#Speaking of the quotes—and Toy Bonnie... I should probably make more quotes for him
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
out of all the aus you have, which one's your most favorite ?
(I've been meanin to read more about them but my brain is like those ancient animatronics !! very glitchy and needs some good bonks to get workin again (like those old tvs) !! darn brain)
also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to maybe make some fanart of either your aus or your quotes n stuff !! I've been meanin to make some for your Glam Fred n Glam Bon ones cause they're my favorite goobers (as well as Funtime Freddy n Toy Bonnie)
anywaybs, apollergies for this super long ask, hope you have a great day/night !!
Hmm... well, I do really love all of the AU’s a lot, and choosing just one as a favorite out of everything is a little hard. I’ve thought about it a couple of times.
Maybe it’s the Dr. Scraptrap AU? Or the Reluctant Follower Jeremy & Animatronic Vanny AU? I’m not too certain. But even then, I still really love the Swap AU & the Glam Bon & Fred AU.
I’m bad at deciding-
And I don’t mind at all! You’re perfectly free to make fanart of any of the AU’s, or any of the quotes! That would make my day :) People have already been doing drawings for quotes before.
Though, I don’t think anyone has ever done any AU stuff before—so if you ever did, I’d love that.
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
Behind The Walls Pt. 2
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2 Parts:   I   -  II 
Summary: Abstaining from going being the walls, Max sees Amber for the first time in three days, but things aren’t as he planned.
POV: Max
Characters: Max, Amber Hughes (Italics), and Adam (Indented Italics).
Word Count: 3000ish
Author’s Note: For now on, all of Max’s thoughts will be in bold. Seriously, tormenting Max is kinda fun to write.
Quote: “This is just a compassionate act on her part. It’s as compassionate as a human putting an animal out of its misery. Come on, you should know better.”
“You know how they say the old are wiser than the young? Well, they are right because August is wise enough to know that you’re a poor excuse for a man. To be frank, you should probably listen to him more.”
Frozen by the unwelcoming presence of his thoughts, Max clutched the wine bottle in one hand while the other firmly gripped the doorknob.
“What are you doing getting your hopes up? You know this isn’t a date. This is just a compassionate act on her part. It’s as compassionate as a human putting an animal out of its misery. Come on, you should know better.”
Mindlessly pulsing his hand on the golden knob, Max’s brown eyes lingered on the spacing in front of Amber’s door before dropping back down to the floor - perhaps his thoughts were right.
There was a moment of silence as his hand slipped from the knob and his feet began to lead him towards her door - the act in itself was almost involuntary.
“Come on, you know she doesn’t want you and you know she never will. Staying behind the walls, it’s a safer option.”
Nervously standing before the oak door, silence reigned on his conscience yet again as his eyes scanned over the golden numbers on her door.
To Max, it felt like years since his last actual face-to-face interaction with Amber. Of course, he continued to linger behind the walls, watching her go about her morning and nightly routines.
It was three days ago that the two finally had a ‘chance’ encounter. Amber was coming out of the elevator, hands clutching onto heavy grocery bags. Max, on the other hand, was exiting his room - his intentions were to go and check on August. However, upon seeing Amber weighed down with bags and no way to open her door, Max, being the opposite of a knight in shining armor and more like a peasant in the shadows, came to her rescue, offering to grab the bags and help her inside.
As a result of his kindhearted actions, the two engaged in a conversation that led to Amber inviting Max over for dinner, which, he gladly accepted.
This simple invite triggered Max to abstain from slipping behind the walls for three days. Perhaps, in his twisted mind, this sort of abstinence would make the dinner and the sight of her, in some ways, special.
“I hope you know that she feels pity for you and that’s the extent of any feelings she has.”
Rubbing the nape of his neck with his free hand, Max took a step away from her door. He didn’t particularly enjoy being berated and belittled by his thoughts, but he knew that, to a certain point, they were speaking the truth - at least, in terms of the feelings Amber had.
It took a few seconds for him to build up the courage, but Max finally reached out and knocked on the door three times.
