#Spreen's laugh was very sweet too
royalarchivist · 5 months
Tubbo: Hola!
Spreen: [Completely unprompted] I can't be homophobic, my btch is gay.
Tubbo: PFTTT—?!
Spreen: [Laughs as he jumps off the ledge]
Tubbo: [Continues laughing in confused delight]
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saintsr · 3 months
Fluffy new story
Sweet Raven
In a kitchen you could hear sounds of pots falling to the floor, crashing against each other, spoons stirring something, plastic  and closing, until everything stopped and very loud screams were heard.
 “Pinche Dora!  That blind girl, she is on your right!  Yes to your right!  Finally you see, it wasn’t that difficult, and because she made me angry it’s just a caricature” Missa laughs only when he turns to look at his hand and sees the jar carefully “No, the salt!”
 Now you could hear screams and cries, Missa still finished cooking what he was doing, in the end he saw her culinary work in a plastic packaging while he continued crying and put her hands to her head, immediately her cell phone rang.
 “You’re crying?”  The person on the other side started laughing.  “El pendejo, El  pendejo” then a second voice is heard from afar.
 “Is Mariana crying?”
 “That?  No, it’s Missa.” 
 “Ahh, who hurt him?  Let’s fuck it up”
 “To Missa?”
 “No, Who made him cry ” said the somewhat annoyed voice. “Who made you cry?”
 “It wasn’t someone, it was something, Quackity.” Missa wiped her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “Do you remember, what was I going to make a chocolate for Philza?”
 “Yes” the two voices responded in unison.
 “Well, instead of sugar I added salt.”
 “But couldn’t you add a little bit?”
 “Yes, the recipe sometimes says a pinch of salt with sugar to enhance the flavor and reduce the bitter taste a little”
 “That’s the problem, I added half a shaker of salt” he started crying again while the voices were holding back the urge to laugh “and I’m already out of money, time and ingredients.”
 “Well, is the Sprite home yet?”
 “No Roier, why?  “I’m not going to steal money from you.”
 “Who talked about stealing?  Although it would be interesting, look for the bandages and Band-Aids that I have saved.”
 “So that?”
 “Oh, just have faith in your brother.”
 So Quackity and Roier finally hung up, letting out the laughter they were holding in, while Missa went up to Spreen’s room, hurriedly looking for the bandages and Band-Aids, hoping not to mess up too much, then she went down to the living room, leaving everything on a small table and looking for what to watch on television. Maybe his favorite program that was on at all hours.
 After an hour, Roier and Quackity came in with bags from the pantry, watching Missa entertained by the static on the television, and without further ado, they went to the kitchen and saw all the mess he had left in her attempt to make something nice with chocolate.  They sighed, leaving the bags on the counter with slight annoyance and went to Missa to pull his ear to force him to clean, so while Missa cleaned and picked up the dishes, the other two cleaned and washed the fruits and vegetables as well as putting away the meats, between them. Jokes, songs and dances ended in the end they went to the living room again.
 “So what is all this for?”  Missa pointed to everything on the little table, while Roier grabbed a bandage.
 “You, Cala a boca, cala a boca and have faith in me. Do you trust me or not?”
 “Well if you put it like that, I don’t” Quackity crossed his arms while he curled up on the couch and grabbed the control until he turned on an interesting program.
 “No one spoke to you, I’m talking to Missa” Roier looked with slight annoyance at Quackity while he turned his gaze to Missa and smiled at him.
 “You know that I always trust although now I am doubting”
“You offend me” so the two with light laughter Roier began to bandage Missa’s palms up to her elbows and put band-aids on all her fingers, while Quackity and Missa looked at him carefully, after finishing they went to leave everything in Spreen’s room and they prepared dinner or rather Missa gave the instructions while the other two cooked until they finished just in time and when Shaudone, Spreen, Rubius and Mariana arrived, sniffing the air they all went to the kitchen to find the food about to be served and Missa sitting at the bar.
 “What happened?”  Rubius carefully grabbed his hands, checking back and forth.
 “yes against who did you fight?”  Spreen asked as he went to help Roier and Quackity serve the food after washing his hands.
 “At least say that he didn’t leave clean so that at least he can get your blood all over him.” Mariana also washed his hands and then grabbed the glasses and the pitcher full of lemonade.
 “Mariana!   Who do we have to piss off?”  Shaudone also asked with a slight annoyed tone as he set the tablecloths and cutlery for everyone.
