segunolumide · 1 month
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gastonjerry · 4 months
MEMORY VERSE: “…And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men” (Luke 5:10).                    TEXT: Luke 5:1-39   In this chapter, Christ calls His disciples to soul-winning and fruitfulness. As He stood by the lake of Genesaret, multitudes, which consisted of a mixed crowd of sincere seekers and not very sincere ones (John 2:23-25), thronged Him. The eagerness…
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jribera777 · 6 months
It's my first time posting here
I've had a Tumblr account for several months, but haven't posted anything until now. I plan to upload one post every day. Want to encourage others around me to stay motivated and to find Jesus as well.I am looking forward to getting to know more people here and meeting other like-minded Christians as I am. I hope you all have a blessed night.
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wisdombooklets · 10 months
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corneliusbella · 11 months
As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect His compassion and actively engage in soul-winning. Our faith should not be lukewarm or complacent but rather driven by a passionate desire to reach the lost and bring them into God’s Kingdom. Remember the consequences of rejecting God’s grace and use every opportunity to share the Gospel with love, humility, and urgency. Doing so can embody the compassionate Christ and lead others to eternal salvation.
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coenieinafrica · 1 year
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Teaching “Fishers of Men” seminar today with Teachers @gerio_adriaens_ and @abrie.valentine 📖🎣 #soulwinning #souls #salvations #fom #thebaycfc (at The Bay Christian Family Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CozeDIxsHF2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ikennagodliness · 1 year
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See you tomorrow. #soulwinning https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn32nZPtoRj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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besaltnlight · 2 years
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Jude 1:23 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jesus saved us from the fire so we can hold out our hands and pull others out of the fire. Not evangelizing is a sin. We are suppose to show love to each other. #onlyjesussaves #sharetestimony #news #theendisnow #thelastdays #urgent #now #repentnow #pray #readthebible #lookworld #jesuslovesyou #repent #jesusiscoming #witness #seekgod #savesouls #soulwinning #bearfruit #beonfireforgod #lovejesus #Christianity #christisking👑 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBO7UTraGr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evangelistdag · 25 days
Healing Jesus Campaign begins in Angola
All we can say is Wow!!
Night 1 of the Lubango campaign was everything we wanted it to be and more!
Many multitudes gathered to hear Evangelist Dag preach about ‘Jesus, the Miracle Man’.
The lame walked, and the blind received their sight! Glory to God!!
The rest of this campaign promises to be power packed. Stay tuned!
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nysocboy · 8 months
Gemstone Connection: The Nazarene boy tries to win me for Christ
An autobiographical story with a Gemstone connection:
Every year the family spends a week camping somewhere in the northwoods, fishing, swimming, hiking -- and, on Sunday, finding the nearest Nazarene Church. This summer, when I am 14 years old, it is in Brainerd, Minnesota, an hour's drive from our campsite
"An hour there and an hour back!" I protest.  "It will be 3:00 by the time we get home-- the whole afternoon wasted."
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"Church is never a waste of time," Mom points out.  "Besides, there might be some cute girls there."
I sigh.  Ever since I started junior high, my parents and brother have been pointing out girls, asking if there are any cute girls in my class, high-fiving each other whenenever I casually mention a girl.  So have my friends.  Even the preacher, as he stands at the church door to shake everyone's hand as they leave, gives me a wink and says "A lot of cute girls here today!"
"And what about the soulwinners?: I continue. "We'll be mobbed!"
"Oh, stop complaining.  We'll just call ahead and tell them we're coming."
The most prestigious thing a Nazarene can do is soulwinning, talking sinners (which basically means all non-Nazarenes) into accepting Jesus as their Personal Savior, thereby winning their souls for our team.
We take classes in soulwinning, hear sermons about it, read stories about it, evaluate scenarios.  Our Sunday School teacher often asks "How many souls did you win this week?"
Usually none at all.  It's not easy.  When you were 14 years old, would you have been able to walk up to this guy and say "Hi, do you have a moment to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ?"
If you aren't "spiritually mature" enough for soulwinning, you can witness instead: tell the sinner that you are ecstatically happy every moment of every day because you're saved, or just demonstrate with a broad smile.  The sinner, immersed in the unrelenting agony of the unsaved life, will eventually want to know more.
Soulwinning is so prized that casual visitors to a Nazarene church can easily be mobbed by people grinning at them and trying to start soulwinning conversations.  Unless they come with a member, signifying that they are "taken," or call ahead.
When we walk through the foyer of the Brainerd Church of the Nazarene, looking for all the world like a family of sinners who stumbled in by accident, we are nearly mobbed, but the Sunday School superintendent, the one we called earlier, comes to the rescue.
"We have Nazarenes from Illinois visiting us today," he announces, and the wannabe soulwinners back off.
But in my Sunday School class, they haven't gotten the word. Ten or so high schoolers are sitting on folding chairs or chatting before the class begins, and every one of them looks up and flashes me a toothy witnessing grin.  Two girls and a boy approach, intent on starting soulwinning conversations.
"I'm from....." I begin.  Then a tall, black haired boy with a strong physique, obviously church royalty, leaves his cluster of admirers and exerts control.  The others back off.
