#Sri Seshadri Swamigal
pristine24 · 11 months
MAHAN SRI SESHADRI SWAMIGAL | மகான் ஸ்ரீ சேஷாத்திரி ஸ்வாமிகள் |ஆன்மீக ...
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Thiruvannamalai girivalam tour package from chennai
Padmavathi Travels arranges for best chennai to thiruvannamalai Tour Packages by car at best price. In this chennai to Thiruvannamalai Car Rental package includes car rental, driver bata, tollgate, Parking. We assure for the best tiruvannamalai trip from chennai.
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It also has a wonderful list of vacation destinations situated in the nearby regions. Temple town of Tiruvannamalai is a preferred tourist destination near Chennai reached with a drive of four hours. Discover Tiruvannamalai from the famed Annamalaiyar temple to the religious Ashrams with our one day Chennai to Tiruvannamalai tour by car. Chennai to Thiruvannamalai Package includes car rental, Driver bata, Tollgate, parking, Pickup time is completly customer's wish and free doorstep pickup and Drop for city limits, for out of city pickup and drop additional charges will be added. For more Details call - 6384433111 / 6384433222
Stop by the sacred destination of Sri Seshadri Ashram, a spiritual centre dedicated to the famous saint Seshadri Swamigal. Born in Kanchipuram to the couple Varadaraja and Margathammal with the blessings of Goddess Kamakshi, he was believed to have divine powers from his childhood.
Known as the Saint with Golden Hands, the great saint was quite different from Ramana Maharshi. He had been a close friend of Ramana Maharshi and took great care of him when he was in deep penance. Legends state that when Seshadri Swamigal used to touch the ill, they used to get cured from their illness. He asked his followers to follow the path of self realization. one day trip to tirupati
It is believed that his body turned into sacred ashes called Vibhuti, which are preserved here and worshipped every day. Just 200 km below these caves are other significant caves called the Skandashram caves. tirupati one day package from Chennai.
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shinymoonbird · 3 years
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05.01.2021 - The Jayanthi of Mahan Sri Seshadri Swamigal.
Sri Seshadri Swamigal, well known as the "Saint with a golden hand", is one of the greatest Indian saints who lived in Thiruvannamalai. He is revered as a religious guru by many people throughout the world. Of the word 'Seshadri' - 'Sesha' means 'remainder', that is the 'sat' which remains after having rejected everything else as 'not existing'; 'Adri' means 'mountain', that is bigger than the biggest - all-pervading. Thus the name Seshadri is equivalent to 'Parabrahman' - the all-pervading and self-illuminating 'sat'. Sri Vidya Cult There is a part in South India called Thondai Mandalam with its capital of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. In ancient times at Kanchipuram Sri Adi Sankara Acharya established the cult of Sri Vidya, for the welfare of the world. In this connection he went to Central India and brought about thirty families of Devi bhaktas to Kanchipuram. These families were called Kamakoti Vamsa and spread the Sri Vidya cult throughout India. Everyone of the Kamakoti family was like a rishi. Kamakoti Sastri In 1790, Kamakoti Sastri was born into one of these families. Even though he had a daughter he also adopted one of his brother's (Chidambaram) daughters, a girl named Maragatham. At the appropriate time, Kamakoti Sastri started to search for a husband for this beautiful, learned girl and selected Varadarajar, one of his own students. Although the couple had good health and abundant wealth they were sad as they were childless. Finally, one day, heeding the prayers of this pious family, the Goddess Sri Kamakshi gave a dream to the daughter's adoptive father, Kamakoti Sastrigal. In due course, on January 22, 1870 a child was born. People around said the radiant child was an ornament of Sri Kamakshi Devi - a pet child of the Goddess and born because of the parents’ tapas. Birth Even from his earliest years the child Seshadri would perform pujas, sing prayers with concentrated devotion, sit in meditation and go off into spontaneous trances. He was neither interested in games nor displayed negative characteristics. Everyone regarded the boy as a Divine child. It was about this time an incident occurred that thereafter gave Seshadri his nickname, ‘Golden Hand'. One day four year old Seshadri and his mother stopped at a shop full of bronze castings of the Gods. While at the shop the young lad picked up a statue of Krishna and asked his mother to buy it so he could perform Krishna puja. The trader, thinking that the radiant child himself resembled the Lord Krishna, gave the idol and refused payment. The next day the trader proclaimed the boy to be most lucky as the whole consignment of 1,000 statues (because of the young boy's touch), had been sold in one day. News of the incident spread quickly through the town and from that moment on the young boy was known as, 'The one with the golden hand'. This gave him the name "Thanga Kai" (golden hand). Upanayanam In his fifth year young Seshadri was initiated at an auspicious ceremony attended by many scholars and on the same day started to attend Patashalas in Kanchi. Quickly he showed an almost superhuman intellect and memory and exhibited extraordinary debating skills. In this way years went by until the time Sri Seshadri reached his fourteenth year and his father Sri Varadarajar died unexpectedly. Kamakoti