande and Marina Piccola.
4.2 Day Trips and Excursions
Sorrento is ideally located for exploring some of Italy’s most famous destinations. From the villa, guests can easily take day trips to the nearby Amalfi Coast, the island of Capri, or the ancient city of Pompeii. The Amalfi Coast is renowned for its picturesque towns, such as Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, each offering stunning views, historic sites, and delicious cuisine. A visit to Capri is a must, where visitors can explore the island’s famous Blue Grotto, the Gardens of Augustus, and the Villa Jovis.
4.3 Culinary Experiences
For food lovers, Sorrento offers a wealth of culinary experiences. Guests can enjoy dining at local restaurants, where they can savor traditional dishes made with fresh, local ingredients. For a more immersive experience, consider taking a cooking class to learn how to prepare authentic Italian meals. Villa Costa Degli Dei can also arrange private dining experiences, where a personal chef will prepare a gourmet meal for you to enjoy in the comfort of the villa.
5. Personalized Services and Amenities
5.1 Concierge and Guest Services
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a range of personalized services to ensure that guests have a memorable and enjoyable stay. The villa’s concierge can assist with arranging transportation, booking excursions, and making restaurant reservations. They can also provide recommendations for local attractions and activities, ensuring that guests make the most of their time in Sorrento.
5.2 Spa and Wellness
For those looking to relax and rejuvenate, the villa offers a range of spa and wellness services. Guests can enjoy in-villa massages, facials, and other treatments, all provided by professional therapists. The villa can also arrange yoga and fitness sessions, either in the villa or at a nearby location.
5.3 Special Events and Celebrations
Villa Costa Degli Dei is the perfect venue for special events and celebrations. Whether you’re planning a wedding, anniversary, or birthday party, the villa offers a beautiful and intimate setting. The villa’s staff can assist with event planning and coordination, including arranging catering, entertainment, and decor.
6. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices
6.1 Commitment to Sustainability
Villa Costa Degli Dei is committed to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. The villa has implemented a range of measures to reduce its environmental impact, including energy-efficient lighting, water-saving fixtures, and a recycling program. The villa also uses locally sourced and organic products whenever possible, supporting local businesses and reducing its carbon footprint.
6.2 Eco-Friendly Amenities
The villa offers a range of eco-friendly amenities, including organic toiletries, reusable water bottles, and eco-friendly cleaning products. Guests are encouraged to participate in the villa’s sustainability efforts, such as minimizing water and energy use and recycling waste.
7. Booking and Contact Information
7.1 How to Book Your Stay
Booking your stay at Villa Costa Degli Dei is easy and convenient. You can make a reservation directly through the villa’s website or by contacting their reservations team. The villa offers flexible booking options, including short stays and extended vacations.
7.2 Contact Information
For more information or to book your stay, you can contact Villa Costa Degli Dei at:
Phone: +39 3890954883
Website: www.villacostadeglidei.com
Villa Costa Degli Dei offers a truly luxurious and unforgettable vacation experience in the heart of Sorrento. With its stunning location, elegant design, and exceptional amenities, the villa provides the perfect setting for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. Whether you’re looking to explore the rich history and culture of Sorrento, enjoy gourmet cuisine, or simply relax by the pool with breathtaking views, Villa Costa Degli Dei has something for everyone.
Book your stay today and discover the magic of Sorrento and the luxury of Villa Costa Degli Dei. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a special celebration, the villa offers everything you need for a perfect holiday. Experience the best of Italian hospitality and luxury at Villa Costa Degli Dei, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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napuleh · 2 months
i love naples walking tour videos so much. especially the street markets!! the ambience is amazing, i love watching people haggle, i love seeing the street style (and sometimes the lack thereof lol), seeing the food, the fruit/veg/produce stalls. 🥺❤️
this post from "the boy who ate the world" blog puts it well... even if it comes with the usual sprinkle of 'Naples is dirty and exists out of the law and also I'm fearing for my life but yummm pizza' (but i'll forgive them because it was 2009... even if people still say the same shit lol)
"Naples is a love it or hate it city. Don’t expect to find the usual archetypal piazzas, flower-lined verandas or quaint, world heritage sights. It’s narrow, sloping streets are down and dirr-ty, full of filth and graffiti. Arriving in the evening, it was as if our taxi driver was racing through the noir-style set of Frank Miller’s Sin City ala Italia. Shouts of Italian profanities, wailing police sirens, and the constant racket of impatient car honks piercing the cool, night air… a stark contrast to the peace and serenity of nearby Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast.