Rocking back and forth on his feet, he tucked a hand into his pocket, his fingers toying with the capped needle that was filled with a cocktail of August’s prescriptions - Demerol, Valmid, and Valium.
“No need for that, she probably isn’t going to answer the door. She knows it’s you and she knows how pathetic of a man you are. Of course, she’s going to sta–.”
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps and the twisting of the lock silenced his thoughts, making them retreat into the darkness of his mind.
After what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, the door opened, forcing Max to pull his sights from his boots and rest them on Amber, a smile tugging at his lips at the sight of her.
Standing before him, Amber wore a navy-colored dress that flowed just above her knees while her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a loose side braid. Max, on the other hand, wore a simple pair of jeans and a light blue button-up with a white v-neck peeking out beneath his shirt.
“Ah, Max, you made it just in time.” Amber’s eyes scanned over the man who silently stood before her. “A handsome looking man who knows how to arrive on time and bears gifts? What more could a girl want?” She joked, opening the door wider.
Max shifted in his feet. “Yeah, the traffic was pretty hectic on my way over here,” he jested, motioning in the direction towards his apartment at the end of the hall. “But I must say, if anyone deserves compliments, it’s you, because you look absolutely stunning, not that you never don’t.” Max fumbled with his words, the latter part of his reply radiated nothing but awkwardness.
For some odd reason, he felt almost uneasy giving her the compliment, which, in his mind was quite amusing since this was the least awkward thing he’s done concerning her.
“Oh, stop it, Max.” Amber playfully scolded, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “But come in, come in. I was just finishing up dinner.” Motioning for him to enter, Amber began to retreat into her apartment.
Idly standing in the hallway, Max took a second to watch her walk away - the piddle-paddling of her bare feet against the smooth wooden floor was a welcoming sound to his ears.
“Pretty little thing, isn’t she? Maybe, just maybe, that needle will come into use and if it does...proceed with caution, you’re a novice at this.”
Pulling his hand out of his pocket, Max quickly shook his head, ridding his mind of the thoughts.
Stepping into the familiar realm of the refurbished apartment, Max slowly closed the door behind him. “Do I need to take my shoes off?” He called out, looking around the barren hall.
Peeking out from behind a wall, a smiling Amber answered. “Only if you want. I personally don’t wear shoes when I’m at home. I don’t see a reason for it.”
Nodding to himself, Max took a mental note. After a second more, he ventured further into the apartment, entering the open living space.
“So, Max, I see that you brought wine. What kind did you bring to the party?” Amber joked from the kitchen.
Completely forgetting about the wine bottle he was firmly gripping in his hand, Max lifted it up, scanning over the almost foreign words.
“I honestly have no clue.” He admitted, walking into the fading sun-filled kitchen. “August is a self-proclaimed wine connoisseur and has a whole array of bottles hidden away and I happened to just take one.”
“Ah, so you stole it from him?” Amber asked, glancing over her shoulder, watching as Max slowly approached the island counter.
Smirking at her comment, he carefully placed the bottle down. “Well, borrowed it is a better term, but when I think about it, yeah, I guess you can say I stole it.”
Leaning against the counter, Max eyed Amber as she finished cooking.
“Tisk, tisk, Max,” she shook a finger at him before taking two of the three wine glasses that were resting beside the stove. “I would say I would have to call the cops on you, but…” Amber took a few steps towards him and placed the glasses down. “I’ll keep it as our little secret this time.”
Wiping the imaginary sweat from his forehead, Max covered his mouth, concealing a smile. “You scared me for a second. ” He dropped his hand back onto the counter. “I thought you were going to rat me out.”
The two shared a laugh before silence and a hint of tension took a hold of the atmosphere.
With silence wrapping around them, Max noticed how she took hold of her phone, checking to see if she had any messages and reading the time. This was normal, but what he felt was strange was how she placed her phone back down, only for her eyes to wander up and read the time on the clock. It was almost as if she was waiting on someone.
Feeling somewhat uneasy, Max finally spoke, breaking the reign of silence. “So, ugh, yeah, would you like a glass now or after we eat dinner?”
