#South Park secret santa
spinthetags · 7 months
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(Once again, thank you to @pononoin for the art and @alister312 for the banner!)
We’re thrilled to announce that the interest check was a success, and we’re ready to move onto signups! The signup form will be found at the end of this post, and please make sure to read the rules carefully before filling it out!
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So, what is a Secret Santa event?
In a Secret Santa event, each person who participates is both a “Santa” and a “giftee”. Each person will begin their participation by creating a small wishlist of concepts that they would like to see in their gift (more on this later!). The mod (that’s spinthetags) will look over the wishlists and assign each person both a giftee and a Santa. The person participating will be aware of their giftee’s identity — as they’ll receive their wishlist, and be instructed to create a gift somewhat adhering to those wishes — but they won’t be aware of their Santa! Their Santa is the person who will be giving a gift to the original user based on their wishlist.
Here’s an example: Person A asks for a gift relating to Tweek celebrating Christmas with Craig. Person B is assigned to be Person A’s Santa, though Person A doesn’t know it! Person B will then create a gift related to Person A’s ask. In the meantime, Person B is also a Santa — they’ve received Person C’s wishlist, and are creating a gift to their specifications. At the end of the event, everyone will get their gift! Person B will give their Tweek-centric piece to Person A, and Person A will give Person C’s gift to Person C! Consider it kind of like a circle, where everyone will both give and receive a gift.
It’s not as complicated as it may seem! During the course of the event, all each person needs to worry about is creating a work for their giftee. Then, at the end of the event, everyone will exchange their gifts! We encourage posting the work on Tumblr (though other social media sites are definitely allowed!) and tagging your giftee, revealing that you’re their Santa in the process. This will all be reiterated as we get closer to the gift posting date!
Below is our estimated timeline for the event:
October 25th - November 3rd: Signups are open!
November 4th - November 5th - Participants are sent their giftee’s wishlist!
November 6th - January 5th - Participants work on their gifts!
December 20th - January 5th - Gifts are posted!
As you can see, there’s an overlap between the creation of gifts and the posting of gifts; this is because the holidays can be busy for everyone, and we want to give you as much time as possible! You don’t need to post your gift immediately on December 20th — you can instead post it any time between December 20th and January 5th. If you need more time to work, take it! It doesn’t need to be finished by December 20th, as long as it gets shared before January 5th.
So, that’s the basics of the Secret Santa event! But we also have some more rules. Here they are below:
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1. All works created for this event must be SFW! Profanity and light suggestiveness (granted the characters are of age) are allowed in line with the show, but no explicit NSFW content may be involved.
2. We ask that works you create are full pieces, or close to such; make sure to put the effort your giftees deserve into your works! We’re not explicitly disallowing sketches or drabbles, but make sure to put the amount of effort into your works that you would like to receive from your Santa!
3. The mods are going to work hard to make sure everyone gets assigned a giftee that they’re comfortable working with! On that note, there will be no switching; once you get assigned your giftee, short of extenuating circumstances, you won’t be given a different one.
4. We understand that things may come up! If you decide you no longer wish to participate in the event, you must let us know by Thanksgiving (November 23rd) so we can find a new Santa for your giftee.
5. Make sure to come into this with an open mind! Not everyone has the same skill level, and we ask you to consider the effort your Santa put in rather than their skill or experience in the medium. Please show your Santa appreciation!
6. The type of media you create can be anything; we expect to see a lot of fanart and fanfiction, but what you can create isn’t limited to that! If you have any doubts about whether your media is allowed, please send us an ask and we’ll get back to you!
On the same note as the rules, here are some guidelines for your wishlists!
- You can be as vague or specific as you would like! It’s encouraged to leave your Santa some wiggle room to exercise their creativity, but there’s no shame in adding specific preferences to your wishlist!
- It’s not required, but we encourage you to include some Holiday-themed requests. Get into the spirit of the season!
- You can put as many requests on your wishlist as you’d like! It’s a good idea to include at least two or three, to give your Santa some options, but there’s no upper limit. Just remember that the more requests you include, the less likely it’ll be that ALL of them will get included.
- Your wishlist can include anything from ships to scenarios to headcanons; anything that you would like to see represented in a work you’re receiving.
- Please be respectful of what’s on a wishlist! Remember that you’re creating the work for your giftee, not for you; even if you disagree with some of the headcanons the user would like, we ask you to still do your reasonable best on including them. If there is anything that you are deeply uncomfortable with creating, there will be a spot on the signup form to enter it, and we’ll make sure you aren’t paired with a user who would like that content.
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Here is the link to sign up!