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Despite Naples’ apparent lawlessness, its this bustling, deep brooding human energy which gives this city its charm and character. And there’s no better place to experience this than walking through one of Naples’ numerous street-markets. Montesanto’s Pignasecca Market is a prime example – there’s nothing superficial or touristey about this working class market at all. Its all very very real… Aged Italian Mamas with their walking canes out in full force, barely able to stand upright but with enough life in them to heckle and jostle with vendors for the best deal on the just picked fruit and veg… Fishmongers breaking out into song, selling stiff fresh fish and sea-snails so alive, many are still trying to crawl overboard for their lives. Here are some of the highlights of PignaSecca’s best from our Friday morning stroll."
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livinginacton-terry · 5 months
Sorrento’s: My Go-To Pizza Place
One of my favorite aspects about Acton are the great restaurants that come with the town. Of course you have places like Starbucks, Dunkin, and McDonalds. However, Acton is home to a handful of small local restaurants that are some of the best food places around. Specifically, the place I am going to be talking about is called Sorrento's Pizza, located in the heart of Acton in a busy intersection called Kelly’s Corner. Sorrento’s is a small, local chain that is only in three towns within Massachusetts: Acton, Concord, and Harvard. 
All three of these locations use the same recipe and sell the same pizzas with the same toppings. My favorite is the traditional cheese. However, any of their pizzas I highly recommend. I personally don’t know what cheese(s) gets mixed in with the sauce and dough, however it makes for the best slice of pizza I have ever had in my life. My friends and I are pretty serious when it comes to the quality of our pizza and we all agree that Sorrento’s is on our lists of the top three best slices we’ve had. The cheese perfectly complements the thin, New York style crust and the fresh and flavor packed sauce. Put that together and bake in a wood fire oven, that is the recipe for a pretty unbeatable pizza. 
Sorrento’s has been in Acton for as long as I have lived there and well before I ever arrived. Within the area, there is a TJ Maxx, a grocery store called Roche Bros, Starbucks, and of course, several restaurants all within walking distance of four schools located nearby. This is only the surface of what the rest of Acton has to offer. All of these stores and shops are all within a mile of the four schools in total, giving Sorrento’s Pizza a prime location for lunch or an after school snack, as well as marking it as one of the most popular places to eat during the school year. 
The small independent restaurants and Sorrento’s Pizza are partially responsible for the reason why I and many others enjoy living in a town like this so much and for depleting my bank account. I have had some great memories with this pizza place over the course of my life in Acton. I remember one of the first days of 7th grade my friends and I all walked over to Sorrento’s after school. People within the community, especially the students, called it “walking”. Basically walking involves going to one or a few of the places within Kelly’s Corner after school, but the schools and students called it walking. I thought it was the most grown up thing I’ve ever done at that point. 
My friends and I decided to go to Sorrento’s as our go to walk spot and after school a few times a quarter, we would walk down after school and get our after school snack consisting of a few slices of cheese pizza and a Gatorade. I remember days where I got to walk to Sorrento’s were exciting days as I normally didn’t do that kind of thing when I was that age. 
However, walking to Sorrentos wouldn’t stop there. Throughout middle school, walking to Sorrento’s after school was what all the “cool” kids did. I didn’t do it to try and fit in with them, I walked to Sorrento’s with my friends because we were hungry and no other restaurant at the time deserved our hard earned dollars from doing chores around the house. Some of the best days after middle school were walking to Sorrento’s with a group of friends and then going to one of their houses to play video games. That combo on a Friday night was basically unbeatable.