Amber’s efforts to prolong the conversation were slowly coming to an end. “Let’s crack open the goods.” She teased, grabbing the glasses and walking around him towards the table. “Corkscrew is over here.” She mentioned, placing the glasses down and taking a seat.
While she walked away, Max took a second to look down at her phone that was now glowing with a notification.
“Good old Adam, do you think he knows? Is he aware that you’re about to have dinner with his girl - how you’re about to drug her.”
His eyes lingered on the phone until it went black, his mind following suit. Clearing his throat, Max turned on his heel and made his way towards Amber, a warm smile resting on his face.
“You know, if you drink this wine, you’re an accessory to a crime.” Reaching out, he grabbed the waiter's key she was holding up. “But it’s okay…” He quickly twisted the instrument into the wooden cork, his eyes switching between the bottle and Amber. “Because your little secret…” Max pulled the cork out effortlessly, gently placing the items onto the table. He poured her glass first. “Is safe with me.”
Offering the glass back to her, Max took a seat opposite from her, pouring his own glass after settling down.
“Well,” Amber began, picking up her glass. “I think we make a pretty good pair. We’re practically the next Bonnie and Clyde.”
Swirling the liquid in his glass, Max brought it to his nose, taking a whiff. He placed his sights back to her, raising his glass. “To partners in crime,” he toasted, the sound of clinking glasses echoing throughout the apartment seconds later.
After several minutes of small talk and countless sips of wine, the two began to open up a bit more to each other - the awkwardness that once grasped the air was practically nonexistent now.
“Well, Max, we should eat before the food gets cold.” 
Nodding, Max followed suit, standing up and following Amber back into the center of the kitchen. “Smells good.” He complimented, stopping a few feet behind her.
“Why thank you.” She smiled, glancing over her shoulder. “I just decided to whi–.”
Interrupted by a knock at the door, the two snapped their heads in the direction of the noise.
“That must be Adam,” Amber said, her tone joyful and happy.
“Adam?” Max questioned, looking back at her.
“Yeah, I told you when I invited you over that he was coming, don’t you remember?”
Furrowing his brow, Max slowly nodded. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, must have slipped my mind.” After a small delay, he scoffed, attempting to hide his distress.
“Man, the one time I tell him to come early, he comes late.” She disappointingly shook her head while wiping her hands with a towel. “I’ll be back in just a second.” She added, lightly patting Max on the back before walking off.
The moment she left him alone, the once happy and calm demeanor Max held was exchanged for shock and anger one. In addition, it was Ike his lungs changed into deflating balloons - all of the air seemingly escaped from them.
Pacing up and down the small kitchen like a feral animal, he ran a hand through his hair, gripping at the ends of it.
“You were too caught up in the invite that you missed out on the most important detail. Tsk, tsk, Max, you have to learn to listen. Of course, Adam is here. After all, why in the world would she have dinner with a man like you when she has a man of her own.”
Throwing his hands down, Max stopped at the counter, his hands gripping the granite. With wandering eyes that quickly latched onto the extra wine glass, a devious smile began to pull at his lips.
“Do it. Pour him a glass and drug it.” His thoughts urged.
With sweaty palms and a racing heart, he gripped the glass, lifting it and examining it in the sunshine. Glancing over his shoulder, he snaked his hand down, digging into his pocket and retrieving the needle.
“Wait, no, don’t. It would look too suspicious - you offering him a glass. Plus, a guy doesn’t offer another guy a glass of wine.”
Gritting his teeth, his eyes continued to linger on the archway, waiting for their arrival. Slowly placing the glass back down, Max stepped away, pulling his hand back out and letting out an unsteady breath.
After moments of complete idleness, the couple returned - Amber guiding the way while a blond-haired, blue-eyed, clean-shaven man followed behind.
“Max, Adam. Adam, Max.”
Stepping forward with a fake, yet grand smile, Max stretched his hand out, firmly shaking Adam’s. “Pleasure to meet you.”
             “Got yourself a firm grip there, Max. What do you do? Construction?” Adam asked, trying to spark up some small talk.
With the two men still shaking hands and locking eyes, Max tilted his head slightly. “Something like that,” he said briefly.
