threestarsaboveclouds · 2 months
You're very pretty!
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TSAC: ...!!
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TSAC: ....
... I... I too am quite fond of my facility. The design of my can and the surrounding infrastructure required great ingenuity from my architects. I was built directly into the mountains themselves, and I was engineered to take advantage of the unique resources of my environment. I'm very grateful that the majority of my structures are still able to function even in my creators' absence.
We iterators were designed for pragmatism, but I am able to recognize the elegant symmetry of my facility's radial construction. The rugged mountain peaks I inhabit and the vast, clear skies I observe are quite beautiful as well.
.... Or maybe you were referring to my puppet? I am fond of it as well. My puppet was personally designed by my lead architect, A Flickering Nova, Thirteen Scattered Asterisms. The design is meant to evoke the appearance of bright stars against a dark sky, which I believe reflects my purpose as an astronomical facility quite nicely.
I appreciate your compliment. Thank you.
[ OOC: In case it isn't clear, the last three images are meant to be a blush. ]
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Hi Shores, it's nice to meet you! How are you doing? What are your hobbies and interests, if you don't mind sharing?
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
I know nothing about Kileg so I don't know what i'd like to know spefically. So just lore dump I guess!
That's alright :)
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Klieg's whole thing is pretty straight up forward I think, just mean guy who makes Films and is a bit cringe fail (/aff) about it. He's not as fleshed out yet so there are still some gaps in his story.
LONG lore dump ahead, like you requested :)
Klieg is essentially a guy who likes making weird pretentious films and overall just very niche stuff, so he kind of struggles to find much success because he has a hard time finding people who connect with his work. (wdym I'm projecting lmao)
But this just makes him extremely insecure because while he is very proud and loves what he does, he gets frustrated when people just dismiss him and don't make an effort to understand what he's trying to express in his stuff
Except he's just really mean about it and ends up having a "You don't get it because you're not smart enough" vibe to him. Like yeah, he's overall a bit of a jerk because he's tired of no one taking him seriously, and his coping mechanism is thinking he's way too smart pfff (tho idk at what extent he actually believes that...)
He wants to work for the Channels, which are managed by Mike and Host, but Host doesn't want him around because they just get bad vibes out of his personality LOL
And Mike pretty much has to tell him no sorry, the lighters won't like this, in regards to his work, and Klieg kind of resents him for this lmao. He also has a weird bias against Microphone darkners since they're like, the worker bees of the Cable, so he's a bit iffy about Mike being in as high of a position as he is.
But yeah, he's just overall a representation of the artists' conflict of sticking to doing art that is meaningful to them, and having to do stuff that "sells". It's something I personally find very relatable and I think others would as well, especially in today's climate :')
But yeah, Klieg is extremely proud of his work, and he sticks by it, regardless of how unsuccessful it is. He keeps trying to apply for the Channels to get his work seen, but no luck.
The only reason he gets in is when Darkners start going missing, and the entire Cable is slowly falling apart with how many missing people there are and everyone is just losing their motivation.
Tenna going missing was the last drop for the Channels since the place is run by M&H, and they kind of stop caring about it because their kid is missing and so are like half the cast members.
Klieg only gets in because M&H end up having no one in charge of the movie channels, but they're also too emotionally exhausted to even bother arguing with anyone or being picky. As mean as he is, Klieg did know Tenna, and he can't help but get a bit of a pit in his stomach thinking about him.
But M&H shortly go on hiatus to deal with their grief (TV gets unplugged), the Channels are somewhat still producing content, but there isn't much going on and everyone has really low spirits ;v;
Klieg is happy he's finally in a position he can do the work he's always wanted, but at the same time, the circumstances are just less than ideal.
He's still frustrated that after finally reaching the position he wanted (Followed by thoughts of feeling like he didn't earn it), he's kind of like obsessed with making "perfect" work, but this backfires because he's annoyingly nitpicky and no one wants to work with him because of this LOL
Stuff does get exciting when the Fountain opens haha M&H are scrambling around after suddenly leaving their long Hiatus and getting everyone back to work, and Klieg's happy to finally have a proper audience :)
Whatever happens between him and Fun Gang... Well I still want to write that, perhaps through in a funni animated cutscene maybe... :) Only time will tell
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vinnybox · 2 years
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enderbot-magic · 2 years
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Bee :)
Bee :)
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
I love flower shop host so much he reminds me of Nikko from one shot /pos
I'll assume you're talking about Tenna :B hehe I never played One Shot but I guess I might have been inspired on some subconscious level
That design was mainly inspired by Wirt from Over the Garden Wall hahaha and also cacturne for some reason x)
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
Tenna gets stuck in a gluetrap 2023
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has my child not suffered enough? 🥺
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Depends on the routes, I suppose :)
Regular route, Host is in their secret boss item form, so either sword or cloak, so they come along with Fun Gang :) If you can regard that as meeting. I'm unsure whether it would get acknowledged or not, I guess it would. Parent instincts would kick in, Host could maybe transform for a few minutes so say hi, but the encounter would be short since they can't really maintain that form for long
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Bring Tenna to Castle Town after the flower shop and he can join Mike, who is very much just bawling seeing Tenna for the first time in years ;w; They have plenty of catching up to do. And Mike gets to have some relief that Host is fine, they're just a sword now and have an important job to do :)
Do a route where you just straight up don't fight Host as a secret boss, and yeah, they're just gone forever. Tenna still gets to reunite with Mike, who still has no idea why Host is missing, but he's still so happy to be with Tenna again ;v;
Do the weird route and Tenna is never seeing either of them again, tough luck 😔 Might have a chance to communicate with Host but that's it
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
oughhh Mike IS pleasnt in pink what about Host in baby blue though? /hj
Working on it right now~
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Happy Halloween!!!
Have some candy/ref 🍬
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Happy spooky day :) Thank you for candy~
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
Tell us more about Kileg please?
Gladly! :) Anything in particular you'd like to know?
He's still being fleshed out, yesterday I somewhat decided on a placeholder voiceclaim for him LOL I'm thinking Murray from Stranger Things haha
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
what'd happen if you put Mike in like a box with those foam pieces, pack him up and give him to Host except in a box.
I'd recomend running before Host opens the box because no one in this situation would be happy 😭🤣
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Had the picture of Tenna chucking Mike. Mike is just chuckable.
They would never QwQ Tenna might not always get along with his dad, but they also grew up with Host treating Mike like he's made out of glass lmao
So Tenna would always be just the slightest bit paranoid that he'd end up harming him if he played too rough
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Idk if this is weird but I had a dream about your TV and Microphone baking a pumpkin pie
Host would never dare touch icky nasty food but this is still such a cute scenario ;v;
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
your host and mic fan made intro was so mfing good I love your sprites sm
Thank you!! I really love their sprites a lot and I'm glad people like them too!! 😊 I particularly like Host's sprite a lot
I always made sprites as symetric as possible, but the UTDR style isn't like and I was so worried I'd mess it up ;w; but Host's asymetric smile is one of my favourite things on it ❤️💙💚
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