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
La Pasqua in Campania: un mix di sacro e profano
La Pasqua in Campania è un periodo ricco di tradizioni che si intrecciano con il sacro e il profano, creando un'atmosfera unica e suggestiva. Le celebrazioni religiose si mescolano a riti popolari e a momenti di convivialità, dando vita a una festa sentita da tutta la regione. Le processioni della Settimana Santa Uno degli aspetti più caratteristici della Pasqua in Campania è la presenza di numerose processioni che si svolgono durante la Settimana Santa. A Napoli, ad esempio, la processione dei "Misteri" del Venerdì Santo è un evento molto partecipato, durante il quale vengono portate in processione statue raffiguranti la Passione di Cristo. La "Scampanio" e la "Corsa dell'Angelo" In alcune zone della Campania, come ad Ischia, si svolge la "Scampanio", una tradizione che prevede il suono a festa delle campane all'alba della Domenica di Pasqua. A Forio, invece, si tiene la "Corsa dell'Angelo", una rievocazione dell'annuncio della Resurrezione. I piatti tipici della Pasqua campana La Pasqua in Campania è anche un momento di festa a tavola. Tra i piatti tipici di questo periodo troviamo la pastiera, un dolce a base di ricotta, grano e uova, il casatiello, un salame rustico con uova e formaggio, e la "pizza di Pasqua", una focaccia dolce decorata con uova sode. Alcune tradizioni locali Oltre alle tradizioni comuni a tutta la regione, in alcune zone della Campania si possono trovare usanze e riti particolari. Ad esempio, a Procida si svolge la "Processione dei Santi Misteri", durante la quale vengono portate in processione statue raffiguranti la Passione di Cristo. A Sorrento, invece, si tiene la "Festa dei Giardini", una manifestazione con musica, balli e spettacoli folcloristici. Foto di Couleur da Pixabay Read the full article
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garyjugert · 7 months
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1 Question during a game called, "Would You Like To Be Attacked By..."
2 Denver-based National Public Radio affiliate broadcasted random information.
3 Enjoyed a pizza slice on the bidet.
4 Literally crawling out of bed after a raucous night in Sorrento.
5 Stare down Supreme Court babe.
6 Moments you can't remember after the lobotomy.
7 What friends do for their famous buddy at the asylum after the intervention.
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anon4228 · 7 months
Pizza post!
Soo as I promised, I tried pizza in other countries(country). Unfortunately I did it only one time as I honestly didn’t really had a mood for a pizza most of the time (sorry Gege).
I honestly do not remember the name (I can, however, ask my dad about it later), but I know that it is a place in the centre of Bucharest, Hungary.
First I ordered Margherita (I ordered it as a meme first but then really liked it cuz it’s a really light dish for a pizza). To me it was surprisingly small, compared to what I ate in umm Castellammare di Stabia (I’m not sure if this is how I’m supposed to mention this place), but hey! It tasted much more authentic than what we have in my country.
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(Btw, what is the OG way to eat pizza: hands or utensils?)
Aannd the next one was something I don’t know about because it was ordered by my dad on the counter. Quite salty to me, but still normal compared to the seafood pizza that I tried in Sorrento (I’m not in a good relationships with salty/spicy food). Liked the sauce btw (I have no idea what it was) and nuts on pizza (oh god) is something I really did not expect to ever see in my life.
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allhungry · 7 months
3 Best Pizza Restaurants in Stratford - allHungry
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Experience pizza perfection in Stratford at these esteemed eateries. Viva Pizza tantalizes taste buds with its authentic Italian recipes and inviting atmosphere. Brick Oven Pizzeria crafts gourmet pies using the freshest local ingredients for a truly elevated dining experience. At Sorrento's Pizza, enjoy a cozy ambiance and delectable toppings that will leave you craving more.