“Okay, that’s enough introductions. Come on, let’s eat before it gets cold, even though, it probably is since someone decided to come late.” Amber playfully ordered, interrupting the tension-filled moment, and eyeing Adam.
With the dinner coming to an end, the three of them sat there in content silence, and with happy, full bellies.
           “Max, I hear from Amber that you take care of your grandfather and this whole place on your own.” Glancing from the man who sat before him, Adam rested his sights on Amber, a hand dropping from the tabletop and disappearing from sight.
Raising his brows, Max wiped his mouth with a napkin, humming a response at first. “Looks like you heard right,” a strained laugh followed his reply.
Sipping the rest of the wine from his glass, Max noticed a slight change in Amber’s demeanor. He watched as she straightened up in her seat and her eyes got wide, only to return back to normal.
Placing his glass back down, he continued. “I hate to say it, but August is a fragile, old man now…,” he glanced down to the tabletop, realizing that one of Adam’s hands was still missing before returning his gaze back up to the man. 
“He, ugh, had a stroke not to long ago and you know, it changes a person after that - in many different ways, they aren’t necessarily the same,” his eyes wandered away, looking over at the window beside them. “We used to be partners in terms of what would happen with the complex, but as of late, it’s all on me.”
With the sun nearly gone, it was easier to see the reflections of people in the window as night began to set in. Squinting his eyes slightly, Max noticed that the source of Amber’s uneasiness was Adam’s hand resting on her upper thigh.
“So, yeah, I take care of the old man and this place - renovating it, like I did to this apartment, advertising it, you know, keeping things in order and making sure everything flows smoothly.” Pulling his sights from the window the moment he saw Adam’s hand snaking down the material of her dress, Max glanced up at Amber then to Adam - both of their expressions were nothing more than a poker face.
“Speaking of August, I think it’s best that I leave and go check on him.” Glancing up at the clock, he read the time. “Plus it’s time for his medicine and I’m sure you two want to spend some time together.”
Slowly pushing his seat out from the table, Max took to his feet. “Well, Ms. Hughes, who I didn’t know was a five-star chef, thank you so much for the dinner, it was great.” His gaze lingered on her longer than it should have before turning to Adam. “As for you, it was nice meeting you and chatting up a storm.” Another false laugh came from Max as he extended his hand out yet again.
The couple took to their feet as well, Adam accepting Max’s hand and shaking it.
“See, I told you that you two would hit it off,” Amber boasted. Placing a hand on Adams back, she spoke yet again. “I’ll show Max the way out and then I’ll be back. While I’m gone, why don’t you start cleaning.” She said, her tone stern.
“Yeah, you two really hit it off. What kind of fucking joke is that?” 
Hours after saying their goodbyes and checking on August, Max was back in the darkness of his room, his eyes latching onto the TV show before him.
“Go see what they are doing.”
Obeying his thoughts and taking to his feet, a curious Max made his way towards the back doors leading to the hidden passageways.
Gripping the flashlight that hung on the wall, Max unlocked the door and entered his hunting grounds.
Walking further and further into the grounds, the faint and repetitive noise of creaking filled his ears.
Reaching the two-way mirror, he peered into the darkness that was on the other side, listening intently to the noises. The creaking continued and was now accompanied by soft moans and throaty groans.
Knowing that they were having sex, Max slowly dropped to his knees, the grip he once had on the flashlight fading, making the item roll from his grasp.
Not wanting to venture any further, he fell back, slowly scooching himself up against the walls.
Sitting there, Max rocked back and forth, biting down on his arm, and listening as the creaks got louder and more rapid before slowly ceasing.
With silence being his only friend in this dark time, hours seemed to pass as he continued to sit against the wall - not even his thoughts dared to make an appearance.