Please note that communications related to this event will be done by email; we encourage you to create a new email for the event if you’re uncomfortable sharing your personal one! Please make sure to check your email at least weekly! Communications will be sent from [email protected].
Thank you to everyone who’s interested in participating! We can’t wait to see what you create!
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kokoabar · 6 months
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Participated in @spinthetags secret santa!!!
A gift for dear @m4ximumeff8rt !! I hope you enjoy this piece of mine, also Advance merry Christmas !!!!
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justanartistiguess · 5 months
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My submission for the South Park Secret Santa hosted by @spinthetags !!
I’m so sorry I couldn’t get this done before Christmas but here you go @buttfrovski !! I really loved all your ideas so I combined them into one piece! I hope you like it! :)
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fluffyjackfa · 5 months
South Park Secret Santa @spinthetags !! Gift for @chaotic-guinea-pig !!
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Bro u have no idea how excited I was when I got u as my uh. Guy. I draw something for. I love SP Demensions sm its such a fun AU- I rlly hope you like ur gift! I'm pretty happy with it. The gift looks a little wonky bUT OTHERWISE I think I did good :)
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exceedingstatement · 5 months
@gersploosh and @spinthetags
My secret Santa Gift! I went with "Stan dressing up Sparky in a holiday outfit"
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And the photo I used as a reference underneath
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gersploosh · 5 months
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my gift for @thecrowthatdraws for the @spinthetags secret santa! Stan and Sparky from his blind Stan AU!
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lozislaw · 1 year
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S-wow Tittybang catches herself a stringey young Jewish boy with a dolphin fixation.
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buggysimp · 5 months
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my gift for @fandom-freek !! i chose to include all the characters you listed + went with the snowball fight prompt :3 i hope you like it ! happy holidays and new year
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dramamines · 5 months
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Happy holidays to @deeply-unserious-fellow!! You were my secret santa, and this was what I created! I hope you like it
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alister312 · 5 months
The Festival of Lights is a yearly Larnion winter tradition and the crown prince, Kyle, is busy as usual with his royal duties. However, this year he finds himself a little distracted. Each night, a new gift appears in his room from a secret gifter (and admirer). Before the eight nights are up, Kyle hopes to find out just who keeps sneaking into room and, admittedly, his heart.
written for the @spinthetags secret santa exchange for my giftee, the one and only @cosmicluzer!! happy holidays!! i was SO so excited to get you in the exchange, considering the wonderful comments you made on my clyle fic still live delightfully rent free in my head <3 your prompt/request was also such a good idea and i can only hope i did it justice
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spinthetags · 7 months
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Santas and giftees have been assigned, and wishlists have been sent out! We’re thrilled to announce that we ended up with a total of 37 participants! As of today, the creation period has begun; you now have until January 5th to complete your gift!
In the meantime, however, please make sure to read the rest of this post! There are some important notes for participants, as well as some expectations for responding to your received wishlist.
1. Please make sure to pace yourself when creating your work! Even with the long creation period, it can be easy to leave it to the last minute and run out of time. We suggest starting your gift as early as possible to ensure you have all the time you need to make something that you are happy with!
2. As a reminder, the due date for withdrawing from the event is November 23rd. If something comes up (it happens to the best of us), please let us know as soon as possible so we can reorganize and find a new Santa for your giftee! We won’t hold it against you!
3. This is the most important thing on this list! Each participant must respond to the email we sent by Monday, November 13th, and the response email must contain your Tumblr username. This is both so we can associate your Tumblr account with your email, and so we know your email is functioning and that you received your wishlist. If you do not respond to our email by November 13th, we will assume you are unable to participate, so please either do it immediately or set a reminder!
4. This is somewhat related to the previous one. Once your giftee gives us their Tumblr username, we will send it to you! If your giftee’s wishlist contains an AU/new kid/headcanon that can only be found on their Tumblr, you can either sit tight or create something that doesn’t require knowing their account.
4a. As for why Tumblr usernames were not initially collected; we wanted to make sure that we received the Tumblr username straight from the source (the user), and to prevent any bias. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!
5. We unfortunately cannot guarantee that you receive art instead of fic, or vice versa. You are able to create your wishlist, but the way your Santa brings it to life is up to them! Preferring one medium over another is absolutely understandable, but we ask that you please appreciate your gift regardless of how it was created! Your Santa worked hard on it.
6. Once wishlists are assigned to their Santas, we are unable to make any switches! Exceptions will be made for if its an error on our part — like if you put something in your discomforts section, and was assigned a user where that was the only thing on their wishlist — but in general, we request that you do your best on what you’re given, even if its not something you’re used to! Your giftee will appreciate your effort regardless.
