#Speing anon
algumaideia · 3 years
Hi Speing anon!
I’m sorry but I deleted your last question. I’m so sorry about that. I’ll answer it here, okay?
First, no problem about the spelling mistake. It problaby only happened because I’m still learning English and I find a lot of new words here in the internet.
Now about the question, I have some complicated feelings about it. Because I think Tamlin was wrong and I just wanna to ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen.
I forgot about that scene and it was your question who brought it back to my memory, but I don’t remember it pretty well. What I know are the following things: Ianthe was lying, everyone knew it, it was all part of Feyre’s “plan”, Tamlin felt conflicted, all the sentries were bad with him after that.
And Tamlin was wrong, he punished someone for something he knew the person didn’t do. And it was a physical punishment. I think SJM said there was a political reason Tamlin did that, but I don’t remember and I’m pretty sure it is kind of dumb. So, Tamlin was wrong. What he did was horrible. 
But I said I want to pretend it didn’t happen, why?
1. Ianthe shoudn’t be there. She was harrassing Lucien, Tamlin’s best and last friend. It doesn’t matter if she is an important person, I don’t believe Tamlin would let his best friend pass through this.
2. In Acotar Tamlin said there is no rank in his court (I saw it on tumblr, I didn’t remember that) which means he saw everyone was his equal. No one as more or less important. Thinking in that way, Tamlin wouldn’t punish a sentry like that. 
3. His father was a slaver owner and Tamlin was agaisnt that. When you have slaves you punishes them physically, if Tamlin was against having slaves I think he would also be agaisnt physical punishments, especially if you consider that he was problaby physically abused by his brothers.
4. I don’t think that with that all the sentries would turn their backs on Tamlin, those guys saw Tamlin risking his life during the Amarantha reign to protect them against the weird monsters. They would be mad of course, but all of them deciding to abandon Tamlin? Idk it sounds wrong to me. 
I hope this answers your questions nonnie, sorry again!
Best regards,
Ps. If that makes you feel better I had an amazing idea some days ago. Idk if anyone have already thought about it but, Lucien and Tarquin. This would be amazing. Tarquin wants equallity to the lesser fae and Luciein fell in love for a lesser fae. Tarquin is the High Lord of the Summer Court, Lucien is the son of the Day Court High Lord. And those are SJM good guys in the series. 
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