thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
Disclaimer: I may have gotten a bit too passionate in this post
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Spiritspousalship (and spirit bonds) is the umbrella term for all spousalships (and other spirit bonds) with spirits (i.e. gods, spirit guides, fae spirits etc.) and Entityspousalship (and entity bonds) is the umbrella term for all spousalships (and other entity bonds) with entities (i.e. demons, angels, pop culture entities etc.)
Spirit/Entityspousalship is a type of bond/relationship one can have with a spirit or entity. Spirit/Entityspousalship or "godspousalship" as it's commonly called, is not more sacred or more important than any other bond one can have with a spirit or entity.
It's just another type of bond and connection one can have with a spirit or entity. Contrary to what it might seem like spirit/entityspousing is not that common, the fact that it seems like it's common with how many practitioners you might see claiming to be spirit/entityspoused doesn't mean that it's a common practice.
It just means that you have been/were interacting with spirit/entityspousing type content or that you follow/followed someone that interacted with it and the algorithm is just pushing content like that to your FYP to keep you engaged.
Spirit/Entityspousing is a 18+ and only 18+ practice, meaning minors should not and cannot consensualy participate in this path. Consent is a major part of this path and legally minors aren't able to consent. Neither will a spirit or entity, (especially a god) this kind of relationship or any other 18+ spirit/entity bond to a minor. Whether as a test or otherwise.
I know there are those who do claim that in the rare cases certain spirits and entities have hinted at a possible FUTURE spousalship with their practitioner, but that doesn't sit right with me. If you're a minor don't even try and do research on this topic (yet), focus on growing up and gaining experience and just until you're of age before thinking about interacting with any of this.
It's not as glamourous as people make it out to be, neither is it the end all relationship you can have with a spirit or entity. Neither does it make it any more special or important than any other bond one can have with a spirit or entity. You don't have to participate in this kind of relationship with a spirit or entity to form a close bond with them and remember a bond shouldn't and can't be forced. You can't just expect to be in a relationship just because you want to. Relationships don't work like that... At least not healthy ones.
Like I said spirit and entityspousalship is not an end goal and neither should it be treated so superficially. Spirit/Entityspousing (and any other spirit/entity bond) is a sacred bond that requires a lot of dedication and commitment and even those who have chosen to walk down this path aren't cut out for it and do choose to leave this path and that's okay.
Spirit/Entity bonds (for the most part) are like regular relationships one can have with other humans the only difference is that the relationship is formed between a human (you) and a spirit/entity. One specific spirit/entity bond (i.e. spirit/entityspousing) is no more superior than any other spirit/entity bond and that's something most people forget (especially those who are given the opportunies to walk down this path).
Spirit/Entityspousing is a bond that's built upon another already formed relationship meaning most practitioners that participate in this practice already had somewhat of a relationship and bond with the spirit or entity before they even considered spirit/entityspousing. Healthy relationships don't just happen out of the blue (most relationships don't). Healthy relationships take time. Give it that time.
There are many different types of relationships and bonds one have with a spirit or entity. Not every romantic/intimate relationship will fall under spirit/entityspousapship. Not every devotional relationships will fall under priesthood/oraclehood (this type of relationship is just as rare as spirit/entityspousalship). Just because a spirit or entity might want to have or proposes a relationship to you doesn't automatically mean the relationship will be spirit/entityspousing. Talk to them and figure it out.
When it comes to identifying whether or not a spirit or entity has proposed a spousalship (or any other spirit/entity bond) depends on how good your senses, are if you're good at clairvoyance, clairaudience etc you can find out in that way. If you're good at divination they'll tell you through tarot or another divination system.
Sometimes, on the rare occasion, they'll propose through a third party, for instance they could ask you while channeling through another (trusted) practitioner. It's not likely that you wouldn't know the spirit or entity that proposes to you in some capacity and if you don't maybe make absolutely sure that they actually proposing and definitely wait until you actually get to know them better before agreeing to anything.
In most cases spirit/entityspousalship is a life long commitment and if you commit it can be hard to get out of it especially if you did a soul binding ritual as well (where you bound your soul to the spirit or entity). It's not something you can decide to do or agree to willy nilly, neither is it a smart or good idea to agree to any proposal if you barely know a thing about the spirit or entity that proposed.
Once you've identified whether or not a spirit or entity actually has proposed spousalship (or any other type of spirit/entity bond) and your absolutely certain that it's something you truly want and identified the type of spousalship (there's romantic, intimate/seggsual, devotional and working spousalship). Now it's time to get some outside confirmation, just to make sure that you're seeing things clearly and not being biased.
Contrary to what it might seem like you don't need a hundred plus confirmations to prove that your spousalship is real, at the end of the day you just need to confirm that it's real to you and no one else. Some get a hundred plus because it feels comfortable to them but that's not mandatory or needed. You can get five outside confirmations and you and your relationship will still be as valid and real as the practitioner with the hundred plus confirmations.