Order Now: - https://allhungry.com/ct/stratford/restaurants
Address: 738 Washington Ave West Haven, CT 06516
Contact no.: +1- 8554902390
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lifenmaggie · 7 months
Mornington long weekend - 26th January 2024
On Australia Day, Hong celebrated his birthday at his home. He hosted a bbq. We got him a NY green mose cap. Anita made the birthday cake which was really good. After the party, Matt drove us to Aunt Lucia and Uncle Steve place in Cape Shank.
We stayed there for two nights. We didn't do too much when we arrived we had a few drinks and caught up with Matt's aunt and uncle. The following day, we went to Sorrento for lunch at a beer garden called the Conti bar which was part of the Intercontinental hotel. After lunch, Matt and I went for a walk along the beach. We sat on a bench while Matt napped on my lap. It wasn't hot enough to go in the water but it was nice for a walk. We went to a strawberry farm where we had some ice cream and fresh strawberries.
In the evening, we watched the movie 'Extraction'. We had home made pizza and salad for dinner.
The next day, we had to leave early because Matt had to be home to get ready for his friend's, Andy's wedding. I had a nice quiet relaxing Sunday.
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italyluxury · 8 months
From Pasta to Pecorino: Indulge in the Best Italian Food Tours
Travelers often visit Italy for its famous landmarks, but there's a richer, more flavorful experience awaiting those who delve deeper. If you're looking for an immersive exploration of the country’s culinary culture, Italian food tours are an ideal choice.
Italy Luxury Tours offers curated culinary journeys that allow you to explore Italy's diverse flavors and vintages—perfect for anyone from gourmets to those who simply appreciate good food.These Italy food tours are designed to be the ultimate gastronomic adventure. Whether you choose one of their packaged tours or a custom itinerary, prepare to explore Italy's culinary heritage in a unique and immersive way!
Eat and drink your way through Italy.
During these Italian food tours, you will indulge in a range of delicacies. You'll taste expertly prepared dishes by chefs using locally sourced ingredients, and you might even learn to cook traditional Italian fare. Savor exquisite cheeses, desserts, cured meats, and pasta dishes!
These holiday packages also include visits to vineyards and wineries, where you can learn about winemaking and taste various Italian wines. Tours to Veneto and Alto Adige are particularly popular, taking you through regions known for their wine bars, cantinas, and wineries!
A cultural experience
Italian food tours are more than just about cuisine and winemaking. With Italy Luxury Tours, each tour is a cultural journey into the country's hospitality and traditions. Many of these tours include visits to local markets and traditional trattorias, helping you appreciate the country’s culinary heritage more deeply.
The Italy Art Cities Food and Wine Tour, for example, combines art with food and wine, taking you through some of the oldest wine-producing regions known for their medieval architecture and history. It even includes fish cooking demonstrations and gastronomic tours to let you savor Tuscan flavors.
Make lasting memories
Italian food tours are designed to create unforgettable moments. Imagine indulging in Neapolitan pizza or learning traditional recipes against the backdrop of stunning views. You can also sign up for a private Amalfi Coast tour to discover the secrets of mozzarella cheese and olive oil from the Sorrento Hills!
Are you more interested in a romantic enogastronomic experience?Try theBeyond Venice tour.It goes beyond gondola rides and includes visits to Verona, Lake Garda, Treviso, Conegliano, and Valdobbiadene, where you can sample top Venetian wines.
Meanwhile, the Tuscany & Umbria tour is perfect for those who are curious about how Italian staples like extra virgin olive oil and prosciutto are made. This tour takes you through Florence's hidden squares and culinary secrets.
Start planning your Italy food tour today.
Join Italy Luxury Tours for an unforgettable holiday experience. This luxury travel company specializes in Italian food and wine tours tailored to meet the unique preferences and requests of their clients. Start planning your Italy food tour today by calling +1 (855) 539 0045 for a memorable, engaging, and fun way to experience Italy.
