#Special thanks to @Failureoftheyear for editing
fiction-queen-blog · 7 years
Perfect Sin #Chapter 1
Read Prologue
Chapter 1
“Hokage-sama” Naruto immediately lifted his head up from his desk and put his arm over the paper that had now his drool on it.
“Yes! Yes! I am done! Signed all of it, dattebayo!” Naruto immediately said, but seeing Shikamaru shake his head in disapproval made him look under his arm on the wet ink that now had dirtied the white sleeve of his Hokage cloak.  
“I am...almost done” The blond lowered his head slightly; how embarrassing.
“You never change” Shikamaru sighed as he walked in, holding 12 files, throwing them on Naruto’s desk. “Your new ANBUs’”
“Twelve? Only twelve made it?” Naruto asked, grabbing the first file from the pile. “I remembered when being jonin was enough to become ANBU”
“Well, it was your dear advisers who had put together this examination” Shikamaru said.
“My advisers being the current ANBU captains, maybe it is for the best” Naruto put the file down, “I can promise you I will go through all of them, but then I would be lying to be both of us”
“You don’t have to” Shikamaru opened the door of the office, holding it by placing his foot in front of it, “They are waiting for you on training field 3”
“Field 3? That is where I had my first training, how sentimental~”
“You are already 20 minutes late” Shikamaru interrupted him, causing Naruto to stand up immediately.
“You just gave me the news! Dattebayo!” He shouted almost angrily if he wasn’t panicking so much, “I am already making a bad impression!”
“Sooner or later they would have figured it out themselves” Shikamaru indicated on Naruto’s sleeve. The blond looked at it and saw vaguely the words “New, twelve and ANBU” written on it.
“God, I hate you sometimes!” Naruto ran out the door, but suddenly turned around, placing his hands on Shikamaru’s shoulder, “I didn’t mean that, you mean a lot to me actually-”
“Hokage-sama, you are 25 minutes late” Shikamaru interrupted him again.
“Damn it, I hate you!” Naruto shouted as he ran off. He arrived at the training field not even a few minutes later. He was met with 12 ANBU ninjas. A few were playing cards, others were chatting. Some were sunbathing and others were just sitting on a boulder. In short, not the impression the ANBU should give, and to make it worst, none seemed to have noticed him.
“Uhm...hello?” Naruto waved his hand slightly, but still didn’t get a reaction. How did these people pass? “Everybody!”
And out of nowhere they all suddenly looked up and immediately got up, standing in a line.  Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Took you long enough, don’t worry, I told them you were in some important meeting” Kakashi whispered in Naruto’s ear.
“What am I supposed to do? Congratulate them?” Naruto whispered back, “They look like a bunch of kids to me...I mean, just look at them, I bet they all have baby faces”
“Hokage-sama is basically saying we are a bunch of babies”
Naruto immediately turned his head around, feeling slightly startled that somebody had overheard him. No...there was no way they could hear him.
“No...no...who said that?!” Naruto put his hands in front of him, indicating his innocence, yet there was a sweat drop rolling from his head.
“And now he’s lying”
He looked at the middle of the line, narrowing his eyes.
“Hokage-sama, think about the children” The person next to the first big-mouth said and suddenly some burst out laughing while others chuckled.
“I never said they were mature” Kakashi said as Naruto shared a look with him.
“I don’t trust this selection one bit” Naruto pointed at the masked man that was the first to speak up, “I especially don’t trust you”
The guy stood still before lowering Naruto’s hand gently.
“Now this is awkward” He said in a nonchalant tone.
“Kakashi, where did you even find these? Dattebayo” Naruto turned around, walking away from them.
“They passed your test” Kakashi said, looking away.
“The test required set of skills...not them sucking your dick into this position” Naruto hissed the last part.
“I am deeply hurt, Naruto, and we used to be in the same genin team” Kakashi acted hurt, “But honestly, only one sucked my dick”
“Funny” Naruto sighed, turning his head around to the bunch of adolescents.
“There is no avoiding it...I’ll have them fight myself” Naruto cracked his fingers.
“Dude, aren’t we supposed to protect the Hokage?”
“Nah, I read in the guidelines that we have to protect the village-”
“Can you shut up?!” Naruto snapped at the big-mouthed guy from before, “I am the village! You know what? I already think you are a big pain in my ass” The guy remained quiet for a moment.
“You don’t see this, but I am wiggling my eyebrows”
“THAT IS IT!” Naruto threw his hands in the air, “Bring it on y’all! I am going to…as the youth calls it these days...nail you to the ground!”
“...we don’t really say that...”
“Naruto” Kakashi grabbed the blond by his arm and pulled him slightly towards him, “The Hokage really shouldn’t-”
“Bla bla bla...I am the Hokage and it is time I remind people why I am, dattebayo” Naruto jerked his arm back, “Bring it on”
“All of us?” A woman in the beginning of the line asked.