Sastrigal arrived to pacify the bereaved family and took them to live at Vazhur. It was there that Swamiji completed his education and mastered various texts in Sanskrit and Tamil – the whole Vedanta with three primary texts – Gita, Upanishads and Brahma Sutras, besides Vedas, Nyaya and Vyakarana. He had also mastered music and astrology. Marriage With his education now complete, Seshadri's mother, the pious widow Maragatham tried to arrange a marriage between her 17 year old son and the daughter of a relative, but when it was discovered (by examining Seshadri's horoscope) that he was destined to become a sanyasi and yogi, the marriage plans were swiftly cancelled. His mother, becoming more self-absorbed started to lose interest in worldly affairs and became increasingly weak - ignoring food and medical treatment. One day she called her son to her and predicted her death for the next day, and arranged for him to attend. The following day at her bed, she called her child to her and repeated a sloka [1] from Adi Sankara's Bhaja Govindam then together they sang the song 'Ambasive' after which keeping her hand on his chest she called out, 'Arunachala! [2] Arunachala! Arunachala!' and laid herself on his lap and died. Induction into Devi Worship After both his parents had died, Seshadri's uncle (who was childless) gladly took charge of Seshadri and the younger brother Narasimha Josiar. In his room Seshadri did numerous pujas and continuous japa to pictures of Sri Kamakshi, Lord Ram and to one of his own drawings of Arunachala Hill. He would lock himself up in his room at five in the morning and refuse to come out before noon. He regularly fasted and could often be heard shouting Arunachala Shonadrinatha or reciting Vedic hymns late at night. His uncle and aunt were frightened by his strange worship and begged him to stop. But Seshadri would not listen. Balaji Swamigal and Induction into Sanyashram At the age of 19, he met Sri Balaji Swamigal, a wandering saint from North India, who gave Seshadri sanyas and instructed him in the Mahavakyas. This was the only guru and formal diksha Seshadri is known to have had. Shortly after Seshadri started to travel to various spots in Tamil Nadu eventually ending up at Thiruvannamalai. He arrived at Arunachala at the age of 19 in Thiruvannamalai When he first arrived at Arunachala his uncle and brother Narasimha Josiar came to see him. Both were overwhelmed with grief on seeing him in rags with matted hair and a thin dirty body. They entreated him to return home immediately, but Swamiji refused to leave. Appearance Swamiji was handsome of medium height and fair countenance. His hair hung in short ringlets to the nape of his neck. His voice was soft and his smile was as sweet and sunny as a child. His body would not be at rest for a moment. Even, when sitting he would catch something, put it down, lift it and then repeat it all over again a hundred times. He walked fast and those following had to run to keep up with him. No sound emanated from his walking or running, it was as if his body was light like a ball. He would seldom bathe, but occasionally pour a pint of oil on himself and roam in the streets with oil still glistening on his head. If he allowed himself to be shaved he would often stop it abruptly, with half of his face or head unshaved and appear in public with equanimity and total disregard for public opinion. He discarded rules and observances of caste, sanctity, prudence and decency but always avoided animal food and intoxicants. Conduct Seshadri Swamigal moved about in Tiruvannamalai for forty years, an ascetic with a total disregard for either name or form. He had no home, dependents, property or any fixed habit or system. He would often conduct himself like a mad man and roam around in the heat of the day and stare up at the hot midday sun and, at night, rest in some nook or deserted hall. He would be delighted when it rained and play in the streams on the street, sit in the water and only go indoors when the rain had stopped. His acts were dramatic and deeply impressive. He would avoid rich food from wealthy persons but beg for cold gruel at a poor man's house. Sometimes he would take no food at all and on other occasions consume enough for ten people. He would eat and drink like one swallowing medicine or one being forcibly fed. Although he did not accept money he would sometimes receive expensive clothes but immediately transfer them to a poor person or tear the clothes into pieces and garland the tail and horns of a calf. If he was given plain new clothes, within a couple of hours, they would reach the state of his original clothes. He wore only a dhoti which would cover his toes and another piece of cloth swathed over his back and shoulders. He would squat anywhere regardless whether it was slush, dirt or refuse. When sitting, it was always in his favourite swastika asana. Swamigal utilised a strange manner of speech to ward off crowds building up around him. He would go on speaking very fast, without any respite and with no end or meaning. Sometimes if someone spoke to him, he would reply in Sanskrit, not caring if he was understood or not. He was a tapasvi of a very high order. One result of the mantras and sadhanas he practiced from his earliest years was the development of various siddhis and psychic powers. He could tell about the past and the future and read minds with ease. With this power, he fulfilled the desires of people by showing visions they wanted to see, both in dreams and while being awake. His miraculous touch is said to have cured many