"Welcome!  I'm Roald," he say, offering a warm, tight handshake and a more subtle witnessing smile.  He's done this before!  "Is this your first time?"
"My parents made me come," I say, which is true.
"Well, sit down over here by me.  I'll tell you how everything works.  If you have any questions, just ask."
So I sit thigh to thigh with a cute boy, who helps me hold the hymnal and shows me how to find Bible verses.
The lesson is about how God has a husband or wife planned out for us, so we should keep ourselves pure and not kiss before marriage.  Standard Sunday school stuff, but I'm already annoyed by Mom's "there may be cute girls there" crack, so I must look rather grumpy.
Roald thinks I'm "under conviction" and puts his arm around me.
Then we have to hold hands for the closing prayer. This could definitely work to my advantage! 
The full story, with illustrations, is on Rigteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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evigtlivihimlen · 21 days
The Gospel!
"THE GOSPEL IS THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION"! This Biblical statement is a reality. I was an impossible case as an intellectual, full of wordly wisdom and knowledge after 4 years of studies at University, it was philosphy, litterature and so on. But I met two radical evangelists who just decided that "this guy Peter we bombard with the Gospel and the Word of God"…Those Words got me frustrated, irritated and angry, but the Word of God is alive and powerfull, it awaked my consiense…This amazing seed just did its work in my heart, it got hold on me, and after one year I bow down me knees, surrender to God and received Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Now I have done the task of an evangelist for 24 years, and my experiense is that fruitfull evangelism is to be led by the Holy Spirit and give the Word of God and the Gospel directly to those people you are led to. When we study the Bible we see the same how the diciples were led by Holy Spirit, they boldly preached the Gospel, in marketplaces, at a river, in a "auditorium", in homes and so on. They preached to one person, groups or crowds. They never was "sofisticated careful", on the contrary they preached even in to severe persecution and death…The same Biblical pattern we see when we studie churchhistory of different revivals through the centuries.
When I got saved God told me to throw away all my books of wordly wisdom, the hole bookshelf actually, and I put only one book there, the Bible…After a long time I started to read also "revivalhistory", which is a passion because they had "the real thing" with a fruit of millions radically saved and hole nations changed…
But God has used my former University studies in humaniora, now I can recognise when something is wordly "man's wisdom" and what is the wisdom of God (which is in the Bible). Many try to even mix in their evangelism (or in generall preaching) knowledge from the world with Biblical truth, but I can notice that counterfeit…1 Kor 2:4-5: "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power"… The power of God is only released through the pure Word of God, the Holy Spirit is only backing up pure thruth from the Word. Evangelism is a war about the souls; Satan and his coworkers (demonic spirits through people or just in the area) do everything possible to stop true and fruitfull evangelism. When you step out in that war its no "fun game" or playground…In order to survive and actually do something for eternal value in soulwinning you need to:
Live pure in holiness so you can be a vessel for the Holy Spirit, if you practis sin you open doors to he who is the master of sin, and will be used for his purposes instead.
Be filld with the Holy Spirit, as Ef.5:18 says "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be Filled with the Spirit"…Then it is just normal to receive what Acts 1:8 says "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth"…And then try to be led by Holy Spirit, pray "in tounges", you may experience "red or green light" where to go, who to speak to. And ofcourse let Holy Spirit use you in supernatural "gifts of the Spirit" as praying for healing, giving word of knowledge and so on, practise, take steps in faith without hesitation.
Some of "traditional" thoughts about evangelisation is good and some isn't solid grounded in the Bible. Good is to try build relationships, bad is to think it is "the only way", people do receive salvation in many ways of evangelism. I have seen it happen through "open air-preaching" to unknown, streetevangelism, in relationships, through media and so on. We need to use All availabel ways; also TV, radio, tracts, social media…"Whatsever" so the living Word of God, the Gospel goes out and can do its powerfull work in the hearts of people. And give out the Gospel All over, everywhere, at work, to relatives, in the store, at the bus, well you understand…
Love and compassion connected to direct preaching the Gospel is powerfull, it gives testimony of "real Christianity" and takes away some excuses not to believe and receive. But, the preaching, the Word and the Gospel must be given also or it will be "loose kanons", you know, also people of the world do good deeds and show loveactions…I know about dear sisters in the Lord who has done good loveactions in decades for unsaved without giving the Word, the Gospel and they are still, all of them just unsaved…
Many people you need to confront with the Word of God, yes, to just disturb them in the deep sinsleep so they can awake…To press on directly which actually gives a breakthrough there and then. I have seen this so many times, angry men have been crying when I have confront and press on. Remember, unsaved are in darkness, ruled by the evil one. You need to throw in the Light and powerfull Word of God so they can see the truth and experiense Gods power. By the way, try always to pray for the unsaved, lay a hand on them and release "the anointing", the power of God through you. By the way, talk a lot about Jesus, and His work at the Cross, give your testimony how you got saved.
As you maybe understand, I have much moore to teach about evangelism, but we stop here for now, be blessed and go out and evangelize, boldly in the Holy Spirits power giving out the Word of God, the Gospel…Amen.