“Yeah, give it your best shot!”
“I feel like we have to talk strategy first” The guy that caused everybody to burst out laughing in the beginning looked at the nonchalant dude next to him.
“We see where you score highest” The guy noted. Naruto shook his head, this generation that didn’t have to fight the in the fourth ninja war was the worst…worst than his own kids.  Naruto put his fingers together, creating a whole army of clones.
“Too much talking, dattebayo” He said, standing still as his clones started attacking the new ANBU shinobis. He observed them closely, seeing some of them work together, others preferably went at it alone, some taking a sort of leading role.
Naruto’s eyes widened slightly as he managed to dodge a kunai aimed for his back, he had to act fast to dodge the kunai repeatingly aiming for vitals. He ducked, seeing a glimpse of red coming from the eye holes of the mask. He made black flip and looked at the Anbu, grabbing his katana and sliding it through his clones effortlessly.
“Maybe you aren’t all talk after all” Naruto noted. The ANBU didn’t say anything as he suddenly pulled on some see through threat. Naruto could see some of the sharp threat move. He wasn’t aiming for his vitals, he was setting a trap. Naruto quickly grabbed a marked kunai and threw it at a random direction, teleporting to that spot.
“Close call…” Naruto muttered. He reminded himself not to underestimate these youngsters...well, this particular one. He moved his head to see what his clones were up too. The others...seemed decent.
Naruto felt some heat approaching his face and he dropped on the grass, seeing fire an inch away from him. That was a powerful fireball jutsu! The last time he had seen someone throw a fireball like that was...Uchiha Itachi. Naruto jumped up and cocked his head.
“Now it all makes sense, dattebayo” Naruto said, “Better not be too easy on you then” The Hokage pulled his hand out, creating his famous rasengan, seeing the ANBU create a chidori. Naruto glared quickly at Kakashi.
“He stole it! I didn’t teach him anything!” Kakashi lifted his shoulder and Naruto shook his head. That fight went on for a while, while the other ANBU shinobis were trying to make their way through the clones. Naruto was particularly focused on the raven. He cornered him, seeing the ANBU look for an escape, but not finding one.
“Regrets?” Naruto asked, a rasengan rolling on his palm. The ANBU brought the kunai to his hand, using a summoning jutsu to summon a giant snake. Naruto looked at it.
“Ooohh...oh! You were that kid! Dattebayo” Naruto said, recalling the chuunin exams a long time ago. A sannin named Orochimaru had manipulated an Uchiha into summoning a powerful snake, during the final battle and he ended up using it to destroy the village and kill the third hokage. He remembered the kid saying, “Hey! That is my snake!”
“You are the Hey-that-is-my-snake-guy!” Naruto said, pointing excitedly, “Do you remember me? I was that shinobi that -” The snake tried crushing him, using his tail.
“Hey, I was talking!” Naruto shouted.
“Stop undermining me with your old memories of me, pineapple head!”
“Pineapple...head?” Naruto looked hurt, “Wow, Hey-that-is-my-snake-guy, that was rude”
“I guess you gotta fight me for that” Naruto chuckled, scratching the back of his head, “That is one of those menmens right?”
“That’s what I said menmens!” Naruto folded his arms.
“No, no that sounds nothing like meme!” The raven shouted, clenching both fists out of annoyance.
“Aaah, look at you being all frustrated!” Naruto pointed out.
“FIGHT ME, PINEAPPLE HEAD!” He shouted out of the top of his lungs. Naruto had this kind smile on his face and suddenly it turned into a devilish smirk. The ANBU suddenly felt a dangerous presence behind him and he quickly turned around, kicking the Hokage, but it was easily blocked. “Damn...” The ANBU looked from his leg to Naruto.
“Let’s see how well you performed on taijutsu, dattebayo” Naruto went for a straight punch, but as expected the ANBU dodged it and slid through his leg. The ANBU tried kicking Naruto in the back of the knee, but Naruto jumped up.
“Fast, but not so strong” Naruto noted.
“Ninjutsu is more my thing” The ANBU put two fingers in front of his face and he seemed to have activated something. Naruto looked at his legs, seeing a sealing sign under him. Snakes appeared wrapping around his legs and pulling him inside the bigger one he was standing on.
“This feels weird!” Naruto panicked, “Kuramaaaa~ “
A yellowish glow appeared around Naruto, tails of chakra appearing in the back, pulling him out. One tail reached for the ANBU, who just managed to dodge it. However, the tail had smacked the mask from his head.
“Ooh, look at you! You’ve turned into a handsome young man, dattebayo” Naruto commented.