of those who came to him with devotion. Often when people saw him in the streets they would prostrate before him and he would get near to enable them to touch his feet. But, he would never allow bad characters to touch his feet. He would run away and if they forced themselves on him, he would abuse them or even pelt them with stones. Seeing this, many people did not go near him. But when he knew about the good qualities of a person, he would himself catch their hands and play. He would joke and run with young children. Swamigal's interaction with the world was very strange. A person couldn't take advantage of previous proximity—every moment was a new moment. People loved him, but some fearing they might be beaten, were frightened to come close. Generally, he would not call people by name, ask them how they were doing and suggest they come or question why a person did not come. He would neither talk sarcastically nor show intimacy on account of a past connection. He loved music, delighting his devotees with songs. If one asked, he would break forth into melodious song often drumming rhythms on nearby surfaces. Sometimes he would place his hands on his hips and dance. He was often taken to be a lunatic and at times purposely simulated madness. It was difficult to explain his general behaviour and impossible to account for the course of his conduct. He was always original and free, an ascetic who maintained a thorough control of his mind and senses up to the end of his life. He was always playing pranks. Suddenly he would laugh without stopping and those who witnessed his fun would be reduced to hilarity. Sri Seshadri blessed his devotees and helped cure their illnesses with his wonderful touch. While roaming the streets of Thiruvannamalai, he would sometimes enter a shop and dump the cash from a cashbox or throw the articles from the shops. The shops he entered used to do good business on that day and so shop keepers would eagerly await his arrival. To this day, the shops in Thiruvannamalai have his photos as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Teachings Sri Seshadri Swamigal had deep devotion to God especially in the form of the Goddess Kamakshi, Lord Ram and Arunachala. Sri Seshadri was a great worshipper of Shakti. In the practice of concentration (for days in his boyhood at Tindivanam and at Thiruvannamalai), he sat steeped in samadhi, oblivious of his body. Seshadri Swamigal would meditate at Draupadi Amman Koil and Easanyan Mutt and in the corridor surrounding the Inner Sanctorum at the Durgai Amman Temple and he would also do tapas at Kambathu Ilayanar, Pathala Lingam and Arunachala Yogiswarar Mandapam. He did not do tapas on the top of the Mountain and instead would go onto the slopes of Arunachala to pray. Glory of Arunachala He often talked about the unique aspects of the Arunachala kshetra. He would say: 'This is the place where Swamy and Ambal invite all and confer liberation', and 'Lord Krishna leaving aside his sudarshana chakra (wheel) is playing on his flute. On hearing it Lord Siva who is inside the mountain comes out and dances' Throughout his life and teachings Sri Seshadri continuously emphasised the glory of Arunachala: 'This is Siva Lingam. It is enough to worship this. One can become spiritually enlightened and attain liberation'. And illustrating the similarity of the Annamalaiyar-Unnamalai Temple to Arunachala he said to those wasting their time discussing worldly affairs and neglecting God: 'He spreads his shop in the morning. Closes it at night. He does not see Lord Arunachaleswara. What is the use? Visit the temple. Visit the temple. Visit the temple'. He was ever emphasising the inestimable value of giripradakshina instructing: 'One should pray to Lord Arunachaleswara all the time. In particular perambulation of the hills should be done on Tuesdays. Deep devotion will arise'. Social Service He loved service and by his own example showed it as a noble ideal to live up to. He was regarded with great respect and he was thought to be a sage People would say, 'He is a talking God,' 'A divine incarnation, a great yogi, a great siddha'. Seshadri Swamigal and Ramana Maharshi Seshadri Swamigal and Ramana Maharshi (Seshadri actually arrived at Arunachala six years earlier than Ramana) were contemporaries. When Ramana Maharshi came to Tiruvannamalai seven years after Seshadri Swamigal's arrival, Seshadri was immediately aware of the young swami's state of Self-abidance and he felt a motherly love for him. Sri Ramana spent his time then immersed in the bliss of the Self in the thousand-pillared hall in the front portion of the Arunachaleswara Temple. Urchins, not understanding his state, pelted him with stones. Sri Seshadri tried to protect the young swami who seemed quite unaware of his body and surroundings, but the urchins continued their harassment. To avoid this unwanted attention, Sri Ramana moved into the Patalalingam, an underground vault in the temple. He remained there, in deep meditation, for many days, oblivious to the ants, vermin, and mosquitoes who were feasting on him. Sri Seshadri found him there and asked his (Sri Seshadri's) devotee Venkatachala Mudaliar to lift "his child" out. He cleansed Ramana's blood-oozing wounds and revealed Ramana as a [saint] to the world. Locals used to call Sri Seshadri, Mother Parvathi and Sri Ramana, Skanda (Lord Subramanya). Sometimes Sri Seshadri Swamigal, the older by ten years would be called 'elder Seshadri' (anna) and Sri Ramana 'younger Seshadri' (thambi). One time a devotee told Sri Ramana that everyone called Seshadri a mad