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mbtizone · 7 years
Rebekah Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals): ESFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Emotional expression comes easily to Rebekah. She has no problem telling people exactly what she’s feeling. Most of her choices tend to come from her emotions and she can easily sense them in other people. Sometimes, she gets enjoyment out of toying with other people’s feelings and hurting them emotionally. She is very sensitive and her feelings are intense. Rebekah is loyal to Klaus no matter what, even when his interests conflict with her own, which sometimes causes her to make sacrifices for his sake. She wants to be liked, but she also has no trouble putting people in their place when she feels she’s been wronged. Rebekah can be extraordinarily empathetic and put aside her own feelings for someone else’s sake, such as when she gives Marcel what he needs to save Sofya once she realizes he is acting from a place of love. Even though it hurts her to see him love someone else, she admires his motives and wants to help him. Rebekah is good at mediating in conflicts. When Marcel and Klaus are fighting, she reminds them that they need to work together and tries to get them to bury the hatchet. Rebekah’s morality is external. She has spent a lot of time being selfish and putting herself and her family first, but she admires Matt’s morality and he inspires her to be better, causing her to latch onto him.
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Auxiliary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Traditions are important to Rebekah. She’s the one who suggests reviving their family’s bonfire ritual. She enjoys reminiscing about happy times. Because she’s a vampire, Rebekah never had the opportunity to have a normal life and missed out on having human experiences. She wants to be able to try to live her life as a human. She wants to go to school and have a prom. She wants to be a cheerleader. Rebekah wants to fit in and be liked, but resorts to compelling people to be her friend because that’s the familiar way of doing things for her. She wants to be able to find true love, settle down, and have children and it kills her that she’s unable to, which is why she was so motivated to get the cure. She tends to have trouble letting go of her past romances and forgives her family for all of their crimes because they have centuries worth of history together. She has a strong connection to her past and can vividly recall details from events that occurred decades ago. She has a lot of resentment towards Klaus for everything he’s put her through over the years, but is simultaneously fiercely protective of him and loyal. When she speaks of his crimes against her, no matter how long ago the incident took place, she feels it so strongly that you would think it only just happened. Rebekah takes some time to adjust to the world after spending so many years unconscious. She doesn’t immediately embrace the latest styles and is quite appalled by the current trends in fashion and music.
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Tertiary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Rebekah likes to travel and enjoys adventure. Though she always returns to her family’s side eventually, she wants to get out into the world and experience things. Rebekah is good at sensing people’s true intentions and motivations. She knew that Damon was only trying to distract her at the bonfire. She was able to deduce that Klaus wanted the cure for Elena and brought Stefan over because Klaus knew that Stefan would help him find it, even though Stefan hates Klaus. She’s also skilled when it comes to thinking of inventive ways to accomplish her goals. When Elena runs into the section of the cave that vampires can’t enter, Rebekah shows up with a cannister of gasoline, which she begins to pouring onto her. She tells Elena that she can either come out of the cave or burn to death. When she and her siblings find the caravan filled with clothing, it is Rebekah who suggests stealing them and posing as the victims because they were en route to a nearby castle. Rebekah likes to bring a touch of creativity into her schemes. She compels Elena, Caroline, and Stefan and forces them to sit in a classroom and answer her questions. However, because she is a romantic who yearns for love and acceptance, she can sometimes fail to see the signs that she’s being manipulated. Rebekah can be a bit of an idealist at times and always hopes for a better future for herself and her family.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: When Rebekah feels attacked, or if the people she loves are threatened, Rebekah can be quite brutal. She can be good at assessing situations and using her findings in arguments, or to isolate the best solution to a problem. If Elena doesn’t want to come out of that cave, Rebekah will just threaten to set her on fire if she doesn’t. Sometimes, Rebekah is capable of being detached and cold in order to protect her loved ones, which leads her to make very heartless choices, such as causing Matt and Elena to drive off of the bridge, or contacting Mikael, knowing he would run Klaus out of New Orleans so that she would be free to be with Marcel.
Enneagram: 2w3 (I can’t really narrow down an instinctual variant because they honestly all seem pretty prominent in her)
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Rebekah: Elijah, being a human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters.
Rebekah: Go right ahead. Laugh at the girl who loved too easily. But I would rather have lived my life than yours, Nik. No one will ever sit around a table telling stories about a man who couldn’t love.
Rebekah: [preparing to leave] I’ve lived a lot longer than you have, Marcellus. I have seen kings rise, and fall, but there is one thing I know to be true. It is that no matter how matter how big your empire becomes, it is nothing if you have no one to share it with. You want New Orleans? Have it. I won’t be here to stop you.