“Your previous haircut was a lot better~” The ANBU said.
“You think so? My wife talked me into having this haircut” Naruto ran his hands through his short hair, “It is soft”  
“Can I feel?” The ANBU’s hand reached for Naruto’s head and sudden lightning appeared around it. Naruto dodged his hand fast before the chakra tail pushed the ANBU off his own snake before he got rid of the giant snake.
Naruto landed on the floor, looking at the Uchiha on the ground, lifting his torso up with his arms. His hair was a mess and he tried to get up, but it seemed the fall hurt his leg.
“Ooh, you were nothing but talk after all” Naruto commented, but saw the Uchiha grin. Why was he grinning? Naruto frowned before looking around him. He had forgotten all about the others that had now surrounded him.
“You never meant to take me one-on-one” Naruto shook his head, how stupid that he hadn't noticed. “You were making me lose focus on the others...less focus on my clones...and more on you”
“I was the divergence all along” The Uchiha gasped dramatically, “I tricked you, Hokage-sama”
Naruto smiled and looked at the remaining 11 ANBU, all ready to attack. The yellow glow disappeared.
“Well, you all did prove yourselves to me, I guess it doesn’t make you all that bad” Naruto said, applauding. “Y’all make fine ANBU shinobis, dattebayo, you are all dismissed for today”
“You alright?”  
Naruto recognised the man from the picture in the first file. He believed his name was Suigetsu, he had taken his mask off and kneeled next to the raven.
“I am fine”
“Damn, you had to see yourself there, you went toe-to-toe with the Hokage, drinks are on me” The white haired ANBU hissed.
“And I fell off my own snake” The Uchiha muttered.
“Are you hurt?” Naruto asked, walking towards the young man.
“I...I might have hurt my ankle in the fall”
“Why don’t I take a look for you?” Naruto suggested, kneeling down. “What’s your name, darling?”
“It is not Darling” The Uchiha said, causing Naruto to look up with a confused expression on his face. “My name is Sasuke”
“Alright, Sasukeh-”
“No, Sasuke”
“That is what I said, Sasukeh”
“No, no, that is not how you say, it is Sasuke...not Sasukeh” The Uchiha said.
“...I am saying that”  
“This is the same shit with meme!” The Uchiha said frustrated.
“Menmen! What is wrong with how I say it?!”
“Stab me, Suigetsu, stab me!” The Uchiha shouted.
“Fine, your code name is Bastard now! I will remember that because whenever I see your face I get reminded of it, dattebayo!”
“So in that case I would have to call you ‘dumbass’, ‘idiot’, ‘brainless’, ‘stupid’-”
“Sasuke, you are talking to Hokage-sama” Suigetsu seemed to get anxious on behalf of his friend.
“...pineapple…” Sasuke whispered the last one. Naruto couldn’t help but to chuckle. This guy was something alright.
14 notes · View notes
Read chapter 1: https://theamazinguchihabruhs.tumblr.com/post/162777438801/alternative-chapter-1
Chapter 2
A loud trumpet was heard and Naruto could only assume whoever was playing it didn’t know jack shit about music. He turned his back at the door and placed the pillow over his head.
“RISE AND SHINE, LADIES!” Fugaku shouted loudly. His voice was even worse in the morning. Naruto heard some small noises around him, but he decided to keep lying.
“All pussies” Fugaku said, causing Naruto to groan annoyed.
“That includes you” Utakata voice came closer.
=Special thanks to @failureoftheyear for editing=
“Sorry, sir, couldn’t hear you over my giant dick” Naruto commented moody. Some of the bunkmates chuckled.
“Now, blondie” Utakata said. “I don’t like repeating myself”
“Makes the both of us, dattebayo” Naruto turned his head to look at the trainer. “Just a tip, they give lessons to play the trumpet, I know it requires to blow it, and believe it or not, it is different from blowjobs”
“Listen, you are already in a bad position, don’t make it worse on yourself”
“To be fair, it was the old man who started with the gender stereotype bullshit, who is making whom their enemy?” Naruto hissed feeling somebody pull him from his hair and dragging him off the bed onto wooden floor. “That is abuse, dattebayo!” Naruto looked up, his angry eyes meeting that of Fugaku. He always hated the man.
“Tough world” Fugaku said.
“Y’know, old man, it suddenly makes sense to me” Naruto got up from the ground and looked Fugaku dead in the eye, “Why your son dressed like somebody with daddy issues” The blond had a cocky look on his face. Utakata wanted to punch the blond, but Fugaku extended his arm.
“Uzumaki, you watch your tongue”  Fugaku narrowed his eyes and somehow he found another resemblance between Sasuke and his father.