man. Ramana smilingly replied that there were three mad men in Arunachala. One was Seshadri, the second was Arunachaleswarar and the third was himself. Sri Ramana said of Swamji, 'Sri Seshadri does not allow people to come near him. Here all are coming'. Others would say there were three lingas in Tiruvannamalai: One, Lord Arunachala, another Ramana Maharshi and the third Seshadri Swamigal. Death Having lived at Arunachala continuously for forty years and helping all kinds of people Sri Seshadri decided to finally shed his body. One day in 1928 during the month of Karthigai, he asked a devotee, 'Shall I build a new house and go away?' Meaning, 'I have completed my task, shall I now depart?' At first the devotee thought the question a prank but finally after many days and constant repetition of the question, she answered, that, 'He should construct a new house and practise yoga'. Sri Seshadri accepted Subbalakshmi's words as representative of Parasakthi's approval and satisfied he replied, 'Yes, yes, it shall be done!'. Some days later his devotees, who wanted to photograph him, gave him an oil bath and then bathed, dressed, scented, garlanded and photographed him. Immediately Seshadri caught a fever. For forty days his condition worsened and on the forty-first day he found the strength to visit Arunachaleswara one last time. On returning from the temple he sat down in a puddle of water and refused to change his wet clothes when he got back to the house. Within days, on January 4, 1929, Sri Seshadri Swamigal left his body and Thiruvannamalai was engulfed in sorrow. After preparation his body was brought out in procession which is said to have been so splendid that the entire stock of camphor in the shops of Thiruvannamalai was exhausted and all incoming buses were full and overcrowded. The streets were jammed with devotees and the night seemed like bright day as it was so brilliantly illuminated by the burning camphor. The air was filled with group-singing, devotional songs and the music of instrument players. It was at Agni Theertham that Sri Ramana Maharshi joined the procession. Further on a samadhi was constructed and Sri Swamigal's body interred. That samadhi tomb is now enshrined within the grounds of Sri Seshadri Ashram on Chengam Road, Thiruvannamalai. His body was not cremated but buried, as is the custom in the case of a saint. It is believed that Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi was present at the place silently observing the rituals till it was completed.
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Kailasha SivaSesha
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Arunachala SivaSesha
Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thiruvadikkae
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kingmabry · 4 years
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Sri SeshadriSwamigal, came to Arunachalam at the age of 19, in the year 1889. Seven years later, in the year 1896, on the 1st of September a young boy of the same age as Markandeyan came from Madurai to Tiruvannamalai.
He also followed the call of Arunachala in his heart and came there in search of the source. After remaining for 50 years in the loving embrace of the father, he shed his mortal coil and merged with the great Jyothi of Karunyam.
7 years before Ramana Maharishi came to Tiruvannamalai, people of Tiruvannamalai were aware of Seshadri roaming the streets like a mad man. “THIS ONE is also mad like the OTHER ONE. THAT roams in the streets and THIS remains anchored in the temple”, perhaps that is what they thought. The new entrant was given a name as well, “ChinnaSeshadri”.
ChinnaSeshadri was driven to PeriyaSeshadri by the boys of the town. They, unknowingly performed a good deed .
The disturbances to the young yogi’s meditation in silence increased. Finally, as the trouble caused by the young boys crossed all limits, Ramanar took refuge in the Paathala (underground) Lingam in the 1000 pillared mandapam in the temple.
VenkatachalaMudaliar, who happened to pass by that way saw this. He was furious. Wielding a stick in his hands he drove the boys from there.
At that moment, he saw SeshadriSwamigal come out of the paathalalingam, Venkatachala Mudaliar was shocked. “Why is he coming out of here? What is he doing here?”
Only a realized soul recognizes another. Recognising the Bala Yogi who, listening to the voice of Arunachala, and seeking Arunachala had become one with Arunachala, Seshadri had come there to protect his penance from being disturbed.
He received the stones thrown by the boys on his body. When Parasakthi was doing penance in Tiruvannamalai, Lord Kumara (Karthik) offered support and protection. This is ArunachalaPuranam.
Later, Seshadri who was the manifestation of that Parasakthi provided protection to young Ramanar who was a manifestation of Lord Kumara. This is the greatness of Arunachala.
Approaching SeshadriSwamigal who came out of the Paataalalinga, VenkatachalaMudaliar politely enquired, “Swami, did the stones thrown by the boys fall on you?”SeshadriSwamigal as was his habit, laughed aloud and shook his head.
Devotees who thronged Ramana Maharishi, in search of guidance from his limitless wisdom never returned disappointed. Recognising the presence of this glory, it was SeshadriSwamigal who first announced this to the world.
A lady named Lakshmi Ammal, came to Tiruvannamalai, and offered respectful and devoted service to Ramana Maharishi and after a week was planning to go back to her place. She however felt sad that she had to leave without the darshan of SeshadriSwamigal.
