#It all depends
gravity-rainbow · 11 months
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“Now then, Pooh,” said Christopher Robin, “where’s your boat?” “I ought to say,” explained Pooh, “that sometimes it’s a Boat, and sometimes it’s more of an Accident. It all depends.” “Depends on what?” “On whether I’m on top of it or underneath it.”~A.A.Milne
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fjordfolk · 9 months
Talking about culture in dog breeding with fellow norwegians lately and figuring I don't mind 4 being a maximum litter number on a bitch, granted she's an easy birther of reasonably sized (not too big) litters and bounces back well. And that is a highly individual thing. And obvs I come from a breed where the litter average is 3.5 and complications are relatively rare.
What I've come to be a little more bothered about is having litters on bitches that are 2yo (and younger - but thats a full dealbreaker for me) - I don't feel like either of our dogs have seemed like full adults until ~3? Troj is 3 now and shes really come into herself in the past year, I can't imagine her with puppies at 2.
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dozydawn · 9 months
i go on about loving extravagance when it comes to dance costumes (feathers, ruffles, etc.) & i do... but my all time favorite latin & ballroom dresses are actually the super simple (by comparison) & sober ones
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maybe because the silhouette stays natural so the dance can speak for itself? maybe because they just look comfier to move in?
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
"News is unusual things happening--"
"And usual things happening," said Sacharissa, screwing up a report from the Ankh-Morpork Funny Vegetable Society.
"And usual things, yes," said William. "But news is mainly what someone somewhere doesn't want you to put in the paper--"
"Except that sometimes it isn't," said Sacharissa again.
"News is--" said William, and stopped. They watched him politely as he stood with his mouth open and one finger raised.
"News," he said, "all depends. But you'll know it when you see it. Clear? Right. Now go and find some."
Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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hazard-15 · 9 months
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Been thinking about tweaking Ria's design abit since I wasn't exactly satisfied with her other one sooooo have a wip!
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hypnothesis-au · 2 years
is the halloween event canon?
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xxhatchetxx · 1 year
i cant believe im only just NOW setting my phones ringtone to the invader zim theme song.......
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cyclonestudios-alt · 1 year
I am now taking Wingfeather headcannon asks/tells! *Glances at what I just wrote, with crickets chirping in the background* allow me to elaborate.
What I mean when I say that is you can ask me about Wingfeather headcannons, ask me for Wingfeather headcannons**, and ask me if I have certain headcannons about certain Wingfeather things! Also you can tell me about your own headcannons and I might tell you what I think of them!** Just put them in my ask box and I will try to answer them as soon as possible:) **.
** Terms and conditions definitely apply, see next paragraph(s) for details.
Alright, so this is the part where terms and conditions come into the picture. First of all, if you ask me for headcannons, I would like you guys to keep in mind that they will probably be incoherent, cringey, or very bad. That is because this is the first time I've done something like this, and I kind of have no idea what I'm doing. If you are willing to put up with all of that, however, than I will be eternally grateful.
Second of all, please keep in mind that I may not answer your ask. If this happens, than it is likely because of either life, I am uncomfortable answering the ask, I am unsure of how to answer that, or I don't have enough time at the moment to answer it.
Also, if you ask me for my own headcannons, don't be surprised if they are weird or are the complete opposite of your own on the same topic
Lastly, and this is probably the most important, please DO NOT put any inappropriate or offensive headcannons in my ask box, because I will delete it immediately and possibly block you, depending on what it was.
Alright, now that I have all that out in the open, ask away!
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ashmcgivern · 2 years
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Sometimes an eldritch entity takes the form you do when it decides it wants to come out and murder consume destroy play
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therelentless · 10 months
ooc;; so what if nandor thinks that guillermo can be cute when he's mad? what about it?
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cookii-moon · 1 year
United more like uhhhh
Ninjago united teasers are out I guess.
Honestly not many thoughts. We weren't really shown much... glad that next gen doesn't seem to be a thing (or at the very least if it is, it's probably in an alternate universe). Speaking of, does that confirm that there's more than 16 realms in Ninjago, or is the merging going to be like, all 16 realms merging?
Because if so then LEGO owes me royalties for that one post apocalyptic Ninjago roleplay I did with a small group of friends where all the realms crashed into eachother and the characters were trying to live in it that I came up with like a year or two ago and never finished. (Just to clarify that's a joke- the royalty part not the roleplay part that was actually something I did)
And if that's true then that's my second big, completely unintentional prediction. Will I elaborate on that? No. So feel free to guess what it was.
Yeah uh here's hoping they don't screw anything up. And by that I mean how are they going to handle Lloyrumi. And... probably other ships. And yknow, ally characters too. But mostly Lloyrumi.
I'm willing to bet Harumi will just have run off to somewhere and Lloyd just. Isn't really surprised. She pulled a Rayla except in this case they aren't in a relationship and Lloyd is just "yeah that hurts but i don't know what I was expecting."
Because if she was there, you'd need a good reason for why the Ninja aren't constantly upset and glaring at her. Oh, and why she isn't in prison. And why she's there, because even if Lloyd was lovesick, I don't think anybody else would approve of her being anywhere in proximity to him. And that... isn't considering the fanbase. Because I think we all know what happens when you bring Harumi back into the mix.
Anyway, bye.
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allo-frouto · 1 year
don't act like a bad bitch, be a good girl.
I can be both actually.
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themoneystore · 1 year
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Hovercar concepting
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keikakudori · 2 years
aizen-sama im the REAL fuckin favorite right ?
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❝ of course, grimmjow. depending on the day. ❞
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honeysuckle-venom · 2 years
Must resist the urge to call my mother for comfort and validation when I know she won't give it to me
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segnisacfessis · 4 months
OOC ; like this post if you'd like a little valentines starter from chidori. please put whether or not you'd like it to be romantic in nature or not.
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