“This is freedom of speech, you can’t arrest me for that” Naruto smirked. He walked out of the bunk, like the others. The sun was up, but it was still very early. The air was cold and the grass was wet under his feet. Naruto yawned and stretched his arms over his head. He looked over at the other bunks, everybody was heading to the bathroom to freshen up and he decided to follow their example.
“It is not even 5 A.M” One guy was looking at his watch, “I mostly go to bed around this time!”
“Same” Naruto commented, walking next to him from the bunks where they got changed into their uniforms to the dining hall. The guy kept on complaining, but Naruto didn’t listen, nor did he care. His eyes caught the raven sitting on a picnic table. One leg on each side of the bench board as he appeared to be telling a story to Utakata. So it seemed the trainer could smile after all. Naruto sat down on an empty seat, grabbing a slice of toast. It was obvious to him that the trainer had some sort of crush on the raven. The way he smiled and overall looked at him. If his had doubts before, they were all gone the moment he saw Utakata’s hand on Sasuke’s right knee, moving slowly up to his thigh, stroking it before giving it a light squeeze. The older man leaned in and for a moment Naruto thought he was going to kiss Sasuke, but he whispered something before backing off. The raven looked surprised.
“We’ll see about that” He said outloud, grabbing a banana from his plate.
“What are you looking at?”
“The hottie that tormented you yesterday?”
Naruto didn’t pay attention to the others on the table, they all soon turned their heads towards Sasuke who was listening to something his dad said. He then suddenly turned his head around, his eyes meeting Naruto’s right away. Naruto bit the inside of his cheek, seeing Sasuke’s lips around the banana. However, the only reason the raven would have ever been looking at him would be if Fugaku mentioned his comment earlier in the morning.  
“Wish those pretty lips would be put to good use-”
“You mean swearing and screaming at us?” The girl commented.
“I meant sucking my dick, of course!” The guy raised his voice and an awkward silence filled the dining room. Sasuke bit off the banana in a rather dramatic way.
“Burn!” Some of the trainees shouted.
“I’ll have you know!” The guy stood up to get everyone quiet, “I am actually into that, what ya say, raven?” The guy spreaded his arms in a welcoming way, closing his eyes like he had already won something, but not even a second after his so called speech, a banana peel was thrown towards his head with such a force, he fell backward on the ground.
“Not even in your wildest fantasies”  Sasuke commented, turning his back at the trainees. The guy got up from the ground, rubbing his head before sitting back down.
“So you guys know, I dreamt about him last night…so…yeah…”
“Dude, there is a red print on your face of the banana peel” The girl commented, smacking him on the cheek. “Besides, Utakata is who you wanna fuck, the raven is more…just for threesomes”
“You guys know his name?” Naruto asked them, but they all shook their heads, “Sasuke” he answered, causing the raven to immediately turn his head and look at the blond talking to the others.
“How do you know?” The girl asked.
“Utakata said it outloud, you dumbasses ought to pay attention so now and then” Naruto answered nonchalantly.
“What kind of name is that anyway? I mean, does it sound sexy when I moan it?” The guy made a few poor attempts.
“You fucking or killing a bird?” The girl commented, rolling her eyes.
“I think it is from the…the children books, Samurai Sarutobi Sasuke? You know the adventures of the samurai?” Naruto felt like talking to a wall. It seemed neither of them had ever heard of it…or…have they never heard of books. “It is a fucking book”  Naruto said in short, he took a bite from his toast before turning his eyes and catching Sasuke look at him.
“From the fucking books, right?” Naruto asked out loud, still chewing on the toast. Sasuke didn’t answer, he scoffed slightly before turning his head away.
“You know that samurai was gay as fuck, dattebayo” Naruto muttered.
Naruto hissed annoyed, hearing his trainer count their push-up out loud. His arms already started feeling weak and wobbly.
“Twenty-eight-” One of the trainees in his team fell through their arms on to the ground, panting heavily.
“And we are back at zero-” Utakata folded his arms, looking at the fallen trainee. Naruto shook his head, having to do it all again.
Naruto looked at the grass in front of him, seeing a familiar pair boots in front of him. He looked up, seeing Uchiha Sasuke standing in front of him. His arms were folded over his chest and he looked down at Naruto.
“Hey, sexy” Naruto said, still following Utakata’s count. The blond tried to keep his arms stable, he didn’t want to appear weak in front of the raven.
“Get up” The Uchiha demanded. That demand couldn’t come any better moment. Naruto quickly got up, it felt good to allow his arms to rest for a moment.
“What is it, dattebayo?” Naruto asked, stretching his triceps.
“I heard you had a problem with the way I dress, is there something you wish to discuss with me?“  Sasuke was frowning slightly, maybe he was a little pissed, but it was most likely the sun shining directly in his eyes.
