Okay so I'm thinking about Daylily again-
So uh... imagine, if Daylily, Alyx and Carol could freely go from the realms to Earth. So logically... Daylily could ramble about stuff humans have-
Also imagine if the couple somehow realises that Daylily escaped the household and attempted to hunt her down... only to realise that the flock AND Carol and Alyx aren't happy with them attempting to find her-
Also since Daylily lacks wings, I could see her trying to climb to the flocks house while everyone else just Stares at her like "Lily... you could ask for help-"
Also I can see Daylily using 2000's/ 2010's slang and confusing everyone-
Now that could be very interesting. Plus, Revenge Potential™.
Hehehehhh yeah they're gonna run face first into just... a small army of incredibly angry, fully matured and flighted Ophanim (and two humans).
Oof, yeah- She'd be trying to do things the hard way because "I can do it, y'all are just overreacting-"
Meanwhile I can see the flock responding by putting up ladders, ramps, hand/foot holds etc. so that she can access stuff on her own, because Ophanim are... very aware of that sort of thing. They would want her to be able to manage on her own just for her own sanity - constantly needing help isn't always fun....
And no one knows what she's saying, but ultimately they're Here For It.
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sqarletgecko · 22 days
First of all, Context:
Hello there! I'm SqarletGecko, or just Sqarlet. I'm elsewhere and more informally called Spectral from time to time.
This here blog is my official creative blog. Here is where I'll be putting art, writing, and other such shenanigans. I decided to make a dedicated blog for this under my primary pseudonym finally.
That also means this blog is exclusively that - I don't really reblog things here or share outside content. This will just be my stuff.
Content wise, expect fandom stuff, and probably some original work at some point. I'm not sure whether I want to start reposting all my art here or not, given that it's already up on the other blogs. We'll see.
I will, however, answer asks and respond to mentions and all that wonderful jazz.
If I ever sort out commissions, stuff for that will also go here.
Currently, I don't have time to do much with this blog, so this post is just... gonna sit here for a while until I do. But I wanted to get the post up so people know I'm not a bot, lol.
Other Blogs:
I do, however, run two (sort of three) other blogs at the moment!
SpectralGecko - this is my informal side blog. It's where all the reblogs live, all the various game shenanigans, and up until just now has been my "main."
Sqarlet'sWorldlessWandering - A blog I made specifically for my musings over the game Worldless by NoName Studios, since I have quite a lot of content for that, and wanted to keep it sorta kinda separate from the stuff over on SpectralGecko.
Worldless Eclipsed - A dedicated blog for my Worldless AU "Eclipsed." Currently, it's a ghost blog because I haven't had time to reformat everything properly there. There's nothing there except in the drafts. When I have time, it will become the official blog for all things Eclipsed. Unless I decide it's not worth it.
Tag Navigation:
SqarletTalks - Any updates and info from me.
Sqarlet'sArt - The art tag!
SqarletWrites - Any drabbles and ficlets that I manage to write, fandom or otherwise.
SqarletGames - Any of the various gaming videos and such that I do. Not a massive thing, just something I do for fun.
Tutorials - exactly what it says on the tin.
Helpful Things - On the very rare chance I actually reblog anything here, it goes under this tag because I've deemed it exceedingly helpful and relevant. The same tag exists over on Spectral, so it may not get much use here.
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Also on the Daylily silliness, or sadness...
Imagine Daylily getting a nightmares about her past. Also Carol and Alyx comforting her when she does get them-
Also Daylily talking about human stuff! Like TV series, books, probably games too!
Talking about games, I think she'll like arcades! Also Daylily, Alyx and Carol playing a fighting game with each other!
Also I can see Daylily switching to her carnyx form and just vibing in it-
Nooooo sweetie- *yeets plushies at her*
Heh, the Ophanim have no clue what she's talking about, but they're happy to listen-
Ooo, yeah, I can def see her in an arcade. Maybe they play some of the multiplayer games together.
Ophan walks in and just... sees a carnyx laying on the couch. Just vibin.
The last ophan in the flock comes home to see just this... this pile of ophanim in their weapon forms stacked on the couch.
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Also imagine Daylily finally meeting her flock! Like the ophan they encountered noticed her and immediately realised that "Hey! Thus was the one that was missing all those years ago!" So they somehow call that specific flock and cue a happy reunion foe Daylily and her flock!
