#Soul Eater NOT!
choujinx · 5 months
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SOUL EATER NOT! (2011-2014) by ookubo atsushi
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baltharino · 2 months
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@animangacreators ❀ Challenge 16
Hanami Challenge - Pear Blossom: Two or More Characters That Are Inseparable Friends Through the Whole Story
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pink-yuri · 3 months
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♡ Soul Eater NOT! ♡
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genericsfan · 1 year
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i-am-grell · 2 months
Pick My Next Anime
I'm about half way through season 4 of Haikyuu so I feel good about rolling out the next poll!
If you're new here, I have a lot of anime that I wanna watch. But I'm bad at starting series, finishing series, and making choices, so Tumblr gets to decide for me. (Fin) is stuff I have to finish, (Start) is stuff I wanna start - pretty straightforward.
As always, propaganda* (*my thoughts/feelings/whatever) below the poll. You're welcome to reblog and bully your followers to your cause (@ other peoples' followers, you don't have to know me, like me, or follow me to throw anime at me - frankly, you don't even have to like anime, just pick a button).
Ace Attorney - I believe I was around the start of season 2 when I left off in Recipe for a Turnabout. Idk last thing I remember was hearing J Michael Tatum's aph France voice in a context outside of Hetalia and taking psychic damage. I'm prepared now. Frankly, I'm impressed I made it through Turnabout Big Top animated.
Tribe Nine - The propaganda here is Corpse Husband. I have nothing further to give you. Anyone who watched this watched it for Corpse Husband.
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation - Dub it dub it dub it dub it get Kellen Goff in that booth. I have nothing against subs other than I like doing other things while watching shows so I have a dub preference when it's available. I will make an exception for this wonderful romance anime movie. But pls Crunchyroll let them dub it 🙏 I will rewatch it dubbed if I have to watch it subbed first but PLEASE 🙏
Sk8 the Infinity - Sk8 is 0 for 4 in these polls, second place every time. I say this next part unbiased toward the poll results: I literally chose everything in this one to give y'all a fighting chance. However, I can't decide if it's funnier if you keep getting second or if you deserve a win. Either way here: 🥈
Soul Eater Not! - I adore Soul Eater, but I've never watched Soul Eater Not! Do with that what you will.
Mob Psycho 100 - I, like, just learned what this anime is about. That English title is misleading af. Other than the basic premise, the only thing I know about this series is that your sexyman lost so Sans Undertale could kill the Queen. Respect.
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bcbdrums · 6 days
Hey, I was reading through your Soul Eater Not posts and couldn't find anything about Ao Hoshino. (Sorry if I missed it.) That's the character that broke me in the end. 😩
...............well. i actually. hadn't noticed. what the author did there.
thank you for pointing it out.
for those who don't know, the Soul Eater NOT manga ends on a joke. since the whole manga revolves vaguely around the weapon Tsugumi not choosing between Anya and Meme for a meister.... well, in the end, the two meisters go home for the holidays or well Anya does while Meme receives i guess psychiatric care from Stein (LOOOOOOOOOOLOLOLOLOLOL unless i'm misremembering something maybe that was just anime idk) and while they're gone.....?
Tsugumi goes and gets herself.... a third meister. Ao Hoshino.
who.....has the star eyes. like akane.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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resbangmod · 11 months
Resbang 2023 Update
Hiya darling friends, nonnies, lurkers, fellow nerds.
The Modborg has done some discussion and while we love Resbang and this incredible community, we've decided that we will be taking a break from hosting Resbang this year.
It's a bittersweet decision, but we've been doing this for a decade now, and we agreed that we need a break for our collective modsanity.
We hope that you keep creating in the spirit of the season, and if you're jonesing for Resbangs of Yore, remember to check out the Jackpot threads over on Grigori Wings!
Older Resbangs
2022 Resbang
the Mods
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hannahwashington · 3 months
friendly reminder that the Soul Eater Not! manga is actually quite good. It shows us that not every student is like Maka and company, that they're more like regular kids that just happen to have these crazy abilities but struggle to use them.
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Yeah, the art style is a bit cuter than regular Soul Eater, but like... it's a more slice of life story, so it makes sense. There are only a few moments with big stakes following the underlying plot. At the very least, it still looks like Soul Eater, unlike the anime...
The surface-level plot is low-stakes but still interesting to think about. Of course we know the requirements for a good meister/weapon match up, but what about the actual process of finding your partner? How do weapons even figure out how to transform? What if you resonate well with multiple people, how do you choose?
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The manga also takes the time to develop some side characters a bit. If you were anime-only for Soul Eater, you might be interested to see more of Kim and Jackie given what you see in the Lost Island arc! If you read the manga, maybe you're wondering how these two came together. Well, the answer's here.
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Even characters that show up later in the manga (or not at all in the anime) get some time to shine, like Clay and Akane.
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There are definitely a few criticisms that can be made about the story, but! If you didn't like the anime for whatever (valid) reason you need to give the manga a shot. It's cute.
As this is a prequel story, it also acknowledges things like Medusa being a nurse at the DWMA.