“Me? I don’t have issues, but it seems your clothes are implying you do have issues” Naruto leaned slightly in with his head and whispered in Sasuke’s ear, “Daddy issues”
The Uchiha scoffed, taking a step back from the blond while he shook his head.
“You have big mouth” Sasuke stated.
“I have more things that are considered big” His blue eyes indicated to his crotch, “You want to have a taste of that too?”  
“Watch it, I am your superior”  The Uchiha warned.
“Bitch, we will see” Naruto said.
“Enough!” Sasuke grabbed Naruto by his arm. He moved fast, turning himself around and pulled the arm, throwing Naruto’s body over his shoulder, painfully on the ground. But before the Uchiha could take a step back, Naruto pulled him from the same arm.
The movement was sudden and unexpected. Sasuke fell forwards on Naruto, his head near Naruto’s crotch. The Uchiha hissed, leaning his weight on his left arm, allowing the right to push his bangs away from his eyes. He turned his head to look at the blond who was smirking like a fucking idiot. Sasuke’s eyes widened slightly and his cheeks turned red when he realized the position he was. He quickly got up and angrily he kicked Naruto right in the stomach.
“You have made the list, bitch!” Sasuke shouted.
“Worth the ass view” Naruto rolled to his side, his arms were wrapped around his stomach and yet the cocky look remained. Sasuke’s expression darkened and he wanted to beat the blond up if it wasn’t for Utakata wrapping his arms around Sasuke’s middle and pulling him away.
“Let me go! I wanna beat his ass!” The raven shouted.
“That is exactly what he wants too, he is trying to get under your skin-”
“I am more trying to get in his booty shorts” Naruto winked at Sasuke.
“Just…go to your dad” Utakata turned the Uchiha around and placed his hands on his shoulders. He leaned in, whispering something in Sasuke’s ear.  A smile appeared on Sasuke’s face and he nodded.
“You know just what to say” The raven said before walking off. Utakata gave a confirming nod, looking at Sasuke walk away until he was out of sight
“So he is daddy’s little princess after all?” Naruto commented, getting up from the grass.
“Uzumaki, 70 push-ups, now”
“It was fifty before, dattebayo!” Naruto seemed angry.
“And now, specially for you, 70, y’all do seventy and thank your friend blondie over here for it”  Utakata said, narrowing his eyes when he looked at Naruto.
The training day was harsh. They had to jog for hours, they had to climb trees and do sit ups, pull ups. At the end, even though Naruto didn’t want to admit it, he was beat. It was good thing his stamina kept him going way longer than most trainees. They walked back to the base from the forest. Naruto walked right behind Utakata while the others from his groups were meters behind them.
“Eh” Naruto heard Sasuke’s voice from behind the trees. He saw how he threw a bottle of water at Utakata. “Dehydration is not a myth, don’t take your group too far in the forest”
“Is that coming from you or from Fugaku?” Utakata asked after taking a big sip of water.
“Daddy says he doesn’t want to waste medical supplies, and he is right” Sasuke said, holding a box against his hip.
“He send you with water?” Utakata leaned his elbow on Sasuke’s shoulder.
“I actually thought of it” Sasuke said, “It got him to stop complaining” The Uchiha looked at the others of the team arriving. They seemed beat.
“Hnnn…you could have been more lenient with them, they just got started” Sasuke shook his head. “Catch y’all!” The raven grabbed some bottles and threw them at each trainee. Some caught it, most dropped it.
“Of course, there is blondie” Sasuke said holding a bottle of water in his hand, flipping it up and catching it again, “Have you given it your all?”  He walked towards Naruto.
“I tried” Naruto said.  
“I guess you do deserve to cool off” Sasuke said squeezing the bottle in his hand. The water hit Naruto’s face. He looked at Uchiha chuckling by the sight of the Naruto’s wet face, dripping over his shirt.
“Thanks, I feel a lot cooler now” Naruto ran his hand through his wet hair that was dripping on his already sweaty shirt. The blond took it off, using the dry part to wipe the water off his face before putting the shirt over his shoulder. He could see Sasuke’s eyes scan his torso thoroughly.  
“Hey, eyes up here” Naruto joked, pointing at his eyes with his fingers. Sasuke looked up and there was slight annoyance visible in his eyes. “I’ll take the rest then” He grabbed the bottle from Sasuke, making sure their fingers touched. He leaned in so his lips were near Sasuke’s ear. “There is more where that came from, if you ever want to bone”  Naruto whispered, causing the Uchiha to hissed.
“Not even in your wildest dreams, usuratonkachi!” Sasuke shouted, pushing Naruto away. The blond laughed.
“If you ever change your mind, princess, you know where my bunk is”
“Don’t call me that!” Sasuke dropped the box with the remaining bottles of water in it, “ I will break your bones! All 206 of them!”