Klaus: What is it you want, Rebekah? Rebekah: The same things I’ve wanted since I was a child. I want a home. I want a family. I want someone to love me, and I want to live.
Rebekah: Nik, you do not need me anymore. I know that I’m your favorite sibling and of course I adore you, but there is space in my heart for something more. I want love, I want a family of my own and wouldn’t it be nice if we could part on happy terms for once. No daggers, no exile, just so long for now I’ll see you again soon.
Klaus: I love my family. You, Elijah. I loved all of you. I know I can be difficult, but I did not make myself this way. It was Mikael who ruined me. Rebekah: He ruined me, too. That’s what you forget. Centuries later, each of us is broken. You with your anger and paranoia. Me with my fear of abandonment. And poor Elijah; he dedicates himself to everyone but himself. We are the strongest creatures in the world and yet we are damaged beyond repair. We live without hope but we will never die. We are the definition of “cursed”… Always and forever.
Klaus: …Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness…
[Rebekah is looking through a rack of clothing while Stefan leans against the doorframe.] Rebekah: The colors, the fabrics…The eighties were just…tragic. You know, I think shoulder pads rival 17th-century puritan smocks for crimes against fashion. Stefan: Looking for something to wear to the dance? Rebekah: Aye. Are you asking me to a date? Stefan: Actually, it was canceled. [Stefan walks farther into Rebekah’s room, and she is clearly upset.] Rebekah: So why are you here? Back for more dagger talk? [Stefan laughs.] Stefan: Somebody has some trust issues. Rebekah: It’s called a healthy skepticism. I know you were trying to sneak out this morning. I’m not stupid. Stefan: Sorry, I’m…I’m still trying to get used to this. Rebekah: Do you regret it? Stefan: No. Rebekah: Do you want it to happen again? Stefan: Maybe. Rebekah: Even if I don’t give you the dagger? Stefan: You think that I would sleep with you just to get the dagger? Rebekah: Don’t give me that innocent look. You’ve done plenty to me in the name of getting what you want. Well, I guess I should pack up these racks. Just another failed attempt at getting to a high school dance. Stefan: Why do you care so much about a high school dance? Rebekah: I don’t. I was just bored. Stefan: Right. Well, we can still go, if you want. Rebekah: Not if it’s canceled, we can’t. Stefan: Since when do you care about the rules?
Rebekah: Funny. So is everything about the eighties so…excessive? Stefan: It had its charm. “Say Anything” – Lloyd Dobler standing outside of a bedroom window with a boombox over his head, desperately trying to get back the girl of his dreams; “Princess Bride” – Wesley slays giant rats for love; “The Breakfast Club” – one detention turns a bunch of outcasts into allies. Rebekah: So it was a decade of sentimental drivel, as well? Stefan: Well, I was going to say love, friendship, the possibility of anything happening. You would’ve loved it. Rebekah: [smiling] And why is that? Stefan: Because as much as we both hate to admit it, we care about those things.
Rebekah: Go ahead, take it. You’re right. I do care. I want stupid koala corsages and a prom. I want to have kids with someone who loves me enough to stand outside my window with a stupid boombox. I want to be human. So let Klaus put down my brother. Let’s go find the cure.
Rebekah: Name me a more human experience than senior prom.
Elijah: Rebekah, it’s no secret that you are impulsive, emotional, and at times morally questionable. Prove to me this isn’t just another one of your whims, that you know precisely what you are giving up here.
Matt: You haven’t seen Bonnie, have you? Rebekah: She’s probably in the bathroom. Every other girl is. And if you haven’t noticed, I am sitting here all on my own. So, please, will you put me out of my misery and dance with me? Matt: I don’t think so. Rebekah: Matt, please. This is a girl’s worst nightmare. Please? I thought about what you said, about being good, and you’re right. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth trying. Matt: I don’t understand why my opinion is so important to you. Rebekah: Because you’re everything that I want to be. You’re loyal, honest, kind. People root for you to succeed. Elena even died for you. Matt: I’m a bus boy, Rebekah, okay? It’s not like I’m out saving the world. Rebekah: But you’re human. You’re so beautifully human.
