#Spider || BaronOfHouseSpider
fireteam-silent · 5 months
“Got a favor to ask of you, if you’ve got a minute.” The Spider’s voice was smooth from across the bar, almost nonchalant. “Could be a good reward at the end of it.”
Khalom's head snapped over to look at Spider, bright eyes narrowed in a squint. "You're reaching out to me?" She snorted, incredulous, then downed the rest of her drink in one gulp. Tossing the bartender a tip, Khalom spun around in her bar chair and hopped lightly to her feet. "This outta be good. Alright," she said, stepping towards him, "hit me with the deets, and I'll let you know if I'm interested."
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mantleoflight · 1 year
//Thinking about Spider and Kesivik’s deal and how Kesivik would’ve gone through all the venues he could to keep from being cut out of his own deal. Namely using City patent law to secure his design so he could get royalties for its use. Of course folks are still *squinty eyes* at Eliksni, so he had to have a guardian file it before it was validated, and then sell it to him (literally for a handful of glimmer) so he could be the patent holder/owner.
//Echo has never felt so good than helping Kesivik game the system and then get a deal written up so Spider and Mithrax could sign off on it. Spider agreeing to it and Mithrax officiating/enforcing it. :3c
//the deal? A good % of all profits made by his machines. ::3c
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belost-the-watcher · 6 months
It was a rainy day in the Last City, and though the Eliksni Quarter had seen several improvements in the last few months, the roof of the bar was still decidedly leaking. Nonetheless, all was warm and comfortable, the pitter-patter of rain drops in the few metal buckets on the floor added a soothing affect to the still room. An associate, a young vandal, was sitting at a stool behind the bar, and she waves enthusiastically as the stranger enters. On the other side of the bar room, The Spider sat, ether blue eyes shut contemplatively, as his four hands work at a worn Rubik’s cube. “Hi! Glad to see you in! You’re the..third Guardian I’ve seen today!” The vandal says, conversationally. “Don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, anything I can get you to drink?”
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"Pffft. Nice day out there," he said and shook off his poncho, tossing the hood back as he stepped inside. But at least it made the inside much more enjoyable. He glanced up at the happy alien waving at him- and that helped too.
"Hey. Not one of your guardians but hopefully that's not too much of a problem." He glanced over to the back of the place at the massive creature fiddling with his puzzle box. "Not really looking for a drink so much as I am the big guy- Spider. I get the feeling I know where to find him."
He turned back to the outgoing vandal, "Name's Belost. I'm kind of new to the area- well me and the group I'm with." He took out a large chunk of glimmer from his cargo pocket and placed it down beside the greeter, "So how about you get something for yourself and if you just so happen to pass by The Spider on the way there then maybe see if he's in the mood for some business?"
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bandit-prince · 2 years
Okay okay okay I’m making a list of my active roleplay blogs.
First and foremost is: @baronofhousespider my Spider muse blog from Destiny 2, it’s my most active blog currently.
Then there’s @tiny-titan-exo and @brayscharitycase my two Destiny oc blogs, the first for my Hive obsessed Exo Titan Darrix, and the second for my Hunter, Corinth. They’re not as active because there hasn’t been much interaction yet, but I’m always open to plot!
There’s also @glinting-shadows my canon Crow blog, though I do have an au Crow on my Spider blog.
That’s all of the active ones! I have a handful of others but they’re all inactive currently.
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pawnshopsouls · 2 years
In the House of Shards
Starter for @baronofhousespider​
Kneeling atop the Ether Garden dome, Salem-217 reloaded his rifle, the muzzle still hot from his recent thief deterrents.
“That’s pretty brutal,” Chauncey remarked, gazing down at the corpse and limbs by the Ether gate.
“Well, if they didn’t want teh get their lives or limbs docked, they shouldn’t a’ tried stealin’ ether,” the guardian said simply. “It’s part a’ the rules out here—the Kel decides who gets ether ‘n’ who doesn’t. Stealin’ from the Kel is reason enough teh get yer head docked or worse.”
Chauncey flicked his gaze to the guardian, the thin blue slit painted on his helmet, and then back to the ground below. After a pause, the ghost spoke with soft trepidation. “You know you’re not one of them, right?” he asked, turning to look at the blue-clad warlock. “One of the Fallen? I know you need ether but... you’re still a Guardian. You don’t need to be doing this.”
Salem-217 paused and lifted his head from the scope, glancing at his ghost from over his shoulder. “I’ve already given ‘em my word, Chance,” he murmured, soberly, “given’ ‘em my allegiance. Drug haze or not, what’s bindin’ if not yer word?”
The ghost gave a disappointed sigh and turned to look back into the dimness. ‘Of all the times to get hung up on loyalty and integrity...’ he thought, slowly shifting his case. ‘Well, at least he’s working on being more loyal—I just wish it wasn’t to a Fallen kel.’
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So I got thinking on uh how small hatchlings would actually be compared to Spider.
Inspired by @baronofhousespider
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katanamasako · 2 years
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Spider and Kat made a deal to settle current debts.
Army Stew for an Army :D
it’s a rushed sketch so kat’s a little off, but i think it works :D
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aurea-fide · 2 years
“If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I, am not.“
[ @baronofhousespider ]
Resting his head on his folded arms, he listens to Spiders chattering. And when the kingpin states something different, Jorvek raises his head and glances over at the larger eliksni. Jorvek has been feeling like shit recently and he believed any other eliksni would take advantage of the situation. He was, after all, the 4th. There was a few eliksni interested in making him suffer.
