#Sorry I love this awful cat he sucks so bad I want to talk abt him always he is me
rooolt · 6 months
dnd is crazy bc you’ll plan a character for weeks and you’ll keep saying “oh I’m gonna do a silly old man voice, I’ll be so old and mumbly” and then you start playing and all of a sudden the spirit of this ancient cat possesses you and he sounds like a mobster from Brooklyn
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msujaehyun · 4 years
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TAKE THREE !!! it’s velvet (a.k.a msusihwan & msuhyeon) and i’m underprepared because i spent the time i wanted to use to finish his pages and write up a proper intro to be a clown on twitter ( looking at u yuv and tsun ) and then die over ~academia~ but anyway. he’s here! this intro is horrible but i’ll do my best. here’s my toseong student just barely on the tipping point of falling into becoming a dark wizard with how he’s sooooooo intro dark magic. more info + connection ideas under the cut! here’s his profile... not a pretty one but i TRIED.
as always LIKE THIS POST if you wanna plot!
the tldr;
his name is lee jaehyun / campbell, but he mostly goes by bell
he’s lee jaein’s little brother! they’re close even though they haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately
he went to ilvermorny previously ( horned serpent )
their mom became sick when they were very young, bell didn’t understand what was happening fully, but he witnessed his older brother take the reigns and knew something bad was going to happen, somehow
as he continued to go to school, his brother began homeschooling to take care of the responsibilities that he and his mother couldn’t do
parental death, fire / a few wizards ( presumed dark wizards ) came into the house and began harassing their mother. throughout that time, bell doesn’t remember how, a fire began, and his mother ushered bell and jaein to hide in a closet. their mother didn’t survive that day / end tw
not long after, the rest of the family departed to korea
the image of the strange wizards haunts bell to this day, he dedicates his entire life to finding out who they are and giving them what they deserve
he’s also hellbent on trying to find a way to revive the dead, no matter what it takes
got super invested into dark magic and the dark wizard society because of this
enrolled in mokseong after his brother, he majors in dada and minors in curses
as for clubs, he’s in dada, ancient runes and divination
he has narcolepsy and is prone to falling asleep suddenly out of his control, sudden loss of muscle control and hallucinations. he’s taking medication for this so it hasn’t been happening as often, but he’s still always lethargic
he has 3 black cats who he LOVES. he also just really likes cats in general
apathetic. seems very uninterested and unbothered all the time but he actually observes his surroundings meticulously and has a very good memory. he doesn’t need people knowing of his dedication as long as he can prove it to himself, after all
honestly right now he’s at that point where he’s just so close to tipping over to the other side of ~darkness~ so that’s fun
connection ideas
someone for him to butt heads with bc that’s always fun
just a plot where you annoy him and he curses you
exes. he’s awful with relationships i feel mostly bc he’ll make you question where you actually stand with him and whether he ~actually cares~ so if that’s sth you want your muse to go through then by all means. take bell
or maybe you thought you and bell were a thing but he’s just “haha no lol”
alternatively if you want sth softer listen to him talk abt his 3 black cats
friends or non-friends from ilvermorny
people who try to talk to him but you just cant seem to get more than 5 words out of his mouth
flings or fwbs or sth
someone who’ll challenge his views hehe please do
someone who DOESNT challenge his views and instead wants to see him succeed
like i said he’s teetering the line between dark and light. so if there’s someone out there who will pull him back into the light OR pull him further into the dark via manipulation or etc. do it. it’ll be fun
ok my brain is dead. give me YOUR ideas too i would love to hear them im sorry for this long but ultimately suck intro <3 bye bye 
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cloneslugs · 7 years
the whole venture family
for rando headcanons ur gonna get hmm a little more than anticipated sorry this is like a lot of reading..
Sexuality Headcanon: hmm bi but he really prefers guysGender Headcanon: trans guy but not completely binaryA ship I have with said character: brock + himA BROTP I have with said character: im not gonna say Brock since i already kinda put him for romance, so i’ll go my conjectural tech boysA NOTP I have with said character: probably him & pete since thats the other pop thingA random headcanon: really wary around guns mostly bc of trauma & thats why Brock started using a knife, general social anxiety mostly stemming from being trans & also feelings of inadequacy but Brock helps w that, loves to stargaze, just really loves to go on and on about science and in a sence how beautiful the world is, doesnt sleep well most nights on account of nightmares so he usually just sits in bed or maybe paces around & checks in on his kids, hed check in on Brock but if he gets up then its a sure thing Brock is up as well, doesnt know how to quite hate his dad and it frustrates him, super lazy & whiny he tries to get Brock to carry him everywhere bc what are boyfriends & bodyguards for, cant stand watching his cartoon, never laughs at the stories that Team Venture tells & doesnt understand why other people do, good friends with Sheila, shes pretty secretive about her life & all but he feels like she gets him, hes actually cool w Malcolm & figures hes just kinda annoying, loves his kids more than anything in the world, suicidal since he was a young teen probably, flirted w Brock ALL the time when he first got him, hates loud noises & cant sleep through thunderstorms, babies his kids endlessly, he loves to talk and talk and talk but most people shut him down as a kid w that so hes afraid to now, REALLY LOVES DOGS, his family is such a saving grace he doesnt understand why they love him so much but they do and he wishes he could be better for them, his family really rekindled the warped sense of family he had growing up, General Opinion over said character: i love him i love him more than anything he is such a comfort character i love him i love him