“207” Naruto groped his crotch, “If you catch my drift, pretty boy” He winked. A nerve popped on Sasuke’s head as he took a deep breath, cracking his fingers.
“Ah, Sasuke, look if Kiro needs some more water, alright?” He pushed the box back in Sasuke’s arms. “Go on, I will see you during dinner” Utakata said, grabbing Sasuke by his shoulders and pushing him towards the right direction.
“Tch-” Sasuke scoffed, walking off.
“You, don’t challenge him, he can and will break your bones I did you a favor-”
“Did you? Dattebayo” Naruto seemed uninterested.
“Put your shirt back on” Utakata demanded. His voice was neutral, but he had a certain annoyed look in his eyes.
Dinner couldn’t come fast enough. After all this rough training, it was only logical that the body was eager for some protein.
“Why don’t they just shit on my plate, save the effort” One of the trainees was complaining loudly.
“It could have been worse” Naruto muttered, looking at the beans. Maybe if he poked it long enough it would finally move off his plate. He smiled by the idea, “We can keep complaining, but we should focus on the positive effects, after this, we are all ripped as eff”
“That makes no sense, why doesn’t the government send us to fat camp, where we eat all day, half of these fuckers would not be able to run and so commit less crime”  
Naruto looked at the girl adjacent from his, this chick was making some sense.
“Entire justice system is fucked up, dattebayo” Naruto took a bite of the bread. At least that was edible. “We are taking orders from some brat that is supposed to be in middle school or some shit, isn’t skipping school a crime?”
“Middle school? Guy might be in college” The girl looked over her shoulder at Sasuke, “Nah, it doesn’t make sense, he is not a day older than we are”
“Maybe he is just some highschool kid?” The guy asked.
“Military school” The girl gasped, “That explains the hot ass”
“Nah…Vin Diesel in that one movie where he is baby sitter or some shit, he went to military school and he is like very different” The girl said, “That bitch probably skips P.E “ Naruto looked at Sasuke who was poking his fork in the food before looking up and meeting Naruto’s eyes.
“I’m gonna call it an early night” The Uchiha stood up.
“Sasuke” Fugaku turned his head to his son.
“Don’t forget to do your homework”
“I won’t” Sasuke’s expression turned annoyed. Apparently the Uchiha didn’t like to get bossed around, “Goodnight, daddy”
“Homework y’all, he is in high school” The girl said.
“Bitch, they have homework in elementary school too and in middle school” The guy said annoyed.
“Y’know, I am going to go out for a walk”
“Wasn’t a day filled with exercise enough?” The guy shook his head.
“They say some night activity is healthy, dattebayo” Naruto winked before leaving.
About twenty minutes passed and the sky was pretty dark by now. He was lucky the moon provided for some light because even with the light Naruto was pretty sure he had lost his way in the forest. Perhaps it was actually a good thing, it will be a good excuse to skip training, but he doubt it was that easy.  Naruto looked up when he heard some noises. It sounded like somebody jumped in water. He walked towards the sound, hiding behind a tree before looking what was behind it.
“Jackpot, dattebayo” Naruto smirked seeing a bunch of clothes laid down on a rock and seeing the duck-butt hairstyle in the water. He tried to get closer to have a better look, but he stepped on a branch and it snapped, causing the Uchiha to turn his head around.
“Bubbles?” He called out, swimming towards the side, “Bubbles, what is taking you so long?”  He leaned had his arms on the grass and leaned his head on them. “Come on, this isn’t Friday the 13th”   
At this point Naruto wasn’t sure to reveal himself. Maybe if he just remained quiet the Uchiha might think it was a fox or something.
“Or…is it?” Sasuke frowned, “Show yourself! I know somebody is there!”
Naruto sighed before appearing from behind the tree, holding his hands up like he was arrested.
“Fucking kidding me!” Sasuke moved away from the coast, “What happened to curfew?!”
“We had curfew?” Naruto asked as he walked to the coast and looked at Sasuke in the water. “Aw, princess, you look beautiful, say, do you like playing the little mermaid out here?”
“Fuck you!” Sasuke hissed, “You are out of bounds! You are in a lot of trouble!”
“Am I? Well, I guess you gotta get out of the water in order to punish me for it” Naruto smirked, “But you can’t, can you? Ah, that right, all your clothes are there” He walked towards the rock, holding the green crop top up, “And for you to punish me, it means you gotta get your fine ass out of the water and walk up here…and I gotta say, for that view, I won’t mind the punishment”
“Fucking asshole, get your ass to camp, now!” Sasuke hissed while Naruto examined the green top. He let it slide over his finger onto the ground.