In most cases practitioners and the spirit or entity they're choosing to bond with will go through a courting process of sorts where both the practitioner and the spirit or entity can figure out whether or not being in a relationship works for them, figure out what they want from the relationship and so on. A courting process is not mandatory especially if both parties don't want to go through a courting process and want to head straight to the "got-hitched" stage, but it is recommended especially if you want to make absolutely sure that this path is for you.
Another thing I want to add, there are cases where the practitioner has proposed spousalship (or another type of bond) to the spirit or entity and in a lot of cases this was done at the behest and encouragement of the spirit or entity. I know some of y'all will say that a practitioner proposing is disrespectful etc. But the thing is, it's disrespectful to you not the spirit or entity.
You saying that it's disrespectful and not a valid relationship is like saying a feme presenting person (i.e. a woman) proposing marriage is disrespectful to the "husband"-to-be and means the relationship is invalid and that's completely inaccurate. Sure it might seem disrespectful to you and it might be something you can't imagine doing but again it's something YOU can't imagine doing.
Not everyone's paths will look the same. Not everyone is capable of doing things the exact same way or at the same level. No relationship needs the same things to prosper and no relationships need the same foundation to be considered valid and honestly you trying to force your opinion (emphasis on YOUR) and belief is not only putting the spirit or entity in a box but it's also high key saying you're opinion is the only right way and that any other experiences are completely and utterly false.
You don't have the authority or right to decide whether a spirit or entity will consider something to be disrespectful or not. That's up to the practitioner and the spirit/entity and no one else, because at the end of the day the relationship is between the practitioner and the spirit/entity. Not the practitioner and the spirit/entity AND everyone else on the Internet. Stay in your own lane, just like you'd prefer others to say in their own lane as well.
UNSHHAMELESS PLUG - I do offer spousalship confirmations as well as channelled letters or messages from your spouses here and here
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
Why using spiritspousalship as a catch all term is unsafe (in my opinion)
Before anyone throws a hissy fit, this is my opinion based off my beliefs and my own personal experiences and what I've gathered from others' beliefs and personal experiences
I've noticed that people use the term spiritspousalship (especially godspousalship) as a catch all term for most (if not all), "unconventional" (and even some "conventional" relationships like priest/priestess/priestenhood or oraclehood) relationships one can have with spirit.
I'm not saying this is always the case, but I've seen it happening a bit more frequently that's it's a bit concerning to me in my opinion.
Doing that is neither a completely accurate use of the term or a responsible and safe use of the term. Using spiritspousalship as a catch all term is confusing and misleading especially when it comes to familial and other platonic and non-romantic type of relationships.
When people talk about spousing, they think "marriage" and other life long adult relationships and pairing spousing with a term like familial or parental is misleading and kinda "icky". You're not getting married to your parent/aunt/sibling, so why use a term that sounds like you're talking about marriage to a family member (I know some don't mean it like that, but it still sounds like you're talking about "that")?
In my belief familial/parental "spousalship" is essentially adoptionship, where the spirit adopts you into their family, either as their child, sibling and so on. Yes, I admit I used to use the term familial/parental spousalship myself, but that's only because I hadn't know another term for that kind of relationship yet.
The term made me uncomfortable and I didn't like using it (especially in relation to minors) and it causes a lot of confusion especially because of the type of relationship it is. That's why I came up with the term "Spirit Adoptionship" and have decided to use that one instead of familial/parental spousalship, because like I said familial/parental spousalship is essentially spirit adoptionship (in my belief).
Spiritspousing is an eighteen or over practice, meaning its not a minor safe or minor welcome practice, but because many use it as a catch all term (i.e. familial/parental spousing) it denotes the idea that it is a minor safe and minor welcome practice, when it is not.
Consent is a crucial aspect of spiritspousing (among others) and minors (especially those fifteen or younger) cannot legally consent to anything yet, especially not to certain aspects that's inherently involved in spiritspousalship.
Not every relationship whether romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. will necessarily fall under spiritspousalship and not every relationship whether romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. can be (and should be) considered spiritspousalship.
You can have a romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. relationship with spirit without it being a spousalship, because relationships like those do exist and they're just as valid as a spiritspousal relationship (or any other type of spirit bond).
Also I've seen a lot of people also use the term "godspousing" itself as a catch all term and from what I've seen some even consider it to be an "umbrella term" when it's not. Spiritspousing is technically the "umbrella term" because it more or less encompasses all spirit classification. Godspousing talks about spousalship to a God/Goddess/Deity not an angel or demon or fae or whatever else.
Anyway this is mostly all I have to say about this topic, but I can/will talk more about it on a later date if need be.
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