Also imagine how everyone is reacting to Daylily, angel-wise. I think they'll probably carry her by Tzafira and Hasyut... and maybe Tephira probably hears about Daylily due to the commotion from this particular flock-
(Man I am cringe-)
Anyways... does the flocks have any names? Or are they just like a bunch of people living in an apartment complex?
Oh you can bet that's exactly what happens - all of the Ophanim are at least aware of the missing starlet, and know a rough description and prediction of what she should look like. All it takes is a glance and the realization that they don't already know here for them to put together that this is the lost starlet. The one who finds her probably sends out a summoning call of biblical proportions, cue the sudden and rapid emergence of every single Ophanim in the immediate area.
I suspect the immediate response is "are you hurt okay yes you are is it still bleeding no okay lets get you to a doctor may I pick you up?" And they probably head immediately to Tzafira because Doctor. If nothing else, 'Fira knows about her from Hasyut, because flock news usually travels between flocks too.
(cringe in what way I see nothing wrong with this-)
Hmmm.... Realistically they probably would? They're pretty tight knit groups and basically share a house, and then the houses are spaced out in a little village of sorts. Not all of the flocks live in the same area.
I expect the flock name would derive from the name of their Cherub, really. That or their Gladiran(s).
In total, there's around 63 flocks or so, each flock containing 7 Ophanim. So I do imagine they'd have names to differentiate.
If they needed a more precise system, they might just go through the alphabet and attach the zone they're in. E.g. Forest Aleph, Sanctum Qof, Peaks Dalet, stuff like that?
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Some Random Worldless: Eclipsed Headcanons
Just... eclectic ideas.
Starfolk don't really have accents in the same way we do, but if they did, Summum would have a Scottish brogue.
Aziel can rock the dancefloor. The Electric Slide? Smooth as silver. Contradancing? He's everyone's favorite dance partner. Swing? Hold on tight!
He also gives me some vaguely Irish vibes.
I can also see him as a bartender.
He would 100% learn how to make mead in his free time, just for kicks and giggles.
Oh also there's little Lucerni that are very like bees. They make sweet goop and some spin little crystal formations that are also sweet.
In other news Aziel is a beekeeper now.
The Training Room (Reminiscence) is the ultimate safe and chill space. It's also basically the closest thing the Duo have to a home/living room at first.
And it doubles as a gym-
Side note the Duo is basically homeless for a good chunk of New Eden's impetus. They uh... don't have a proper home.
They take up residence with Summum or Throne in the meantime. Sometimes they crash at Archi's when they need to.
Aven is really flexible. Mans can turn himself into a pretzel.
Edda is jealous. However, she can swing a sword properly and will forever hold that over him (affectionately)
(Side note, Aven can't wield a sword or shield to save his life. Edda finds this endlessly hilarious.)
Because he sinks like an absolute rock, he's great at diving games! Just... not so good at bringing the dive fetch back up.
The General's all-time favorite piece of clothing is this sleeveless black turtleneck she has. She just... she loves it. She's not even really sure why.
She also discovered via Throne that she can in fact rock a halter top.
The General has like... one, maybe two dresses in her wardrobe - a stunningly elegant formal and maybe an evening-wear semiformal-cocktail dress... thingy.
She's...never really had a reason to wear them.
Willow is very determined to change this.
Speaking of Willow, her combat skills haven't gotten rusty in the slightest. She and Athena still spar sometimes. Willow can win about 20% of the time.
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Also sillier thingy but… Imagine if we yeet Edda and Aven into Gris-
Hehehe YES
I imagine Aven's gonna pull all the weight through Blue.....
I can also see Edda carrying them through the sandstorms in Red.
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Also on the silliness in the notes of that recent ask-
Imagine Hasyut and Tzafira giving Daylily a health check-
Like... wonder what would a starfolk health check would even look like?
Also both Alyx and Carol being very confused about this-
Well, for one it would probably include something to check on shell and essence health, for one.
Starfolk often have average heights and approximate weights that are healthy, so they'd check to make sure she's not, like, wildly over or under. Especially for sake of making sure she's not been stunted or something.