Sexuality Headcanon: bi/pan he doesnt care what you call itGender Headcanon: nb trans boyA ship I have with said character: sirena !!!A BROTP I have with said character: Dean ofcA NOTP I have with said character: hmm idk idk any other decent hank pairings unless u demons want me to step in ugly territoryA random headcanon: he came out a few years before Dean did !! constantly calls Brock dad much to his annoyance, partly as a joke & partly bc he really does consider Brock his dad, unapologetically trans & not het he probably is the loudest & proudest in the family, hates vegetables, eats dry cereal as a snack, really into cryptids, hates bananas, doesnt know how to sit still, always excited and on the move, hes probably the most comfortable socially in the family, loves to treat Dean as if hes his actual baby brother, considers basically anyone whos a good friend as family, prefers dogs to cats, really flexible and is constantly climbing on things, he really likes monkeys, stays out of the DC or Marvel debate he just likes Batman, he knows how to catch squirrels and birds and it really freaks his parents out, hes planned his parents wedding since he was like 6 w Dean and ya boys are waiting, very affectionate and cuddly, loves to just sit w his family, likes to help Brock w chores but he sucks, totally thinks Brock could beat Batman in a fight, wants to start a family band but brock called that lame, likes to squish bugs but only if they are small, hates long trips especially when he has to sit still or everyone else stopped talking, really good at random talents he looked up online & thought were cool, the best hugger in the familyGeneral Opinion over said character: lovely lovely boy !!!! love him love him !!!! beautiful smile would give anything for him!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: unpop opinion time but hmm very gayGender Headcanon: nb & uses he/him A ship I have with said character: rusty & him !!!A BROTP I have with said character: shoreleave ?A NOTP I have with said character:  womenA random headcanon: he’s mentally ill but pretty subtle w it and all, hes pretty anxious and paranoid esp involving the Venture’s safety, he doesnt sleep well bc he is a very light sleeper & also he just. cant do it very easily, really poor sleep schedule he only gets to bed after the Ventures are asleep and he checks security & maybe gets a few chores out of the way like dishes or smth & he always wakes up way early before the ventures, trust issues mostly from years of OSI work & esp from Molotov constantly backstabbing him, Doc is v important to him bc he is a big source of trust but also comfort he always knows how to calm Brock down, actually very shy he hates crowds & doesnt like talking  to people, really into fashion & stuff but doesnt get into bc Mr Blood On Everything, way into poetry, hes always felt so rough and tumble like all hes supposed to do is hurt other people and go out and be on the attack bc thats kinda the mindset he was raised with w a shitty stepdad and other people in his small hometown and he thoughts thats all he would be thats why he joined football even though he didnt care for it & thats why he loves the Iron Giant & why protecting the Ventures is so important bc he can keep things safe and have a sweet family and be gentle for once in his life, he fell for Rusty first,cat person, knows nothing abt Jonas & his Team, in a constant fued w Action Man esp just bc the dude is a dick & awful, really emotionally detached & generally apathetic outside the Ventures but he wishes he wasnt, he doesnt know how to talk about himself & his emotions or anything that really goes on in his head, he finds OSI work really draining and mehhh not his thing but he feels like its kinda cool so he does it, leaving after the family slays together is like his biggest regret and makes him feel really guilty & hes not good at forgiving himself for lots of things but especially that, he used to not care about dying before he met the ventures, the family is basically his anchor, he has a very detached idea of Self & Who He Is personally, hes impulsive to the point of suicide mostly bc hes not a good thinker in heavy situations and he has trouble wrapping his head around things,very sentimental w the family, he flusters really easy bc romance is not his strong suit and its kinda a new ballgame for him, decent cook, really bad at math but good at memorizing things about other people and random facts, he would rather die before he lets those ventures get a papercutGeneral Opinion over said character: hmm one tough dude
Sexuality Headcanon: gay !!! Gender Headcanon: trans guyA ship I have with said character: Jared !!!A BROTP I have with said character: hank !!!!A NOTP I have with said character: hmmm idrk !!! not a lot of pickings lolA random headcanon: even tho his family is LGBT he still has really bad anxiety about it, socially anxious & bad at eye contact, loves to collect stuffed animals, kisses frogs when he finds them so maybe theyll turn into a prince he still does this even when hes older but in secret, really loves disney movies, social dysphoria makes him nervous w dating, doesnt like to pick a favorite animal even though its giraffes, but doesnt like to get in the debate of cats v dogs even though he prefers cats, crybaby like the rest of his family, babied by everyone else and he kinda hates it, brock loves them equally but he especially babied dean when they were little, mostly bc him & dean were Venture Safety Patrol and always trying to keep the others from doing something dumb or dangerous, likes to garden & keep plants but hes really forgetful so Brock either has to take over or they die, cries during horror movies, big hand holder, gets frustrated with himself really easily especially growing up, likes to paint nails, smells every flower & pets every animal he can get his hands on, cant handle when people argue w him or w each other, took him a while to realize he was gay and now its really confusing and frustrating for him so he kinda ignores it as much as he can, only comfy wearing short sleeves around his family, best at making flower crowns, loves to style Brocks hair, cant go to bed unless he kisses everyone goodnight, really bad at paying attention he daydreams a lot, collects feathers, gets drained easily in most situations, the king of platonic kisses, likes to color, most comfy around his family & they know hot to take care of him the best, overwhelmed easily, smiles at dogs he sees being walked, refuses to kill spiders or bugs, scared of big bugs but makes Brock put them outside, if its cute he wants it, cant skip rocks even though brock & hank try to teach him, when hes overwhelmed he sits w his family, really bad balance, probably the Venture that gets the most hugs & kisses but its a close raceGeneral Opinion over said character: trying & tired
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