Next day while going to Ramanashramam, Lakshmi Ammal went to the temple. On seeing SeshadriSwamigal there, she fell down prostrating at his feet. Deep in her heart she felt sad thinking, “I am not fortunate enough to offer any service to this mahaan”.
That was it, SeshadriSwamigal who possessed the powers to read others’ thoughts said “How does it matter if it is HERE , or THERE?” and left.
How explicitly had he stated that he and Ramanar were one and the same!
A devotee from Chidambaram was addicted to Ganja (a narcotic drug). He was of the opinion that consuming that would help him to revel in spiritual enquiry. Ramanar, coming to know of his habit, advised and explained to him that it was wrong.
Not paying heed to his advice, one day the devotee was suffering a great deal after consuming it. Instead of attaining a state of supreme bliss, he became a slave to baser thoughts and tendencies.
Not knowing what to do, the devotee went and stood in front of SeshadriSwamigal who was sitting in the temple Mandapam. Looking at him swamigal said, “I told you at that time itself to refrain from taking it, did you listen? Why are you suffering like this after consuming?”
That devotee was surprised beyond limits. Prior to that, SeshadriSwamigal had never given him such advice. Only Maharishi had told him. It is not surprising for the devotee to have realized that Swamigal was conveying that Ramanar and he are one and the same.
The two renunciates met often. When Ramanar was in Virupaksha cave, SeshadriSwamigal used to come there. Both of them would eat together. Many devotees have been fortunate to have seen the two great souls communicating through just their eyes.
Once, a person named VasudevaSastri was fortunate to listen to the two of them talking to each other.
In the initial stages, SeshadriSwamigal, who was intently observing Ramanar who was in complete silence, could not fathom his thought process. Pointing to Maharishi he said, “What is THIS thinking, it is not clear”.
However, Maharishi’s silence remained uninterrupted. Seshadri continued, “Paying Obeisance to Arunachala will result in salvation”.
At that time Maharishi, coming out of his silence, asked Seshadri “Who is the one who pays obeisance and to whom?” Seshadri laughing out loud like thunder said “that is what remains incomprehensible”.
After that Ramana Bhagawan spoke about the philosophy of Advaita for an hour. He explained that World, God, Jivatma are all Brahmam and there is no second to it. Listening to all this,SeshadriSwamigal said, “Somehow I don’t understand all this. To me Bhakthi is the most important. I will prostrate to God”, and he stood up and offered 15 prostrations to the peak of Annamalai and then walked down from the mountain.
Pointing out to this incident, it cannot be said that SeshadriSwamigal did not have the knowledge of Advaita or the experience of the self. Just like Maharishi, it is beyond doubt that he also considered all forms – living and inert, as a manifestation of Brahmam and remained immersed in the bliss of Satchitananda.
A small incident clarifies this truth.
Walking along the Agraharam of Tiruvannamalai, SeshadriSwamigal suddenly stared intently at a buffalo tethered there. A passerby asked “What is Swami watching?”. “Am watching this” replied Seshadri. “Is Swami watching this buffalo?” he asked mockingly. Immediately Seshadri asked another person standing there “Can you tell me what this is?” He said, “this is a buffalo”.
On hearing that, he said “Is it a buffalo? Oh no…..know it is Brahmam” and walked off quickly.
Natanaanandhar, also known as NatesaMudaliar was a primary school teacher. He had come to Tiruvannamalai in pursuit of knowledge.
He surrendered to Ramana Maharishi, but he didn’t get the grace of the guru. He was not blessed with the teachings that he desired. He was heartbroken when somebody told him, “First have a darshan of SeshadriSwamigal and seek his blessings.
He will never let anybody approach him. Will drive them away. If you get his blessings, then you can consider that as an auspicious sign and then approach Ramanar”.
After many days spent in searching, NatesaMudaliar finally went and met Swamigal and expressed his desire.
SeshadriSwamigal on hearing that said, “Child, why do you keep worrying? What is Gnaanam? If you are able to remove whatever is Anityam (that which is not permanent) with the help of your intellect, that which remains uneffaced is Gnaanam. It is madness to think that Gnaanam can be obtained only in mountains or caves……..dont be afraid, go” and blessed him.
Only after this, was NatesaMudaliar blessed with the teachings by Ramanar.
SeshadriSwamigal showed a lot of concern and grace on Echammal who used to bring food to Ramanar daily.
In the evenings, when Echammal used to come down from the mountain he would ask “Has food been given to Ramana Swamigal?” If it got dark in the evening he would accompany that lady till her house.
Once Echammal asked Swamigal about the Vedanta Mahavaakyaas. Seshadriswamigal lectured to her for 4 hours on different aspects of Vedanta for the sole reason that she was a devotee of Ramana.
Quite often SeshadriSwamigal used to indirectly hint that Arunachala, Ramanar and he were one and the same.
Many have heard him saying, “There are 3 sivalingams in Tiruvannamalai. One is the Arunachala Mountain as Jyotirlinga, second is Ramana Swami, third Seshadri”.