“What did you say? I can’t hear you from there” Naruto’s cocky smile didn’t seem to disappeared. He held up Sasuke’s boxer briefs before looking at the Uchiha. “Adorable” He said.
“Uzumaki, I demand you to stop!”
“I bet these thirsty bitches would actually pay good money for these” Naruto ignored Sasuke’s words completely. He dropped it on the ground before looking at the other clothing item. “Holy fuck” Naruto reached for the gun holster before, grabbing the gun out of it. “You just carry these around for fun?”
“Put it down!” Sasuke shouted. Naruto looked down at the water, “Why don’t you get out of the lake and make me?”
“You are in serious trouble, usuratonkachi!”
“It gets troublesome for yourself” Naruto examined the gun, “Did daddy teach you how to shoot a gun?” Naruto scoffed, “That is cool, my dad doesn’t teach me shit like that”  He closed his left eye and aimed for a tree “I see them hold it this way in the movies, ya know? And then they push this back and-” a click sound was heard and Naruto looked surprised.
“That is dangerous” A wet hand was placed over his hand and Naruto scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “You smart son of a bitch”
“You were too occupied with my gun” Sasuke was standing behind Naruto, putting the safety back on before taking it away from Naruto.
“I wasn’t gonna shoot you or anything” Naruto said.
“Hn, not many shoot…They threaten” Sasuke said and Naruto tried to look back, maybe get some sort of glimpse. He turned his head away feeling the gun to his back.
“That is a crime, dattebayo” Naruto commented.
“It will be your word against mine” Sasuke whispered.
“Awkwardly, turned on right now” Naruto muttered, “Your daddy taught you how to intimidate too? Typical cop”
“Hey! What did your daddy teach you, how to smuggle drugs through your asshole?”
“Actually, my dad taught me about agoraphobia and dissociative amnesia”
“Is he locked up in some mental institution?” Sasuke asked, he lowered the gun.
“Actually, he is a therapist” Naruto took the chance to turn around, but was disappointed seeing Sasuke back in his shorts. He pulled the crop top back over his head before running his hand down his wet hair.
“You expect me to believe that?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow, “He must be one crappy therapist if he can’t keep his son away from jail”
“That really has nothing to do with my dad or his job, dattebayo”
“Right, let’s play the game I call, lemme guess your tragic backstory” Sasuke sat down and tied the holster around his leg, putting the gun back in it before grabbing his boots to put them on. “Your mom was never in the picture, your dad never had time for you because work came always first, You feel neglected by him and that is why you became the punk you are today”
“So wrong” Naruto grabbed a small rock from the ground and threw it in the lake, “My dad is a therapist, he has an home office so he around a lot actually, My mom is a part time teacher for kids with disabilities, I am an only child and got basically all my parents attention growing up” Naruto lowered his gaze to the ground, “we are that kind of family that eats pancakes on sundays, you feel me?”
“That is not very tragic, what caused you to fuck up this bad?” Sasuke asked, his eyes on Naruto.
“It doesn’t matter now” Naruto threw another rock in the water. “My turn, you are daddy’s little princess…I assume that makes you his youngest child…maybe his only, you hang out with dudes that are twice your age…so I guess you aren’t well liked by people your own age”
“I am one out of six” Sasuke sighed, leaning on his elbows as he stared at the lake.
“One of six what?” Naruto sat down next to him.
“I am one out of six kids” Sasuke smiled, “I have five older brothers”
“That is…a lot” Naruto said.
“Yeah, they are all out of the house now, I am the only bird left in the nest, most of them work in Konoha, one of them is in univeristy”
“Where are you from then?” Naruto asked.
“I live at the Valley of the End, two hours from Konoha” Sasuke said.
“No way, there is a classmate of mine that used to live there…Suigetsu-”
“No way” Sasuke looked at Naruto, “He was my best friend”
“That dude? Really?” Naruto looked surprised.
“Yeah, I lived near the park, it was literally across my house, we played there a lot”  Sasuke tied his shoes before getting up. “Get your ass up, I am bring you to your bunk, and yes there is a curfew, nobody out of their bunks after 10”
Sasuke walked ahead.
“Daddy will see to your punishment”
“Yeah, maybe if I tell him how you were naked in a lake waiting for Utakata to come, sure that won’t arouse some questions”
Sasuke turned his head around and looked at Naruto.
“So, you were sleepwalking and I found you and brought you back to the bunk, right?” Sasuke said.
“Ooh shit, daddy doesn’t know you bone him?” Naruto voice was pretty loud.
“Wha-AT!” Sasuke suddenly fell through one knee, cursing loudly.
“Shit, are you alright?” Naruto asked, seeing Sasuke pull his right foot out of what seemed to be a hole.
“Fucking rabbit hole!” He hissed wrapping both hand around his ankle.
