#Splatoon suddenly grabbed me by the chokehold solely for deep cut because like... They're so silly.
cookii-moon · 1 year
United more like uhhhh
Ninjago united teasers are out I guess.
Honestly not many thoughts. We weren't really shown much... glad that next gen doesn't seem to be a thing (or at the very least if it is, it's probably in an alternate universe). Speaking of, does that confirm that there's more than 16 realms in Ninjago, or is the merging going to be like, all 16 realms merging?
Because if so then LEGO owes me royalties for that one post apocalyptic Ninjago roleplay I did with a small group of friends where all the realms crashed into eachother and the characters were trying to live in it that I came up with like a year or two ago and never finished. (Just to clarify that's a joke- the royalty part not the roleplay part that was actually something I did)
And if that's true then that's my second big, completely unintentional prediction. Will I elaborate on that? No. So feel free to guess what it was.
Yeah uh here's hoping they don't screw anything up. And by that I mean how are they going to handle Lloyrumi. And... probably other ships. And yknow, ally characters too. But mostly Lloyrumi.
I'm willing to bet Harumi will just have run off to somewhere and Lloyd just. Isn't really surprised. She pulled a Rayla except in this case they aren't in a relationship and Lloyd is just "yeah that hurts but i don't know what I was expecting."
Because if she was there, you'd need a good reason for why the Ninja aren't constantly upset and glaring at her. Oh, and why she isn't in prison. And why she's there, because even if Lloyd was lovesick, I don't think anybody else would approve of her being anywhere in proximity to him. And that... isn't considering the fanbase. Because I think we all know what happens when you bring Harumi back into the mix.
Anyway, bye.
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