Translated from Sri Kamakoti Seshadri Swamigal by Sri Bharanidharan
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Descent of Brahma Yogini
From His abode in Kailasa, where Paramashiva resides with His consort. He called forth the most obedient of the 1064 yoginis, who was the manifestation of Parashakti's own blood which fell on the grounds of Planet Earth and became the woman known as Brama Yogini. For thousands of years, she demonstrated her impregnable chastity and Yogic power through intense penance. Having proven her capacity Paramashiva chose her to play a crucial role in His next happening on the Planet Earth. He commanded her as follows:
“O auspicious goddess! Go to the kshetra of all kshetras in Tiruvannamalai, where I originally manifested as the Column of light and start preparing for my descent! There, lives the family in which I have chosen to be born. On the eve of the Mahadeva Ashtami, I will enter into the atmosphere of Earth as the greatest unseen positive nuclear explosion on the Arunachaleshwara Linga. I will then be absorbed into the Mahakalabhairava Deity who resides on the banks of the Brahma Teertham. This form will be too powerful for neither any human being, nor godly being to handle and will surely incinerate them much before being embedded within their womb. Only you, O sinless and chaste, are capable enough to take my form and cool it in the Brahma Teertham.
With the power of all the River Goddesses, Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri who emerge from the Earth as the Brahma Teertham and who all flow around me in my form as Arunachala, my most intense, plenipotentiary portion, the parama-amśa bhāga, will cool down.Then you can take me to the womb of Ma Lokanayaki, daughter of Raju Mudaliar and wife of Sri Arunachalam and allow My form to enter in her womb.
Recognizing you as the supreme and the one who facilitated My Happening on the Planet, all over the World of Bhu your form will be worshipped and cherished. Go now and do not forget the purpose with which I sent you!
When commanded by the Lord thus, Brahma Yogini accepted it with the words, ‘Yes ! That will be done’.
After circumambulating Him once and prostrating her body at His feet, she went down to the earth, took birth as the one who would be known as Mata Vibhutananda Puri, and executed His orders.
In the physical plane the birth Brahma Yogini was a miraculous feat, which confounded all who heard the story. For years , her mother was unable to conceive a child. She sought out the blessings of the enlightened being, Seshadri Swamigal from Tiruvannamalai, who was the illumined contemporary of Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi. In his enlightened state of consciousness, nothing of the outer world affected him in any way. Therefore, Seshadri Swamigal used to always sit in an area full of trash. Mathaji Vibhutananda Puri’s mother humbly approached Seshadri Swamigal in this place and requested his blessings for her to conceive a child. The great Mahapurusha simply placed a handful of the dust from where he was sitting into the devoted lady’s hands. She swallowed the handful of dirt whole, and it metamorphosed into sweet molasses in her mouth.
Within three days of her consuming the dirt, the mother returned to Seshadri Swamigal’s place to inform him that the doctors told her she was carrying and offered her gratitude. Seshadri Swamigal blessed her and declared in Tamil, “Yes, Father is going to come so to prepare him, Mother will come!”
Thus, the divine female child who was born from the mud of trash, termed as “kuppa” in Tamil, was named “Kuppammal”
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed the divine birth of Brahma Yogini, who was lovingly referred as Kuppammal, in the talk "Powers of Kala Tattva" given on 8 October 2020.https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/October_08_2020
In the talk, "Swamiji’s Leela, His Life is The Greatest Strong Nuclear Force Positive Explosion" given on 4 March 2020, SPH unveils the procedure of His Divine Happening of His birth in the human form on 2 January 1978. In this pre-planned Happening, the great enlightened soul, Brahma Yogini or Vibhutananda Puri, played a crucial role to manifest the Supreme Consciousness and bring the formlessness into form. https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_04_2020
On 9 November 2016, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed how He sent His gurus ahead of Him for the divine purpose of preparing for His Advent and ensuring the perfect manifestation of Paramashiva through His body. https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/November_09_2016
Life as Kuppammal
Upon assuming the form Kuppammal, Devi Parashakti Herself guided Brahma Yogini to execute her divine mandate, to ready the preparations and birth Paramashiva in the human form. At a young age, Kuppammal had the darshan of Parashakti as Sri Rajarajeshwari, which initiated her into the path of the Shakta sampradaya, the worship of the divine feminine consciousness. She was later on formally initiated and guided in this path by Isakki Swamigal who saw her in her most authentic form and called her by the name "Brahma Yogini". After having her children and raising them, Kupammal started continuously practicing the life of sanyas. She received formal initiation (received the kavi) into sanyas from Hamsananda Puri
Kuppammal lived as a powerful goddess on Planet Earth. Knowing the true purpose of her life, at a young age, she seized control of her reproductive system and did not physically mature. When her family forced her to get married, she willed her body to release only the necessary ovum for her to give birth to four children and did not have a menstrual cycle in between. She was diagnosed with blood cancer at an old age but as the purpose of her life was not fulfilled she did not succumb to the grave illness and healed herself entirely from it. Today, living as a witness to the Yogini, her grandson, Deepak, recalls the mystical and uncanny experience of living with Mathaji Vibhutananda Puri and the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism during His childhood.
