#Sorry I spent twenty five minutes typing out gender mlp episode. Want to share
dumbasswhatever · 2 years
Imagining an episode of mlp where twilight hears the word "transgender" and asks what it means and rarity gives her a rather formal fanciful explanation and twilight acts like she understands it but she's actually confused as hell. And so she runs off and begins researching it on her own while the rest of the mane six carries on with their gender shenanigans. Pinkie asks rarity if being transgender is similar to having a food allergy, and rarity is baffled and says no, and pinkie says that's very good bc her friend has a sprinkle allergy and pinkie just can't IMAGINE not being able to eat sprinkles!!! And pinkies trans so she wanted to know if she had to avoid sprinkles or not. Rainbows like "whoa hold on, you're transgender?" and pinkies like "sure am! Sure as rain! Sure as snow, and hail, and sleet, and sure as my pinkie sense! That's how I learned" and rainbows still just a bit confused but rarity sends her a glare so that she shuts up and doesn't say anything insensitive, then tells pinkie herself that she is very happy pinkie told them and they will do anything they can to make her comfortable. Fluttershy quietly tells them that she's trans, too, and pinkie gets sooooo excited that fluttershy came out to them and decides to throw a party to celebrate it. So then the A plot of the episode is pinkie and fluttershy planning the party together, with pinkie occasionally offering to invite more people than fluttershy is comfortable with and fluttershy learning to speak up for her boundaries.
And then the B plot is rainbow dash asking rarity about how gender works. "Wait, so there's no such thing as a girl? Is that what you're saying?" "No, rainbow. What I'm saying is that there is no meaningful way to distinguish a girl from a non-girl. In fact, someone can be both a girl and not a girl at once, or their gender can change over time. I myself used to identify as bigender once, as it was all the rage in canterlot after princess Luna came out, but I have since grown to realize that the label 'lesbian' fits my gender better." " Uh, you're gonna need to run all that by me one more time"
Rarity and rainbows whole talk takes place while rarity is trying to choose the perfect outfit for the party and rainbow is just following her around with questions
Then it's time for the party, and rainbow asks fluttershy "so um... You're transgender. So that means you're a boy now?" and twilight, who has only just now run out of the library after doing research, is like "oh nononono if fluttershy is a trans boy then that means she. He. They were a boy all along! Well unless their gender fluctuated, which can happen" and pinkie, who has seen fluttershy already become upset a few times that day, gasps and covers fluttershys ears, and rarity and twilight and rainbow dash begin arguing about gender. Until applejack comes in with the apple cider she brought for the party and sees everyone a bit upset and tells everyone to QUIET DOWN. She then walks around and asks fluttershy "fluttershy, how do you want us to talk about you? As a mare, right?" and fluttershy nods, so applejack asks the same thing of pinkie, who says "wellllllllllll it's a bit funner than that actually, you can call me a colt too! Double trouble" and applejacks like "well, there you go" and rainbow tries to ask a few more questions but applejacks like what's the problem it's easy enough to understand. I got it when big mac came out and I was just a filly. And twilight, finally a bit less anxious bc she thinks she understands a bit more, says that you don't need to understand everything about your friends so long as you can respect it. Applejack nods and says exactly "oh, an' while we're here, I should tell yall that I like to be called a 'he' and a 'they'", and everyone's like oh alright applejack, and rarity brings up that her gender is a lesbian, and pinkie is like "WOW this gender party just keeps getting bigger! Now we can all celebrate together" and fluttershy admits that she didn't really want a party thrown just for her, but if it's for everyone, then that sounds a lot more fun. And they all party together the end
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