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sparklymentalitypanda · 10 months
Romagna,Italy (Travel Guide,Bologna,Guglielmo,Sardinia,Ferrari,Modena,Capri,Venice travel,#2023 Sure, I can help you with that! Romagna, located in northeastern Italy, is known for its beautiful landscapes, historic cities, and delicious cuisine. Bologna, the capital of the region, is famous for its medieval architecture and vibrant food scene. Guglielmo Marconi Airport serves as a gateway to the region. Moving to other regions, Sardinia offers stunning beaches and a unique culture. Modena is renowned for its balsamic vinegar and Ferrari cars. Capri, located off the Amalfi Coast, is known for its glamorous atmosphere and scenic beauty. Venice, with its iconic canals and historic sites, is a must-visit. Ensure to explore local cuisines, such as Bolognese pasta in Bologna and seafood in Venice. Enjoy your travels
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Certainly! Italy is a treasure trove of art, history, and delicious cuisine. Here are some travel tips: Explore the Classics:* Visit iconic cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice for their historical sites, museums, and unique charm.
Local Cuisine:* Indulge in authentic Italian dishes. Try regional specialties and don't miss out on pizza in Naples or gelato everywhere!
Cultural Etiquette:* Italians appreciate politeness. Learn basic phrases, greet with "Buongiorno," and remember to say "Grazie" (thank you).
Transportation:* Trains are a convenient way to travel between cities. In cities, walking is often the best way to explore, especially in historic areas.
Historical Sites:* Book tickets in advance for popular attractions like the Colosseum and Uffizi Gallery to avoid long lines.
Regional Diversity:* Italy boasts diverse landscapes. Enjoy the picturesque Amalfi Coast, the beautiful Tuscan countryside, or the stunning lakes in the north.
Absolutely! Lake Como is famous for its breathtaking beauty, surrounded by picturesque villages and luxurious villas. The stunning Alps backdrop adds to its charm, making it a popular destination for those looking for a blend of natural splendor and refined elegance. The Amalfi Coast, known for its picturesque coastline, includes Sorrento. Sorrento offers stunning views, lemon groves, and a charming town. Amalfi, Positano, and Ravello are must-see destinations along the coast, each with its own unique charm. Enjoy coastal beauty, historic sites, and delicious Italian cuisine.
Capri is an island, Sardinia is another Italian island, and Romagna is a historical region in northern Italy. Each of these places has its own unique charm, culture, and attractions. Is there something specific you would like to know or discuss about these locations? Italy, known for its rich history and culture, offers diverse experiences. Start in Rome to explore ancient sites like the Colosseum and Vatican City.
1. Cinque Terre – a string of beautiful centuries-old colorful villages set on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline 2. Lake Como – a stunning upscale Italian resort known for its dramatic scenery 3. Tuscany Countryside – a blend of medieval heritage, magical views, and glorious countryside which is one of the best places to go in Italy 4. Camogli, Liguria – this beautiful underrated resort on the Italian Riviera is one of the best destinations to explore in Italy 5. Calabria – the sun-soaked “toe” of Italy is one of the prettiest parts of Italy 6. Lake Garda – one of the most loved and most beautiful tourist attractions in Italy 7. The Dolomites – this spectacular mountain range is one of the best places to travel to in Italy 8. Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast – the coastline awarded UNESCO status for its undisputed beauty and unique natural landscapes 9. Puglia – the gorgeous southern region in Italy is an up-and-coming vacation destination in Italy 10. Verona City – Italy’s other famous romantic city known for being the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” 11. Venice – the famously beautiful and romantic canal-dotted destination is one of the best cities in Italy to visit 12. Bologna – the lively, historic capital of the Emilia-Romagna region famous for its cuisine is one of the top cities in Italy 13. Florence – the cradle of the Renaissance and the enchanting capital of Tuscany is up there as the 14. Rome – The Italian capital is a blend of culture, romance, and wow-inducing ancient architecture and is the best city to visit in Italy 15. Sardinia – the large Italian island is known for its gorgeous sandy beaches and turquoise waters and is a popular place in Italy to take a vacation 16. Capri – this picturesque island with upscale hotels and rugged landscapes is most of the most picturesque attractions in Italy #subscribetomychannel #travelvlog #italytravel
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