Normally there'd be some wing and summons checks, which for Daylily is half irrelevant.
For Ophanim specifically there would probably be some sort of electricity test to make sure everything is at normal levels.
There's probably a bit where they look at their full form and make sure everything is where it should be and forming as it ought to. Plus bad posture is a thing they have to deal with as much as we do-
Definitely something to check on Core health as well.
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Also imagine Eden meeting Lorelei Firethorn... I cam see Lore being very, VERY confused
Oooh yeah. Confusion time!
I suspect Eden would be equally confused... Although they'd be fascinated by this intriguing contraption called a "gun".
Would this be Lorelei's first encounter with another sonar speaker??
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have you ever considered making canon aven meet your au version of aven? (and maybe other versions of aven like raven aven, heck, even RAVIN' AVEN)/nf
I've definitely mulled it over! Might have to write a lil skit for them, cuz that'd be hilarious.
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Also Daylily things!!!!!!!
She would love sparkledogs! And furry stuff in general.
Also she's 7'9, so kind of short for an ophan-
OH and I figured out her backstory! Basically she got swept away during a storm/ disaster and got thrown into a rift that led to Earth.
Ah yeah! I saw that post I think.
Hehe, short lass. Who is still significantly taller than most humans-
Imagine Daylily gets used to being the tall one, and then gets to the realms and realizes she is, in fact, short.
Also poor thing... and her parents would be devastated....
As a side note: I'm vaguely amused by "Hills Samek" because Samek is towards the end of the alephbet, which implies there is a Hills Aleph through Hills Nun (although I guess technically they might not start the alephbet over for every zone-)
Actually I just counted, there's just barely more letters in the Hebrew alephbet than there are flocks, so they wouldn't actually have to start it over. So Hills Samek works fine. I think they'd have flocks on aleph through sin, and then if it turns out that any additional cherubs also have flocks, there's shin and tav to cover that.
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On more serious things about Daylily and Co.:
Imagine Daylily finally seeing the sky for the first time in a long time when she met Alyx and Carol. I can see her becoming much more comfortable when she's not in a enclosed, dark environment.
Daylily playing music... I think she would like nightcore, hyperpop, speedcore and maybe metal? Oh god imagine her showing any one of the Eclipsed angels those types of songs-
Also Daylily finally getting her own room, and decorating it!!
Also Daylily entering an ophanim household, and getting culture shocked-
Oh my stars imagine Daylily meeting Eden and/ or Admiral. Alternatively, Daylily meeting Aven... and learning that Tephira is his mom, cue questions-
Ohh stars, poor thing... Yeah, being able to see the sky will do wonders for her - elbow room, high visibility, room to escape or keep distance, actual light... the stars....
Oh boy. I'm gonna be perfectly honest, I kinda think that the Eclipsed angels would balk at metal a little bit, because in their mind most of it doesn't strike them as music, especially not the kind of music that makes up the Starfolk music culture. Really I think they'd be kinda confused at most of human music-
Yes! Personal space for the win! Although that would definitely be more at her request. Ophanim don't really have individual rooms. They might have offshoot spaces for work or chill time or what have you, but as far as bedrooms they share one big one.
Oh yeah, the culture shock is strong with this one-
Heh, Eden would probably adore her, and the Admiral would be... confused but playful, probably. I uh... I can only imagine the kind of questions Aven is about to get bombarded with, depending on what Daylily's understanding of a mom is.
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Giving a slight update to Eden's design! Now with the dragon-ish wings and head.
I realized when I went to design Aloysi that I'd made an error regarding our transcendent crew - I forgot that Duality also has a full transcendent form we see very briefly, and it also uses the dragonish shape language Summum uses, and that this is probably the norm for a fully synchronized, stable transcendence.
Ergo, fixed the head, and also actually drew out the abstracted form.
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Okay for the pendant ask,
I am thinking that they might be able to hear and "feel" the outside world, but not see or anything like that. They can still talk to each other though, but everyone else won't be able to hear them.
They were both placed in this rich person's private collection (They were brought from an auction), and they accidentally befriended this guy who was abused by the owners of said house, except they kind of damaged said pendants, allowing the duo to talk to them AND possess them-
Cue said person trying to help them and getting away from their abusive household.