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When the tension does ramp up, it decides to give us this panel, which I honestly just wanted to show off because we never did get to see enough pre-zombie Sid.
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oratokyosaigunda · 6 months
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Soul Eater Not! series banner
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choujinx · 15 days
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SOUL EATER NOT! (2011-2014) by ookubo atsushi
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baltharino · 2 years
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Femslash February Day 3: ‘Plausible Deniability’ Kiss
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pink-yuri · 17 days
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♡ Soul Eater NOT! ♡
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kyukins · 1 year
soul eater not! character heights
these were very difficult for me to find so i’m saving them here / sharing them for anyone else who may also be interested!
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tsugumi harudori: 150 cm / 4’11”
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meme tatane: 150 cm / 4’11”
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anya hepburn: 150 cm / 4’11”
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clay sizemore: 178 cm / 5’10”
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akane☆hoshi: 182 cm / 5’11”
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master: 189 cm / 6’2”
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capmangacap · 2 years
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bcbdrums · 20 days
I suffered through it so you don't have to
You can skip the Soul Eater NOT anime. Especially if you've read the Soul Eater manga. If you have read the manga, this anime will make you mad. ***Spoilers for Soul Eater NOT manga, anime, and Soul Eater manga in this post.*** I'm keeping this post vague though because frankly this anime isn't worth very many words. I may have had more positives until the last two episodes but well... No, not after those. If you want to experience NOT, then manga only. Really... I insist.
Things it did well: Overall, it followed its manga's story. Also they had the original Soul Eater voice actors for the canon characters except for Naigus.
Things that were neutral/acceptable: It re-ordered many, nay, most manga scenes, changed a few details, and added a little bit of extra stuff here and there that helped transitions and establishing settings the like, and moved the story forward faster. Nothing terribly wrong with that. None of it was necessary though, so trying to keep manga-canon and now anime-changes straight in one's head was confusing.
They briefly bring up "soul protect" which never came up in the manga, and is an important universe mechanic so it should have been mentioned.
They tried to add a few things to make some moments more emotional/relatable, and in most cases, up until the end it worked decently. But when they needed things to start to get serious and they began changing actual plot things...no, it did not help.
Things that start to go bad: Until about the last three episodes, almost every episode began with some sort of dream sequence (not in the manga; new stuff). This often involved under-aged nudity. None of these dream sequences were needed or valuable. Also, the show was full of under-aged nudity. To the point that the final episode had more under-aged nudity than it had battle against the villain.
Skipping manga scenes that were irrelevant was okay, but some scenes that would have added to the story were left out. And replaced with absolute trash. They had chances to fix some manga missteps, such as Naigus having no emotions over her partner's death, but they didn't.
Basically, almost anything that deviated from the manga in terms of actual plot was a bad decision. We did not need Meme randomly stabbing Sid with an arrow. All the creepy weird stuff with Meme and Shaula was grossly unnecessary. I could go on but... I don't want to remember all of it.
Things that are unforgiveable: The wings thing...from the Soul Eater manga. That is ALL I'm gonna say. That's too upsetting to even discuss. But if you really want me to? Ohhhh I will explain why that was the worst thing they could have possibly done. Ohkubo, if you wanted it in there so bad you should have made an accurate anime for Soul Eater. Not ruin something extremely important by throwing it in NOT in a way that literally cannot make sense with universe mechanics (so why is this even a discussion? it shouldn't be!) and completely undermines any value the thing has in Soul Eater
The final battle? Lasted all of a minute (after much unnecessary nude preamble), they moved it to the academy for no reason instead of having it at the dorm like in the manga, they eliminated Clay and Akane, and...they also eliminated a lot of the actual fighting scenes overall. And I do mean A LOT. They eliminated Lord Death's moment which was the only way to give any possible validity to the girls defeating Shaula, which even then is reaching.
Conclusion: Skip this anime. It took a cute and okay-ish manga and made it bad. It took a thin plot and made it thinner. None of the characters and their development in the first ten episodes mattered in the final two, those were so poorly done. They just used nudity to be edgy in the end and it did not work. The actually good plot points from the manga were undermined by changes and bad execution in the anime.
It's just... It's so bad. Those last two episodes. I can't fathom why they did what they did. EXCEPT... In terms of cutting out most of the battles, I think a lot of it was to avoid complicated animation scenes. Something I've noticed throughout is that, frankly, if it's not the hot girls...the animation is just bad. Stein for example, especially in episode 11, is dreadful. Anatomy went out the window there. And most weapon transformations throughout the show were done so that the weapon came from/vanished to somewhere off-screen and walked back in so they didn't have to animate the transformation actually happening.
And as for the plot changes in the last two episodes... There's no explanation. I think they had to change the plot since they chose to save money on animation. Without those animated battles, there wasn't anything else. So they had to add more stuff.
Oh yeah, and we didn't need the unnecessary boob-anchor weapon on Meme. Didn't see any of the other mind-controlled characters with a boob-anchor weapon...
And the show ends on two boob jokes. Literally, the last lines.
Skip this anime.
Time to purge it from memory with actual Soul Eater, which is brilliant (both canons).
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