Early on in the life of Brahma Yogini, as she lived as Kuppammal, she was closely associated with the paternal grandmother of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Anusuyammal. Mata Vibhutananda Puri founded “Apithakuchambal Tiruppugazh Mathar Sabhai”, an all-women entity through which she upkept the ecosystem of Tiruvannamalai, singing and spreading the Ultimate Truths in the sacred Tiruppugazh verses extolling the Glory of The Divine, authored by Saint Arunagirinathar in the 15 century. Anusuyammal was the vice president of this organization. The team was supported by the enthusiastic people of Tiruvannamalai who gathered in large numbers for her public group concerts. She also raised funds door to door and prepared food from the collected funds and served anna daan - free food - for the people. This women only sangha took responsibility to care for the welfare of women in Tiruvannamalai and therefore had a crucial role in maintaining the enlightenment eco-system of Tiruvannamalai such that it would be prepared and ready for the Advent of The Avatar.
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zoneofsilence1 · 5 years
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#SeshadriSwamigal and #RamanaMaharshi were contemporaries. Seshadri actually arrived at #Arunachala six years earlier than Ramana. When Ramana Maharshi came to #Tiruvannamalai seven years after Seshadri Swamigal's arrival, Seshadri took care of Ramana Maharshi. Sri Seshadri tried to protect the young #swami who seemed quite unaware of his body and surroundings. He cleansed Ramana's blood-oozing wounds and revealed Ramana as a Saint to the world.
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Satsangh Sept 03 2019
September 3, 2019 evening Tamil Satsang by Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (English translation) Parashakthi Jagat janani, moola prakriti Brahmanda yoni Parameshwari for the bio energy to happen on planet earth, with the warmth of her chest, hugs the bio energy of Paramashiva and does the ultimate Leela of giving the conscious breakthrough to beings on planet earth. If you understand how Parashakthi does the Leela of giving the conscious breakthrough you will get all the benefits of Adhisaivam. For all of us to enjoy the existential reality of Kailaasa, Parashakthi send the bioenergy of Paramashiva to planet earth and she herself comes down and awakens it. All this science Paramashiva explains in Agamas. Understand the lifestyle of Kailaasa is not the rules that are imposed on us,they are the boons of enlightenment science that are given to us. Tying of Jatas on head and wearing rudraksha on neck are not some rules they are enlightenment science boons. The more the weight of jata tied on head makes the energy from consciousness raises and stays in sahasrara and your kundalini Shakthi keeps awakening upwards and always keeps you in highest state. Applying bhasma all over your body is not some rules, it is the boon given to us by Paramashiva. By applying vibhuti on various Shakthi mandalas on our body, the Paramashiva Shakthi always is awakened in us. Understand every lifestyle of the charyapada of Saivam has thousands of reasons. If I left the charyapada and taken only yogapada and jnanapada I would have earned trillions of dollars by now. There are so many people who wants only this, just the feel good do good feeling. My sole responsibility is to enrich the world with this charyapada. All the attacks that has been done to me is because Iam reviving the charyapada -the Adhisaiva lifestyle given by Paramashiva. Whether inside Sangha or outside Sangha, the reason for all the attacks on me is because that Iam being uncompromisingly integrated to the charyapada of Paramashiva. The reason for all the hatred against me inside and outside is that me being integrated to the lifestyle given Paramashiva. The kriyas, yoga, jnana, power manifestation all these can be converted into products. If I give only these, then no one will have hatred towards me. 'Power manifestation is enough why Swamiji is asking to wear jatas and rudrakshas. Everybody is looking at me differently. We look like some cult'. Array! How many times to tell you all we are not cult, we are a culture. I did not invent all these, This culture of tying Jatas and rudrakshas was given by Parashakthi the day she landed on planet Earth. Only the lifestyle you are following is cult. The culture that is beyond past, present and future is Adhisaivam. I will show the sashtra reference of how Paramashiva blesses the agamas to Parashakthi in Kanchipuram. All I want to say is, Paramashiva himself has given the lifestyle of Adhisaivam to Parashakthi. All you want is the fruit and ignore the tree. This is foolishness. Atleast the gurus like me who think about the future of mankind should not tell to ignore the tree, the source. Let the public enjoy the fruits, but gurus should keep the root alive. The jnana gurus, Acharya purushas, avatars purushas should make more enlightenment trees to happen. All the adheenams, paduka mandirs, centres, Kailaasa everything is my effort to keep the tree alive. I will live for this. This is the purpose of my life. How important is Power manifestation of third eye and making others manifest these powers, same way the tying of Jatas and wearing rudraksha is important. If we create Kailaasa civilization on earth it will keep on creating thousands of masters by itself. The enlightenment civilization, the spiritual incubator, Tiruvannamalai. You