“Did you break it?” Naruto asked.
“No…no…it’s barely even twisted!” Sasuke immediately tried to get up again, but hissed the moment he put weight on the injured leg.
“Surely it isn’t twisted…” Naruto sounded sarcastic.
“It is fine! I will just ice it when I get to my bunk-”
“Sasuke, it is a twenty minutes walk to even get here, I don’t want to crush your dreams, but by the time you reached your bunk the ice has not only been melted, the word probably came to an end”
“Just…be my human walking stick ” Sasuke put his arm over Naruto’s  shoulder.
“Oe la la, look at how close we are” Naruto had his dumbass smile on his face.
“I will punch that expression off your face” Sasuke hissed, “And keep your arm around my waist, not my hip”
“But baaabbeee~”
“I swear to god, Naruto, I will shoot you”
“Babe, are you on your period? Why are you tripping on me?” Naruto felt Sasuke’s hand pull his ear. “Alright, alright!”
“You truly are enjoying this?” Sasuke sighed.
“Yeah, what can I say? I am getting ripped and there is a hot piece of ass clenching to me, I guess the justice system works”
“Fuck you~” Sasuke chuckled.
“Aw, look at that, my charms are working, maybe when we reach your bunk I could get a glass of  water” Naruto winked.
“You go thirsty tonight” Sasuke said.
“Tonight? So I have a shot tomorrow?” Naruto asked. Sasuke stopped walking.
“It is a very slim chance” Sasuke admitted.
“Hey, I take what I can get, dattebayo” Naruto looked ahead of him. “Your ankle must really hurt, you are sure it isn’t broken?”
“Positive…I just need to ice it and keep it elevated and shit”  Sasuke sighed. “Why did I go to the lake?”
“You probably wanted to get laid, but the booty call didn’t arrive” Naruto said, “But I am here”
“In your dreams” Sasuke said.
“Fine…” Naruto scratched the back of his head, “How much do you weight?”
“Worse case scenario, I drop you” Naruto commented.
“I don’t know…” Sasuke grabbed Naruto’s biceps, “You don’t look that strong”
“Watch me, bastard!” Naruto titled Sasuke up princess style, causing the Uchiha to look rather impressed.
“Damn, Uzumaki, didn’t know you had it in you” Sasuke commented, his hands on Naruto’s shoulders.  “But can you hold it for the entire walk back?”
“Watch me, dattebayo!” Naruto said, but he felt his already sore arms getting heavier, but it was too late to back off now. Now he had to live up to his big words. Well, the time better pass fast because right now he could only focus on the pain in his arms. “So, uhm…five brothers, that is a lot”
“It is alright, I can’t imagine it otherwise” Sasuke said, staring at Naruto’s face. The blond had a sharp jawline and some thin lines on his cheek. Unconsciously, Sasuke’s hand cupped the blond’s cheek, causing Naruto to look at him.
“So here is where I kiss you, right?” The blond teased.
“Not even close!” Sasuke said, pinching Naruto’s cheek, “I meant to ask sooner…what are those scars on your cheek?”
“Scars, duh” Naruto answered sarcastically. He felt Sasuke’s hand behind his neck, suddenly grabbing his hair and pulling it slightly.
“You wanna play dumb with me again, usuratonkachi?”
“You want to hear the story behind the scars on my cheek?” Naruto asked and Sasuke remained silence, waiting for the story to begin.
“I saved a small kitten for being eaten by a giant beer and then I single handedly defeated the bear and then a ninja appeared-” A hand was pressed against Naruto’s mouth.
“And now the truth?” Sasuke said before removing his hand.
“I was a stupid kid and my mom had left a peeling knife on the table and I grabbed it and drew whiskers on my face, they weren’t deep, but they became scars because I kept peeling the scabs off, my bad, dattebayo”
“Fucking, stupid kid you were…you are” Sasuke said, “But I got to admit, they give you something…badass”
“And you like badasses?” Naruto questioned.
“No, I am badass…that make other badasses less…badass” Sasuke turned his head away. He pointed at a bunk, “There” He said.
“Stupid explanation, bastard” Naruto walked towards the bunk and put Sasuke down. He stretched his arms, “You need me to get you some ice or tell your dad what happened? I swear to leave out the intense and rough intercourse we had” The blond winked.
“I am fine, you go get your rest” Sasuke put his hands on Naruto’s biceps, squeezing them slightly “You need it”.
“Right,  so about the glass of water-” Sasuke pushed Naruto away.
“Goodnight, Usuratonkachi” The raven said.
“See ya, bastard” Naruto turned around to head to his own bunk, but he heard Sasuke call out his name and he immediately turned around.
“I owe you one” Sasuke said.
“I’ll keep you to that, dattebayo”
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