 “Misso only hurt anyone by making his gift,” Roier responded quickly as he sat down to start eating like the others.
 “Yes, you hurt yourself to give a gift, you don’t deserve it.” The black-haired boy with bear ears took a spoonful of food with some annoyance.
 “Spreen!”  All the men shouted at the black bear as he raised his shoulders in a gesture of indifference.
 “That?  It’s just an opinion, don’t be intense”
 “Oh, the bear is jealous,” Quackity said as Roier poked his cheek while the black bear blushed and growled.
“Is it true Missa, did you get hurt cooking?”  Shaudone looked at him between amusement and concern.
 “Ehh, yes, yes, if it weren’t for Quackity and Roier I would have died.” Missa looked away from him while he blushed.
 “Hmm, what did you hurt yourself with?”  Shaudone was a little suspicious since the best cook among them was Missa but maybe there was always a first time for everything after all desserts were difficult.
 “You know, cutting it into pieces and with the melted chocolate it was very hot” Missa moved in his place while he was sweating from nerves.
 “Did you put on ointment?”  Rubius was sniffing around to discover the severity of the injuries.
 “Now, mother bear, calm down, if he says it’s okay, it’s okay, let’s eat, these pibes have classes tomorrow.” Spreen got bored and wanted everyone to eat so he could rest, although just like Rubius he sniffed the air to know the severity, but when he saw At Roier and Quackity looking at each other, I’m a little suspicious of the three’s version. Maybe it wasn’t his business. He had better things to think about, like making crow soup if he hurt his little brother.
 After finishing they got everything up to clean and go to get ready for bed, putting on their pajamas and brushing their teeth, Shaudone being the last one making a round of all the rooms while wishing them goodnight.
 The next day everyone prepared to go to school and their respective jobs, Roier, Quackity, Missa and Mariana grabbed their bicycles to get to school, although Missa avoided bumps, potholes and most importantly the running and pushing of his brothers since he carried his special load in a luggage basket so that it would not be damaged and preventing it from heating up to melting.
 Thus, when he arrived at his classroom, he greeted all his classmates, nervously waiting for the rest to arrive so he could talk alone with Philza. While he was there, he had noticed the band-aids on Missa’s fingers and the object he was taking care of, but he returned to his talk with Fit. And Etoiles.
Thus the hours passed and the closer the time to rest approached, Missa became more nervous, putting his sweaty hands under the bandages and glancing askance at Philza when he thought it was necessary.
 While Philza occasionally noticed Missa moving strangely in his chair and muttering things under her breath, he only managed to detect “liked” and “hidden” but nothing that would reveal anything else.  When the last class finished to start the break Philza quickly approached Missa putting his hand on his  shoulder so that Missa raised her head scared and jumped in place making her tail and cat ears come out from the fright, Philza laughed and went down. He tenderly caressed his head, when their eyes finally met he spoke.
 “Come on Missy, it’s time to eat.”
 “Yes, see, I’ll catch up with you in a little while, what’s happening is that I have to take care of something.” He stood up quickly from his place while he looked away from Philza and focused it from time to time on the little box under his seat. .
 “How mysterious, if it were you I would be scared” Philza smiled a little as he crossed his arms over his chest.
 “What do you mean by that?  I’m dangerous too” Missa pouted and replicated the blonde’s pose.
 “I know, I know, don’t get angry, buddy, let’s go eat and I’ll also accompany you to do your errand.” He unfolded his arms to extend a hand to Missa.
 “No!  I say it’s not necessary I can just” he waved his hands in denial as he looked at the floor.
 “Does this have to do with your mysterious box?”  He didn’t want to sound sharp but the situation made him feel bad.
 “Ehh, Yes, I said no maybe, it's nonsense ” I lowered his voice a little.
 “Are you going to give it to someone important?”  He felt like he was getting a twitch in his eye.
 “Yes, no, I already told you it’s stupid, we’re going to eat better.” Missa was going to head to the door but Philza’s voice stopped him.
“Missa, tell me, we are companions, friends, trust me,” he tried to persuade while trying to keep his wings from showing in an aggressive pose.
