#since the full one includes a certain someone πŸ˜’
royalarchivist Β· 1 month
Tubbo: Hola!
Spreen: [Completely unprompted] I can't be homophobic, my btch is gay.
Tubbo: PFTTTβ€”?!
Spreen: [Laughs as he jumps off the ledge]
Tubbo: [Continues laughing in confused delight]
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forcebookish Β· 9 months
I'm convinced the only reason mew gets "bad friend" allegations is bc they want their fave character to be coddled and enabled. now if he did THAT then he would be a shitty friend but he is telling ray exactly what he needs to hear. especially after years of the same exact cycle and nothing changing. and even then mew is way too forgiving imo bc if someone did half the shit that ray did to me I would walk away for good. and I think a lot of this fandom forgets that trauma can be a reason for things but it's not an excuse especially when you are grown and know exactly what you need to do but still refuse to do it. (sorry if this seems unsympathetic or whatever I'm just very tired of the babying of a certain character)
you said it, anon!
ray is an adult who is responsible for his own actions, full stop. and the craziest part about all this is that mew does kind of enable him: he goes drinking with him and forgives him even when he crosses lines he never should have crossed. i agree that mew is too forgiving, and it looks like he's going to forgive him again. not only did he ruin mew's birthday by sharing the audio, ray then yelled at and talked shit at all their friends (while high) and accosted/physically threatened mew's boyfriend and other "best friend" (πŸ˜’). mew only punched ray because he was picking a fight with everyone and threatening to out top, again, in front of all their friends and on his birthday - and he wouldn't stop after being repeatedly told to and asked to leave.
and same, anon, if my friend did that to me i'd cut him out. the only way that i would let him back in my life is if he got 100% sober, and he'd have to be for a while. as far as i'm concerned, ray burned the bridge himself. i'd tell him, "this is your rock bottom, finally do something about it." and often, cutting someone off is the wake-up call they need to figure their shit out. (but it looks like ray's car crash in the next episode is going to be his wake-up call.)
but you're right, mew keeps telling him he shouldn't day drink, do drugs, and drive while under the influence.
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side-note: when boston agreed to take ray home and therefore ray was actually his responsibility, he abandoned him and fucked off to have sex with a stranger lol
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i mean, i'm not saying that anyone who thinks mew is a bad friend automatically thinks that boston is a good friend but still. (tbh another reason people may say mew is a bad friend is to make themselves feel better about how his shitty friends treat him lol this fandom looooooooooves to say, "everyone's an asshole" and that means everyone can do anything to anyone else and therefore it's fine actually lmao) (not how that fucking works)
but apparently mew's a bad friend because he lets ray make his own shitty ass decisions, like an adult? because he can't drive him home????? i'm sorry, should mew get a driver's license and car just so he can drive ray home when he's drunk? mew has to be his fucking nursemaid in order to be considered a "good friend?" not even going to get into how gross it is that they hate mew for not liking ray back.
above all, mew values autonomy. he makes his own decisions and he expects others to live the same way: this includes ray. he wants what he thinks is best for them (and he's usually right), but he believes they should think and act for themselves.
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(you know, even when he, ah, incentivizes them, re: top's drug use lol it's still top's decision. mew doesn't want a boyfriend who does drugs and he wants to have sex. two birds, one stone.)
we're years into their friendship now, and ray has been an alcoholic and drug ab/user since they were twenty, maybe even earlier if he was drinking underage. the flashback where mew saves his fucking life (oh, it's only good when sand does it?πŸ™„), ray already has a drinking problem and has gotten himself into trouble because of it, having to lean on mew multiple times to the point that mew is obviously frustrated about being called in the middle of the night after the umpteenth time. which is understandable! it's not mew's job to be at ray's beck and call; he's not his dad, he's not his boyfriend - and even then, that's a lot to put on anyone when you don't even seem to try to be changing (he's literally drinking in the next scene! okay!!!!! is mew supposed to smack it out of his hand in order to be a "good" friend? again, autonomy!!!!). ray says he's a burden but he doesn't do anything about it. mew's been his dedicated "emergency staff" again and again, and it's not his responsibility to take care of ray all the time.
ray's biggest problem is that he thinks he doesn't have a problem: he'll get so drunk (and high) he can barely walk and he'll say he's not drunk and then try to drive!!!!!! that shit isn't okay!!! in fact, it's inexcusable!
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you know, i was thinking that the "superiority complex" allegations against mew were about his being (slightly) judgmental about boston sleeping around (which mew obviously only says because he wants him to be happy. even if he has a narrower idea of happiness, he just wants what he thinks is best for boston - but he doesn't shame or even tell boston he should settle down, even while boston is constantly saying that mew should lose his virginity to the point of obsessionπŸ™„ anyway), but it might have more to do with ray, and mew having a problem with him drinking himself to death lol
mew is the only one to tell ray he should stop drinking and using drugs and... that means he has a superiority complex? being worried about his alcoholic friend whose mom died of alcohol poisoning? he's the only person who tells him to stop drinking and using - that doesn't make mew a bad friend, that makes him ray's only good friend. even sand, who has had to physically struggle with ray to keep him from driving under the influence, LITERALLY SUPPLIES HIM WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS OH MY GOD
all this to say, you're so right, anon. wayyyyy too many folks in this fandom will find any reason to excuse ray's behavior, no matter who he hurts or how bad it gets. nothing is ever his fault despite making his own decisions and taking his own actions and facing his own consequences.
thanks for stopping by, anon!πŸ’–πŸ’– you weren't unsympathetic, you were real. more people in this fandom need to talk about and realize how fucked up all of this is - especially since it's so realistic. he's a pathetic little meow meow, yes, but that doesn't make the way that he treats his friends and endangers others automatically okay. and you can like him as a character without blaming others for his own issues and acting like he's a fucking baby who can do no wrong! he's doing plenty of wrong!!!
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