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eternalstorage · 9 months
Eternal Storage
"Lay Up For Yourselves Treasures In Heaven!" Matthew 6:20
#eternalstorage #eternal #storage #treasures #fallinginlovewithJesus #connected #grateful #honored #protected #covered #kept #peaceandlove #eternalstorage #memorialsbeforegod #heavenlytreasures #promisesofGod #givemejesus #PraiseHimInAdvance #lypl #LegacyOfLove #eternal #eternity #heaven #Jesus #SoulWinning #heavenlytreasures #HeavenlyVaults #eternaldeposits#divinestorage #treasuresabove #HeavenlyMandate #infinitereserves #beyondearthlyriches #storedinheaven #Matthew620 #LegacyOfLove
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trunewsofficial · 1 year
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The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
- Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) #Verseoftheday #Bible #Scripture #SoulWinning #TruNews
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theevidencechurch · 1 year
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Let's work together to spread the message of hope and love! Remember we Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! #soulwinning #hope #love #faith #theevidencechurch #victorytemplechurchofgodinchrist #vtcogic #victorytemplecogic
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
He'd held his tongue and probably this empire for as long as he could. He couldn't imagine what Genya was telling him and Vasiya. It couldn't true. Anastasiya had been grieving but she'd never ask her daughter to do this...right?
Jurian strode through the halls mulling the last few years over her head. Had she always been this close to madness ajd he'd never known? Had Aleksander encouraged this thinking? Had she sunk into this when he was gone and not able to drag her out? 
She didn't look up from the report on her desk. Her clothes hung limp on her. She ate when she was forced to - as a mean to sustain herself. But there was no joy in the act. 
"Did you bring the briefings? I need them to corroborate the -"
"Did you ask Genya to seduce that fae official?"
Anastasiya went silent but slowly looked to them. Her eyes cold and impassive. 
"Did she not do it? Or was she caught -"
"You told your daughter to seduce an emissary of -"
"Don't act like we didn't do things in that war on father's orders Jurian. We -"
He leaned onto the desk, lightning sparking on his fingers. He pushed Miryam from his mind. The way his body had revolted at her touch. 
"I hated it. You know what those orders did to me. How could you tell her to follow in that? How could you whore your own child out to -"
Anastasiya's eyes flashed and she raised her chin to meet his eyes. 
"She is a princess of this empire. She will make the sacrifices I ask of her Jurian or she can leave and hide like her sister did. The fae official is rumored to know where Drakon hid that Cauldron. We need it if Aleksander is to come home to -"
"He isn't coming back Anastasiya! He is dead and you are driving our empire to ruins! You are becoming exactly like Hypaxia? Do you not see it! How do you not hear the way our people cry for justice and demand peace? How much more death and destruction can they take?"
She leaned toward him, her voice low crackling ice. 
"They will ensure till I have my Aleksander back. If they cannot handle that they are welcome to leave. I'm sure the fae will happy to have more bodies for their pleasure houses or wine orchards. There is no nice home, there is no peace in this world. They leave they become the fae's whores. Or they are dragged to the Fae Orchards and their blood watering their fields to make Soulwine. The Asteri keep us all on edge and since I don't have the means or power to destory Midgard. This is what I am doing with my time. What are you doing Jurian besides whining at injustice?"
Alina held the Archoness crown, she held more power than she ever had. If it wasn't for the singular goal she'd raze it all to the ground. 
She looked at Aleksander. Anastasiya hadn't left his arms but she didn't look to be providing any information.
Alina herself tried to focus on them and not the taste of power she was surely about loose. She'd used the Asteri and beat them at their own game. It was only a matter of time before they killed her. 
It helped the Changelings and other dark forces were hunting them down and scattering the fae and laying waste to Midgard. It would buy them a few extra weeks to hide. 
"Jurian chased Anastasiya out. They fought but we weren't briefed about what. Ulla has taken the mantle she sent a missive for you Aleksander."
Ivan put the letter down on the counter and stepped back. He didn't even know if Aleksander even knew or heard anything they'd both said. They'd done this for him, had broken every rule they'd grown up in. They'd destoryed the last bit of balance this world had. 
It was anyone's guest what happened now.
//it got worse 👀//
A few extra weeks, to hide. The notion made his blood bail with rage, his anger seethed within him as he thought about everything they had built after all these years. Everything, they had obtained it with Alina.
However, the enemies she made. He had never calculated what had happened, he had never imagined that Night's Beating Heart would put herself forward.
His fingers gently brushed through Anatasiya's hair, his gaze rose to meet Ivan as he spoke. The information he gave caused his chin to tighten, he had always known Jurian was never going to be an ally. Not someone that they could trust.
"Thank you Ivan." He reached out his hand as he took the letter, opening it to read the missive from his daughter.
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iamphotogabier · 1 year
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The Bible Baptist Church of Caloocan Soulwinning Marathon April 6, 2023 (Thursday) Paniqui, Tarlac, Philippines (at The Bible Baptist Church of Caloocan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUB7Ecvmxf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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