7. Do not reach out to your giftee! The point of Secret Santa is to be anonymous. If you have any questions for your giftee, please reach out to us — either by Tumblr or email — and we will reach out to your giftee to get an answer. Just remember that there are 37 of you and only one spinthetags, so please keep your questions reasonable!
8. As a reminder, you are only required to make one creation! Your giftee may have a large wishlist, but you are absolutely not obligated to include everything from the wishlist; you are welcome to pick the thing that you are most confident in your ability to create, and work off of that! Including multiple things from the wishlist is awesome, but absolutely not necessary.
9. If you have not received an email from us and you signed up, reach out to us immediately! There may have been a typo in your email, and we want to correct it as soon as possible! Note that if you received an email but not a wishlist (as your giftee is still in the process of editing theirs), this doesn’t apply to you; we’ll have your wishlist to you within the next few days!
If you have any other questions, please reach out or shoot us an ask! We’re so happy to have you all involved, and we can’t wait to see what you create!
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cchallucination · 6 months
@justanartistiguess @spinthetags
Heres my secret santa <3 The prompt I chose to go with: The main boys building a snowman or doing anything else winter themed (it would be nice to not see them rip on each other for once LMAO) 
Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny were all at Cartmans house, sitting in his room with bored looks on their faces. “Why’d you invite us over if we weren’t going to do anything, Cartman?” Kyle asked from his spot in a beanbag chair, the annoyance in his tone evident. Stan and Kenny grumbled with agreement, the two of them sitting in the floor nearby Kyle. Cartman rolled his eyes, standing up from where he had been laying on his bed. “Because I wanted something to do!” He complained in his over-the-top dramatic tone. “I thought you guys would find something to do, but clearly I overestimated all of you!” Kyle wasn’t paying much attention to Cartman as he spoke, his eyes moving to the window. It was almost always snowing in Colorado, but the snow seemed a bit heavier today. “Hey, I think I have an idea!” Kyle suddenly spoke, a smile forming on his face. Three pairs of eyes quickly landed on him, curiosity in their gazes. “What is it?” Stan questioned quickly, perking up at the idea of the group not sitting around any longer. “We should build a snowman!” He suggested with a smile, and everyone quickly agreed, Cartman, surprisingly, not complaining about the idea. The four boys quickly headed outside, playfully arguing over who was better at making a snowman. After this argument they decided to make two, Cartman and Kenny making one, while Stan and Kyle made the other. Stan and Kyle started to make the bottom piece of the snowman together, snickering as they talked about how much better theirs would be. As they laughed with each other they got distracted and failed to notice a rock in front of them as they rolled the bottom of the snowman forward, falling straight into it and ruining their progress. “Oh dude what the fuck!” Stan laughed loudly as he pulled himself out of the snow, reaching to help Kyle up as well. Kyle laughed too, wiping the snow that covered his face off. “Cmon Stan let's remake it or Cartman and Kenny will finish before us!” Meanwhile, Kenny and Cartman were just finishing their bottom piece to the snowman, having made multiple jokes as they worked on it. When they saw Kyle and Stan fall they both laughed so hard they almost fell and messed up their work too. “Dude, look how red their faces are!” Cartman giggled, Kenny snickered even more at the comment. “Wait Cartman, we should give the Snowman a dick!” Kennys suggested with a snicker, his voice muffled from his parka. Cartman grinned, “Fuck yeah Kenny!” The four boys continued working on their snowmen, with occasional banter as they debated which of the two would be better. When they finished they decided it was a tie, and just as they went to head back inside, Cartman kicked Stan and Kyles snowman down, snickering as he did so. “Dude what was that for?!” Stan yelled, running over to the ruined snowman with annoyance. Kyle then promptly ruined Kenny and Cartmans snowman, causing outrage from the both of them. Then Kyle was met with a snowball to the face, escalating to all four boys flinging snowballs through the air at each other, their laughs filling the air.
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justanartistiguess · 4 months
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My BACKUP Secret Santa gift! Event organized by @spinthetags !
Here you go @kittiecat3 ! I was your backup Secret Santa! I’m sorry you couldn’t originally get your gift on time, but I hope this makes up for it!
Prompt I chose: “Character gets frostbite from being in snow OR fireplace Or just anything with my favorite little goobers in them.” <- with my little spin on it!
I hope you like it! :)
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🎁 My gift for @januaryxxii2014xxiii2015xix20124 for Secret Santa! 🎁
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coal-cake · 5 months
Late secret santa thingie, @stellarangelic
Creek baking together
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Decided to add an extra silly doodle
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Full drawing
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