Matt: April, April, come on, please wake up! April, come on! Please wake up! [Rebekah comes in.] Rebekah: Matt, why did you call– Oh, my god. Matt: Can you feed her your blood? Rebekah: Can’t we just call 911 or something? Matt: She’s dying. Please help her! Rebekah: I can’t. If I heal her with my vampire blood, Elijah won’t give me the cure and I won’t get to be human. Matt: How is this even a choice right now? You want to be human? Prove it, be good, do the right thing and save her life.
Rebekah: Right. You’re that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you’re not showing yet. It’s Hayley, isn’t it? Hayley: You have your brother’s manners. Rebekah: And his temper, too, so watch it. Where’s Elijah?
Rebekah: Do you think I want to spend what could be the last few hours of my life having idle chit-chat with a girl who literally stabbed me in the back? Of course not. But for some reason, everybody seems to want to bend over backwards to save your life, which is incredibly annoying, but makes you the perfect hostage. So, why don’t you sit down and shut up before I ruin everything by ripping your head off.
Rebekah: I suspect he just needs to be asked nicely.
Klaus: Dear sweet April Young. Now, there’s a girl with a future. Rebekah: She was dying, and I acted with human decency. You can’t get more human than that. Klaus: Actually, you can. You can stand idly by as poor April takes her final breath. You can ask, “Why does this always happen to innocent people? Where do the spirits go? Was there anything I could have done?” That is what it means to be human, sister. You give humanity too much credit. Rebekah: You’re gonna tell Elijah? Klaus: No. No. You are.
Rebekah: Is that what it is? You are once again worried that you will be left behind? Has history taught you nothing? We don’t abandon you, Nik. You drive us away!
Elijah: I’m not trying to impress the girl. Rebekah: Well I should bloody hope you are. Why else are we out here? Come on, Elijah. You’ve fallen for her. Admit it. It may do wonders for the stick that’s lodged up your enduringly stoic ass if you did.
Rebekah: I was the one who brought him to New Orleans because of your wickedness! I wanted love and happiness, and you denied me the freedom to have either. Yes, I hated and I was afraid of our father, but he was a lesser evil than you. My bastard brother who loomed over me, threatening me as you are now. I wanted rid of you, and given the choice, I’d do it again!
Rebekah: It’s bonfire season! And I am reviving a family tradition! Especially since we’re all going to be together.
Rebekah: Well, we’re just missing a key ingredient! Klaus: No, we’re not. Rebekah: Yes, we are, Nik! Back me up, Elijah! Elijah: I suspect Niklaus would rather choke on the ashes. Hayley: What are you all talking about? Rebekah: Well, before we light it, we write down our wishes for each other to burn for luck! It was Kol’s favorite part when we were kids! Klaus: It’s further evidence as to why we should ignore it! Hayley: Hope’s first bonfire season. I like it! We’re doing it!
Rebekah: Do you still love Stefan? Elena: Yes. Rebekah: Are you still in love with Stefan? Elena: No. Rebekah: [to Stefan] Did that hurt? Having someone you love drive a dagger through your heart. Stefan: Go to hell. Rebekah: Did... that... hurt? Stefan: Yes. Rebekah: Welcome to the last 900 years of my life.
Rebekah: There has to be more to this dress. Klaus: There's not. Rebekah: So, women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers. Klaus: You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing.
Rebekah: Why don't you just give me the cure so I can judge you silently elsewhere. Elijah: And what could you possibly want with the cure? Rebekah: I want to be human again. Elijah: How do you know that being human is the answer you're looking for? I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion. The grass won't necessarily be greener, Rebekah. Rebekah: You might be right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life as a normal person and when it ends, it ends. We've had 20 lifetimes together, Elijah. Isn't that enough? Elijah: I just don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden? "Always and forever." I mean, those words are as important to me today as they, as they ever were. Rebekah: You will always be my brother and I will never stop loving you, but now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose. Not the way you and Nik want me to. Please. Please just give me the cure.
Rebekah Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals): ESFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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