may ask, what.. the people of Tiruvannamalai doesn't have fights, jealousy, even in our own adheenam don't we have fights, politics, jealousy.. understand, small small incompletions are different, the destination of the whole life is different. Iam not saying the people of Tiruvannamalai did not have small small incompletions. Iam not saying my mother and her mother in law did not have small small incompletions between them. But when it comes to common goal keeping the enlightenment civilization alive they were uncompromising. Whether it's some spiritual ritual or seva to the temple they stayed together and never comprised on the ritual. I was wondering only then I understood that I should not believe the fights happening between them. Understand, the small small incompletions, that he did not give importance to me, she did not smile at me, they are doubting me, all these are irrelevant disappearing things. The goal decides the enlightenment civilization. Understand, 100 years before, power manifestation was a lifestyle and today it is not because of not only the lack of intiation but also because of ignoring the lifestyle of charyapada. If you are getting lice because of Jatas apply Neem oil and remove the lice, don't remove the Jatas. Kondai Katti mudaliars ( those who wear jatas) Kottai Katti mudaliars( those who wear rudraksha) are the names of two communities. Will they name a whole community like that, if wearing Jatas and rudraksh is not a lifestyle. It is our 'soul' responsibility to keep running temples, adheenams and teach the yoga pada, kriyapada, jnanapada, charyapada with clarity to the people. My first responsibility is to revive the Kailaasa ecosystem given by Parashakthi. I will make the Paramashiva jnana spread all over World by reviving the Kailaasa ecosystem everywhere. In Tiruvannamalai, the people who kept the enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa alive, there were atleast 50 people in highest state and few thousand people living the lifestyle took leadership and kept it alive, few hundreds were just established in Paramashiva jnana. The sacrifice of everyone of them, just because of temple responsibility they will not even go outside the city for other jobs. Even if they were in poverty they will stay in Tiruvannamalai and look after temple responsibility but never go out for some other job. What a sacrifice! Just simple middle class people. Annamalaiyar Arunachala was the responsibility of their life. Panduranganar, isakki Swamigal, kuppamal, Raghupati yogi, Narayana Swami thaatha, there were two Narayana Swami , one was called Mouna Swami, he used to be in silence and bless people. Other used to give solutions to people by applying jnananjana on betal leaf. People used to see clearly like in HD definition on that betal leaf. So many police officers will sit in queues politely for finding out the theif , clearly they will.see like video on that betal leaf. If they tell Swami please show little upwards, he will do it and show, please zoom , then he will zoom in also. After that, he will fold the betal leaf and chew it on his mouth. He was a very simple man. ( Picture shown) . Whatever I told is true, Tiruvannamalai kalabhairava is witness. For the ecosystem of Kailaasa to happen for that only even planet earth is still alive. The jnana parambara of Ramana Maharshi, the paramapara of Seshadri Swamigal, the disciples of ram Surat Kumar, Thinnai Swamigal who was always in Sahaja Samadhi, Kanagammal who wrote and taught Ramana Maharshi's Akshara Ramana malai in simple way to people, Isakki Swamigal who gave the only solution of doing girivalam of Annamalai to people's problems. He will just say the number of times to circumbulate and if they do, the problem will get solved. Please forgive me all those names whom I have not mentioned. I have not completed the list. Everyone please comeback, Iam creating all the gurukuls for all of you to come back. Iam doing this great work of reviving Kailaasa all alone. Everyone please comeback and be with me. So many so many were there, Poondi Swamigal, Umadevi ammaiyar, Kuppamal served Isakki Swamigal, my grandmother anusuya ammal served Kuppamal. I have never seen Isakki Swamigal eat something. I was connected with him for 10 to 12 years right from childhood, very rarely he eats. One day I saw him eating dosa and groundnut chutney. I was near to him, He fed me a piece with his hands. I also tasted his fingers. Tahts is why even now my favourite is dosa and groundnut chutney. Another day he gave me a piece of mango in my hands. I had it. I wantedly put my hands on ground, he gave another piece and seeing my hands with some mud, he fed me in my mouth. Everyone of them is a jnana mandala. The essence of today's satsang, the power manifestation is the fruit, the lifestyle is the root. More important than power manifestation is tying jata and wearing rudraksha. Sit with closed eyes as Paramashiva with 25 heads and 50 hands with Parashakthi sitting on lap. Process happens. Thank you. Thank you Bhagavan 🙏🏻.
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Stating at Chennai to Thiruvannamalai Breakfast on the way (Driving distance 185 kms, Driving time 4 hrs) Make your tour to Thiruvannamalai Tour Package memorable by visiting these famous tourist places in Thiruvannamalai – Sri Seshadri Swamigal Ashram: One of the holy places in Thiruvannamalai, this Ashram is dedicated to Mahan Sri Seshadri Swamigal.
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