 “Yes, it’s okay, it’s for” he gave a light sigh while Philza grew impatient while the faces of his other classmates came to mind trying to figure out who was the lucky one to receive a gift from his Missa “it’s for you but it didn’t turn out well and I wanted it for you  because you are very good to me, and with everyone you help whoever needs it, you are always willing to help, plus you are very handsome, I like being with you, not because you are handsome, I also like your personality and your laugh, and your hat is very pretty. Ehh better keep me quiet”
 I carefully placed the box in Philza’s hands, while he looked at it surprised and with a slight blush, but with care from the box he took out a little chocolate crow that was standing on a base thanks to its chocolate legs and bulging chocolate eyes. Plastic that moved when he shook it, that made him laugh a little.
 “Look at him, he’s so cute” Philza shook him so that his eyes moved but not so abruptly as to destroy him “thank you Missa, you know that I will always like everything you make, I will try it”
 “I- I wouldn’t do that” Philza looked at him with curiosity then grabbed some of the chocolate that had fallen from shaking it so much while he put it in his mouth. Missa looked at him with horror and then put her hands on his face.
Philza was paralyzed for a moment as the taste of salt filled his entire mouth, he didn’t know whether to spit or vomit, maybe both, his wings spread to fluff up the not so pleasant surprise on his tongue but when he looked at Missa’s hands He observed more clearly the hands with bandages and band-aids, so extending his hand to take the black-haired man’s, he observed the teary eyes and how little by little his tears ran down his face, he combined with some whimpers, so he could not resist any longer and went to his side. Missa and hugged him while cooing at him.
 “Oh, Missa, everything is fine, I really liked the gift.”
 “but the taste is horrible, I swear I tried hard.”
 “I know, but it’s my gift now so don’t say anything bad about my things, but can I ask, how did you get hurt?”
 Missa was paralyzed for a moment while he remembered what Roier told him and tried not to let the lie come through in his voice.
“I burned myself when I had to melt the chocolate and I cut myself when I was breaking it” he said this while hiding his face more in his partner’s shoulder, to hide his embarrassment for lying to the blonde while Philza looked again at the little crow, perhaps the The taste wasn’t good but the chocolate sculpture combined with the effort was worth it. He hugged Missa tighter while he rested his cheek on the black-haired man’s silky hair and inhaled a little of the smell.
 “I really like you too Missy.”
 “That’s how her father and I got together until we got married and then we adopted them,” said the black-haired man while he wrapped up her children and then arranged her hair so that it didn’t get in the way of her eyes.
 “But when did Dad discover your lie?”  the blonde boy asked as he looked at her father with curiosity, Missa couldn’t help but see a grimace similar to Philza’s when he was curious “well that was…”
 “The same day, his father was nervous and later he confessed it to me, he asked for forgiveness many times, he told me the original story and I laughed a lot so don't tell lies” Philza said it while watching his family from the door and then approaching and hug Missa.
 “Trapped ~~” The black-haired girl looked at her parents mockingly. “But then that’s why we’re going to make chocolate crows?”
“Of course, it’s our celebration and this celebrates your first year with us making us a family of four.”
 “What a quick year,” the girl said, surprised as she looked at the three remaining members of her family. “Is that why we also have those chocolate crows that tell us not to touch?”
 “Yes, but it seems like yesterday when you arrived,” Philza said with a nostalgic look.
 “That’s right, her name is Pachuca, the second one I made is called Brian and it was to celebrate the arrival of Chayanne.” Missa rested his head on Philza’s while he looked at her children.
 “Can I name the new crow?” Lulla asked in a timid voice.
 “Of course, what will you call it?” Philza asked excitedly.
 “Hope, why did I feel that way when they chose me at the adoption center when everyone ignored me” Lulla looked away a little and then felt Chayanne take her hand and hold it tight.
 “Oh no,” Missa’s eyes watered and he whimpered softly and then hid his face in the blonde’s neck.
 “No, Lulla was a happy moment, not about making Papa Missa cry,” Philza said as he caressed the black-haired man’s head and laughed softly.
 “but , are we going to eat chocolate?”  Chayanne asked after calming Papa Missa's emotion a little.
 “Yes, son, we will make eggs, crows, kittens and skeletons to eat,” Missa finally said, separating herself from the blonde and then kissing the heads of each child.  “Well, let’s go to sleep, good night kids, tomorrow will be a fantastic day.”
 “Good night, Buenas noches  Lulla, Gute Nacht Chayanne.  Descansen mis hijos”
 The two adults left the room, turning off the lights and trying not to make noise while they shook hands and their rings jingling lightly until they reached their room.
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