Now this *rubs hands together* this is very interesting and I love it-
Makes sense that they'd end up in a private collection - and arguably it's easier to escape from than a full on museum....
And new friend! I feel bad for the new friend though... ouch. But, hey, new friend also gets new friends, at least! Cue the great escape-
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I'm sorry, but why does this starfolk look like Aven's legs decided to wander off without him?
All I can see now is the rest of him waking up in the morning, very confused and trying to figure out where in the world his legs got to.
I know this is a different starfolk, but I can't unsee it-
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Also silly thing but now I am thinking about ophanim again so uh... have some more questions:
Biology stuff! Specifically what is the structure of ophanim's electrical currents, and how solid their "body" is?
Relating to the above question, is there any differences between an average starfolk and an ophan when it comes to injuries and healing from them?
And finally: What do you think would be Tephira's (And probably Haysut's) reaction to meeting a random human-
Okay actual final silly-thing: Crack idea where a ophan starlet somehow gets yeeted out of the Eclipsed universe and into Earth. No I do not know where I am going with this idea-
Hrmmmm... that's a very good question. Need to come up with something there....
So, their articulates are all solid, that much is a given. Their electrical currents are anchored to their essence beds - there's an additional cell group they have floating around the essence bed called fulgocytes, and these function like little lightning rods or nodes for the electrical current to step between. The origin of the current itself is in their core, which is always going to be the little white sphere in the middle of their head.
As for solidity, they're not terribly solid. If you tried to pass something through the current you'd meet resistance, but you could force it through without hurting the Ophan. It just feels a little funny. However, if the object is extremely non-conductive, it will simply stop. Trying to force it will temporarily disrupt the current and they'll lose connection with that limb for a bit, sort of like your arm falling asleep. This isn't harmful, generally, but it's uncomfortable. Incidentally, the resistance is the main reason they can wear clothing.
Around the primary electric lines, there's a bit of a... "static field", we'll call it that for now at least. This is the first area of resistance, but it's less hefty. Once you hit the line itself, that's where much higher resistance is. So when an Ophan is wearing clothes, you can see fabric resting on that outer static layer. If you were to grab them, they'd "squish" a bit, though. If you somehow disrupted the current, their arm would go limp and floppy for about 3-10 seconds while the current reestablished itself.
I... think I have some inconsistency regarding whether hey have unabstracted forms, because I've definitely drawn Tephira with one, but I think somewhere else I said they didn't have "full forms", or at least that they worked a little differently. I'll... get back to you on that-
Now, as for healing, there really aren't any differences. The most notable difference is the presence of the fulgocytes. If the essence bed gets injured, those fulgocytes are going down with it, which means they've basically lost the ability to use that limb. A normal starfolk could still hypothetically use a limb with a damaged essence bed, it would just need some sort of bandage to keep them from bleeding out, and possibly routine painkillers. But an Ophan loses loss of that limb for good.
However, this can be remedied if you've got an extremely good doctor - a flock member can contribute fulgocytes to rehabilitate inside the limb. It won't repair the essence bed, but it allows the current to connect again and from there they can use it. But, it's a risky process to execute without disrupting the donor's fulgocytes too badly.
I... have no idea how the crack idea would play out, other than... possibly badly - Ophan starlets need their flock, so if they got separated from said flock, not only will you have that flock turning their own world inside out to find them, you've got a starlet that doesn't have the proper care in the middle of Earth somewhere.
If they were found soon enough by someone, they might be able to imprint or "flock" with that person, but they'd be able to tell that it's not exactly one of theirs. You'd end up with an emotionally very... depressed Ophan.
Also, humans trying to handle the Ophan would be a bit tricky - they'd probably need lots of insulated stuff because Ophan starlets don't have nearly so precise control over their currents.
All in all, it's... potentially a cute scenario if it's brief and temporary, but if it's a permanent shift you've got a very angsty story on your hands.
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Also bringing another Old AU I remembered.
Painful Wings, basically Body Horror AU where an absorption of a winged starfolk goes wrong for Edda.
Cue to her painfully getting wings and a tail. It's a bit silly now that I think about it... but it's fun!
Oh ouchie....
Beneficial to navigation? Yes.
Beneficial to mental and physical health...? Not so much.
...poor bby. Do starfolk have painkillers...?
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