Spider apparently wasnt one of them which surprised the tired baron, new Kell. He rubs his face with one of his claws and gives a tired laugh.
"I'm surprised, you dont want, my hide." He rasps in response.
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3v3ryd00r · 3 years
Not sure exactly what The Spider expected... but i’m guessing Servitor Rodeo wasn’t it, when he sent skitters to reclaim his servitors.
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sxlvertongued · 3 years
@baronofhousespider // Starter Call
It had taken a horrible amount of convincing and... bargaining... with Praksis back on Europa... But A1 had finally managed to get her claws on one of the various Skiffs within the hangar, and she had finally been able to leave Europa.
It had been so many months since she’s been somewhere other than that frozen moon... And going to the Shore just felt right. Somewhere familiar- somewhere she recalled herself and Iota residing most of the time. But that was a time long ago.
The Stasis-coated Exo soon enough found herself within the Spider’s lair. As she stared down the elder, her Stasis tail curled around her legs, making various crackling noises as the crystalline substance fell apart and reformed with each motion.
“... I hope you don’t mind my intrusion.”
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tutela-populus · 2 years
@baronofhousespider continued
“Not like I have a choice.” The Ace huffed, keeping Apollo well away from Spider and his ghost-munching maw. The ex-Hunter wasn’t stupid. He trusted Spider about as far as he could throw him and, frankly, Rascal-7 was no Titan. Still, when Rascal makes a deal, no matter who it’s with, he keeps his end. Bit of a pain, especially now, but a guy has to have principles.
“We both know time is glimmer, Spider, so let’s not waste it with pointless yapping.” He said, leaning against the bar, flipping a knife in his hands “Give me the details. Place, targets, expected obstacles, yadda yadda yadda. Don’t know about you, but I don’t have all day.”
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fireteam-silent · 2 years
Closed starter for @baronofhousespider
It is a busy night at the Ether Tank. The bustle of civilians, Eliksni and humanity alike, and Guardians moving through and about, shouting loudly to one another over the thumping of music. Nothing too loud; this was a bar, not a club. Some were there to socialize while others were strictly on business with the Baron himself.
A small Eliksni slipped in almost unnoticeable in the throng of people. Taller than a Dreg but smaller than most other Marauder types, she kept her cowl up around her ether mask to hide her face. This was her first time in the Last City, and she honestly hadn't been certain that she would be welcomed, whatever House Light's status with the Vanguard. Having dealt with humans before was far different than walking into a nest of them!
But she had to come. She had to see if the rumours were true for herself. Had Spider really taken up camp here? Seeing him cozied up in his chair confirmed it, and all four of her eyes crinkled in a smile. For Houseless Eliksni such as herself, fellows like Spider proved valuable allies and business partners indeed.
"Spider, you old bastard!" Nylkras called out, caution abandoned, sauntering up to his throne. "You're still alive? The way I heard it you had quite the heat on you back on the shore." You'd have to deaf, in Nylkras' opinion, to have not heard the Awoken Queen's anger at the Baron. Of course, Nylkras normally kept an ear to the ground. "It's good to see you in one piece."
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mantleoflight · 2 years
“My hobbies include knowing and being right.”
Echo-17 took in a hissing breath and squinted up at the fat baron on his throne.
"And by that, you mean Spying and Blackmail, right?" she asked cynically. She knew she was treading on thin ice as it was with just being there, but when you had dirt and someone digs it up, you've got to make sure consequences don't come to bite you in the butt.
And this was biting her in the butt.
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belost-the-watcher · 2 years
He knew he was supposed to be all business especially on his first visit with this guy. But that sort of thing had never stopped Belost before. The friendly approach wasn’t for everybody but it rarely went so poorly that he had to go into damage control. Besides, this guy was somebody Belost couldn’t just act normal around.
“Spider? I’m Chief Warrant Officer 5 Belost Windor, with the Galra Empire- you can just call me Belost. There were some things they wanted me to deliver but first...”
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“..this chair of yours is incredible. Where in the universe did you get something like that?”
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fireteam-silent · 2 years
ASK ORIGINALLY ANSWERED HERE: Lucid floated up and away from Spider, laughing nervously as he did so. "Th-this shell?" He asked, oscillating it nervously. "Oh-- Khalom gave me this for our first Dawning together." It was a truly beautiful shell, the True North Shell, and specks of Lucid's Light floated above him.
“Oh? How special..” The Baron’s thick fingers caress the air where Ghost had been moments before. “Tell me, little Ghost. What do you think of your Guardian? Khalom seems to put up quite the hard shell, I’d love to know what you think.”
Lucid blinked, wrring softly. "Is she? I suppose that makes sense..." Khalom was rather fond of Crow and Glint, and that had put her at odds with Spider before... though she still worked for him.
"She is kind," he said after a moment, "with a strong sense of justice. Of course," he sighed, "she is also hardheaded, inappropriate in serious situations, and disregards authority if she believes that the rules are getting in the way of helping people." He paused, oscillating in place.
"... And I'm glad she's my Guardian," he said softly with a little pulse of his shell.
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